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(§*jwcg&7 ItWldrr 'avfe Jaucmil & ^ttsssngfcca
f»'J" Trwiuni a!*» M nnan lapubltsttre
• vu^r 4^7, tt^yt WMuif, a&A weekly STsr>
•■‘X^f'.i.av l*4Ultvre*4 by p*rrf*r« In the city
*-■ u/U n4»<m<i frt* u sutwert^rh »t II pc:
f- ts fur Circa asuaJis, II far sis
Ctvantfia. «r t J » y*»r.
Tvt ft’w lt 1j »*i2«<l to subscribers. pretax*
L***. 4t» yaar tad tt iot tlx taoatbs.
W*r'rttas Treason a v-s will bouton Ate»«
t *x» f yw* •su*'* of too lines or >»* for th*
C "tt :->«* «vu. ft»4 C.*xy <■ ilia tor each robs*
rx«5t hiftftrtton. LlWiI r»u* to contrxcvirs
nil? k.Lfi# ooluin advirwAinaats wanted
tel C-o ta*«kly.
il.. r* »***!<•* ttenx. ltrtnxJoi for publication
sc4U Xo fto«>j&r>ftJ!S«d by the wnscr'i nam«
o '-A eddrore. cot for publiwOhui, bat u at
*rw«ioo of food faith.
Kx>\*4 eoauujilcA'.i <*x will not to rotaood
lurfcc: ^o-lotioo ooouintat lwporunt new*
*ct d^ialou of IlTlnc U>vtea, to solicit*-!
I -Ct Btut bo brief and bo written upon bu
nz.a d-t j of tho popor, to taro Attention.
VvvItunroA thonU bo read# hj Kprcss, Monoj
1 •:.•■ ,• /v***-./*.: ...
«aftOMAUMJc*aoa«iho !:.! beA.t.l'w-r! to
4. T. BAIbOb. *»M E n,
IfAcon. UoorsU.
&M iHifiRirB id ksjeksd
still hli song shall be "vindication!’
forever, One and inseparable."
Owensboro Poftf has a'man about
•flown.’” It is not to be supposed that it
—rid bare anything else.
Ten new negro recruit to the troubles of
'West Point can nave a great deal of sorrow
leaving his eara at home.
run in has more than one citizen that
1 honor the Sitte in the Senate of the
ed States, bnt they would not scram
oc the office now—if ever.
is Sultan Is in an evident huff with
ted. The much-married old gentle-
baa evidently been listening to the
of the Russian emissary..
ramot to the effect that Alfred Pa-
voluntarily to retire to private
may be set down as a feeble attempt
ozaor. Alfred Pasha is not in a retir
Lie of mind.
ing i
k bu been blessed with a bo anti
I (revision crop, and the people should
A wait for any perfunctory official pro-
eizatione before returning thanks to the
sdoC the harvests.
press is indeavoring to show that
was the first portion of the Unitod
lee or rather of North Amerio*, to
eciiaaaoe of prohibition. But then
•pened in 1733, and Georgia has had
time sinoc then to repent her folly*
twentieth Senatorial district did it-
aml tbs State a service on >es-
r, by the unanimous nomination of
Fleming G. DuBignon. Mr. Du-
•n made hla mark in the last Legisla
te a wise and conservative lawyer,
me of the coming men of Georgia.
isn't strange that the manager of a
lees’ home," or any other institution,
r Jaoobin supervision, should be man
ta a dishonest manner. Tbs fact is,
Jacobini of the United States were
organized for purpose* of organ
feeft, and they b ive ably maintained
r is rumored that Pledger, the short
pie statesman of African ’Scent, is to
. for Congressman at large. It is a
aeif on representative government,
i have come to a putty pass in Geor
ps when It is even possible for the State
4» he represented in Congress by such
banana Gladhokb has bis humorous
went*. It is to be supposed be was on
sagged edge of a grim joke when he
fastained, in Parliament, that England
i net been making war in Egypt.
•«, he evidently gets ahead of the late
lamented Hayes, or even the French od-
r of the Chronicle.
extents now exercising a censorship
the dispatches from the East, and
ia altered or suppressed, just as salt*
of Admiral Seymour. !!•
r a more truthful man than Sheridan
hnPope, but still it will not do
Implicit reliance on the reports now
■x Hon. W. D. Tutt, of McDuffie, has
k nominated for Senator from his dis-
U Present indications promise that
Senate will be a strong body. Mr. Tott
a already won his spare in tbs Georgia
and U a man of the highest
*Mnce and capacity. We are pleased
««Mfha young men coming to the front.
• “an that doesn’t know that there
•making" that ©ontro’s the bectowment
>ufteMia almost every county In the State
keen ignoramus. We should like to
ttn Dnoeocratlc party reorgaUaed on the
o* hostility to these ring*. In this
«# «lone can the party bo saved from
1 disintegration.
enxa but a finer fruit growing oourtry
he World than Georgia. In the variety
quality of its fruits it U withoct
si in any section on which the son
ms. It is strange that the people have
uocaer realized th-s truth; yet, even
i, they do not fully appreciate the im-
Keutores of wealth that are bound
bees capabilities.
Infninonft leader of tlie House.
The burly buccaneer from New Jersey,
Robeson. Is the leader of the present House
Representatives. A coarse, brutal crea-
totally devoid of scruples or con
science, with a shameless audacity which
palms off as courage, and a flib and
impertinent ipeech.whleh his lacqueys
published as evidences of Intellect-
ability, this man stands abroad and
aloof from those of the put and present
of his party who have won contempt and
disgrace, iu all respects the worst rep
resentative that the people have ever sent
the national assembly. Whilst this
statement, strong itself, mt»y claim to be
softened by the exceptions of the carpet
baggers who were returned by orders
military comniandera, it tnay yet be
justly said that Robeson is a worse mao
than Spencer or Dorsey. It is simply im
possible to place .him In a stronger light
And yet the man we hare feebly at
tempted to sketch Is the acknowledged
leader of Republicsr^jparty In the lwver
branch of Use AmJ^ui Congress,
placed Kclfer in the Speaker’s chair, by
the lowe*t,man in personal and intel
lectual attributes who has ever aspired to
reached that distinction. And he has
directed and controlled that portion of the
legislation of the session now drawing to
close, fat with jobs for the expectant
His career but marks the debauchery of
public sentiment In the section from
which he comes. A briefless village attor
ney, without money sufficient to pay for
the slashing of blatmall stock of shirts,
Grant took him up and placed him at the
head of the nsvy department. So soon as
he could put in his work, he bloomed out
millionaire, affecting all of^he cultured
tastes of tht epicure and gourmet. Laugh-
at the excoriations showered upon
by the public prosa, he destroyed as
as he dared the evidence ot bis vil
lainy and corruption, and defied the In
veetigating committee of a Democratic
Calling to his aid a corps of ready and
willing pimps and det^tives, he attempt
ed to besmirch the character of a repre
sentative from the State of Tennessee, and
even after the fall of the Grant regime,
was powerful enough with his party to
prevent the publication of a report which
furnished indubitable proofs of personal
and official dishonesty. Still reeking with
infamy attached to his name, he hae
been twice returned as a representative
from the State of New Jersey, and is the
leader, the boss, of better men.
Just now he looms Into especial promi
nence by reason of the fact that he has
rushed through the House a naval appro
priation bill, which not only reopens the
disgraceful Jobe of hie administration,.but
which proposes to punish thoso officers of
naval service who gave testimony as
his corruption and his uufltness for the
position which he once held.
It Is a mortifying fact that the votes of
some Southern representatives were re
corded alongside ol his in this matter.
Thrice during the debates of the presont
session he has been denounced upon the
floor of the House as "a liar, a thief and
This was not only the language of In
dignant denunciation, but was the con
clusion of proofs which he lies not dsred
question or deny. Aud yet this man,
such a creature ean be dignified with
appellation so lio.iorable, Is the boon
companion of Southern representatives
and gentlemen. Frequently these men
have partaken of hla lavish hoepltalillss,
which the choice viands and rare wines
which bare given him a gross form and a
red and sensual face were paid for out of
the moneys plundered from tho people.
The New York Sun says:
The only way to make Secor Rcbenon feel the
welffht of hnnert Republican opinion Is to
block hit Jobs. The only way to do that Is to
make it danKtrous (or any Republican Con-
greaAiaaa to oonaort with him or to lend aid to
bto Jobe, cither bv voice or vote.
Toe plan suggested Is a good one if It
could possibly be perfected, but we have
that Robeson not only carries all of
his own party for bla'Jobe, but tbatpor*
lion of the Democratic party which dbes
not consider it danger*
to consort with him, i
meats and drink bis
constituencies may cut <
Every man has the
judge of the compel
mere differencs in
should not nscessarilj
personal association,
Representative who m
social equality a man
has been justly brands
and perjurer,” does a
•tituancy past the pos
The cranky Mr. Tl
Carolina, voted for hla
atonement when be i
It* author.
la view of recent Democratic Jeffer-
Mlea ruling*, it ia gratifying to know
Met «m Senatorial delegates distinctly de-
ffiore that they will not be governed by the
■Mreawf the recent convention. If
estatmd it, this means further that Mr.
BfcyheneU coindor *d, and there m need
gg harmony. The little roller chair
Mter toU this way.
Mm English journalist goes to some
tMM* to show the differkvc* between
French and the American customs
<Mt and solemn occasions. After
toiisl of Michelet the French proposed
**taka the oath." how, under each dream-
^■meeevery time, Americars would need
support of a drink, and the English
Qctr* a different face will be put upon
ffito Failure question if Russia should de-
toca^ne to antagonize the English policy
Aa Egypt. The natural position of
tea robber nations cf the earth is that
aev— -ty toward* each other. Russian
. (§ are Uoabttas already inflaming the
tetfalaof the Mohammedan people of
ted that eighty-pound
Mtn falling about oat West
?: ;»** Mr. Stephens would take groat
yf«»tare .x reconciling their size at J cool-
-*»r» *- .th bM Jeff*rsoniaa theory. We cell
t if • ion to the feet in order that his
te* - *. LaU may not meet with ■
evVSt Southron
Tribune, bnt intelligent people who have
watched this matter closely are Just now
in great doubt if this educationr\l effort
lias panned out anything like what was
expected of it.
One of the data In the great negro
problem, which still stands un-
Cottsn Ntntrinrnt,
According to the New York Financial
Chronicle of the 9°»h Inst., the total
amount of cotton receired up to Friday
night, July 28tb, since the first of Sep
tember 1691, were 4,054,091 bales against
ahip, had in 1SG4, a time of war, only 20 the impulses of mere local pride, or to 1m-
officers in all. Many officers for wbcm pulses which are even less honorable,
sea duty cannot be found are distributed j The injunction, "Thou sbslt not steal,"
through the navy yards. The list of offi- ought to have been of sufficient moment
cere at the navy yards and the pay-roll to have shorn the river and harbor bill of
make Interesting reading. The following ’ some of U« most objectionable features.
6,757,558 l,lei la’1681, >nd * s »lnrt U .table of the »omi»l p»f oflhe inn! j But tbe r«t<5 »1M not >Uod, Tb«ncen
ffleera, at the various navy yards, In
cluding in most cases a receiving ship
also: Washington, $104,590; Doston,
$130,370; Portsmouth, $70,500; Mare
Island, $00,080; League Island, $123,340;
Pensacola, $27,820; Norfolk, $10e,450;
New York, $181,074; New London, $241,-
total, $870,004. /total salaries of
civil employes at navy yards, $370,015.
The salaries of the naval officers at the
navy yards and on board, of the receiving
ships are, therefore, more that twice the
solved In the presence of the statee- 4,800,902 bales In 1880, showing a falling
mansblp ’of tho country, Is that a I off as compared with 1881 of 1,102,597
large lot of young darkies have been edu* bales, tnd as compared with 1880 at eor-
cated up to a point where they despise responding date of 225,911 bales,
work and are disposed to live by their 1 The receipt for the week ending Fri-
wits, so that the product of a elm of Isbor day night, July 28, were 0,120 bales
which ihould .be attached to the soil has against 16,151 bales in 1881, and against
been alienated from it. .110,859 bales in 1880.
Colonel Blanton Duncan Is a gentle- Stocks at the interior towns on last
man prolific of suggestions and expedl- Friday, were 28/270 bales, against 58,277
outs, and he is ready with a couple in this bales in 1881. Stock at Macon on Fri-
Instance. He first proposes that 1 per I day was 781 bales, against 2,774 bales In
cent, of the increased capital of the North 11681 at same date."
per annum be given to educational pur- The total visible supply of cutton on
poses. We fear that Col. Blanton Dun- last Friday night was 1,060,755 bales,
can baa not been In Connecticut suffi* against 1,940,415 In 1881, and against
clently long tojunderstsnd that Northern 11,584,368 bales at aame date In 1880.
capitalists do not propose to devote 1 per I These figures would Indicate a decrease
cent, of their gains to the philanthropic I on last Friday night of 273,000 bales, as
purpose of educating little pickaninnies. compared witl? the corresponding date in
His next proposition Is that William 1881, and an Increase as compared with
Vanderbilt shall devote a cool slice of bia 11880 of the tame date,
many millions U> this purpose. Mr. Van- Middling cotton was quoted In Liver-
derbilt will no doubt consider this cool, pool on last Friday, July 28, at 7 l-16c,
in fact the whole affair has rather a frosty and on the corresponding date of last
air, seeing that Col. Blanton Duncan year It was quoted at 0 13-10.
proposes to use the money of other people The weather the past week has been
to set on foot a scheme of his own. I passable generally, although In Alabama
We are oppressed with a suspicion that I and Gergia there has been considerable
Col. Blanton Duncan Is already engaged rain. The following are the telegraphic
in the preparation of Fresldentlal cam-1 reports from Georgia:
paign literature. We shall expea to see iracoa.-It has rained on three days ot the
this same letter poked under the nose of I i*>t week, and the remainder of the week has
the unfortfinate man whom the national becn The crop U developlag prom-
Democratic party .ball .elect u tu next ' ro “ “
victim for defeat. I c.'r.»4ii..-vre hare had ratoon are day. ol
If Col. Blanton Duncau la really suf-1 the put woek. the rainfall reaching three
fering in mind ovor the heathenish con-1 Inches and five hundredths. We are having
dttloo of the juvenile darky, ,»rb.p, he
' w riucu n iciivr urn KU'i iow,
lu»t what I meant, no one will know;
I'll tali to them all this bestfc . .
For don’t you see, I'm a Joe Brown n
have taught Congress a lesjon which I T J. Kesi fontiiesiate Hennte.
would not have been lost upon the coun- c ®?!* T * Jf ^ of 1IarrIs county, is a
try, ever. If It had f.lled to amend the forthoEooato’
methods of the present ehamelcs body. ^
, . .1 and Lpson. Captain Neal waa a brave
It is due to decency and common honesty ani Mp(lble tt , di , ri , lnM lha w „ ha> be , n
that these annual appropriation bllla lor on eIten , iv , auJ roeM-w plnnter , and j,
rtvera and harbor, abould become whet IDU ,| Intellect and of the very hlgheat H " Si! th'.mw'bot ttotafte tact,
aggregate of the whole amount paid to they wsre intended to be—honest expendl- character. The district embraces one of h want the office and don’t you forget,
civil employes.” tares of a general land for the general the best sections of Georgia in population, | Thal I'll be governor °f deorja yet.
good, instead ot electioneering documents I wealth and intelligence, and Captain Neal
for the renomlnatlon of Congressmen | would most worthily represent it.
—Gen. J. E. B. Stuart’s widow is
principal in a Virginia icminary.
. „ , .. ... , | 73, the highest being 90, and the lowest 63.
can he relieved. By the aid of hi. friend nn.,»ined „n5vad.y.„! the
Gen. Butler he has secured valuable pos- past week, and tho remainder of the week has
sessions confiscated by the Federal gov-1 been pleasant The thermometer has ranged
eminent on account oi his aid to the from M to M, averaging 79, and the rainfall
„ „i,.. I reached two inches and thirteen hundredths. government, in patting mile. h .„ hld g00d ,
of gold lace on the sleeve, or the coat, of „„ d ,„ th , ,, ut nl „ !tU reach
the army. Let him open tho game aud I ing one inch and flfty-aeven hundredths. The
lead off with a school house or two, and I weather to warm and sultry. Crop aooounts
perhaps William Vanderbilt may consent are favorable and cotton 1. developing enoour-
* * . I amngiy. Tne gram crop is largo and almont
“After scanning the immense sums
which we pay for the privilege of having
a navy, one would naturally suppose that
the establishment was all that It should
and yet the ships for the most part are
bulks, tubs and Iron pots, and the officers
not bettor in their way.
When that bold mariner of the Wabash,
Dick Thompson of Hayes's cabinet, was
about to resign his portfolio, he ordered a
grand naval review and inspection in
Hampton Roads. The newspaper repor
ters who went down to see, sent back the
startling aud mortifying intelligence, that
every ship was disabled or aground be
fore the maneuvers began, for lack of
seamanship npon the part of their officers*
And this was in harbor and in play.
Wbat would have been the result In bat-
and at sea Imagination will fall to
reach. Secretary Hunt was welcomed
with a somewhat similar show at the
s^pie place on the occasion of a review,
and yet the people are called upon to
put up twenty-six millions of cash for this
concern in the coming year. *
to chip in.
Tbc Fruit Display.
The same sun which has ripened and
mellowed the luscious specimens of fruit
displayed by inemberi of the Georgia
procedontcd. Tho thermometer has averaged
| 77, ranging from C8 to 92.
Atliintj.—Telegram not received.
meat Dtiar
Since George Fra
longer to talk, Col. I
entitled to the floor,
known in political tin,
Col. B'an ton Du&ear
to the d-feat of the U
Ual nominee by making speeches, writing
letters and suggesting
sure victory, and as he baa Tor soma years
abandoned "Jeffersonian" methods and
caunot, therefore, be expected to take part
iu the Georgia camp;
have something to do
It is Impossible tl.s
•n be qdiet, an
enough financially n<
have paying ideas, be
to be mischievous.
But the other day
Duncan was revelli
rabbits, tarantulas at
of the Texas prairie
him at Fairfield, Cot
of the Turitans aud a
steady habits. Ac
steadied himself long
a good long whiff of]
It* Inspiration be wr!
editor of the New
which he ponraout the sorrows of his soul
over the uneducated little darkies of the
South. He says that the condition of the
Southern negroes Is
old ones are too old
kerning, but that the young ones should
be caurht and LnUU
The prssi tloas 1
•ucccssfnlly disputed, but if Col. Blant
ts* taken the trouble to titmice Into this
subject be should know wbat is true, that
notwithstanding :b* feet that tl* white
people of the 6omb own most of t'aepcox-
erty and do Most of tbevork, if* young
negroes tre being eJoeaUd In tt* rudi-
cb more rapidly than tt* young
A Top-IIeavy Navy.
The United States possesses a lot of
Horticultural Society, now In session In I ships good, bad and indifferent, which are
our city, has driven many o! our people I supposed to represent a navy. Most of
away to country haunts and waterlog them can scarcely carry their armaments,
places. Still there are plenty left to be and all of them put together would not
greeted to this beautiful and Interesting be able tc float the officers, attaches and
exhibition, and to-day ^should send out employes of the naval establishment,
men and women to keep company awhile The tact of the matter is that this gov-
at leaat, with the exhibitors and their as-1 eminent does not require a navy. If it
slstants. Wo have not attended an exhl-1 did the pcoplo would long since have
bitlon of this character before and con*-1 compelled the construction of one. The
quently cannot write as by comparison, I whole naval establishment is a huge and
but if the display strikes ns being smaller I disgraceful job. Hundreds of useless of-
In quantity than it should be, we can I fleers and sub offlceis are supported by
truthfully say that it lacks nothing m taxing the peopls, and the navy yards are
quality. All of the fruits of tho season, I used as political headquarters to mtln-
with tho exception of the varieties of fig, I tarn Republican ascendency in certain
and from different sections of tbs State j Congressional districts.
represented by the very cboic-1 Having no outlying dependencies to de-
specimens. The peaches, pears, I fend and look aller, and the policy of our
apples aud grapes are simply guperb. government bslng naturally defeusive and
Last winter at the Cotton Exposition a I pacific, a few swift cruisers with light ar-
mining expert, alter a critical examlns-1 maments are all that we need in the
tlon of a table of minerals gathered from I shape of a navy. These would look after
along the line of a Southern railroad, re-1 our commercial interests in foreign lands,
marked to ns, that he saw in the rocks I aud npon there ships such officers as might
before him a promise of wealth more I be needed from time to time could be
than sufficient to settle the national debt, trained in their duties.
As we looked at the magnificent display I In ease of war our dspendeuce should be
of fruits all grown npon Georgia soil, and I upon harbor defenses In the first place,
ran ovar in our mind what such fruits I and upon the people of the country in the
were worth In actual cash over and above I second. Our military and naval schools
the power they have to givo pleasure and I are becoming great and growing burdens
health to oar peopls, we became satisfied I without compensating benefits to the
that Georgia In her capacity to produce I country. We are educating too suny army
•ueli multi bu bidden In bu M tl I »nd u»t, oBlcen. and earn, ije^m ebonld
weelth far peeler then thet contained In d«Tl»ed to leuen expenditure*. There
the gold mine* of Cellfoml* or her own ** “> >°"S«r eny eetue or reuon In the
cotton crop. All thxt is needed Is more >»»• miloa has pown Into law,
men of entsmrlse. Industry end jadsment. Ilhst gives each Congressman the prirl*
like thou who here made this dltpley. keeping e cadet et West 1-olnt end
And by factoring end encouraging thle Annepolie. Ifthwe schools mint be kept
horticultural society, inch inen will be I U P» ^ 10 efete* should be compoud of one
found end forced to the front. U™™ «<* State. The graduates from
An aero of Georgia land that will pro- ‘M* would meet all of the de
duce such peaches, apples, pears, papea *>°th branch** of tb. service,
and radon* astro dlspliyed bero Is the and w« thonld have betterofHcsrt for the
equal or any land npon wbtcb the tun I "»*o n thsl the selection would be smaller
casts a shadow. And land which will I ani * better.
produce sack result, will not only gtvs a I *^Xn<> *Mch haa tbs most powerful
comfortable home and Uvlnc to tbe man navy in tb. world, trains tb. offlesrsto
who will cultivate .nd cere for It, but I command it by tea service on ber ships
will suable blm to accumulate more rep. I ,rom **>• Um * *4 10 l *"
Idly than th. earn, amount of labor ea-1 instruction.
pended tn say other pursuit. CsnlUl. Just now tho Senate and tbe House are
which often vainly seeks for previous » l over Robe.on's uavtl ipproprie.
metals in mountain chains or river beds. I u «n bm > vUch conn Mn> * flt PO“iblli-
or which propoeee to doable Itself in min. »!*• Job* thievery. Tbe
Ing coal tnd the heavier ores, or which »«“»<$ trimmed Its exuberant sections
looks for fabulous profits from tbe looms I with a free blade, but the House stands
which weave our great staplo Into cover. I “ ier “a » committee of confer-
ini for million., will lad a cafe and enrt I * M * ** *“ There will b. a com-
return If placed in a fruit farm where th. I Promlee, bat at lb. end of It we will still
•oil Is el'that Is desired end tb. climate I 1 * hampered with a top-heavy navy,
•o propitious that failure of crop, it al- DuriB » lh * discussion some facts weie
most Impossible. I .belted which tuattln our position.
And is we looked admiringly,we might I T* Merrick, the attorney for th. line
almoet say lovingly, at thla display, tbe I ° artn before the Senate committee, aub-
qnttllon suggested Itself, why do we never “ble comparing the numbers of
tse such displays of fruit save at horticul- offl « r * ,n British and American navies
tursl fairs or In the show-windows or tom* ln “>• duItr * nl of line and engineer
fruiterer In a gnat dty, where a pear, a ° new *- T b« tot * u , however, were
peach or a bunch of gripee la almoet worth I 00 * * i,ea- Tb* commlue. footed tbe
it. weight In gold t Why should not the I colamn * U P »" J found that England, with
stands of the small vendors in our markets I :M1 <tc * m ™* cU ln salve service, hu
and on oar streets be loaded with the 11,554 line offleert and 717 engine**,
choicest specimens cf our fruity With I white the United States, with only thirty-
more frult-ralscr* end more Intelligent I eight steam‘veaaela In active service, bu
cultivation these questions will be tails-1 1,004 line officers and 570 engineer*,
factorily and plauantly anewered. We I Adding line officer* and engineers to-
have never aeon tbe Urn. In Georgia whan I gather for the lake of a comparison, Eng-
ln any market good fruit would not con-1 land bu 2,671 Is all and tbe United States
mend a good price. 11,47.1. Or, in other words, while the
If the example of tbe members of this I United States bu only t little more than
eociety shall Indueeothen to follow in a I one-tenth u many steam restate u Eng.
pursuit not only honorable, hot pleaunt I land, It bu about six-tenths u many Iras
and profitable, then will com. along I and engtnevr officer*. Tb. English navy
aome man who will plant orchards for I averages, according to thla table, a little
home consumption, end not with an eye I more than Ive line officer* and two engi-
to early varieties tndWortbero markets. I seen to each eteem vessel In active servlet
And perhaps the harrfy eeedllnc peach 1 while tbe American navy averegm twenty-
tree, will come Into fashion tgtln, which I right line offions tnd tan engineer. II
were one. u healthy u a blackjack oak, I must be apparent that this number of offi-
and eootlmud to bear sound fruit for a I cere far exeetds the needs even of amuck
generation. I enlarged navy. It la well known that
Looking at the mulls already accom-1 the ships afioat an ovmtrowdad with
pUsbed by a few patient and Intrillgeot I offiecr*. becanu all art anxious to gat eea
mtn, we ean tt* how th. lnfinenct of this I pay, which It Urn highest, andthanumbsr
toctaty it to branch out with Its benign I or thou who cannot bo snppllsd with
Inlhunca far Into the future, and bow the I ship., and are Hallooed oa shore on vs-
fruit cron of Geoegs may yet aurpau In I rtous duties, is very large,
vein, all of the otton that is new gall,-1 The following were the eetlmatet made
trod bom ber broad fields. I for offictn of the fiscal year ending Jon.
; Iao. Mbit Wt cthccia oases doty,hip.
1 ;*4«oor!. re and other duty, $ly
TSS^Otii Mi. watting orders, H0S.700;
n»j temW) CoL Dlentcn Dnccsn
•tan tt* efliser cf tlw New York
"the BriiubllranCodtcdIIod. j
Our special dlspatciies from Atlanta 1 „ „ a „ , r
giro full details of tb. Republican con- », ». m.rlon Ea,
ventlon, assembled on yesterday. jattVasblnstonornear'boutthere:
it teems that riedpr , n d th. negroes ( B ffl5SSkd W SSl5Sa?ro3l , not a,r
have rebelled sjaluit llie white syndicate. |
The latter, with what follower. It could
dispatches Inform us that the House bts I command, bolds a meeting of its own,
pasted the tbiraeleu bill over tbe veto by Whisky, wool, bad air and worse Ian-
a vote of 123 to 00, and the Senate will I E“*S a are being mingled, and to-day will
probably follow suit. This Is to be re-1 he rich In developments
gretted. Tbe failure of the bill would
A pliable conscience will and c
ind HU with e*»e the aovernor** chair,
And mostly play ••wnlft" while staying there.
My record,! hope, will not be told;
They will have pity, as I’m getting old,
And not let the dear people *ee
How many things could be told on me.
An Exemnlnry knn,
that are effective end vigilant only as I
plunderers of the public treasury. I Qne of onr cleverest subscribers, Mr. Jo-1' SsmnaTp?RIcTwill he «
It will be Idle to look for any reduction j M ph Melton, is not a small man in any I dependent candidate for Congress in the See*
in taxation in this country until the peo-1 tense of the word. Some peop!e merely I on<1 Alabama district,
pie shall elect a Congress araalority, at exist, but ho lives—lives at Woodbury, I.. Wak-bun-a-kce, second chief of the
lliell Wa l.AnA,i I Vfupinralliliv iwnnf,' on/1 wminlia 10V hAnui 1 «. CCy^ O ^
i, waa among the visitors at the
least, of whose members ihall be honest. Meriwether county, and weighs 325 honest, I iioum of commoniafew days io.
More than four hundred million dollars | Dimocratio pounds, whether awake or| —Tlio condition of Mr. Chas. B.Clis-
have been
for 'adjournment even'now," unm'many | lionwben “ “ m “ ,0 drinkirl 2-1 -paries' Dudley Warner has dls-
more t
ujouniuicUh nr., uuw, umii lumuj a man who haa to give an account, he covered tha the" FIr »t FamUy of Virteila,
nests have been feathered by addl- I.... .,, m . . ,, about which such a racket has been raised, wi
. , tt i o < I keeps his barns and smokehouse at home, I one John kaydou. a laborer, who took unto
tional ungodly raids on Uncle Sam s ^ flUa tbem hog an(1 0 f himself a wife and helpmate named Annie Bur-
treasury. It Is time for the people to call own rising. He is the most snooetsfol l^’t. i. •nn.nrUativynU- ih.t n, unless Utey have a fondness lor f , rmcr In the cornty, end thU It no .mail I wiidi l^a’ taSSS w Mr \\ hUU«. m
being robbed. I glory. It is said that when he goes fishing. I course of which he declared: “These people re-
M he sometime, dow, h« finds a bole that SJJutad.T'i'SSXq&im Umta
fiuita his pnrpoM, lies down oa ths bank, I lean fool enough to take you se lously. 1
Yellow Fever anil Nniskc BUe.
Those who have taken the trouble to
interest themselves In the matter cannot
have forgotten the utter hclpfeisneas of
tbe medical faculty In the yellow fever
epidemics which have visited the South.
Tbe death rate has In every instance been
alarmingly high, and the doctors seem to
have learned noth’ng from experience.
Tbe treatment of one season hu not been
that of another, but no matter what
changes and experiments hate been made,
the result hu been the same always—
death. Some people get well; it is an
open question if any treatment hu yet
been discovered by‘which tbe disease may
be arrested and placed within the bounds
of the other ills to which flesh Is heir.
During tbe last fearful epidemic of yel
low fever iu the West, a Doctor, whose
name bu escapod os, but who resided
somewhere ln Alabama, declared that
whisky wu either a cure or a preventive
of the diuase. It hu been held that
whisky drinkers were most apt to be at
tacked when exposed to tho disease and
most likely to die; yet ln the fall of 1870
in Savannah, many persons attributed
their escape from tbc scourge to tbe fact
that they used whisky freely. The wri
ter recalls tbe fact that upon a visit to
tbe city during tbe height of tbe plague,
several citizen* were met who were load
ed heavily with the beverage, who had
always been of most abstemious habits
One of these, who had never before in
dulged In alcoholic stimulants, said be
wm enabled to drink large quantities of
whisky without producing any ill effects.
It would appear like adding fuel to
flame* to do*e a mart with whisky whose
pulse Is beating with the force of a trip
hammer, but there may bo virtue
treatment. A writer lu tho London A’a
lure hu been discussing this question !i
learned way, somewhat too technical
for the general reader. He leans to the
Idea that there Is a similarity In the pol
son of a snake bite and that which pro
duces yellow fever. He say*, in conda-
Ilolna Power*.
The name which heads this erticlo is not I roll* in. This knocks all the wa-1 —jj r , Mason, M. 1*., expects to bring
one which the world has delighted to S^rjshU h flsh °Mrriu'SS^homaSS 0X1 'women’s rights question before Part la-
tv* A n --a v*ww- th.! «k. s.««M 1 1 a a ,Us au ,W €m h °me and 1 ment break* up On whatever night the rvao-
honor, we do not know that the a ght of I gets them on the table, while an ordinary I lution to Introduced, Mias Lydia Becker, sur-
in print, the whispering of it in secret, I man would be getting ready for a bUo. rounded by a bodyguard of "women’s right-
it. _* * a .1,0 I Tho TruiGB-irn and Mts-rsoMt wishes I ere * ■» the Strong-minded battalion Is called
the proclaiming of it from the house-1 there WQre m ,u ion wch men in tba gtat0 by the London roughs* wUl march In procession
tope would awaken in a single breast even I . T . I to the House of Common*,
a passing emotion of interest Or if by Goanui has this to say of the great "Jef-1 —Hobert Bartlett and Frank Green,
any chance it .bould roddjnly be oblitere- feraonmn": SKe^nd'thToU.crV’cwSiSn .w.mS!
ted and swept from the fsee of the earth, | There is no reason to apprehend the defeat I ed Thursday last for the highway robbery *
heard a single expression of regret. And I he definitely ascertained before election day I in tjielr outfits were found masks, tdstoKrhio-
yet tho name of Bolus Powers deserves n lh »* lhe bourbon nominee U an organised rofonn, and a well dirtied collection of dime
• - • Democrat, be will stand a fair chance of being I nove z* , _
elected. As wuo .ce said of another, it would I eminent
sens. If to b* original in thought, ready ,*",7 r..V .nl Vh«n-h ^«nttot, shows that the dangers of bal!...
I bevery dimcult for any party door through I >re exaggerated. In England there have been
in invention, daring In execnUon and mon- which Alexander If. Stephens should decide I only slxTleaths in some £ooo ascents, and four
omental in ’cheek," is to deserve fame, I to pass to catch his coat tails u he closed it be- of t»*w« deaths were due to passenger* Jump-
then Boln. Power* bu merited a high \ bind Mm. SS
place in the opinion of his countrymen.
Bolus is professedly a "poor sickne-
AJViua M pivicimeuiy a pwr bic*. ue- i Tuss* is ft grand law of componution I around the car lines would have prevented
gro, nearly dead with consumption” and a ,n a^ore, as we shall proceed to illustrate I *““•
native of Atlanta, who, aooording to his beyond cavil or qneitlon. Tbe flnt pr re
own statement, he* succeeded to swind- PM* -bleb met onr eye in the freshest
ling /erne gcod women ont of $10, and, exchange on yeaterdty w*» the following:
being nomewhnt elated over his «nccw, 1 “Rnbinstaln will play the piano no more
tries to mike a good thing ont of it It in Poblie." We had rearedy gotten
seems that in Bolns'e early youth he we* I Ibrongh offering silent bnt heartfelt
watched by n delioato bnt sentimental lll,nk! *® ““be, when just Ulow we
mother. And being iqlrnng from a dolloata d «>PP«l this r “Csrl Schnrx will go
mother. Ana being .prong from a doliosta ““ no ™ TlIK p,| ntlnl! 0 , tbe ceIutt3 report of
mother, Bolos Inherited along with eentl-1 “ tecturo tour next winter. And ““r i°71 isaowtUcnet 11,000,(00.
mentality aoongh. Now at this point Bo | wa9 turned into mourning. j The seml-annna! dividends psyablo in
Ins makes a surprising statement, namely, * | Do.tonlnAu*mt«greg»to,s.M. '0.
thst his mother was sdvieed to keep him Tn,! nb,enc0 of th “ Rnseian delegate Exouasd owns 170,000 shares of Iho
in the open etr. Now, enyone who taM. fe-** ■‘-i-ST?J
twelve-yenrold nigger knows that it would
don thnt Russia intends to assume a hos-1 Kn , ur ,« 0 [ j v, u , n
have been far more remarkable lf‘.'h7hnd 1 ettitode toward! England, on the East- Auoso tho wickedness denounced by
been advised to keep him in ths house. I em < l Qe,t,on » the shape of a some-1 tho recent FN* chuirh asscitely of Scotland
n . l . t, . V . a. , I what definite atatcmecL The liplief e I w**admiring of the works of nature c
Bat whllo Bolus was leading this open wnat a ®" nua JM be ‘ 1#r “ a I the SebUth."
air life beoontraofed the bsbit oIwanderiBg reasonable one. If it prove to be well-1 aSpbisofixld Jlri>ublic'tn !«•.. ... 3
over battle-fields. Not content with going grounded, then pandemonium will break discovered ; l>redvUl# chnrrh la which Is con- .L. e-u.« t i. k looee. The American mercecarlcs will *plcuoaalydtelafad_ the .. .. n 1: I • a*.- 'o
over th. seeneo of the fighting around At-1, Tb * Am.ricmxx rnwreetarie. srill
Innta, bo donbtlesi wintered off to ^ lh oWp * TiiEelcctrle light Is maktof its way
Bun, the First and Second Manases*, Get- ““ banters, a, theydtd Egypt. Somo peo. ja P | d i, «~inrt alt enmpemnrs The gr„a
- ——- — I ■'"> »“>* *bB» to kick. | ISStttJHg'*1
for 5.tei Edison lamps.
tysbnrg, Bharpebnrg, Chanoellorsville, per-1
hap* over the entire gronnd of the Valley
the course of some rapidly fatal tropical fever*
and a snake bite, than thereto between that In
Jury and hydrophobia. The Inception of
morbific agent—thoush of what nature,
through what channel, la uncertain; the al
most Instant development of acute symptoms-
for, if there is any period of latency, It must be
a very brief one; the Intense disorganisation of
the economy produced within a few hours; the
nearly inevitable termination In death—all
suggest a comparison which will not be thought
strained or far-fetched by tnoee who hare wit
nemed the progress of these appalling diseases.
My friend Dr. Falrbum, of Rio de Janeiro, who
has probable seen more yellow fever than any
olive, and who has certainly met with
greater success In his treatment of U than any
other physician whoee experience has been
placed on record, called my attention to this
tblanre, with which he had long been It
pressed, living In a region which afforded
plenty of opportunities for observing both;
much so, that he expressed a conviction that
many points of Identity of proems and morbid
anatomy would eventually be revealed. **’
last wonts to me were: “Sow, mind, If you
ever discover the antidote for snake biles,
you’ll have acme for for yellow Jack."
It leems to be pretty conclusively set
tled that whisky will cure tb* bite of the
venomous rattlesnake. If tt* quoted Dr.
Falrbnro wm right, then w« must be near
to a discovery of a cure for yellow fever.
Over the Veto.
Yestentaj’e piper contained PmUlent
Arthur’s veto of the nver and harbor bill.
Opinion wu divided as to whether or not
he would refuse hit signature to it; but
tbe matter waa eritled hj, as we think,
proper and manly veto. We ar* not
the habit ot indorsing lb* official acta
rrerident Arthur, for the reason that bis
views and onr* are not often in accord
matters of Federal concern. However
that may be, we bare no hesitancy In
dotting 111* refusal to approv* ot tb* mon-
stroos river and harbor ull recently tent
to him for approval or rejection. Wblto
It contained many faelom that com
mended It to tbe favor of right-thinking
per*oqs,itwaa alto to full of objectionable
and evtn outrageous ones as to make Us
final and effectual defeat a matter of pa
triotic hope. It was fall of the boldest
and moat Inexcusable Jobe. It wu
leaded .Town with absurd luma, with
diahomet grabs, as to JuaUfjr tbe denun
ciatlon of the whole
nothing lees than a bold
open attempt at robbing tbe trees
It it telr to say that
least half of tbo Immense appropriation
of eighteen and a half millions of dollars
Utay strwt Faith-eon to-night." 'the first
of the month ta here esdwewoald like
to ask the muting to plea* request
thatamjbwiybeetltad away from town,
thet cotton feten. drop eboatenebeadicd lottery tick* may
draw. In any o« throe eases mu faith will
wee lor purposes plainly not cootempletad
by tho coMtltotloc—pnrpoeee notltee ab
surd than would he thst of building
nsvy yard at Atlanta. Tbe objection, cf
the President to the bill, on Lhil SCO.**,
are unanswerable. Wc believe It alto*
capitally doubt if there would ever be I ot the Rcpubllren party ot Oeorvta. If It can I
s mad. to itand Rinl/lellv-
vlotent wind. A conple of cords twined
Down to hu msec, below doth he
let tall the apple green.
They grip the fruit with nol.yflee,
Just wrested from the lie,.,;
But soon with grim tensclty
The sppte green grip. them.
campaign, and as be wandered around ho I In ^”‘flu™?™. i!^ 1 itata.7in i, ta i At A ■OOTHXVftta boy of Tort Jackson,
picked up the dosdly bullet, and ktased i n * ont o eomargirlne "Istcsmcn in At. in. put uckaom
them again and again, declaring that the, , I ‘, U “ 0 , r * ‘ban Probable that some- fSro frigredre.t.urpriw
had bought his liberty. Boln. says that he bodl ' * U * * lncl “ Locio * J ’ °“ trel1 " m
, . , * * , ' . not reject the recommendation" of three I
picked np war bnllets. Me most con-1 -w.—,.,—..i.-uig,. v,, tnnrAU ._,,i 11 auiuiit nsiiy a rquauoi soiuicra pang
fen that this wm bad management on hla I eYeffinff* pompot*darkies. No morewould I |hrougll Ht t ^ elr t „ i !n , ir ,. 11M .
part. It wonld have been much more cos- •omebody eleo’a Uneie Aleck. Alfred Pa- mvnt at Jjevmworth. The tosNicas n P -
venfent to have bought his bnllefs at whole- aha do ®^her, on a former I JJ, *'Jm ,horUy Smt iLESf*In*lhe* wniie^
,le. occasion. The outlook U anpromisingly I tiary.
Having gathered hla material, the nsxt I Coffee ia rooating entirely too l Tkxwuszk ha* nine daily papem, of
■Un is to label hfe relica. He docs not sav. considering the shape of his bead and | which four are for Rato, the rsentltotiiiK Dcm-
but we .uppuM bo hs. bnlleta from Th«- “>• predominant, of nnssnctlfied white In SKuwmdlf£S5S3rMn,tLh,!"^rH:
having halted hi. trap, hla month watering 1 «'. «»that somi of the papere m try- Oxx of tte Brlttab officen ln tl,« licet
for tb. good thing, in store for him, bo |D *
waits for a victim, and does not welt long. w ' alh " *°' h * f “****" ** r * ‘-o'" 11 '.hsthsdhren redereri to to ejhor. for some
Bug to th. gnllel«. Bolus, the Id *» !SS^J!?m 0 .ure',
For, according to the gnllelus Bolus, the —* “““““ — *». — most vrmkms,,:,. e
Xord sent i lady and a carriage to minis- fact that raja ^f the moon h-ive bren hla mistake.
tor to him, bnt the lady came very near in-1 ^ ^ lyyM alfWWSi lid htoiifel | ^Tnt sword fell from the statue of King
T>.mPrt In ffi Ur .imlUrliw M«„.n WWUB, DC 1 UN May HUM VOTF BSOI IB- I ,—" ' 7" 7 . a lie inuru icit irom uie manic oi Klllir
Ttrereuatar^-tarrirnttaritytatwren ,
LOMferaaa omen.aaka the London
hi, that the Orange dominion of asetnden-
— “ “ *• any rate.
... ~ A . . ~ ... t _ t t | in* uw u« euij^uig urann mij a»
•tick her for ten dollar* worth I
poor, dying, wan, oomumptlve, liberty- <
him. H.ertlwe Timtt! Boor Hanky I ISU^Tbe domainalXimMBvadtad KortWroitattare“75-
1 a hard time ganarally. Whether the old I TwttRT-KlonTmonBualsn Hebrews
lady la .taking to atone for the ,1» of the JJS? Snte l, HrtS? am
put, oc la merely ln a “holiday humor,” loriety.'buy in . mtamhle eendWon
-dlny ) .dck.u.l. f ,wn n i | , i .if i j, t
prrerntinc a va*t nnprnvf ment on their ao-
they landcd-TThe soekty, afif
Three tojplemjr of nilsrM In Oeonte^for a |
bot th«i Htatu will not have ws do not know.
put Bot at the lut moment .he ret. I without prodoetog eny vtalbl. effeeton th.
Boln., and though be ia too medeet to ad-1 m0 *l **“*!][* thermometer.; and breanre rr.jcU.C- y
mil he ia “mashed,” eto nlnnta and rof- | »y | y.» | l , «««*l»Uag , wlbattt«niO!» | . g.'lflfgSg?. ^
fere him to .Uek her for ten dollar, worth 'rithoBlootatare, andwnhcnl, etr most peucsbly in norUwn. I,cl v,.i.
of relies. m "• dbqxjeed to believe that the moon Av o!d Scotch lady, who hu no relish
Bulat IU. point provldenc. forukes | •“ nothingtodoilth^lt.
“A Fxjnnxa eoenty calf hu two dtsllnrt I sntbcm; Isfrtit reng th.t aa/iUm lottutl ” ' *to
printad his victim’, nem. wrung. I Sfu.V^
Th. angel of ull in the pereon of the New '" r
York 7Vm*s prononncea him n fraud, and , ** | ,, ‘ , “ otor y etptanstlon of this ana. Womrv In our largo cities, .... i...,, iiAin. q1l „ •“»! tavishneuon lhepertof dsmenatnre. . islly in . nh.,. i , „■ i,i.i.
Urings “re no longer hanky, Bolu. The h, thllI4ttrl| ,i n , , , ,
hewtle. Flaws boldly proclaim, thnt th. | ^ th(l[C „ . .nltehrifer namml lo who |
wm defieient in Ibis respect, i
loving negro it a Uu end there to no truth I msatalb'.'' 1 ' Vi ’ ' " • ' ' --i
tat him. Heartless Timm! I’oor Hunky b >'gxdfita* and other_tos«ta, took | uuu u.l f .r . n- n tyiwBritereio.
one, for all that.—More* TtUeroph.
How do yon know? Name aome cf year
finS-class men and let oa see if one of them be
not elected.—Chronicle mnJ ConttUuti+n*lts4.
Aiulv-dozex Macon Irreconcllablea are de-1 •«:pi
.dozen" Macon Democrata who do not | Owaiony Is arranging to lay the long talked*, t
J.aaBtat*. N.J.nsmmond, Msrtln I mtuan u,.,,D, mocrtc , in th# Jefcno- JSSGrTto^^??M # 5a!' b rtL2S
J. Crawford, Bam Hall, Ex-Gov. Smith, L lftn qn4rt enp of the Chronicle. Tbe I richer on the Maryland shore or «t N\ w v.»rk!
°i£: .“"-ached. „ thelettarsentenceu wor- (
con, Jndg* Lawson, Wm. E Smith, Judge
McCntchen, W. P. Price, Jodge
John D.Btewsrt, Ben Yancey, Jadge Jack
*• thy of ito origin. It U gTaUfying to know, wlU be wvmanreitTy ket.t •« ,*« ladcpen-
Hanselh bowevor, that a slop-over Jeffersonian or-1 JjKcrlbtLtorxafy'biruSref 'rs^lM
John D. atewart, Ben xaneey, Jadge Jack l ^ coords Democrats the right to vote m I *, irw rntj Cre cents a wont,
eon, and otlMre that might be mentioned. I p j MMa ottbeniatorial MUWIen wttb I
Any one of tbeu men wonld make a good HpMr , F-ton ^ Uwshe appears to he wtibth.lrore— ,4 hortesm it u £
Senator—on. thst wonld nfiaet credit on taring . .. U be«lljlBg” .fieri on the 1st. tu, rsie.
the party and the BUte. | u^bon organ. T,,E of peach baskets hat
a | fcJSeti weseBMMlebi hate'L s''f*™ ll “
Tw« Congressional convention of U*| lx England the policy ofamawriM* I thgeost from**, lo Si ?tou."?he l lnM ln of'aff
foarth diatrictmet In West Point yesWr-1 protectorate over Egypt i* boldly annoonc- LV.ttKreuMhIhaem.r?Seat'
day. That tt* proceedings will be lively, I ©cL Whatever may be the doebu cast fire, rtqnirt-u.f thcxTuwuof u.'-i^ac-h trail.*,
1 redyced the price to a mo-lt rate figure,
'— ----- - hundred. Along tbe
goes without Baying. We ahoold be very I npon this matter by thaaMumoi hreita- ^ ^
glad to know that a good Democrat will be I tion and pretended uncertainty of British I renlmmlre raUroada three a r '
nominated, without the bittemeea that I diplomacy, there can b« no reason to be-1 tn“*»«tiii5tMs2y Srtog'tu 1
generally characUrisea nominating eon-1 lieve that England aims at anything Ires. The bottom* and are m*ie of lUrrU
• 1 - 1 -■* stoves from the D
tests in the foarth district. Democrats I We believe that tbe attempt to carry this
will not be able to take many risks In I purpose into execution will bring on a gen
this year’s Congressionsl contests. j eral European war. 11* Czar of Rn^ia
finds abundant reasons, outside of Ihoee of
Gonavn Don has completed U*e design a oommereUl and territorial character,
for a shield representing Peaoe and Coo-1 tir welcoming each an event. There is
cord." He ought now to be employed to doubtless, already an understanding be-
B«topa medal representing Jeffersonian twren Turkey and Rnssia in tbe matter,
hamooy. We would suggest m being ap- England hsv counted the cost, andUde-
propriate, your Unde Joseph putting Uttte | termiaed on tbe fray.
Alec Into a Democratic capsule for Geor
gians, while, on the obverse, we hsve the | The Happy i*a«
Tiie attention given by Japan to corn-
on who.,!'atton U nolths le*>t n martra-
■* am.»ng the many uoacastal rhengM Intro-
oad Marly two million paptb. The aannal
srho.l aM.ropnaUon was upward of five mill-
dollars, !,—:•!.» private Un.i given for
-»l hffl*. v Five yren ago about two SfllM
Christian stott+mair seeking by mvanv of I LonieeiUe Oenritr Jemmel.
Urefttodav reboot IvMtr to climb Into the I A ■
the Bomtar-achool Udder to climb into the I JUSf3222SH5XZ TBSStTOUH
^ of a dying etetesman. I lar be beggad to nanata hla experience. “I
U Is made in "I .le.*l b.U«ve tt," i
Their ftret bierele*r wOl U made In | said the ehr edltar.
Enataud." This giro, aome idea u to |
lead IhelrUd to tba seenris
■ a fetter here wLlth says yea
what Uw poertbtlitiu of Mejrele riding are- V j t
How few l-ople there ere who wtreldevir 1 d ,a w nif 1 snae^oiier.'ea4eloS^ows hrawt
ihave thought that btaftta tiding on the I er. sad story et aUttotta vt, mdwl. ws
Mcfthabr«mdA»Jartl.w>Mdw«»bi|!a^S3y** , *** , * w ^ ,, "* ,, "nM
a poesibiUty.
pte there are who ora
A xxw departure ia the tree
ehroataditeMutu.hM.Md*. »
Dta BUrtrej A Paha, 110P Otrerd
Uaha Treattaeo. Co.
tU erssnd li .Uff cfficere. auk- poro to rob lb. treaan^ In th* Uureu of ’ 7 ■ "^1°:.
ell,, here th. Hertfad, a like t rlttta tlret aia each tai, la dafimnw to MdtaarJriUb atit. «V: j'f.-e» Ik ’
UMSEBVTaMe i : ''*' S' ■ i.,
. .
' UtailfMt'JI
ihflr »i>-
y. jaw that they would
‘ he cosnmnnl-
«m vet. tor Outrett. If . dlMUd. | gk^y»ir^d1Klgg^glred7ri?5
I Weilp wa eoakl give yoa a score of UMOp I _^v*u<sls mnd Cenrtltmttennlist. I three dollars before esaberktng. *
nut ti* following list will do for the prea- | There are vastly more than "a half| The Baltimore ami Ohio Railroad