Newspaper Page Text
Mr. Merrick then dwelt upon
the necessity of regarding productiveness
u the primary consideration in the expe
dition of star routes, and said Brady h .<1
persistently disregarded it. Ho insisted
that expedition of flerrioe on the Caiiento
route wae a patent fraud on its face, for
which tte ameer who ordered it ehouldbe
sent to tho penitentiary. At 8 o'clock,
pending the conclusion of Mr. Merrick's
argument, the court adjourned.
Jacxxoxtitzr, P.\>guA ii.—Aa the train
eontaiuing two colored prisoners, named
era. Tl.cro has been leas request for
American and prices are reduced 1-lCtL
In sea island there were sales to a fair ex
tent; prices are unchanged. Fata res early
mm - J.M ..,..1 I O 'I'M
dated Ismailia, Angust 2. r »th,
that Friday's operations
Bostox, Angn«t 20.—Mr. F. M. Ames
•poke before the Tariff Commission to day
on the subject of sugar. He read n letter
from Louisiana, giving tbs cost to the Lou
isiana planter oflabor in producing sugar,
as compared with the ooat under alnvo
labor. Libor in Ijoaislans fs three or four
times in cost that of labor in the sugar dis
tricts of Cuba. The former pays about
4 6-10 cents per pound, tho latter 11K cents,
for labor. Then 880,000 people in Louisi
ana alone depending on the sugar indus
try. Ferbaps if tho duty were removed
upon any other article imported
the planter might be able to
hold hie own. The ooastant
agitation of the tariff question has disoour-
fatal aaoomo affray.
Knoxville, August 26.—A fatal shooting
nilray occurred here to-day, in which
Mole# Lusby was shot through the breast
and instantly killed end hie eon, Don
Lusby, through the body and mortally
woondod. The shooting was done between
these two men on one side and General
Joseph A. Mabryj and his eon, Joseph A.
Mabry, Jr., on the other side. Don Lusby
Is the man who murdered William 0.
Mabry, a son of General Mabry, last Christ
mas evening. On hi* trial for murder the
jury d* agreed, and Don Lusby wae re-
leased on bail. Ihis morning Don Lusby
abused General Mabry oc tho street, and
threatened to kill him. Don was
arrested by the chief marshal, but
resisted arrest.. Ills f other attempted to
reseoe him. He was taken to ths city hall
before the recorder, where tho chief mar
shal and policemen attempted to disarm
aged the planter from making improve
ments. Another disadvantage for tho
planter ia the annual flood pouring down
from the North, but this, it is hoped, tho
general government will be able to rectify.
In reply to Commissioner Kenner, he
stated that he resided two months of the
year in Louisiana. Louisiana and tho
tempted to telegraph each way, but found
the wlree cut. He then ran up the track
and signalled the eonduetor not to atop,
bat some one had boarded the train r.nd
uncoupled the two rear ears. The prison
ers had been oonvieted of the mrrd;r of
Frank l’atterson, which occurred on the
8th of February. 18«1, at Madison, in tho
room where testimony was being taken in
the contested election case of ilisbeevs.
Finley. A new trial bad been granted by
the Supreme Court, and they were being
conveyed from Tallahassee to Jasper to
endergo their trial whon thoy won* mur
dered aa detailed above. There is greet
excitement in Madison over the outrage.
business failobes.
Nsw York, August 28.—'The business
failures throughout the country, aa report
ed to New York, for thw past seven days
number one hundred and seven—a slight
increase on last week. The Eastern State*
had fifteen, the Western Siaiee thirty-
nine, Boor *— A -
is need on plantations to ted tliuquu^H
of tho juico and its sugar products.
Mcci>k.';i r.v in irnusr. woman.
W..s. Ini-., At ;-tWllll^H
Chapman, nn elderly gentleman, wn
dered here last evening by hi* wifW
Preparations had been made to Mod her
to an asylnm, and her husband had been
watching her for several days. It ia sup
posed that hewas so fatigued he fell asleep,
when she out his throat from ear to ear
with a razor. Her two daughters, hearing,
a noise, hurried to the room, but found tUo
ICT uuuuer ur
Uwr .zplicitl, orUieitTjf come to a motnri
understanding to accomplish auch unlawful
§\airSJS©. it i» conspiracy, and each oon-
nent ~>ld extend across a wkola couti-
number of peiwo. MB- 1 * “J”J{
from conlrect* bjr nuni S ai .uJ r ?„
forbid., thet i. enough to iiroie
cy.o • oim-
4. If the jury believe that Brady ar.u
his oo-defsndsnU or any of them were en
gaged in a combination to obtain expedi
tion on star routes, and that Brady was
paid money or other valnAblo omsidera-l
tion for snob increase, they are justified in
finding guilty of conspiracy all who .par
ticipate J in such transaction.
6. If Brady pnrpoeely allowed for any ,
expedition a greater sam than aooordiog
to the testimony before him was necessa
ry, such fact strongly tends to prove a cor* |
rapt motive on hie pari. _ t _
macy that his lino of defense wss the best
that could have been punned, and he
seems to feel satisfied with the result, to
the extent that it was the best the Jury
could do under the evidenoe, and remark
ed after the verdict wss read that no man
coaid My truthfaUy that the defendants
had not had a fair trial.
Judge A. 0. Paps delivered hi* charge to
the jury in twenty minutes, and was fully
and distinctly heard all ovsr the oourt
room. The charge wa* a structure within
itself. It was plain, oonchod in simple lan-
er* « f n •
Tel el Kobir and the big light of t!. > war
will probably oocur there., August hull
dred Bedouin^entered Rnmleh to-dny and
plundered aevoml houses. Tho outposts
nre now exchanging shots with them, (ho
residents who uad rctorned to K.imlcu
have n*!wn ll-l.
Taius, August 24.—A dispatch from Alex
andria ssjs: “The Enalish, being anxious
to save Cairo, will posh on rapidly thither
lag. The Mabrys gave themselves np and
gave *****
srn 8tales twenty. Middle 1
~~ —»n, Paoiflo States and Terri
tories eleven and New York city five. The
.only assignments of any oonsequeace in
Ini Vork <-it, u. W. A J. Hiram, ihoa,
I ““lings A Co., piano manufacturer!.
oSSSSSSStS^ AT 1 * 1 AT«r.
swelled tho Conoft “ caT * «dn* have so
the towns of Han An$i™ r _f5 BanafletenT
Houses, hotel* andetore3t“ d J^* fl *j°":
I away and the people have2li^°
I fidling 9 reportfl<1, Tb ® &Miaow
>WIT . VU I t oottox axcrxrra.
v. The filing of any paper in an offioe of I Nww You, August 25.—The following
the government, with intent to deceive any j are the total net receipts of cotton at the
government olfioer, is a crime under the 1 ports since September 1: Galveston,
law. 434,629; New Orleans, 1,7^0,710; Mobile,
Before Mr. Merrick concluded his argu-1WLB01; 8avanunh, 729.70?: Charleston 486,'
ment tho oourt adjourned. I £50 Wilmington, 1*1^78; Norfolk, r.10,140:
funding ofxbatxon*. I Baltimore, 38JI7A; New York, 173,871: Bo*.
WAiunnoron. August 24.—Three and a I ton, 236,779; Providence, 12/108; Phiiadel-
half per cent, bonds to the emonnt of two I phis, K3.728; City aud West point 178A38:
hundred and fifty millions have already I Brut.ewiok, r.,H>4: Port Royal, 22.730; Pen-
been surrendered for exchange into new I saools, 10,137? Portland. YfiW; Indianola,
bonds, and it ia estimstedThat the amount 116. 143; Washington, N. C., JO/Wl. To-
will aggregate about three hundred mil-1 tal
Tucson, Abizoba, August 26.-A special
dispatch from Globe concerningtherob-
benr and murder of Andy Hall aud Dr.
v “"“ —"l: **C. B. Hawley and CV. and
Moxtoomkbt, August 2U—A negro
named Leonard Ooker, who eommlttod an
outrage on a woman named Catharine
liana and then murdered her, last Monday,
about thirty miles east of this plsoe on th«>
New Oauuxs, August 36—1116 conven
tion of toe Ureonba/k-Labor party |to-day
nominated l>r. Wfillinm If. Hire for Con
gress in the seeor-d d 1st riot. Dr. Hlro ac
cepted in a briVf /pqecfa, promising to re
main in the- 4 * - t! io polls are dosed.
Afterjei^wug g- • >og Greenback plat-
“yfcJavtfntiiJn adjourned.
• /» * " -txixow rBvaB.
_P*jVrKSviLLB, Texas, Augnst 26.—There
7®-e fifty-tbiee cases of yellow feven)here
day and three deaths, all Mexioana.
/.‘hero was four deaths at Matamoras, but
/very few new esse*. Dr. Motray and staff
are expected hourly. All the sick are do*
log well. The weather ia fair.
Western railroad, was captured yesterday
afternoon. He confessed the crime, aa the
evidence of hie guilt was overwhelming, a
from Boss by fha old direct railway Una,
on which new rails will be laid. Nvgotla-
tlona are iimneomlg between the oom-
mnuder of tho Austrian gunboat Nautilu*
mi 1 tl.r \r .1.-. iv* Alniirur Willi %;.•*» .if
cilectiDg the relea»o of the ofilr«*r and
twelve mee wha, whll the Naatilas was
oif Aboukir on Monday, were sent ashore,
whero they were made prisoners."
London, August 34.—A dispateh to tho
Exchauge Ttlegraph Compeay from A’ex-
andr la, timed 6^0o'eloek toiseveuiog,sT>n
movements are observable in Arab! l’n^ha'e
comp, from which it is surmised that tho
enemy are about to advance.
London, August 84.—A di patch to Ren
tor’s Telegram Company from Port Bald
says several more of Arab! Pasha's olTWra
iwrtion of his clothing being found near
the some of the outrage, and be had been
aeon with her several times on the d^y of
the killing. A crowd of whites and black*
were engaged in the' search for him, aud
when be was captured be waa carried to***?
'not where he murdered bis vie»J-* ® ua
'“*->wd to a tree until dead.
• N. TUB Txui»w FBVBB.
Naw Yob. August 36.^-A Mstomoras,
Mexioo, speciu totho I’ott says: The num
ber of new esses of yellow fever hero is de^
creasing, bet a ship toad of recruits for the
army, who nave jnct srtivtd, will furolsf,
new victims. The fever Is devastating tU n
Fernaudo, a email town in Bam pula*
There ere over ICO cases in Btowxumiu.
The National Board of Health are^n B t.
ing mounted quarantine guards. ThuUow-
but carried arms. 1
Arab inu/./lo loaders
Ueuiin^'tou ril'.cs. 1
played great boldm
much stronger than v
a number of cavalry
fixing "rhe Natal Tafl
climax by orxsnixiug 'The Natal Twin Asso
ciation." which wlllpsy *2.0'0 to each memlwr
producing a, certificate of the paternity of a.
pair of tvki •sNWi
Eleven clergymen, seven of them
being regular military ehsplsios, will minister
to the spiritual necessities of the troops to
Egypt Four are of the church of England. I
three are Roman Catholics, two sro WesTeyans
and two are Prabytariana.
Larxdo, Texas, guards Uself from
yellow f«nr by mslnUlning the strictest of
S jsran'Hw’regulations. Every railroad train
stOMk^fiireo miles from ths town and Its
pssscugvrt are carefully scrutlnlzwt beforo
they are permitted to proceed on their toumev.
It will surprise many to learn that cot
ton seed oil has to such an extent superseded,
olive oil that the Italian government has felt
called upon to take extraordinary measures
against Its hn portsUon Into that country. Ital
ian vessels take cargoes from Nsw Orleans to
Italy, and It is sent back to this country a*
ollvs oil, with the usual Italian labels on th«
Tub faculty of 1 Pardon College, in
ladlsum, dccMc.l that the Greek letter societies,
wielded an evil in finance over li students,
and accordingly demanded from IMm a pledge
t't withdraw from membership on pain of dU-
mlasal. The boys refused, a test owe w«s msdei
la court, end the students were upheld on tho
'ground that the faculty had aaramud unwar-
notable authority. It Is said that the faculty
will take the caee into the United Series Su
preme Cou rt. • v . -
Venezuela, celebrates bar rentenarf
Jtily-.*i.l«t. by an Inter os lional fcetlval on
tost *•*. which 1* tha one hundri^UU antfi-
v-r*.»'y of ihfl birth of liver, the Ubcjjp?!'
•gw ending August t. Tne proclaxeJilg JT
toe naUmuu holktay In
thee* - : •; fr,tlv*l Ins
■low lie Iiaew Ills Country woman.
JJattou Journal.
An American abroad hta encountered one
of th * "personally conducted" tourist parties,
lie did net decide whether they were f.turilsh
oc American until he heard a young woman
(with Immense diamonds is her ears) say that
she waa not a bU mashed on lares, bet dreed-
fully gone on fans, then be recojpfiaed his
cotintrywosnntj, for ne never hi tra women of
nls and Galatis, with troops, nave arrived I
from Bombay. The telegraph line between
Irmsilia and Roez is being reconstructed
from both erds.
London, August 24.—A teleuram
\ t.i.-i-*»ji ..k. . I.utvli-tt - wTmTmi, „ro
on trial at_ Beskerek, Ifnsgary, ohargiHl
with poitonlug # helr hasbacds. Tbo guilt
of thirty-five of them has been proven.
Lncxaica, August 21.—'Tho cbrt.irstion
of Limeriek bra unanimously voted the
freedom of tho eity to ft. Dwyer Gray.
. London, August 24.-R W. Wright k
Hon, worsted spinners Of Bradford, have
failed. Their UabUiUcs amouut to some
Ixjbdon, August 26.—Geo. Bir Osruct
Woleeloy, in his dirpatob to tho war ofilcr,
rrooonts an cugAgomrot at Magafor, on
Thursday, in which he held his ground
the whole day against 10,CJ) Egyptians.
Hi* force* numbered about 3,000. In hi*
d"l ill . li-ii. Hoi. 1- y m;<; I - !
this naming 1 ' > • .. t ...
Houashoid Cavalry, two horse artilury
gam, thirty mounted infantry, one thou
sand omb from the York and Laaaaatar
regiment and marinas. After roat
I - 1 .11 ( .f
the dam which the enemy hod oonstiuo-
ted across the canal between the villsgt *
of Msgsfor and Msbuta. During the ope
rations two squadrons of the Household
Cavalry charged tU enemy's broken in*
fan try very gaUantly. 1 soon found that
the enemy were being largely rt-ioforced
from Tel el Ketnr. I c .eld *ee trains sr-
riviag. I thought U faMoosisteaft with the
traditions for the Qaeen's army to retire
before jmy number of Egyptian troops,
aod so decided to bold mv ground until re*
laforeetneota arrived. All day long I have
Distillery Durnctl.
Special to Telegraph and Messenger.
Ectacla, Ala., August 24.—A building
owned by Mrs. Heilbron and used by J. W.
MoKenzio A 0o„ as a distillery, wae de
stroyed by fire about 2 o’clock this morn
ing. The oontento of the building ware
partially insured. Ibo building itself waa
insured in the Home, of New York, for
6LSC0. Oauua.
ASYLUXt aocaoas.
Salt Labe Crrr, August 24.—An English
humanitarian named Tucker, whr has been
visiting jails and lnnstio asylum* all over
the worli with credential* to “BUto offl.
Vn>* :
the world, with crcUtuUaCTffiSf^BH S 1 „ < £ r ° xHi
eials. DQbli‘hc« a letter ia the Tribunt de-1 •* on * “® w ' CJr ard L. V. Grimes did tilths
cllu ^F uu l IDe, _ TT.-u I work. Cloero Grimes was to share in t hi
■|l^ed*, »mdoon | wntod to ; araist in tho
5 \ : .-i^ : ” ! ' it r- rill"
making signals U» Hawley and U V.
I G.iv.- who vtro Conc , .‘!\’cd near tho trail.
W iu n tho express arrived nt tho top they
rommi cc.d tiring to ecuro ofl tho in* Wen
ger r.nd mail ridt-r. Mail Rider Porter
ran oil to get a ;:nn. while Cicero (irime*
rodamio town. The messenger, Hall, bad
| a n, . v. .‘.h rat rartri.l , sed *i i>t„| with
r. ..I:.- -. Unhid hin.v If, and
ioung Unraoi and IHwlcy broke optn tho
lion of the Utah insane
of strong reprobation. I
K-ril ing tho c.u
asylnm in terms, ox strong reprobauon. I
The details he gives are those of horrible I 1
brtrtJitiT Th.uylomUBKUrU>sctur^UiSmim|Uk|iUUUgygB|d|g|j
Ot Ur. tieymuor Y^ung, a no;hew of Brig
ham Young. Homs of the inumte» Tucker
pronounce* undoubtedly sane, and under
conliuemcnt to gratify pr’vats end*, 'fuck
er’s Visit wa* binds in company with Uni
ted State* Marshal Ireland and Mr. Neal,
cl IxraUrUie, Kir., IMIur-in-U* of Oor-
mot.ltcmr. cImm b. ..J,,
“I h»r. dariDE th. but four month, Twit-j « b«lt of cnrirtiW.. tl. hid hi.
four asylums in New South Wales, three in I KS°f^! rinl nn , 1 *
Victoria, two In Tasmania, three iu New ( £ car "L,l fi ’ ( V to ur«°
Zeeland, one in HocolutaVthree in Oriifor-1 aw-,r W J“* LV W *.
nis, one in Nevada and one iu Utah, and iu I if* .J 11 D
in.t.HH. i r .uu. zz l mi. i on the soane or tha
oaptared, I
clare ths cc
wi'U Arabi
peace THi
IU Interior
having safle
want of irri
The asylnm to under the charge
muar Young, a nephew of Brig- 1
H Ohim. nf
Post Moetbic.—"By and by arid
I’d bettor quit fooling wi"* pancreaae
aud oomo and help hi«- Then be advanced
a jom-fool thcory : -f° a ir n of the
duraTlSffllbboom,or some rotor
o;h..r,V*-rtold him that I thought he wae
and I didn’t believe deceased bad
TOiy dura mator. Lamb filed np then and
struck at me with a bloody towsh I then
grabbed a fragment of liver aod parted
Kperrowa VVIilp is CeC.
Pott a* tilt Mt mars’ Journal.
A half-grown cat raught a young n
jwt NorwrfpMi street yrsterday. end
blr .:*1 loudly, living the aUrm, and
lbe i called tnc it very- opprobrious epithet,
indbed, and struck me in the eye with a
kidney. Then the fight became disgrace
ful. aud bv the time we got through the
iato lamented was considerably scattered.
Here lay n sccoud-l.juul r , -' - ''' ,! - —
while over there wa.sthn
Hinging on a gas fixture,
ivtly scrimmage, nnd
fueling Utwitn n*.
was HthiMnW
a»d when an old pelican
nt, August 24.—It ie announcod I *t him. Vails, thinking lx «i atTirk*
ckeoo that afters debate In the by one oflb?iSSSSrodl S^aSd^rar
»Uo SUUCMTmUon lutinc inr So, Ui. roSb.S Tl»,i«l«nitod tob.
.nllr. RfUrnoon yriCTjar, th. I frUullr, ud .lid th.l «’ r« --.,r - Sa,
tion for fo.lon with th. Onm-1 iSavSlSTblSi nSSRffKlS Xf,’
JSr?*."«S. HtTYSfrcg** !\*“ J ^ bjtiS
vigorously to aeeure a Dvmocratio iiranita -?,»r*liKr 5?'
TtllMf ■ (UtWW J w «• .IHUIII|PK IUO
founder of thewn-gtpsopTfzphofounded l»
publtcsu lnattteflhiia in the new world as n
modal to tha Spanish-Americas nations." “
Tub development of electric rallwajt
in Europe Js tonildsrabl*. Putting aside nu-
msrous lines that are merely protorted, th<*M*
now tnopsnttton toriwdeone *| l.trhurtMde,
and that from the, Ipaadauar Rock to t'bar-
lot ten be rx. neer BerUn; another from Port Rush
to Bush Mills, in the north of Ireland, and In
lloUaad from fiandvoort to ICoetvotoven.
Among Uses Is rmirtrurtlon the following am
noted: .In Austria, the MoedUng line, near
Vienna; In Oermeny. from Wiesbaden to Num
bers. end from the mysl mines of Hasony to
Zaaxerode; ‘ to England, under the Tbsmee,
cooneeing Charing Cram and Waterloo Ms-
UongaMolnSouth Wake, lorwhldrthefoici
wlllhederived f»om fall of water. In Italy,
Turin, and Milan will soon begin the construe*
ex of a lung
waa a pretty
Ht. /itua dance be fools himself. The fact
to, he don’t knows gall bladder from the
goat, and be couldn T t tell a lobolatod In*
inot from the side of the hoo*e. 1 told him
so, too, while I wa* putting some oourt
plaster on my boss after he peeled me with
an old prison bedstead. Lamb would get
a'oog better with me If he would curb me
violent tember. I gusset.* thought so, too,
wbrnPl broke his false teeth aud jammed
them so far back into hie csK>; hagns tlutt
he got blue in the taco. I never allow oc*
ond-hand horsn doctors to impore oo me if
I know it, and it is time l>r. immb took a
grand aboreeeent tumble to himcelf.—iMff
teen death
during th<
Burgess, s
I • i • ;
Iluih* »; piyor«»*vr tn MewTi: !x,
* Nam Vork Hnwe.
igeofWgdsrk hair end sl to whtskei
i same color, both streaked with nay.
* u.iu, ana Milan win s.Njn begin theconsuuc*
Uon of electric road*.
Tub Utah commlsalooera arrived in
■alt Lake Oty. cod were given a reception by
the ritlsens. which wss sttended by all cIs>h-c
and ws* quite Informal. The Genuka seemed
to be favorably l«prr**rd, knowing as they do
that the rotnmUr^ncrs bars oome there to
perform an importsot duty, SMigned to them
Consumption no lot
disease, bend to I)r*.
11W Girard street, ter
Compound Oxygen, ai
He dlatinguUhed vUilor presents
sol s well preserved gentleman,
ill leave the rlty to dey er to
cw days of absolute rest end
country. His fatwe movements
ed by toe length of time reqwied
mgth. HUpisas, ao far as they
are to visit fa thlp rity lor a short
mi ken to Canada for e visit of
After "doing*' Caned* Mr. Bpea-
lliiraco and R. Louie, sad after
it tic* he will return and make a
> kngth In this city, Boston and
Pun Ends.—It to impossible that iu-
Ulllgent citizens can goon voting the "reg
ular ticki.t" much laager, on either side,
without stopping to ooasider what the‘j
votes mean, and what the soeeess of their
that their pruci^i| wiTTbs slow. . The Mormon
Uhurch Uave employM fame lesdlog law Anns
aewll Lake City to efend th* county offlt i ,1s
who are soon to lose their positions under the
new law giving Gov. Murray power to appoint,
by reasuo of tho Auvuat election lapeiug,
caused by tha failure ut tbecommlmlon to ar.
vou « u f n, ana wtvat uw saeocss of
party signifies to themselves and
counter. What aruthu end and aic
party’* existence? Are they no* a
and khe eonteolcf the offices which that *o-
oorea? The Philadelphia Pratt iostruota
a eorruapondeuL who, Uk* many others,
mktaaoe the real object of a party organi-
oatioa, that "its chief end and only excase
for existence are to be found ia an tea-
Hnniiuotti rmtlprlnte.
Vtrtinla CU$ CkrouUla.
Mace Prof. Le COute visited I be Hale prfsoe
at Uarebe to eaaasiae the fossil tracks oe the
floor of the quarry, Warden Garrard has de
veloped three additional series of haama loot-
iffl.—E.C. Oray,
Ir lUtrmeoto In Wsetern Journals are
to be relied noon, it would appear that the
JwawUag .and handling of cattle have
ltleraliy ‘‘million* In It/' The Wyoming
feattkmen are foremost la th* busfocas aud
[some pretty tall stories are told as to their
PprotUs. lor inttaace, twelve months ago a
-raersmle Plains breeder waa refused |nO,Qoo tot
hlsnerd sad ranch- be *»tb*cqn*oUy sold a
portion of ibe fonaer tor HVW and the latter
far • 4/Mt be then (rat »tjnn matt latoth*
button*, sad a few days sine* sold oat for That U to ssy.te* Is >11*010 better elf
than be wotfld have been had the nirer hie
made a year rineo been accepted. There are
cattle atea In that Territory who, it is mid,
ireadily command •IjkXMMfov a "deal" with
out Interfering with the ordinary rooms e
their business. A Cheyenne dealer Is rr|K>rte,
this eutnner to bave oeared *15.sop tusmai
flZSI JZi. U~d. from it, mouth to HunU Murl
th. mm. <!**•“« o, rill, mite*. Tbir. w.ra
i Uunoemt. l» M.tomoru. in th. hut tin
a HwihUU. |°°rhoora.,withe
Ai.txtxDBix, Anzusk 38,11:16 a. m.—Tha
eosmjr ar* pitching a number of toots, va
riously estimated at from 000 to IjiuO, ia
front of their poritton, baft this, kite be
lieved, la ocly a rasa io mask the with
drawal of tbetr troope. It is now known the enemy are entrenching atUtUo-
polls, a few mike oast of Cairo.
Alexasdsu, ft p. a-ll ie rumored that
Arab! Pasha aeeaaes M. de Li*«<■[•* of her-
Ing deceived him with false promisee, so as
tolie able to sell the (tecs ee&al to the Fog-
lkh. aod that he has ant a pries oo De Lse-
coofiped ia the Sparta jail al
to biro their way through th*
other , nlchC UOnklnE tlutt th.
unt nndar th. dlnoUoo of Iteiuta.- M.-
baa. to th. rniannmt rirrk, hnlliDa
from VirEi.U,-ukt' ( for . e.ntribation of
ft l«r ewt. of thrir utul i.«, f ,t lt.a I-
juUr rMnprign ctpmttt hi VtrEtnU. Itu
circoUr .aaooncM lh.t thU 1. Isdepmulmil
IhnMUkubHfl wptnmL TlM wttitw,
tt. Kail ih tunnunl,, pou
oOriri nl too pnc-U wtn foonft thm.
Hu, hut bun louUJ with ctui.a tor th.
U.t ill wtcxA Htjmud lo uni urn-
Mo erwoftiee.
Losnur, Aagnsi 28.*—'The TYMesCoaetaa-
tinopto correspondent seje the
sDibseaador is seeking to obtain from
Gruel Britain a promise that she will sab-
arit Urn ficai eolotioo of th* Egyptian
far aa poasibU coccealed, and did I
Imrinam, to wo the word* of the witness
3ocm. •to genvayard prtneiptoe."
Mr. Mernek reviews.I ia detaUttmbia-
toryc f UmraUttons o: thee* men aoJtbel
other indicted contractor* with Brady and
I with oc* aaoltov, to show that a'l Imd
common inter sate and worked together to
defraud the government. Aa, inriuenUl
reference by 5te. Merrick to the fael Urat
oclyoneof thedefeodantohadheeapatoa I
people that tt waa wrong to go oolside the
Democratic party fora candidate. Others
were ml *fiad from the remit of the Greeley
raux-peign that it would always injure the
Demoeratie party to compromise its prin
ciple*. They determined that, so far ae
they wars ooneerned, the Greeley experi
ment should be the tout oom These state,
menu farnish the re won why many Dew-
Tna ifnimtlktr ViwUnnior breaks forth
{? vajotetags to tha following etrsin
iVohaTe never *cen happier faces in at-
adatce npoa court then tha present,
very fanner yon iat«4 tail* you with radi*
* ftU from n book nto
fin mi rat IU ms, and came
rowned. If hoinJaacassiIcJ.
a teen worse for him, but t«t-
- v
Bbe mt on the steps of the organ loft
* at after
xneaouna rose ismt euu uiin.
As they settled themselves In the church bo-
As the parson took his text
X marked the tender flush of her cheek,
And the gleam of her golden hair.
The snowy kerchief 'round her neck
And her throat all white and bare—
A throat so whlu that Indeed it might.
An afii horlto entice.
And I faintly heard the parson’s word
As he preached of T ~ijw
Snowy i
And brown the palm above,
And the brown closed softly over the white
As the parson spoke of love.
Ah, who U wUe when deep-blue eyee
Who wbW ftjjd look coyly down ?
Of envy's je*ufnV*k. nor care to think
'Twa* but to beud till i nJ.
Grow warm on my check, amhvaaih
My 11;>* just softly touched her own
As the parson mid amen l
Horner Iacculo sedlt In angulo
Vorans, ceu serlss sgerct ferias,
Cnutum dulce etamsblle;
Inqult et unum extrahens nrunnm—
‘•Iiorner, quam tuerii nubile fueris
Exemplar imlutbllei"
A church In Lowell Is ornamented
with pictures of “The Good Man in Heaven”
and "Th* Bad Man In Hell." .. .
An artesian well bored at Yankton, D.
T.. has developed powerful magnetic proper
ties. A piece of steel ton to * u " *
speedily magnetized.
Tub fastest run on a railway by a rail
train yet recorded, was mado between l*hlta-
delphle and Jersey City hut week—ninety
mile* In eighty minute*. The engine, named.
Jumbo, is new,and has seven foot drivers.
Najutvillb, in Ito craze for marital and
Ten of Yonng Usrvsvtfa Mnrdevora
round Uulltr.
Special to the Telegraph and Messenger.
Eastman, Augnst 26.—The jury in tho
case of the following defendants: Ella
Moore, Bob Donaldson, Joe King, Reddiek
Powell, Simon O'Given, Henry Howell,
Jake Kellnm, baao Bhipmsn, RobL Btith
and Jack Knowlea, charged with the of
fense of murder in the prosecution of a
riotous intent to destroy human life, after
about three hoars' deliberation, returned a
verdict of guilty against all the defendant*
as principal* in the, second de
and recommended in the cate of H
Howell, John Kellttm, Robert Btith
Jack Knowles that they be imprisoned in
the penitentiary for life. No notioe waa
given of a motion for new trial. The trial
of the other sixteen of the rioters, chvrced
with the same offense, will be proceeded
with. The evidenoe on the trial of th* first
ten did not diaclose the actual perpetrator
of the murder of James Q. Harvard on the
sixth of August last. It will taka another
week or two to try the others. The trial
excited a great deal of interest and was
well attended. The speeobep of counae.
•wn forcible, eloquent and dispasslonatol
ment for 1
takeu u, uio uHtwKvvunt mo —...
speech was full of wit and good r *. His
the stab boutb oases.
Washington, Aogait 24.—Mr. Merrick,
of counsel for tho government in tho star
route oases, began his argument to-day.
After referring to the change of tone in the
utterance* of counsel for the defendants
sinro the opening of the caae-a ohange
from defiant blusto* to a plea for mercy
the basis of a probable doubt—Mr.
Merrick said that it wss not hi* intention
to discuss In detail the facts of the case,
sinco that had already been don* by bis
colleagues, and their arguments stood Uk*
rocks on the shores of the se*. He wonld,
however, present a number of legal propo
sitions, to which be invited the attention
of the oourt and jury.
There propositions,without the arguments
by which Mr. Mar rick, supported them,
were in substance a* follow* \ First, where
a conspiracy ia charged to do a .criminal
and vane
beautiful and lit twa
With tjn so bright and c
Why let ycur te< th destroy it
Por they are dark and I the ___
' 1 • • ' N . .
i by l
» » -i or ih*
vr> desirable
: ' • *«'d gro-
Loxdon, August 26.—'Tha t'tomlari
it Ita* rixson to beUsio that Geo. W.
L.X4 sj j litJ for more trooj«. TLi«, il
probably mesas the third divisional
army corps now mobilizing at Aider*boL I J
Albxaxdxu, August 36.—It ie stated on I s
good authority that 2/m) Albanians Uio I
been rnli»ted for service in Egypt in th- I
Liiarsntiae ai d otlisr department., as il is I
| feared that th# •
trusted. Troops