Newspaper Page Text
bmw IbriomflMrti. Tb«
«»<M«0CiM| f«V«*i S V/fOTM
41vi4«el 6*i*f»U* from «i
and it lb* npmm *A * Ugtt
blow, c'.Jyti*g **’« m/, Ju«A41*a «n la
•ucha VMttUA tUt 'mifUXtm Uam»b*v*U
be dell t»r*S apt* Mai, a*4 r?rs AM* »Kb bat
little e(be«,«MU la «h Ck#v*teg «JJ Me
weight upon Suites* »M Ina^xg Mae 4mb.
Then, when the foot get (ms bM for bis* te
that poriifon, ha »*«J4 d/«* or ht Mmsdl I*
knocked down, and >*r jyj aJJ bla full Wo mb'
othlt In getting op agaio. A I* tel* Mg . :.«r
gala of time In tbe three aliuH • MU baM-
van «u now to wear/ spp*' 1 tutty fl at bla
blotre luol ecarcel/an/U.lng of for**, and vrry
often lacked dlrectneae and were n*ul
will adult tUt the protest did net
votes the entiia sentiment on that li
Appo!te4 el their own audacity
mansgrrv emfenwl upon our ft
towtMOiao the empty l^nor of lie t
nation for Coogiereman at large,
•ay empty for time rcaton that there I
Mi (Hate or Federal machinery pro*
But It was lot gives to l*In» # fV>r long
and dUtlogoltbed seivtee, or for exalted
qualities, personal and Intellectual, but
with Um hops and desire that bla name
and influence might tend to harpouixe
the victims of a political outrage.
Tbe miserable platform Is beneath crit.
idem. After repeated promises that It
would speak In language that would for
ever draw tbe line between Sir. Stephens
and tbe elements with which be bad
but recently been coquetting, a commit*
tee upon which there does not appear the
name of a single man of tbe opposition
formulate! a lot of stale platitudes shorn
Jcffcison aud Madison. It U true that a
ding la made at Fmldent Arthur, who
may bear It with equanimity In the reflec
tion that tbe patronage in Georgia Las
been deftly dlspoeed of Just where It will
do tbe meet good. The sending of M armed
w raiders’* after the moorebinere Is la tbe
leer that the ftirtaGoa will end by Lsw 1 Woe of discretion ct a police cffker. The
WalW< a 1- - _« ikaO.1 1 < rM‘ tMimlnl. ‘ «— - U iLm L.
probable that m tbe bat of Coocnra-
mro cannot bop. to b.undn»[t^>
by Ora.” Tbo TiM majority of them
deliberately chooM tbalr good thing, lo
ibl. Ufa; ud • (ratified ambition to Ht
to tbo hlgtoot council In tbo couotry
m,.ela It. foil meal ure of tbclr hljliral
tbe drapirad Southerner, and carry blgb-
dyln, noaaa at tb. mare mention of citljinUoa. Tbe re, ploua
pr.acb.ri, of tlat Umber atrip., go Id and
out among "tb. alact ptople, dlrldmg pity with fbarlaaical caactnaaa bo-
Inacntbo heathen beyond tbe aaaa, and
the heathen aoulh of lb. Totoouc. There,
llw aalntly IVhltelao Held, editer and
pint., alt* In a tall tonar built by tbo
niy triumph, of faleabood and pollueal
toamara, and alternately lectnraa and
laapoop. Iba “barbarlana of the South."
A at ranger might bn pardoned for think-
Ihg, aunly bara la a goodly city to look
upon—ooa In which dotll Um meek of
Iba eann, already entered npm their in-
mad. uk daapeute endear,,", to e hb UM
fadlnrUnrelr. If tho nine time hr knocked
WUanu down In tbta round be meet red no pun-
labmenl Ir. r-tum, only onee did ha innr to
do real hurt and Itot waa when ha lout tit.
Etta ttihman down by n .n-rwolno of Iwnvy
btow., upon tb« tuck of M* bad, tppvanUy
delivered trim the heel of blu hand. onee.
tw, Ullmwn nearly knoetad lhroo<h the
topee- Yen erety time Wlteon'e lace enuid be
Ken teerin. over SolUr ao'a ahoalder. or a. he
waaflowtyaa-inlth pretended dldWtly rte-
tnr. twwnrnttuu. When the round ended
both awn pooled benrtly. ’
lint tbla la ennigb—loo much, lor tbo
-S-ultorn brwbutlau." who read oar pa-
bopaof happiueaa in thla world and that
which It to tome.
In order to retain tbla nation, when It la neemaary (or the
Cuogrettman to peraant to Iba Inapactloo
of bla coneertoOTla a faeomklo record.
But all art not oratorical genlnaaa that yo
tn Voograta. Vary lew of that Ilk are
apur of Iba moment, fitmper ponaiwale
not Iba motto of nunyof tbo bolowa Ibat
go up to Weahlngton. Further, It b often
tbe care that a member la com pal lad lo
I|«ak out In aupport of a glren mraauie, or
OvadogTIga ponnod tbo wolf wall, bat
eeV*2Kl Omut l MjaUliut) ML tl* iMmi dJtitB-
Bibb, noticed tbo tomroattcro for Iteisew Yttrk tty which baa act (bat! trend and.
iabteroffice. TbeprattaA tecaratosWof wboiepeats-jiapugmsim In tprrfea‘torel
tbe other oftren were momiuntod by I delirium of graUfird joy. U wra te/. 10*1
acriamal.'wo. They wen tbouglit bo bare | arharkiog of tniatf utarie* lo China, to ^Dkn.
made cnditahle reeordr, and it waa jeonreittbebeatbesonT tbfba to Farhas 1 m,
Ibougbt proper to gieetbem an iadone- ,««boda of muting Into odboa defeated nonrtortr
meed oca ieaa grwtif/log to tbem than do-1 eaodidatoa, or of failing in bualoeaa wdtb
aemd by linn- Faithful tdbcala an . twuaoe or two aafely under hack and
»/• to enact wtb geueroua eanaidrratlos Uq,. u ru lf n the departnn of noble uWand
at tbe bandr <d Georgia Ircmocrata. Tbe U^d piou. tenebtn to tbe Sontb, to in- .ywdrepi
officte wi'J^o U»e gift ef U*c people krt j gtraet Ibe “l^rWixn k. tLe ia tUsfin.
intended toUbSied Ui tbe lutrreB of n, Jf of rirtama dta'xasion. By no ?“*“-*■
tbe pierple; and then could be sotblog j manner of —f—»■ It mat not era tbe
non natural or mon appropriate thau |oocT«™lonof Grain loChrucianiy,or tbe ndaom-r
that tier people aboald loot with faror triaapb of tbe amubVeold fieorge WU-
unonaueb offitSale al keep tin trutb Cur'd,', dell eenrio. reform pol«7. andhmm
eotwtamij lu view, Tbe aheeace of ail j. vu nothing good, you may know, or it 1
opp'-eitioa to tbeae men in tbe eooTeotioa wouldn't bar. »Kimd up tbe; fxutnini 7^
will ^oubUtw le viewed by tl<ctu as as gf cuJojikx^ lo ibc tall lovu «rk2rv
iodTfscmetrt tA tbelr pact smiecstotLe WLittlaw Ee^, editor asd pirate wod wrro^lo
State; sod will eoustltule an additional \ jaiAt 0 f ‘y-wthers baibariarsa, writes * i ,rjrai '- !
m-xirr. If any were needed, for glvlcg grieei for entbudawic Jaoobiu. ZZJxSJS
ereo greater diligence to tbe ditebarge <d Unarer'b! fight, If It trw anjtbing irmna
tbedu'iw before them. Faithfuiom to p ^ 1> pr: „ i*ni«a .
tbeluunet. of all tbe people,auJoa- jMttMakrfttat> will™, debt there Tb ' jie °‘°
..(rruic iwaCC-rawrem
»-—<~f OjC party
B la plain from tbla penaetdotloo cf lire
caw fjoo tbe wandpointef tbe bunb-
whackrng JtaAAm that do OMcprtmuM
lapoaolbre, at leaat on tbe bade of that
peculiar Caaeroolau plan lo which ref
erence line already been made. Tbe de
termination, on oua aide, that Bearer
.ball be taken la any erent, U met by tire
wjually derided determination, on tbe
other aide, that Bearu eball be .wallow
ed ie no eteuu Tbe patchwork more-
meet eu an lugloftoui future, and tbe
Cameron Jaeoblna are mad. They are
oo t great, bowling, diabolical rampage.
Tbe like bm oertr before been men In
tbleeoonuy. TbeWmblngloo Jfepu’rK-
con doe. up tbe reeving and tbcbli-
uu nusxjn in Kimn
nuDA/. n:i.r &,««-
©oflirght Uljjcklg CcIjegc'Tp(> uvfe 3j5ucnal & J&KZSznQ&i:*
Km m# ske slew* <Abc-rs cf tixun is
•oajr ami »*»/ tw k««<v U*v wW» Is Mb.
iasKw. J<*7 cwilsT kST« b«14
kls ktc4 Kut&atA in ri/a* «.
Efn «K2Mm SCccii, «f fibs
Mmm', Iwnl luuow b>/w cuss/
*0* a*4 fikspss Uii tLs xirls am
til rlrf * i{ ~ j—~ liftscMcftlasc
Vms ao oM %moLeL misisisr Us4 d*s-
I Ms poiirf, wick 4*
i, aod mmaHu4: *'H’bat sLall I
«s«onr a* senMsi r**poos««ajnt up
* * *i*aoo: M F«v<fc4'i
a r likowlm sax v« wsk>
fv Buiuf s« satwily »»d M ms Otor
gM pspars spsakiox cf il*s Arsks. who art
tr/iu| Md/irs th* w{4lapMrn cut cf
(Mr ovoa r/p as Hu eitiiar
Grant or tfca Jfnli*b O-mruifunt tbs rltfbl
to sUlm lb*ir slUpglaom? It It so cot/ags
lor paoplt tv tuSA lor tbslr own cccotry?
Ts* flats of os* cp.rnsob at tks prsasot
WHKog foross us Pi duetiMf
• from U*s psiitiog tbougb triotopli
aod«sOkstilscM carcass dews lu as easy
diair, to Ulk co aoy question cf greaMr
dsjrJb tLss tliat eftks mlatlusa cf tbe
wltiiky ring to bit adsslsistratloo. W«
can Uaagius so olbsr qumtloo on wblcb
bt would bs sc ajA tebv posted, and sons
co wUcb ba would be so likely to ieccoss
•utkuslasUc, asddrep into pr/etry, aftrr
tbs uutiter tA bilas Wuf II* UMgkt
axoags to pi lo sou* sew ideas
•iVv.k Friday and be uiigbt bs able
record so unwliueo chapter or so cu tbs
relation* <d Kt. Jitningc to tbs United
b'.atea- ibat ts to say, U* reisti'/os wblcb
be ones proposed sidould exist; but It
simply ludicrous to suppose that bs knows
anjtbing at all abort Kj/pv-part, pres
ent, or to coots,
It Is pmsiUte tbst bs nay bare bsard
of Fbsraoh and tbs Nils and Moms
tbs bulruth**, and a fsw fiber naUsre
no greater purport or slgttiflcancs; but
•uppocstbatbs can abed any thing but
darknsss on tbs controversy that is now
Mi editor* of 0* Hupbsns or«sns. W# distracting tbe country of Um pyramids,
are aware tbst that which go«Ui into Um U to bs guilty of a misappreUnsPm of tbs
dsflMJi not s msa; bet, tbre, yoo I calibre of the old bummer—riolsnt
fcaow, U somstiwss mskss blrn fssrfoil/ | enough to bring tbs othtiding party into
contempt a toon j all thinking rueo. Grant
Iba remit of tbs enure•** held t*r*nara-1 ought, by all means, to get out a sco/nd
lory to the rnMting of lU convention, was sdltton of Wegg'a “Decline aitd Downfall
• proof of Um approiimat* oorreetwss of I of tbs Itootban Empire.” Wl*sn l*s gf
the MM* of U« ‘Itt K/nirtt mo Mressw. I bsyood such a venture as that, bs will
oaa. Ws ujsutton this test simply to sliow I M completely out of bis sUmsut as
Mat lbs charge of uafslmsss, as brought w<wUJ u ^ ^ ^
our tabl* before t^is convent on | (i |r| ^| |||
i any other Northern City. Thrre is noth-
ing that tbs penpie is all tbst aeeion are
little spi to d«, as to lnbadt the earth
by reason gt their nxxXixm. On that
eeccc, they couldn't Lave a Tiriflona title
to the d1st they carry wi^st their finger
llwr Late re claim to Clw»-
cHrllixatloa, and probaVj not ao
is, as Oufee sod basbo, "the wards
to protect Use murderer* cf clt'-reiii of a * orator iNM bs anxlcos to ve*
i aovereign Sues. Upon this point the plat- aaid brtore It goes udo cold typo,
Use 4 fona j, K*a<ik«usly, onJocmsly «lert. j manent form, to ba sentout all
The rtsuluLkm at fi-Wt drMted and pre-'country, lienee from tbs ““
oeoUyn^m^tnAUnuu.^Tbe.e r» ' fladving tbv nil wrong, (bonM
o.dions will he beseafter referred to in . ^ refir«»«>d imide tbe party urtau'xalsoc,
!Ms^«em»rflhltoi4y« wrt|fcmi nvrtli Hythattlu.
ajo» lfXMKS«c& They wereiutrodoeed I Aotje deferenor to tbe mhhn tA
by ILU. Harr it, of Meriwether, I ^ himaeif, as likely to be ua-
td the committee on reaoluticma: | palatable to Jus Independent friends.
© < There was no eotimnaan in the coo-
re* | venticii, there was notbing of eamestnesa,
save that of bMd men determined to carry
mat, waa unfounded.
Taman is ons fraud In this country that
OHMtobsdaalt with in a rtoteui
Dls that of tbs sanding out into tbs scan.
Ws are not surprised to lean) tbst “bs
jsidss with tbs English lu tbs eontro-
| verey,” Who could evsf expect IT. 8.
j Grant to do Isas thin sids with tbs strong
tre* Ttrrvjams-***-I afklnst tbs weak? HMrw us a man wboss
ui. Zn. ISIZd’v «-Tw«. altered «""* * >»•" “F "< ^nk.UD... .nd ,1-
Vlv iile.rr. jUat oraMit IoleliCT. and w. will guvnoU. tlikltill
Uwool, nidiroiwitta »«ba fw Uu m»rd arm|wtfal« will alwng. ring, tb.mi.lm
olCoMremUmai pruaMdlnifa la J/e~/<- Inn lb. aide of |«wer, U [Im It
Vain /tgralMam. I may. It b iwrt atruig. that F.ngUnd'i
„ ~ —~ ‘ ’ , ,, I robUr OMlbod. vat lb. toprabnllon of
Moonmu miwra am rvpnulUn l«thi ",
■ Ihnl wklU Hbhop laan l'aek.ot
tha pnlron of cvpat-bagim .ud icnlnwig-
tbn BvrtUrn Unlbodlal Cl,«r«h, la glalng *» .
«wa, laiaaanea anna of won., Ion Hue-1 Uollbar. In * I udler oue pbtan of thla
laalaal way, on a,ad alaUr of Uw old rairto- Itmetloo her. nlar. Tb. pompom old bum
bate I. dying of knimar and mvnl daaU-1 gttular atruU firUi balora tb. pub
la Uobuwbae, Ohio. Uanaao klip I lie—befm lb. gw. of lb. world,
« to than nto Cbrtotlaa toalllMlbm u | w ha auppoacf, mdaayi, In aHeel: >'I
ItolorM lb. eouiaarffb. Brltlab gonrn-
Wntaalb*ivolrlw w.ra Wwork torn-1U“mt,lo tb.lMttlwUmmalur. Letlb.
toe Bamov.te ml of Congraaa, on. W a I »riU»b aud Am.tle.ii amemvy
Him, they dlaplayad IWr wal wiatofnl-1 troop, mon fviwvd. If llm Egyptian!
MMOfUam. Wby dldul Uny |am paw n I rwl«t, let Item U pul totlm iword.”
raaUaUoo daetarlng Iba Mato of all I Tbo nolly of llm old Bual.o b ^HtM
tb. DmneviU. nmlmriault Tiny by U. Ignomne. »nd Uulallly. Out.
omM Uno ton rolibad Iba tmaory with-1,1^, t || M rlou< conalder.llon. luaolead
oWblmtor^ and would <w*Untodl,„ ^ uUlff|U Bul b. admllUd Ibat
any wttaMaeaagalvIUam. I Um old bum guul.r to. mado room tor 1
Vow IM tin,, rie. uui I guffaw or two III Un eayy mldM ol Um
Tiul- ■ ^ eompUeailoii.. Imt U A old Balaamlu ba
A llvs (irsngsr has bssn dissovsred I rU(f |^ down and led back into blv stable,
la oat of our lower sound**, and ws
•ot rs*t well until ws cm restore tbs poHL I
fssl squifltmntn by utalyblng him with a |
A Usd Rsssti.
TU ll ad leak In Congress burs, during
mol, living firssobasksr. Tbs nnlty of I |f nnn^ - Jn th *
things Is wsU saoagb in lit plsos, but It Is 1 11 P***!! 1 "*** * ***?
.r. I usoxlly oEfOtlvs sod dUerw!!!£hu M#nvd.
I Tbsy Uvc dona absolutely nothing that
cos docs op tbs swearing ant
lingsgate fix the Cameron Jacobins; and
thk ialUe way H uy/uuU tbo breaatworks
and defies tbs enemy:
TU KsCk-nag Urt bitch wing of the ha*-
tylraote lodn^cdreU it afraid JU own
Mate cowislttoe m»y agree to aoBMtblng. TU
r«guVan f/Ocr to go Jo Pat arj*w ©ooTcntioO'
csndldary in* lx aJJ. TU JUtpendret cai
4M*(a* Ur« ottered a new convention, Uut lx
aU but tU prewnt candJdatea. WUreup'/** »U
black-flag wing aa/ th* ctmmiU** will proU
bl/ reluct tedii t/roporitlona. TbU we*uatUt
wIaJi U lather to tJ* Ui'/u«bL Tha Mack-flag
political pJratea rftnpl/ d«a!re it l*lp tha bein*
ocrats. Tha Independent JtepuMkani, wJw
thfAight tijcaa wolvt* In al*eep’a tlothJox, were
rtalJ/ »lt*ep, will. nadouW wA, rt«y«nlxe the
tree doctrina quoted by ua on Haturto? in*
tha PhlladaJphla i'rfM, to wit. that a BepubU-
*-ari cf/fivetiilou can n/H b* r«-*tricted In its •*•
to-tlon «f candidate* by anythtnc but con»ti*u*
th/ual eligibility. Nor reu any ellglbk dUaeu
be denlnd tha equal right with all other* to te
a candidate. An honed eiprewp/n by tl*e ma-
pelty U all that can ba Inaktod on. U the In-
db pendent (omiakta* doc* wA m»et Ox regular
(^uunltte* on thk Ju»t ground, tl»* great body
of ftopubllraos In and outot Pren*ylvanla will
mo that 1U vaunted independence U merely
tuMtltty Ui th* K*pulAU*n eauaa and tiussoo-
bl* ayapatliy with the bemocrary.
Considering Uts weather, we should ssy
that Is quite lively. It tstebllshes the
fact that Gorham Is no ordinary man, and
that there is nothing ordinary about his
rsgs. We congratulate him on hit chol
eric prowess. Ws are glsd lie kuows bow
the political pot simmer and
boll and hiss, and that thero Is a fiery
will behind Ills flaming ability.
Wo don’t inlnd saying, however, that
think Gorham puts the matter a liUlo
strong -at least lu tba view that “the
Black Flag political pirates simply dcslro
help the Democrats.” That cannot be
If they were engaged in any such cause aa
that, tbe “Black Flag political pirates”
would be tar better titan the ordinary run
Uadlcal cattle; and that Is Just wbal
the editorial henchman of Caiuerou Ie
trying to disprove. Ills propositions are
conflicting. Gorham is mixed—three
parts rags and one part folly. We are glad
know IL There Is 110 reason why the
punishment of lbs diabolically wicked
should not begin tn this world. There Is
reason wby tbe star of tbe Camerons
should not go down In shame and dla-
honor; for U ba> never shed a ray of pure
and beneficent light since It arose in tbe
political beaveos of Vennsylvama. There
no reason wby Gorham end Mahons
and Grant and Gulteau’a Arthur ebon 14
(401,81 least, U forced to weep over tbs
downfall ol ons of tbs most violent, meet
corrupt men that ever mads political pros
titution lbs aim ol life-long endeavor.
Were tbe atar of euc’.i a man to go down
In blood, as well as In shame aud dis
honor, there would be something more
than ordinarily approprtato In saying
him, es was said of no worse a man:
tha dsallty of things that demands rssog
niUoa In tbs present emergency,
if good; and tha evil that has marked
Tnaaa Is ao reason on earth why Gcor-1 their course has been attended with mors
gla Demosrets shoetd U foroed by unwise I than ordinary venom and recklessness.
nomination* to choom between tbs cvtl of TU old Urns prudence that once ebarte-
Mi voltof at all and the evil of voting for 1 urhtod these J seobtns seems to have been
lasffletent sandldatM. Ikch • polky tends I •feU ra j ]r discarded. While tbalr public
lo shake the allsglaaee of tbs most earns*! I >h« timer been anything but vli*
iwrarau. ^uuu.o, .rarMlM^l^^^, ^XZZi to
■vtonlto Mnwai — 1 Em, u, Mto*bto, of tto tpFMrve. of
... w HOIOMIMI lirtMtogfcfttnivWt. ^*4. Ttojtor.
■ra. - Itoonlattotobltofoiaalofl/ dl^uUlo,
TnunwiMMlMHoa twin, now lltolr pwpoOM, to that tbalr rttl nod.
toM, atoaato »UI Into a nap. I conld to foocanled uudnr ptnualbU pn-
Ntortoto. Ud 0-tf.lM •>!! rMnrn b, tto „ lU . Bul lto]r b „, u.
toad of dtonbudtal .plrlU. Tto boy tail! I .it [ n ^ ^ r-rattil iM.ltin and
nUr. Iron, "lb. Urnln* dtob." Th.
Advo.fai.llir .III unto lo ".Ink or «wl v,-1 M
Of beak against bunko msn. TUr* would I Jj**?**^ ,!! playad Into
totonotou rial for tto nut, |», u,., U» ><»»faof ItotooM torropl mnn lo Ito
Itomatrir ban totouvnd, Iy Ito loo,- F"»f• •" no pntoat to. bwo tonda of
anfarad Marapaw. I praaaraln, im Ito iktdov of t Urtoou.
■»■ ■ | nprd for tto form, of coannoo to,U-
Us. I, I, Kmu, formally of Aditoo, I lailr. dernney.
Utah.,la uhlu. Iba prinla«a lo proto bn-1 It would to certain, in anf otbar coua-
forn a UnofaMalonal >0101.11100 tUtno try than IbU, Ibat tbo party la poirr
to ton IlfWfKQ 10 Band In WO la I would not to ablo lo tunln Ito record
Mbto, Oongraeatoan to aaeora Ito p«- vtda by Kaltof aud Kotouu during tto
y* lt> TaiM-l'vlto land uraol bill. Ujmm* totoloo of Caogtto.. Wbal .But
2i!m!rIir*r^ ,, * ,, "^ # *‘’. fc, '*? dl, " ,U 11 *" 1 ta ’* "* ,,, • eomi <‘l riacUoOi
Mldofor C'ooyraaa lorafaaa «•>*"»»» Uuougboullb. Nortb, Eaat ud Weil to
I loom iku w. can ray. Thai than ought
Boo. duuaa N.aau, t graadaoo of 10 b * • b*"™ 1 «prialngoflto ptopla,
Dutol Morgan, of Ito HaroloUoo, I turn Itoao abamalMl fallow, out of ofliea,
OOM a waallby m.rekaal of Now Ortoana, «<"* wltkoot laying. Wo nuto It a rule
dtodtolbal ally af.« daya alnea, par-1 in* lo to too Iwpaful of viy poaalbto luc-
aliato tod paatiUaae, tad *uh ao frtond I ran Ural Ito Uamocrato may win al Ur*
*U bla blind wlfa. Ila waa tha Brat man I tolbAbo*; and wa ara too wall pratod
to waltoin. Hollar toMtollrtoaaa, and I not to know that a ll.mocraUe triumph
UnZToJUie JLiI 1 ? “ U *»• I <t0M nol ulw.y. praraga Um of
ibo.TdtoboJm^rt^pZX 0 ' lo h^ , 5l u “ o,,0,tb ‘ p * ,rra ‘ DC *
to ton tomlbto poutl
by Bom. of Itoorutalrad IHrao. I
plain dgllu.
< awraa, lb. Jacobin,
Tto Uadlrato ara tonly IroAbtod
il.L’-.'y’T.™; ?*'•*: 1 «Hio«k la r.o,»,i,v,to-
~ to T' 1 Tbu. la grart r.rtoly of opinion among
If* W IB* nWSMeTSUM I lU J ua |.|,, uminatm. man u (a l^a. Ik.
W—'ll IHraooralto Moagh to aom
i for Ito I#*lalatari. Tb.1 u
pr.ily toad lot high la poHlof aaaararaa.
tto Jacobin aaaapaper man m to bow Ito
danger to to ba owl aial nautrallud,
waa aomo Uma balbra L'amtron'aatrlkrra
to taboo hand |> I **" wBU»Tto»dmhibi> ltowwi|.M,
Uui inliri ora only woadrrlarf al ito I dHTlrulliea beaauing tto path of tto ram
t of Bartow puUliv. I rally old riogmatUr. It «aa ibouglrt
„ „ I Uw C'a*«ronU would bo fallbfnl to Ito
' .TTi r*-1 ‘•'amorooa. 80 no and 1 f Radical rldtml*
. . . rrrawawto nu totpad a pun Ito raiw. of tto J.cuMn
for yarn, omiMaot
to." It to not a good ilga I * 1 ™ 1 ?*. f® 1
1 m to mail, matiuda I " tt * Iblogi
- ^ Tntotol***" H. ■
I(to« of I Itoaunrolao loader* that I
■tom*IfaB. of too mwa 1 * [ °* "» dtovhcud w M .
MUl 'rtl toto a Vi to m
constitute a high test of conscientious,
official ttKfulness.
There were several able aid prominent
dike us m ooujioa‘.uju ftr Coogrtssman
at large before the convention, acj ons
of whom, perhaps, would have reflected
credit cn tbs fttste and party
oa tbv floor of tbs House. While each
bad enthusiastic aupportere, ready to
goauy honorable lengths for the success
of tLcir favorites, it is pleasant to be able
to record tbe fact that there was no bit
terness in the rivalry that mulled. It
was a free fight atd a fair field, aad Use
result was a marked triumph fi>rC>L
1 b .mu Hardeman, ons of the most pop
ular mvn In tbe State. He bears tbe
tishliig honors with commendable
modesty, and will bs beard from in tbs
interest of Georgia, oa tbs floor of tbe
House. He is not a stranger to the du
ties of the Congressional office having
served ons term In that body prior to
would not have been possible tn tbs
convention to make a nomination that
would come nearer giving universal satis
faction—especially in thoso portions
State where some emollient is neces
sary for allaying Uio spirit of intense dis
gust at sowo of the incidents and doings
the convention. It is no small consid
eration in Air.' Hardeman’s gratification
know that nowhere is Uio rejoicing in
his long delayed triumph more sincere
more universal than In bis own county
and city. Though It be ( true that
p-ophet is not without honor save
his own count rf,” it is nevertheless no lit-
to the credit of any public man
know of him that three who are most
nearly associated with him are Iho
earnest m his support.
The resolutions passed by the conven
lion may be lound elsewhere in this
sue. They will repay the earnest roadlug
which wd doubt not they will receive
tire hands of Uhj people. .
The convention adjourned without
singing either thu long-ureter or short-
meter doxology.
Tbs Had way Nad Turtle,
A dlrebUd crow wa* dlaeoY«rwS
ground at Jf«4«*r. M***.,as'f «;lo**rote*rv*-
Itett dlarifsad that It wa* b*ld lad by a mud-
“A dkahled crow”—well, that sound*
miliar. It was possibly bereft of
wing and tall feathers, aud was old aud
skinny. It wav beyond qtastlon a weather-
beaten crow—on# of the superannuated
variety—a variety, by tba way, not con
fined solely to Massachusetts. It might
be considered nomawbat violent to pre-
that tba crow In question was both
wingless and taillaas, but for the aeeertlon
that “it wae held fast by a mud-turtle.
Mud-turtiee do not fly. They were never
known to catch crowe In the mid air.
They are not In tha habit of climbing tail
pi use and pulling crows off their nests
and leisurely detrending to the earth,
enjoy a July crow f«ast. Nothing of that
•ort can be found In any of tire books
that record the many wonderful things
mud-turtlee have failed
TlA mud-turtle Ie not
good on o Biot ran. Ito aktormanle
pncludi Ito ponlblli'jr of
•t.r capturln, a your, aad rljoroui
era* alitor In mid air, on lu nut, or
Ito ,r«und In a fair and *|,i»ro foutrara,
A mud turtto, lu ordlnvy health,
put mr groauA mon rapid)/ than
brick, or aran a mummy; but ttora to
KMOO tor iuppqaln, that It could ,l!d.
onr tto anrtb with .1111101001 caw
rapidity, to cplun any i.tber aort of crow
Ibao on. ttol *•« wlugtoM and tailtoM,
old and todriddau. It to lair, then,
uy Ibat tboa,h tto Midway mud lurtl
to .low of foot It to vond.rful ttcady of
atowich. It bu no qualm. »ton It
ebon n faatUrtoM, dltopbtoud iprcluton
of Ibecawlnf blrdbood wllbln tto loner
toy of It. e.pKlou. Uomoeb. I~
mud turtlm nr* tain In 11,to
bood; tot If anybody too*, when I
to “» dlaabled crow," I '
It would to on .uy tn ,
to do up tto bub
Enucauw ao arid tolly
draught In AUaala daria, iba utaloo
» law, but
willyox, right
among »*UbC people that God made t*
will be thought, towerer, by three
informed in the milter, that it was
affair confined to tbe pings, thugs,
rate, tbvuider-title: § cobin
tioo mansgen, generally, and that great
precaoteoos were taken to evade tbe
Lee, and keep the elect elements tA
fr,m pnUing an end to the
affair. Xcfthiog of tbe tort. The UutsJ
show was more widely
freely and enthusiastically
tLan any religtous zxkoretnctit or
was ever knows to be, among *rbe
pie that God made.*’ It came off is as
public a place as tbe Madison Square
Garden; and was a regular Garden-of-
Eden aSLx to a rut. concourse tA highly
drillaed astires, if we are to place any
icliaaoeia tbe ectbsatariJc acconcte ct
the sfftir, given Is the local papers.
Wby. bless your besdgbteu Soothers
souls, even far-away, glorious Bosum,
city of muses and angew and aU tbe beati
tudes, sent a delegation cf enraptured
aesthetes to gaae epoo
hilarating “mill.* Goto'j Dor.on
©alter of tba oodoeckpo of intemsl
arerei vritk mtttof oa foed aro*3 retdiof
imititx, *rb*. rvigiux kt vlokEure through
p»^ iwanmiraiifi^ *st«jOCt ^ Irili»I.itoB*i t4
tb* iunooeot
area lile Hr
Horfrif, Tlikl vc cordially invite and
government and on
Kbool for ludlaus at Cariiile 1* an atrocious
piece of huBineu. Kven the hocller end colored
rvaiits of the school are mulcted lu the mm
to ♦» Rpleoe.—PkilaUApMa lltcorJ.
Yet, it Is ail “had enough, and contrary
to law," and unspeakably disgraceful to
Um country, but what of all that? It Is
nothing more than has beeu done thou
sands upon thousands of times, since the
Republican# came luto power; aud it la
Just what they hare openly and persist
ently indorsed lu every Presidential elec
tion that has been held slum the war.
The mechanics, poor Uachers, lior.lcra
and “colored servants” have beeu raided
before, in tbe great cause of perpetuatlog
political prostitution by electing Jacobin
Presidents. Uubbell Is no worse '.ban tbe
other pimps and procurers that hava
figured lb the office which lie now fills.
The majority la the present Uorgress was
gained by methods Just as infamous ax
those which Jay Hubbell is now osiug to
secure tbe same result in a future Con-
The Gnlteau booby is now acting
President through methods as vile and as
nefarious as ever secured an earthly trl
umpli; and tbe people remember bow
Dorsey wss congratulated for bla great
skill and faithfulness In placing “Um
soap,” so as to make that result possible.
Tbe truth of ike business is, Jay Hub-
bell’s thamelts* methods are approved by
the Jacobins all over the country, with
an insignificant exception here and there,
amounting t> nothing In ; ‘ *
and Influence. Uubbell is no worse t.
his peity. It will applaud him to the
echo, If success shall follow hts manipu
lations. How can a clean thing come out
of that which fi unclean ? Does it make
any difference whether Uubbell or some
other pimp does tbe dirty work of tbe
Jacobins ? If • party success should grew
out of the work of Uubbcll’s soiled bands
he will staud an excellent chance of get
ting tbe Jacobin nomination for tbe Pres
idency, and Ms wicked wits are sharpened
by his knowledge of tbe fact.
riichty iatu u:i'>rLx,»w'U'i
lHi< order lo *od kf**-A.i CL* •
the throng! «tr* lc^olxy
thorough ftrt*. ordertrj (Lxt'Sjrt
Hut moment ootfl the Gerdt*
picked In ereijr p*rt the
l/m« *lurf It *k» t .uAs'.}
l„„r»Kwvla K, ;rt y\a
could arc tb. 0<bt, era
lit tha Yoortb i>aa«tQ(rw rJWiaH
aver ucdr.vr for towbtoto. Tb. boiw «wra-|
moadoito trfetaloa each t*|H
btobar arbo to aacb c* sj |
about tn ol tbaa. tb^ais wt^asa aari^H
tba (irdab botda Ufa. raw Iw^lf. uA that
rivmcan ba Mfjaaaad lata to tort toBbtftoy
w.ra wiuoatcd la moat aataalmtir. to tba
rclaota rumen ct tLa atftr for* ad tUa.'
treme toda of tba bwHdla* mao tarmad to t*
IKclrol aa eloatlf iMRtfea aa ta Iba tmaoOoaa
alclbltr ol Iba idaltoB, wbtwt tbo wan
lalowed almort Ubo aardtoaa Iw a Wa. Brbalf
■ Bco '■ >H,t tba toitotow aaanad aa ba
|l>ackad aa toll tail woald UM.tM aa a tb.
[crowd wa. Ulrt; wild witb lat.wfiwtw aM dto
rombjrt, to tb. tdaeawaa n bat mm waaw.
Tie toot, will funlabtcMa Mn odito
cajarona that ymanaad lb. ptupu U, wit. tto UUI cf *sto#h, ndtiaan and
brul.litjr betwan Bolbraw, tto BowLow
bruto, and WHmo, tto Eogltob towto. b
au Dot i fatal «f mm; Mltonb
dance, ttot Ito wale of tto •F-eto'ora
r.uwcl toppH/ Is tto etowueb opted era
b/ tbla ab.ta.lra. wtototrow an abund
ant sod dbpapafwb A Braaan aatpbl
tbeatre, In tto daya wtoa alarm natod
(ladlatoratowilatwbb wild twarti bw-dly
tora uitf. tbaa tbmrrltra, oooMaot
ton furalatod • naa wRk tora to oras
It to tin -ItoBton brabratoo.-
Just .bow tto Bortow . attotra nd tto
otbar • • - - -
A Boaclacla.
A |rant mu/ ol tto “Ood uu-mortl-
II/” prop!. Hr. la Ito dtp of Xrw York.
Ttora, dwell In Iraia numb.™ "tto elect
foopl.” among tb. D«tlou of tto eirth—
people who b ' *
r ■
tow w*»
m»t b/u ebnllltioo of temper to fierce
ecu, frighten and detooralUe tto mover.
Bey nadiliia (be temper wraprod. Ttora
th but one otber feature deter ring of
ranine, nod tbia deaelrea all tto no-
wen at-1 tire Hint may be bellowed upon it.
| Tbe dlulogttubed young
J wto prebided over tbe dellberatiotii uf the
omvetilioo (are Ibeltey to tb- combine
--oBdo tto public la bl. illipiteh to Hie cl tto Tent htate Uemocrillc
ooureLtloo. When to flacbedb/ wire tba
information that "we or. burnlablog bur
armor lor IBM” under tto rhetorical
fiourhb au but ill/ concealed tto great
MoaMuailetuara netoftbe CkUCUI.
Tto work bu been done. We don't
rt&iimdSitRbteSalaaad *»»• to predict Ito immediate or future
, „ow cuuio *c
: vilb
To cppotaV* “**»''
c'.iny.’Ci do good. While, In our “pin
ion, from fifty to sixty thousand true men
might he rallied sgslnitbim, defeat would
inevitable u> face of the declaration
Gcv. Bullock, that he Is a good enough
RcpuMicau tor his party, and the an
nouncement of Mr. Speer that “he is my
Democrats can find work to do to elect
Legislature that shall be a guard over
tbe horde which will gather about Air.
Stephens. They can find congenial em
ployment in realigning and strengthening
their lines for a renewed contest with the
Bood Lex cjtOB Each aa variable emi-
Mr. Harris, of Meriwetbrr, further sub
mitted tbe following, which was nnam-
mortal/ adopted:
Tag. By tbla ounces tied, that fur tbe
purprae tA cSccdag a more totajwct aa. thor
ough otgaulaalloa of tbe HonomUc party cf
tbe But. at Georgia the vynem ot ocganicattoa
raowamctoaC by tba waUoaal exed-rttaa
be. on. Otuac ia bcrcVr idoylel by
tba membra «f tba national exacutlre
eutasitloc Hum tbe mate ta mate excOcio
meufbto rtf the Slate exocotire eommittra: Iba
measbtw tf tbe Slate exeoatiTe otwrmlan from
ma] dlatiict rx-etbeio a s
diatriri oommlr-oe: tba
real lies.
w tto poloical toarinp wen
properly adjuated, tbe tote
off gad did lu
with tto rapids/, rrgvlxiily aad
an pot
cb, Ifttolr
enabled to
btraet were
a a tto (rout'd ta atttw tto work gad
to how Itotr droaeo uodcillnji
tteir ncpcaiv. partg.
U wra (Tidal from tto locrption ttot
My. ter^wii erald wttr iieein tto
cm under tto twotldrd. rule.
Ttoometosand and «<(bg/ icta d»-
ctoradtorbdra is coses, wra .11 ttot
onlftotpoiafouif a campgigs
wUA ratty moutra had toes cxUauated.
TW* figra* to could sot ton malnlalood
farorartArauboltoU, if to long, tooc.
k brawn nnnrary to ferae ou the
port/, by tto dartroakm <
of to oMcot god rafrat taodmuba,
tssAidoto fimA whoa It tod been p-r-
ttotaMly pcestoirato tto*. ttora wra no
iffraklrw. Im ptoco U ao oimtlmou.
ail .praftnramt mfiba ofttopMpto,
My.fete,beat sad bin frierde wrrwcoa-
fyocosd by a raUd and tteody bod/ of tto
brat raprararararara of tto Ilaraccrgc/of
Utorfto, dotcimloaf to maxa raw more
efibet to baton of tto toto(rit/ sod aoitp
WttoorpnliMlon 111. km dwcwm/
fra tto purpura cf tb's uticto lo (o Into
os alatorralrat of dMolto. Ito teniU u
low famlUra lo vttrj Ocxwfixn wBo can
read nod ecraprabnd. Tto tstatblid*
nto wra bratoa don lot tto pretest
aodfwnpaupram Ttoaubat,u«>taction
of tto ce.LTcx.tion popraio, to make Ito
najwity nto parmasrLt wu promptly
tab tod by m omstoiaio, ntt,
Tto t* o-Utlyd. rule, tto only tgtopuard
Md protarilow of Ito mloorit/, received
to dMttoblow at tto toad* cf com. who
dttwcknly violated tto direct lrwtyue-
Uoas of tbclr coosiltnenta, and others
wto ratonpraraated what tto/ kiwwto
Im pqp-itr moUskU in Ui ir cwislica
TW# barrter broken '* ‘ *
They should move in the spirit of the
Illustrious Georgian, Montgomery Gard-
•, who, while mangled and bleeding
upon the field of tho first Manassas, ex
posed to the insults cf the men who had
captured him, rose upon bis elbow and
said: “You have the best cf this now,
hut we will give you battle every day
from this spot to the Gulf o»* Mexico.” •
Taking into consideration xll tho means
and appliances hy which this nomination
brought about, we do not consider it
of binding force upon any Democrat In
side or outside ofibe convention. We
claim for ourselves and each member of
the party that he shall govern his action
in this emergency, according to the dic
tates of bis own judgment and conscience.
In view ol the put record of Mr. Ste
phen*, he and his friecds cannot Uk;
valid objection to this position. While
difficult to reallz* in this
xituxUoo, that a bad thing may
made a great deal worse, it is
easy to know and feel tliat a future State
administration for two years cannot pos
sibly te worse than the last five. Wo
shall not leave our chosen position for an
offensive oce, unless driven to our own
protection by the indiscreet friends ot Mr.
In the meantime we shall strive to find
for the readers of the TcLKonarn asd
Mimjcxgkb something more entertain
ing and instructive than the discuaslou of
the vanities aud vagaries of an old roan
who “lags superfluous ou thn stage.”
upon among Congressmen, It
Senators, of course, that any
the privilege of “revising” Lis
fore it goes into tbs lltrvjd In
form—that is to viy, *o
speech than ba delivered, in ori
speaker may appear unto (rise
as a man of great powtr and el
debate. *
lu addition to this,hundreds
that were never delivered at
Into the Itn oril, aud suut
a sliiipie-ltearteii enustfliMii
could nut a nuke a decent
lives depended un It, are
palm off on the muses
bought at an much a psge A 00 * I*°-
fessiutul speech-writer, A « original
oration, and one that ¥>• deBrered with
great power.
But the worse festue whole if*
f*!r is the fact that tbM cppartunle* are
olUiu taken advantsp men M
Robeson, for lust an**, to priut and send
out In the Accord ^ » ^aise char-
seter against partH and individual mem-
bers—charges list were not made when
the speech was delivered. For there, and
other reasons tba! WS * HI *** l* 1 * ® en *
lion, Wd regard the ltKord si a
dishonest publication. It does fairly
or faithfully represent the proceedings cf
Congress. It is a deliberate fraud upon
tbe people. A sense of decency ought to
lorce the members to do away with all
these discreditable practices. Lei every
speech be recorded Just aa it la delivered-
If it be recorded at all. If this rule should
be adopted, it is reasonable. to believe
tbst there would not be so much speaking
in either House; and no one will deny
that this is “a consummation most de
voutly to bo wished.” If a Senator or a
Representative makes a fool of him-
self ouwhe fluor, hie constituents have a
right to know exactly bow bt accom
plished it.
Al W*rX.
The tariff commission pula in a couple
of hours* labor each day at Long Brandi
in wbat are called “deliberative” sessions,
which are secret. The public is given an
hour and one-half daring tbe afternoon.
Upon tbe close of the season tbe commis
sion will take a tour of tbeUoited States.
The New York Timtt says: ,
The friends of the comm!a*Joaeis wiU be
gratified to le*ra that they are coafortsMy en
sconced at the West End Hotel, (hat their ne>
rouble* will *11 be supplied during this hot
her,and that:, they will want for nothing
which the government is able u> pa? kr. Tba
per dlcm commentation of each commbrioneta
10. with expenses paid Uy tb* (ornament,
meuenger, atenjgnpher. a deputy secretary
' two clerks or private secretaries will per*
a tbe physical labor of tbe commission,
leaving to the commissioners thenuelres fall
opportunity for thought and the mental hard-,
•hip* Incurred during “deliberative'' sections.
One of tho private secretaries Is especially (to
talled to attend the president, hr. llayss, white
the othcrdlvldes hts time between Messrs. Un
derwood and Doteler.
I of tbs
i tvsry quarter ©f
fbt fttate who are courageous enough to
’ own audacity, tbe
1 our ft Row-
.1:3 uomi-
k at large. Wa
tars being
_ provided
_, there is more than doubt
if bs can taka Um rest, if efeeted. A cer-
:.?3 Republican Confrere, largely rein*
f'ircsd from rioutliern district-, will sea to
Nr.RseM's Css warn.
It is well known to tbe readers of this
Journal that it was in no sens* responsi
ble for the candidacy and canvass of our
fellow citixen, tbe Hon. A. O. Bacon.
H tbe contest we have felt it our duty
to make, bu in any way Inured to bia
benefit, we have reason to congratulate
ourselves in hating sustained a gentle
man wbo deserves well ol bis party, of
his people and tbe State.
Xu an emergency, when most of tic
kali of men of Geo.-gia seemed bereft
political courage and
dependence, be stood firmly
but modestly In the position wblih bis
friends bad a tight to expect him te as-
considering tbe odds be wu com
pelled to face, ba bu made a record of
witch be bu no cause lobe ubamed, and
bu rallied friends to blm who will net
be slow to seek bis leedtrxblp under fu
ture and happier auspices. Without us
ing the arts of the demagogue, ba entered
tbe convention with a following so re
spectable lo numbers and character that
promised to Insure bis election under
established rules and methods. In the
flret caucus be polled 135 votes, these
were raised te 145 by Ilia neat morning,
aid oq tbe vote ‘ between tba two-thirds
aid msjority rules bis vote approximated
the former figures closely.
In aR be bad more than sixty counties
at bis back, and under tbe contest wbleb
could have followed under tba two-thirds
, bad the strongest assurance
and uuder
manly and
1 hi. hem.
aad conttitaroti iuoa(tr la ail trapeeU
and with (real*/ etolo» apoa Utolr coo-
HdcnUon. A portion ot tto prtw
Utor(iadld dUcrod’l, tod bla
injustice, la Ihdr trcumiut
hi. candldw/.
Now that tto coateat la at aa eu-J, tto/
ma/ lock 7ith clearer rlaloo opou * char
acter adoilrabl/ etjalppod with all Iho
■jualUIra to make up a chief ikKutlT.,
and nut marred by the .moll trick, and
practice* ol tto politician.
Ohio .ri. (1.400,000 cf the riftr and
harbor appropriation grab.
UALiroiurik adllora um MW (old plena
lor poi-r-clcbla. and art ia*j are no happier
than ua chapa wao oaa brick ban.
Thk ballet ('rt.ofParla ora bn aiUlko.
II li prcaumcl their wife, ara not high mooch
to ,-onerp,>nd with lha aktita ol Ut rt'coammra
—U tbey hoTtany aklria.
-Uait. Columbia, happ/ land—It tor*
ain't ciaaa I'll ba d-d 1" wera the WoMa print-
e>l on a board aad atuek op In a Nc« ton tonal/
(ua) mxo'i cotton Bald recently.
Ton Hall.ii (orarmnant It boildlo,
!»° *htpa ol which Ito armor-plain wtub.
Uilrty rlx lachaalnchaaln IhlckacM-afootra
more thicker than ito umorot Ito lallaalhto.
A Dlahoaeal robllmltom.
It uni atnag. ttot Ura Conjreutonal
Accord la a duboocat publication,
rule, Uonraralooal majoritira tn aud.
up of mm who ton aratr woa fain.
A 8t. 1 on. paper hazard. Ila repot*.
in I,a truth and Ttncllr bydeclarinc Hut
tL„n,l,«tcal repona now ihxl at bonjab
r coolaar city In tto Kniud .uln, amlntac
ana or two point! m tto Ttrrrterlta.
-Obrau nkkR” I* what ito/ rail It tn
Indianaii»iu, and lha room ot ih.t city hare
jiut decided that It la not Intro‘•-ittnc- Bra-
where It la known u later, anti to warranted u
mata the arrracr Aramrah hind iwlrn.
A I.AIrt’named Mar, Mljutoh
Had tnoblc tn Itehtiac tto B ah t
Tha wood bain, (Ttcn
»ha uaad karoaitt^-
Sha hu con whan tto laal ia dry ab.
A Fcdcbal court at LtUI. llock, Ark.
tKmffiCffSSRAS? —•
A riKrtnacjrr member ol tto Chtca/o
Board of Trail, toe xml - - '
latter, Immediately no I
»l Charlie Btllea by I •
bla muiir with t "n
'ton tluaa riltea: dal aoaaa ouahl lob.
uaSrtfjyil!!? »»«■•>»« tohl.10
TakWirlnEop* bu born carefully
■tndiad to Ito Worlrt Critu, Ute orcan of tto
AdraritUijln Amarlra. II wdmlla lha dllhcaltr
court, of m
_—. ——tcrca tbe It.,.
the eonraa of rrroo with (ii
I- 1 ** rata ttol lha farnnaai „
other tmltej .Bort ot Ito lUreUt,bar aa-
cah* lo bold tto four winds, •
M*. William CALTka, a mlnia( «-
tori otWaablMtoa, U. C„ la .boat to patent to
"M»aol lha eapfral k; puulacktn
mirror Kvcral a,,nura two}.
A VniBAMAX tb* actor day preieaWd
withdraw K«K?c3dJ?MboSL”*^“?
W 1 l“»T‘‘-U8T8UULk,orBrookl/n,}t
**• rrcenllj dlacorered'
araoug ih* anrlalKal v ngrsgo a« tb* T ‘
liouss, mfcsgo. aUftboreToo ‘
','iitewo, Lawyer and