Newspaper Page Text
Room Moulding
Special Prices
2y t o, 3c, 4c, 5c Foot
5,000 feet New Moulding—new nnd pretty finishes.
Frames made in beat manner and delivered promptly.
iWe will please you and satisfy your pocketbook.
war - Tuberculosis
Austria and Bulgaria Plot
Against Turkoy—English
Press Surprised
LONDON, Oct. 4—Event* which
threaten to change tin* political faro
nr Europe are crystallxlng with light* rapidity. Almost overnight the
horizon of the near east which neemed
rruiltmlly to bo usiutnlng a peaceful
mppt’uranre. haa been beclouded with
vnr clouda.
Reports from several sourer* that
Dr. Flick Declares Micro-Or
ganism Must Be Admitted ,
Before Infection
WAHJIINOTON, Oft. 4.—"It .very unit
of nur society li willing t» do that whlrh
they nan do, 1 feel c«»nt!fl*nt that tlir
day In not far distant whan
Much Damage Is Done Ashore
By Hurricane—Fleet Is
American Naval Stores Com
pany Takes Mills From
Georgia -
.Siam Bt»i
MANILA, P. I.. Oct. «—The Atlantic
b.-ittlcahlp fieri i).-in safety outridden uj -
hurricane wr.lch a wept MuiilU buy for j jiouocod ‘tta Intention
Hd much damage . i.rodnuitrters out «.f ti:e
signals were din* ! Mr. iJolw-neh staling
|rning, but thejV
People of Oklahoma Sub
scribe to Fund to Fight
Roosevelt and Hearst
played early Hu
the bu
Pr.pohsllil'- t-j hoist the cutter
a nd
the corp<4-Htlo:
The formal <
and tin
of the j other*.
l.-iuju h.« Into Ih- llc t liociiuv.: .if til, j .T,,,,,,.,;.
•lamer of smashing t'vm against tin* fn»t on
*teo| side* of the hattUwhlr*. and til**! rttate.-i government M
Jittb* cruft were sent scurrying InxUlc 1 Jnc«*UfuUon Into
tli*- breakwater in the Fnsaig river,
itlned all night. Tho] " | t j,"«veV hinted tl;
1* to take place
ST. LOtTIS. Mo.. Oct. 4 —A special to
ic Globe-Democrat from Guthrie, Okla..
lyx that Govornor C. N. Haskell, of that
ate. haa bo far received 18,000 In re-
C inae to Ida appeal to the people of
lahoma for fund# with which to fight
President Roosevelt, W. R. Hearxt and
further xaya that an
—rlor department »»■ In
Guthrie !a«t week looking up the
agitated Pnv.
ndni curds of the Prxlrte Oil and Gas Coni-
idled, pany. and alao the record* In the libel
ctlng,auit recently brought by Governor Has*
tore*. kell against Omer K. Benedict, editor
of the i
inge froi
but elate
Inform quickly Increased In Intensity
I and th" torrential rnlfl* shut In the! plated Is
I ships. Juriedlctlon of
At X o'clock Hundny night the M torm I
ha I reached It* -.right and It then in view for about two
gradually tapered down until ut mi l-1 month* The corporation l« ranliaflzci
night It wan comparatively calm, al- ! in th« millions and H* lose to Savannah
though -heavy sea* hung across thojnml Georgia In a hurlne«s way will h
harbqr. Man*- Ord<
During the atorin nil the bottle- j “•JU el
ship* had steam up ready for an! ft ^ fl
morgenry. Hear Admiral Sperry i Havannah and Jackaonvllle a fight f.
K<rtl» mi»i mr - * *- -
■spectcd to be large.
In the
already been lanucd
company’* ernp’oy to
otr families to Jack-
they can do. 1 feel c-mfffient that the; finally ordered the flagship Conncctl- • naval More*
day 1* not far distant when we wll| , ( .„| nn ,j the Kansas. Minnesota, V<*r* I a hitter one
have wiped tha dread disease, tubercu-1virjflnlit and Ohio under wav. tnoval 1* ex;
loalt*. off the face of flu, earth." ( J,V h( p'‘ ! ‘L . ’ | ir ‘nkwater *
Tills w»« the m***ag« of hope given • 1 "*>.. *1,^. lf !1 H .fif,! :
today by Dr. Isiwrenc# Wck. of Pblla-1 n»'d .Admiral Spr-rry feared the\ might. __ .
dnlphlu, one of the most eminent inedt*. drng anchor*. The el* vessel „ steadied ill |1111
the Oklahoma City Times.
WASHINGTON. Oct. 4.—At the aug
gestIon of J. H. Norris, chairman of
the republican state committee of Okla*
I horna, President Roosevelt tonight made
J! public a letter he had aent to Governor
.! Haskell, relative to shipments of whisky
I Into prohibition territory. Governor llaa-
j hell. In a recent statement, mentioned
..... ef tbs country nt the new mi--down close to Cavite, where they an-
ttonat museum, where the tuberculosis C ij <>rf .d
At times the wind blew at the mte
definite strokes ar« Impending f .„| 0 sls, wldeh sd.lourucd yesteidsy. To* onfl Hundred mlb‘|> an hout. All
which cannot fall to bring « erbd*. ami meeting was In ths Interest of communication with shore was cut off.
pcrliaps force an Immediate wnr.
In the proclamation by Prince Ferdi
nand of the Independence of Bulgaria.« h will tuclude (tumellg, taking {
for himself the title of "tlxar." The
other I* an announcement of Austria
Hungary of the practical annexation
of the provinces of lloslna and Herze
govina as apiumngrs of ths Austro-
Hungarian crown, either action will
be equivalent to the tearing up of the
treaty of Berlin, while Prince Fcrdl
Hand's course seems almost certain b
nrerlpltate n wnr between Bulgaria and
Turkey. Before these possibilities, the
quarrel over the east Rutncllan ser-
tlnii of the Orient railway /sinks Inti
Inslgnlflcxnde. Both armies are re
ported to he quietly and swiftly mob
lllxing near the borders. Bulgaria I*
said to be buying up munitions
horses on an extensive seals.
Bulgarians Have Faith.
The 'Bulgarians have faith In th* lr
army, which has reached n high Mato
of efficiency. ^although It Is perhar
lacking in officers und the war. fc
which Bulgaria lifts long been suspect
•d of preparing, would bs fought with
more advantage for her now than
nvhen the Turkish government had
time to reorganise Its forces, which
have became enervated by ths corrup
tion and neglect <»r the old regime.
The emperor of Austria, it Is under
stood, has dispatched a letter to the
president of France eetttnlr forth his
Intentions regarding Bosnia and Her
cegovina. although the contents of the
letter are kept secret, and he la send
ing similar notes to the other powers.
It seems Incredible that Emperor Wan
da Joseph, who always has been a
scrupulous observer of forms, should
reveal his plan* to the rulors of other
rations before he has communicated
them to his own parliament. One ex
planation Is that the letter was r
tended for delivery until Tuesday
Identical notes would bo presented to
the other powers.
while Austria's action with regard
to the two province's may not teohnl-
rnllv he called annexation. It Is be-
rtnpernr Is determined that the destiny
of these provinces shall b« Austrian,
not Turkish. For thirty years they
have been administered by Austria
Hungary, but they have always re
mained theoretically Turkish territory,
end Austria pledged that her sdmln*
l«tratton should not derrogate Turkish
Enaliah Opinion With Turksy,
English public opinion Is with Tur
key In the Bulgarian dispute, as all
the powers except Austria seem to he.
end It remains to be seen what the
English attitude will be toward annex
at ton If tlwt becomes a fact.
Austria Id suspected of encouraging
the recent Bulgarian?^Turkish trouble
for her own Interests, but the British
government has made proposals to the
two countries looking to the settle
ment of the rullwsv ease, under which
the old powers have agreed to give
support to the plan, which contem
plates the temporary restoration of the
railway to Turkey “to save her face."
and then transference of the company
to the Bulgarian government.
The English press expresses.surprise
that Austria nnd Bulgaria Should plot
powers will submit to having obstacles
placed In the way of the regeneration
against Tiukay and asks It tho great
of Turkey. 4
Grot Escitsmant Prsvails.
Ft*FIA« Get. 4—'The latest commun
ication from |he Bulgarian government
I to Turkey la n fiat refusal to Mirrender
the oriental railway. The principality
declines to deal with Turkey In the
matter, according to current reports.
The greatest excitement pervades
the people, and yesterday all the min
isters left for Rustchuk. «n the Danu
be, where thev will meet Trine® Ferdi
nand who Is returning from abroad. A
council will ho held which I* expected
to bring the matter to a crisis.
The attitude of the Kngllah press
against -Bulgaria causes surprlas here
and general dissatisfaction.
Australia's Action Warlike.
BELGRADE. Benia. Oct. 4--The re
ports received here that Austria pro
pose* to annex the provinces of Bosnia
and Hertcfoviaa ha* caused the great
est excitement. The Bcrvhn press de-
pounce* Austria's action as warlike.
nns of s series to he given' It was lin|*os*lble during the height
The upSiikef* were Dr. Flick. | nf the storm to sen fie warships
.. h ' ,,l .v fo T ,n * ,r l ,r •‘eldest of thai through the haxn of rain and spray,
nlted Mine Worker* of America: Sam-.,,.. M'inre it wax ilamrr———
.tompers. president of the American", ° *
Federation of Labor, and others.
Dltesis of Wags Earners.
till* week.
; He vent I
! th« wlr
this |* !
Tuberculosis Is pr.unsrly a disease 1 ;
ih.. .... tt rn,r." wld Dr: Pllrk’, •»nct
he very good r**son that I'
ingest predisposing causes
If the disease I* overwork. It is an ex-
•eedtngly fatal and prevalent disease
itnong wsgo earners."
f»r Fib lc pointed nut that the “esson •
f*d and
hy th
John Mitchell
Infected. The
. slaed
presided, cnumer-
the eradication of dlse*"*
i the sttltui
of tatMir who,
idment of laws f«
k\ said It
• of man# enmlov-
declared, resist the
the prevention of
SAVANNAH. Oct. 4.—After remaining
firm at thirty-five und h half vents for
fifteen day* the locul spirit* of turpen
tine market in tho twist week cased off a
•r of u cent, hut remained firm *t
from about mid-week to week-end.
Of equal Importance. Mr, Mltchstl de-
, nml !
.if»4*c from l.
The Inquiry at the to
an goml a* iisiimI. Iiov.
|N»rted Saturday we
‘ olunte.
lume of receipt* In the
.j no
tie with the
course, nlwnys tl
rket will sho<
’ tieglnnlng to full «
ttiat the
nurmnl volume.
Tho vol
market Is
f fall; .this is of
nd It may be
a little more
.. in* to
, this fact within a few day*. Ixmdon
quotation* eased off somewhat during the
K st week and It t* said that the Inquiry
•m that point was somewhat amnller
,, * ,r '| Ilian in the nrecedlng week. The domed-
'« .*i tls de-, tic demand is showing hut sparingly yet
lured that Dr. Koch will live In .thojbtit brokers seemed to have n few more
; orders than usual In the part nek,
Phrlt i
tiles, lie ssld ihaf property owners*fee| ’wllhin < l 0< *#» a i pr i
llttls responsibility for ths health " thlB tmrt wl,h,n “ *’
comfort of their teprfnts.
Tribute to Dr. Koch.
Hnmuel (lumpers paid s tribute
KtHli, the Gei
memory of
late hie disco
ImMIIiis or those w
preef |i
Mh Will 114 .... ..
with those who fall
"HJ Of .*!'• tubsifeis I which, however, were mslly satlaficd at
“ prevailing hoard quotations. In fact
.. ... - - there does not, at this time, appear any
the union wiwktngman was less suscep* favorable sign* of Improvement in the
tlhle to tuberculosis Infection than the m;uket, unlea*. of course, some of those
ths union simps manipulators here take a notion
■y appliances to: -i.iiic* ti.« r,.r n wi>n«
The death rntu
In sanitary appliances toi-h.iii^* ti.«
The death rntu from con* „„ V1V .,
among non-union men la 100'during th<
■ent greater than among union men,
i* *n *d. v
Htai Istles will bs published by Fre«t.
crick L. tluffmnn nhowlng that toe num
ber of deutb* from consumption among
are superior
other whops.
JJ.OOfl.ooa wage earners In this coun
try Is 77,000.
In very fair demand, but
„ ie pale gr««lcs eased off.
Most nf tho values, however, compare
favorably with those of the preceding
Saturday. At the call yesterday the fol
lowing prices were quoted: Water white.
46; window f 1 *"*. |R.t>0; N. 4.VS0; M.
44.6R: K. I4R0; I. |S.40; H. IS.SR; O.
n.wi*: V. 47.75-77H; B. 42.76.72H; D.
I2.67H; IV I2 62H.
The statlsttca:
lffil-g 1907-1
Receipts: 8plr. Rosin. 8plr. Rssln.
Saturday. ... 690 2.441 M4 1.4*7
Week 4.399 ir.,0X9 3.321 12.1*4
Month l.*5t 6 974 2.6SH
Season 166.992 467,414 131,56*1 377,4.45
*‘ Xr?r, *‘ 776 445 494 4.607
9.172 32.116 2.474 11.613
4.212 6.648 2.168 10,628
154.254 424,663 106.074 385,414
98.443 227,484 58,433 149,449
47.014 128.121 29.994 84,574
WASHINGTON, Oct. 4-Democrati
In Washington, who from the begin
ning were convinced that the letter
printed several weeks ago purporting
to be from the pen of the late Grover
Cleveland, in which he advocated the
election of Taft
writer mlht not like to have It glv
: publicity. This aroused Interest In pro*
i Id' ttlon quarters and there were many
Inquiries from that quarter a
tents of the letter.
I Chairman Norris wrote to Secretary
; Ix>eb suggesting that the letter be
: velt acceded' to the request, and tonight
save out the Haskell letter, together with
Chops off Man’3-Head;Wounds
‘ follows;
Wohlleben and Rhoton Also Finished Up
Well Arrtong the Leaders—Pelkey
Fastest of All Base Runners.
Al Murdoch, manager of the Macon;
team, but now a member of the St. Louis
Nationals, has ths .distinction of leading
the South Atlantic league in bsttlng^forj
the season of 1908. This fact is shown j
In the official averages Just Issued by:
President Boyer. They also show that
** rdy" was the only ptayer that clout-
300. although Dexter, who psrtlcl-
The South Atlantic leaders In hitting
have been ax follows: 1904. Oyler^tSaj-
vannah). .301: 1905. Cobb (Augutta). -MJs
1906. Blackburn. (Macon-Jackaonvllle>.
.290: 1907. Battery, (Charleston). .301;
1908. Murdoch (Macon), .302. Incidental
ly, Murdoch madg more hits than any
other South AtLmtie T plajrer has ever se
cured. 140 being hi* handsome total.
As was expected, both Rhoton ana
Wohlleben show* up well In the average*.
The latter did not equal his record of the
previous season, however, especially as
to long-dlitance hitting. Rhoton finish-
:eJ with. 261. Wohlleben with .260. The
1 following players htt as good as .200:
Individual Battinq Averages.
Dexter, Augusta 67
Steubbe, Macon 16
Wagnon. Columbia .../118
McLaurln, Augusta ....112
Taffee, Jacksonville ....118
Thiel, Savannah 81
Clarke, Columbia 84
Hlxon, 8avtnnah ...... 41
Moran, Savannah 94
Rhoton. Maco n 119
Wohlleben. Macon 120
'Viola, Jacksonville ....120
McMahon, Col.-Aug. ..116
Chaqdlcr. Jaxville 118
Coles. Augusta 121
MuUsney. Jaxville .... 97
Stinson, Macon 69
Meaney. Charleston
Haldt. Savannah
Morris. Savannah ....
Mullln. J., 8a\*.-Aug.
Dwyer. Jacksonville ...117
Bender, Aug.-Col 73
McMillan, Jaxville ....106
Carson. Augusta 84
Howard. 8aVanneh 99
Hoff. Savannah 36
Brown. Augusta 54
Reislnger. Charleston .. 94
Klernan. Columbia 80
Lohr, Col.-Char. 114
Shea. Macon 86
HHm; Jacksonville .... 31
Hornhornt. Augusta .... 47
Blerkotte. Jaxville ....118
Leaving*. Macon 92
Lewis, Macon 106
Mr. fx>eb. President J R=*n nnd Wohlleben. Their respective i
Man’s Wife; Shoots Own
Wife; Kills Self
RRISTOT,. TK.VN.. Ot. 4.—A spe-
ejal from Johnson City says'
L. A. Bayless, a magistrate, early
today attacked his brother-in-law,
Bfincy Buylegs. while the latter was
asleep In bed at his borne in this city
and almost literally chopped his head
off with an axe. Ho then attacked
(fhyttss’ wife, fatally wounding her.
Turning the weapon upon his own
wife,-who was In thq house, he *truck
her several blows. Indicting probably
fatal injuries. Bay less was arrested
•nd half an hour lutor was found dead
In hi* cell, having hanged himself.
Jealousy Is said to Move been tho
cause of Baylesn' Attack.
CHICAGO, Oct. 4.—The National Peep
Waterway Convention, organized to pro
mote tho building of an inland ship wa
terway from Lake Michigan through the
Mississippi river to the Gulf of Mexico,
will open In Chicago on x Wedne*day for a
three days’ session. Delegate*. Including
s of congress, engt-
irn from all parts of
be pre
nounerd that acceptances to Invltn
lions have been received. W. H. Tnf.
and W. J. Bryan are to be among the
(takers. *
Mr. Taft will speak at 11 o’clock
the country
lions have been received. W. H. Tnft
win apeak at me *atno nour on tne fol
lowing morning. The voters of Illinois
at the November election wilt determine
whether tso.oofi.oofi shall be expended by
them in building that section of the wa
terway Which would.-extend from Chi
cago to tbs Mississippi river.
Governor Deneen will preside at the
opening eetalon. The opening address
will ba delivered by President W. K.
Knvansugh. who will be followed hy Mr.
Taft. At JJO o’clock on Wednesday tho
delegates are to be tHken hy special train
down the Illinois drainage canal to Lock-
port. III., the canal being the promised
route df the deep waterway. On Wed
nesday night the officials of the
Parisian Sace Stops Falling. Hair in
Two Weeks, or King A Oliphant
Will Refund Your Money.
NEW YORK. Oct. 4 —Th»« m » llT^ 0 ^mF 1 ,^°nnt *
a fake are now ! svene In the Grand Central elation; j, n . t | l7 1 v -
** ** Deb*, socialist | VtW *n thlnnntrtn*.
"ST iZiS ^n.riU.'cVon th T. 1 «S^t?7lc5S3S«t ./Scd here*'no
)V a * r 5# 0 ,»i On * on 0 bis famous "Red Special, after speak-
lutrt of some of tho managers of tho
republic*:, committee.
It ilevelopa now thut the administra
tion has been tong cognisant of a lat
ter In the possession t»f one of the em
ployes of tho government, an old rrlend
of President Cleveland. In which Mr.
Cleveland made some remarks exceed
ingly derogatory of Mr. Bryan. The
man will not give out the letter be- ,.
cause U 1* marked ••personal.’* and be* 1 Sir" thf
sides having or pretending to have a , xvHtlw
.! jng to feel rather tldg-
...._ r _ . . . Jsven
W-. ^ - - - is'- beginning to worry?
uirid-nt police Hum wore ,wcyt «w»r. Don't worry; don’t
men and women were knocked otmut desnalr* don't lit'nwMkt*
helplessly, their clothing was torn and hi in K
a number were sllshilv Injured. nlgnl a, aom
Ins trln through the w«*t. A crowd. M-, J n *
tlmsted to have been 4,000 strong, bad. Itf
coabrogated to receive the candidate and! Perhaps you
In tha * ‘ - * *“ ‘ ‘ *
stsmtiexte to greet Del*.
shouted words of warning, but M$i wait anoth*
•uld not he hejrd abo\c the chcfir- r day, but go t<
The train hands wvra kept buj»y the druf atore
It wrote to Governor. Hanked i
The White H«v
“ . . Apr ,
"My Dear Governor: I have received
"Washington, April 13. 1999.
.. _ r Governor: I have rece‘—
■ letter and ahull give It careful <
O. P.o. A. K. P.c.
97 1017 65 10 .991
There was nothing to It but Frank Rho
ton among the second sackers. Here are
his averages:
G. P.O. A. E. P.C.
Rhoton 119 314 311 26 .9Gd
The results at the other positions ara
I* now tinder consideration to derrea*e
the nmount of assistance which violator!
. warily p ...
terstate commerce and the use of the
ninlls. StacereJy your*
"Hon. C. N. Haskell. Governor of Okla-
loma. Guthrie. Okla."
The following Is Chairman Norris’ let-
er to Secretary Loeb:
“Guthrie. Oklahoma. Oct. 3. 1908.
from the president, a letter, advocating
Ids Men of Interstate commerce shipment
of whisky Into prohibition territory. Has
kell Insinuates the president might not
want the letter published, and he 1* be
ing besieged by prohl K ltl«nlsts
“Chairman Republican State Com."
P1TT8BURG, Pa.. Oct. 4.—An explo
sion of gas at tho plant of the Pittsburg
Plate Glasa Company's work*. No. 2. at
Tarentum, a suburb, today resulted In
n loss by fire of 1500.000, and threw 800
men out of employment. W. A. Long,
a watchman, was knocked down hy the
explosion. brul«ed about the body and
Internally Injured. Half of the plant
Is In ruins and the flames were only
checked hy a large steel building but
recently erected by the company.
The fire was caused by the bursting of
Name of Club.
McMillan. Jacksonville
Man Ion, Columbia
Clarke. Charleston ....
Whalen. Macon
Name of Club.
Gunter, Columbia
•Third Baseman.
Meaney. Charleston 113
Howard. Savannah
Klernau. Columbia
Stinson. Macon
_ - 80
Lohr. Columbia-Charleston 108
Thiel, Savannah
Name of Club.' •
Roth, Jacksonville.
Cote. Columbia .
Harniah. Columbia
Durltn, Charleston
Reislnger. Charleston
Shea. Macon
Robinson. Macon
Kahlkoff. Savannah
Morah. Savannah
Brown. Augusta.
Carson. Augusta
... 39
and probably will rebuild at once.
the front of.the crowd of Kins ft Oil-
high senre of honor which" forbids the : ^ "...I." ~ , ,
violation of- the confidence, he hag a I train and he managed to reach thei cr n t *' *nd before you have used It a
sens# of self-protect t.m In hi* Job. fori street*. 'week you will nay It !* worth $10.
should Bryan he elected he fear* ke . The crowd followed and although Debs! The people In Macon nnd vtcinitv.
might be fired out. The word ”pre- 5SL ,n iS"i2r t Sl 'hi iWi, 1 !? p *P°v ,R L ly the reader* of The Tel-
- - 1 hotel, arrots the street, ha found It nee-; egraph ought to know that King ft
rtllnh.nt vmt-ante* P.trl>li«n t*
EGYPT, Mass.. Oet. 4.—Thomas W.
Lawson, the well-known financier, was
thrown from hi* carriage while driving
near North Scltuate late today an t se
verely Injured by the fall and by be
ing kicked Ly the horse. Mr. Lawson
was picked up unconscious, taken into
a nearby drng store and attended hy a
local physician. Later he wa* removed
to hla home, Dreamwold. In this town.
In un automoblls. Ho did hot recover
I consciousness until late tonight.
! lie was badly hrulscd about the head,
having & long scalp wound, one eye ana
Injured, and it was feared at first that
j he wa* suffering from Internal Injuries.
I Mr. Ijiweon was driving with hit
1 daughter. Ml*a "Bunnie" Lawson, in a
* basket phaeton, behind his chestnut cob,
I "Glorious Dougle.” A passing automobile
frightened the horse, and Mr. Lawron
nnd hts daughter were both thrown out.
I Miss i^iwsnn escaped Injury.
At Dreamwold late tonight hts son. Ar
nold Lawson. *ald that while Mr. Law-
. son wa* badly bruised, his Injuries wera
1 apparently not. serious.
tending lx used because, while Re will t ia •«> m the'ontYo-ttc direction 1 <«. c ~ ^ —
not let the newspaper correspondence! ™ be|T,g mohN'd^Afier^ circling i Oliphant guarantee Parisian Sage to
print hU name In connection with the several bloeks *Deb* jesched the hottL|?*°P falHnii hair, to cure dandruff, to
letter, he has shown It freely to at. During the dav Debs made two speech#*. *top Itching scalp,
least three members of Prealdsnt °«'e at the Hippodrome and the othxH At u hair dressing and especially for
Roosevelt’* cabinet. j **_*"• Aitnanean theater. ■ ladles of pertnement. It has no equal
Mr. T.rt *n,«. abov.t th, »« tl ™J . .
Th. Hlon^rmhe nwlln* <h- ‘moA* HrlKhtMl
Mn n th.‘ l w« , .V?? T p ?2S ! r:« « !or - " hUh ha,r
from « cub. had been in the hnbll of |
drinking soda pop at the bar and when
he enenpcd he went.there. He wa* drive
NEW YORK. Get 4 -Herman Bidder,
treasurer of the democratic national
committee, appeared before the Central
!•« *» >® •>«« *lv,n .trio! ord«n I «nd .,Vr* ... ...» ... , .
that It shall not be used by the cam- | occupied. The appearnree of oni' on l c * have not
palgn committee without the conseut of th* state ws* th* stmal for a remark-i It will. In on-' weeks time, change
the man to whom It wax written. ; able demonstration, lie we* cheered for; harsh, unattractive hair Into lustrous
The letter was written in 1906. and nf, ** n mlnutei; women, of whom there, and luxuriant hair. The women who
there Is little doubt of Its genuineness. I JSPalhJ^men 1 embrae??'each other *i»nd! u,< Parttlan Saga never fall to add
, Few people ip thl* country who know j ^re ws>-Jd^ h * * **“ wonderfully to their attractiveness.
(anything are ignorant of the fact that! Mr. Deb*’ speech was to large nart! hpva used and seen used, aaveral . .
j Mr. Cle\-*tivnd moat severely dieapprov-1 devoted to denunciation of enndidstee! hair tonic* and eo-calted renewers.but ‘ i n r«nt 4??i r i** 1 *!
•'I of Mr Bryan, but that Ih quite a Cf dem-^ratie and repuhltran partly, never had any come to my notice that JUth before ItsSothe?* SSSfft “wae
. different thing from supporting Taft. rre *M* n * R^wwelt also »n for ean e\-er compare with ParixUn 8age. A. V 1 .
If no more people ar. Infalor otllr. !t ***— the* hair clean. fluff>* and
Bryan now than ther* wera befora tha KietSTiind ^-ertbrawVm mnSa. I and does not leava ona particle
nomination there would be little chance,- You b-»iid the nnfmeblle* and w*tk.*i« > f *tkkln##w *—Mra. Ida Wilcox, hair
of hi* election, but Cleveland damo- V «td In de*e-o-tn r d«we-»nee. Tb*i dre*»ar. CoWwnter. Mich,
crata all over the country are support- ' addre** wee ^tPe-^^wtth^ *oel*M*Mc bpl- «b-- Pfrlthn Bare nl Kina ft Oil-
T.B. S.H. S.B.
...385.1 302
Club Fielding.
Put Ot
ut*. Assists. Error*. p. C.
Pitchers’ Summary.
Player— IP. AB. BH. RO. HB.BB. SO. WP. G. W. L. T PC
V. 8ltton....213 741) 105 35 6 46 164 4 23 17 5 V 773
Helm ..151 505 94 24 2 48 100 9 17 11 4 *2 733
Vlebahn ....128 425 R0 27 8 3.1 87 2 13 J 3 2 *727
Lee .218 790 156 40 4 34 88 0 25 17 7 l 70*
Hoff ........907 709 143 37 1 36 R5 1 21 14 6 1 *700
SlttOn. P.. ..287 974 165 54 18 75 175 10 3.1 19 9 5 *679
Goettell ...,255 885 163 67 4 49 106 4 30 18 * 9 3 «6*
Friend 79 300 64 31 6 3.1 46 3 8 4 2 ?. 664
Hansen lit 386 80 38 6 29 34 1 13 7 > 4 i *636
Hlxon *02 1167 133 81 * 58
Richardson .128 469 106 38 5 29
Mullth .....163 572 110 42 8 76
Paige 192 632 103 35 5 43
Kelber 237 997 192 66 21 80
Reagan 149 508 .96 35 4 16
Welsher ....*20 nr>4 ' 434 88 10 86
viola 63 194 42 21 2 12
Kahrs 86 298 56 23 4 22
Foster 254 889 162 50 • «
Clarke SSI 120.1 259 92
Salve 261
Atkin*.' Ill'
Weems 198. 710 154
Willis 56 103 48
Dexter 6.8 202 48
Fchmlcli .... 44* t67 45
Stowers ....299. 1038 216
Malar key ... 91 3.12 80
Clancy .;...172 618 144
Vol* 301 1064 208
McCarthy .. 35 134 IS
Bcckel .....157 530 99
Ronth 46 174 41
Flower* .... 44 * 14* 35
Hamilton ... 57 203 47
Durrctt .... 87 313 75
Ford 39-. 1.18 35
O’Connor .. . x 27.
889 175 86 21 89
33 18 12 3 .600
32 15 13 4 .538
17 9 8 0 .529
39 19 17 3 .82*
1 .600
3 .600
1 .486
1 .482
3 .411
0 .43-1
0 .42*
0 .400
0 .400
• M
2 .856
6 .321
1 .25#
t .260
0 .200
0- .101
Name of clut^»
Pelkey. Savannah
Chandler, Jacksonville
Rail. Charleston t
Manlon, Columbia
Taffee, Jacksonville
Murdoch. Macon
Wagnon. Columbia
Blerkotte. Jacksonville
McMahon. Columbia-Augusta ...
Moran. Savannah
Wohllrben. Macon
TUCSON. AH*.. Oet 4.—A terrible!
tragedy was enacted at Elyslsn Grove, j
a pleasure park, when an Immense black,
bear escaped from a nfrtehy and ...
charged a throng of vteltors. The nnl- Shaw. Savannah
male, which had been rotted tn captivity Thiel. Savannah
I Mullln. Charleston-Augusta ...
I Rfgb»». Columbia
Morris. Savannah
w.-. w ...«m-i*. iA, hl rh.Hub!.'* 1
and asked that kit disagreement with I ^morl ro .nnri,.. X.. * JI'ZlI were Fdwm Markham fr0fn G,roJX : ' u * LO '
umo„ b. i.r, .rtuwuo^ HU «*• SrtS^&wViSSr^h," •»* «*• '•
gestlon »a* adopted. (the party and the people who twice: M »be JtmeH^en th*xter Mr Tvb- H»-
Mr. Rlddcr was charged M a meeting elected him to the presidency. oetved a eirou-r -vMlon to that gfv*n, LLUI11U _... u Ulllliww ,
Of the unton with dU. ourtcsy to Its com-' The way It !» figured out herd I* that J v,m •* H'wodrome. , !
ndttee*. which hag sought to deal with the republican manager*, some of the ' nfATU Til nTnrfiKrn
him on a labor uncsttoa. When ap- moro unscnipuMu* one*, knowing o' tirnnn nitntirn rn nrirn it* I IU IILIUULUIXLII i
proached by a second committee shortly <5“ existence nnd the authenticity o' K^nR|| nllRHp" 'll "FATH
after hi* HPiHdnttuem as deutocratie ua- J '** *"” *» f ' rrn ' r ^
ttooal treasurer, he
not care to go tarn
bvetander* opened a fuetlade and killed
the beer with o score of bullet* The
bea*t had been cloeely confined xtnee a
week ago, when It attacked a small
........... RAPIDLYSPRKDIKI FUa,g^S!Se®JSS. ! jL:i3gfeaHs
pute with taem. sad asked the privilege ^I ' —- * - — -—w- - - — “ - -
of. amwarlag person illy NL'te the «vt»- jw^TwasdUxpproNint Mr con- j rtFM»NGtl\>T \H «Vi
tral body t* explain bts aMtlwta , eluded that thev would easily date %( Mcl!ct)iih*n a neero eras
When Mr. RMJer •ppeetrd at the; targe number of t^s>p!e. former Cteve- - ,^t^e-• h*-t namra ei
MANILA. Oet. 6.—Thars were nineteen
cases of cholera and two deaths Sunday,
but only two new cases up to noon
today. It Is believed thgt ths cooler
weather which has followed Sunday’s
typhoon has had a good effect tn de
creasing the number of new cases.
O. D. Mitchell, the American dentist.
, who became 111 October 3. and whose
j case was diagnosed as cholera. Iia* been
! discharged from the hospital, his ailment
having proved not to be cholera.
lie *«■
union meeting t.-t-.y be was
floor. He a*keg (hat the qur*‘
to a oMmltlrt for arbltrstlu. ■■
B ted James M. Ig-nck. rfeeMegt of itu
I'rnstir.n ii XjnorrapM- al Fnh u. s»
arbitrator, aed ewer a tea mtnu«e«' do-
upipa accepted Mr. BlddeF*
ae given the I land democrat*, into believ'ng that UteJ fire todav destroyed t
[ left (ate ex-pre*ldent wrote a formal lettef I “
— * ~ “. rt , i.- v-. • 1 av*'
after th«* nomination of Thft
Ing Taft’a election. Hence the*
•o work and hatched up- the
finding Broughton Brandenburg a will-1 flame*'
log tool. I not be
Ararat-! Bl '
- _ “ . I The vm-’M «
tcc and Mr'**
hwe*t corner
burned and; btg. tourings
•cd tn -
.st Mr NVct* ecker'g
tr EJ sews tor, N. J.
this morning.
from window* and fire
when the
j k’.tt to gain impelv
d so rapidly that he
I'se-cf tha front
the tire. The > j
uld «nd landed with
flames cut off their, retreat.
ttnc*ses The machine wa*! —•¥'
hour .town a steep I NEW YORK. Oct. At 2:15 o’clock
° 1morning th* peUea reported eight
beebi'~ikkUe!. ctsicllni i P*raon» «lead In the fire.- Pour bodies
N ’et«iy .
ill* CJri.
ALTJtHABAD. Brltlth India. OcL\4.—
. he latest reports from Hyderabad es
timate the flood caaualttci at M.W4. Or
der ts being gradually restored sad the
bodies buried. Pew Europeans veht«r~“
near the scene an account of the odi
which the wisds carries many miles.
Ten Bases or More,
Bases .Name of club—
. 69 Viola, Jacksonville
. 56 Lewis, Macon
. 65 Rhoton, Macon
. 49 Lewis, Charleston
: if ftj^aasaar^.
• • «««*/, t iwriri
35 Carson, Augusta
33 Dwyer. Jacksonville
2J Jjfibft Columbls-Charieston
29 Coles. Augusta
** ^a.bolln. Charleston
59 Stinson. Macon
28 Klernan. Macon
27 leavings. Macon
;• Macon-flavaimah ..
a peaceful settlement of the Bulgarian
question Is desired. Turkey Is pushing
preparations to mset any development*
In th* situation. Qrdera have been given
for the First division of cavalry, consist
ing of six regiments, to be ready for
Immediate departure, with eight regi
ment* of the Second corps end six of
the Third. Turkey thus will have twenty
regmlent* on the frontier, as oppoaed to
eleven Bulgarian regiments, of which six
ara at Phllippoootls. two at Sofia and
three on the Roumanian frontier.
The Bulgarian soldiers ar* meat #n-
thwrtwUc. This being • Mohammedan
fete veetoti. work usually Is relaxed, but
now the officers are making speeches to
the me*, telling them that as Turkey
has threatened war with a small country,
they oust putt thefnselve* together U tv-
taaa they wish to go Mke sheep to ala ugh,
t«v. The men have been greatly affected
by these words and have demanded that
their wools time be gives over to drill
ing- . ,