Newspaper Page Text
(Rkstgfa IBtefcfehj Cticr>;npfj. Journal & JlT^^^ug»)c*
hose dear old days,
_ I . J through her maze ? I
they tone t Ah, who can tell ?
They did exist when *
more that long passed
^ Vfs met our life with strength and trust.
We deemi-d all things were pure and Just,
or knew Ulc had a double tonguo.
* We lightly sang a happy song,
tfordreame’ *■* **'
at this place on Fr.dsy before the third the presidency of the Inmrd for the ensuing
Sunday in September. Our people aro nn- ~— M ‘'" w *n—u«-« —*»
tidpating quite a pleasant time on this
I understand that a lawyer, in arguing ft
— * flee
Nor dreamed our way*coulcTe'er be wrong.
And then all changed; as life went by,
' The friend deceived, c
Smiled as bn drank ou
Ynd rould not let us also die.
Pay followed day: as on they went
Each took some gift that life had acut.
bclore the jury at DduglnsviUo court
a few davs apo, used the words, “Gentle
men of the jury,” one handled and sixty-
nine times, and “May it pleano the court”
four hundred And nineteen times; yet ha
only apoke one hour and lifteen minutes.
Why don’t somebody mention Uon. Da
vid K. butler for somo high ofllco ?
t by,
r bitter death
r dear one's breath,
r not pain,
And flowers and song* that could not but
Were ours in that most ble»wd time.
When earth seemed heaven's enchanted
And so I think, when lights burn low
And all the house Is fast asleep.
From out a silence vast and deep*
Those dear dead days we worship so,
Breathe on us from their hidden store
Their long-lost peace, tbclr faith ouue more.
God keep tholr dear old timer, ah mo !
Beyond our vision they mar rest
Till on some perfect day and blest-
Once more thooe dear dead old dayswill be.
For death, who took all. may restore
The past we loved, to ns one more.
-AU ii
T—r Mound.
Auoust In the prim
tbs 6th, Gob C. B. Guyton]
for Senator of the sixteen!
majority. Johnson and
ehserfcUy aooept our t
Judge John B. Wolfe was i
Representative at the same
Keliam and George W.
delegates to the sixth district 001
Auouht 13.—Business of all kind is dull,
but the “drag” basineas keeps up. Mer
chants are blue and drummers are hardly
paying expenses.
The Wiregratt Watchman is gone. Yes,
voice spake onto “Bobnel" saying,
Gome np higher,” aod he moved on up
the road. McRae needs a Watchman, and
so he abides there for a season. And I do
hope he will watch to a better advantage
than Major Fack'.er did with his ^/nr-
littr. '"*•
Bnt the Eastman riot is the topio here
this week. It seems UfVmany of tho
participants wore fromJBneotion, though
none from McVille, at/**® *dtixeus have
been busy every day/ ^resting and sood-
ing forward such pnjca-'S as were impli
cated. One noted / gro, Jerry Moltae,
has thua far evad£i thtlr vigilance by
‘ od. A posse is after
well armed men
ig ror the Dodgo rail-
seated par tie
so many going is
leaving tho nelghlj
him A poaso of fli
left h
plicated parties out
many goi^
tilled hy
If bo death to
The negroes
**. Jtccufed
V" eb*o i
An enthusiastic railroad meeting
here yesterday, in which the right
eta, was promised to the Pad!
Klaslam. •
August 9.—We had preaohing at one _
our obarohes last Sunday. Rev. Mr. Fol*
aom attended the Methodist church in the
forenoon, and prayer-meeting at Mr. W.
W. Winn a in the afternoon.
Mr. H. B. Gilbert out his hand on Inst
Monday and has to carry it in a sling.
A protracted meeting will begin at Oak
Grove church on Thursday, tbo 10th, aud
will continue until Monday, the 14th.
Mrs. Salll* Ogdon and husband were in
their potato pstoh last Saturday. Mrs.
Ogdon was moving the leaves about with
her hands and rut her hand in about ono
inch of a rattlesnake, measuring six feet
and one inoh in length. it. J. W.
year, Major NewmauTlecUned, and witli-
stcod all persuasion, 'i he officers elected
are : G. W. II. Whitaker president, T. M.
Harris, vice-president. H- N. liollifield
secretary and 1*. K. 1’aliaferro treasurer.
The race for mayoralty will be hotly con
tested by ex-Mayor Joliu N. Gilinore and
the present iucumbent, liou. JJenj. T. Haw-
lias. The Herald yesterday, over the sig
nature of “Many Voteis” and “Washing
ton Democrats,” nunomiced the name* of
J. T. Youngblood and G. H. Pringle as
candidates for the Ltgislatuf e. Mr.
Voaupblood is one of our present Kept e-
sentHtive*, aud I don’t know that bis con
stituency see anything iu bis past to con
demn, except it be that some of thd old-
ti(fie Democrats cannot indorse his vut«>
for Hon. Joseph E. Brown. Mr. Pringle is
nn excellent man for the place, and
wouid be an indefatigable worker
for the good of his couuty,
bnt a naturally timid and re..cent d.tpo'i
t on m*kea him appear lather nu*tere
upon slight acquaintance, hence with the
unrees he is uot ns popular ns his merits
deserve. ...
Gxpt. JohnC. Harman, of Tennille, in
nariicleiuthe Herald, gives us m,
facts and figures on pomojogy that
very interesting, and piys a tiling tril
to the memory of the lamented W.lh
Moultrie Moses, the pioneer of peach i
lure in Washington county, aud one of the
originator* of the Hi.ale Horiienltunl So
ciely in As a remunerative enter
prise Gnpt. Harmon cites the attention ol
tho public to the fact that ho has netted
$ol2 from three sores of peach tree* this
aetson, aud from a few plum tree* planted
in his poull-y yard ho ha* receive! the
handsome sum of $.'<) for the excess of
fiuit above an abundant aupply lor In-
family aud friends, while suouter geut e
tuna near 'I e uni He has marketed between
three and four hundred dolln-%’ worh of
peaches from about eighty trees. The*?
are facts and figures Hut inusi nece*saril)
claim the atleuiion anu consideration ol
all thinking meu, and I doub:
not that the germ, planted bj
.iMr, Moi>es scarce twelve jeara ago
shrill, in the near future, culminate in an
r*onoen lerpr j M0f no mean proportions and ol
.he d>tenal benefit to the county and b.aie.
'-•re^Jessr*. Bines * Rogers have filed a anil
cause of his defeat at the door of the Mus
cogee delegation. Pou, standing Independ
ent candidate, expects to gobble op our
district this time, bnt he will be batiiy
Boon the joyous peals of marriuge bells
Auouat 11.—There are five candidates
)w iu the field fotXagislative honors in
Henry, and no man can tell how many
the morrow may bring forth. It is
to be regretted that there is not an office
for each of tho tevoral aspirants,as they all
are gentlemen of worth, and no doubt feel
that, if elected, they could represent os
w>ui maiked nbi'ity; but ala* the day! four
good fellow* will AMuredly bs beaten and
giiled back to tho <jinet walks of life.
to stray.
appeared an article in your paper
frotuouuof your McDonough corre-inon-
denu a tew (fays ago, signed “Justitia,”
at was certsiuly calculated to roiilead, in
ga d to Henry couuty sending auti-
ilauimoud dele.'Ale* to tho Congressional
convent on. Nte had a p imary eleo.ionin
ct iu t he couuty, by order
of lire Dvuiocatio executive committee,
elect delegate* to the gnberas-
risl aud Cougiessiooal convention.
I iho people knew that delegates to
o CJUgreMional ouventiou were then
• ng choseu, nud expressed iu unmi«tHk-
i!u Ungnage that they did not want Hon,
N. J. Hammoud. It was a fvirand sijuare
, and out of a vote of twenty-four del-
i»^* ed . I w *‘»Ulgll~o Sape-ior Com, ut .hi* county for
r .lld«gjJ3*j
. _ BL - . pofbnry H. Holmes el
must nti r f* Lint, by tiilroad aud Bunk m
‘•'’oteintf.'”* ( " r
Jji> 4»ro^ ^..rr— "IhtntnoJ |
Acocsr 10.—The last layer of briekts
being placed Jon the weet wing of the new
court boose. The contractor, Mr. James
Smith, hopes to havs the court room ready
for October court,
We have made big corn crop#. Peas are
booming, potatoea ditto. Field* that were
in oats, now show some very tine cotton
aod com.
AtrousT 10.—The assessors' returns of
resltv in Jonesboro, amounting to$2X),-
879,show an increase of nearly B14.UOO ovur
last ytar. There will be an
Farmers are polling fodder and cutting
\Ve have had three daye without rain,
and some of the knowing ones are growing
aoxious leet a dry spell damage the crop
rendered sappy by previous rains. Mer
chant*, relying on the *
1 cotton wro |
/ receiving their fall stocks
ol cloth inn. shoes, etc.
There has been a “slight engagement’
among the “boys” this week. No pistols
nor whisky were called into requisition,
just fisticuffs. AU serene now.
In your article on the “Goober” you say
“why the Georgia troops in the late war
should have been denominated goober
grabbers’Is atill a mystery to ns.’’ The
Sams originated at Richmond. A regi
ment of Georgians (Md, I think) having
just arrived from home, and never having
scan a clover patch, mistook the first ono
they saw for a “goober patch,” and having
attacked it, pulled np ail the clover before
attacked it, polled np all the clover before
they discovered their mistake.
Aren’t polities getting mixed! I don't
>V Arlington l
” tho
c ‘^-that toofthe^oso with
August 10.—Tho following nntned pri«-
oner* have been committed for Hie often
of murder: John Kellsm, Hwldiek l’owtll,
Henry Howell. Jack Kuowlt.*, Bob Done!-
I*aac tiliipmnn, Bimon 0'(/u,u
James Gopelaiid, tYillinm McKae, Cnart
Howell, Hubert Parish, Daniel Bryant,
Robert Bosk, George Friuk an 1 Htafloid
Foster and the woman Ella Moo:e. Col.
Jack Brown was appointed by tho court to
defend the pri*oner*. Tho colored people
hold a meeting Innt night and px--*ed rtso-
lations ooiideinning tho riot iu unmeas
ured terms. Judge l*ate has been tele
graphed for and will make tome provis
ion doubtless for a speedy trial of the
prisoners. It was re|>orted that M r. James
0 .Harvard, the youug man murdored by
the mob, left Gochrnn over tho objection
and ngainst tbo wishes of hi* parent*,
which has been doiiied. .Mr. On mu Harv
ard, toe f vther of tho young man, statin
that ho wo* always ou obedient nud
dutiful son. was also reported
r 0 >" !
TusUr c ij e< s ; j i
, c .... t be ii eg 11
B0 I cr i I ,.<ul wnU>w«<. Ilia con,[>«!!»■
cal ploye* on tliu ilth January, 18k.', 1 no dec
Inration allege* that in con*e<|ueuoo of tl.<
failure of tho engineer to blow the s^nsl
whistle n* required liy law at a public r.:
crossing four in It* f oiu Kami!
ville. Ml*. Holme* approadte 1 the track
ut right nugle* until within twenty eight
feet o.' tho truck, when tlio |» i-seuger train
rushed by, frightened tho mule sho was
driving and caused it to becomu unumu-
ngcnbla and to run away, throwing her
1 rout tho buggy, when she was caught be
tween the front wheel ri d spring of the
buggy and dragged two bundled aud liftv
yard*. One leg win fractured and slie
otherwise bruised, cut and injured,
tag ut the time pregnant, tbo it-jurie:
oeived caused the death of the child.
There are fil'd negro voters in Washing
ton county who have not paid their poll
tax for 1881 andwho** names appear ou tin
defaulters’list. 1 hi* U about three eighth
of the entire number of colored voter* it
tho county, nud afford* a broad field for
the operation of candidate*. G. H. M.
inutj ■ I
it to tbo mob a* tho l’oto Harrell they
were after. This has also been denied. Tho
town council elected Mr. J. P. Johnson to
fill tho vacancy. The oitizon* are anxious
to: a speedy trial in order to stop tho hoavy
expense. The |>riaonora aro »l*o anxious
fora trial, and none havo been committed
to jail bat those whom tho evidence con
nected with the riot At n meeting of the
citizens resolutions were adopted protest
ing against excursion* conducted by the
authorities of tho East Tonuesse, Virginia
.... - unknown
ofMr. K. Montfort
and took therefrom hi* clothes, and after
tnking hi* wa'ch and chain left them in
yard. There is
cine to the thief.
Mr, Montfort i* satisfied as they did not
tnke hi* tobacco.
This morning, when Mr. E. U. \\ atom
went iu to awaken Mr. Abe Daniel, n
young man 24 or 26 years of age, he fotir d
pita dead. Mr. H. Itesd was immediately
Inotifisd and a coroner’s jury nummonvd.
Tho verdict of tho jury wa* “death from
heart disease. Mr. Daniel was perfect!'
well at bedtime, and did a good day's worl
yesterday. * D.
and Georgia railroad.
There are now four candidates for tho
Lsgialntare in Dodge county. A primary
election has been ordered to take plaoe ou
the first Tuesday iu Heptcmher.* Col. L.
M. Lamar hs* no opposition for the Sen
ate. He Will make a dignified and espn-
August 11,4(30 p. m. -Tho revival which
has been in progress at tho First Baptist
Church at this placo for two week* ad-
ble Senator.
Got Tom Eason is here representing tho
interests of the State in the prosecution of
tho rioters. Tho local bar arc and hnvu
teen conducting the trial*,
Mr. Van Brocklin h-i* boon prosi
bslisve in oonventtens ant more. When
Pops Barrow was concluding for tho two-
thirds rule, knowing it would bo disoarded,
1 felt as 1 havs when listening to tho funer
al oration of o dear friend. And honest
old Phil Cook most bo retired ot tbs will
of ths"hoasss!” Colquitt to snooted Ben
HUlI That settles it! ttuo Yxx.
... MDscting
around here for the Savannah and
PaciUo Short Line railway. He is the
chiof engineer and explorer. Mr. Eastman,
chairman of the committee, drove him
around and they visited different parti of
the county. He expressed himself woH
pleased with the tewn and county, and
with the soil end climate, the timber and
the fino crope. Ho aImo visited several
mills and learned that the dlstnuoe from
Kastman by the contemplated road wa*
thirty miles nearsr than by way of Jesup.
He wont from here to Bryan oountv, and
will go thouco to New York and make bi*
report. Hoexprensed tho belief that tho
journed yesterday morning for ono week,
iu deference to n district meeting of the
Congregational Methodist Church, which
began its *• ssion at 11 o’clock a. m. to day.
Several accession* were* had rinriup the
religious exercise* just discontinued. Per
haps tho gain* of the church surpass it*
record fc r several years past. Somo of the
* legate* to tho body a**embling to-day
reached here last night, and quite a largo
number arrived on tbo Macon train at 10:20
•’clock this morning.
This is tho season of religion* assem
blages. The annual session of tho Upson
coonty camp-meeting begins at tlie Rock
in a few days, this to be followed by
other session of tho same body at Bluff
Bpring Arbor, in this county.
The telegraphic announcement in tbs
Tklkobm'H AMD Mmscmokm o! to-day,
bringing the neWs of tho sudden death of
Wo. M. Wndley, Ksq, at baratoga, N. Y.,
August 10.—Our «»y aud community
ware thrown Into excitement this morning
by the lynching of Alex Brown, out of the
negroes from Campbell county in our jail,
charged with the crime ot rape. He was
Auoust 10.—Oar community was some
what startled at the reception of a telegram
i announcing the banging of
it that plaoe daring last night,
presiding. He was a bright
I - took him
to the railroad bridge, eliout half a mile
■ted hanged him hy
from Newnan .
Alex Brown at
Judge Lynch pres:
mulatto, and was arrested with
boy about fifteen years old, both of whom
were charged with having committed rape
upon the person ot a little white girl just
twelve veers of age, tho denghter of a Mr.
Barefield, of this county. The two negroes
tho neck, where be was found dead early
this morning. Wbe the parties were that
have thus visited snassDsry poni*hmeot on
the offender of the law if not known,
but they are supposed to have been from
Campbell county. r Cwas done very quietly,
many of our citizens knowing nothing of
tbo affair until this morning. If the aegro
was guUty it was a terrible crime against
were brought to this place about six weeks
ago for the purpose of having a committal
trial, which the dafcmiauls waived, aud
they were remauded to Coweta couaty jail
for safe keeping by th« court until August
term ot the Buneriur Court of this ooonty.
The prisoner* broks jail a few days ago.
but Alex Brown wae recaptured and it-
placed in the same jail.
Deputy Shorifl Thompson, of this county.
tho law, and an outrage upon society that
wold have only bssn atoned by his blood.
Bat jet the remedy in sufficient in the law,
we can but deprecate and eoademn an
act the!»in iuslf a violation ef law ande
dangerous precedent for any community.
Tbs doors were forced and left opso. all
the prisoners making their escape. It fate
be hoped the law’s delay and uaoertainty
will not much longer give place aod ex
cuse for lawless mobs thus to endanger the
gys of society and destroy the safeguards
went down to Newnau )i<«terdsy evening
for the purpose of bringing him up for
Dial, Superior Court being in session.
Thompson demanded Ids prisoner this
*-1, bat wa* told lie could find him
1 od over the railroad track, undsr
H»e bridge near U* depot at hewuan.
open, all Repairing to Uie spot desitnatvd, ‘
, 7t fa to Thompson beheld the ghastly s|
fire protection to life, 111
iberty so
The spoiler of his victim’s bsppinr** for
life had expiated, as far a* he could his
crime Bo mote it be.
^nomination giro* universal
satisfaction here. We'll scud him to the
next Ocngre.* by an annihilating majority
August 10.—\ diffloulty occurred last
Mooday, at BeU's store, near the line of
Randolph and Calhoun oounttes, between
Mr. A. J. Bell and Mr. Jamea m! Little, in
whteh the latter was seriously stabbed in
the back.
over Mr. I’ou.xAr. Cox or Mr7 Anybody
else toting the Independent skillet. G.
weight440pound*. Itwiurafaelby*w!%
BeevpesndsoUtoO.A.Rob g *
Auoust IL-Rev. A. J. Battle, D.D., of
Macon, has been in the city since Homlay
last, and, sMiated by Rev. T. J. Beck, of
Tennille, is conducting protracted service*
at the Baptist Church.
The stockholders of the Baadewllle and
Tennille railroad held tneir annual meeting
. . m ensuing
Messrs. C. R. i’riagle, R. L. Wortben'
B. D. E 1
August 10.—The two negroes I mention
ed some tima ago, who committed rape in
riiii county ate were sent to Newnan for
sete keepiug. broke jaU last Moadey about
Vl o'clock. Two othsr law-violating pris-
ooere recapcd at the same time. An imme
diate effort wae made to recapture the prie-
ooers. Two were eaught, ooe that was sent
from this county, and one ot the others.
■SMi, imnl nitli
. id .uibj the
j»il, Ink. im th. door, uul took
• It-rf. of tb. Caifb.ll eoontjr prUotur.
TU, oomiaettd him to th. rmllrood brblg.
mfroctof Cob WtoWjJjjdrtom N„ r
J. N. Gilmore, ... u .
N. liollifield and M. Newman were elected
directors, and held a meeting immediately
upon the adjournment of the stockholders’
meeting, at which the officers of the ootn
ptny were elceted as follows: O. R.
u greeted
- 8 heart C*
hby a repe, one end of which
w - fastened to the railroad bridge. |
Campbell court is iasresionthu
TUreisa considerable amourt of Lu*i-
' s suspended the
it justice to this
~ ‘ r gentle-
ii after
p. Worthsn, treasurer. Che thru former
b»». Md Unit!M*MOt pMitiou aino. tho
orcuiutioa ol th. oomou. In UTif .&J
tlKirnpmtnl re^lMtion wfthoot 01,^ni.
th>.,.puk>th. uifradnUoa of ihoirwr.
Jloc. brth.air.clort in no aonruin
tonm. Th.oOo.of trm.arer hw bartto-
tora^o bmo filled b, Mr. 1-ringl. m
.oMptnbljr nnJ cBcientir, but in con-o.
-tnme. of print, htulnnc mttl.r .hichdc.
mMd bta attention, ho d.-Hnod .iMtioo,
“ d th. pMition to
Ojo. I>. Wnrthra. h-i_ m of oor boat
ciUzens and m»«t successful merchants.
He was not at borne last Monday when
ws donot know where he
i.cli ambition alono tempted them
....... __ .... question ot Hammond
nuti HammouJ, three voted for Hammond
uty one ngaiust him. There ii
acy of this statement, as
, ... ._ent was one of the
ile'egaiei when the vote was taken,
converesut * r itli our county
need not be told that Mr.
Hnmmoinl never has oirried our
unty, in noiuiusl ou or eloction, whan
e a?.* Deuioc alic, ludepcndeut or or-
iii/.ed oppoiiiiou. Nor can he carry it
d*y if there i* a good Democrat iu the
field ngaiust him, living south of Atlanta.
In rev ndlo “Justitia’s” uukind lings at W. B yin, we cau oolyssy,
rice In* he served us as a legislator—
ice a Kep.-eieulaiive and twice a bena-
r—and uover yet ha* ho caused u* to feel
igiit l»ut pride iu hi* record. In recogui-
puhlic services the county *e-
lecied Hon. ii- IV. Bryan two yenr* ago **
hrr ctioice for Cougres*. If hewaswoithy
ilicu ho is noue tliu less so to-da;
i less so to-day.
W. A. 8.
August 11.—Upson held a primary e’ec-
lion yesterday for the nomination of a
CAi'didate for representative, and express
ing her choice of ti e two candidates from
Harris county for Bceator from this dis*
trict lion. B. O. MoKenney wa* aomi-
n,ued for representative, aod Thomas J.
Neil, Esq., received a majority of 194 vstes
for Henator.
Mr. A. J. King has pnrohi*ed tho inter-
e*t of Mr. K. G. Matthews in tho business
of E. 13. Thompson Jt Co., and after the 1st
of 8:q.tember will give all of his time to
tlint business. . v
Large quantities of dried fmit are voinu
brought into this market daily, and meet
with rendir Bale at fair prices. Pavtiee who
have tried all three inform mo that they
get better prices for their frnit here thau
year-olds, to the black filly of 1L N. La
mar; for three year olds, to Ute brown
horse of B. K. Whittaker.
Local polities is running high. Une of
the Legislative candidates s ty* it may be
nip ana tuck; that he has the nip, and that
his opponent will get “tuck in.”
August 12.—The OJd Fellows have left
us, and sinoe their departure our little
tiwn looks somewhat quiet and lonely.
Tho meetings of tbo body were very har
monious and largely, attended. Thursday
afternoon nearly the entire delegation paid
a visit to Woodruff’s fruit farm, inspecting
his grapes, wine-cellar (of coarse not the
contents of the same), and returning to
the city at (quite a late hour in the even-
isg. AUexpruMed themselves delighted
with their visit and the hospitable treat
ment extended.
The present sesion of the Superior Court
will prove ail but exeitlng, the grand jury,
after a thorough investigation of the mat
ter, returning “no bill” in the case of the
State vs. Lytlo, charged with the shooting
of Fred Ilammoad. This was the only
important criminal case on the docket.
We have aot yet received oar first bale
of new ootton, bnt are looking for it to
rive within the next ten days.
The fall term of the Bsm Bailey Insti
tute begins next Monday.
Several of oor merchants have gone
North after their fall stocks; the remain
der leave during the present week.
J. L. M.
August 11.—The sosnd of tho harntnsr
is till “heard in the land,” and buildings
of all kinds are being pushed rapidly for
ward. The foundations for two more
brick store were dug yesterday—verily
Jackson Is on a boom. Tho new stores are
being built by Messrs. Tueker tnd Land.
They are enterprising, straightforward
men, just such as we love to have
among ns.
Col. M. V. MoKibhen is having two
handsome brick stores built on the South
side of the square ; they will be oedupied
by Furlow & S the ridge, of Perry, a-d Smith
A Huddlestons, ofHnnnyside. He will also
have several desirable cottages built,which
ean bs rented on very reasonable term*.
Dr. J. W. Crnm, our cnterprlaiag and
popular young druggist, is building a nice
drag store.
Mr. Msileit’s warehouse will be fiaished
about fifteen day* wbei he will be ready
handle all the eottoa that his numerous
friends will bring him. Hs will give his
personal attention to the business, wbieh
- esough to guarantee entire setisfseiioa
• his customer*.
A peep into the enterprising store of
Msna A Barfield shows internal improve,
inent* that will give those popular gentle
:n as moch room aathey need : tlieatere
it was could net accommodate their
6 idly growing business,
fr. Almond’s new stores will soon be
Several residences will bs ereoted in the
ooorse of two or three months; some of
thorn will be quite pretty and will add
greatly to the beauty of the town.
Mr. Henry Lend is now down the Bruns
wick road buying Urge lota of lumber for
his lumber yard.
Co!. Dud Hammond, of Forsyth,
town —
THE (iEOltaiA V It ESS.
Wlint the Peoulo Tlilnk and no.
Tnn Thonusville artesian well is pro
gressing under great difficulties.
Tiie Bulletin is pleading earnestly that
work m»y be began on the Rome canal.
Tnnlrwinton sporting elub went gun
ning for dorm on lest Saturday, and
bagged sixty-nine birds in 200 shots. This
was not extra good shooting.
| The Walton AVtci and Vldettc furnishes
tilths following items: In some of ths
|bottoms here the ears of corn are shaking
hands with other acroea the rows.-
Ia the death ct ttr. Howell *nd Mr. Harris
the Baptist ehsreh of hhosli sustain*
a loss that it will rsquire years to recover
from. Married, as Nxoisl Circle, last
Thursday night, by Rev. D. F. 0. Tim
mons, Mr. iTer.-on Payne to Miss Lizzie
Milligan. Last year one or two men in
this ooonty cat off their watermelon riae*
near the ground after the first orop was off,
'orked the rime* out thoroughly.
Auoust 10. - Lost night i
arty entered tho r
August 10.-Fcr the past few days we
have had warm and f*ir weather, which
has proved very beneficial to the crops.
There is a diversity of opinion among the
farmers a* to the extent of the injory Vo
the ootton by rust. Like all other wise men
they differ widoly. In oor humble opinion
there has been no serious injury yet. No
fear of worm* that we can learn of.
Wo were shown yesterday a curiosity in
the ehnpo of n oat—two kittens, about ten
days old that bad six perfeot claw* on on«h
trout foot and five on each roar foot, per
fectly developed in evory way.. They will
surely be good on tho catch.
Our next door neighbor, who borrows
ir paper, left last week for New York.
Arriving in Charlotte, N. C., lo was forced
to purubAso ono (for tho first time), a ad to
class paper, no maueu u oar aoureso urns:
“Chan Jones, Cuban and Egyptian artist.
A live correspondent of the biggest paper
in Georgia.” Wo will send his namo on
his arrival home.
A few of our esteemed and Intimate
friends of tbo “Uncle Alex” war of think
log, only, have closeted ns lately a
begged that we resign tho position that
have humbly Lied to fill for over ono joar
with your paper, saying they would wot
correspond nor connect themselves either
by subscription or auy other way with any
paper who would fail to hoist the name of
the old commoner after a fair
ballot and n majority count. So yon ooe
tho manngemeut of your paper don’t con
form with tho views of tho whole lwople,
aud yon had .best shat down. Unfortu-
ly your _ .
of thinking os yourself, and will not
morning. The out
the Control railroad passing I
draped in black crape and waite g.wd*.
Those who havo boon so busy recently in-
quiring about his resignation of the p*esi-
deucy of the Central Railroad Company
will give themselves no further concern
and the public no more Inquiry.
One week from to-morrow the primary
election for delegatee to Um county con
vention, whoa# business it Is to nominate
tlie Rspresentalives to the next General
Assembly will bs held. The oasd’Uste*
from this end of tho county aro abundant.
John F. Bidding, Ksq., seems to bsvo dis
tanced all his com pouters, which is by no
means satisfactory to the personal friend*
of the other gentlemen, any ore ot whom
would be nroud to win the honor they are
now and have been for month* earnestly
seeking by personal appeals. Human am
bition iu such contest*, however, is not ua-
frequsntly rebuked by an unwelcome do-
feat of high hopes and aspirations at the
ballot-box, and it is well for tire unlucky
candidates to summon oonrsgo in advance
to support them in the final result. Mr.
Rodding’s friends are doing quiet but ef
fective work. Though young, bo rank*
sign, but will ooutlnuo to report facts as
tereoly ns possible.
Messrs. K. T. Oomsr and J. K. Garnett,
two sterling aud enterprising young busl.
in ii men of Savannah, are doing np the
town to-dsy.
The N. and A. is still broke down, bnt
hotws to oome out enlarged in n few days.
Auoust, It—The fair for the eale of the
douattors to Monrco Female College,
which began Tuesday, has been a marked
mouses. Everything brought fins prises.
The world and the balance of mankind
will bo here to-morrow to the barbecue.
A crowd of five to ten thousand is expected.
The sneoeas of the college enterprise is at
re*dr assured.
1’rofctind regret is felt here at the news
of President Wadley’e death, whore recent
donation of $M0 to the college won for
him I ho rrattitnde of oor people.
A notice has apresred in your column
of the sad death of Jethro Williams, Ceq,.
who suicided by drowning n few days ago.
irciivt) worn, znoagii juuuv, uv ruuna
high as a lawyer, counselor and advocate. I
lie has no record, is very popular and
strong with the people, a roan whom they i
lelight to honor aud trust.
Went Fels*.
August 11.—Mr. Cecil Gabbltt ha* in
m temptation the oonrirucSon ot a pretty
[little park at the depot, which will ndd
grtpdly to the looks of things around the
car shed. He will enr>o*e the ground
with iron ratling, and hare within tlowers
and fountains.
As the business season is fust approach
ing many change* are taking place. Oar
merchants are beginning to bring in their
winter supply of country boys as sales
men, laboring under tbe fogy uotio» that
they “command trade,” where many of
rcr young men are denied place*, which
they could fill with credit. We
know some here whose bournes*
capacities are of a high order
aud yet, when they apply to home in
chants for positions, they are refused
account of those who know comparatively
little of bu*ine**,end who often prove
void of iniluenee in commanding trade.
Tbo merchants are in a great measure c*-n-
•arable for the reckless desertion of tbo
farm hy the yonng men. If they would
eocourago them to remain at home, they
would prove better eitixens in Uie cud.
A’e have a bright prospect ahead of ns, and
West Point is fast preparing to meek it
with her accustomed eoergy and business
with lier accustomed energy and business
Uct. We receive twenty th xuand balre of
tfai “snowy fibre,” and we do xs much
business, comparatively, as auy town In
Lest week oar young people were filled
with regret at the d«p*rture of MUs Anna
Nolle Pope for her home in Washington,
nolle rope for her home in riathmgt
D. C. For a brief space eh»Illumined L_
social *fey f her radiant presence shed sun
shine all about ber, aad made one heart
all the better for her coming. Mis* Pope
fa the granddaughter of the Ute Judge K.
Y. Hill, the celebrated jurist of Georgia.
Mrs. A. P. Hill, ber grandmother, was tbe
author of that boon to Southern '
keeper*, “Mrs. Hill's Cook Book.”
Edward Young Hill, Jr., who wrots that
beautiful poem “Georgia-”
Miss lizzie Huguley only returned from
Blount Springs two week* ago, remained
at home only long eeoagh to gladden the
hearts of ber friends, and now »ka fa en
joying th* quiet stiilue** of MtrieUa. J.
M. Harrington and J. U. Word are spend
ing this week at White Hatphur Soring*.
Mrs. J. L. Uolltfieid, of Maeoa. fa vismni
the family of oer townsman, Mr. Tho*. J.
Jennings. Miss Psolia* Lang U visiting
m ***<> not know where he
Ui ik.teBModm .u.tUu
loJiin billing, .ni a, bo u rooeg, good-
K looking, tmoKm-d, w.ll <,« in worlJl,
0», Mia fonder j-mngladt..'comping,
long tbMnoe rcaj for«.b*Jow tb.4-
pwusc. o! Sin. Treasurer »h*u b. r£
‘ibe city board of .dneulon k.ld
ennn^mertios »'jo on Moodily, ,.t which
Mon. VI. Nowmnit, who bulm t.-.« pr.*-
ident of the body .tne, il. ictitction, .ob-
mitUdu eUborel. report eoterieg the
>nnli0M0(llM put yHI aad making
ntuMaremamaadaUona foriha fatarei her friend. Mu. dMtnie Toww, AtUnU.
tor*to. A4 *“ tt ,ot ' '
reliable as a means of judging their profi-
eteoey; a partial rwisiSrSt the cu^ici
1m in He white school: th* enU-g^ment
t Barresvillo or Griffin.
crops up here areas fine aa the land
can make them.
We have had rain every day for a week.
August 11.—Monroe enjoyed recently tho
rather novel pleasure of seeing and bear
ing a womau preacher. ITer husbssd
preached and she elossd ths services in the
ususl cxhorter style. Their names are
Worley, their ersed is Methodiat, and he is
the preacher ia charge of a church in the
npper part of this county. She does not
seem to be embarrassed, can offer es
earnest a prayer, make as steoug an ap
peal to sinners, and administer as harsh
a rebuke to the wsywsrd as any preschur I
ever heard.
The Sunday-school convention for Apa
lachee association j held a very pleasant
and harmonicas session at High shoals
in this connty this weak. High Shoals
people entertain visitors In a princely man
ner. Dbaz.
citizens of Upseu huld in the oouct house
to-day, Uessn. F. F. Matthews, J. T.
Tisioger, O. J. Lewis and J. B Brows were
elected delegates to the Congressional eon-
vestion to b* held in Griffin on th* 16th.
They go Instructed to vote for our present
able representative, Hen. N. J. Ilammoud.
matters. No cause can be positively as
signed for his course. U* was universally
respected, and our county lose* a good
Rains abundant, and the crop prospects
ru magnificent.
Riven. /
August 10.—A negro, while deanii
„in,ten Lockett A Bond'll White Hill place,
near here, to-day, aeckteatally fired, blow-
ing nil the fingers off bis right hand, badly
wounding bis left, and killing a negro
child about ten years old, who was puss
Three convicts escaped from Lockett
coflVict camp to4*y. Ono, James Jen
kins, was sent there last April tor merrier,
and is one of tbe meanest negroes I ever
Cotton is opening fast, and farmers are
busy pisking. Rest at a stand-still, an!
not damaging th* Ute cotton. Rap.
August 12.—The Middle Georgia Teach
era' Institute, opening with about forty-
fire teachers in attendance, has had acces
sions to the roll until there are now about
seventy-five, who are all to be found punct
ually at the daily sessions. The methods
of tbo faculty are not at all rigid and for
mal, bat, on the other band, are so liberal
th it it looks more like a pleasant converse-
tioaal gathering than a school, to an ob
server. The teachers are at liberty to asl
any question bearing on whatever topic is
under discussion, whenever they please,
and tlie faculty take thqir groatest pleasure
la satisfactorily answering such question*.
This normal ‘u-titute is bound to be pro
ductive of great good to th* teachers In oar
State. The right way to polish diamonds is
to rub them together, you know. And
diamonds cf thought, like th* crude ma
terial, sparkle all Ike brighter after fric
tion. Dr. Orr visited the institute it
week and is delighted with its socora*.
the hots! parlor last Wednesday night
was presented with a very handsome pair
of gold spectacles by the teachers, many
of whom were present to meet him. Mr.
Bon null, of tbe f realty, made the present t-
I . JKJIlCkl, Ul MW l.V- MkJ, UIWW UN pilltollll-
lien speech in a most happy manner, and
> renounced the occasion a spectacular af-
air—alluding, of coarse, to the beanitfal
ladles present.
accident happened tv Prof.
I adits preecaL
V painful acci
I Neely yesterday
Lag along tbe edge of ooe of
around the college building, whs
slipped and ha tell down about
f yesterday afternoon. He vss walk-
slipped and he tell down aEbut four fee',
his shoulder striking ti»* atom
locating the sbmtder joirt. I
scon reached him, aad through the
lund aid of lev. Ur. Blooey be was helped
to hU roues at tbe Oooaee Hoi
The animal tu.-nod upon tho unsuspecting
child in fury, drove his horns into his
ttomach, ran with him a hundred yards,
threw him on the ground with all his force,
and then a second time gored him.”
Miss Lucre Carom, a bright young lady
of Warren oonnty, is dead.
Tax following items are taken from the
They ssy they made msch finer melons the
second crop thau the first. Tbie ia esrtain-
lv worth trying. A Walton lady has in
the last thres years mads (800 worth of
cotton on rented land. This year she has
twenty-two acres in cotton, which prom-
lias to maks ten or twelve bales. She does
the work with her house servant aud her
husband’s buggy horse, and her btuband is
at no expeniu whatever. Such a wifo is
well worth having.
Arrant* are looking np in police oirclss
in Savannah. A darkey wa* actually fined
five dollars the other day “for disorderly
Our country people are now making wine
and syrup ot tomatoes. Both articles are
eplendid; we have tasted them. There
is a sulphur spring on the plantation of
Mr. J. P. ** *’ ‘
i for our people
oonduet and breaking the furniture in the
house of Amelia Green.” lbe aathonties
ot Savannah are usually too tender-hearted
to impose so heavy a fine as that
Hat anti ait Newt: Almost anything will
occasion a sensational ripple nowadays.
Yesterday morning a crowd was collected
on Ball street, near Coagves*, because a
little dog was attaeked with a fit of indi-
K tion, and cut np a .•tries of didots on
sidewalk. About h«!f-past eleven
o’clock yesterday tw* colored men, Pete'
Lewis and Cable Campbell, had nn altar
I _ . Dawson. No
to go off to summer resorts. Foar hnn
dred and fourteen dollar* and sixty cent*
was the actual profits on the eeoond ear of
peaches shipped from Georgia this year.
Tnn State road will be sold and Joe
Brown its purchaser. This is a little pri
vate opinion we have formod of our own.—
Montezuma Weekly. If Joe Brown wants
the road sold it will bs sold. The present
use of tbe Democratic party ia Georsis is
to re sinter his decrees. Wa do not doubt
his favoring ths sale of ths 8tate road, and
the payment of ths bogus bonds. Hffi
The North Georgia Timet report* the
death of “Nathaniel Baxter, on old and
highly esteemed citizen of Gordon oonnty. 1
Kxtexsivb preparations are being made
in Uanoock for tlio Calverton camp-mejt-
ing, which beg ns on to-morrow, we be
lieve. There are eighteen “tents” on the
ground, and they will be crowded.
Tnc following items are taken from the
Ithmaelitei Candidates tor the different
oonnty office* will begin to plant their tor
pedoes daring the camp-meeting. H*n-
cook hes not suffered for want of rtin this
ye*r. The creeks on last Saturday were
overflowing their banks, tV* rejoice to
know that Mrs- R. B. Baxter is improving,
III tho primary election in Ltnooln ooun-
ty, to decide the choice of the county fo -
CongreM, Mr. J. C. C. Black waw «Uvd£tf-
ful, with Judge l’ottlo as second choice.
A nkubg train -hand was killed by light
ning on a gravel train, near Savannah, on
Thursday afternoon.
Mb. J. H. Pouiilx., of Jefferson county,
was unanimously nominated a* Senator
from the eighteenth Senatorial district*
Baums Roto, of the News and Farmer,
makes the following revolution of tho gun
ning experience of n Louisville man :
“Dixon Kirklaod trio! to shoot off his gnn.
and it shot lum off and left him lying amid
ost stubble in an eleven hnmlrej ncre
field, wiser bat aot more beautiful. As bo
is a telegraph operator no donbt ho
thought his battery had busted.”
W. A. Plkdgm has howled his first howl,
down in Columbus.
Hkhe is some good geography. It is
taken from the sterling IvorfaSfar: “First
cl*»« in geography, stand up. Where i*
if Georgia loi
E. Brown. For what wae Georgia
For the benefit of tho said Brown. IIow is
said State bounded? On the four cardinal
points by Brown, Gordon, Colquitt and
seized a spike an4 drove it into Campbell't
arm, making quite a *ersr* gash, and thus
tormined the fight.
nauirer^Sun: Yesterday morning, at
'’clot' -'* “ **’ “
10o’clock, in ths eity of New Orleans, Mr.
Charles P. Bpnagsr aad Miss Flora Cole
man were nailed ia marriAge. Ths attesd-
ants ware Mr. RobertRobiaton, of Mohi'e,
aad Mire Alice Springer, ef thi* eity. The
groom is a som of Mr. F. Spriagar, of this
city, and is a young gentleman of pUasiug
manners ani fins businex quiliflcatiou*.
The bride it one of tho f iir#*t of N«w Or
leans's daughters, and ths groo<n is to Le
gratolated upon his sueces.-tia wiunlng
heart and hand. The bridal party will
and hand. The bridal party
reanh this city to day at 11 o'clock.
Mn. T. J. Bainoes, of Athens, is dead.
He took an overdose of Uudanusa with tho
intention, it is supposed, of killing him
i, was in
Tim Banner. Watchman claims that it...
'strange but true” that leu buggy-ridiug
i done in Athena, on Sundays, than In
most cities and to An*. Why H should b«
“strange” w* caunot see, noises the poo
ls ot that city are especially prone tohe.b-
ath breaking. In this connection it may
not be inappropriate to reproduce the tj •
lowing local from th* same issue ef tne
paper in which ths above “straago but
tru»” announcement is male : “A young
blood hired a horse and buggy from o*e of
our livery stables Sunday, and refused n
pay for ii. The owner of ths stable sent
the bill to his lady love, aod now a due! ia
talked of.”
Gattt is troubled by “a colore J revival.”
whatever that may be. It la certainly bad
ly colored, if it be a “nuisance.'’
Souz eyes are prevalent in Lanrens
Mb. Be* Cawxoh. of Willlatmon oountv,
recently had a ma>e struck by lightning.
Thomas (on.
August 12.—At a public meeting of the
ly l
It is said the molo was killed.
IDunu* Post: A few days ago Mr. John]
.Joses, who keeps Capt. Smith's mill
iw some ducks flying duwn the poid, and
making towards ths mill boas*. As tho
flock pa<M»d ths house one dropped oat
end alighted nt the door of the nrilt house
on the ground. Mr. J.'a little bey went
A. J.K.
Auoust 12.—Two bales of ootton of this
■ear’s crop were received htr* to-dsy. Mr.
English and Mrs. Hundley each seat one
in. This is the first brought to this market.
F:om the enormous stocks of goods
being purehassd and ths number ot new
firms going iato business, il is evident that
business teen anticipate an unprecedented
* Tno proceedings'against Noah Whi
head, sharped with shooting Jack Bare
has l»ncn dismissed for west of proof.
business boom.
The ootton seed oil milt will begin bush
ness steal Ootober 1st.
Mr. Charlton Adams was seriously burned
yesterday, by the esplueiou of a lami^
, „ proof. •- •
It is expeotsd that Judge Fate will oall a
special ssssioa of Dodge Superior Court,
to try the rioters of last Sund4>.
Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Pipkin lost their in
~ lav.
> having a protracted
on tbe ground. Mr. J.'s little buy w
out and picked it up without any effort
escape on tbe part of the duck. Upon I
ami nation, it was found that a mussel was I
clamped on one of th* dues’* feet. This
had loaded him down, aad benco his short
op at tiie mb!. 11m Uul* boy took off tha
Mil and is trying to lams the doJc.
Tus Dublin Post comes forward with a
curiosity in sggs: “Mr. W. It. Keen brings
us a ben’s sgg sbat takes ihe oak* ovor all
eggs we ha.e ever seeu. It rtsemblssl
somewhat au hour-gln-w bent doable likeF
pair of saddlebags—or, to get at it turn .
accurately, U looks like s duublo egg-plant
juiaed together at the smeller ends aud
| bent (lowa side by aids. At th* ler*cMl
part it is Um size of a mau’s foiutlngor and
about 2% iaobsa in lengtn. It is a vsrit-i
able euriosity.”
| Tna following aad aeeonnF ot the prohl
able sxtlnotioa of s whole family is tnkon
from the Dublin Pott: “Mr. Eugens Watts j
fsnt son on Thurtdai
The Baptiste are I
August 11.—Rust is rapidly developin:
npidly developing
and spreading on lands that never rusted
before, tfoitoa that two weeks ago prom
ised an abundant crop will not maks an
more. When black rust attacks eotton i
makes nothing mere. Fodder has hern
well eared. Pena good.
An Eaglishman of this place ate four
pounds less two onnees of net very fresh
hern last Saturday moraiag, on a
wager of $2^0. Tbe beef w*i raw. Tka
Cnglishman then ate a box of sar
dine* and a hearty supper. This is an
other reason why an Englishman should
be called “Johnny Boll.”
— Buusoainta.
August 12.—At the primary alecllon last
Wednesday, Captain J. IV. Robins wm
eomlnateri for tna lower house of reyre-
ssntsttves by a majority of 244 over hie op
ponent, John Pf e, Esq.
Captain T. J. Nan's majority over Cap
tain L. L. Stanford, for Senator from the
twentyfiftb district wee 2fi&
Press aad material for tha Talbott, n
.Veto Bra ha* arrived, and at early day Tal
bo Uon will have a lively p*i>?r.
August 12.—Judge Pate is here, and has
ordered a special term of tha Superior
Court to convene Tuesday naxt at 2
o’clock p. m. Col. Jaek Brown wav ap
pointed to defend tha prisoners charged
with raorder. A committing court has
been haul every nay this week. At out
twenty-one prisoners have been commit.
Auourr 12.—Rain every' day, wMch fa
good for fall crop*, hut wa hear
oom plaint of rust in eottoa.
Tbe oonteat for Legislative honor* in this
county Is at fever heat. Four oaadMstos
are coatending for nomination, jast two for
each seat to be filled. AH have warm
‘ ‘ think ‘
r which two no one
willisg to name aed bet oo. All are good
men and personal preferences will (l#*d*
th* iseu*. Major W. A. Black has bean >p-
at an
who, with his wite and two children, Hied
with his mother d(.wu on the Kmnuuei
line, died oa last Monday. His methvr
died oa Taesd-iy, one child oa Wsdassdsjr
aad tho attoudiag physician thought tin
other ohild aad its mother twit all hepsv
of recovery. They were all sick with
typhoid ftTtr.”
It la probsblv that Col. C. 6. Guyton will
be nomisatsd for Senator from the six
teenth district.
Mb. Jnsara E. Wmrrra, an old and hon
ored citizen of Colambut, ts dead.
ComtnnanuK iatsrest was felt Is th*
and hope ahe may continue to do so until
she is again restored to perfeot health.
e leallnp politicians'of the 8tatc have
eve oa thu State Senate. They seen to
think that Mr. Stenheas will be elected
and immediately die or be eent to the
United States Senate- The presidency cf
thi next Senate will be a post of responsi
bility aud honor.
Ir It was rigat for Mr. Stephens to vets
for ths salary grab and take tlie back pay,
it is n* use to berate tbe Bspnblicans, ste.
—CttmmtMg Clarion. There you sk«*w
year ignorant*. 1-r. Stephens wav net In
oongTeisst that time, and therefore did
ioi Tjtt ton the back salary grab. As for
'berating Republican*,” ws do not expect
yos to do anything of the kind niace their
9Ute eonveutioa have endorsed your man,
Gartrall, for govomor.—Marietta Journal.
We have nothing to do with the contro
versy between the Clarion and tho Jour
nal. Mr. Stephens did not vote for the
“back salary grab.” but he made a speech
in Congress indorsing it, and saying that
e would have voted for it, had he beeu
•resent. This mach is due to the truth of
Mui. Elizabeth Thomas, of Cobb coun
ty, diod on tho 8th inst., in tho 82d year of
her age.
Oh* young man in Marietta is carrying
one hundred thousand dollars in watriroo
nlil insurance policies.—Marietta Journal
“Experience is h dear school.” The yonr-g
man will be somaof these (Uys. Wo
should liketebeiutermed of the fact, it be
rer collects his premiums.
Gov. CeLquiTT made a temperance
speech ia Sower(h last week, and an
nounced hinnelf squarely on the question.
He asserted that the iuue was upon us and
mu.t be met—Montezuma Weekly. This
is conclusive of the fict that ths temper
ance vote in the State is ip the majority.
Governor Colquitt wonlQ not willingly
align himself with the minority on a ques
tion that fa liable to ha made a political
poilIM uy uruwu, uuiuuu, «uu
the Atlanta Constitution. Givo the chief
product of the State, Vindication. Cor
rect. Sitdxwu.”
Tna Courier is trying to get np n tom-
pamnee boom ia Home. While differing
wnn it in much, we could rejoice with it
in sesir.g a rsv.vnl in the cause of sobristy.
Itmys: 'There is enough oratorical tal
ent In our eity to keep the teronvrance
innvrtnenl on a boom. Here are Hillysr,
Wright, Feathenton, Alexander, Brooks,
Meyerhardt and a score of others. Way
donjl they spetk? The psop’o •re auxioua
to War them on this subject, r*\< wa
ir.ea annld be dedgh'ed te r*i> !V«w#»*
pome the can*eof t«*njpera , uov.”
BAtHtiBfiMS Democrat: Vr T. •' T«r*
nsr will be by ..-a.
nit not be elected In thitv*,. »-
All Democrat* should l.r-. • >u
mind, and rot be caught ns;q inc *-
idem Arthur vetoed the naval. >a 'j . .1
river appropriation bill", n-rt ’ «,> . i(
trotted them through again ov*rl.v-% ».
a great and oatrageoci •!•**. -I
proud to note that lion. H. G. t«*r-
nsr su»tained the President.
Col. GeuaoB H. Black is vsid vo »t v.H-
ly improve. It i" not like'y, hownvtjr, that
he will recover sufficiently to seek a re-
election to Congress.
Dus old friend. Bib Pierce, preidid
over the Democratic convention of tho
ci*hteenth Senatorial district. We hope
to see him some diy preride over tho Sen
ate. Us is abundantly worthy and compe
Ah ingenious car-coupling has been in-
An ingenious car-coupling has been in
vented by Mr. Robert (3. Bailie, of Angus-
Tna SoutJiem Enterprise is bragging
about a pear that weiglia a pound and three
ounce.*. It Is of the LeUonte variety.
Thomas county shows an inorease in tax
able property to the amount of $17G,?42.
The polls number 2J20, which shows
crease of 123.
Columbus Sun: The funeral of Mr. Jos.
E. Webster yesterday evening wns attend
ed by a large concourse of oitizsns of nil
eouditioue and walks in life. The servl
at th* hot«e were ooudacted by Rev. J<_ .
H. Ksy, cf Msoon, who spoke in feeling
terms of tbe deceased and words of cu
fort to Um b*r «ved family. At the oh
of Mr. Ksy'a remarks (Jot. 11. Bo*«oy, who
soJated with r Mr. Wabitor, deptoted in
tender words the inner Ufo of Um mau uow
silent io death.
OnWedne^dsy mornieg, n nfgro inr
and a boy were caught stealing coru in
livid near Columbus, bur they in ids l!w
(•cape. We do not mention this cirom.i-
•t tuce tMcanso of its strange ami atini.<
charaoter. The robbhi; of o».o ti l l-
ay every night bui'nes* iu somo acetic
of the State. L>t tho faruio'* be on i
watoh. Powder aud lead ere tho only
gmnvnt* that'weigh anything ail’.i rugu
Fultom county has au African div
Rov. Jeffrey ^aihmgtow, who *s a cu-
date for the LeeisKt’ire. Joffrev pr),-» . !•-
to act in tho Mle'.f ufmniueun4ivf r r.
in oeso ha fa ele <tM- l’i *w*t 'iw
sleet*<l. Joifroy wdl oon*l- no te d
rather, some of them, have been tnnk-
ing another voyage up Um tempc=tuo..a
canal. Such recklessness is p.-nitively
frightful. William Moom went nl- nh,
probably to save the nnmarried ladies, iu
case of n storm at tea.
The.?f(tris a s.endfnst admirer of the
•H>sition to /Mr. Suphets will work harm
liner than geo J. To defeat U r. b.ephuis
would I to to place tito S ato government
in the hinds of our poliiiud r.pponent*.
ILvs this f.ide-bono of orow, biz orother,
uul lot us endeavor to tnrke the la-st we
can out of a bad bargain.—Worth Star.
Tt.ere are very few things that wo wo Jd
not do lo gratify Brother Hvntcn; but the
truth ot tl« business is our “inuurdi” were
not put up a “crow” basis.
Tna Worth Star is responsible for the
following expressions ot opinion: “Bin
flilt, Georgia's greatest 'on. is calmly
awaiting the call of his Master. J.
Brown carries th* Democratic putty of
Georgia in his pooket,and there is tu« nro
iu deuying the fact.—Tho Georgia it gis-
iiture would honor itself* and Georgia by
reuding Captain Tete Smith to the United
Mates Senate. A draakardV grave was
never yetfillod by a man who refused to
tako the first drink.”
Tub Isabella post-office was recently
rebbed of lifteen cunts, Tbe sweep was ef
fective, as fn^s it went
The Panm^Vatchman furolshi s us the
following items: Major Gretn, ot tbe
‘ is bitterly oppo-ed
4 I gar».o
IRilffiRllli..., several
if tbe boys were fleeced ihe lb-mo*
ntVuf < L’kthorpe threaten to call iuu th-
convomion, and throw out th- largo rs.
_•» vote that was polled. Or.* of our
v.ialthivst capiteiisU has been caught
•humming among the negroes for Speer's
r* cli-cliou. We give him tbebirck vote
Ml. JAMEaS. Paukeb, o^ Cl-y n.unty,
ii desd, niter a long ana painful Bines*.
AVict and Adrcrliteri l ire#* am!
i»iingui«lH.d bodies are tow ect iu Allisi-y
with n tho next seven tugnthc, viz: the
mmtii Georgia Meiltodirl talMHirt- in
De.tinlMr, tho F.pitonnal »'fr mat OtmVfcn-
n iu May. and the Georgi
lotiowiug items: major uiren, oi
G«orgis toad, says he is bitterly opr
•o excursion train*. A gambling i
wa" run at tbe fails, Monday, hn-.\ it
thin spiritual sunt# Id- (r til mil
ing ooni^atioii Tin il»v. J
sunethimT«f tho cqtof n Julio »-u
Kombm twigiuniiig a livt:
The police ar* k*pt ou full dnty,
jail promi*( s wos to be ov-rllowing
The following inoidvut w taken Dom fir
D*AalbX*ws,nrd tarnishes nuoUier nuufk-
ing indication of kite demoral'znbon of ibo
times: “A most shocking tragedy wa* ci
acted last Trust* nr at Wood villi* scIkmi
were ra*mitred to jail, to await
of th* grand jury.
Floto lUaaw, sa AtlanU ex-conricl,
•o Aiiaata ana, iijosga caugni in um act.
refuted to givs them up. A elvrk who tried
te step him at th* door was cut !* the arm.
The thief than fled, panned by two pclise-
men. fle was stopped by Mr. Henry lit**,
man, who was also eut ia the arm The
thief ts a n»aro, and was released from
the ehain-gang last Saturday. Such fel-
ws ought to be nang.
Wa learn from the Erening Neat that,
in the primary election in Mnco'n and
in tbe pnmsrr election in Mnno'n and
Oglethorpe, the former went for Black ani
the latter for Reese.
Maxi Etta Journal: D. O. Green. Grlgra
ndd Mean, who were concerned in the kill,
ing ot a rebellious convict avme time mo
at the Marietta and North Oeergia convict
camp, have surrendered to tha sheriff ot
Pickens exunty, aad have been placed in
bonds of $60 each.
arrested at tne rauroaa tonnei ia t'aant'.ng
connty, fcr'riot, dnrlcg which Flick* wa*
killed, had their trial la Psaldlag 8*periir
Court last week. Jerry Gaaaway, Hearr
Lac*, Rufus Will isms and William Dantell
were convicted of murder and sentenced to
the penitentiary for life. One Brown waai
convicted of aesanlt with Intent to murder.
and was aenteseed to two years, ftvven
tsca wore convicted of riot and sentenced
to twelve months each, ani six were dis
charged by the court and solicitor.
of Presiient Hardeman to (Us soffa'y v- tsl
osa of the Unset product Ions ever delivered
I before that body. It wss meaty aid u.criw
moved to Forsyth st set, next ■■■■!
the Commercial Hotel, where a well ap-
Iportioaed office fa beingarrnged. And, by I
tlie way. seme important additions are b£|
ing ms> to thin popular hotel,
fast growing public favor. It ts nothuM
oeoommrn to hone it preuouaecd tbe bsut]
hotel in tbe State by traveling men.
Tbe South Oeorgia Texchere’ Institute fa |
now In full bUat la our eity. Quite* rum-1
|ber of teachers from different sections tf
the State are in attendance, all of ubom
have made a good impression upon oor
plKres bales of new eotton haeaboonrt-
cciroi at car warehouses, and, strsage to
say, all are from Ihe aame pUnUtioo, Gch
J. P. Fort's, under the control a CL Clay,
| who alwax* works in tho ilia feo, I
frolic or farming. . . .
A baseball game was plaied yesterday
between Amerieus and BmithviUe, in
which the latter was victorious ia a score
•1211012. Year eorrrepoodent came near
proving himself a pvophat by gueseiltf two
dsyt before the gam* that tho score would I
acted last Tuu*;!ny at Wood villi* scbo«>',
taught by Mr. Deixixch, between t.vo stu
dents, Berry Whitley anfl Fteyd.
of eympatby for Senator Hill in hi.* sad I
affliction waa paved. Uu motion of !I>u.
David Butler, a revolution was paired Ax '
logAogest .list as a day of thiakeg'vl-g
sndprsiss far Ood's bountiful b'essiog-
this year. Gen. William Browse raids a I
report oo the experiments of the Univerni
tr farm. After much disnuslon a ro * ffu
tion was passed taemoriaiilng the Legfaial
tare to establish two or more experimental
farms ia Ute State. On We 'tesday morn
ing froflll C. White, of the Mite Univer
sity, delivered an eMsyon ‘Gotten fevds,
their Products and Uses,' which exhibited
tha profoundret Diooght or a giant intel
lect. It elicited the warmest ecc-xmiam*.
Tb* essay, Tho Farmer In Politics,' oy
iCoLL. 0. Bryan, wa* quite esust'e, but
full of sensible truths. Judge F. O. Fur
man’s addross oo ‘Intensive Farming/ wss
afioetainf, aod if bis sugxeqtkms were
carried out, the farming interests in Geor
gia would increase tenfo'd. The Proba
bilities of an Income from a Cotton Plan
tation in Southern Georgia,’wa* the sub.
6 :t of an address by Jadge Vason, of At-
Clarksville Advertiser: Bishop Pierce
and wife arrived here Lut.Wui***Jsy, the
guest* ot Uon. Toombs. Mrs. Pfaren will
remain here for sereral dtys. 1h* Buhop
ha* gooe to XMhlonega dtetr.ct snetsng at
mid Clayton, G*.
Tn* (olicwiag shocking accoaat e.f the
. jik* his desk il tieii gf.ri-c
sharp words ra>sed tMlwi ou iU - t *o
in a wbi-^vr They agr. ed to s-ttl* the
matter between tbenRavlvrs. At rreoain
th* morning tha two walked out tog> her
a short distance from .ft* school l*un«M>
where they oomraonoed •'>;;!».nr
bloody Torks. WUitlry rlobUni Flnyd in
seven cr eight plsc suiihi knife, indicting
dangerous wound ) and lackinuuLli a litu*
of entling his jugular vein. U s rid
to be in a dangeru>is cord tion and is habit,
at any time from his Bounds to die.“
Tub land in G'oeue county fa 'given ia’
at an average of Iw-s ituru four dull am nn
aere. This does not prove tho Innd toll**
impuveriihNi It manly shows thair
land owoeis return it at less linn Its flEi
Greene is mtau exoepu n L»thern!e in
lb's parii»alar. Tne'* are JWj more black
thau white polls.
Tpb tt une Courier denies haring called
Mr. H ophene -Columl.”
Tuc people of southwest Georgia are
atixio’ts fur Mr. Stephen* to vUltint sec
tion daring tne campaign. It. our opinion
\Jr. Stephens fag -iug to t*o very little. If
any, ste'vkmg b«t«c*n foe and tlection
day. We shaU see.
Newjav Herald: About midday Tors-
day Um, negro pris-Mter* in Coweta jail
•nidA a bi-e*k for liberty,and four of them
escaped. Duly ore was left, nnd he was
too naiky »o crawl it rough the openiog be
tweei tbe bare.
Tn a Dawsv^ Journal report* the robbing
of ih* store of <*, \t. J j'rej, and steles Uixi
the business of robbing s ores in Dawson
has been goiug oa tie years.
WosrrB county h * i t ew poat-offlo* at
Willis glwm.
Off* fri“"d« of lh<) Next and Adcerliter
rm wrestling with am( press; (Mr u<d
ftkvud »hi*i , (* *•!• dtf i.icUuvdtOtie
piuue, aud we »!ou»*l i*»< h-* h ts wrvso nut-
detent to take him **(*!> ^roigh t’M emer
The Atlanta Keening Herald is of tbe
opinion that A. & Sack will be th; Kadi
cal candidate for Cxogrrea In ths fifth dre.
Irict. It is further stated that thi Birik
trill b«ald»i by th* Hubbctl corrnpttoa
fund and that •‘.lfatiagafabed RepubUcaM''
crate should not slesp ou their post*.
Tbr ie fa a warning for tf*e fifth district ia
what we hive written.
Atlaxta Herald: Uod* Martin, of the
Rome Courier, says wo give Mr. Stephens
a military title because we can't find any.
thing vaioevaM* |a hfa political sistu«.
This fa richne**, to be ear* i We aad n»
bleu that Useie Martin eoJd i erpeuate
such grim betnor aa to intimate tneinvol-
neralniity rf Mr Stephen*’ political rec
ord and etalfls. when be te the nefcnowt-
e«lgwl champion “rao-ohoet. Urn-abort,
jemp-Jtea-L'rww” poiiuctan ot
Buunswicx boasts of having 'he cfwrpl-
oo enter la tha person of a negro named
Flaker. lbers t« u more glory in havf
pvou *s er than ia bumf wor
i t A negro boy eors2fd in
non Mr.J. B. Au.. .r.iiV H*sr
by being th* hota*ol tbo shampoo
Ullclab. Toe one onuritrrtes about a*
little as the ether to tbe good if aeomat-
ii .i* iu May. and the Georgia btete Agii-
O il urnl Society in February, v-iff. ii> will
put I er hist fcot forward fui
Tits following story fn pretty ebep, but
a gtvt* it, iunemuch it* w« hnv<- tud rome
r«.f> I ard things to say about ... : be
'riM.titi* taken from Um IrOian^ Ur-
rid *(!atu.i and her thre* chiMreu
n'nrtir.a from her sister’s,
Intne, nrul after ths children lud been put
in tlie buggy, the line* wir* aceidirtally
(1 romped and the bora* started to run.
Hi uco, Mr. Adams’s largu Kvwfoundi.itid
ti -;', took in th* situation, snJ first r*n in
fron^of the hors* and harked, nud then
rau back and enupht th* inn h ti* Ms tvrih.
Ihey were pulled away f om Mm, but ho
serin rorhed iu front, when the home wka
mment by oae of the chii-
the re'tt". burling Agmn,
vouched for tv Mr. Sd'.tni uBr
and all the persons prose:, t. j'b„ nMgacriw fr'
ct tho deg doubtless e^vid tho endonir niil L.
nty cha
fifty-four, and additioiu iuo exrccttd
As a matter of Intererl to o ir reidera f
we givo tlie folhuring atat it cf the ie«|
•oite of the Gongresiional pr.miries in thef
oiglii Ii district. It will bo rten that n*ne
ot the candidates has o locjority, sndf
Ilecse lends Black only two v;.m. U h not
known uhtoh rule will prtvail io tin c.igf
vt-ati- n. The statement of tne stitid ug
ot the duletate* is taken from tin* Wuh-
IcthoriH) 4, Taliafcri
Black—G‘sen* 4, Jiffsi
Ki h-noed U; total Ifi.
111 t J. McDufil • * .Ay!
h a
-s- ... Jtr-Jrhu-
•ton % Washington 4: total ti. Fof Dii-
B se-WilVee 4. For Po-tie-Warren *2.
UninstrnoUd—Glascock 2.
It is eeoagh to rosta a Southern mwn
vomit to hear th* tov*y S inday school
people talking about “theH.utharu Ohsu-
uo itn plan.” Even the lntUvi^oul'ty of
Southern p’aeea fa to be 1 in gu-U;ng
Admiration for that which U NortUrn. It
is very significant, and U'u ft.-mflcaLcn fa
by no m.-an* coinfortiog. A murrain oa'
ail flan kies!
Tbb Savannah Nttr* fa railing for a*,
verer puni*hm*nt f jr the cSss* of offender*
referred to in the following f argraph.
The same obeervations apay te other
classes of offeudere. Seys the Newr: "Tho
offense of wlfen>eating. atmust exxlasirely
conficcdtothe colored popalaliouof ihu
city, is becoming very freqioar, sud ttrro
or four timet a week inch cares are bcf .ro
the police oeurt la the mrjmtyef Hus*
cares toe unfortsnats wenca wives
ouly in name, bat that'does n« t iev»ca the
crime. The fiueof flOsrthi ty days which
fa osoally Imposed does net have the So-
•ired effect, and there U scsrcely a Sstur-
dty nlgbl that arrest* are nut mvl* hy the
police of drunken negross on ths clurg* of
brevet wires. 'CL* rraeiiee
Tub Adeertiser mad Appeal defen*!
climate of Brunswick ia ti^ ......
wonfa: “Ihe people ot Noreh Grorgus
seen to think th'.t Brunswick tea p.'rfeut
baking oven. We don't fe u iw uhy it u entrse
she fa * Hosted a little neiier theeq a'.orial
ot tnfa #
pronounce i
Il U iret ui’ tbwman, .r >Im |
tlchwhcr. Ib'n KBong ib» macu'aiiwii*
!■»«• ot Um KUU, bat Id- bMt U tenii*-ad
b» » bra.u liMk (rmn IW b>*.i n ..| tb.
AU telle, tbe bMt la lb«r>«cr. le-» op.
,.mUm when Um UMr«ea.ct4r mUieUM
nia*iHn dwtw ttiw it l. la upp.r
OwreU abratlu m.rcnrj Man-. ,t nut.
; ru.i.t'' I MV elMito, <jr.<«i|in
*U»Ud m la set it. L...dt at tb*
Jo«» Wiilnm. JuiM Bartoajlw aed