Newspaper Page Text
lUix Oxssrcjm 'ilWldrr XL.d.c^capf^ attft Jrnmml & Kfc^jmgjwr.
con it es i * on in:x rs.
Ac ,rsr 17.—Aftor an ab&enco of Are
from Wajr.oAboro and my oorres-
>:i 1 rftom again to my post.
• 1 fool tliut 1 am daoyoua letter, the
ity of r.ovra la ao great that I am in
t -jhtthur mutter enough can be ool-
d of puSUclant dignity to bo called a
themselu ?. A largo number of Mats had
been made for the aco< modation of the
ladies and a nice stand erected and deco
rated with oorn, ootton, eto., for the special
benefit of the speakers. We regret that
tboae who hod accepted to deliver ad
dressee did not come. We have ainoe
learned that their excuses were providen
tial. The people waited until 12 o'clock.
The tables wero then spread aui dinner
announced. The table being built under
some large shady beech tree*, there was
Oar community has been terribly afflict
ed this summer with an epidemio of mala*
rial i< wr m its moat malignant form.
Several of our citizen* are even now proa-
trated by the dread disease, while many
hare passed to the "csJ cr side," curried off
in the very bloom of youih and /.rength by
the fell deatroyer. So much pxkuwe and
ho many deaths, occurring iu suoh rapid
anooeaaion, is appalling in the extreme.
The hand of the physician seem* impotaat
to stay the violence of the burning fever,
and wo can only stand by and shudder
while we mark toe rapid depletion in the
ranks of some of oar best citizens.
The cotton season is opauing rather ear
ly in Burke.. Wilkins A Co. bought yi-sier
day two new bales, paying twelve and iif.
teen cents per pound for them. A* fr.r
I can laarn, ths crops in this section bid
fair to mast all ths fondest expectations of
ths farmers. The seasons have been all
that could be desired, and the fields
blessed with an abundant harvest. Er
Wa doubt very much that any other town 1 Mr. Bennie Watkins' warehouse will soon
in Georgia has received more cotton than be completed, when he will be only too
need of the umbrellas. The people did
ample juatioe in gratifying their appetites.
After every one had dined and tlie lem
onade, etc., had been consumed, the people
all retired to the Lamar Home, just across
the river, where they danced aud courted
their love-sick swains. Tha music was
furnished by Mr. James M. Reeves and
son, William Reeves, and G. 11. Hayes.
Peace aud quietness reigned through the
day, with nothing to disturb the oven tenor
of their way, and everybody left with a
pleasant smile.
The colored pooplo also had a>^aic on
the plantation of H. Adams, on Tudhday,
and a difficulty oocurred among them,
which resulted in a ki^ck-dowu and dreg
out, but none were kiT «
Mr. James M. ltcey mi 'tight another red
fox TuLsday, in thjBt?*dar* and thirty
minutes, with onlyu«g in the chase
when the fox was
Leary, in proportion to the size of the happy to wait upon his numerous friends,
place. Everybody is in high spirits, having Wo ate having rain in abandonee. "
made ample breadstaffa and a liberal share 1
of the fleecy staple. Very little remains,] fort Kelley,
except the previous indebtedness, to mar | Acoubt 19.—Fort Valley is on a solid and
tbs pleasures of our once prosperous citi- substantial march to prosperity. We held
sens, several of whom have paid op their ] an election on the 16th to determine
■ovision accounts. F. 1’. G. whether or not the citizens would be taxed
to boro on artesiau well at this place. The
TIioniKston. | rote stood 91 to 14 for taxation. So in all
Acocst 18.—Col. J. D. Alexander has probability we will soon have an artesian
been apiiotetod judge of the County Court, well here. Our schools are equal to any
vice Judge M. H. Sandwich, resigned. high schools in the State. Our people are
Mrs. Flnnnngan, uee Miss Pattio Green, | more united in thoir efforts to build up the
died at her father's residence, in this conu- town than ever before. 4 ,
ty, laHt night Death under any clrcum- | The bells in tho town are now tollinjf in
stances is sad, but when it claims for Us | respect to Senator Hill's memory,
victim one ao young and so beautiful as in —-
this instance, it is doubly so. | Americas
The prospect for a lnrgo corn and ootton j Acocst 19.—New cotton has ceased to ne
crop iu this coanty was never more flutter- j n matter of oommentapon our streets. »Ve
ing. | see now as many a* four bates on ono wag-
The Rock campmeeting commences to-1 on coming into town. A good deal of corn-
night. A. J. K. f plaiot of rust upon all aandy lands, caused
Acoi “/+*• Elizabeth Hall died
here Hi ijff: At fi o'clock. This is
T A Vte/J^ken town. The inhabi-
of oat.Sl a mourning,ai>J B&dner*
™ fgler of the day. Her
thing now points to
With ths heavy bunbj
cumulated light
of the present yield*,
reason why the people
forward now to nu bit'
of prosperity. It la only'
success of the present,
the better judgment of
that they will bo guided
experienoos of former y»
in faming af the presets
temporary and exceptional}
ble permanent gooJ that c
from it, is to make it tho fo
cemented superstructure to
raised; until this is done, and
erected aooording to the stern
rules of experience, wa oan h< .
material prosperity or continued
ness. Wt trust tliat they will see tt _„
tars in tbs proper light, and be not flatter*
ed by ths Syren song of sucoom, for the
crops, of this section at least, are anything
bnt oortain.
The premium lists of the approaching
fair have bsou issued by tho asaoeiation.
The premiums offsred are indeed amall,
and will prove no lndnoament to the avor-
ego material exhibitor. But meteriilism
should not enter into the question as to
whether wa shall exhibit or not; the inter
est of the county should be considered
above every other interest, and if this
ojurse be pursaed, it will not be hard to
foresee the time when those premiums will
areum* a size and importance, fully com
mensurate with Burke, and the grandeur
of the enterprise. Huocsss to the burke
county fair! J. B.1C
I pis
| by exoeislvo rains, but we think the crop
| in this section in fully an average one.
The nomination of candidates for the
Acocst 18.—Col. Thomas B. Long, in-
•pectorof pMUjfflM. from North Caroling Uimlatare I. to foil blwt to-da/. W. M.
retaroing rerout'/ from on offiefo toB/to F., % W. AJ.l-.ndV,
Florida, examined our office and found it | have active friend*, and the result is in
all right. | doubt. _ A large vote i».being polled, but
Quite a namber of names heretofore
eluded, among them nine colored men, | x^u7aand*you*the result for“fueaday'
have been placed iu our jary box by the ] py>ej.
oommiesioners’ recent revision. Two ool-1 Judge Crisp Is at home after a pleasant
v v— i ,i„-„ nn Aral I Sojourn at the Indian Bpring,
ored men h*ve been drawn on the first w K> R nd daughter have
traverse jury for the fall oourt. I am told j turned from a visit to friends in Nawnan.
that prior to "prohibition" these excluded Misses Carrie and Annie Hudson got
disqualified. The colorod people j kom ® to-day after a month's visit to the
Tta* Southern Anterprise^reports the Albany Netcs anil Advertiser; In the I ral farmers that wish to boy syrup mills ! rurprise to hU msny friends In Wall street
death Of Mr. JohnB. Bradford, of whom it family of a gentleman in Lee county lives and kettles. Mr. \V. H. Avauthaa thirty had complained for a day or two of a riijjt
speaks in vary high terns.
Tna Tbomsjville artesian well is pro- 1
greasing slowly and under great difficulty.
Th* Montezuma Weekly reports that a
very disastrous hailstorm recently passed
over portions of Dooly coanty. The grow
ing crops aoffered terribly.
Tna Montezuma Weekly furnishes us the
following items : Hailstone-* were sived
three days after the late storm in Dooly
county. More sickness than the physi
cians can conveniently attend to around
Garden Valley. One negro cut another
on the plantation of John Doolin, in Dooly
oounty. one day last week, and his reeov-
ary is doubtful. A led of a negro boy
carved an aged old man up considerably
near Garden Valley one day last week.
Tue old man first bent the boy ungracious
ly, and tlien got autlicieut returns for it.
Oca clover neighbor, the Warrenton
Clipper, makes an appeal tor "organiza
tion" in Warren, closing as follows : "We
cannot afford to tear down the protecting
wall* and exposs ourselves to fulnro dan
ger*, because we are not perfectly satisfied
with results. It is not oor meaning nor
purpose to shoulder any other responsibili
ty in tins article than that ot calling upon
tbs true and tried Democrats of Warren
not to nid in breaking up oar organization
upon any pretonne whatever. Our very
boaAted superior intelligence, as a party,
ought to insure our preservation."
1 na rapidity with which carp grow may
bs seen from the following from the War
renton Clipper: "One of the oatp ia Mr.
J. B. Williams's mill-pond nt Gibson.
Glasooek county, escaped and was picked
in the raoe below a few days ago, and
ramiiy or a gentleman in Lee coanty lives I and kettles. Mr. W. lL Avaut has thirty hlu » complained for a day or two of a slight iu*
a negro woman who does not yat know acres In oorn that will make, aa his neigh* 2l!St? ion v bu I .L hou *h} . ,l,t1 . 3 *od was
she is ft ml though she lias been frequently I bora think, COO bushel*. He has also \ ? bout , th ® corridarof Uie Unit, i Htetes
U>ld «o. fihe to dout, bat can wticaUti foar hon. arm ttit to pronoanSi to b! “Pflt-’K*!. >» dropped to tba Horn
tereral wordj. She bett»u that htr mU- one of the beet to be fouid inthVoonaUr *'“ r ' ,
tme ba. eold .11 the other elaroe ecd re- Some malignant cawa of eore ejee ere , cert111 wrreipondentl ere to b« re-
tained her for a bouse servant No amount reported in the city ; so malignant indeed nl'L" 01 V , . vel any
of argument can make her believe other, that fears are entertained of the sight being the
cared ,ori ' miXU n mo “ I PWan—tljlmpAtwd. AtondSw to nl* | SsSfi?iaSh«S«t“SiS. 0 rIoMtojte
—Charles Archer, the celebrated Eng-
valuabis servant j ceration is found m some instances'
Th* Milledgeville Iterorder sng^eeta n j A nw soreheads vaunt oonatantly that I liso jockey! U rci*orted to have won »lb> coo
reform in the following atyla: A firm in | they do notintend tosapport Mr.Stepben*. I the race for the Manchester cup. 20.000
Aogoita Mill wntermelona by the pound. | Very well, neglect that duty and cast a vote I Kvcter stakes at Newmarket, and
ni.rhf i j.k«o. *w.- — to speak, is to | eaohfor Longitreet'ssyndicate • "
Right A tighter thing, so to speak, is to ] eaoh for Longs t reet’* syndicate o r Pledger's I nc9 ior Uie ’.Stewards cup at Goodwood.*
b f the pound. Watermelons | panjandrum.—Awjusta Chronicle. If there —'Tom Odilltree, who is running for
might ns properly be sold by the dozen as are only a " few" of the "aorehoads" who Cougrw» in Texas, reccntlv took ofT«»at %
egge. lhero is another thing about it: the ] "do not intend to support Mr. Btephens,'’ j newspaper article, jn which ho was givei
fresher and sounder the egg the more it | why should the Jeffersonian mush-beads I H Ue 01 coloDel * He says that hs Is only a
will weigh. Try it and see. If a man is I make ao much fnss about it ? It is slmpf
weighed thirteen ik>qq<!a. This fish was
ouch wero u»4uauucu. .... up-country. piaoed in the pond some two years ago
of our oounty will compare favorably with CampmeeUng at Bock Creek, Schley
their race in any section of the State for j county, began yesterday. It i* a pleasant
temperance, honesty find industry. | annual event to our people., Several went
l %rJUa,th was not temperance, noneaiy nuu .uu» W j. . ^l^y^dTaUweoro^d Kp to-
l oertnia. Provi- Rust iu cotton is a general complaint | ^o rrow / k * W*
among the farmers. However, they are
cheerful, as nil othor erops promise
abundant yiold. Mr. J. W. Strickland, clerk
\ of court, will liarvest ten tons of peas aud
nes from teu acres, where he reaped a
was not more than two inches in longtb
Tub board of trustees of 'he Univarsity
* Georgia will have a special meeting at
i Kimball Honso, Atlanta, on the 8th of
Novembor, to eleot n beliee-lottree pro
fessor for the University.
Wlint tlie People Think And no.
Thk Augusta Chronicle evidently ha* a
™ r 1 great contempt for Democrats who do not
Iplendid crop of oats. Mr, J. M. Shaw has j H j, rc0 w jth it. Being very solioitous as to
lust planted hi* second crop of Irish pota-1 how the "Norwood voters" will arrnyl
tow. Ho inokw mnrkot Burdening .no-1 thom«o).o» in the, comia^ eoinpoign. tho
Arocirr lf».-In response to a call n;
Mayor Rucker, aulte a large nnmb«r of
eidzens met at Dupree's hall this after
noon at five o'clc ek, adopted resolution*
upon the death of Senator Hill, and ap
pointed a committee of ten to attend his
funeral. A resolution was adopted re
questing the merchants to oloee their
stores at the hour for (be fnneral, aud di
recting ail the belle of the city to be tollod
at the i*nm« hour. Mr. Hill is slnoerely
inhumed iu this, his sometime# home.
A fire last night consumed the sheriff's
•table on the court house grounds. As the
etable was only n few yards from the jail,
the prisoners were in nnoomfortnble prox
imity to It. Aitkmvs.
West Palm.
Acoun 17.—Senator Benjamin Harvey
Ilkl ia dead! Troup oounty ia "oovered
with sackcloth ana aebes' r —her head is
bowed In deepest anguish, but In holy
submission to the deorae of the Great Je
hovah. Troup county is his foster mother.
Many of her sous were his pin) fellows. He
has hunted in cur forests, fished and bathed
in her streams, from boyhood to resplen
dent manhood. It was hart that hare-
eeived Ids first training ia thetformation of
his strong moral character. We arc justly
proud of our distinguished dead! He leapeu
forth into the political arena a veritable
gladiator, and was never pieced hortdu
combat ia debate. His grains was that of
a giant, and Fegafus n* ver boartod a no-
bltr rider. His intellect one moment took
upon 1t the pha*e of "sheet lightning"
plejingopon a summer's iky—ntamo-
msnt’s warming ootid be transformed
Into a fearful zig-zag, riereng tl * storm
cloud of sectional pr*J. .ce .**d » »to.
Lastnighta pleasantoflairocc mdattha
lodge of the Kutghta of Tvthi. *.• I In en-
dowmeut rank praaanted Mr. V. ich Usge-
dora an elegant gold-hcnd wr.lking-c ne.
The presentation epeeeh was l v the Chan
erior lorEsnder Dr. J. W. Griggs. Il
was a complete surprise to Mr. tiagedorn,
but be responded in words replete with
sincere gratitude.
Wa are pleated to aaa that our dear old
*ttbep” is in yonr city with 8. T. Oolemsn.
Iu v r. W. T. Bhepperd you have a man un
excelled in ths Hteto tor probity sod gen
tlemanly deportment. Ha is the moat popu
lar man in the State except the politicians,
and can shake hands like a candidate,
which he has never been, not even for
matrimony; and yet ha has passed hi*
"teens." NTmtomtu.
'armere are complaining of too much
rain for ootton.
Boms ot cor attorneys aro In Eastman
prosecuting the cases now boing tried
there. ^
Cotton is ooming now from Dooly county.
Clegg A Curry here *ont in a load this
lug from Gum creek.
We now turn onr Faber over to a kind,
handsome young friend who has consented
to keep yon posted daring oar absence.
Serial Circle.
Auqcst 17. — I have been wait
ing for somo titco to pick np
an item for yonr paper, but have
not been nblo to gntbor np anything that 1
thought would interest you or your rend
ers. We have had no ntormn or cyclone*
and no terrible riots as M Eastman. V»u
have hod no extremely warm went her.
The thermometer has ranged between 61
and 88. Blnce the first of July we hnvs had
rain n plenty, bnt though we had rain th«
first dog day we hAVo not had rain ov< ry
day, according to thd old saying. I think
wo have had about five days of *un*hins to
foar days of rain and cloudy weather. Our
crop prospect* eo far aro unusually prom
Yesterday the convention to nominato r
candidate for tho Uennte from the Iwenty-
eeventh Senatorial district mot at thin
S lace. They adopted tho majority rule.
Ir. l’erry, of Itockdale, moved to notnt
unto by rotation and claiaed that Rock
dale wa* entitled to tho rotation. Mr.
White, of Clnike, pat in the like claim for
Clarke. (It was understood that Clarke and
Oconee oonntie* had withdrawn thoir
claims in favor of Mojor McDaniel, of
Walton, the present incumbent. Iu the
meantime Major McDaniol had withdrawn
hie name and was not before the conven
tion.) Mr. Bhephcrd, of Newton, moved I
‘ ignore the rotation rale and uomlunte
J be«t man before tho convention. This
motion was discushoI nt eome length and
finally carried, when the delegates from
Rockdale withdrew, claiming that they had
lieen deprived of their rights. Mr. J. M.
Pace aud Mr. Pope Barrow were pat in
nominaton. Mr. Harrow received tight
votes nnd Mr. Pace four. Mr. Barrow’
nomination was then made unanimous.
We will now have an independent candi
date from ltockdalc, at they are determined
have a candidate of their own.
ArotMT 18.—As the last of ths summer
months posses away, our city begins to
Avavn 17.—The Congressional aonvon-
tiou of the fifth district met bar* yesterday
and renominated the preeent member,
Hon. N. J. Hammond, he being the only
;r citv begi
show eigne of inorraaod activity in bosi-
neee circles, nnd oor merchants are rapid
ly receiving their stocks of fall ami winter
goods. On* firm (Messrs, ^waun, Btewart
A Thompson J have ordered an unusually
large stock of good', and they oxpeH to
find a ready ed* for them by reason of
thsir extensive patronage and iu view of
the fine prospect for abundant crops in
this section. These gentlemen are .'utive,
energetic and skillful merchauts and have
estabibhed a remarkably large trade since
they beg*n busiacss here in 1879. Their
salts lest year amounted to 8t7.'.,nu). The
number of our merchants la inorcaaini
and toe indications art that there wiL
be an unusual y large amount ot business
done here through the fall and winter.
Messrs. E. P. Farmer A Co., from Con
yers, Oil, began mareantil* business bars
this week, and Mr. A. E. McDonald, a
clever young man of ths place, will o;>en a
store sometime next week. The "bnrnt
district" iu onr city will soon be entirely
one presented, who received the entire
vote of the eunveniion with the exception
of Heiry county, whose delegatee, being
instructed against
votes for Col. C. 0. Duncan, of Houitoa
Our warehousemen are busy arranging
for the recaption of th* new crop. Masers.
8. M. lamas A Co. have fitted up a very
handsome office in thsir fira-proof ware
house, whir'i will b# in charm of Mcvsrs.
Wn. k. MitoheU end W. W. While, two of
the cleverest tantieme i in the State. Mr.
R.A. Thompson continues in charge of
their wartbou- e....................... .
Quite a number of onr citizens attended
Col. Medley's funeral. J. L. M.
Narwhal I vllle.
Acorn 16.—Very heavy rains to-day,
and th* first eottoo that is now open will be
stained and sandy. Rost is spreading.!
Th* caterpillar has made its appearance in
several large plantations below here. Crops
are late, and If they <
did last year, it bei
will be very serious.
them to grow and Increase cow.
S they damage crop* as they
it being late, the damage
rious. It is fine weather for
Acoret 16.—During last May, Mr. J. B.
Wmelow, of our town, employed Mr. Frank
• I luatuw. Ml our w«u,«uiptojcuar
IMlj, of Woodbofn, Low*, to Lk. cWo.
cf .ad ran bi. fin. ilwn gri.t mill In
OrranrtlU. Mr. IMI, wn. n Don, man
about Iw.ntj-lonr ion of a«., aail of
fin. panonal .pomraao.,
teaUiato hi. bminm^mr rwatow. and
watehlal of bla Msplo/K-. inUraat. Uj
bUCihricl/ ud etouUtuuloe toboiinou,
and pural nod d»ortment, ha madu
■an/ friand. in oor midiL On Hatnrda/,
th.Ohlu.Unt, hawi. taken atek with t/.
Phoid f. rer. Dr. B. V. Hall wa. aunt for,
nnd atthoatfh Mr. Doll/ waa awa/
frumhom. and rclatiru, all that madioal
.kill and kind norain, oontd do waa done
for him. Mr. Wtnalow and wrtry mem.
I«r of hi. limit/, an well a* Ik. /onn,
men of to. town, ruutarwd mrj aurnUmw
tu U—ir power, and wbaa Mr. Dell/ braath-
eihi. U-t Lu-da/ about It o'Mook, /oat r“
r< - : >ot »aw Uar. fallin, from m
I ■- aud a fMtla«of mdnmo nmda
'riTaduthof I
M.lowmowumutof tb. ■
^ Bi > to th. b«n-a\,l relative,
and frUod. tn n di.uut state, auoriau
ttrtn that timr friaad ud ntatln waa
akiiloll/ Mated and kindl/andau<atiT*l/
OoL ti IT. Martin, of Atlanta, and _
it nnd aooumptt.h—1 write, wboi.
dadkr of Mr. A. V. liill, and wrand-
dau,' ■ w of the Into Chief Joatfe. Warwar,
hfit ug the wmtniir m uor
■Blip. JUm Mania and faanie Smith,
r town. Miss Murphy, of Co
rn u*, n* tbs garni of Mi
th >r>, of«»
* soanext tho family <
. , _ . , . . .. | Greonsboro Herald takes it to task in the
ool.lot. Swoet potato*. o( tho now erop fol i 0 , inB .Cmtlro at/lo: "Wo do not
aro soiling from wagon* at fifty cents per | pretend to be posted about other section*
bushel. What a pity the poor in cities can-1 of tho Htato; but w» will veniuro the ri
not get such thiugs at first prices! | diction that for every Norwood vote wni...
How divergent men’s pleasure paths ! j Usrtrsll will reoeive in this coanty at tl»e
Homo have visited tho Sawaueo Springs | next election ho will get one hundred Col
ic Florida, others Tybee, and other* still | quitt voters. The Chronicle and Constitu-
havosought MariatUand tho mountain*of | tionalist can filo this away tar future ref-
north Georgia. Yet ono more among oar | oronce after the election.”
yiltaaera, * J2S 1 * ^ Sostu ot tho roads In Decatur oount, are
traveled through Missouri, and now his j j n a had condition, and frl*nd Russell is
™kl j* Joeing forwarded to El laso 1“ | gtirring up the authorities in the mutter,
with his nsnal vigor of style.
motn * store with Chsri'estoa goods. This is a* it | Decatur county, we aro glad to note,
should be. Why cannot Macon, SavannAh » MfUmest i» forming in fnvor of
and Charleston supply country merchants | prohibition. A sentiment purely in favor
term* nnd at rrioes at favorable os East- I the good of mankind and tne allevia-
citie* do ? I riou of human misery, ia noble nnd always
* ho excursion from Waycrosa to tho 8a- to bs commondsd. The Dcmocraf indorses
wsnee Springs last Sunday murt have been ttot kind.;f thought, and will give it all
remuni rativc, for tho same party hires an- | PlM** R )& nn< * comfort possible.—Dam-
other train to take down a colored exenr- bridys Democrat. We tem^rance folks
slon next Sunday, the 20th. We look to are»nil right- in being opposed to liquor;
this with anxious fears—so cloao to tho | bat let s settle the question At home, in-
Knstmau horror. " f * ** to Atlanta. It is not
The health of oar village is very good. I i'^luical Question. It is a social ques-
Two co*' juctor# oj tho ar.vsnnnb, Florida ] tioo : let it be **ttled as such.
railroad have brought thfir Tiic residencs of Col. J. O. Waddell, of
iMiiea acre for t..o suu. .or. Mr. J. 8. | Cednrtown wc* burned on Wednesday
Tyson, master of transportation, has dono niK b t . Very little was saved from tho
IImbIsi. Iuxnaiebt. | burning building. The Ions is estimated at
c — about 911,OUO.
L.- -M.K ..... .... 1 °' T uVOo.«to,pmka M tot
crop of Wilkea co'.nty
manner in which thsir parts were nu ,
Thl. «od.*io.n «u forured tor Io m ibouTto.'.
the purpose of ruLiog funds to aid in the
building of a uow church here. L
I The uistriet meeting nt tho Methodist I
Episcopal Church is to be held at this | WJ4 -
■laoo during the coming week. Bishop j
pll— — ______ — —
Pierce acd other cmiuctit divines are
Iiected to be present.
has been visiting friends iu town, relnrneU |
home to-day. X- • po
EerofwitilMHCsfortheHtateM»ythode^oMhI^onnte from th* twenty-saventh^
fendsnt* will b* summoned. Tba eases | benatonai distnot.
will be called for trial on Tuesday next, I Tbb thinner-Watchman believes that
land will rontinuo until Ml are disposed of. | Mr. Candler will eross the Air-Line road
The twenty-six prisoners nro all Indicted with a majority of 4,000.
I2JT ViJir. wm doubtiess Faunas are afraid that .hey cannot find 1
i?ni!!h4Mill,• “I.nrtiJt a hn\vr I * UJ *‘ rkt)t tuT llloir torn nut winter.—
-?. T ?i?_ rhap * two wctk * of ctwrt nt a heAYJ 1 Banner• Watchman. Ho much the better
L Mfrry will not havt to go into
neat statesman, lawjerand publisist, while
The news of tho donth of Georgia’s cmi-1.. m k t -o-Aon hn»«p*
■ut .UMuno, law/ pDblt.i.t,wtul. 1 ““*»» • 0M ° a ’ « “/«*•
not nneipticUd,, ot orratod traf.iirnwl ro-1 Fok.rTB (xjnntyTotod for frno#, 11 -1
tfret .montt *11 otk/H.ot tb. l>oop‘« here. «or • no lono.,’"1100. V.r/ concloitr. and
The State can ill afford the loo* of so nole I tooluh.
»cU (»arlsM a champion. Tits story of hi* I Oabtt is trying to frighten female vial-
hfc and times, and the sublime clcasc* Lis j tora to Tallolan fella by getting uu
tartli y career is full of noble for I formidable bear story,
tho youth of tho country,
nearing ooiup!
Messrs. Clark. Brooks A Co., have pnr-
chased the remaining vacant lot on that
aid* ot the public square for the purpose
of erecting a drug store on it. Onr dele
gates to the Senatorial convention of this,
tbs twenty-seventh district, have returned,
eld report tho Domination of Hon. Pope
Barrow, of Athens, Georgia, aa uur candi
date for State Senator.
The convention abrogated the rotation
system and adopted the majority m!«.
Upon the abrogation of the rotation sys-
tern tbs delegate* from Kockdal* coanty
withdraw from tha contention, as they
were opposed to iu abrogation aud claim
ed that under it their coanty we* entitled
to the Senator. It is reported that- there
will ba an independent candidate from
Kockdxte. This would be vary unfortunate
and I trust that ths report is not true.
The death of Senator UiU lias cost a
K ‘ xmi over our oommunity, and all of the
rinses houses will be closed daring tb*
hoar appointed for lua burial to-morrow.
C. D.
l ore Valley
Arocsr 18.—The first bale of new cotton
aa brought to town to-day by one of the
. »ost deserving and successful farmers of
Houston, Mr. f. W. Gunn. Tha bale deseed
low middling and brought fifteen cents. It
waa consigned to the anerg^Ue and relia
ble warehousemen, Houser A Houser, and
was sold to oor popular merchants Brown
Acocst 17.—Local items are scarce. Onr
reets look dull, but few farmer* tin J time
_> oorn* to town, fodder-palling end cot
ton-picking being the order of the day with
them. Plenty of dud here now, os we have
ul no rain for several days.
JWs learn that Captain John O. Smith,
who left hare some time ago to make At
lanta his home, will return and open a re
tail grocery store. This certainly shows
confidence ig Entente's popularity.
L You eannot speak withe merchant but
b* will tell you that ha anticipated . Mori-
— ,thtefa5? kel,ng th * torn * n ’ i0r P lM |
m> next I propose giving your readers
Mount of toe way in which cotton seed
1* converted into oil and meal, and their
X. E. v).u
Acocst, 17.—A man named Brown, car-
ryjog several aliases, after forging the
la. for hoorah, mad., .imilar Ufonot
* iMatop • Bilik, bat ha/lna bmo datect-
«d,»aokto fittfkt. Th. panait *ad *r rut
(Todamd aaUmbl. no-mnl on th.
S'fo. U. U La f.u. Th. nctiooof th.
i^-Taimn \ Irti*i* uyiUeor^.nU
rood, bm*M. h.r.*ud Koekurart. «u fia
WiM /MUrd,/. lh. haad. (Ud thna^h
(•'MnM.Uk.anchMmiolKldUn. Tb.
mm. asd Mraom nmmhUJ • batter/
o( Baht artiUat/. lh. road will ho fiateted
«. BaU h*. aot Lmo m tra-
cotteo U UnprorUd*
rrcti) «li*ar
are adhered to thero is always harmony, j is reasonablelo infan te not a Jeffsrsoninn 1 ff 0 ”* a " <1 * black mnstarhc in Mrtu
Mb. Gabtbblx. will astonish the citizen* P«P«r: "Ths liberals made a serious at- IJnStract"
News and VideUs: Clarke coanty has an of Waahlugton county on nattSatnrday b;-1 tack upon General Gartrell when they I looks too frail for the rest M the on-iy? +
independent candidate for the Legislature, endeavoring to show them why they should I nominated him for governor.—The en- I a bulky man, not puiey or FalstaflisiiVn t
' " “ " — help to make him governor. I thusiosm for Stephans ia distressingly la- 1 but a broad, thick chested fellow, built on the
Titmit T lyinntt hnuia of rf«* o**r I tangible. W# h*Te eo doubt that it would totster pattern Talto him froin hU heavy I
1-kTBiT.t. county hotels of rice overlive I be perfectly safe for tha Jeffersonian or- to hi*spindle legs. Arabl nuha remind* m>u
fact high, heavi.y headed, and a peach I chip in and offer a reward for its I "I 0 ™ “5**° t b ftn ot the agreeable and
measuring uine and a half inches m cir-1 h^ r - _!_kmorv Kn^r d aiiVo H* f »'Td gentlemen ono meet* smong tho
onmferenw. Uj,i,dler 7 '«m make* the^unpsign lively I Arab * and FkXPtteoa.
Thk sweit potato crop in Pnteski is enough in the ninth district. The former
abundant. They sell for sixty cents per | has got largely the bulge on Allen, but
bushel. I Allen is wirey and mighty 'greeable among | ... .. . T7 ~ ..
UawkibbtiliiK Nctcs • Mr. 8. B. Goody, I the folks.—rProhibition u taking solid | along the Suor, thcy ity,
of Dodge oounty, brought to our offioe th* I root ia Georgi®, and in many oonntie* the I Ex ' e, r a "„ lb * n . a !??[ 1 Ji', l ,‘; k 11
other day two sulks of oorn coataining | anti-whisky t»eopl* are nominating candi-1 Amtawayh? doth scoot* 1
Richard B. Rossdl, Esq. Walter Koby,
of Jasper oounty, was held to bail for
shooting Marous Perry and John Adtms,
colored, at Corington on Tuesday last. I
Neither of the negroes was seriously in-
Havana _ _
to Congress until he regulstea matters in
the city by tho sea. He may not be aware
of it, but editors do not like to visit a city
that has highwaymen parading its streets
in tho day time. It is true Uncle Tillman
visited Savannah the o'her day, bat we
venture to say that ho didn't sleep a wiok
while there, and that ho had two policemen
with him all the time. Jo mast restore
Savannah to a condition of peaco nnd
SAfoty before lie goes to Washington.
Thk Snvnnnuh News has tho following
'Yesterday afternoon, about half -past sii_
'clock, a negro man accosted a juvenile
money about Mm, end deliberately
robbed the hoy of $6'J he cries of the
latter attracted the attention of Policeman
Wheeler, who gave cha e and nabbed trim
on the canal. The prisjner wa* carried to
tho barracks, followed through the streets
by n largo crowtj, and his caso will bo
ooked into to-day at the polios oourt,
Will the boys to-Dight fire the governor's
sAinte for Mr. Htepheus?—Evening News.
Re inoro deliberate, William, a man of
yonr age ought not to bo so excitable.
j, giving his name a* Mack
Huskey, ba* beeu arrested in Marietta,
charged’ with counterfoitieg.
or pleasure to have trareted
irtion of the county recently,
end to th* other, fields of
heavily laden with yollow
our eye*. Wilkes will make
. ,. . —-w. — ....gentcrop* of com she line
m?* 1 I ® vor ani l our ptentora will make n
jttdtoiop* M« and turn ,om • ot it into
MABirrrA Journal: La«t Thursday an
Id gentleman nnmed Robinet, who wu
walking ou tho railroad track near Ac-
worth, waa run over r.nd killed by a freigti*.
train. He was the miller in the flouring
mill nt thnt place. No blamo was attached
to the engineer, as tho man became con-
fused and got iu tho way of tha train
Ixk)k out for the party referred to in
1 take a step toward* inde
pendent *m—a thing to bo shunned in
politio*. but ever to be nurtured in agri
cultural affaire.
XITUUBT w.—cvcrj wmig .nquiCL IU j M R a B| k both true.
Jn. A etr >ng guard is kept around too fin:.,* ," toi,,
jail. The oflloers of court have been kept Democrats. I’hsre ought t^>e
julte busy summoning jurors and witueescs I no
between their supporters.
* of the rioter*. A lari
Pore Babuow, Esq., has been nominated
e youth of the oountry, Tna store occupied by Mr. E. A. Drewry,
rfraConittmilonal conrention will non. j ol rB „„| v WM .compl.tol/ d..tra/«l b/
von. bora o. Tomd*/ neit, the —d initant. 1 fi r , on li.t himl:iy morn inn. Th. good.,
A Urg. namirar ol d.Uji.te. nro niwcted- ralnod at *.’,(«), were autlrel/ lost, lurar-
Judge Crisp is tha *troug man for the I anue loo
nomination w far reportoJ, but what Urn | E J )U Wlu>al<lluM< 0| |h , Snc ,
AderrtiMer, has an attack of fever. Though
an exceedingly pious young man, we hot*>
r h IU | he will not be called just yet. We wiali
‘ \ n ivrn,.ni Writnn I, lUKUBtsmuch Mckni-** in asdaroand
vere hailstorm passed over a part of this • oor ol1 * Melotoan is all right.
to |in.wd over a t art ol thi. 1 ,n “ onr 1"°™ ® » u ,,
Motion la-t Wnlm.dny, doin, much d*m. I Jnno. D. A. \ wa, of Albany, d*
a,, to ootton. Th. fodder on-aim, Idiinta- fntore of unthwet
lion, wu torn in thrad., bnt fortanatel/ it £ e0 '«L- Ml. piotore of thi. Motion of
bnllt np, n. tlw luro brick buiUlinji of Mr. did not cilnd far. I tho dial, wu nut only ifraphio, bnt uraud.
J. W. An leraon i. nrarins onmnl.tion and Mr. 8. Htallinj, an r-tccmed ciliun of I -*™ ”"d Aitrrrturr. rhnt. nU
.. re. raw uj. o an i. “I oor oominunity, dic-t ,odd,al/ at bi. rtei-1 onongh, bnt wbat wc want to not at i. thi.:
denoo on the 16tb test. * I Was the picture true to nature ?
Sore eyes have become an epidemio here. | Tub many friend* of genial Chan Jones
I nad young are affeetedW them, and I were glad to see him out again yesterday
most coses are very severe. I afternoon. Hu has been quite sick, and
We have a prohibition candidate in our | we are wore than half inclined to suspect
oounty, and it is thought by some that be I that that lost letter of his to the Macon
will run well. A goodly number of youug I suu.nni is to blame.-.Wire ami Adrer-
men are adroenting the cause, and semu I riser. No, no. Chan Jones's letter* to the
who drink a great deal are working in the I Telbohai'ii and Mrs Kwaaa are all right.
of prohibition. Ihey say they want | They are not calculated to sicken any one
remove the tsmptAtion out of their way. I but a Jeffersonian.
Politicians are afraid to botlier the whisky
_____ • I A NKouo woman of Al’JAiy, named Jane
5S557Ub^tettjGSauiral" t&sxFSfP* 1,11 !Mt
ElUvlIle. * I A scab hailing from Alabama, named
talk. Expect to have the largest extr was ■ v«„wiii«*m« /«, *•]«
here. Several new tents have beeu con-1 llIia “ a 10 • oh * eK Ior
structed, making now about thirty on the I Tna following from tha Guthbart rinnea/
grounds. Y# tuif-'“ l “- 1 — lt * — ,1 ‘—* ** * -* * l
you would like to I _
will see that you era well fed and entei- I Vice-President Raoul will succeed tho la^
t.ninrd. Begins evening ofthol9th; iasU | men ted Hadley in the presidency of tho
* JConfralroad. He ia worthy and well qual-
till Wadneadey night.
Farmers say rust i* injuring cotton. | ificd to fifl the positionT"
Cor..-, of course, is good and all matured. |i m
Lite of rain now.
Mirae* Cutllfl. of Albany, are visiting in a’r^to b? ^kteMoa VSSZ t tho
» bar*. Tb./ wUl Ilk. is empmert- u ii/athn] 8*wtell Jbcis’k mind,
‘ frad. i. liv.nlnir nr wl.h th. n,.,ch,nt. I ^ ““
Greet deal of sickness in tho oommuni
ty. Doctors aro happy. "R. K. P.
very busy; won't soy wbat at, however.
Y. a. j|,
WUh ““ m " CbanU ' tTO^uhlm teiu mr.t torribl. political
1 th..... {nhilcr.t. 1 limbo. Tb. foltowiDtt are tb. tertib!.
TI , «»^ , t I h SJ5rdSS
.a. “ hta«n«jNteor. route.
quently, no men can bo nadopreoidoat
the ne xt beuate who ia aot in tho ‘ring,' __
ho will be governor during the interval
iitrUbun I from St jpheus’s resignation
.tu -it . . . I tioo by too people. JooUroi.u
Acoc.TlH.-Tb. work on tb. rid. track I otUeial patrooote In hi. potikM. -Uttte
bwb^nra and will teoa b. eompl.teil i Altek’ and ia faUateonl with
the depot will then bo moved to tho new I Joe. Joe has mrignod every ho has
"Lto. A Morph/, of BaraMTilU. will -SSrlfoV^Toi 10 "
soon erect a carriage shop, where they will I member l "
be prepared to do aa fine work aa can be I a m i AM j l-k,
done anywhere in the State. We are glad
for such mm to eome amoeg us, and will I mft?
always extend the right hoad of welcome. I
County Court will convene next Monday, I {JiSS ® oooU * d iU * if
when Judge J. F. Carmichael will admin I “ d WM imaxeOiw-twljr kilted.
Uter the lew iu an impartial manner lo &li Ms. Stithem came from Washington __
who hat- the nuefortuas to become en- I Tuesday, and will immediately pressed to
tangled in its meshes. | stump the State.— Wes t Point Enterprise.
Mr. Henry Land has returned from his I doubt it. In fact wa do not believe he
trip down the Brunswick rc&d, and now I *IU make a single set speech during the
offers for sole as fine a lot of lumber as I campaign. At any rate, he will not stump
ran be boagM anywbsrs, aud at rock-bot- the Sut.-. Us oouUteT it he would. Hew
tom Drieeo. I physically unable to do so,
Attd^T.IA IUfflmotid,<». eftb.mMt| Tu Oriffia .Vnre makm .pteUl
prominent tttireu lath. .out/, apwka I of bavto, reteivtd "a patten Mttaw baU. 1
te.aa.te* 'u tt" ™«***/. pit-TA* i ot rccencu ■ pcriocx couon not
of moviof to lam. W. naat It Uaa far iMbisdow cotton a. ttteoa
fcfjo .ml. “ Jockoon wiUbo Ut^rly railroad.
*Sf r !r jr t_ ... ...» I Mona than a eotumn cf the loeal
tE^li I H wotrifi bare bon jut a.
i local page *
■devoted toL
gofiif of bamtwU.
•ahool at this pises, lie eomea highly I itloaLdh^rL
sari? ^“isrsiss rrsa
lorn to thtetkateorauaUKr Matte Th*
board of tnutm wtn bare tb. nlil aretWto/
orerbuted ud tmaoiteltei otetltwUl Uwa
Uowjra, wbouapobn olm llMMbite «f
I tiou dMppraraou from bi. bom* ta
Tuurnb WM acted a tte/ or tre tea
dud. Uta bod/ wo. foood fioatio, no ‘
taoalow Tborada/
Ma. fua Taomo. baa bar
i b/tb. t
lad for Ua Maotonblp I
of IbotUdutrteO.
him. Mow, who will bo the first in Mil-1 phona amounts to eswting "h*;. „ Tir „ n .. TTrT1 _ ,
ledgaville to bring about tbia egga-traordi-1 for Longstreet's syndicate or Pledger's FIe(c i >er ibwj'lui. of Burlington. VL, for tho
nary reform ?” panjandrum.” Qartrell i» th. opponent of I 1,1 "< '
Heu it a qoid for onr ”fenc« men” to I Btepbena instetdof Ixmjr-trtet or Pledger. I . ,
chew, from the Katouton CAronfcf.: "Block I Hapore that ,4 thcmnelTC, np at center. —■ A1 ‘P, ol ^ h k G * n “ r * 1 . Jr’ 1 * 1 " 1 ™ not
must be kept up iu our oounty. This ia! 0 * their contemporaries, ought to bsso 1 Bc^ubllmnsof too lo^nd, .hA:. P nt into.p.»tfon March their lordly fnlmination. on tho facte te
i.t IKX) r» teimmom. .Km i e \» Utn we | w®/ exist. | hsyo been brought to bear which have allfiTt'd
sry common I Thb Atlanta Herald reports tho robbery tbiaantewsity." That Js to say, Chairman Ju.
against parties for damages. We hare not | of the boose of Mr. Goldsmith, ot Moore’s , A - .“bell h ** «em down nine thousand dot-
had a oase before the oourt* thia year. Uosiness College, situated on Merritt’* are- uJSeraTchS^S !
Our county has saved much money by the j nue. Tho loss was a gold watch and a den. cnalmer * iutcre * t * Time works woi
passage of this law. | small amount of money. tf* P/inno r.f w.i« .. th. r t
a har-room te Putnam I Thb Atlanta Herald it responsible for I Time, anoouuccs. will go to a German hath°to
couaty. Crime is almost unknown, only I the following: "There is a geutleman In | driuk the wator* iu deference to the wishes of
three arrests In thirty days. Local option | this city who guarantees to oisnufacture his medical advte-r, who has earned by his de-
did it.
Theak are thlrly-lhieo unmarried and |
marriageable young men te Eaton too. |
Eatoktom will ship, she thinks, 18,000 a thing #f the past. This Isbaaed on tert | tKcu^’TheWnMBwI5#a liofiday.'toXh
bales of ootton tills next eeasoa. | »nd experience, and while it may be good | ho may not be aware that ho want* it. The
Thk «nn™n»inn w,.dnr*«ir.v inat 1 n ® wl! th e public, it comes hard on the f»®t of the Times «levotlng iu first levlti.s
too SSTSSiSteSS ..d iJfU. M.S. direiple. of tit. Critpen. Application ha. to tb. hrelth of the Prine-ot l\.
&XJ?ra^uSSiJSoli,TOTO.toU,^ *«»0Bad. feta patent, and it 1, pofobl.
Dartv ^^lledacvMe* Rtcar^ m0 ^ht**?a I tl,sl ft manufacturing stock company can luliadelphia artist wj-.o nw Arabl
Sr'Sw^rfir-coSs.'Soi »•»»Kh»f r &
adopto<l ths old Democratio two-thirds | Tna fallowing expressions of opinion are I man, sullen, swarthy, with only s' rrcti* t’-ftr
rulo, nnd whenever Domooratio principles taken fiom the Atlanta Herald, which, it c/« to soften tho rener*l h»r«hnera cf .t. rw
—i- l i ...... • •- ■ 'slon. and a blaek mnstor*--*
Tins highwayman still gets in his work in
tvannah. Jo VVarren ought not to go off
liquid, apparently water, with some harm
less ingredient* in it aud warranted not to
explode no matter how strong the flame*
may be. This man is an impostor, nnd
ooght to b« punched for choatiog, swind
ling end false representation*.'
Wa publish tho following interesting
item*, taken from tho hhmacllte: "The
Montour factory’ is for ente. Who bid*?
It tho Legislature will - not pass a gen
eral registration law let it posa n local ono
for Uaneock, a* requested by the grand
,uryiuiK8U. It U a* conswutfcNMlVHP
laacock as it I* for the eity of Savannah.
better than we have seen him in twelve
mouths, lie will roprenunt tho State with
hie accustomed ability at tha courts of the
hie accustomed ability at tha courts or the
circuit thi# fall. »e regret very much
to le«rn of the ill hralthof Brother Shivers
fifteen well-filled ears—eight on ous etn!k I dates to the legislature. The people are
nnd seven on tha other. It is said thnt Mr. | coming to their senses upon this important
Goody lion
over two h—...... . . . - v __ _—_—
Qjutlttille Soulhron: Tho . Macon I V»»i»h*d tha pdiona and ntinoa. traffic
Grabs up some stray '•loot"
And swsy he doth scoot
To the riilemen hid iu the thicket.
Fifteen million barrels of beer a
a sit acres in corn that will make subject and we believe that five year* _ J, 1 '™ D
hundred bushel*. hence, if not sooner, Georgia will have “SjL"** U f lted "g* t
uaivekville Southron’ Tho Macon I Vanished the odions and ruinous traffic I * u * 8 * n Francisco Chront
Thmu/SiSte a'bnek^polWaa?/ I ,,om her bord « r *- A ipcater «ood ttan old ujaterotln terec til Tcrubte.iiot,
baUhire r D6Mr*wa5 a papeMmptOTed more «-* « "PO" «”> State iu Kjtf''^"iftlfirJKSSS
this generation. 1
H- f .tera 1 I ^5
H. Blount was unanimously renominated I L:‘„7, , * Jl - I ln * tl Omaha, Neb., September 12 and is a
for Congress in this district, the sixth, on I ^ 1 x WR * a r ®®°’ I constitutional amendment in favor of womai
lMt Weduesday, by tho Democratic con-1 * ar mRD *« a t® r » | suffrage 1* now pending in Ncbrn k*.
vention held to this city. This i* no smell I The Atlanta Post-Appeal contains some | A company of Philadelphia mllitl;
compliment to Colonel Blount, and a mer* I of the appointmenta uf General Gartrell. I troops recently marched home from ramp
ited one. No member of Coogrees froai I He is annoonoed to speak lit Macon on I distance of iso miles. In six days. Thistsprai
the South, i* tli* lower Hoase, enjoys a I Thursday night, the 31st insL It *oul#| l y raarchlng for peace time*, but Hums*
iaraer share of public confldenoo tha a be I add to the interest of the occasion if tn I a .?? aa .ft* 1 ® ,c
claim. Watchful, indostrious, conser- I arrangement could be made for Mr. 8t«-1 a * al ° * c during the war.
vo. honest, clear-headed, ho oommands I phen* to meet ,him on that night. Fail- [ 1 gdat, the
imention whenever he speaks,and generally I ing to sacure Mr. Stephens, perhaps Col. I • he miserable «n»»,
suoceeds in all he undertake*. The Demos-1 Hardeman wonld hold th* fort (or words | yonr kat *
racy of the district, with entire unnnitn- I to that effsot) on that oeoa«ion. At any
ity, have choeen him as their standard I rate, there will bo a rousing crowd present.
Vriftoie elected T^sro^maJoril/in^hc I Ed,tob i* trying to inveigle ns | The coit to the Eoglish government of
Sent he te^tocotrized five not A doubt ,nto bellin « lwo B< l aar * on the At- «ttioK down a fuU-anncd BrTiish soldier in
% I girls aa against tha Augusta girls. I Alexandria is about |C00.
jropSSSl teSm b/n.w and nntriit«“pi" Worn not ttat frreh. Tha Aumuta eirl. Tukiat t, a fanner In Ohio who lire
rimi>nu With thoteirnhlioiiorvRnta 1 I com ® next to the Msoos girl*, in bounty | not shcAred hi*sheep in five years, because, n*
rimonts with their public servanta. I Rnd muMct , Bkill> we are not going he claims, Provldeno* intended the sheep ”
rimont* with their public sertnnts.
Tna lesidcnco of Mr. R. Montfort. in I to be bard on an old friend. We’ll sten31 "sar'toeir wool
Butler, was burglarized last week of a fine I f 0 r the meals, anyhow, if Tom will come I The National Convention of Trohlbl-
watch nnu some money. lover. I tlonisu In Chicago, on the 22<1. . 1 ami 21th
M». E^. Oomm^t merchant of Re/. | Bmmm hste become wondcrfnll/ fre- to to* »m/W„-o t avn rh>,
innt . ..rate Ik. 4 mn .m..l A re rare* I °* teHtetteaCS PCOt»l*.
It i* sold that an Atlanta dairyman,with I Tn« National Greenback Labor party I or resign,
fourteen oowsjs clearing $100 per month. | S. A25!? ELwlli Ei,ou< “ »rmy officers hold that It i*
®d a platform, indorsed the candidacy of I absolutelv nm-ssarr to n mrahiiah itnnin,
Oen. Gartrell and nominated a full ticket I for crime* *rin n nr7active servin'. Imprlxim
Hu pasiMM by i'onco de l,*onSprings. |
ing lamp chiaineja wito wh»oh ho sells a gSR 1 *’ I th* tidtotr For Governor. Hon. Larin? J. only altemjffTe.
Fobt Tim ’of 19 arlrel i» {? r Tn *«®clkl bislow of the late war In
zlinzi f T te /• r »® r »O f I Jamas S. Hook, of Richmond county ; for I course of priftwratlon in the War department
arasflgl n Kn.n n tei bett *« r K 00nd * I " ecr ® u nr Ot State, Charles U. Thomas, ol I has only reached three out of the SKety vol-
tiou than they have been ah»c* the war. | Decatnr oounty; for attorney geoeral, I \ iratm cnntemplalsfl. it i* atm-d that Um M«-
Oats, wheAt, ooro, potato©*, ground peas, I u„ n . Fred D. Dismnke, of Spalding I f7 » w,,, „ l ! ho,r U P •ome of the t
and all other crop* excert cotton and aa- 1 ^ U nty; For oonntrStergenwral!WillteiS I nUUur J r “oU of to-day u
gar cane, may be eoasidsred made. Tim I p. Hurk, of Jackson coanty : lor Statu I .
prospect for a good cropia batter than it I treasnrar, Charles T. Parker, %pf Doom r.s GniXAMEX are said to be th • plorjeers
haa boen te many years, and the farmers I county. * - I In the nevtmlnlng enterprises on th* Isthmus
MW happy. I _ lufSJifS White men are following them.
Yorao Em, hw gonaop to.Gain..-1 ■ggfg.'gaA?*.» 1 ro’tSfiSK, 1 - *“
J despite 1
Mowing them,
-her ell be has
(slltorola miners.
. Tiro co,paper men of Oaorela, nt ... .
Tillolo embrace Uncle Pete. He.,»ke role "ra rer, longoolleritej. TU/ hare Ig?V”g»i.*gB5»feC»'IWnil».teli
hi. picco lut night lo th. eoliege eh.pei. | H> *" man/ ontragre amt lodlgni- n itoraii. 5, ' ,n, °"“ 1 ‘~ i * “« "*> 10 »
T,in following .ipre«aion of opinion b, I h” 1» Hi* W o* orphaned poetry, otMcare I n- . .
friend Moore, of the Kvmiiyj Ntm, "how" I «nd barb»r,.ut pan", and ih«v d„ ro ‘ ,}} ! n
him lob* fail/ poatadontha .itaatlon: 'iuletlr. Bat thofoliowing from »• I StrtllSLJl
A joint eauTOM 1./ Mown. 8teph»na and I r«m"h Nnmlrr demand, tome aetion on fjgjj, ,V”£Sf!!h renwlr gam
lartrail I..aggreted^ b/ to. M.ron T.i.,. | [Ite P«r. ef |
This sorely
of tho Warrenton Clipper, lie is a t-r,:
mau aud nn honest, able, oouseiecucus
editor. Snch a man is nn honor to thj
I press r.ud th© state nad with all our hftr:
we wish nim a sposdy recovery-"
Tna military spirit of Roma promise* to
be remarkable, or aomuthiug of the sort.
|The Cromwells there are all "guiltless of
their country's blood."
JA Drhociutic convention in llariow ha*
nominated General Wofford for Senator
from tha torty-second district. I he meet
ing which sent Btothsu* dalucate* to the
State convention nominated Mr. Baker, of
Cariaravills. So the action of tba Stephens
I mass meeting is repudiated by the organ
ized Democrats of the county. Isn't that
qoesr 1 By tbo action of tlie Wofford con
vention the party in th* forty second di*.
trict ia divided. So, Jcfforsoulsm is doing
Its work.
JTua mamgeotent of the Vott-Ap}wal\
has changed hand*. It is apparent, with
out saying so, that this is the very beet
thing that could have boon done under the
| circumstances. ,
■Tin Sumter Republican reports th* tnar-
•g« ol Mi-^s F.uiuiu Ksnmore, of f.umter,
I Mr. Daniel Cox, of Dooly, ou the 13th
■Wb m*y infer that the conjaror doe* not
always have plaio sailing from th# follow-j
'ng taken from the Sumter Republican :
■At the home of F. M. Pilcher, in Schley
county, nn Sutarday night last, a difficulty
_ State th*t would have tolerated curb con-1 heightJo allow the swlns ot tba pcnduluiD,
Thb Savannah News reports n serious I duct. If the S*vanoah policu can’t keep 1* h -,JW® «*•« >»«u town so
affray between Mr. M. W. Parker, a fore- I Any better ordor in ths Sty, they ought to I tow|n?ths works to mirate taaV£lmm'iSi
man of the yard laborers of the Central be abolished. thS7vS3 SSS^SSK^if^' Zu “ n!
road, and John Bolomona, ona of the ne-I MB.8Tarnaaa ia being Importonfd to I }•»'« electrical attachment winds thecbSCS*
gro 1^'ijrcri. Each felled the other simul- tnter lbs oanvara la the ninth district thespriug being thus kept uteunlionn
R.ore Bprer. If h. fall, tefio »
It it estimated that the descendant* of
Oenvanste Amsrica lnercam twloa as repjdlv
t*ncou»ly with
i Solomons it 1. thooght,, ^ wiU tut pomic-i daplialt/ tot
fatally .1 which many thisk him fareon*. Tha fol
Thb Savannah .Veins sayai "Ihe old I lowing direct appeal Is from ths Q&irca-
cotton crop is brloflngona-elghth cent per
pound more than tha new of tba same .J. ■
grade in thia markoL" I p>* of the ainth district in this city
Sons negro boys were amusing them-M«» P«>*.'V* are a'l aaxions to see raff I he'Willirie/Nlaaer to whb
selves on a railroad track - *• - 1 •**« rk '- 1 n •- * 1 ,, '* n **• u
it), <>u aHmun/ u'uith * uiutr.iiij
_ ired between two negro women, Mary
Htmtrr nnd Emma Silss. A negro doc-
tress told Mary Uuntcr that she must draw
the blood of Emms Silas to be cured of n
disease, ho the blood was draws nt ths
expense of the doctres*. who vas held for
a hearing at the Superior Court of Schley
county under a bond of $800."
Mrs* A Lie* Glhxells, of Webster coun
ty, on last Sunday night, took a dose of
morphine to relieve herself of pain. Shu
took too much and died.
Lim-a Vrama Wnrrv, mentioned in this
paper a few days ago a* hiving been ac~
cidi-Dtaliy shot, by her little oonsin, in Si
vsnnab, is said to b* recovering rapidly.
Mb. Gaoaoa C. Biaheb. a Pennsylva
nian, died of oonvnlaions, ia Havaanah, a
day or two ego, on his way home from
Tub i**ae of the Savannah News before
n« contains account* of tha usual number
of rows. Savannah is the moet belligerent
city te the State.
Thb Savannah .Vctrs is right about tha
'Jehad." It eays: "One of the conditions
of the "JehaJ." or the holy war of the Mo
hammedans U that it cancels alt debts,
public and private. There are doubtless
tots of United States American Christians
who are Mohammedass to that extent, and
would be willing to declare a Jehad to-
Capt. iltaav Fzasox* declines to run as
aa Irdependent candidate for Congress tn
th* Fourth district. Hssaya to a friend:
I abide the action of tha convention, and
will support iCa nominee."
Th* record heavy ralca have greatly
damaged tho f rail crop in ielbot county.
Job Poo ha* buckled on hie BhUlalah
and enters into the fight in the Fourth dis
trict for Congress.
Thb Misses Campbell, of_Meriwether
county, will attend Wesleyan Feme's Got
‘ ge the coming year. The school open*
a tb* 4th of October.
Tam central oampBMtiag, near Geneva.
Talbot county, begins August 34to, and
four day*.
Ohas N. Joaza, our excellent and versa-
til* correspondent at Albany, w* regret to
bear, is confined by a serious attack of
fever. We join with many of onr net
te toe hope that his confinement will
iftcar Caxtbox, a favorite down in
Jehn Robinson's cireoe, died recently hi
California. He wta a native of Marietta,
hot few of them wtU hare to bay any com
Best year. Nearly all cf them bsvtaM
enough to Uat until Christmas.
a coalition for your uncle Jeffer- I touts negro who trtei to fend somaof bi* I tie Egyptian ophthalmia. i bl* * .rely niUi. t i
aonian." I offspring through the post-ofilcs waa ar* I ‘^••“'parte’s army In IT #
Mb. Mic:ukx. Coeotoro. oa oldciiizen of I * ur btackmaUma." Aoiojjme o* fit Mo.lulV.rDOO,
h» mz.terioo.1, OUiDPeered. | “Dodd, lh. l.fl #.M,t of lh. fiaTanBah... 1 Iffi&iU.V.VtVTS.iSSFw
He wo laef M.B la Ha/ant-^i, oaVaOBte/ I mode a brilli^nl rr.nnlu- ralch /.»- "a*IfolnlTo tewTtor. A ’, ’ i r.. V-. ?l ET2I£!
nyht, .beat 19 o'eloek, naiag it the tfirec. fodrfi. *•'"» H cbbmA b >o.n* o .rk on U» SSfolitelS ud nlutl F. n.m HZm
tiou of the buy. Amy information with I 8 *y t0 •**'I th«« fact that the 1'rraUWm‘s favorite rvaUag
retorence to him will be thenkfally rsceiv-1 He picked hlrnself up ar.d yelled alter the brat a-wl labom «.(the day
ed by hia wife, Mrs. Gather me Cosgrove, of I In *tilv. lbs dttle episode t«cj ed tbs was beneath iu grateful shad'.
Ann street. cr owd and they cUared him »n.l flte pla>- Tna American Watch Company, of
hI ^ ^'SS’rore ” XtSilltSigFigtf.
is rec^eriog " ° dneidfty maTD D ** * * tt>r *here_ isn’t ancther city in the | Intjton. Thsc**e U made of bra**, of sufficient
/Ul* Irob; «Wbo/e ter. «tepb... will “ 'ff.'toiri^ Wb" h fS.!S' , w*raS
give ear to the rsjincst to * dress the pea-1 fore hsabtoufto. with a n» >•. mipioxlou; auft
p'e of the ainth dlstrlet in this city on the j the New orlean* TiMe+HeMwet thinks that
he will prefer User to !.*. note*
than he UfwHch presitm--« f.\* a Germs
Is l«*a noisy than an Am u a:*>. sit that7
will love music auft sau«a<,. U 4 p!tT*
ant powj^rt, prorlftrft th» sjuic f the w
the Enter-1 hear the Old Commoner upon the issues of I *£**»**• If-
prlso Mills, Unvannah. A fast train earn* I the day."
along and all of the boys but on* got cu' I Tne Eayle goes into scstacies ovsr Allen
ofth’way. The slow boy was hit — • 1 * L - *
nikra© *
1 jic r.uyir ijdw imu cc-mnti u/rt ,'nru ■ ini pnMperi, prnr
JC.asdlsr’a nomina ion in the folloariug I ***** also aro teas •
h#ad by the locomotive and knocked frjm I *tyto: "Lcuipkin will give ihe nominso a I TlIKfUt I* sal.1 I.
tlie track. Beyond being ba-Jlr cut and I roascr t White art 1 back up the good work I of v. ry young soldiers te the Hr
bruited tho boy wa* not damaged. I with an improvement on former Pemo leentiy sent to ffirfpL Some* _
Savannah Newsi Tbs Savannah Naval I majorities l Jaritson will give her I J^own to i averageljfiki more than two o
Htoro* Exchange, which was inaugurated I tewr a bcom away up among U«» I
I lUSdfflteLiifoJllLiStel 15? “a K-.,ri,y
from the It-ading it
txtions, are received at different hours I Gwinnett will do the band*oma thing: I To* Aral notice the newly annotated
dorleu the da/, and are pcatad oo tba I UBion wlUhaoildowBa^lrof Li.rt. i n re.i> n ,ien omreb.l nf iw.imn
blackboard for tba information of mam-1 P*rel|*teg returna. I of their application* wat a prompt aMcasmeat -
here. Thera i», consequently, ao trocbl# I Tna following from Mr. Stephens'* Afi-1 to* Indefstigable lluhbeU ? a« tecs* M-
in regard to ascertaining prices, as sx*ll 5 gustn Jeffersonian oigan, will perhaps sat-1 !?. y * ® r ® 0 ° peqhttooaar tray, they ere pretty
dealer* are aa well informed as Urger I ufy ibe jiaoplo thatw# were rightin wyln* I p**r c^t‘t. »»n *-»)ari-*. ncrer
house*, and the old method of bargaining I that be would not s'ump tha State. It I JSJjJJJ - tk* BMantSae IIub^MtU U dSra-
i« rendered unnecusaary, aa the local price* I would ba a physical impossibility. Bar* I mlugupthedellnniu nu with a sscoad ctreu
are pcited on tlie blocklK>ard at ten a. m.. I the organ: " Mr. Atephenr, we learn, will I Ur.
onep. m. and four p. ra. Some idea of I make ro regular canvass for Governor. I UffriiRthe nrorisiona rf a loea'-outinn
th* rapid growth of this boaters* may be I tin special occasions bs may respond 111 j aw ri -,^ j, y Kent'icky Lc~uUtui '
formed when it is known that the receipt* I invitations and address pnblio gatherings; 11>:», over four hundred w,wm o? the l
thu« far this year are barrels of I bnt on aolive canvas would be wsarytog I Grass sut* have (orMdiea the sate of If
rosin and 19,189 casks of spirits torpentte* I acd unnece'aar/. Ha spoke meet regret-1 within their borders, with n
in excess of tha receipts for the rame time I telly of tha death of Senator Hill, and it I !?' A " *
last year, and, notwithstanding thU fact, I ii probatd© that he will attend the /antral j fMl ,'
x of their aelU
the stock on' hand to-day is very much I in Attontaon fUtardxv.
soallsr than on this date last season.
Tna Savannah Ntws reports tha arrival
in that city of Sharif! Ronan with 1 homes
Meagher, arrested in Ashland, Keotae*v,
in proper form, oa th# ' *
J thatt'
Ashland, Keotae®v, I —Speaker Keifer la In Wuhlngtoo, I 'tom. Holiau.1, nasi May, which will be of
. charge of pereonat-1 probably looking for that lost rate of thanks. I • , 11 Vf ^iftnslly
Hi.-Brg Ceuoa/o«U three pocBd. of S^RSf5!iK2l3fffofS:SmS
|&u4>.J7 cashed at the Southern Bonk of I beef dally. an»t conducts htiSMlf. say* the Izm* I < olonlre, sndau< h as are exported to the l.un r
Savannah. Meagher claims that Towns I don tferU, Ilk* a “gormandizing black ear I from tha mother country. The prrepeet of
owed him the money, and that the check I age 1
Si Th * —When society turns out to see Mrs. I SfeJSSTSlB} S2HS
that the check ws« stolen. Langtry exhibit he&etf 11 will pleas* speak of I LrhlwSi
IpML F. D. Dumvbb euotd wjtgo th© 1 her ■•L'OKtrc-" Which Is th# way of prononne mMt bed«Hrere4 in AmatentamUforc the jrth
whisky platform, ao be declined the honor I her abroad. I D f jxprtl.
proffered as a candidate for the Legislature I —Evargelist Barnes lift that Anolnter I the Cbin©«© colonv i.f Kin Fr\rri*cn
tn Spalding county. I Oarrctam tea fraud, and Anelnter tiarretaon I r4t , s | yon , j ‘ Ia ,.
railroad,explodoloo Satorda/la.u for- -* »* IreoridMI prlwa Jownm ha«Icohrorraridray»«*Jrirr
laoBlal/ do oao w«.rotiooaf/ barf. I El? “Sira^u B |li2'sel5>l‘31 Ibl BlV r , - h - e *■»—*«. 4»l
tUnnanui Dispatch : Tbo Demo- 1 u-iacTebe u -.17 pr.'it'z, wlib a «a. ieeraoe
eratieconvention to nominate a coadidata | voire, an-l rendered Marguerite tp "raust"
for Congrres from this Congressional die | teauUfully.
trie* will meet at Eastman on Tureday | —When Clara S. Fotfs, Urn lady after-
next, 22d lust. ncy of Ran Francisco, attended th* United
Ou. thing, are MUin, fra/foil/ mtied. I? W*
<iranB.iT.riaB'~ - af their Egnji/J' cSaumre
Bamwjui'latwSauImjyTire jMadpa\
SrilSM*rS^ S I
Chicago, and voted for Grant’s aomtea-1 wKib? 1
Xkmj—Hawkinsulle Dispatch. Yea, thing* I navy yard. P?»rtImuateT!? H*? Uw i
have already gotten fearteUy mixed. When o* hi.' j-Ul ha. been Wiit".cl i
Joe Brown and Mr. Stephens are set op merit f-.r thirty days, sad placed
aa exemplar* of modern Democracy, U f# I w ***r disc
uot asrpruing that tree Democrats are die* I —.Archbishop Nestor, of tba
~" *“ Alssxa. while on hU wsy lo
bate was broftgbt ia by Mr
ley and ths other by Mr.
Onn bale wm stored at ths
j time CAM with a ru«h of bln»l L> ths head .-4 j lV* *?*“*'',«
j *m<* are-t at Umre not quite nf »>uoA r.fnd. I r,, T
'ia.loli tlobt tboi Princ.- Ibro-1 it*.
toraaatiBoow rac» .an-1 kiai rrakk um wm re u» rsKh-Hr.. I. ra. Mi>Uro<v^:,/'an w
ollrar at Acdrnoa . brick r.ul tuu± bw-tofo: l-atc torn Ul. talk, r reamloU anl&:alo:.tUi>«a hx nSa la
Ope H. W. ABdmroo lurU I«» >"■■■<ja' l—rera mmUH. 1 inahaim l«m I UmuU tmomiSmmL. ^
both balaa, and a. Ik./ nn tho firit of rim “• •< » a font, i. _■
more. b. Bar. fiffoBraoU , tr p«od.- 'ilf
Tb* baralrnrill. HmtU furantra a. Uriaa.
: TU <ro, of M(u | —Th. inddCB dcaih of JuJ;
»«*/*.. :.! I Ihclr <
81.5C0 I r: i . r • , at
|t- «••• - • -: r. <i. 1. X Co.
mb I MB', ■;> Tort, had fa
irri fu;i I,»n.