Newspaper Page Text
iCty* IffitaStltj $m& Soucnsl & 311
and If your coirespondent is not mis. I utill had a tew raoro left to thresh. Mr.
taken acme of the youug men Cook is a business man,a reliable one, and
of our to*n are already wishing that Fort n gentleman. Ho presided over the occa-
Krnith was not moro than a quarter of n sion with dignity and grace. At the house
milo from here. We can't blame you boys, 1 * v # — I * ,u ~“ **” Ma
they aro perfect “little charmers. '
County politics are gradually warming
up and it will be hot after nwhilo. No tell
ing at this singe of Uio game who the win
ning mun will be. Jack.
August 0.—I owe you un apology for my
long continued silence. For more Qian
two weeks I havo been confined to my
room unable to discharge my duly to your
self and readers, or any ouo else. Noth
ing, however, has boon lost in tlio rny of
news, for wo nre experiencing tho dullest
times wo have had since the war. Busi
ness of every kind is at n perfect 6tuud-
still, except the advnnce of tho usual
amount of supplies at staled and regular
.periods by our merchants to tho'? country
customers. When will our farmers stop
buying what they should produce at homo
in sufficient quantities for homo-consump
tion, and even to sell ? They will never
have any prosperity until they do.
The crops nre still believed to bo good,
but what effect the recent rains have had
upon then! wo do not know, i'ho showers
of Into have been frequent find copious,
and we very much fear that the next com
plaint will be “too much rain.” An nil
wise providence knows whnt is best for u-*
all, and I urn content to leave tho matter
in nis hand.
Oar bar has icccmiy sustained a great
loss in the death of Judge Mould, of Au
gusts, lie was, perhaps, tho oldest law
yer in tho State, and *cw ». quailed, while
standing the threatening aspect of the I Th* Eatonton Messenger favors the eleo-1
weather A spacious barn that the Captain | lien of J. 0. C. Black to the United Stales j
was having erected, a few hundred yarda Senatorahip. It would be extremely dill-
from the house, for tae purpose of cult, if not Impossible, to find a worthier
storing away hi*, immense grain crop, serv \ man for the position.
it, the dance, while other, «r-ioyed iuokinj ( non. 1 h„ danger nlloj/j to Uno“m»5'.
When the hoar for dinaor errired w. I JSSJi^UtaSUI'.tan.SSilSri*£
were invited to a table loaded with good in the State has htin
thing. |n«t anch a dinner a* Mre. Kidley deliberate purpose on the psrtof Gov. Col-
1 no oar- «. a jtt and Senator Brown to break dawn
__ For Dyspepsia,
*■<&' * 5 ; ASSESS:
■' *7^^ Chronic DIar-
Tf y]rrluca. Jaundice,
Impurity of tho
tffl iy and all Diseases
*2 caused by De
rangement of Liver, Bo wela and Wdnejs.
Bad Breath: Pain l.i ths Slae, somettmes the
pain it felt under the hhould<r-bl*d«, tnUUkcn lor
Kheumatum: general loss' of appetlUi [Jovrel*
nipulate the new organ,exclaimed, “Igosb,
she roars liko a coal burner."
e had a wedding at our house last night,
With a throng of gue*U and a maze of flow
The rooms were brilliant with their blase of
In sungand feasting passed the horns
My little nephew, four years and a half,
Bewildered, glad and wonder eyed,
Baw all the glitter, heard the song and laugh.
And ate unwonted sweets beside.
Next day he pondered much, as wise folks do,
Then crarcd of roe a little boon;
“Atrnt Jennie, why don’t you get worried,
I hepe you’ll do it very soon."
• Dear child,” I said, and stroked his curly
“You would not wish it If you knew .
That I must go away if I should wed.
Instead of living here with you.”
11 Is face grew grave, for he had only thought,
Of wedding cakea and Icea sweet;
But, if with the loss of Auntie it w»*re bought,
The feast would be a doubtful treat.
He clasped my neck and kissed me on the
Then said the loving little elf,
“Aunt Jcanlc, don't get marrlud till next
And 1 will marry you myself."
Our Continent.
music on the piano was furnished by dif
ferent young lndiea. The music, both vo
cal and instrumental, vmn of the highest
order, and reflects much credit npr.n the
performors. Leaving the house, we took
a running count of the crowd, estimating
over '.no inndred and sixty whites, throw-
1 — 1 ^ nr.d children, over two
At the foot of the
“conjuror," calling himself Jerry Thomp •
sou—Thompson with the blooded p. Jerry
conjured the money oat of the parse
of sable Sally Davis and stowed it away in
the capacious cavern just under his nose.
Two cunning and unappreciative jiolice-
men explored Jerry’s great month and
Ashed out the filthy lucre. A coniuriug
, thief fares no better than an ordinary
rogue in (Jolnmbua; bo Jeremiah pours
I forth his lamentations from within prison
Th* Augusta Evening Sewn “does na
proud” in thft following graceful, compli
mentary way: “The business of the Maoon
Tkleoeapu and Mcssenueb, under its new
mansgement, has inoreased so much that
its old quarters which it has occupied lor
years, is not large enribgh, and to-day the
entire establishment will be removed to the
mneh larger and more commodious build
ing on the corner of Mulberry and Second
streets Every honest hearted Georgian
will join the Sewn in rejoicing at this un
mistakable evidence of genuine prosperity
I of a fearless, able and leading Democratic)
| paper. The lrLKoxurn aed Meshenueb
has come out of toe depths, as it were, of
I journalism, and is to-day one of the very
I foremost newspapers, not only in Georgia
I bat in tho ontire South, and each day non*
I an advanced step. I here Is now moro life,
and “gam" and pluck, and news, and
progre ss in the Teleobaph and Mesjunoeb
I than in nino-te ths of the papers pub-
ing iu nurses and
hundred. At th» .<». v. —
hill and entrance of the yard was ereoted
a commodious barn-completed with the
exception of lbs wi-athe*boarding, which
had been left off on purpose for the occa
sion. Benches were arranged arooud for
seats, and th®j lovers of mirth and music
hero participated in the pleasures of tho
“ i’ferp'ichurenu n* t." The fair beauties of
Jones. Jasper and Balts were present, and
it was impossible to tell which was the
most popular among thorn, as they were
nil in great demand. (Jut-ode of the danc
ing hall wss erected a long table, upon 1
which was cat. at intervals during the day
large quant tic* of watermellons.
At two o’clock sharp wo were summoned
to the lioaso to dinner. Reaching the
dining hall we found Mr. Cook presiding,
Rssi-leJ by three gallant yom.g men of
Jones—Mr. Jeff Uutior, Mr. Dave Belaud
knowsm wall howto prepare. w,..-
becued meats were dedcious, ice lemonade
wsa plentiful. After part king of the
sumptuous repast, the larger portion of
die crowd again repaired to the dancing
hall, where they “tripped the light fantastic
oe" nntd a late hour in the day. We can
safely say it was an enjoyable event to all,
thanks to the kind hospitality of tho Gap-
tain and his eatimabto lady.
The corn crop is fine in this section. Got.
ton is good. Potatoes and peas are fine,
and what more can the farmer dea to
make him happy. -
Among onr most successful planters in
this sectiou are Messrs. L. D. Ezell and G.
Ij. Ridley, Dr. S. M. Anderson and Gapt.
U. B- Ridley. Random.
Auoust 9.—Rains have been plentiful of
Inte, so much so, in fact, ns to seriously in
terfere with the harvesting of the fodder
crop. One man near this place lost five
staeks one day last week. Rust is begin
ning to make its appearance in cotton iu a
few localities, thongb not to any great ex
tent, ns yet. New corn is eelling at ninety
and ninety-five cents per bushel.
John H. Hughes, living near tills place,
was taken to the Btate lunatic asylum last
Saturday, having become a raving ms-
with a painful actuation of leaving undoo« something
which ought to have been done; a alight, dry cough
and flushed (ace it sometimes an attendant, often
mistaken lor consumptioe; the patient complaint
cf weariness and debility; nervous, easily startled;
feet cold or burning, sometimes a prickly sensation
of the skin exists; spirits are low and despondent,
and, although satisfied that exercise would be bene
ficial, yet one can hardly summon up fortitude to
try it—in fact, distrusts every remedy. Several
of the above symptoms attend the disease, but cases
have occurred when but few of them existed, ye*
examination after death has shown the Liver to
have been extensively deranged.
It alioultl he used by mil persons, old nnd
young, whenever any of the above
symptoms appear.
Persons Traveling or Living In Un
healthy Localities, by taking a dots occasion
ally u» keen the liver In healthy action, will avoid
highly respected citizen of Greene county, |
died *ecently at the rotiidenoe of Mr. 11. J.
Btrosier, near White Pltilns.
We would recommend the tditor of the ’
Mat on Tut eobapu to taka a little of Mrs.;
Winslow’s bo-'thiog Syrup aud rub with!
some of St. Jacob's Oil. It will soothe his
sorrows, heal his wound*, drive away all
dull care, aud perhaps curs his disease of
chronio disappointment and send him on
his way rejoicing.—Middle Georgia Times
Being an ardent Stephens n; »n, it ia sot
surprising that J. Dorse should think that
patent medicine, taken in reckless doses,
will enro a«r man of i * — —
an ardent Stephons man, it is not
ally to keen the liver in healthy action, •
all Malaria, lMllniin nttacfcn, I>i u fn
sea. Drowsiness, Depression of Spirits,
will invigorate like a glass cf wine, but 1
toxlculing beverage.
If You have eaten anything hard ot
diRrstlon, or foci heavy after nj*:al*. or i loop-
leas at night, take a dese amt you will be relieved.
Time and Doctt
patent medicine, taken in recklt-..
■r;!! =r= scr mas cf - want of confidence
in Mr. fltephons’s Democrat’
phecs having tried and inu,
known patent nostrum, J. Done concludes
that any man who will try any of Mr. Ste-
R bens’* favorite brands will *“
rooght ever to that gentloman'
*.Va thick J. Dczis te too
of his age and experience.
Bua wears bangs and he parts his hair in
the middle, ia the way two caramel-eating
sweethearts do up their headgear. Now, in
tho nsmo of common sense, w) ieh is the
worst?—Carroll County Times, ’loo hard
for ns. You will have to turn it over to
Bill Moore, who is better up on tho hair
question than any other man in Georgia. . t ._. __
Tax doctors tell as we should eat lets ] record,
beef and more fish. If tba price of beef) We shall have to lecture tho Qaitman
keeps on going heavenward we will bo J Free Frets. Listen how it speaks: “The
compelled to live on a few of the broiled I papers which were mainly instrumental in
lies the boys bring homo, because that i* I nominating Mr. Stephens continue to pat
about all our tinhorn ever do bring bock. I each oilier on tho back and whistle to keep
i eoplawoold eat more fish if there were I thfir courage up. They are evidently
tpora flan caught.—Carroll County Timm. I afraid tho job won’t bear washing.”
.1 J - H - Bh, " to ». »* Spililing, bu been
^ unanimously re-nomluated for the Bena-
K’ l™, jlJt’nnt n. lubI WnMp o( the nvonty-eisth district, com-
Sow’o?JZtSSa"* 00nnti “°' Uo, “'“><»
. ^ recently shot | M a. F.I>. Dnmt,.*, of Grifflo, clsims,
watermelona aft».dSk^^I’h! thSm we onderstand, that tho convenUon which
SSmSSsS. »& 1 nominated Mr. Searcy acted in an unfair
Mr. 8te-
<e<l every
Auoust 5.—According a previous flsji a
I bile inc ti::„' lit K1 iu
a 1 . i
r ’ 1 '
I ;:?■) t • th-
ii i
c ! fio Short Lino Railway. On
following committee was sppointcd^H
draft suitable resolutions expressive of th9
popular feeling on the subject: Messrs.
J. F. Do Lacy, Dr. Harris Fishe and Hon.
Nicholas Rawlins. Daring the absence of
the oonsmitiee speeches wero made by Ma
jor G. H. Armstrong, Mayor II. J. tiapp,
Mr. G. B. Murrell and others. The com
mittee returned with the following report:
“Whereas the contemplated building of
the Havsunah and Pacific hbort Lino Rail
way promises to add material aid towards
the development slid prosperity of the sco-
>«w nf country through which the com-
inJs u, » ir llDM - * ,ld
A lectuceb wants to know “What shall
we do with all uur girls?” How would it
that any man who will try , «...
- 1 *—’« favorite brands will bo sorely
ht over to that gentloman’s snpport.
Ink J. Dorse is too hopeful, for one
niaa and nnmnnageable. Lunnoj
to be on the increase, at least in th
ty, ns this is tho soventh enso of durnuwv :
ment of mind thst has occurred within a " 0
radius of ten milts of Vienna in twelve
The first copir of the Dooly Vindicator.
to bo published at Vienna, will he issued
on tbo 31st instant. This is tho first «K«sy
at journalism in this county, and proof's*
to bo a fine MtocaM. Gob 0. M. DuFreo,
of the firm of DuProe A Rainey, cJitots
and proprietors, is now canvassing the
county and is mooting with eiery auconr.
agement. Everybody ia subscribing, will
advortise, and is otherwise aiding and
encouraging the enterprise. It will be a
four-page, thirty-two column weekly.
Auoust 8.—The sixth Uenatorial conven
tion met here to-day and nominated L. E.
Lnsttnger, of Alapaha, Gs. He is a young
man and will make a good Secator.
The oouuty convention was also in ses
sion and nominated J. A. Ousley.
Recent movemeota have demoralized tho
Democracy in this section, therefore tha
result cannot be determined. W.
Hickory Drove.
Auoust 8.— 1 This week has opened with
beautiful sunshine, and no donbt a large
amount of foddor will w* J.*u.
Mi. Melton Reeves caught a large rod
fox last Saturday morning in one hour nnd
thirty minutes time, with only three dogs
in the chase. Mr. U. says he would not
part with these dogs for vet prfcce, vel
William Walker says ha counted 60D
bolls of cotton on one stalk in his farm.
Dills will 5>e naved
by always keeping the tttqpu.»t.»r
In tho House I
For, whatever the ailment may be, a therr*uj»'ily
safe nurpttlvr, alti'TstlVii an.I i'.r.irijs
never be out of place. The rrmerfy h harntTaa
and docs not luterfero with bmduchs or
And has all the power and efficacy of Calomel or
Quinine, without any of the injuriuu* after c&n.u.
A fioTrrnnr’n Testimony,
r.immoni liver Regulator ha* been Ui u%e in ray
family for «ome time, and I am satisfied it i* a
valuable addition to the medical tciencs.
). Gill Siiortsk, Governor of Ala.
lion. Alexander II. Htenlicns, of Ga.,
*ay»: Have derived tome benefit from the use of
Kmmnm 1 Un OnmUir., -nA U -
room, in company with Col.
other pleASHtit aasocir.tes.
iiamor itud
For many
f ears Jo JgcGou'd conducted tho colebratetl
aw school at Augusta, and prepared ho.- in
of young men for tho bar who sfterw&r-!*
became distinguished in thoir profession.
As an iu.*.truo:or ho wns not excelled in hi*
da> nnd time, while as a judge he brought
to the bench an atnonut of fi-gnl lore nn-
suriiassed by nny of his oompoers. When
tho Supremo Court was orgnuized iu 184»
he wns proiuittemly spoken of as one of
tho asHoeir.ta justices, came vory uesr
securing the appoiutincnt. Politic;.! in-
fiutnee, ho veto.-, ns Is too often thu case,
was thrown into the reals and the balance
turned n/ttiuot him. Thu only judicial
position he ever held was that of judge of
Crops in this section ore fine, but a lilt!*-
too tnnoh m»n. Homo fears *re anti t-
pnted about the bottom cjrn. Still farri
ers nre jubilant over the prospects. M . e
anon. Sojouunel
August 8. - There has been considerable
excitement, apprehensions and nucasinc-L
for the past two dajs consequent upon Sun
day’s tragedy. Several arrests have been
made aud several parties arrested have
been j cleaned for wont of proof. There
have bein two committing courts hold—
ouo on Monday before E. F. Lee, justice of
tho pence, who, after hoaring the evidence,
committed Reddick l’owoll, Henry How
ell, Jjuk Knolet, Bob Donelscn, Issao Ship-
man au I James n ut, att cut->.«4. Tb*w
were charged with murder, and commuted
to jail until uoxt Superior Court. Another
trial w^a had b»fore Mayor Bapp
this morning who, in n like man
ner, committed to jail Simon O'Qainn,
Gu« Copeland, James O. Gope'and, Wm.
MeMi lan, Wulis Williams and Alford Jor-
dai, charged with the offen«o of unlawf.illy
killing James i>. Harvard. The defend
ants demanded a trial, and these prelimi
nary courts wero held for the examination.
Tho evidence of tho witoo'sc* for tbo State
i-howed that the defendants all partici-
•-*“-* in the riot, seme in a worse manner
Utters, nr.d where thfiru was no vvi*
agai jft surpected parties, they wero
i>t!y dischirged. A large number of
tho friends of the deceased young mau are
on bi^|l
ashes, honor to his memory. A. M. R.
(•mills** Mills.
AOousr T.-abo Democratto executive
committee of Jni*ner county met in Monti-
cello on the first day of this month ard ap
pointed Saturday, tho 2d day of. Suutom
i>«-r, for t-4Ch mthtiii district in tli^ouuty
to elect delegates to tho county corm-ntiou
which is to convene iu Mouticello on Tues
day following for tho purpose of nomiuat
ing n ftndiiintc to represent ths county in
Signature or J. IF. ZHILIN A CO.
where evideut. We have tho bentllt of tho
East Tennorsee, Virginia nud Georgia
railroad the entire length of the comity, ol
which we nre justly proud. The season*
havo been beymid improvement, of which
we are prouder ; but thu sto k law or no
Luce is a longways ahead of either, and
is our ideal of agricultural
perfection and advancement, of which we
are proudest of all. Tho economy, tho in
creased area in cultivation, tho preserva
tion of oar forests, the improvement of
lands, tho total nbrcnce of tiespasslng
stock aro cogent and nnnnsworablu argu
ments in its favor nud gotieral uloptiou in
thqso comities in Georgia who need it and
have it not. Now wo cannot do without it.
W. A S.
August 7.—Crops in this section are
good nnd should no disaster overtako them
ati abundant hardest inevitably nwsits rs.
The health oC this .oiumauity U (sir
considering 111 treason of the year, though
a good many of our people are away, “for
this summer." Mr. K. U. Lewis, of the
boll* of cotton «« _ m..
William ia an industrious negro and has a
good crop.
Our friend Mr. W. Z. Holeman, at La
mar’s •Mill.fia making big preparations
for the iiicnio at Gray’s fefry next Satur
day. He has made up a goodly aum of
money to purchase fresh meats for the oc
We will dose, hoping that yon or some
of your many readers will give us a recipe
for the sore eyoe, as they have got to be a
perfect epidemic through this section.
enterpr so
tbo next fegiilnturo. Candidates aro 1
numerous, and somo of them havo MpilP
' ‘ anxious to
• the public
* Iu. ptr
fraught with great beneficial results to the
peoule of tills county; an enterprise calcn-
lated to advance ana promote the various
Indus',ries in our land: to enhance the
value of our property and to increase the
c*I thtuiHolves tubeicg vc
“nncritlco homo interests
good.” Ho it i< a Fettled fact that.
will not t-e without n represent dive.
Up to this time, to -far ns your
npoudent is informed, tho negroes haw-
had little to ssy about politics, homebody W
may come along and whoop them up fur do:
Gfcneral Osrtrellor tliey msy vote for Mr. m
Stephen#. Slate polities is so quiet up
h«ru tin t a mun could hardly form au
opinion nn to how things will go.
“Fcuce or no ftnoe" is the way one Jas
per court/ man grouts unuih.-r now. The
election on that imporlaut question eoim *
but other ascurities were <iuiet and uncall
ed for.
^Tnx following itoms are taken from the
facilities towards an enliahtcned progri
2. lie it further resolved, That we plet
oar beat effort# towards tba building of
road through the county ot Dodge i
and it in expected that they will be able to
appear in poblio ere many weeks pin*.—
Amrrieus J .‘reorder. Now we are ex
tremely glad that brother Storey likes to
hear the boys practice, juat because of tin
strangeness of the liking. We are of the
opinion, for our part, that it ought to be
Conyera Weekly: Ths patent modioioc
men are all tor Stephens tor governor.
Give a negro a watermelon nod a case
in court if you want to see the happitwt
creature on e*rth. The delegate* to the
through the town of Eastman, and to that
end that we will onite and co-operate with
the authorities of the load in securing n
grant of the right of way upon the nu>»t
reasonable and satisfactory terms.
3. lie it further resolved, That the
following named gentlemen bo and they
are thereby appointed to meet and confer
with the authorities of the roed and to
carry out the letter and spirit of these res-
olutions: Messrs. Wm. Pitt Eastman, W.
W. Ash burn, James M. Buchan, James
Bohannon, Benjamin IL Harrell, Jonathan
Knoiet*, Nicholas Rawlins, John A. Har
rell and Harlow Clark.
.4. beitfurther resolved, That a copj of
F. E. Burke, Americas, the Georgia di
rector ot the road, and a copy be furnished
thu editor of tha Eastman Tunis, for pub-
Wo welcome him nod wish him success.
Moro siekusM thau tor several summers
past; malaria fever and thoso nbominal
chills abound.
We regret to lose Gapt O. D. Smith, the
efllricnt and popular conductor of the
Vick*burg aud Brunswick railroad. He
leaves to assume, I am told, the duties of
yard muter of the Central railroad in
,0 t»o hotel, m. Julian, formerly the Com-
raercial Honff, after being thoroughly tv-
modelled and many additions made, will
be open to tbo pubiio by the first o! Sep
tember. It will have sixty well ventilated
rooms, with new aud handsome furniture,
water arrangements, eleitrio bells, baths
and elevator. Am glad to see that your
most excellent paper is popuhr here. Do
not know how it could be otherwise.
!a*t night m the court house. Add re son
wire luiido by Co!. 1). M. Robert*. Dr. liar-
tU Fisher, Rev. Mr. Thompson, Mr. Uorr-
innu and J. F. DeLacy. Mayor Sapp pre
sided. 'J ho meeting steraed tote of ono
opinion* thut of diprrcitiug an)thing like
.- I,mL l.iwi A tolUHilU.,of Jt«*
wns appointed to advise and aid the
guards in their duty. Atirong guard
Amebicus received her first bale of cot-
for New Yore, where he goes to lay in u
supply of goods for his home during the
OTrissincKn. ; 9*te , ft«%? , i»iW r »
this whole section of country. Tho house
is popular with nil elussea of
our people, and deservedly so. 1 aeo in
Sunday's i-saeol tho Constitution, thut tlm
editois of that journal get matters a “little
mixed" as to our nomination for repre
sentative, when it says: “Macon county
name* u Senator this year, and her choice
is said to be J. D. Frederick. I.
N. Scarborough, W. D. Murray aud T.F.
Knn*y are mentioned for Representatives."
Now, Messrs. Scarborough, Murray and
Rainey are citixeos of Schley oouuty aud
are candidates for the LeguUturs from
that oouuty. Under the lata ccuauv Ma .’on
county lo-t oue of its Representatives
and on Tuesday last, the let instant,
James M. Dai’ree, oue of onr present
F:nr‘ - n dlflervnt rt»r» rr..| Vlf.b
v with fimun-tci. r crv. Ir>. t<
qulrfr.uiitx. and prfred to suit all | ri
DiuUo Weed Doers. Patent Wer*! th
nh’bto DnmiK'.-, Jnterrba’' Ai
Drelllng boor, swlii’rin-r Iiear
.«tn-;1><T *'{nt»8tnp, ll.-vtr lhlo DOS-
o:t i r xu 11c«v, H.< r: CVnter
In" ‘ our?, lllmnltMteil rim i»<rt
. n o**, ;;ickt l 1‘aturU, etc.
t nenurffci in Materia!. In finish.
M<“"»fiictitrcd hr
_ And for sale b /
. r,t ,41
Henderson was recently fined lifteen dol
lars nnd costs for throwing Lis mitber-in-
i iivi out iuu
lust be uonft-ss-1 deaths from uvtural ceases (coo Janunr.
il Wuumu 1 UL This is « w-iuCt-rG
Georgia Djido- I An Atlnnta paper informs f hi pnblu in.
i added novelty I Monday “wua a wnrm tiur,’’ and wo nr
lies creed. Ii I di.poieU to believe it.
*>A mtssionuy j i» 0 *os Da L«o» U takings new grip <
I the natives of Fulton. The present n.trt
wn* placed nt tho jail last night
md the jail will be well guarded
«)-night, it is proposed that Jadge Fate
l>u requosltd to bold a special term of the
loutt at onco and give the defendants a
tpeedy jury trial. Judge Pate has not been
heard from on tbo subject. The aoconnt
imMii>hed in Tuesday’s paper issomowhat
jx-iggrrated. There wete only two killed
-a culorud man by tho marshal and post*
Auoust A—The writer waa fortunate
•noogh to receive an invitation to bo pres
ent at the annual private barbecue given
by Mr. J. b. llsstcr on the £Kh ult.. and he
will never forget the pleasure of the ocoa-
sion. Mr. Uestar’e elegant ooontry place
awi n.r uic m
t*0. j. OUKAU. W Cherry fet
aro from that source: A dead live msti is
a sore allliciion to any town.——Fast
young if.-uer.dly have a sloe time
g-tUctf married. The spell of chills
which lodged with ns recently, left us a*
weak os the “platform" of th 4 late Demo-
ia, he will quickly catch tha time to any
song an** soon will be sieging by himself
without aid from any one.—Marion Argus, h
Yen, neighbor, but yoa forgot to tell os the ‘
age of Master Wynn. How do we krfbw
but he ia as old as the editor of the Albany
A’ru-1 and Advertiser!
Mamon Argus; Oce night last week Mr. \
Jack Kilcresse, eon of Daniel Kile reuse,
who Uvea near St. F-lmo, in Schley, dream-
ed that be waa out in the pond bathing.
In his dream he crawled upoa the spring "
board and tncked Ms head out and dived 7
off. He found that he bod mistaken the lc
window sill for the spring board and the t
Mr. Tom Burney, ot tno Txi.rouvrji Ain
Mehmenuxb, was in our towu lent Mou.iny,
ana gave us a shako of the hnnd. Hu is a
genial fellow and wide awake to the tutor-
ext of his paper.
Work on the artesian well is at a stand
Politics is a thing of tho past with u«. It
is llioaght that inottof the Democrat* who
vote at nil will support Mr. Stepheus—uot
from choice, but ettuply bccuu*« ho la “thu
Major J. V. Lark goee to Macon for a
abort time to-day.
Very little aieknees In this community at
this data. If. P. G.
August !>.—The trial of four more of the
rioters is progr*ii*ing. The notorious wo
man who incited the mob is among the
number. She has been fully identified.
There were twenty-two prisoner* in jail
this morning and others will bo brought
fab Everything is quiet and orderly. The
prisoners rcetu to be frightened, but they
■mud the ordeal of tl»e examination very
nothing was ever gotten np in better style
or more enjoyable. The table fairly
groaned under the load of good things
After dinner melons and fruit ware fur-
nishad lsTixhly. Ixrng may the guests re
member the kindness of thslr host and his
exesllent l*dy.
On Wednesday last the eitisens in the
vicinity of Gamtber’e store contributed to
a barbecue for the pleasure of the neigh
borhood. I am told that it waa a most
pleasant affair and highly enjoyed by all
who attended.
Last Thursday at Gartar’a Lodge, In this
this county, a large number of ttanday-
rcboola met in convention. The day was
spent profitably as well os pleasantly, and
>t is thought the work will he pushed with
greater energy than ever.
Thu general meeting of the Baptist
oharch for ibis district, held with Moon-
tain Greek oharch, In this oouoty, closed
At tUU scttan, various dU v ■ t.f the
tow«• Is «ro prevalent, und Jwmu tires are
lod through lack of knowlcd-u of a taut
•and sure remedy. Perry DaYuT Pair
Killer is a sure cure for D:arrh>ra, live.
cntery,U1iolcnt, Cholera MorW, Summer
Complaint, etc, and is perfectly tuft.
Head the following:
*• Y- Urreh tX WX.
ost tho HUte behold with much phnsuro
the repeated bestowal of such honors upon
him by his fetlow-citixens of Macon
oounty. Hax.
Auoust 7. —The nomination for Sonator
of the Sixteenth district and Reprtten'a-
tire for this county waa lield on the Ath
instant, wfuch resulted in Col. G. b. Guy
ton's being elected over his opponent, Mr.
U. M. Burch, by a majority of two hundred
and fifteen votes, Colont-1 Guyton carry lag
eight dUlriets and Dr. Burch two. Mr. J.
B. Wolfe was uoiniuab-d for lieprmeuta-
tive by a majority of forty votes, but some
colored Hepublici ns voted at some of tho
products, and wheu their votes are thrown
out his majority will probably l>e reduced
to a very few votes.
Mr. Engeno Watts, in the lower i»ortion
of this oocnty, hi* wife, two children and
hismothsr ware stricken down about two
weeks ago with typhoid fever, nnd on the
3Ut ultimo Mr. WattVs mother died: on
the 1st inaL, Mr. Watts died, and the doc
tor who is attending them told roe on the
2d that he had that day left one of the chil
dren dying, and that he bad no hope of
August 8.—Mias Jennie Smith, of San-
dersville, is visiting Miss Jennie Daily, of
this place,
Unseotu My rick is trying the Spting for
Ida health, sed ridiug his bicycle fur plcaj-
Jethro Williams, a respectable citizen of
Monroe county, who had lived moro than
bis allotted time of three scurs and ten
years, drowned himself y CHteriUy iu Tobo-
xofkeu Greek by tying a weight aroatid hi*
neck. There was evident.y some mental
Tho fair for the benefit of Monrue Fe
male College opens to-night and will con •
tinne day and night until Saturday, wht-u
it will wind op wilh a grand barbecue.
Hon. Thomas lianlerran,
Colquitt, Alex Step best and lion. N. J.
Drummers Infest our city daily. Daz. ’
Auoust 4.—We are to have a new Iron-
plated jail. Mr. Wm. Armitage is the con
tractor. An inmate of the old jail fired it,
end after being rescued, made hie escape.
The Bladuhear library Association had
a pound party at their room lest evening.
Mr. B. 1). Brantley has rnsde fifty bushels
of com per acre, and is making a fine crop
Tua “holiness" people are on tho ram I Wf * Stephens b«vn cuujmen-Yd w
page in Georgia, and there ts ahundaut I *** wo, dp fun _'pppo u hU followers
prospect of a schtam in tho Methodise I rffraoed? i snpt^er
Uhnrch. I bot, nor would it f avs pu* m the i.osf.
W».. onr MiMmJ . Tr »,. nM u .^, n I Hon ot their stai dard b#urai His foliar-
TttL™ “ D T«Au^iS(orm "* £“'*& ^
t«*lT , Si I loruied a coal cm t*» destroy U>u Drum
fVmitiiTiiyI «"Glo party.” “Ha y ou untie n t* (be |*o i
i M I Hon taken wh?u ynu #ujtuar.uf«X yuursrlf
I as su lasleii ndofi Dcai'xraU ’ « .andid*te
assssuaTi uU&ittnxz
& ssr:' - D . u 'izsxszz rasas sses
Democracy. I earr e/i de»ir», by strict and uc/um:ttlnii
TnEfoUcwing opinions and Bema are I etttnilo * fo the Unties of «l»e high nud
S itbered fram our Uvsiy neighbor, tlm I reepcnHMs office, »o nee p, it that the I .we
aiunsa Free Preen: Im romoretl that I so adinmi tenwla* »o sdr.*u*»eth#proe.
Governor Colquitt h soon to be in Atlanta I pwity, pruc. ot the righix, »nJ promote the
HJ KUUfS. Hum 1 HI IU IU wo MW
Mirror and Advertiser dal not suspend.
Couth Georgia Clarion: The cotton crop
of Beker oounty has been Injured to a con
sklerabis extent by the recent rains. Rust
has appeared, and the plant is shed*ing its
forms. The caterpillar has made its ap
pearance in many plates. The corn crop
is made and a veri good one it is.
Tea Sylvania Telephone says “candi
dates are coming." • If oar contemporary
W'll watch, we think it will see that more
of them are gotn^than coming.
A vexxow is pretty well stuck, we imagine,
when he writes to his girl by evtry other
mail, and tics versa.—Syteania Telephone.
We should say so. When he gate to the
“rice versa" stage of the game, we are sat-
I.C..I IL. —L. _ I 1 ....
rcHtoUd by Messrs. Ksith snd Burghaid,
are making a fine display of the goods do
g^^^^^^^nterpruing firm.
it here in the interist of K.
Hon. It. J. Hightover i* boastiu^ ui>on a
variety of rnoskmelun that he grows to the
enormous length of three leet.
Auoust 7.—On Saturday last there seem
ed to bi toms trouble existing between P.
E. Will* and Cornelia* Manuing, which
camel their friende to intercede and get
them to eettle toe matter in a friendly
manner, After meeting and pasting the
usual compliments of the day, tru y made a
few remarks, which led tx lurch word*.
From that they passed a blow or two and
V. P. , „ «...
A. Johan A Co.
l.oul«v llle.
Auoust 8.—Owing to the heat
ii>. havo had in some sections of ihe county
Y. tor the p*u-t week or two, the cotton < rap
is beginning to »hed some, and in com*:
places the rust is making ecocide ruble
Gur citizens nre getting quite enthuds*-
tic on tho coming ennu tttgo for Il<-prts*n-
tatives to the Li gi-Utur*. I predict rough
time* for our county and the State gene
rally on this cnbjccL
We are going to have two new etorcs iu
team—W. A. McCarty A Co, of Sauder<*-
ville, are going to open a store her*, and
Mr. A*a Beach ot the firm of Farmer Bros.
A Go. is going to start out with one.
Our town is quite dull. W.
ho family cmn safely be without this
Invaluable remedy. Its price L rings it
within the reach of all.
For sale by all droenu** at Soc_ COcT
and $1.00 per bottle.
PERRY DAVIS A BOX. Proprietors,
piofuei >n grain, fruits, melons, vegetable*
alike. Home ot the old farmers think ths
I rice of corn will not aspire na high as fifty
cents. Expressions of deepest sympathy
aro heard on a., — •*.*..•.... ».w.■ .rnn.
ton, Hon. B. U. Util, who know so calmly
and subscription papers invariably “hand
towards town."
A malignant type of sore *“
A malignant type of sore eyes prevails
here. Il*mce our public schools havo been
The Sunday-school convention at Way-
eraas was kargelv attended. Wire-grass
Georgia is developing morally as well as
materially. The gsoaraes managers of
the Savannah, Florida and Western rail-
way gave twenty-five little orphsn gtrls,
from abe Savannah Orphans Home, a free
trio to the convention. This was a repo-
tit ion of the »ame kimlnet* attended them
to IboostviUe lest year.
Onr fields aro loaded with the bleeeinga
of a kind Providence. Bother Bynl, of the
Setes and Signal, smiled yesterday over
mw moo, now ribbon cane sent to hU
The mall-Dox rumor about Way cross is
all sides for Georgia's noble
and grandly awaiting the falling of the
dark rusntU over him, which the hovering
angel of death ia bolding almost in sight of
his eagle eyas.
A raortaaocssafttl.a* wallas difltoU oper
ation, was p-rformed here a tew da)e age
that of removing a large cancer from thu I
body of a delicate lady. Tbs ■‘taffy aud
skillful hand of yonug k. Henry Battey,
of Home, did tho cutting.
* The mosquitoe* of this pise* have all
gone to AUaota fur th* summer blessing*
un tbeir bills.
T ho cloud* give us a shower bsth every
day. keeping tho streets free from dust,
and vegetation green and flourishing.
fif**-**® ,***• convention. I Ijk,u. Anil ,et .ti
Tlw, di4s I ilo it worth . c*r.», . u - do lit., | ..vmI! huX|> ih. l.,,nU
intnd to MBd CulqoiU del-i-f. to I r. I,vii,K„ut.-ll-.!I
I^.-1'litnn.—Mr,Mf|<h.ui will b. .!• I, uv.> il . •*»:
Two young white men of Brooke county I died to the nominabon#, aud all that, bet
were rwwaUy convicted of steehog turkey si u cannot refrain from kicking the plat-
rnd senteccod to twelve months on the I form of tho bosons la tso fotlowirg just
chain-gang, or t-v pa^r afiae of fwsnty-fiv* l ami ngorooa etyte: “that miserable spot
Georgia Plantations for Sale.
rilURKR fins ootloo and grain j 1 mtationa
A. in Dio oocnty. Go-, well »Uuat *1 on
publle rond and easily accessible to rail
rood.' TImss lands are among tba most
fsitile in this section, prodedng cotton
ana all Uao c*reals abundantly, and is re
markably well adapted to stock raising.
1 ho lands are well watered and timbered.
Two of the plantations contain each 1JJOO
aereu and the third 1^>k) son*. These
t nutation* havo all necc wary houses, etc..
for farming i :;r; ««h.. tie above pises* cheep on
been appropriately named. Having a
special icvitstioc to attend a bsrbecun at
the reoideoce of the Hon. H. U. Ridley,
w* arose esrly and began t » make prepa
rations to start for the scan# of action.
Although the cloujs threatened rain, w*
were soon off, and arrived at our point of
destination just In time to escape a gooff
To our otter astonishment we found one
of tho completes! * rrsngei farms mu have
Acquit H.—Ths protracted meeting at
the baptist chorrh closed on last night.
On Sunday Ret. Mr. Corley lannjrsed
t sentr two converts. In the pest sis week*
the Spirit of God baa been doing a great
work bare. More than o-.a hundred so«U
have professed the faith in all humility and
ho io* u, and joined the mpeetife churcb-
es—eighty-five the Methodist and the bal
ance the llxpUst church.
(fence the nomination, political excite,
rntnt has apparently subsided. Moat of lbs
ibaorru) prupote, for tbo sake of bar.
mooy, 'jo abuls by the eominatMw, sed re-
kctanU? c»*t their vote for Mr. Stephens.
The nomination of CoL Hardeman gives
universal satisfaction.
Home of the f*rmer» nn picking cotton
and others palling fodder daring (be taler-
va’s between the “dog-day" shower*. A
few dale of fair wsa l her is in demand at
this time.
over seen. The residence and outhooses
being moated on an inclined plane make
a picturesque scene, barns cribs, fencer,
roe-hocus, dog-houses, fine gardens, or-
t.-ice and teaching thirty-
with a three-foot stick w
out of hfcs tracks. One ear
Msured, and eras 1tae
ruwoo vmh the shock ou.