Newspaper Page Text
BUSHED 1826.
Alnxandma, August 18, 8 v. m.—The I
transports Orient, Catalonia, Osprey and
Nevada, with troops on board, have gono
to the outer anohorage. It is supposed
that the fleet will go to Abonkir and tho
troops to the Suez canal.
Lon do*, August 18.—The Daily Tele-
graph has the following dispatch: “Alex
andria, August 17.—A deserter from Aribi
Pasha’s force*, who came in here to-day,
gives a graphio description of the misery
prevailing in tho latter’s camp, where the
i wounded are crawling about, their sailer.
i ing unheeded, presenting a terrible picture
of distress and neglect. Some of theso
1 ~“>r creatures are said to have been shot |
misery* This state of things is dne to
- - tho Mississippi through the Atchsfalaya
I river. Its waters are often diverted into
PROGRESS OF TIIB Cl A It BA XD | this channel, >w»l an increasing tendency
TRIAL. | has appeared of the great river to rshift.i^
________ I channel entirely into the course of the
I smaller stream, the result of which wonid
Indian Tronbloe In Avlsoaa—Uoutti-1 prove disastroas to eitieebelow,
ern Coaster* In Tronblo with tho I LABoa m aaa&MMAS.
Xevr TTorH Quarantine °fflc°r.- T he Lim.. Hoc*, August 18-Trouble for
Yellow Fever—nano Factory Darn-1 tome time has existed between the white
od-BallroaU Accident, Etc. I and oolored laborers on tbs Memphis and
[B, | . KsSISttSSS:
t«b OitbiiD rat an. I oeived by Nswnam Erb, the oomany’s law-
Lcsmuao, Va., August 18.—Interest In I yer. from llethune A Co,, contractor*, dat-
tii. Garluml murJtt trial U nnab.tod. N.ttl.tao, .UUom '-PuttM, ud.: tba
Peopi, (ran all Motion, of tbi. and S KXiWsSlt
joiringoountiee continue to flock to th» I can’t do oar work anises protected. Can
courtroom. The examination of witnessie Maw 40 ^ id _,2 ,T r«°? T *
ths flsrnnsn heilno rasnimkl .!•• I ChurohUl hat Ordered the Sheriff of Ctaig-
V . “J US* „ g .’ head county to inveetigate the matter and
John T. Roach was called to the stand. He | protect the workmen,
testified to meeting Garland and Boswell I tbm ftraa uovn txiala. •
on the toad the day before the shooting. I Washington, August 18.—Mr. Bliss ra l
I Gortnnd naked tb. wttnera to ueomcan, I P'S* 1 bi..niam.iit Imtba.tar rout* nj.
I him dan. to tb. inUraMtlan of tb. -00.1. I ijSnla “ d tS«“ISL wtattw^'fTj
roates set forth in tho Indictm? ari-c^|
went into a history of the oxpeditlc\«ua^B
routes with great perUcularity, \
out in each c%«e tho large discrepr" -
tween the atoek actusliy emplnjt* ' «■
the route and the number set oufrr.vM
contractor's affidavits and oontraelra-Nfll
showed how this discrepancy had lnvi*''^
bly resulted lath* benefit of tho contracV**
and great loes to tho department t,
i then devoted some time to a detailed
examination of the petitions upon
j which expedition had been order-
ed, and endeavored to show that
they liad been altered after their
arrival in Washington. In oondualon, he
summed up facts which he thought the
government had proved, and expressed
they at ouoo agreed to return to work on
Monday next On that day all the mines
of tb* Lehigh Wllkesbarre Coal Company
will again be in operation.
Wasduotom, August 19.—It Is stated on
good authority that the naval station at
Port Ilaynf S. O., ta to be abandon-
ed in a fe*rnys. and that the Wyoming,
cowth*r**(ftil be ordered to Annapolis,
Md., fu-» the cadets.
This Stc
When the loot o
vtded up at tvuhl
elated PrrM came
well u President
The British Fleet nnd Transports
Ball tor Abonhlr-No Details of the
■tattle — French Gunboats In the
Hues Caual—The Horrible Joyce
Munler In Ireland, Zte.
f By Telegraph. I
Lome, Auwurt 17.—A dispatch from I P°°f, SH*&Si \
Alexandria to Rooter'. Telegram Company I TW»”rtnte of thlnju i. duo to I
state* that Gen. Wolseloy has decided that | the sanitary condition of the camp and I
the British advance shall be made from the soardty of dodo™* 1 ’
Aboobi, Tho txoops will mboi - B.t Tl Km A B r^buV»U. 82
nrday, and will land and attack the Abou- u t . V cd at Eneroum, Armenia, that Russia
kir forts on Bands?. The Khedive to-day is about to occupy the whole of Asia Minor
rfaitwlOn. WotMl„onboanlilM>di,p.tch J- tb. Bmpborm. Owtog to tb« ood^
I host Hal amis end remeimid nn hour. I fended state of that part 0. Turkey, the I
Alkxaniibia, August 17.—Tho trsnaporte ^°**l*^® eselly do this without muoh
Egyptian Monarch and Nevada have ar-1 .. - .. T- . „ . f
rlrad hen. H.port. oontlno. to UKtt *'fltapaMi'£*£» .?[?£
that a eombinedtaod and m etUok on I ' /t* , ,5!1522u'.Jm»T5? .hi
tho fort, at A boa kir U imminent. Accord. JTm
ing to th. latoet eoconot tho .tUok will bo V™,?' “ 11 wl “
mad. Honda, morning. Tbo Dak. of I
gaS^SfiST b “ ri U “ ,p0rt ommi^E^d^iJ r.pSl
iianSrS™! 17.—A di.p.toh to tbo to tho concentration of troop, in th.
The PnblioMen In Attendance on the t
Lost mjmI mtes-Beantllul. Floral j
Decorations— A l'lew ol tbo Dead t
Man’s Faee-The Servlet* In Church .
—Order ef the Immense Procession,
Special to the Telegraph and Messenger. j
Atlanti, Oi. t August 19.—The hotels are <
full of dtstiagulshed men, oomlug miles ,
tod miles to pay the last tribute of respeot ,
to one whose heart-beatings aro stilled, |
and who now lies oold ia death.
Among the great men we notice Senators ,
Beck, of Kentucky; L. Q. O. Lamar, of
Uimisfippi; J. W. Johoatoo, of Virginia; ;
J. T. Morgan, of Alabama; Pendleton, of
Ohio; Coagreaamsn PeUibono, of Tsnnea*
see; N. O. Brum, of Pennsylvania; Ool. F.
E. Bhober, secretary United States Senate;
Ool. J. R. Sneed, postmaster United States
Senate; Oapt L. Dalton, assistant set-
geaat-at-anns; Gen. Loring, of Florida;
Judge T. G. Lawson, of Eetonton; Hon.
Clifford Anderson, of Maoon; Gen.
Toombs; Senator Butler, of South Caroli
na, and a number of other*. There are also
delegations from every city in Georgia,
from Cincinnati and other places.
As tbs eye ran* down the business streets,
heavy folds and festoons of mourning dra
pery ia to be seen. The oanttol building in
beantifcily draped and surmounted by tbs
American flag drooped, which contrasts
well with the funereal folds.
Early this morning your reporter visited
tho Hill mansion on Peachtree street. The
street oars passing the house brought loads
of visitors, many ladies among them. An
oshsr showed ns into the parlor.where lay
the remains in a handsome casket. A
heavy plate glass top gave us a fine view of
tho dead Senator. The face showed ema
ciation, yet the feature* were natural, and
bat for the death-like pallor would have
looked Ilka the noble face of the great man
A band of white satin covered his mouth,
chin and neck, probably toe hide the in
roads made by the surgeons and the dls-
K new trial vu g
of murder In tbs a
Jury drank foar kea
wine, ten bottles of
punches during the
•'llo u man nonvtoted
11 UTauae the
beer, flvo imllon* ol
land MTcral whisky
WiinixoTot 1August
ativea of the c potor a
New Orleans, iV^rt by
have finished thalpant
New «trleans m* A. an
intendent Davis V\in;
and ooin with wl o\ J
bond of l>r. At
Long Jlraneh Letter In It:
Mr. <>. \v (l.c «. . . ; :
:ot hU particular frlet*d. Oeuc
tplacopal Church. Ihu he do
troffremlnff much, for tbs 0
vhllo th« MsthodUt Church
l l.aif a down
vhat ha la to
oral does not
did when he
will hnvo to excuse
'f‘t, but could not
.load II* la Ilka the
1 -m Kendolph Tucker
•!.<-•' attendant a ool*
\ a Idle generally rsry
1 in duty. Ouomora-
n;.;^aranee, and the
over tho lecture he
■•a Joe'* aunt, with
1 in "WelL
him and Addison. Tbs witness also testi
fied to Boswell's returning from Wsddsr-
I barn’s mill and saying that Addison was
not there; also ta Boswell’s going
to the mill next day and returning to tbs
n- l 1 "horn h« ai ;.. are-
ut 1 —~ ... ~ ^ ^elBC. T 77 , I Aunt ltow, cau y».u tell i
- J55LSS51 1 ® 1 ., k ' 1 ^ 1 Joer* • r Youl have to •«
arTangto-^^ iiamil- I he • dead," was Aunt R
ton lias aievNtr^ iuiis» obiningemonU by 1 and thU (a the best spoharv which c«
whieh hospital tents have been nont to 1 “ade for Jacob 1 * falling toput In his ui
Memphis, and instroctloa* have been given I MM - u e'» politically dead im a duor ual
the aurgeona of tho serrieo there to proceed | " 1 ■■■' ' ■ "
at ooee.^ra receiving order*,to Brownsville I A Novelist on two .Woveitsu.
and take chargu of the yellow fever pa-1 Stic T*rk Tribune.
Uente. I Walter Desant *ntbiiels-:lcn)]y dtcbim
TAxrrr oowmsato*. I '* Tbs OoUter and the Haarth" U n
_ emmum a*. I Kssde's greatest work-and more than thi
N»W Tost, August 19.-Se »lons of the 1 neatest historical novel lnthelar^u*K..
tariff commission will be held to Botton on I Lwaatgo*s*o tar as to compart th.
the 94th, 25th and of Auguat; in Ucch- ’’R.inoU.''astrmtltur of the Mims.i-crl.K
ester, N. Y., on tb. *A>th uf Anal; in B.f-1 ”," r:
falo on the 90th; Cleveland, O., ULt; De-1 J{S SSvmlat^sn^Za^ealTtr Vn a
trott, Mtohi, September lei: Indisuapolii, I man's work w# find lanxur.r, t^iium m
ha tar day the 9d; Cincinnati, 4 Ui and 5th; I talk of nineteenth
Lonisvtlle, Ky., «th, and Chicago, Ills., 7th, I In fiftoenUi century c
84h and 9th of September. man m ih. om^I a
aaxAT rzan i* new tow.
New Tow, August 19.—A fire broke out I
between one and two o’clock this moreiag
rlcal lUtualU
would constitute a portion of th* difference I Dwyer Gray, who was seotec
between the wage* of the workingmen of I months' Imprisonment yestsr
Europe and those of this country in the I icato health,
manufacture of ties. I London, August 17.—The
. msToat or tub cotton Tin taeitv. I **nJoda*
I and prudence to dismiro Or*i
Now a* to the infamy of the "McKinley I a few words of contemptuous
amendment," Let n* see, if we oan, where-1 would have been better for tl
in It lie*. I tioe and for the peace of ]
The present tariff law provides that all I other London paper* approve
hoop iron of certain widths and thickness j Gray was removed to prison
shall psy a doty of on# and one-half cents I n carriage, surrounded by
par pound. Cotton tie hoops come within j drawn swords,
these dimensions. In accordance with the I At the banquet given yest*
decision of a court in a case of appeal, it I to celebrate the presentation
between ono ana two o’clock this morotig i
in the enormous piano factory of Hart- I
mau, Dowling A l’eck, at Tenth Avenue I aTM
and Fifty-seventh street, and destroyed tb* I ret'
entire building. The total los is ssUmatod I . .
at |37*\OX), upon which there are large I A *
amounts of insurance, but net enough to I
cover th* loes. The factory was occupied, I
exsspt the font tb floor, altogether by llart-1. Kc
man, Dowling «k l’tck, whose loes is put at I “R
$n.V),000, the stock and building befog a I
...i-i 1m. fri.- i~-.ii. ... I "i a
Upon the broad silver band toroes the
top of the lid of the oasket was engraved
In German text letter*, "Benjamin Harvey
Hill/* At the bead of the casket were two
rictnre* of Mr. Hill, ono a cabinet size,
full length photograph, taken when the
dead Senator was in tho foil flash of health,
and the other a erayon bust. A stranger
who had never seen Mr. Bill would have
recognized in the-rigid feature* in the
casket the original of either picture.
Near the remains 0re many beautiful
floral tributes, the moit noticeable being
an offering presented by Mrs. E. D. Mc-
Sinlcy, of aIImU. Tuc cue* of arms oi
Georgia, three fast high, composed of dnh-
lias, fever few and tabs roses,was beautifully
arranged upon an upright framework. Sus
pended from the top of the arch waa a
crown of heliotrope* and tub* roves, upon
the top of which was a eross of feverfew,
and theso hung over a grave, nsar which,
on u bed of dahlias and lilies, was written
in hellotr ipe* the word "Re*t’’ in large let
ters. : • re were a number of other trib
utes, ear'ii of which was made by tender,
loving hands.
The funeral aervioee take place this af
ternoon, commencing with ohurch Service
at 3-JO o'clock. .Tbs remains will be taken
to th* First Methodist Church, Rev.
0. A. Evans pastor, where the serqjou will
be preached, after which the procession
will be formed in the following order:
The marshal and aids, mounted. \
Offieiaiirg minister*.
he will not bo responsible for their safety,
having to call all his soldiers to the front.
The Poet understands that the Forte has
countermanded the military preparation*
tor the expedition to Egypt, and declines
to aeoept the British conditions for a mili
tary convention.
Alsxavdixa, August 19.—The member of
the Khedive’s ministry who was suspeote t
of keeping Arabi informed of British
movements has been arrested.
Mr. Losg, the American consul, was at
tacked yesterday iaside the Osbarri gate,
by about forty natives. Somo eoldieiw ar
rived and dispersed th* crowd. Ill* ring
leader of the assaulting party was arrested.
It appears that the natives had attempted
to stop Long as he was driving. He be-
1 came annoyed and urged on his ho:*9, in-!
I dieting injuries on eomo of th* party.
Losdox, August 19, ft p. m.—A dispatch
to ReuHr’sTelegram Company, datel Al
exandria, 6 o'clock this afternoon, says :
"Fighting commenced this afternoon on
Mahmoodish canal. The British are using
the heavy guns whieh were brought to the
neighborhood of Mlllaha junction jester-
tUy. The firing still eontinose."
The police apprehend a disturbance to- j imts f n ^ ( jftaM>dri£ mates'that'acn!
night, as great indignation prevails. tvJlIJ* and Graham and the Duke of
oom *^* Connaught have gone to Aboukir. Oftbe
London, August 17.—The Pall Hall On-1 whole fleet the ironclads Invincible and In-
letter ays: Frivats telegrams received in constant atone remain. The Forty-ninth,
London asy that th* troubles in Corea Haventy-flfth and Seventy-ninth regiments
*. I it Kamleh will probably support the mova-
the commonwealth and the defense, being I Ltvsbvool, August 18.—This week’s oir-
conoloded, and counsel for tbo orosccution I cular of the Lirerpool Cotton Brokers’ Aa-
I haring asked farther time to prepare in- I aooiatiou says cotton has been in good de-
sttncuons, the court adjourned until 9u'» I mand tbroughont the week, and has gen-
to-morrow, when the instructions will be I erally advanced, and American has been In
I submitted to the court and argument com-1 active request at 1-lfid to )t<L In sea island
meoosd. Ladies asked permission to at-1 there was a fair business. In futures near
tsnd the oourt to-morrow, whioh Judge I poeitions were strong and advanced. New
Ferry granted. crop waa freely offered at a decline of
LcMSNBtmo, August 19.—Tbs trial of IL1
B. Qsrland, for the murder of Joseph Ad. 1 dead.
UUon.waa resumed this morning. The N** Yonk, August 18^-Trederiek De.
rr-ZT? Ur ^ t PeysUr, LL.D, one of the oddest and
I crowd present was the largest since the I j M . known eitizons of New York, died
commencement of the trial. After tho I last night at Tjv-di, Duchess eounty, in
court was opened and the jury taken ont of I his 80th ysii.
tbs court room. Charles Finch, oonnsel for I k CALL r,m AWt
tb. .Uud a.»«. Th-.^ Jr,. E. B. E ^’- r T t 7*“*
Joom, commonwealiti’. will—, .IUt tm- from the ma,ur of ilr/ml
tlffinn, MUD. to him TOInnUrll, and .1st-1 .Ule, Taw, MMtu that on ueoant of th.
tint b. wa. .frtiJ hU (tb. wltHM.'.) 'laarenUnln. of that ol^ b. An OrUmu
TIT _I J . ,’ I and T.uu, two Iboutud pupl. bar. bMo
I position was misunderstood in the Garland I deprived of work and subsistence, and are
trial; that be (the witness) was acting in I dependent upon charity. He therefore
th. e.p*otl, of og«nt for W.U.,Uarn,
IddUon’. brolb.r-l.-Uw, In raplortni f^m u/^JJrnS ^f lh/Kt»S to
couneel for th. p»o»ooUon ot airland. “T: “
and that berlnnlj dulwbatb.waaonUred *“ b “ “*» u, * nun< ° t
I to do b, Wedderbarn; that bb (the wit. I W* auTLaa WOMiaiTWD.
| naea’.) fMlInga were at fleet with Ad.lie m I Borrow. Annul IS. -Th. Uaau>eha<utU
and ualnet fHrtand, bat that attar hia .ute OiWnbtek mrietim wmiM
I (tha witorj.’.)i .imUlMat waa owrba Tbra. hundred aa 1,-
I marked that It wa* a fair fight, and ha I & T . dulsgatee were nreasni. rerressating
I thoogM Garland ooghtnot to be tried- In I nhJJSm towns. Charles IL^atnhman.
2R f otM.rbl^w- .UcUdp^d.Tt^S
On* of Jonathan kdwards’s d.t-ui
had sons spirit of h< r own. ba>l a
B il of marriage The you th was r
(alher. "No," wild that stern I
"you can’t have my danchUr." "1
her and she love* ms” pleads*! the y
"Can’t have her I” said the lather,
to do and ran support her,"« \< lalm
pUcaat "Caa’i hare her." petsLS
(haractrfl 1 * "No," thnndenxl Ihc
parset, by this Umo annusd, "1 ltav
W***'^2? Eusl*
advices from nan Carlos, which say that P.
B. Hlloox, newly-appolated ludisn agent
tar that reservation, has refused to assume
charge, aa be found Its affairs la a fright
fully confused condition. The commissary
and sub agent have suddenly disappeared, I
and the evidence* of grove fraud and
peculation under Tiffany’s admiaivtrsUon
are alleged to be overwhelming. The
Tonto Apaches are very reeUes*. Last Fri
day night they had prepared to make a
break, bnt on* of their squaws gave the
warning,andtbsMobave Apaches, bitter
enemies of the Tontos, were armed and 1
turned out, and prerented aa smenfs. Thu
Tontos, II ia rumored, offered twenty-five
ad valorem. Then u was that the manu
facturers went to Congress and asked tor <
the passage ofth* McKinley bill, which
simply provide* that oottoa ties shall not
pay a less rate of doty than the hoop iron
out of which they aro mad*. Is there any
infamy in this? Is there any Infamy in
asking a cotton planter * —
duly on bis iron that the
everybody else who nsos
have culminated in a genaral Insnrreetion,
and that th* king and queen have been as*. — avwM . ....,
sassinated. The Japanese legation wsa flank of the enemy,
attacked by natives belonging to th* anti-1 ALUxannaia, August 19.—The Oermaa
i foreign party. Japaneee men of-war have I gunboat Habicht, the Russian man-of-war
I dispatched to th* Seoul river. Eriklik and several other foreign teasels
mumr. | aw lo pwt to Ma... .
.....—-J — of Lowdow, Antaut 17.—In th. Boa. «M l|ljib-r < irtth’tw«u» WW
tronJ Wo nrrer hear any howls from tb* I Commons this afternoon th* Speaker read I *!"?£?for° l varlona^'“rfsinmU in
ooopera, who boy their iron subject to this « Utter from Jndn Lawson announcing iSun tSJm wm n2
higher rat* of doty, and who by reason of I the committal of Mr. Gray. Mr. Gladstone 1 * AU#d
competition among themselves often sad I stated that tb* precedenU in oases similar
their products at a price that barfly brings (to that of Mr. Gray show that the appoint
them back for tha iron what they paid tor I meat of n committee is the proper coarse,
it. I At the present period of tb* session, bow-
This Is not because the coopers ar* nay I ever, U is too late to secure (he appoint-
more generous than other folks are, bot I ment of a representative committee. De
because they realize that in the end they I did not moreover, koow any way in
uldn’i be happy wiih her." Tin
l. said: "Why, M-. KdwaM'. 11
naaa ChrlnUu. eh#IsaCltrutia
"Certainly she U." growled U
mis parent, “hut, voting man.
» HoItlt r jreu'll be able to und
• w>m* folk* that the grace t
o with that vou can't."
1 lie Nonlb'* New industry.
Mem Yerk UereU.
At the close ol the war cotton «• i-t i
k’itr<le>t a* ot UUls or no value. ttsvH for
ln f . amh eenssgnen^almesige^:r,
thosiaam on the vessel’s departure. Th# of Garland being hanged for g p*
Queen «r)U inspect the ship from bar Fnjht I the morder, Us f Jones's) •kirts 1 on
as it passes through the Solent. I would be stained with Garl-nd’s blood, I oomnleted as r
London, August 19.—A dispatch from I but that tua (Jones's) connection with tho I orlYIaorgo l>ot
| Alexandria to the Bxchana* Telegraph I Addison family would not admit of hbs I of wlnu* John
I Company, dated 7 JO this evening, ssjs '• I putting himself right before the court. | Brgr (»» or ^ e
"The firing beard In the direction ot Abou-1 After argumeat by oonoeel on both sides. I j„ a
I kir this afternoon wa* the British U-lon I ooontel for the commonwealth coneentej I Au . p u ar
I gnna along Mahmoodish canal. I to Jones being recalled to tbs stand to eor-1 *
Fost Said, Au#nst 19.—Just before sun-1 net any inaccuracies that might bars been 1 .
net to-day the gunboat Fsleoniwenl out an-1 nsadsta .Ms Statement before the juiy. |
paronUy to reconnoitre Fort Ohsmiu She | The witness we* not prteMt* I JJJ* JJ2
! U now aoehorsd off the fort. Two Fronch I and a special oooetablc was Q
gunboats entered the canal to-day. Dtsy I Mat for him. The court then I •J* uu *
are said to be bound for Ismaiiia. It is I took a roots* for two hour* to nwnit the I ***?;
I also said that some British troop# will I arrival of the witness, bnt It was 1 o'clock I ®JSSS5?f
I leave her# to-night for Ism a ilia. Her [lathe afternoon before the oonatable rr-I
mh sy«rsBat 4 wSf«rc “
them of hU oommiUal and the * refusal of ms*c*. I see *Jfooro I Savanna*, /
who conri.t d U,no« war. drank, .nd n- number of doeamntU, wblahpior. th. #a-11? 1 ",. *** I church* will
cwtod the aecuHtioo. of jar, packtn, In Utcae. of a Moral mcM, aalM -Th. I Moodu morutcg^thi jut, twieg plMod la | wblu , bcMir
Irrtand. He mid that u loo, a. tho lira* Black Band." Tha chl.f of Ih* Mci.t, m- I “**** 01 “• *“ na< I half-mart,
of th. Irish people w.ra >t th. men, of (eapod, bat hi. drpat, wu ametod. I mua iTuocmm.
1k»1 chicaner,, no minor rafoto. wortd lan^xrt I Terns, Aauona. Ao*ast W.—Adrtcm 1 Bono* At
tt’ST. jS;d°*ra,*diuSiSTmItoJ.’15 «*!«*!
USErtSUL"id^uTSTofiRu^ !i^wO!!>Sg
sral lor \n*u*l, sMisu ostatw or tns iolhority to act as he seas At I baarapa district. At the Taratuc .rnwehe I #xeep | qq
S S ^S^ tl “^‘ h Sfc in ura MM of «r.o4 It 1.arn.rall,no-1 than killed eta mew. Prartn* tb. Umra» 2JUt, Bf. C
I iSSht.2f^2JnU be WOSM tSrtl Mr tWpatwl thet Ora, wifi shortl, b. ralMMd, 1 rrth, the, UlUd two mttin EacaachilU | at) It raster i
Kira?* ^SdSrt. ‘"if" HaniSS? cKa': <}!?£,."2° «U PrtW-d.
Krpra.rnl.tlTc. In CongnM from Ooor-
The Oovrraor of Georgia and State
House offiotaia.
Suprome, superior and City Court judges
of Georgia.
United State* Court judge* and officials.
Oflpecrs and members of tha General
Assembly of Georgia.
Officials of tb* city and eonnty.
Members of th* bar.
Officers and trustee* of the Slate Uni-
Visiting delegation* from other citis*.
noon on acooont of the viotatloa of the I risty five
quarantine tegnlatloee by two or three I starwd l
•mall Southern coasters, and a*«rrh was I
made for the vessels along the wham* I
nntii six o’clock, at which time they had I , t .t su5
not been found. Dr. Smith, health officer
of the port, said that on Thursday he was I
iaformed that sevral vcsmIs had gone up I
to the eity without anchoring or waiting I
for an inspection. The quarantine rogula-1 out ef
tloos bad already been violated several I tagssat!
Organizations and societies, in bodies or
by delegattonv.
Citizen* generally.
The interior of the ehnrch is beautifully
and appropriately dceorated. On the doors
of the church are heavy folds of crops.
The following named gentlemen have
Gov. Alfred
TU* UsmiuiMk Dodge,
H. Colquitt, Chief Justice Jackson, Judge
U. K. McCay, Judge It. U. Clarke, Hon. J.
8. B. Boynt :r, Hon. A. O. Bacon, Hon. V.
A. Candler, Hon. H. V. M. Miller, Dr. R.
D. BpalJlng, Major Beoj. E. Crane, Hon.
R. J. Mcscs, Col. P. W. Alexander, Dr. W.
P. Westmoreland, Col. G. W. Adair and
Uon. # R. J. Lowry.
I/rng before lo’etoek a large crowd
gathered around the First Methodist church
awaiting the opening of the doors. At 4
o’clock the remains reached tbs church and
were carried inside by the pall-bearer?.
OiitVercs, Augntt 13.—A .Veins McKin. I
n«y special sent Thick Caldwell srasl
bung yesterday in the presence of a vast I
lunlutu !*, for murdering Wthiam Norvall,
who refoeed to pay him three dollars.
N*w Yobs, August 13.-Th* total vitlbU
aucply of ootton for the world ts 1,414,1k!
Uies, of whieh OftJB Is Americas, agabat
1,748/140 and l.lMMMCk roepeetiroly, last
year. The receipts of notion at all interi
or towns was tO/EOt receipt* from tha
nun State convention has been sailed for |
September 20th. i
Mslesad Fettal* Mndent« Deceived,
The want of a practical school of teteg-
rapby, upon which telegraph and railroad
on the Rusvlao rail
osk, ta wMch tketrsv-
wror.rito say Unewace
i per v> Deal: f send by the