Newspaper Page Text
’ - _ ■ v , : >
' V —>
BUSHED 1826.
the sox a of TnBsirixa.
We will take l* a wonderful way,
From the womlerful earth toward tho wonder
ful skies ,
On this wonderful summer's day.
was passed: “Ilesolved, That the chairman
of the Democratio committee for the eighth
Congressional district be authorized to oall
the convention of the party at Washington,
Chatham, August 11.—The Second bat-
talion of the Royal Irish Foot, 775 strong, I
left for Fortsmonth to-day, on their way to I
Egypt. Great enthusiasm was manifested I
Ga, on tho :ilst day o*f August, 18827 for I London, August 10.—A Constantinople I on their departure. This completes the I THE YELLOW FEVER BP IDEM-
ftUKMLSt h ” boeo
g of Arab! I umiBhod for the present. A squadron of I
from the eighth Congressional district for I .T7..*..
the fortv-eiehth Uon£ra*s” autboiixing the proclaiming
the forty-eighth Congress.'
Bboth kb Willi jlh Moos* __
ta Evening Sews, is not married,
«th. i nrma I Pasha a rebel and tho landing of Turkish 1 Household Cavalry has been ordered to Cy-1 The Fetor Confined to Brownsville- vioe, to-day received a telegram from i * ' * iy,
Sli! hM I troons in BoraL The textof theirade will preeatoformadepotfrom which to forward I a rnlnt-Henrtotl Illinois Mob -lire- Acting Collector Goodrich;dated Browne- the wofk
«•>.*. Front ;th. .tooadum, corn. oemd... ut.tM In H.n.nck,-n... "I I.. ter.,.. Mtat. •4b.ZtUw> of mpond.rU,
the shy. \f if
e bend inf t!
inoTing the
_ creatures pass,
the tops of the clover blooms
" feathery grass.
Then up-up—up—where the blowom-clouds
Shut close 'round the robin's nest.
I*eep quick U Can you see tho deep blue eggs
She nldesmsath her soft, warm breast?
Now you ean tell why the bobolink, ,
When from meadow grass he springs,
Carols with Joy as ho feels the air
* Pam under bis wmtpread wings! iEB'.tO
Ah, down—down-down-wlth a sinking
That makes your heart stand stint
Look up—at the arching apple-boughs!
And out—at the distant null
It may be tho trout, with theself-same sigh,
Drops down to the depths of the pool,
Leaving the sun-bright npplss above
For the shadows safe and cool.
ta Keening Kews, is not married, but he is | troops in isgypu xno loxiui v | ^ Front 'the Second armv ooros
hind Jtallop, when the return* emm. ill 1 Aunun>tUi Aapl M lO.-Owing to the I if neceeerr.
•carcttjr of weter, refaaeee noproridod Awi«mi*, Aogoet ll.-Tjn lajln. of
with u.ieporte art forbidden to land. Ihe cable bitweon Alexandria and Port |
Loioo,. Aogtwt 10.—The Mm under- | field hu been completed.
a Shadows safe
A bird or a fish
. _ be in earnest a boot bailding the rail-1 killed. Farther disturbances are feared. I prjweift ministers excepting Ragheb Pasha j I a mob of three to four thotunmTmen over-1 6 ?.? r add Tweed decretory | anit
road from Elberton to Aaguata. The 1st-1 London, August 10.-Th*> Timm taa the | will ramgll ^offloe.^B«aelman JPasha | powaiwd the officers,, took the prisoners I 01 Tr ^ ,ur7 ‘
oity promisee $l(X
It into my lap you'll climbl
—Caroline If. Ilerrie.
Mb. Wool? Bab nett has been appointed
n county oommlMioner of Chatham in
place of Mr. W. W. Paine, deceased.
Gov, Colquitt has issued a proclamation
setting apart the 31st day of Auguat as a
day of thanksgiving. This is all proper
enough, purhaps; still, people ought not to
wait for proclamation* from Governor*
and Presidents before returning tbnuka
unto God for hie kind providence and pro
tecting care.
The following opinion from the Atlanta
Herald meet* our unquestioning indorse-,
roeut: "The river and harbor bill is an*
enormous steal of money from the pocket*
of the people. It cannot be justified upon
honest principle# by any good Democrat.
The whole Idea upon which it ia based is a
fraud upon Democratic theories and tho
people of the South should be the last in
tho union to applaud and approve repre
sentatives who vote for these gif
... toward# tho I following'from Alexandria: M It is eaid that I will take the portfolio of minister of edn-1 from the jail and oarried them oat of town | -ivuuJKSi*
road,and the New South believe# that the French director of domain# says openly cation and Cherif Faahathatof mtoiakwl withlheavowedlntenUoj of hanging them. I .am**!.™ 1
enough will be contributed along tho line that he has sold Arabi Paalia government I of religion. They are both partisan# of I rbe mob tried in vain ioextortaoonfeesion I S?i!?J2S222iI !rS!
of the road to raise the sum to the neoesaa- grain.” . I Arab! Pasha. . by alternately hanging and lowering the S'VJHR 1HrtESffw««
figure. Saoeese to the enterprise, I A dispatch to tb» Times from Constant!-1 TTlm. * 1 nten. A fire breaking oat in town, most I 1° mountrin.jme Qf ^ha blrda j ttUtneH .
okmtlbman who disappeared from nople atatoe that to SuUan’s piwIamation Lomdoh, August12.—A Const.uitlnople I of ^ mo5 wen , to itf andteprneeoutoig Sjj,'2S*!£ia9flS£ hi?
well saverat weeks ago, itiAreported I dealaring Arabi Pasha a rebel also oon-1 dispatch to tho Times says what Lord I attorney and the father of Miss Bond per-1 J|j®| I*.,,J SSSfiS^S!£l I l 4 t ‘
dl«yr.r>l tilth. ySi n djmM^oi.dDot oponiln order SfglJtewiL** “ th " 1,rtM0,t * ^ ^ u. u„S\h t dJla, ot u'.il.
** K?S«S ,rr i >1 M d in , thB 1 tKe^rianiSv- relations of tho Tort© with I harmony of action, is that no movements 1 pokbaek icjail. | ,^ oct | y n ft er being removed to hla home. I In the entire cotton belt Ike to la reportcu
ground, and bad subsisted eighteen days I _ y -I Q f Turkish troops when they are in Egypt I T,,,, W ** T roorr nQHT * Neeswluter surrendered himself to the an-1 an exoesa of moisture, injurious lu nropoi
four ears of corfi. | England. u m a -l; I . I New Yuu. Amm*t 12.-A Newbnrir. New I ihoritiee. I Uon to the r^sutlveuess of the soli. Thl
aaw Tonx canciMAiB
'pro«ta«l^a.m« fk. pl.c. wlU.°ot th. prelimtow, «7. ,h. ta™tl^tiJn”o, thi, , ............
of the organized faith in the Ninth district I JJJJL i icn cef«»rth be kurplied with I ®° nMnfc °* Gen * " °l****F* I prize fight between Cadet Cook and Pieb I j(aw Yoax, Augasl 12.—Three Indiet-1 oondition In North Carolina, where it b
think it a bootlese task to run a candidate IJJJJJJV oondeneera. Mr. Cartwnght. I Brauw, August 12.—Tho Orenzbolen, an I Scndder at Weet Point, has beon concluded mtD u have been ordered by the General I DO * deemsd too late for recui*ratiow
againal^mory. Speer, in thef ace ofthe | officially Inspired organ. e*y. Gmmknyhyludge Advocate Wood.u and a report S«d“ury ^u.t Nmmw^To- ^tbegit. to appear in metric swUarn.t
rater, sent a I r s g v »he loss of the cootLwlll of the I u° Oo<1 .* u' oommand-1 Lood, eon of the eminent Heottiih divine I has been in eiocee, but without daosags
asking them I c * nno * rlt * . °* “• 8 °° < # wm or w I ant, who has sentenced all concerned to ofihit name, who was arrested last night I u »»t. The cateruillar has made its
rernmontsof I oti** r posrera by paralysing or oounteract-1 be oonfloed within the limits of Camp Gar-1 for obtniniuu goods bv false reDrcseoUi-1 tearanoe tu all the Btites of the (j
that the nomination of Aleck would
:o inform their respective governments of I
obtaining goods bv false represent*-1 tesranoe ^iu all the Ht ites or the Unit I uwtoda<ln>t»
is. On the 22nd of June he obtained I coast, end, though no h*s resulted, I yesrsago we
eiry from George Hortje, of 800 Broad-1 many apprehensions of entire loss am ex-1 *ud after tha
organa that the nomination of Aleck would I 1 iTfSm thair respective governments of I otb * r Powers by paralysing IUIUUM
redeem the Ninth and Seventh distrioU I, j mI>or Jiuoo of preventing an in-1 ing their polioy, unless she is absolutely I and within the color line during the I Uons.
from IndependenUam. It is evidenUy in ^irrivala here. Ar SKSn Jremalndor of the present enoampmsot I T^ ry
order for the redemption plan to material-1 ,.»,«*{£,ha has mounted 'eleven additional I <0r °?? t °, d ?* B ?’ , i** wl * h I aod for tho first month of the next annual I JJl.Re got $036 worth of 'jewelry from I Preaaei. The boll worm is also mentioned I Tho bre
iae. aJSStotoflff^InhSSiiSS. $ .V 1 STEPy 9 P*iS£tX* ^ OrneVofMJohS .tree}; and 7 slx?y- asveral Btataa. A large number of r* | HMM
Tub Gainsville E<vile reports the robbery I ^Lomdoh, August 10.—Four traaporta I mSlf 1 I P ! UL JS #rri t V°* 1 11 ’• dollars’ worth of juweiry from Ludwig I l «rns are highly favorable, prophesy tag a |
of the saloon of L.D. Yearwood, in New | | oa dad with' troops sailed for Kgypt toEay. I [S p ^ 0e ^!S ,1 i o T B . r ?. o . I l.. L? tember ^ Nlsson, of 4 Malden Une. I crop as large as the land cr jC ^‘
Town. . I A dispatch from* Calcutta to tho TtfmS.4“”,■»!? | arrived at the Point last nigltf. Col. Joseph A. Joel, editor of the Orand I totter than tor many years.
- ----- - -- 1 I for British interests. The interests of Ger-1 W I ,trmy Oaxettr, who was arrested and in- 1
from I dieted for acrimioal libel against Col. /as.
(igantic rob-
Mr. Dunlap, tho engineer who wa....
jured in the run*of! on the Northeastern
tailroad, died on Wednesday.
The citizens of Fort Valley are .taking
steps to erect a handaomo monnmout to
the memory of the Ooufsderate dead. Six
hend.-ed dollar# were eubsoribed in an
hour. Grander men than thoeo who diod
in oar armies never lived; dud the living
do themselves ertdit by lionoriug their
tiomaoin* wtuart. Mriudk u*™**, I SmOS.FaSta^mHE “ * “ ,h * m •*“ prod “”’
Th. subjoined items and opinions are | says that Nepsul and many other faodato: | JgmrBwi wt Sen* nSnaoSL^°* r ’ ,,A “ nMV
«iken from the Dalton Citizen: The I ry state, of India have volunteered to fur-1
Greenback party appears to be as dead as I niah contingeats for the
Julius Caesar In this connty. Farmers I Ixjhdos, August 1
from every section bring (Uttering reports I regiment, <U0 strong,
of the crop prospect Voters, took to I Kiugtown on boor J tJ
the question of integrity aud competency I ana, for Egypt. i ^rabl Pasha has been dispersed
ehoosing your publio servants. These I thb vsench oAnmrr. | leaders brought toaooountfor their mis* _
^ pll>y ; I *h»» b»M »0 oa. nr. th»t th, I «* »ltowa to .Mnm±cmaotSfm I Vowt "^STlA-Tui tout tt.lbl. I niMtZ'ln'nJr'lh.m'fo^.'tbo'crVt. hiui I
,t^th.,njrirtwo.|dtgUBUy.jM,.not rnor lo . ««»• iUimK tob.tttlu.t.l.mro. gftSfcSN
iowsi \t isom s>u vj, I u> tlewribe. executed in unison (mv
" *“* * * 1 H contortions and gyimtkms somewhat dm!
the Indians ol Nistii Ann rlra. Tit
ling ,
Dtialsnd mast be in anion.' . .
Commllv,one of the eontrsetors of the Red I has accepted the poi
Clay railroad, and who was stabbed in the | public works. M. Labaze, deputy, h»# I Egypt will be in our hands.
Clay rauroao, ana wno was suooeu in me i publio works. M. lADaze, aeputy, n»s
breast some weeks ago by a man named I been appointed undersecretary of llnanoe.
Malonoy, died from nis wounds last 8atur- I parliament.
day. Maloney ia in jail at Chattanooga. I Lokdoh, Auguat 10.—In
A man named 8ing!ehart was shot by | Lords tonlay Lord Carling
Mirror and Advertiser: Married.—In
Americas yesterday, by Uev. J. O.* Clarke,
Uev. H. L. WiggluN of the Booth Georgia
conference, to Miss Gossie Bell, cf that
city. Mr. and Mrs. WlggiD^arrived by
the Sonthwestern train yentsitny svenic
and are the guests of Mr. G. G. Urn,
Fsicxd B yin a tow is rejoicing ovor the
evidences ot prosperity, visibte all nroam'
him in Fort Valley. We eon rejoice wit!
him. Houston county is worthy of th
blessing ot brighter days.
Faan Lucky carried a load of water
melons to market the other day, told them
for cash aud oo returning home lost the
money through a holo in his pooktt. Ue
hunted fpr It till he got tired and then
borrowed a needle and sewed up the bole,
llo says he will sive the nexi.—McDuJJU
Journal. The attention of our honorablo
and lonely frteud, William Moore, is called
to the strove item. Frank Lucky wns not
lucky stall. He was nnlncky. Why? Be
cause he had a hole in his pocket. Why
did be have a bote in hi* pocket? Be
am*.* ho lutd no wifo to take rare ofltis
pockets (aud the money that might be in
’em). Willi«ut,old boy, rstleo'. over alt
these considerations, before it ia everlast
ingly too late!
® Sn»vc.a Wnro has been giving tie Mc
Duffie Radicals some good abvice, which
thoy will refuse to take with groat unin'.a-
it/. There need be no douet on that score.
McDuffie Journal: In the employ of Mr.
. Jas. Norris, near Thomson, ware Uoo Bor-
aett, a colored man and Willis Roberts, a
negro boy. Doe h«s been in the habit or
teasing and worrying Willis, and at times
treated him rather badly. On Baturday
last Dso carried his annoyanoes to far as
to dap or etii! the boy’s jaws. This reieed
tho young African's Irish, and, getting an
old shot gun, be pu.tod down on Don and
slathered his hip and hand with bird shot.
Then be threw down the weapon and made
the best tiro# on reoord until he wa* out of
sight- Doe is not scriooMy hurt, but
is a much better Christian than he wsl ..
week ago. At last aooounts Willis w<m btili
A vest large owl was recently killed near
Mott's mills. It measured nearly six feet
from tip to tip. • Possibly it was Thorn
M Tu Herald has several times o Jared to
Colonel Simmons, of Gwinnett, the use of
its columns to explain the expUnatvou
given him of the eraeure from the platform
cf his resolution that “ail errors should be
corrected within, and not without, the
party.” Colonel Blmmotia is still Invited
togfvethefae'sto the people. We have
the original platform, erasures and all, in
*~ims olhee, and it will bear the explanation
rto so earnastly invito.”— Atlanta Herald.
Th. tttraUi B«»« wrll oompo.. 1M.
Colooel Bimm-ms dossal dwire to explain
‘ 1 It ia notorious (hat the
. says:
only beat Gen. _____
Republican nominee#
^ _______ 1^1 fa ffiiwfag fa* re i
KpTbut be could'beet a*half dozen mon | ton, but b» found ggUfa roaMjnj-1 hommit AogoatJU-A dispatch from 1vStfo^rsfosed to indorse John B. I
of them." . B I ~W fT ^^S t ;S^ to b°U| l iL?SES I Itobbo 40 ‘be Pall Mall Uaxette this even-1 US t mtlS^5teii2?!f *• oanU J r bominsted by the Lit*
Tub Hawklcsville Disjtaleh says: -*A I wiu!o otTdM aiSsri I ia tf Tbe garrison liere has been I JJ®* I oonrtntiou of that district.
Coffee county man rodo a mole all the way I J?VjSjUjft. nteof^Watorfordre! I * tr0 , n « , J r rein forced, probably to guard I jjjjjjjjjjjjjjj\ *n ^ t affl
to Houston county, hut week, to witness a I of w *‘°” ora r# I against any outbreak during exhibition I wheel veeeel, valued at about q
and the rest of the
a love to talk about it.
At Gainesville, on Wednesday evening,
at tl o’clock, M*m Fanuio Bmlth wu mar
ried to Mr. T. P. Uodson, by Rev. U. *
roundly for its
The Eagle supports 1
Democratic nominee,
no sense its right to c
Bo, new there; if 1
srtfRSSSfifi 0
nllul. If roo »»nt w to b.
liJW.Ter, loa .III haw 10 ta-
lo.t and imn«d indi.idoaU
dude thoM
who spend
within hearing by
learn hew to play on wind instruments.
When the day of wrath oomes, let them
not be forgotten.
Tu * 8 ”“- h **% l irssrff:
wife died «
wanted a cl _
benefits of religion,
t the hoaband, whoee idess of such <
Mile* were exceedingly thin, refase
ve say d^rgyman at all present,
mt to the *tde of the coffin *» * *
the grave,
seak and Under
pal, ypf're conn and I'm a
gallop, when tbo returns i
_ Lhiooln:
The candidate.
With hope elate,
Which will dltelpate
When he knows nis fate
When the polls are closed.
Will wish that he
Iiad had power to see
Into the dim futurity.
And known by what majority
lie was opposed.
Well, he will learn a thing or two;
_ “■ * “ ver do
for you"
ol Interesting Item*.
C&v Telegraph. I
porter the Department ol Aurlcttl-
tnre for Angus!.
f Cv Telegraph. I
l fi —-V—-T-.— . WiamaoroeinnVugusI 10.—Tho August
eral Hamilton, of the tnariuo hospital ssr-1 . T;
vioe, to*dsy received a telegram f f0m «oPMtor^ , ,0 ^P'»r‘m*ntofAgncu -
. 1 *—• “ ,v it six thousand cor-
imatss cove* ing the
deter fit tern hun
dred cf the principal l \ricultorsl couutU*
Atlahta, Auguat 12.—Senator Hill ia
weaker to-day, but hi* condition is not
materially changed.
Washjwoton, August 12.—Surgeon-Gen
ofthe r—■
pcrmloes UHled In Hentncky—nis-, „ . . . . ,
«• 1 Ji.jico, b, raflmnd tnDMfrom l.mploo. I d '«>> '■> P'lr-
The averago of daily deaths in Mataraora* I of the United
Lohdok, August 11.—A dispatch to the I nnry i. eA .
* im Constantinople states that the I c .i Xi.i, havina commuted an outrairentimi I ,WMTr « »*»«rsi atsuuci sypee or fever i j>n-» uontn. •.
.. Eogland tothe proposal of Count I Miss l Bond a^chool teloher blue I both ctUes at present. No new *’*enr«4 fiooiz-* h
■uMDdDUitol th* unm bill. The Ita Cortl, th. lultan .mbiundar., or | Moundi wn ; mterdu. ttln. I Th.,toUl nomlwr 11« «nL _Thi-J» 0^
for the pMtton d.j. hu bun f.n. Th. f 0 f ni0 , t of th, croi. J
'th A .°S!I
Will find that It will n
And when he sees he has been beat.
And firmly believes that his defeat
Was solely caused by man’s deceit.
Won't he get on a bust?
The people of Elbert and Linooln
at which Sir Btafiord Northcoto
>nt. it was decided to abandon the __
. AVir. | Cortl, th. IlilUm .mbuMulor. for t.m,or I MSonATirM oonSSded r-Ttorfi,j'VI! I «wlopnieut, toi'^j. Th. tot,l nomb.r I l-r ernt. II,;J
ion of .ry inteni.tion.t proUction of ihe I ,ult«l In th. rflr,.o nf Willijra ’j. Mont-1 1111 cl,s *“ ln browr.Tlllo I ihm In
l‘,rli,m.nt will bogia on th. 24th of Oo- I <an»l to coupled with « rr.,rr»Uon, I m> m ,rj but 1 .nnucri Cl.m.nU,Lea 1‘etli. iUWHwj- dieeu. to in Haiti qua. | then l*-„SAIielu
tober. which mean, |,r«cttc,llj that it iotarna-1 jJ^, n c7 Mootaotnerj held to 1 "i u report to morrow."
Leonid, Crraorf, Aopi.t 10.-.V arret t.onel policcere gnuM to anerd the I a ,jH the , rt | on 3!^ r ,„d ja rj . o n the 1 H * m
oati-Carhilien demonetration hae occurred I canal, thej- shall not interfere with mill-1 aononneament of the 'Teclelon mar. wu a ■ . , ..... ... . ,
at th, fnneral in Be,.rootofaMoelem, who | l«r wratiou. „ I mo,,m«,t among. MagMMmjmri. ? h ”^£Stt"fS^t”«fflL»!SrSuiS
“ Kverythiugthen io! nguniodUmmghthengonoyof tbeTressn »
- , 7 1 that tne Tormauon or a new minisiry win i ptraUy onleted down, and bail wna boiu,
Christiana have fled to the mountains. A I Probably be announced to-day.with Chenf | arrancsd for John C. Montaomerv. Patels I «ted or aptu*l epidsmio immediate action
soort of others were arrested, bat only one I Pasha as prims minister.
Kvcn More Ynlnnble,
Vest and Tribute,
S-vonty gold mine* are being worked In the
Uto of Georgia, not to im-ntlon the frw
Filling Ihe Treaaaiw.
Pott and Tributw.
ArsM Hoy has ntruck anew plan for raising
noney In the »liapo of n sclisme to sell a flue
i»*.irtinent of Kiryptlan imimmies to the Roulak
ntikoum. If ho could in uildltinii manage to
of the Sphinx and a few of the largest
•yrtimM* he would have his trcnmiry In a s 1 *
lonirtlifng “lelk*. Onrs.**
Col. Kitor’i ‘“Jhtekibetth.”
civil senit-fl system." asked
rlctitof a pasha, "like ours?
xllimanrcM and pciistous.for
lllustrlou* frlmi'l and Joy of
w j°> pf s SfcV. A !!SSi ta f”* 1,
hi* term of office cx-
was found murdered, sod who it was re-1 I^hdoe, August ll-*4 dispatch lo the i prisoners, but It was chooked by the
I ported wu killed b, Chrietiane. The po. Gmlral Aeiee from Aleundrte etetee th. , lier f fl , nJ y, poeu. Ererithlng then »p-
lioe eympethlxed with Ihe mob. Mu, that the formetion of a new mln.trrwil p.r^u, ,|oi.t-i dowu, and bell wa. bein,
• ' ' •— 1 1 probably be aaaaonced to dar with Cherif sr „ D ,, d } or John o. Montgomery, 1’ettfi
P^_u prime minuter.^ Mori^th. I Md clemenU. Aboat midnight,hr.wtrer,
from the
oeru rasas >nat oi niiuisior r
will be taken npon application from a gov-1
i EgyPtla® Wa
all Street News.
minister having
; thousands of ills
_ _ over the low price
r stroked his heart! a *
bjeeta i
Bend my soldier
i bushels. That will ii
_ tlmo the minister reported tho
. . on the point of revolt, because the price
*f corn was so li!i;h,atid tho ruler stroked his
id tho
I replied:
•II is well. Knocurapo the revolt, th
may slaughter otr tho traitors, and have
mouths fur Hour."
rtvo Minnies In flllent Prayer.
llrookl/n Eagle.
At a meeting of the Hayes Temperance A
ttoa to the nrtsnttvsueee of the sot,, mu ■...r. --rr-a.-.i.
account, for the eompueiire la. I jSl2?2r!S le"£i I. miu i
— - It to|{SSUSjCKtku2tl.Uteto
ration * *■—- * u -
"1 have but a law words to addm* t<
i but a It — .
_ ami hroiiRht up ln New Its
father was a strict teetotaller, r
the perils that lurF **■“ ’
ato the jperlls that lurk 1
howl, up to the time of h!—
uu>ted a drop of liquor. When he died
_...aunredtato tha i
after that 1 wm drupk r
Tbo Rflattonslilp.
Note York Herald.
There wrre two xlrls about fifteen yean
The wheat return* of August relate to the I ago in tht* heusehold, one the daught
lu condibon la higher I my, ho«l «»•> the other mine rrUtlon, l,
-SFv.‘ w “u b,*:
nearly ready for harvest at I Uon to hi* daughter. Mam-mak. that his th
re tern*. There are some indi- I waste hi* middle finger, l>ut there is wh«
cations of rust and blight im |*«rt* of Min-1 »»ways fell out. I never oould satisfy myself as
IIOWI* thd. eron ia hate I te tse kinship Of hu fingers OfCasIonj
bo redaction in quality.
•n one of the'on to
the people of that soction are not regard-1 reIiuiiing"th# aseent of the laudkmi wouJd I aVrivid ofthe Tui^h^s^iri*oommisslon^ I I # i iiritam —- « n mm ■ v . u , , ,
ijryan amnty 1 wiUhofd am^ti^lTFiito Sf addedtoat those who had I or p.-,. Aoiro#t 12 . a dison'ch from Coo I BOrro ' w ** th * demth of CoL M * * thi indue vbkdetta. I of good quality; in France a mediutn I w A ffo < !!Sil , ^iclteiveU , *rV« 1 ead.|ua r PM shortly
pSt-cntoe, cm tt-lOd?}Sunffp...end ji!. t ^m.y. < ! .J^teSSli^uSr'lSSlSS: ^ JOlI**iWi» “r* tfgtt JS S* d^C'y 5tL*i toLSToY 5
is requested to attend. The citizens of limt challenge' a dl.lelon. 0r He W atooI UM>"agttattoo"agataet"thl iSwlt I LomaTii*a,Ango.* w—T^—I leSl2l.*ill??j!5S!^2l5 ,, Li5 to i&JSf Ii!»to»Td- •??wSddto^tto")h. filrri
Bollooh, Liberty and Tatoall nr. cordially I .uud Hut ik. nuUing of OonaartTaUr. I Uau la Syria and other parte of the Tnrk-1 thirty peecengen on board the .Upui.r
iDTiUd to attend.” I peart at hU reeidaaoo to-dny dMided »> I leh piorinoct. I Uaekayt Stela whan aha tank jt-Merdey,
Two Hewktimllle DUaqldi rery oorrect- I en orerwhelming m.Jorlly that. ln ylew ol I Kranoe bat now accepted, ander Mrtaln I nmoag them a number of ltdtoa. Tbe I n.uaan. N. 0., A lgrut li—Welter R. I product, with
"Col. Tom Mifemen will not I tho elate of Intend and Egypt, tt I ru.rr.U0M, the propoealfor a eoUeotne I enw ofthe life wring .totioa wen prompt- Lomln.ted ynterday by tha Ite- 1
■ i, the I wm not expadtent to n;act tha arrenr. L )ro tection of the Sarz canal. I'» on hand wllh brnta, and did rigotoa. *,^, a f d J, lrt fo r .
« at | bill. He nit that he war not of ttet opiu-1 matrutr. | end eOdent work In nmoring the piueen-1 Ijonon. J lIe tea IUira”o.n. The oon. I .ented by elghty-lhree uegalnet «.eoty.
’LSI' I rentloa nfaeed to indoree John B. Hr.-1 urea tael year at thU date, la lmi Utt
X** I Dublin totha TM'MaU Oo.riie thto ann-15“ SStJIuIfJiifuniJSf p“ , noanUy bomlnated by the Liberal j »deot of droaght wm aaenta
thou I..... TK. 1..~ h.. t—r I anaw and Tranait want to lha aiatotence of I LnyMiiou of that di-trict. I ol thlrtocu f
tho dtoablad reftel. lho HUU i« I oonr.niMo Ol irui ! unriug Joly,
e ,lem wheel meel, reined at about OlV . . ..... —
o ty -"--..r • I ponied their nroteete. I I UK), ted wa, ineured io I'ilUburg and Cin-
S?'«t.U.h^nM.'.Mo?noh a game. I *■»“» “* "*5« 1 cta °* lU
ana thought he would see something as I *5 H? I Iftoh membsrs of Parliuh^l arrived bore I on. waum • nnmub
rood as a circus, but after a fsw rounds he I ^An # ii!ll« I t0 -dsy. to attend the festivities id eovnec-1 NawroaT, H-1., August 13.—Gen. O. K.
!*ft the place in disgust, and reaohed I J^ f 8 ^S hJwl^ w^S*l!» I Uon wi i*» tha approaching opening of tbe | Warren waa The
Uawkiu*villa before 4 o'clock. He i« a | ^£5!!E5S m I •*WW**o«u The streets are already ex- 1 ""
) any Moore.
Ms. J. C. 0. Black, of Augusta, has se
verely sprained his ankle. Tbe Evening
News regard* this as a favorable omen, bo-
eauae Mr. Btepheos always gets hurt just
before being elected to some office.
and was loud ln advoratlusa Vigo
tionofthewsr. He mass lam i
a long linen duster, when the
■■■■■ 1 S1ifSSiSS5‘,»te! , . , .“,»ep l .
roogiit was seen in a reduotlou I at hut bmsn h» think the rebels must »»*• ulinn*t
points in Ihe general eondltioc I within gfespojf hiefiriag du u r i ,:)- nii.i.j
-byngrMiMdMMio lafiagtfttggri:; 1 !:
ration in August. 1 uilnu *ufih a lunna etsmer * 1 ■
At ijhi presmit time ciruumstanosaam \ gS , KKt h u hceU, ran
..ivorable lor a furUier tmvrovouict.t in I nhasta on top. Mr. Ilctlu
most of the Mates. Tbe averages of tht I u, 0 lldlle
n. him I moet of the (Hates. The avernge* of thl I the I hllUUwr* were epou hi
. narret oan« oeru _ .*{S»»»
I pall bearers were Geo. HanSik, G«£| I fgjtww t Ohto77, Mlohtgsn 78. Indiana 78,1 i
I Parke, B. H. Franklin, mayor of tbe dty, iSos^ &»nlre«tonffdh? HIM 1 v Ml# V . J H Knn “ r I
I Thomas Coggeshall, postmaster of .tu L!5‘LS2!2rS ,, J!tffiEn«h ArirraU. K. N.w England, r.ngu | Jn
. w*° U wUh 'I
Uuffin was certain t
In the House of Commons this after-1
n Aim ecu: at poHhyih.
• I Francis Hynes baa been found guilty of I Thomas Coggeshall, postmaster of the l^io.tadiourSad tonotite 11 00 * N, .7 ftfi!?*
I tbe murder of Job- Dolenghty, a harder, I city, IFairmau Rogers, of 1’htlsdelphU, JJftFjJJ} J” iSitton ii tbeitem !£S& I 'f 0 ? ? Ul i 4a rX ha .?* lU t0 , Snow i
ning I „ *“ “bir * Charles Dllks7under*loVeT I tmr Kwiia » * a *°* be * D I ti * n * J * eft d *aa Y z k :. c is sSdUJ“fo?°sz l Si7nr ss i"* ,ort “■ «•i o« ,«.u» ^
I "««5lary, stated Uiat the Porte had JS I Thta ^ the first trial nadsr Ss^rimee act I Oapt. MeMarin, United States army 7 Tne I lleriormftffSSteKt* I Th# K ,aer&1 kvsrans of ooodiUou of the | SSS'I* *Ll k£35J° ’if’“bcln?*
I l ^,5!!& f !SS!2al I before a special jury. The crime wa# of | bafd at Fort Adanm Ptoyedadlrgeat^s ^aeoe^f Vmtd I I S^^^Twelv. jnnHsw_hu irif|d Walter
aSfj«l“8Swi f kSjLMEB, WilkfeoO
lot tha proclamariooregppwttngtheao-1 an agrarian eharaeter. Doteu|hty bad I
IG* 01 . 1 ^ 0 ! ibe Khedive and denouncing | continued in employment at a farm from |
d been evict
Arab! Pasha by name. i whlc j } H/nes had'been evicted.
Large Crowd -Mpratotug by Col. Tiros I J C1 i,! i rS5 K in > -^Tha"iirAal *41111 »- M
an mnig.mhi, i,i„| Slrm SI A llnlil* I ^ F.NZANCE, AtJgtXSt 10. The MC*el Still I QABIBALDI I BODY.
mild “ 1 " I I'dde unetlier, but ebe to enboieicad from I Loanoil. Augurit 13.-A dl.pateh new .Kunamn .mcr...—
. , „ , . . | the .torn to the entrenee ol ttm eatoon. I Nepta uy. the dlipetoh rmel geploraton, I KSSSJn TStoryTSeMteiTof
The barbecue at Foreyth yeelerday draw I Nothing can be eawd without Urn aid of vil ),, d.tacfameut of ridemto on board. I Si in? St«„^ A STiMteteUdae-
...ImA u I rtiwMM It ia MfuetMl tbs nu*l willhriik I i». Oo-wm U amIm i» (*«». I uw iu»»« uj*.^
and requests
. but!"; 100 :
aside from this thert was no
military display.
Sam FaAsrtsoo, August 12.—A Spokane
i county.
WiS I trojr#d OT * r $40,«o worth of property, par-
Sin*^2^ofSite?thTb5ySf , o^ giuir"' 3 ^ sm : ,u
, crowd of at least five hundred people I direre. It ia expected the vessel will break | has wiled for
from Monroe county, Macon, and tbe I °P inb# “ a
country adjacent to Forsyth. I London, August 11.—Tbe Standard's die-1
Macon wnt up a Urge delegation, among I patch from Alexandria eays: M A eouncil, I arsaiA batuhed.
them many ladies. They were met at tbe I comnosed of Admiral Seymour and lead-1 LOkPOW, Auguat 12.—A dbpatch from I Boston, August 12.—4. special dispatch
d^jot b, the Barnearllle bnw Und L, ml.iter, autlmrlUM, hM bwu tottteg I
under the management of Prof. Cbaa. 1 0Q board the lie boon to investigate tbe I i«fac*ton with Lord Dufferin's explanation I loeruiai, edaeationai and financial aaeoeia-1 e r _ G ; s -,, rMtJ ,
Guttenberger. A walk through tha town I •ffecto of the bombardment of the forts. I in regard to tbe landing of tbe •* 1 *' *•—«—^ *- ** 1 ■
brought us to the residence of Col. Tom I ^ tt Mance of naval and military officers I
Cabnniss. Hers a stand had been erected I k 1,1. .L.,* . 1 a sensatiokal rincx teuu _
for the speaker*, from which floated ban-1 masonry la useless against modern I Yusaillb*. August 12 —The court her* | courts,
i greeting to Col. Hardeman and Hon. I guns, but that earthworks turn every shot.” I has sentenced to death Feroyron. a retired
.Hammond. I august ll.-Tbe Times’ Alexin-1 apothecary, who murdered hlawifa'a lover,
AK£*nwJt . .
K. E. Pound, Butts county.
F. D. WmeasLY, Twiggs oounty,
It. V. Uableman, Jones oounty,
WAsntN<m» Dessau, Bibb county,
Gr.<>. W. Gleason, itockdaie ooenty,
K. B. Walk su, W niton county,
Willis Nnwton, Jasper oounty,
D. 11. Ninuirn Futnam county,
H. H. Uakpzs, Baldwin oounty.
I Ml,
e iU0, barter «6, bnekwheat 07, pvtotot* I mut James Mai icy and
murder el Jsusis t mmrr.
. was kneen to tbs tweivs <
UroYeyanl Courtship | mrjr brought lu tb«tr veK
, Data recently It
as known to tbo twelve only tliatuu tbe day
' lulhtrlr verdict I|«m azrwvl by
>1 t'lnm
New York Herald.
I "Why, he •lou't fool eiound at sdUtaurr,' I l uailat* WM Jh*i one year and three days a'ftci
Laid the old sexton, "with boumteu, and I t aVfiSn^ttv^nio body?Vn.l “
I . hair., and pnpsBMA awl uWa LrvaktmU. IJCSSST Vaa Um HUU itmthm' ho
SLaMtafejsarjs: az
niads generally known. Thrseor
.t llone, authoriMd in tb. United IUHU eommaniclkm of the Oth In.tent, Infonn-1 {S.l'SJ r
I ,* togal^statns In^Franoe. and a free I that th* Itemocratic couvcutton of I f^rs^>nninE u t*see gutna J on <»v«r tu ttm I terDn'in dtwniainc tb* trial tor tea Ite time
I exercise of their righto In all French | lh# ,1,^ Congressional district, on that ] 3 uuc* parlors. I’tp*^mi tMacmirtin' koSo' t.n | ii^urtohMuE 1„ ttfuir v^tt t. s*M th.u th.-y
■ 1 dar* bod nomiMtod me m th. Uemoorwde I K.r foe.r (,,|lw»luf.»»t.! IKKagSaSSSeTSa in »«■
candidato foe OooiteM in the IWMllI,I ! ■ noli.*9*. l *y_*^_*g* r ^yI Ultfiilh.1 iVimlegnuucfjuu. io ^rd.J!
I day, had nominated me aa I
ist 1..—A mob »E 1the honor tendered with a grate-1
; Iheart, and shall endeavor to meet the I
s on eduoation and woman
**•* I captain, one sob-lieutenant and
. . I six men were kilted on the rebel ate _
Mr. Hammond was then introduced end I engagement Saturday. He confirms the I ^Tn U i*T^ ^ut,fu‘“ThT tZT\
followed in a similar strain, drawing I report of Arabi'e bad health. He saji that 1 !v|r
rnniuia nf inninn., fmm Kt* h*nr<tr*. I twaniv-fiv* luiiti liasi ni'il cluTen bsttiriM I excited txtraort'inary interest, as tbe pub-
net, on. I bMd’e iMtlcUlo. taTri*!«l Aeberi to tlrit I xh. huie I Julia and rMpon.lbilitla partatnlnj to It U, nad » kv
lra . I wh.,ajgWto.j.|| I «»»■ I.^tomttojto1 Atow -»* JSft' 1
1 wkiuiw. ton, ,«u VI. all a!»ui I Wlint Mtu. tiruna, Itote.
i VebhSed fin* th. fuuSS*mdlS!n I *"» rertJfaite.d J
>wm“ -ttLafilE I
of, nettmjpXKllr Mm. tor the Monro. F. I Ixmixui, Anjut II.—Th. .Ynr. tia. the utoae OM at druau.
' Oollen, foe the benefit of vbtoh thd | following: Cantlanli.aj>U, A»qu.t 10;- 1 ”■ ,J
2 are tb. content, ot
Then we.'no deueing, an omtoaioa in I UmUion^ueinri Arabi PuInhVhioC wm I ****1. 1 " l|ll ?° l | PJ»h»hl|
theprogrammwth.|oang peoptowwe not I comumnletted to th. conf.rKice at m .it- j ^‘^1°^ a Ring >t Man.he.tot tody, | Ibeoar.
auzioae to forgire. OoT.M IUU. Udr tlng ta-da,: "Arrid 1'e.h., haring . aee 1
fr^Mseoowasvery machput out when | onJume tow by tOtog | JS«f ^SS^juSSSSSS: SZZ
mud HX- r ,«■ bA“» “aoot* , plewntewfmU Under tbe charge of tbe With kimtesl regard for each of you, 11 ^* ‘‘^7-.
ttueproc I Iajndon, August 12—The annus! eonveo-1 oourtthe jury convicted- The ease will I gentlemen, your most obedient 000-1 SsfcKiHa^uL 1 iSJES
wteRL S&JSA.ISE!*.22? ^t^entote Buproom Court. S” Jam-U-Blount.
tier, r »r uanuium ana 1* »* m • muua uwi ■ Tt,,. 1- wo tct.nis hoi
do lha same thing when they we e boys. I Ml | u tbe (a*blonabte k
yj will bs buys," continued th* o!<! man, as I TbatseeM Udlss in
•' «»the grave, "and gtrla will be ■
case affects probably a hundred or |
more married couples ia the oily.
it has reruilsd trees
A Day el Thanksgiving.
I will occsxbmsily gvt swuy srd route np her* ;
k 1 rrib.r»r‘^h •szsszsrsNx 1 I SKSsas crr«
dollars. Mscon I known to all that obedience is due solely to I tlUlIISSta te Lud IW of pubiio
one to the fair. I the Khedive, who to the representative of I ‘totltto of te land jAagoe tote land | ,?L
r fcr .mUeellae MM I ^r‘'iTu7 toi I
J fair. I Vm Khedive, whole tha raoreeautoilta' of I «• “«• oiea. inna , w^M» , M<«oo i™,— ---5—^il.Mh. tor,, circalation, 1 Irnalton wiU I Hrtraaine frim dripepale unable lol rh»i half the routu m.w in aoetotr
Mi^lCT^otoiirjt On. hod • tel KSS? ■ ^ I and L.1^ LMgu. of O^at Briuln. Dpon ol “* intortlt end Mk all other journal. In tb. dl ^I mIU food wld El” In Heut * •!»"*"»«» to el«h. -huolto
display, and a fine dock was given by Mr. I Alkxandbia, August 11.—While Bn. I *® r I «,« Mirmn*, I Bute to oopy. - 4 . , I Duwne's Soluble Beef a meet nourish iog I ur iiiat tkipg* hare come to a jr.ttj 1^-4
L. P. Askew, representing te boose. Intone was waiting for a train when leaving I am I o * moa-raiCKD oon. I Yoa wiU finds oopy of the reeotation I food ^ w m ^ ,11,1^,© tbetn. For I wbm young Ui. < t...w t.» mn *uh h^ui
M(Mr«.J. W.Bioe A Co. aided the fair I Cairo. Yakobe Patna expressed regret that I *■ I Bt. Loum, Auguat 11—Five ears of new I inclosed. Yours truly, E C. Oautg, I...« bv d-UKLlste and irocere. 4tf Ickrka.
withanexceUentdispUy of dry goods. ^ hten. Stone hadcaet in hiS lot withtU Eng-1 Jj mx *t ilk *^JF**%Z Becretary. I wt by dniftlete andgroceta. eti
ts,& £iI ns«gsB«a--lsa‘
sum wiligo a long way towari completing I ©how how greatly it had profited by te I original resolution was overwhelm-1 user Waco, Texas. It is stated that I mend to all te cultivators of te ground I vegetable *,^ -
tbe oollege. I twelve year^tetruction it had receired I iD ipy canted. Reeolutiooa warn paeaed I urge lots of te new crop will be ready for I in Georgia te keeping and observance> of I ctun1 cf Uls that affitet the female «
Tb* crowded eonditAon of our coining* I tre m kfm % I recommending to farmers in Ireland tbe I •hipmeot from Texas the latter part 01 this I the 31st day of August, es a day of thanks-1 builds up sod strengthens feeble, I
thl* ntorntogpreiJnte m?extended report, I * London,* August 1L—A dispatch to tbe I • nd «*py*J«toy of aiding te eases I m <£JhT This arrival te unprecedented in giving, prayer, praise and worship of the I dowe and woro-ont constitutions, repairs I ,.Im to u
moch as wenwould like to give it. U^^^Vienna SSJTthS teUftoboror* andMreaoaiaeiding W»J« Urintofttam. SUES# ***** “Y W
^n.k(.k mneni *t itimibu a** ha*,, a*. I to the Irish members ot 1 arltament lor | iwm ,mv, m> ahww.w | so grectouiiy given in thuyear. I rrxulates the system, adds Iron te tbe Im-1. llkAl , 0
A true 001,7. i. 0.0mm, _ pJVerl.lto.l blood and ndn r ,rm«,ent 1
““'***"• I cure*. It lone, the itotoeeh, . I rbet -MeMr newy 1 ee .uUUhid
I town anirifiu.aide iliienlni. relieve, alck I l••'■ra»unhownd to w.ko m. .tumg,
T/fK HOVTHBBX Te t.EURAPli I Lealeehe, aeteaentl, npon thellter.cure, | u—eorteiiitueierrentai
which erery parent ihoald know, I T.m^from.Coo^tino^^e tet.t | ___ . I AfaLwer ^^Ivedfro^MiSSw I I ^ wb ° ^ aWAf#
TtmteverylMNlyal ML licsert Vasa i>l*n f..r
tbe oszture of the bold. aaSeMB robbers.
That Huston prytv** to know a *r«ral
i!«H mom Ibsn tu*y du when swsy Iroui hums.
m ~— kustoesi Is asriouriylin-
ag popaiarlly »>f c<jitog«
site Btojority of luiumri
rhrif lho I
A Tiller lu the Mehl.
A Uililnl,bt thief I. bod e
mi<lrili;ht attack uf cholera
worae. A poor child proetrated, i
dm, of OTei'lndalieneo f
roc headache, oorutlpallon and billon* I
| new, OM IkilUf. Mine Aperfenf.
rbet It le teer bard a
nSt the Trench op
CTftsas 11
l th« hotel
who jilteel tbo
iHf>* which everv tarent should
thstthe • Pai* ZllSt aflbfda Imie-1 te sitting of toeeonlemies i
dlate, tboroogb relief In sodden
nosJe, says that
reces yesterday, t
nakrtl for an expl
That aoon the gums and teeth decay,
Would Uuve Been la tbe drove.
A lady in Tecunueb, Neb., writlug to