Newspaper Page Text
(i')coi JtWhliT vi. dcgnpl). ant* 3am v r>:<d %x ?r!c££&ngft
SI’S 11! RAE.
I/>ng years hay a come an 1 gone, clear Tom,
ttince you and 1 were boy*.
Since we together went to atbooi,
And fussed about our toys.
The old brick school houw yet remain*,
i; iu halU
Bi.Hl bear our badly written ua
Upon their scribbled walla
The master long since passed away.
AhVmany a care bad he;*.
No more we laugh at hla old tales
nterfef i I
With counterfeited glee.
ow stern he was, how fierce l:Jn frown,
And yet hla heart w * *
* I
The lessons that 1 learned from him
llave never left my mind,
p him yet, a grave old r
With wise and knowing look.
Still tightly holding lu Ills baud
Hls ferule and hla book.
I still can hear my mother sigh
O’er muddy clothes and rents
Torn In my trousers when we played
At see suw on the fence.
The old white church, the mossy mill,
ileslde the waterfall.
The pasture lot upon the hill.
ent took up with great enthusiasm. Orie I W1LMI NOTON. August9.—Cottonqukt: mid*
for Hardeman were given by the Chatham*
and Volunteers. He stepped out just as ne * l * * r0 * B l * * lci
»!.« ntwl mailA a i PHILADELPHIA, AuJtUZt U —Cotton qulci
tho conductor said all-aboard, and made a I JP| Q „ vV | .....v.
few remarks. In closing he said the Cha- I middling UU; low middling It?;-, good ordlna-
lybe ito ripnngs were a fine plane to go to, Iry llJi: net receipts 45; gross 315. fewjj||
but then it was a poor placo for arlillory I ■Pinners—-*, stock
punch. I guess ho never visitod this placo |
net rocc! pa 2j,gru»a|
w th
asid .
this morning.
,— .-sXMton steady; mid*
illiik Ilk. good ordlna-
- s iv. sales 15; stock
would he, had he been her I
NEW OKLKAN8, August 9-Cotton quiet;
middling 1*1*. low middling UM- good ordlna-
rj^ linnet receipts 97; gross 214; sales 9J0;
MCBILK, August 9—4ononquiet; middling
’ 'Mlln* IS'j&guod Ordinary 11%: net
Tacsiy.llist senatorial District. ;, August 9.—Tho Demo
cratic oxocutivo committee for the twenty* | i2jfc - io\TmiddTi
to-day. lutdimud the following call, via: 1'?» 'ni.i.Jiin* is;, ;<wi oniiniirjr
That tli. o ,unt!oa of T»lg.-«, 3 .mo, and «!“* “ e™ - • •»'P“c 0 b —:
I Wilkliuon tnkowoh .top,i ** .hall tocor. auousra, Au«u«t 9.-mton marki-t .|i.!rt-
from each eoaa*y n delegation representing | middling 12; low middling Uk; good oruln
ten votes, who shall m>et at Gordon, tin.,.| arylift; net^receipts 12 gross tales —
to represent the district in the next Legis- jjy “S*Ung EEtfi&llSP
lnturo. A. 8. Hamulkton, Chairman. net wodp,a 1: * ro * l; “ lc * *** • tock * f *
Hr little sweethoart, Susie Use,
Is now a woman grow
• of ear
She has her share of earthly c
And children of her o
I drew her on the old blue sled
And thought the load was light.
You, Tom. were Jealous of me then
But that was long ago;
Our youthful feuds and enmities
s long ago;
, fends and r
Have melted like the s
With envlons eyes I used to sec
I cared not for the stones von threw
When, passing your abode, ■■■I
* ‘he old whit ^ ~ *- -*
bite horse to drink
Adown the old stage road.
I thought of little but of her
And of her pretty wars.
m ail Uie world to n
In those bright boyhood day*.
The birds sang sweetly In the lane,
Alas! 'twasbnt a hoyl
Kiylsh d learn
How soon the old love riled!
But oh! how sweet It used to sec
To have her by my side!
'It might have been!" What thoughts
For husbands or for wives!
What Utile circumstance* form
Organisation ortlm filddla Ueorgla
Teacher* Institute
The Mi lied geville Union and Recorder
rays of the above Instituto
This body was organized on Tuesday
last, at the College, with Prof. 13. M. Zett.
ler os chainnain. The faculty of the Insti
tute is composed of Mecsrs. U. M. Zettler,
W. B. Donnell, T. J. McLaughlin and John
Neely. The sessions of both white and
colored teachers are held daily, tho former
at the Middle Gsorg'n Military and Agri
enltnral College, the tatter nt tho Mu tho
dist church (or colored people.
YYe are permitted to oopy from the reg
istor the namoa of the white teachers iu at
tendance, tut follows:
il. M. Zettler, Macon, suporintondout
publio eohoots.
Provisions.—Market advancing again.
” ‘ * 1% Bulk (J. R. sides
• pmUtUkUe form. Tho
e*uyj» repartition of iron
(MW tMU not Maelc+tt the
' Ajtfl U*Ck,*o cJutractcristlenf
rT5‘ 'l.i \- */.*»• %r—t prrfnrationj.
New Edition, 118-000 Weruruf
i« Jr, ,-r* ; 'l ft eNMoaod ul)l llASTKS’ft IftMN T< >* 1C U ft liW
U ItT hAmJi:ia.SUKW ft#h. A*«^bC Ixaiift, Mo.. No*. SKlh, 18BL
Four Pa^os Colo rod Plates, 3000
Engraving*, (r.-nriy tiir-o tir. o. tho numh«r>;. t'y.) uL-.iconuin--HlHograph-
icnl Dictionary riving hri» f irnportniit tecta
*’U.N. MAIN 51., ST. LOUIS.
llealstiy s onUltlou oi A nr*In* lu l^m*
■Attbatartennd moathly dr»*lBg ^ (i , 5 :wlk
tbs Louisian, State Latter, ol New Or. Baeon-^ionder, 12’} Bulk «houldw. 104.
loans, on Tuesday, July lltb, 1882, the I Hams la Bellies 14
following result was achieved, .'specially SStf'y**^SnlST WLJf
iraUfiltS to tho parties directly Interest* I tSSPStSS^iaS?’ ^ N * Y * lu Ucroe ’
ed. Ticket No. 85,003 drew $(5,000. It I txooa-SfarVet lower: flntwt patent. I8.0S;
sold In fifths at $L each to (1) Wil- V, : ch £!«L uxtr *
.Martin, a well known colorea bar- I^ buckwheat,no H o. Wheat
bar of Hangor, Mich.; (2) Phil Wltile- thirraa-Markct quiet with mmd (hunand;
ben, care of Messrs. R. G. Dun dc Co., I Cholco Rio, lft;; good. 1J; fair, 12; ordl-
Detroit, Mich.; (3) Wm. W. Irwin, a | B «firm White
clerk in the auditor’s office of the Louis- era, * .a5 nrixed oSS? -llt-ln car SS
villn aud Nashville railroad company, at I lots 2 to 3 ceuta leas. Feed oats, m. Western
I ouiaville. Ky, collected through the '>ȣ; c Ȫ
WMten, Financial Corporation thero j “SSiSIm a»d T?n-di; demand: 3’f b« e .
(4) Ed E. RlchartUon aud Joseph Lyle, I rtna, all Juu, n;<: a dm, none: t>< do. a;i
or Reldsville, N. C.: and (5) a party I arrow tie.. n.«i: oleccd to. It as.
who,e nan,, U withheld by nmuest. ,> Th.
second capital prize of $25,000 was won 1 —*- — t
by ticket No. 32,395. The tlurd capital, IMHIIP —
priaa of $10,000 was won by ticket No. W wjj 1 ;
00.070—.old In nabs also at $1 each to SSliifSif ^ShefSSle, £Sfe ' 10E
several holders, among others two to C. I Fair.— No. l msecvrei. naif bbls. .97.00: Ao
Pitman, Mt. Vernon, Ky., collected I No. 2do., half bbi« 15.73; klu.«c.;
through Farmer’s National Bank of j M^flViloSSSled. 10M; stand
Stanford, Ky.; one to II. B. Maynard, I a, lOH: whim extra C, 10; extra r, o>4 Golden
220 Third street, and F. A. Magi, M2 N. O. whites; 10k N. o. yellow clarified
wam I HAXavxai—Market dulL Homeshoe.tS.00
two fourth capital prlzea— $5,000—^were I perkev. mule shoes 17.®!. Irou bound hamee
won by tickets No. 6,888 aud 20,440, also I tl.S9ft5.00. Traco chain* 45;450c. per pair
—- • —! Ames T shoTelslir
por IP. Ualusn'
After tliorough'y letting ibis varlely, usually
known as the “Bill Dallas Rust Proof Wheat,”
we unhesitatingly prminunce it the aum.t cropper
yet originated, Having lost only, one crop 111 ten
years, and that from the ily or acme insect, not
rust. It sppesra to bo a hybrid—a smooth-headed
wheat with almost invariably some bearded heads
cropping out amongst it. The crop Just harvested shows the largest yield of any va
riety in this section, the yields so far reported being from 211 to 30 bushels per acre.
2 Bushels sacked, $5.09. .... - 20 Bushels sacked $50.00.
References—Col. Pete’s, planter and live rtock raiser, Atlanta, Oa; Hon. J. T.
Henderson, 8tx!e Commissioner of Agriculture, Ailauta, Oa.; General U. Toombs,
Washington, Ua. Addiosa all orders to
Mark IV. Johnson & Co.,
97 JTarietta Street. Atlanta, tin.
juu23wly Send for circular of clover, grass and other seed.
Read the Figures. 1
Fancy Bunting 3c. Plain Bunting 5c, Lace Bunting 8c.
TTniHlIth^ono to L.
ift.nnhtn %r._ OrUftn. • #ina , — 1 I PO’ S. lltlUtn I [)>OV fitOOIltl.,4, AXCS S9.IS)
Dauphin street, New Orleans, one to J. I ^n.oo per dozen. Cotton curds t5.oo. Well
G. Spear, 10 Boylstou Market, Boston, I buckets ti.M. Ootton npo lsc. per®, fiwedo
Mass.; one to P. 8. Dicharry, Ascension | V***;'■ ' V 41 '- **« r "
p» r| «*i. on .? 10 toltafpS'kti. BLtoT*:™15?
ler, W. & R. railroad, Washington, D. C. 18c<-—-**• -*• , - - ■ >
ler, w. oc n. rauroaa, wasniugion. u. u.» sc. per ». Drop shot ti.0J per bajr.
The other holders decline the publication I MncxiAAJctou*.—fuanr. Wo., Pickles, pint*
of tbeir names. The next drawing will I
occur on TueaJay, September 12tb, and I .lnmwdc. ta.ou. Hioa^ftac. • ‘iidl pot-
will be unlur the solo supervision of | ash, ?2.7',;ta.oin t’anr. i. i Hidf«-
Gen’ls O. T. Beauregard, of Louisiana, £*> JSf nt 'tzS&OP
»nc> Jub.l A. Early, of VirRini*. Coder SSS b!XJ it? 'T.iiow. a
tho new scheme recently adop'ed, whole I rtsv goods.—Market steady. Prini*—t*nd*r.l
Dress Goods 10c, former price 20c. Dress U.m>Js 13c, former pries 25c.
Dress Goods 20c, former price 30c. Dress Goo'ts 25c, ftiruier price 40c.
Splendid line Uiughatns 10c, former price 15c.
New lino Lawns 10c, sold elsewhere 12 to 15c.
Pants Linen 15,20 and 25c, worth 25 per cent, more.*
Flannel for Bathing Suits 50c and 00c.
Eloffftivt Aftsortment oi* Hosiery
Hngffy Uobea 75o nntl B1 .OO. *
New lino of White Goods arriving and to arrive early this week. Save your time
and money by going direct to
tickets are $5, and fifths $1 ; full Informa
tion can b* bed on application to M. A.
Dauphin, Kew Orleans, La., who cheer-1
fully replies to all Inquiries.
l 2&ht W 2 i loi i4 ® 54
017lor the Adirondack*.
For tliuse who are fund of bunting and
falling, the charms of the Adirondack re
gion are ever Irenh and attractive for the
summer time. To city people and others
in regular business the temptation to dan-
anl^^.^KenK-ysl3K$14. Kentucky Jeans 8 J
FiovUbn HarkrG hr Ttlercratk.
P BALTIMORE, Augnit 9.—Flour steady and
quiet: llowanl streel and Western superfine
CI.0Ua3.7j; ertra M.OOa.5.00; fatnll-
t iijr Mills su;ivrfine ‘XTOsS
IV 25
W. B. Uonnoll. C.wirgbm, president
Georgia Monroe Futnulu College.
J T. McLxoghtiu, Tnlmttoa, principal
G'dlingaworih Institntr.
lJepj. Neely, Aujosti, auporiatomlcnt
pablio school*
Robt. A. Ryder, Macon, principal Heath
publio ad>ool.
Ilenr/ U. Brown, M/lon, Campground
itilii. aMirwtl —'
•troet public sch^’I.
Mi*-;: O. rimttb, Maeou, Orange streDt
public school.
Mi * Mary A H'nVoti, Macon, assistant
Orango street pnb’.io
gcrous exposure while engaged in lake Soothm strily: 'wHstem hBicr.
and mountain sport is very great. Many I easy; tkmthern red fi.Hsi.14; amber «l.Wa
who camp out go to sleep fu their wet I Lt7: No-1 Maryland l.l lH a*ked: No. 2 Wes-
boot, and other g.rmenu, .nrt not only Kmisot towtSclSS, Siihn w2fc»^i?b"
catch a prodigious lot of big fisli, but also I cr nnd firm. buT quiet; Soutbern white UaW;
a tretr.eudonj attack of lumbago. To I yellow nominally 9!. Oats steady and anlet;
, JS2 )r ” f fer wSSSfmSS''wTr^tStSaiStea. rSS
l)AM» Pain Is quite ns inpor* I visions firm: Mess t«>rk t22.2kOS.2X Bulk
taut as gunpowder or fish bait. Mr. R. I meats, shoulders and clear rib sides packed
O. demon,, .,r N«lm», N. II., vntn -*••« «nd ;'
tl:at the I'Alu Killer buctwl tan of lum- iJS * nrm: St!? i«J1
bago and rheumatism, an 1 that ho has 1 «>es) ordinary to fair *S*9*S- sugar eu*ndy;
bago ana rheumatism, an 1 mat uo nai 1 goes) ordinary to fair asav^. sugar steady;
recommended it to hundreds of persons ns j A sod 9)4. Whisky quiet at 71.1s. Freight*
■ »n«'Jot* •»' unplewMit dlwuc. | oKI.E.tss, Ao.uK fc-noor In Mr <lel
■*>»»■ ■ - - I maud: high grades t60UaVH7*4.- r
CuiLDncN arc very fond of Scott & I dull: mixed uh; white fi 10. Oats quiet:
| |'i Solubio Usef sprinkled on oread | [£?£* h 7>hJ?r Vt fifS |j|j|
. 4'H.Vn WcMcrn tlrn.t 1
aud rrackeri, and as It ©on* ait is aSfth^tierce ^lfoStsSi SkeslUU? (fTioUt^S^
nmirhhment of the meal U very vloslrable 1 xirmig and higher, stoaidm vaeked *w.w *.
r»r For ... b, drugRlsU «d m- TMglZ&JftJiBgt
c<ir3, mum 14H I Coffee quiet and tlnnj Rio, cargoes, ordinary
Of all tho wonderful discoveries, per- I rlarited U 9; fa?f l S 4, fi»lly U, ffir hJHS 1 ?
hips none surpass that of extracting tho I choice h44o9. Holaasceqniet and unrhann*
•——* 1 ».'ii-»; LoaUlana ordinary to choice
“miv» il. ~6Z~ thrash, Macon, assistant
Mulberry st.vot t*ub!io school.
Misa KatU Me Say. Macon, Second street
public tchccl.
M-.-* Mary *Ho Igkioa, Macon Second
street pabtto acho-il.
S. G. Uriak'.cy, Qaltman, principal Quit-
msu Academy.
L. Garriniron, Millcd^eville, county
aohool comtmsaiouer.
MUa Fannie 0. Lane, Millej^cville,
comity pablio school.
Mis* Panlir.e Waar.ach, Macoo, oatda'.-
ant Second rtrect pnbl e school.
Mr. K.U Gs.ldy, MtlledgeviHo.
gliaa U*»r e Fair, SLUie>hrsvil!e. Middle
Georgia Military aud Airdca.tnral eolHfe.
Mi«t l.ixxte P. Aapier, MtllcdgeviUc,
private schovi.
Mi*s Mary K. Herty, MilledgovUc, pro*
paratorr d«partm»<nt rollcRX
Miss Mary D. Hnuter, Milled.evilie.
t Nettie H. WulUker, Baldwin »oun-
essence of beef, which has proved siich a I i 1 , 1 ! c ' ,,,u 1 |
blessing to ths sick. Golden’s L'ool-’s I ''Spw youk. a«isuH #. -Cmtr~ Heady and
Liquid Halted of Uwfand Tonic Invlg- I mcMluratcIv arrive: Kio(par«ne*) quote 1 st h!4i
orator lm the prcf**renco for weakness. I *. 11: f° b . J»w.s><al'L
tlapresaton, consumption, lassitude ami \ qulctqnd w cot; standard A V
I fevers. Aok for C'olden $, take no otfur. I Mola*MH».ti-ady and «)Ulj
OI druggists generally;
ty ;
W. P. William*, MtUedgevUlc,
Grove school.
Mise Ki.'.mlo Carrington. Mtilodgorill*.
MUm E. S. Uienardson. uilledgevtl'e,pri
vate school.
Mias Jennie Moore. Mi'ladgeviUe. pri-
mary department :fi iilo Georgia Military
and Agrcaltarnt Collsg-.
Mi-a L. E. Rtctvsrdaon, Colombia, S.C.
Mhs Mary O. Bethnoe, Americas, Prln-
ciial Orammer Reboot.
Rtllie 11. Hawkins, Merriwtliier,
• School.
Mm. Johu J Dtvl«, Davtaboro, Principal
Dwlaboro Academy.
Xlr«. K C. Mabry, (Havens Pottery.
A. F. Ware, Cam'ak, Priuoipul Camak
John H. Bteph
k ns, Sylvania, Hilvsr Creek
J. P. A W. fl UOLMJCs,
ftiAiiuarit a v.
, quirt. Hire firm and In
lodi-ratc inquiry. Pork hlghrr and aaoli
rlo»ln« very »tmny: meea *i«t *22.30 r
rri.3Xk21.A0 old; gepteraber fJi.7Qu;j
Ollloe—TJpptMito Lanier Hoo'e.
102 Mulberry street, Macon, Ca.
may 16 lowly
I dies dnii and
1.70a2t 00. Mid
coubreran daily av
MACON. Augnst v, is*.
iXocsda s per oent bonds, due lseo.ue (sue
lieurria * p«r cunt boud*. (old) ** ^.lJO ssttfl
ueuntia 7 i-cr cent, bcud-i (ntorwage ICO ($107
■Jeorjia 7 per »vut bomls (gold
quaruT90dpim»i 11* #114
Ocar^ta 7 |<r cent bonds, due buiL 124 (9124
teor^la a p*r cent, bonds 110 9111
Nonheafttcra railroad Umdsicud'd) 111 (file
Ccuual IL K. Jolut mort 7 per rjnt 110 MH2
Gcoryla railroad 4 per cmL botkda- 1(77 value
ft wteru R. IL ot Ala.. Ul tatm^age 112 tilts
UceKra R. R. of Ala., 2d mortgage 112 tfl) 1
Mobile and (ilrarl railroad, (raort) 112 (gU*
Mostgomary and lufaola lot uort-
*ac«. lnd a’d by c. and *- W. iLIt 106 •iu?
AtuuiUo and Gufif ngjar * ■*
totnnal; lone c-Irar MS.75.
_ Pi. PtOD. higher, subaequcntly
I hat the advanoo aud chieed "'^alOi* lower.
I with trad* fairly arrive: sale* of prime >n-ani
I siM)t at 112.06X11 w^; September -l2.8uaU.oti.
I CoiitluenUl frelghw h> l.1vr*pool, market
1*1511. cotton per attorn J»5 led., wheat per
.team 4}»«l.
, LoiTlsvIf.I.K. Augnrt 9—Flour steady
I In fair demand and print nominal y
i-hangM. Wheat doll and unchanged. C
.firm: No. 2 white :«r, No.2mixed Hi
I quiet and unchanged- Provisions in fair de-
I mand and market firm. Mess pork t.’1.50.
I Bulk meats—ahouhlcra • s C2H: rib f 13 3JH;
I clear side* SlXli/r. Isird quiet and
I chancc*i: choleu leal ft Uti.
I CINCINNATI. August 9.-Flour dull ...
I unchafsed. Wheat»Us»djr amt firm: No. 2 re*l
- ri.tii bid Aunigjjdga
“ •j7»j
nd high
t railroad, tousoU-
Cj- of Havanuah bonds ...
cuy «>f AtUuu a per cent _ . ..
cuy of Augusta a per ecuL Iwnat..
(kmthwtatem nti.r.m.l >luck,...^. _
Cental railroad siuc-k, W «g 21
Central railroad scrip, M g»l
mol. M. K. steels 11* (9120
—.... 160 alii
104 (Ul
A oinsui aud gavvini
Ueongia railroad stock
spot; 7»!ia7K;i August. Oats strong and high
er. No. 2 mixed 53 spot; ti!;af. August. I'nrk
stronger at 220). Is«rd quiet at *12*26. Bulk
mi-au quiet but firm: shoulders -960;
clear rib 13.25. Whisky In fair demand an*
higher at' 1.15 Combination sales of flubba
goods. M0 barrels on a basis of • 1.13. *u«wr
easier but Hot ououMy lower. lings steady;
common to light rt.40aa.20. Packing and
butoben k7.7Ua*
81. LOU 1<4. August 9.—Float steady and un
changed. Wheel higher at opening but do
cllned at the chas: No. 2 red fall **»ja9r**,
•ash; 9n‘< August; 9h,'< 8eptemt»cv. Corn
ilgtier at 77Sa7aeash: 77S Augtut; 75K Hep-
ember. Oats quiet and unobauged Uhl Ay
steady at 1115. Purk higher at 12 75 cash;
•12 05 bid August. Bulk meat* ai-rive, firm
and blgliL-r. sbouldurs FMk; short rib — ggd
*n»rt oh-ar II3.KV. lard nominally -12....
CHICAGO, Augtitt 9 —yioor steady and
unchanged. Wheat active but genarallr lower
id tm-gu'.ar |i0l August; fieptem-
1. Practical Lifo.i
COnpHisKING:! r, > rnu J t
JT. W. RICE & OO.,
Tlw Leader* In I»w Prlco*.
mada this aeaaon, with two httuh bolta
all tbe htert itaprovamtnu, boxed,
ready for Immediate shipment. Any of
regular glxei alilpptd the day Ibe or*
recelluJ. No delay, l’r'cei at
beretc fore published. Send for circular
' r ^
(. ^fs*^
C. II. ISsitltlinp;,
C« P«alargtrwt,
n a cos, t/Eono ia ,
uk* out nt
Groceries, Plantation
Supplies, Bagging.
Ties, Etc., Etc
1 am now making a specialty of Ihw
Lurrmusor Improved
I claim that it 1* the muat compact
and simply oocatruoted gin made, eon
aeqnently it i* more oaaily operate-J
and will mu longer vntboat needing
' rtpMra than gin* with complicated
.'machint ry; thvt it oombiuea the merite
■^RVXXD, Ijiuuc DaaeauT lad Good
rial and domestic enjoyments for „ __
days of rain and gloom. an cstfiy
grave? HtirK *» swr nisalon. an« h an* the r»*
"itts ot l)r J. Uradfield’s Female R,-vulol.*r,
which la hence truly and appruptiatsrly styled
"Woiaau's Best Friend.”
••Whites," and all those irregularities of tl.e
womb so defective to the health, happiness
and beauty of, diMp|»car like magle
before a slnglo bottle ot tb:s wonderful cc
All who suffer from any of these diva**
most earnestly Invlu-d i*» give this irrat remedy
. - a trial. It bos cured thousands, and will cui
iron frame, mado under tin immed ate you Don't fall to try It.
1 Price, small alse, 75 ceubk I-arg* slzo. tl 50.
Manufactured by
J. UKADFIFI.D, Atlanta. OA
Gwathmey’s Improved
Eclipse Gin,'
with Doubl* Roller Hulling Attasbmcnl
and all of the very latest improvement*.
Solid 13 loch laws, patent brush, strong
-i^hafore h ring. inuUWxU-wT.m
• During tho montli of August subscriptions will bo received for the
1 CHICAGO WSBSKIsY NLlVri, extending Horn tho date of receipt
I to January 1st next for TWKNTY-FIVK CENTS. The CHICAGO
supervision of Richard R. Gwalhmajr, lbs
patentee. Tin KMipse Gin b designed
for hulling trashy cotton, but with the 1m*
prove men!* we have recently added It cat:
used to great advantage In all public
giuneriei and large plantations.
*>nd for circular and price list.
I WEEKLY NlrtVB Is a large 32-colnmn paper, edited with special
The Brown Cotton Gin Co,,
tics, giving all political lntelllgeuco five from partisan coloring and
discussing politicaljquestiooa without fear or favor aato parties. Con
densed notes on Art, Literature, Hdence, Industries, Fashion»,
•tc.,and SIX COMPLETED HYORIKH In every Issue. UUUio
United States, coat-
■ scribing for a year w« make this eperial offer for the MONTH Ol
■ ACGrkT ONLY «.r sending this paper from date to,JantUUW 1st
■ next for the nominal price oFTWENTY -FUF-tENTH.
■ A Ue. coin may be safely sent In a strong envelope. A club of five
, 1 ■'•rlr.tiops for R/meG,U»r BUI. Address V1CTOU F. LAW*
I BON. l*wbllaker, 123 glflh Atcuos, Chlcngq, 111,
Ghattanooqa Saw
Warrantod Unsurpassed I
p HmlwlaoUon Clmtriin(c<‘(L
We make . ,re-H.ltr of repairing All kind,
r-f Raw*. Writ* for price*.
XT! ■ Cl pm 11s
and Agricultural C »4i g
Mb* Stllle V. Anderson, MiUeJ^vi.le.
Mi-;*. S K. Bearden, Milled^sviil*.
Mi-All F. *v.vdar, Militiu^erille.
N. C. Chandler, li.tid*in eoanty.
Mr.i. Z. K. W illiaar, Clopton, Ua.
Mr*. M. A. InckG, Augusta.
Mbs Al*c* Brinkley, Qaltman.
tl 500 year can oe eailly made at
boma workingf.r E. G. Rideout A Co,
10 Barclay ttiect, New York, Send for
their caUvigtw aud full particuUts.!y
Money A Ucbanye long -4 ai; short .. * n ‘! *X^r T«i .nr? aK-
X;: 1 ,' 0oTem " co1 si. .prtSi
Mtrf iORK-Evening—exchange f4J3H. I
Uovernmont Bocurltltai genmily unchanged; I JWJJLi** _ ca ** l j-_ 7 .^^ 77 __!!?»
sir* 4 percent SOI; 4X per cents Ilf?, 4 per ft‘‘hr I YiviiSte
cento Co. Money 2J*oT State boo«U Inactive. I JJjJf' 61 • anmatlea A bi?L uonjS lv
KffiL Ajj. ^etodej^uojto.,
si bSSma”""’ **' it I ****|»tember. Bulk te'-au Maonger ahouldvn
ladSM; , S=Sr:iSjgl < *!S rtb USshort, dear, 11X35
. iC HuT a N. 0 7^
fti!, c • u 32
11*.|Del. 1.4 W....
7 HU t'Ji.i’f RAJHI.
Whit Il»«
r aoeeptioa to
Cla« B, Vs 1U1 American Exp.
Class tt.4'0. — ttMCbaa. * Ohio-.
Cbteogo A North—1 t^v.chteafo A Altoo-ltl
I WbDky fairly active and a slunte blgliur at
gastlennR. R-.- 1
Naval Stores
*p»r!« tnrpen
tine" steady at" Eo*ln quiet at *.»
t * fttrjtnftJ; .l.&ufor good strained. Ta*steoily
Crude turj*«utine firm at 11,75 for
I kard[ 2 75 for yellow dip ami virgin.
•inlet at 42.
A member of tt.o Chatham Ar:i!kry,
writing from Chalybeate Sprirgato the
Savannah Morni'.j Neve, under date ol
the 5th insbt sa>s:
"IdNid my last jast a* the train wut
rolUng lnt> ataooa. well* wo ro led as
Iitofaasioualt would *ay, and
coma U> a atoy v
riltnoU Central-.~i 11% ilan. Ji rUo-j”.... >■»
Late ehors.-,-—lie*, Ifarlcn —
U-ctevlw « Nob- U) t Bouatim A Tex**- m
Mrmp a A Char.. Vi .Man. Elevated.— &! . .
Nash, and tliat- 61 Mel. Elevated straln.-l -
New T'.fk Gsa'L.D7'i Mich. Ifeulnd luu- t peatineui
BUuhurjtti 1M Mobile A OtUe.— 2-4 I CHARI.
BJcffm’a A All*- 21 N. J. ivtitsai , TI I quick wit!
0«00 noted persons.
Fii - - llors! Machines,
Kfesi * ' *
JOHN M. PEVEY, Proprietor,
HT-Referenco: J. F. HANSON, Agent Bibb
The Brown
conou GIN GO
N«)5V I^oihIoii, Conn,
Unvo on hand a slock of
We alto manufacture
vuly mode.-y
- 7 a phyriciiut.
Tubrlug health and bappluea to i>k- b >m*s
earthly benMarrion can compare with
whlih protiM-ufrum
••That dire disease whoso ruthless power
Withers beauty's transient fltvwf"
which NMrea ease for pain. f*sy for sorrowjnn!l -a
for tears, the ro*e of health for the pallor of dfa-
esfte, the light. eUitec step for dnutcltul weari
ness. nights of soft repose for heavy hours of
hosing retllesancsz. In tiudliig vigor for lan-
cu ahlng dullness, the aweet Unca of full growu
leauty for the sharp aud withered f •mi* of
r !faflon, a long life of trcnui. phyal -ol.
and domestic —* 4
For s*1o everyw here by druggU!a
XRtr mix nos, cnxx.
A. B. KARQUUAU & CO , Agtnta,
Maeou, Ga.
107 Thud St, Uacos, 0a.
Hardwai e.
Khoriff Salas.
« sold ttefere tho court h
n the town of Knoxville. Ga., wlihln t!ie legal,
hours of sale, the following dcecrlWd i*r
' > wit: *
One hundred acres of land. Nb. 2H, north of
•Z* END0R3E3
v PEt-ii-’.^'/LVAN'IA *
district of said Crawford ronoty. atm9 being
land dirded to Thomas ItiekMtn by Wadmi
ton Itechain, .levied on os
property of Thomoa Ifiekvon. „
satisfy a fl fa Izsucd from the Mnperlor
Court of said county, In favor of Greene Hmr
man v» salt] Thomas IMckaon. I'mperty p..lut
fl out by iilalnillTa attorney. Teuant iu pu*
session notified.
Also, at the same time and place, lot of laud
No 192, In the first district »f Crawford county.
. . . . ..... ^ 0 f £ g, |H,r tiixh to
1II In. va Ihc said K I'. Iforough.
1.,'JnkftW. UftNtasnck. wonauM,,.
and returned to me.
Also at the same time and place. ... . _
horse wagon. Levied on the properly of Wiley
T. Patteraon to satisfy a mortgage II fa. issued
from the Huperior Court of said county in fa
vor of Flandera lino, vs the said Wiley T.
Also, at the some time and place, lot cf land
No. 12M In the seventh district of saldcminty.
containing ar2H oerta, more or leas, ami 01, *
hundred aud forty four acres In th* sccoiul
district of said county, said trac* containing li
the aggregate three hundred and ninety al .
» 9*l acrea, more or Isas, known aa tha lh bby
kxs place, where W. Hartman ami William
Carter lately rtaldtd ls*vlrt on as the
property of tvtilism farter, 10 satisfy two c«
tsiii it fa.*s laHtjf 1 from the County Court .
■aid county, In favor of J. If. Turner, a linlnls-
trotiw, vs. tVilllam carter, onu a common law
and the other an attachment fl fa.
August Mb. ivi. M P.!*.
fiber! IF
SfflSSSgSteWk-V Bifiles
J WwiTuarrelwwi Aia.'sC tl - *—*****
i ;"l
: | ill
V. ) l4 -i
HPBn^pBB«M( nMrittfip c cial
I.UBlU'if •• > t UOSCS. l . - L/ HOUuj:!
Bibb County Bhorlffo 9alo.
Bportlbg Hood* ami Fishing Tackle.
I'aiktr Bretch-Lwdwg duns,
Lifter (old) aril«.n In * ork—fop auap la*t
of August.
Agetiti for
Buffalo U. S. Standard Scales.
Southern Female College
. . complete outfit for Literary, Art Nod
Mnai a Departments .upetiR Hepiuaitmr ‘Mh.
Advantage* oaaarpaa^d. last onUlogu#
nuin’ars IU pupil* »«l UO I* unale An
nual exi»enae* for board unJ tuition,
tha mow nith music, %'JCl. For c.ifologua
address I. V. COX. FreaideuL
July lZ-ooiUaoWJm _
- “ ol IM>I»I< lu —Irnc. Mu4» *»d
. .U..CUTW « lu MRMi MUM. _ -
An. equlin M-hnUnklp *»4 aipnlnn, u Ik*
to In tk. Wwl*. Inlto
ML n*4 *it»ln Ml In (jlatl*. nnu, nn-l
mnon j U, KnnlnOT knn nn ^i*nl:Jn itknl
nnklp no wp.rtoc. »« mUlncu. »ril. U>
1*1,12 AAwlw W. c. WILKE*. Hu
IT I LI. t* boM Ml, in* (ho court know door. In
th* city nf Moon,during th* legal hours ofsale
on tha first Tuesday In September uevLthe fol
lowing property, to wlu Fighly slx sharvanf
the capital stork of the Central Georgia Agri-
rulteral and Msnufa. luring Company, m rep*
rrsrntc t by stock cs^tlttcalA-s Nua. 4. 5,«. 7. *. 9,
10, II. 12,11.11. »\ K fiold propeny levied on
tosatlftfyafl la. tesue<l from lUbb Superior
Court lu fav»,r of Mary Jet Brown
Brown, exacutor of W. R Itrowu. tlere«sud,
and levied on as the property of tho dneiidant.
Notice of said levy given as rrqulrep by la**. •
A Mo at tha wma time and place, a mt situs
ted In the rtiy«4 Macon tm Tat unit fiquaw In
block No 3. fronting cn rtparfcs street w> f.-et,
more or lc«e. aud running haek on ogle »o»«e
Btreet WO feet, more or km Also another »•*«
on Tatnall fiquui* in tim«It* of Marou, front
IngonCteMialstreet l.v»feet,morerrhas and
tunning along the Macon and Western railroad
275 feet Levied on aa ti*« property of tub
hedge. Ifasleburst <k t:*» to talHy a mortgage
11. fa Isauod from fttbb Huperioe will iu M1
oi tvm. Hasiehunt* admr. etc. v». tut.t-e«!ge,
llaxlchurti A to.
Abo at 1 ho ram# time .but owing to the <s pens* |
In moving, will Iro sold at No IX) Mnfler.jr
street the loitowlng pnqieriy. t*» wif:
One collar and cuff machine, sue hydraulic
asher, one centrtf',gal wringer, 01 e shirt
.archer, ou# collar aud cuff starrher, lot
shaftiug and brlu. one Morlcv and Brown In.n
one heater and Ironcr. lwi»
d wringers an! fiuter, four trotting
1 a. three tronlrg Uwn!s. on*
horse, spring wasow and hsrocss, cn- !•»«
uf shelving, iso desks, two stools. 0 e a«Hp.
one counter, a lot gaa plj--. lot of ws»er tliw.
fiveswMMHlng Iron*, one wringer, tour moving
tables, and on** large rut'-* r Iwll Lev fed on
as the property of W. A_ Gibton. t/>-»ti-f* a
mortgage tl. fa. Issued from Uibh H |--in r
CHirtS favor of R I* Itonrv v. W \\ cI>
o. 8 w nmvrr,vh riff.
West IT. iermtn'l fit
Wert .
W. ht L. and U- 2i»'p
do. preferred-, tt
W. U. Telognpb— W'/i
long lints with glittering rifle* stood tha
company that but never mt‘*ed a ehanoe
to - iov our battery a coar\**y when it was
po-*iblo—th* Macjq Voj/totaer*—and who
“Voluut. * r*”a* a u.<- >1 company in every
respect, tor a mor* gal lost act of gntie-
tren never if. rebel with nodding plume*
to th* muvo of war or p*aee. Oar admi
ration for is 1. >t to b* trilled with by
the u-« of wor '*. ell. they Noortcdua
up-Ft.iir* to a long tab!*, art with e.cry-
tlting nice and t- mrtiag. Haw refre-'dog
after tka long ci: t rUa! CuttR Ctrnea
stepped forw.irdand w. ’cou.» >1 u* with few
and corui vl words, and at his invitation ac
fell to work. “Pearl OriU," I forgot to
say. cotm:.nadoi l-a *alte*> brigade and
marched them up-sttir*. When we Mima
to the right drees—they dreeecd right, the
■'*! U* 2 » 1, .y« L* : f no the kftaide, b> kok-
The mo*! aoaoaptcioua looking one
‘ )hat it only
i i& iL
mm MbickaiimJMPW
o *tHvfcrrwdZI ur\
NEW YORK, August 9.-W00I quiet and very
_ ‘rtirfenwdldr*
fexas Psctac
. wa 2*tiou rurifie- ite£
■* l 0. H. Kxpcsas 74
!s*Vargo lJti
Cwttou KorkcU kv Telegraph.
UYKRFUOU August % —»oc
middling upland^;.mU iUni c
and exporf^SoR rscclpu
"Vumrse^-Uplonoa, ww middling rloua*. Au-
a 7*71*4; August and aepterober 7; fiep-
U* and October *57*4; Orb hr and No*
gU-- sofiilhsryii
>* o«*r.> f ..1. wi.ilc
they rlni. w * t.» • . - • tivglmd Um *.«o t-wu
barely f.ivrfr!, Idirs marci..:.g beck to
the train the IzUtejwvg aet wuseaOed wt
which Cadi 1 ia f*t *-*e- ; i that xeeriy beozil
wp the ,v*ti»Urj ti.-.Lmwof Ha two com*!
tranim At the tram -- ► •■>» three cheer*
vember 4 4X1; December and January 4 40*4;
Febeuoryand March *42*4: May and Jr—
C t* 44. VuUzns quiet
MKWVUI4M, August *. Noeo Orttow sternly;
aala* ail; wtidunng *plamte 13; tetdAJtug
orteana 13 5-1C
Fwtnrua steady; August 12 file fitpte^ber 12 47;
October »!.** lenater U.fiR IXcgmbcr ” -
Ortober 11.7*
HKW YORK-Eecntnc—Net
ffosn hi. rutuftw cksmd ztemly;
August —llXTURlUti | January...
Itotumbu AlOpli.C. J February .
October —U.siX-— j March
Kovssabee-.ll.4i*! l *21 AprUf. il
.VESTOa. August f.-Orttew easy; mid
US; lew mMdliag 11H: moA eediuen
el MrifUWPteifk eahe—;«o*k L
rmljdUtot goodoedlaarv
Steam Boilers. Grist Mills, Saw Mills,
University of Georgia,
/*. II. aril, 1>. P., I.f-O.. Ch.Hrrll.i
■legaof Agriruiturw and Mcrhanie Arts and
or will
next. Full couro.of lustructioe in U tors jure,
HetoBC*. Knatnccrlng, Agriculture end Law.
luitl— toVrww tS Franklia *ndWate(^j-
‘ For caute;;ttea ar.-t tnforstetlou. *da
.. . 11 the t tisnrellwc. al Athens, Ueorgta. |
r ] y*De«xl< sr A wlt^M
O FFERS euMriorindocemente to par-
enla d-<sirtog to educate their eons and
donkttcra. It has all the modern appliances
and a reecrd for awcce afal teaching un
imr <l!elet 2»7 papU*. Fall term begins
- — • 1 c<aara
r , y v : * l\ \'l .
Scbtfs Prannm Fr®es tor I’ackius Cotta
Iof.ea Wolucaday* 4lb tVtober
W. IL WOOD ILL, Ml, B.mMill*, O..
Will mall FRKK their CaU-
logae fur 1UI, mnialwlitg a
golt deftrrtpUve 1 Vice - UU ot
■tegtr, FitM mmd Garden
/ \FoRGlA. IlIBHCOBNrY.-J J Tlufor.ea
IT rtlah of Wla* Jouca hav!n2 appHe*! to
court of ordinary of mhl county for a dhrl-au
from hi•guanllanshlp of till* H Jor.»s:
This l# tfccrrfora to cite am! admonish a
persons coorenw A to »b*>w cause wl.y Um sal
JJ Tlnley should not be dtanbacd from h
Klla 8 June* and reertvw th*
usual letters of dismission.
Given under my hand and official signature
t> July'S*3m WKL ) A McMAKL’t;Ordinary*
Administrator’s taU.
>Y virtue of an order <»•>»» the
lii-ary of D*tb county will be sold
Tawday In fivutcutiKt. ltd, at tha court ho
door In mid county. U lwa-u the legal ho
nf sale, one half Interest lu the thrr* *u re*
fftervy rtrevt. In the city iff Mscoa. knowi
Hhaw's block, being part of |.« No It la -,i.
Tt and known aa nnmbera 122,121 aial; .m. :
ou.1 street. In the city of Ma«-on. **Ul k*
purpose of dlYhlou among the heir* «ff sakl
tate, Terms nub. K I BL-T,
Angut*, bed Adm’rof kmmaciMii
I. M. 1
Hill's Hepatic Pam tea.
Dalfea, Or»»mental Grosser,
and fswwsarteltea. Gladiolus,
Lilies, Mom a, Plaats, Cartea
Iruplr mr;»ts* Iteautlfully llla*-
trabrsf. O* c r loopugrs. Addraaa
nS-U3tutlL ’ St. MC JCtB* :. r ,tt
W. H. BARRETT, Dru^-la
Aa/a»u, Oeoreu.
Br QasS, Ilan*, W*l*r or Suu*
miiimSorp-lio MillN mid Ivo ttlcH,
,1.—. ■»« I l< »l I I A.l ) MO’NT*. Mi
JiOO/ - >
that ban for A CKkTURY l
faltf k.*d lur lk« rrmortJ ol HU from
•).t*tn, eori-ctlD* tho Irrrtf-J'.ri; ., of
C mu hi Uaargte awd Fowdi Garoli'g,
baaa rtcotumctwlai by th* moat Id
ri of the rttliwl writawti fee
mUBACflhS, BOI ft I. 1
SKIN Hll’MfoYi \M) liAU CO?
vtierc sentdn and •imp!* wi*U»
*ooo)i*«M4 «xn*™*^.i ^,r-. ft t.
3j I op li . •-•••'- . •' ■ -■■■-’ I
rrv, i
p«i 1 BWffz * ;-