Newspaper Page Text
k* ^be&ryiu iUs.eiuy $U§KkXj,$* wlx JmuriuU $ Bb&suma.CK
I in climate. This ia now the harvest season, TIIE M.l CtlIX E l
and the small grain and timothy aro being |
industriously reai>ed and mowed, although «>* the Wen- Road to no I,
1TH ci-wt/mmi jvn .mirn/ jr there are field* of oata still green and not
Mis ciSTOMS A\D roi.intAL , et ripe ewwgh to be gathered. The latter
IM4T1TUTIOXN. I are Bowed hero about the same lime that
icy are reaped in Georgia.
A \>rv ini«r»aii»0 T .• „ i Xhooostof clothing and other article* for
... .. rcallR * r, J m 14 y,ri * per.-•'jgajt' is not materially leas than iu-
cmCfutlcmnn UvNcribea tho Itenu- | the a fact duo to the protcct-
«l < itiindi.tu hreoory nml Mio } ivo wan inaugurated four years
ago. au^i^^huts out English goods as
well as Auk-1!^i. Political parties are
sharply divided upon tho question of the
l»ou In Ion's Peculiarlilea of Custo
aud Uovornincnt.
Montreal, Canada, August 21 .—Editor*
Telegraph and Messenger: Montreal Is
shadowed on the northwest by u mountain . — .. .—;— riana -««i. enn 4 conceded by all that the oountry has pros-
which rises some 800 feet upon the immo- p# red , lDoe ita inauguration, but the oppo-
diato suburbs of Ihe oity. From its sum-1 nenta of it contend that this prosperity is
mit a most charming view is had, which it due to the fine crops of the past few years
i. worth creasing n oonUnvnt to lm- Jg» -ftf* “Mg%fS*g!2' U 0 r i
mediately below is spread out the city of the prosperous and contented oondi-
one hundred and fifty thonsand inhabi-1 tion of the oountry lost year and dis
tant^ upon wbioh one looks down as upon I wived tho Parliament a year bofore^the
_ « n . - T . . - . .. J.. expiration of the term of servioe, and go-
a map. Further m fro it and to the right i DC before the oountry upon tho question
and left for many miler., gleams the silver I of the tariff were largely indorsed by the
surface of tho broad St. Lawrence, the ©lection of protective members, and thus
met wajosllo .ml bMuliful river iuimer- ‘ mJSSE
lea, while beyond, in the broad sweep of a I ald.'ts the earnest advocate of this policy,
iemi-cirolr,the only limit to tho view is tho I and is the moot influential politician in the
strength of the vision and the green moon-1 pojnhdon. It was tx aiuly through his ef-
. . - . .. . , , forts that, some ten or twelve years ago,
tarns cf Veimont, which ninety miles ai*- ^e Canadian government was thoroughly
taut, gracefully outline the southeastern revolutionized, and under a confederation
horizon. Tradition has had it that Jaoqoea ®* provinr^s authorized by an act of
At,. the British Parliament, the "Dominion of
Cartier, tho discoverer of tho island upon Canada” was formed, which in its praotioa!
which the present oity is built, when he administration i. closely modeled on
first ascended the mountain was so do* I the parent government It U what is term-
protective poliey (called here the "national
policy"), although its advocates are in the
decided majority in the Dominion. It is
lan to.
From telegrams received yesterday by
Mayor Corput and given below, it will bo
eeen that the location of the machine shops
has boon decided upon And A Junta lias
secured them by complying with th* con
ditions required, viz: to donate the land
npon which the shops are to be built, and
to defray the expenses of excavation, esti
mated oust of which is $10,000.
By considerable Airmirhing. daily meet
ings and patbotio appeals, the oitfzsna of
Atlanta succeeded in subscribing the nec
essary amount, finishing op yesterday
Afternoon at four o'clock. .Our authori
ties, it will be remembered, made a tender
of as ranch land as the road would need.
At any point along tho line of the road
within the corporate limits of our city. tho
grounds are levol and require no grading.
We give below the oorresponuenoe between
Mayor Corput and Major* McCracken,
which shows that the mayor has done all
in his power to secure the shops:
Macon, Ga., August 24.—11. Fink, Gen
eral Manager Etui Tennessee, Virginia
and Georgia Railroad, Lynchburg : Don't
locate shops until you oorne to Maoon, We
have encouraged you all we oould, and
think we ought to have them located here.
The location we propose giving you irttet-
ter than Atlanta can afford.
LvNonnuBa, Va., August 24.—Hon. Fe
lix Corput, Mayor, Macon : I bug to ac
knowledge tho reoeipt of yonr telegram of
the 25th Inst. I will reply by mail.
H. Fink-
Macon, August 15.—W. V. McCracken,
Superintendent Georgia Division East Ten-
old negro man that I had been owing a
couple of dollars fen a year. 1 found him
and made a bargain that 1 would give him
five oents every morning ho camo and
woke me np exactly at seven o'clock, and
every time ho fnilod I was to dock him ten
omt*. It works like a charm. If I wake
np early I can go to sleep again secure in
the faith that the old crwlitor will be on
hand promptly. But when that debt is
cum vied, what then ? I shudder tdfihink
jtit. heck verkixs
Annoauerst nsnn Independent Candi
date fortlio legislature
I am informed, Mr. Editor, that we are
upon the atcoholio brink of a political can
vass, that not a few gontlemen aspire to
fill tho offloes whloh will be vaoant this
; that seven gentlemen are now be
fore the poopl. Of this number, four are
to be left and three taken as members of
next Legislature. My friend, Buck
Pei kins, has vigorously opened his artil*
lery as an Independent candidate for the
Legislature. I know of no man who can
more justly proclaim himself an Inde
pendent than Mr. Perkins. He belongs to
~ ~ one, nor does anyone belong to him.
owes no one, nor does anyone owe him.
does not possess one rod of
land, nor does be ever expect to
V© a land owner. His wagon
and mala have been returned to the
friend from whom be borrowed them. Ilis
-milch oow, with bis bed and bedding added
as boot, he has just succeeded in swapping
with a peddler for a rejuvenated beaver
hat and a second hand suit of clothes. He
does not affiliate with any political party,
r jJJf* only hold offloe so long us they are in har- Atlanta, Ga.: Did you reooive memorial »or does any political party affiliate with
from which it U claimed came, by a slight mony with tho lower house of tho Domln- letter from our citizens? We think our him. He is not au agriculturist, a median-
corruption, the pra-ont name of the city, ten Parliament. Whenever they are at is- tet lon and tender, when AtianU authorities »©f*laborer, a lawyer, a phyaiilan, a min-
The mountain w owned by the city and is sue, the ministry must cither retiro or dU- opposed you, should bring the shops to ietor or a loafer, lie is oppos id to public
carefully kept as a park, with easy walks solve the Parliament and appeal to the Maoon. Have wo any chants for them? schools, to taxes, froe trade or high tariff,
and drives. Upon a portion of it ia the I people in an election for members to the I Answer. - 7 ~ " ’ ** -
cemetory.where, near a thousand feet abovo I now Parliament. Canada pays no taxes
may be aaid to be a Bo-1 oountry.
man Catholic oity, from the preponderance
of those of this faith; and tneir numerous
oatbedrals, churches, convents and hos-
Felix Coxp'Jt, Mayor.
Atlanta, Ga., August 25.—Felix Corput,
' ” The manager of our
proposition to locate
. — on oertain conditions,
which are not yet fully oomplied with. If
not oomplied with by to-morrow noon we
will be prepared to make a proposition
ippcaed to Colquitt. Brown, Ste
phens A Co, nor do they favor his eleo-
tioo, Ho Is opposed to Gartrell beeanse
Garirell is an annoanced' Democrat He
lean Independent representing Perkins,
because no one else is of his way of think
Planting himself squarely upon this plat
form, Col. Perkios rode up on a borrowed
mule to the justice court ground of Pea-
vino district last Saturday at noon, lei
surely dismounted and walked to the
owd there assembled—it being a consta-
le'ssale day—carefully smoothed his Ups
with his coat sleeve and thus addressed
'‘Gentlemen of the Peavit^e deestriok—
To-day I killed a mxa in the arena—
f 4 Ycu'U better be keerful, old horse, bow
you let on about it,' remarked ono of tlie
owd.J and when 1 saw the villain slowly
pitola, in their extent' end eplendjd deoo. I A» PK«ci.e<t bj k«t. 7. It. wi^theeter I wl ‘ il M ‘°° n ' * iff v*McCnicijra Mot”"
rations, ora among the chief objects of in- I _, w,I .. ‘ v * “ CUIU0 “ ,, »
tercet to tho stranger. The frescoing ini , ■* c™ Chnwhliwd^ I Macon, August 28.—IP. V. McCracken,
some of the churches is surpassingly bMq-1 As was announced, Rev. J. It. W inches- Superintendent Georgia Division East Ten.
tiful, and, although oovoring every square | ter, of Christ Church, delivered a special | lessee, Virginia and Georgia llaihxtatl,
inch of the broad surfaoeofwaU, column | 0r mon on Sunday morning for the South- < f a * 5 , Your *•>•«“ «*
and ceiling, is in eaoh detail a study and a | .» I that unless jour proposition to At-
ploasuro to the lover of the arti.-tic. These | ® ra 1 romptly at church hour the I j an ta was aoecptc I by noon of the 2Gth
edifices are constantly" open, and visitors I Cadets marched from their armory, under I you would be prepared to make us a pro-
«ra.fresly admitted, although it ia neccwa- coinmar.d of Capt. Geo. W. Findlay, to po^on. Have your conditions been com-
ry to pass about quisUy, to as not to dis- I in fnii nnifnrm P ,led ? " ® ,tand r ® ftl, y 10 °® rr y ont
turl> ti.» devout, some of whom at all hours I ”?** Ohurch. They were in full uniform j our 0 £f er> Answer. Fkux Cosput, Mayor.
of the day will be seen kneeling at their without music, and presented a fine ap- Atlanta. August 28.-Felix Corput, advancing,” rommod Ooi. Perkins, without
devotions. The great csthedraloan make pearance in their neat new uniforms. A* I Mayor: Your dispatch just received. The *
no bonst of architectural beauty,either with- I they filed into churoh the choir sang "On-1 Atlanta people have complied with tho ro-
out or within, while the framing, although I - Christinn Soldier* ” and tho or^sn I •l uiremen t <l of Major Fiuk’s offer made to
lavishly gilde*^ is onljr striking, and not wa ™‘Soldiers, and the orgtn ^ Md r hilTe 80 informod hlm by tel>
tasteful. In its eapaoity it is chiefly re-1 pealed forth its grandest notes. When 1 graph on baturdsy.
markable, as fifteen thousand people can seated, the hymn "Am I a Soldier of tho W. V.
at one time worship within its waits. From I Cross" was sang most beautifully by a so-1 ■■ »«
it’ two towers of massive stone riio eaoh I lect choir of young ladies, under the direo-1 roll IIAXDLIXO I'll EIGHT.
to the height of two hundred and twenty- I tion of Mr. Luther Williams, with Mr. Ar-1 # ^
SK < g t, ..,fe29*- 1 *..*-.£*£*, ^ «*. . , , I ImproT.nienl. at llm nnpply T»rd—
wlulo in tLo otlwr la itlnatoJ wh»t, i(»I Th. t*xt Mlcotod b, Ur. Wlnoheittr for iv^irhi » tV
mi-t iko not, li th. larval bell on tbs tho ooouion «x« IL King., it: 2—“Show Lit Irolint, B*.
continent. It weighs twenty-four tlioosaud I thyself a man." These were the last words, I Yesterday our rsporter found Supt. Mai-
1. 1110 r S 1 ^’ ot ., Ki °“ V*! 1 ? *° lory o{ tho Ewt Tonne»co, Virginia and
tho clapper| which weighs eight hundred I his sou. Having descended to us as a Hen I n ^ A ,l.
aud sixty pounds ndditionsl. Its | legacy, they demand serious thought from I railroad standing aronnd in the
cost was $20,000 in London, where it was I evory one on the threshold of manhood. I hot snh directing a number of improvo-
,le. Tho oombined strength of many I Tho dying vorde of father to son should | ments on the ground formerly used as the
lie requited to ring it. Only a few I ever earry great force, for it 1s said the I « nnD i v v - ri j t u- naw
lums in each yesr is it done. With a Loul entering glory breathea nothing but ^'1 yard or the new road. A. largo
smell party I wiu so fortunate to-day ns to I divine truth. The text is the summing up I P*atfonu or wharf has been oons-ruotedon
bo iu the ball tower and immediately be-1 into a compact sep'enoe of the practical | which to receive and deliver freight and
“r",™- 1 ?. vl|Wt ' “P^rieno. of a Uf.Um.. Th. great Ktiwot ootton, principally th. latt«r. Thta plat-
ou*.y for some fifteen minutes. It was a I Israel was about to go the way of all the I - .. .
I •“.**!» hit character tad tun btedaa .tool J «fty 5ri!b?Md ^ na "«1 clSra*
noticing the interruption, "I shouted.‘hold,
sirl I am an iudcpMidcntcandidatefor the
Legislature,' aud tho villain still pur
sued her. In tho silent hours of last
night I heard a voiee: 'What are
you. RomeoTf Whar is my lovt?’ 1
said: "My name haiu't Romeo; I’m Book
l’erkins. number of the Legislature that
am gwine to be, and jou can jest make
your calculations. 'cording.' Am I rid
along to-day, coming this way, every now
and then I heard a voico call to me from
the bushes and fence-oorners, "Mr. Speak
er, Mr Speaker!" T haln’t no speaker,'
said I. 'but Buck Perkins, bound to repre-
fci tof t: .« giant bell on IU axis, while the is tried, aud the advice oamo from u I
roar was Uke that of great guns to those heart /all of regrst for sinful acts I
iu a mooitor or oasemate. And yet, while I and itnnds on tho coast of humanity to- I dfwi TmS 11 thl°SlSi
so loud, thore is an eotiro abseace of I day os the beaoon light from Iloavsn, I , /?*,?*** c * n nom the rood
hnr.-hneea, lot the sound is round and warning us to realize tho true aim of life. 1 ;
I warning
ray is as tnnefnl as I The ma
not? of an organ. This bell is but one I nigh made shipwreck of real manhood bs -
v hundred obUcts of intorest which in-I cause ho allowed passions and appetites I ??.i« ®!_ tfSTaarnw tK
toraat tho visitor \t every turn, and to at* I instead of reason and lodgment to hold I Y ~.* r ***^®®L““ n ® T ®*f ® T ® r *"*
tempt to Darticular(ze them soald beim- t!.e helm of his barque. Ere aware adul-1 ZOtmiJLZi
practicable. I tory and murder were the rooks upon I
It mi v.jluntarytribuUtoAesuperiority which be struck. UecoUection of pastl in
r rank and institntrW that citizens I vioes ever haunted ths secrat ehamber of I TilftSmfnT®«SinnST SvSli,
United States afffu all foroign I his soul. David falling below the stand- 1
i known dlstinetiyoly m "Amori- I ard of manhood wished tiis beloved boy to I R ?m
Mlo occupying hut a portion of I profit from his own sadexperionoe. There-1
>untry. In Montreal the people I ternese, he declared "to fear tied and keop I Slff New YoS ou^FridU^fuI?
ity, and to the cast beyond sight, Ihereforo, is the olddoutrlneof msu-1 JJJ' jJ 7 .* n ‘? roln ff* . Bom ® °* th ® 1 freight
almost exclusively French, I hood. Praportionats to our fell below this I
ebco fotu fifths of its inhab- standard do we fell of being true men. I
'i'o tiu"A:.iMican, thon.Ccnadx i. .trtklngly I iirtl" ——. a|t th.' l<»t of Third .«»«•.here, the cxcx-
latorwting,not only Uw nctonfi I Hulomoii hu gtron . commcnLmry «P-o I
obje 'U, many of them novel and strange, I the words of David. After a varied life of I “°*L®P ®. r ® cU ? 1 .®° ^“poiay arrongn-
bQbeoense in lani “ ~ ‘
toms one
foreign country. In Montreal the people I ternese,
aro to a large major if- " —■ *- 'igJ
the Frmch Isngunge.
in this viciuil
Quebec, are a
I sraUe is Quebec
itotiv are of thst biood and speak that
language, la Montreal, however, the Eng
Sunday morning.
* i tho depot of the Maom and Bruns- uo n.... o. .... me. , , »•«•«*
II itcipcVltng Mid French.Hacking pw-1 (or aDttdu ia more relcoUtcd to KirU. |
pie arc more evenly divided iu numbers. ras«tm«Dt than the irapnUtion of »*»• I mnSf&uuAiiMmam Vi.SlmJmhl?
A Urge proportion of evch race in unablo masliuers j yet to be a man In years and I JPSumaftrS? m?
to speak the language of the other, and not in deoisioaof character the world has 1 ^Sl «^ti^he^ALat »
while amot'g those acUvely engeged in always pronounced a disgrace. Manliness IV 10 ** w ® wl11 U ‘® b ® nt)Ql of ^ l4r «®
Pie are more evenly divided iu numbers. I re.nntment than the imputation or *»*»•! Zl!rSZZt•n.iifwf m.
A large proi orliou of each race is unable masliuers j yet to be a man la years and I
to spvak th« language of the othor, and I notin deoieiooof character the world has ] ,r
while emorg those actively engsged in I always pronounced a disgrace. Manliness I w ® wUI <
business, from the naccssitv of the situa-1 it the standard j the world raises It. and he I “•P 01 **
& A £
for practical purpoKe._ \cry many speak | heroism, and tn^domeetio life it cm be |
languors flatly, and F asalleas.' Tlie hardest
a hotel clerk attending to the wants I fiercest oontsete are those met in oar daily I
Ten* Much Inconvenience n<*
Co ‘Vaklsil'p
Beppcse yon know Mrs. Arter Is out of
rtw* I tows She wanted to go to Saratoga, Ni-
‘oS|w.“«l *'*''*■ ^
tothe other with a rapidity that shows him tacking the Mamelukes bade his soldiers I owing to circumstances of a serious nature
to be as much d home in one as the other. I gaze at the pyramids and said: "Soldiers, I the went to Atlanta. It was the best I oould
All lawyers most speak both lsngnagea or I Tram the summits of yonder pyramids for-1 ^ ^ inmmer>
starve. All judges most understand both, I ty ceuturiea survey your conduct-act Uke I
and a witness on the stand when question* I heroes!" That French army,though nnmer-1 *®ff ne the honae to Uke oaro of.
cd in ne language ia jest aa apt aa not to I ically small, inspired by the words of their I One whole house by myself. The arrange-
give his answars in the other, aud | leulor, with manhood aa ** “
be avails
answers in the otlier, aud hauler, with manhood aa the goal of I ment waa for me to sleep In the booed
^reThSL.^ t 5is^r,«s ^ 7 U
more ooareoicncc. All lb. lun u.l proe- ol prindpl. ia tb. ksmu breut. Ck.ii-1 Tb»re m»l b. brent, is inch u ,rr«i»«-l
l«m«tion. lire poblUbfei la both French UuU/, reoopiixioff diuUIum. m . riiiht I ni,iit for Mm. pwpU. bni I’ll b.rereBtl.l*|
SS8Wii 1 SSLyf^LJgrSi 'A. IU Ma .»ph.u«ai, «,«»«! inuJ
c-n any loveliness in it.
m^lYoascc I'm one of the*e unfortunate I
saw whet may be very unusual even hers, I so Ohrietiau soldUre are to he breve, not I d#Tlu who Qever get enoai .h steep. If!
I bat which was none the less remarkable I counting their lives dear,but doing at all I ... . 1
Three men wen engaged in an animated hazards what they promise, as romper. 1 «**"*down op my downy eptralepctogj
conversation, fwo of them expres-ed I the great Roman general who, going on a I »° _*° . * 1 ®®^.
themselves iu French white the third spoke I tempeetnoue sea and being urged to aban-1 ■«* . 1 ..
in good plain English. To my mind there I deo the voyage on account of the danger j I
U no moro interesting fact than the eon-1 said, "It U necessary for me to go t U iu I
tinned existence for more than a hundred not necessary for me to live." Doing doty I jjj 1 *”®,J® 1 **®
years of these two languages side by side I is therefore dearer then life itself. I _’l
In the same community, neither yielding to I The rcetor said as men most have * I ?5KiMsiS2R« *J«?^i
the other acd each continuing dUUuci- model, be would hold up the highest Xjom I
ively, without any merging in the I of man, which even the wd I felt Aud^l!
other. A trailer cro**ing the BritUh acknowledges perfect manhood. He I STn iSKtSRn elsan
channel i« struck by the comparatively I raid the brightest type I
■ud 'en change from English to I ranch I man Is found in civilixad countries. | 2ELS5& I
words that salats nte ear; bat here, in the I He took up Mapdeoa, Alexander, Haunt-1 !?*|®d gF dl w^thisg|
distance of two blocks, to will experience I bal and Cwsar, and iilnst rated w\th their I el ®®*, Tharefore my ateeping arrangements
I a transition a« oompleto and much more I t'sede, eaoh in his particular gnNdneee. | o® 1 ®^®'d*r. .I
sudden. A few French are in all partaofllle painted a beautiful word picture of I Hra Aitor to! airo^ I mred a
the city, bota large portion of Montreal Is I Christ and hie stay on earth, and pointed I nan to.tap on my windowmorning]
exc'.uiively French, where ell the ehdp him out aa the Great Model of VwTfeel I —d wake mo up. I hnow lhat ^eo 1^
signs are m that ivigneg*, and where an I machood—"the brightnere of the Father's I Jjj® dnp there was no telling wheri
S5SS£kStt7SSfiSUS& 1 B^l8SSB> “ d ,h * •**— Ui *
a corrupt ratoie is a mistaken one. Of I "dhow tbywlf a man" does cot refer to I n \Lt?aSf that’ll
oonrse this is tree of tb# language spoken I turn*, for we have weighed some with the I
by ths nnsducAttd eUssee, but the same le I greatest reputation and found them went-1 waa^rixodock. Placing the most lapjiril|
true in all cou-tries of the language hog m true manliness. Voo who ara joat *»Jh® »»»jj®
spoken by the illiterate. A large portion | entering manhood are being surrounded | window, I fell beefc^ to*® |
of tto wealth acd intelligence of Ixiwer I by UmpUtious: remember the church I Mb seSSad
Canola is, however, to bo found among I God, where reel** spirit abides, offers means I
the French *!em«n». aud the number and 1 of grsoe to hdp you. Christianity make* I *h-JutffJiU £JSf\nd
extent of tlieir relimoue andedacationahc-1 man niter the model of the most perfect I RjjjJ*JfSHtRw wnw
etltnUons insure the culture and refine- man that ever Uved. From His throne in | 1 « work that nap for all it was|
ment of the bettor c! w-see of those who I heaven He calls you to follow Him. God | M
■peak this tongua. Only in lar^usge are I means thr
Is s“‘iii
rn, .. hnin I ininotojdter^y^oa^^^^^ ■■■■■
g along *'
■rVT|i o
, ,_ n r ,.. n tVn i.mnin r\ce Pkn«w there was a«»me mistake but
SBSmUiKTJr-SfhloSikSdSSS! world it was I eonldn’t tcl^H
IS^^miS^JE^thTSSrato dowto ^ I*" bed. and while I walul fur t.-
*y.*" ySf J?. I mm to com. .ml tap on III. ^nJow I
•il?.,. .m.V t !.. !« led l.o w it« •
Obrtoto Indue# nr. Rieplicn*
Hue ill* Poeltton—His Grout Itoluo-
tnuce to Meet Kiicer nml I’elton-IIo
Wishes to Help Tumor.
[Special Telegram.]
Atlanta, Ga , August 30.—Tho poliUcal
situation here is by no means satisfactory.
Mr. Stephens is here, and, from the bost
advices, is as stubborn as osnal. This
morning he had a oonferenoe with ex-
Gov. Brown, Gov. Colqnitt, cx-Gov. Smith
and others. Ho waa urged to pat
himself where the Democratic party
oould support him. It is said that Brown
and Smith spoke very plainly upon Uio
necessity of tho situation. Mr. Btephons
ia disposed to diplomatize and avoid a
d irect issne. He is preparing a speech for
io-mortow night. JHis special friends say
it will be satisfactory, bnt of this there 'is
great doubt. Thera ia mnoh talk among
his friends abont drawing the party
lines and having a partisan governor—
suggestions which were repudiated before
the nominating convention. The execu
tive ooremittee was in session this after
noon, and will oonelude its session to-morj
row morning. They bavo decided on
nothing. Mr. Stephens dodges the
seventh and ninth distriots, avoids Speer
and Felton and desires to go to Maoon,
Americas, and Thomosville—to help Tur
ner. This U considered as greatly embar
rassing a situation already very grave. If
Ur. Stephens refuses to redeem the pledgee
made ia his behalf to assault Independent-
ism, his election is very nooertain, and if
at all by a majority so small ns to amount
to a defeat of the party. The beet opinion
is that a failure to meet Felton aud Speer
ia a oonfeesion of complicityjrith the Inde
pendents. Mr. Stephens is routed as in bad
temper at the failure of the Jeffersonians
to back 1dm up with campaign speeches.
The Republicans and Independents are
watching closely, and threaten to dieoloae
matter* whioh have not yet been made
publio. The speroh of to-morrow night
will give the key to tho situation. Those
of large faith oxpeet great things
from it. Mr. Btephons ia really too
fseble to sp6ak. Tnora is no enthusiasm
for him, and the greatest anxiety exists as
to the resnlt of his attempt to define his po
sition. Tho best opinion is thnt, if he fails
to make a sharp issue with Felton and
Speer, and goes to soathwost Georgia in
place of the seventh and ninth districts,
the dissensions in the party will grow wider.
At praeont the prospects of a satisfactory
adjustment are not good.
! By Telegraph. I
Waruinoton, August 28.—In the Crlml-
nal Court to-day, Mr. Merriek, of oounsel
for the government in the star route cases,
concluded hie argument. Referring to the
Ajc Caliento route, ho said he thought he
had shown Dorsey's connection with it and
the corruption whJoh characterized it. All
the other routes were initiated for the samo
criminal purpose, and oondneted through
their various stages by an infinite variety
of oriminM devices; by petitions, some of
which wsre forged, and by affidavits
wero manifestly untrue, lie oommcntel
upcm the poliey of the dofeuso in referring
to Soldiers" and "flowers" and "graves 0
instead of devoting themselvee to the eon.
•ideration of the case. If there waa evl-
douee, let Ujem talk about facts, not abont
soldier*' gfaves and widows’! tear*. The
oountry rewarded the soldier but let tho
courts punish the guilty.
Mr. Merriok then devotod some time to
the consideration of the evidonoe going
not the end of tb# conspiracy. The de
fendants continued to aot together for one
another to defraud the government the
same as before. Passing on to the
testimony of the witness Walsh,
Boiu i. nut uuck reruui, wmeu 10 repre
sent this ojnnty in the Legislator, 'oause
' can’t represent nothing else.’
'Gentlemen of the Peavino deestriek, I
seed last night on tho zine of the moon, aa
clearly as 1 now set you, these letters
itauding out clear and sura, and no mia-
ako: ‘Buck Perkins, M. L.’ Don’t you
know what these letters spells? 'Bock
I'erkint, member Legislator/" shouted the
"Mad lunatic," suggested one of the
"Gentlemen and fellow-dsestrickers, are
you opposed to taxes? So am I, ’cause I
never had nothing to tax. Are you ’poted
to odication? I am, 'case I never had
none. Are you 'posed to high tariff and
low tariff? Bo am I, 'case Ibain’t got no
tariff articles. Are you 'posed to Independ
ent Democrats, Demoorata and Republi
cans? Bo am I, 'ease I don't believe in
none of them. Gontbraen of the Peavine
deestriek, let's put hit totberway. Do you
favor taxes? Bo do I, 'ease I hain’t got
nothing to tax. De you favor edlestion?
So do I, 'case I finds a powerful need for
hit. Do you favor high tariff and low tar
iff? Souol, 'oaao we wants or don't want
more factories In this oountry. Are yon
i »*~ordenl Democrats or Republicans?
Bo am I, 'case I don’t know tothor from
which. Gontlemen of tlie Peavine dee
striek, you havo mo before yon with my
platform spread out for yon to walk on.
Will you walk?"
Cm. Perkins wm Jondly orplsndod at ths
conclusion of these remark*, and is now
actively engaged in eanvaaeiug the oouoty.
Txmotut Csaute ex.
THE It AI LllO A D N HO 1*H.
Hew th# Hauer naa Talked About In
Maeon. %
‘Our city oouneil slept over their righto,'
said a prominent Maoon business man
yosterday to our reporter, "when they al
lowed tho shops of the East Tennessee,
Virginia & Georgia railroad to be located
in Atlanta."
How so?” inquired our scribe.
"Well, they never should have permitted
hh. „
the road to go through the cemetery ex
eept on condition that the shops should be
placed here. The oouneil ought to have
bad toreoight enough to see th it. The
road would have complied, beeaoee the
officers saw well eoongh that Macon poe-
sweed every natural advantage end I be
lieve they wanted to put their shope here."
"Do you think the aetioo will affeet the
road hero among busiaeee men?"
"Of course U will. Our merchants want
ed another line for freight, knowing that
by competition4be rates would be reduced;
but they consider the matter in this light:
The Central has Its shops here and employ
an army of men. The wages of these men
aro sr*nt right here in Maoon, axnoug the
merchants whoM freight most be brought
here by one or the other roads. The Cen
tral will never allow the new road to rat
nnder in rates, aud having ita shops and
men here, offers an extra inducement for
mcrohxnts to continue to patronise it.”
'Then you regard it aa unwise step on
tho part of the new road to pot the shops
in Atlanta, and something lika e lack of
foresight on the part of our oouneil ?"
"Certainly l do. We have a fine board
of aldermen, but they le*. their evrdy drop
in this matter. As to th# road, I do con
sider it a bad step on their part to carry
the shore to Atlanta, after Macon has done
so much for the road. We made the Can*
lia'i pay a fancy pries for every foot of
ground on which their shops are built, and
yet we offered this new road all the ground
they wanted at any point they might releet,
free of all oo*L"
Tlie above shows how oar citizens talk
about the decision of the new road au
thorities to give Atlanta the shops.
character of the oppoettlon to him;" and
what little votes he now has is emphatically
for help-immediate and vigorous help. Tlie
fact is now reoognizsd that somothingelse
besides "helping Turner" is necessary; but
what to doj Is a perplexing and delicate
problem for Mr. Stephens aud his sup
It is rumored that Col. Trammell and
other prominent men are In favor of draw
ing the oolor line, but I am iuformed that
Mr. Stephens will oppose this policy. What
to do in reference to the seventh and ninth
districts is a d Horn me. either horn of whloh
Mr. Stephens sorely fears will gore
him, ir taken. If he attacks
Spaor and Felton, the Independents
zsy they will vote for Gartrell; end if he
does not redeem his pledges to go into
tbeoe distriots and fight them,tho organized
De moors to say they will vote for Uartretl.
He is evidently between the devil and deep
water here. lam also informed that there
to no sort of oordialitr oxtering between
Mr. Stephens, Gov. Colquitt and Col.
Trammell. When Dr. Felton, in one
speech, drove Mr. Trammell from
the race for Congressman in the
seventh by the memorable tsposoro of
that gentleman’s r«oerd, Mr. Ste
phens was in complete sympathy with
tho Doctor, and re-echoed the opinions
which Dr. Felton then expressed eouoern
Ing him; and I do noi believe there 1* ear
rcoord that Mr. Stephens has ever chan gud
the unfavorable opinion which he loan
held. So there ia not umcb love between
these two. The relation snbstetlng between
Mr. Stephens and Gov. Colquitt ia not
characterized bv very intense love or ad
mire* *n. Mr. Stephens, I an informed,
■greets *A January to run as an Inde
pendent, - • beat the ring,” and has »ery
frequently expressed, to hie friends If not I
publicly, very disparaging opinions of
Governor Colquitt, when discussing his
candidacy for Senator, end a very short
time eioeeint mated very plainly that tho
position of Congressman-at-large was
quite as high aa th# Governor's abilities I
would permit him to a«piro. 1 have also
heard it intimated that Mr. Stephens
| would himrelf enter the race for the Sena
te) rship if Governor Colquitt could not 1m
linker lledtll* of tbo Tuemlny'* I
IN- '-«< S .MilllM-i 4.1 tll«* II0UH<<I10I<I
Cavalry—frepurliig 11 i.orgo si<-g<*
Train for Egypt-TLe Tnrco-GrroU
Imbroglio. Etc.
[By Telegraph. |
London, August 27.—A dispatch to Rou
ter's Telegram Company from Alexandria
says: "The British forty-pounders at
Uamloh cannonaded the onomy’a lines to
The Observer's dispatch from Alexandria
u£>} •' news of tho sacccss of tho British
wan plimdUlcd in the
Said, .\4\ycitcuienx and rojoio-
od for‘M.
fcr-ll. do Leasepe
front. The
tothe Kavu
arrived at Bui
der of the Britisli'
that the Abonkir
trenched camp,
laborers are working
London, August tfl
»ck. the
Bom Leypt 1
27.—The '
!ad 4ehille9 onn-
^®Q is making airq
ih eersral thonsac
of tlmpelr.o■ t!. Km„-
'III" 1 . :, .. 11
ministers of state and
ment di-i-ateln-d a
Of disorder, and .* K
await develnpim-uiit. ]
absolute and unconditi
sue. The rebellion i
reeled by the ex-lteg
1- : • . ■ ’
• U- iti *li
heavy 1j» . Tl.c R..ti-h lost i_-j i.\
Mevonof the enemy’* gnuawere .q to:
London, August 28.—Gi .- 1
telegraph)* from Israailia at 1:40 o’cl
bn* morning, as follow-: • : b-.o i..»
Graham was L
a large fort
t-slry from
vily 1
>«1 1*
•ility of the story and the facto which cor
roborated it. He compared the contradic
tory stories of Buell and Walsh, mnoh to
the disadvantage of the former, and, con
trasting the manner of the two men on tho
stand, asked the jury which
would boll ve—Walsh's testimony,
supported, or Buell’s, as oontrad
by himself. He referred to Bn
great wealth and hte ability to _
chase newspapers, which were not!
ously expensive luxuries to own, and
ed where Brady obtained this
and whabhe pi
) newspaper*, r
reviewing tin
xnento of the opposing counsel and
ing questions and objeetions raised by
them, Mr. Merriek, In conclusion, said the
other side had appealed to the sympathy,
of the jury. Ho would have them cold 9
icicle:*. If he had a plea to interpoeo'ht
all, it woe a plea for his /Inn-
try and for the preservation of
her institutions. In the name toon of the
people of the United States and of their
government, In the name of honesty and
honor, and of the supremacy of law and
right over vies and criminality, he de
manded a verdict of guilty against thee©
Mr. Wilson rose to reply to V** Merriok,
but had hardly begun l,t/#fgument when
the court adjourn*-*
Naw Tone, August 2H.—The Mississippi
River Commission held a session to-day.
Henry B. Richardson, State unginoer of
Louisiana, appeared ueforo th* commis
sion to nrgne the necessity of building
lovtc s below as well as above the tqputh of
the Red river. The following resolution
was adopted:
••Resolved, That it Is the judgment of the
ceutiy v to
Ui-n :
of the Ms
killed, nos. Only n f.«• B iti.’, w r „
Just mrone hu«rfr*dvrer. w ■ nd-d.
, , rocoed to the front.”
■ ’ ■ • l.*,*'! is follow.-* :
.v 1 ^; ‘'i'T.'v;
• • ••• i • .„m battalions,
citramely well and in-
bp-'U the enemy. At
• • m had but five guns,
, itt:»1 i-,. ■ and a „ :i inll d«.
• t 1 fan try.
considerable number.
J- 'i »* • 1 ' . »
■ry Lowe. General Grid am'*
a* were nil that they should!
_ operattoos were nmtifl
nth the eoolnses for whloh be ha* el
orn woll known. Arabl Pasha was 01
I field during the Notion. The
Political Gossip
Atlanta, Ga., August 90.—Ths air here
is thick with political rumors—all more or
1cm startling. Mr. Btephens arrived hero
ycstorJHy, for the purpose, as he stated It,
ol'-atirrin, op tho ambers.”
informed by a prominent friend of his, pairing and building of levees, m sat forth
“very much surprised at the amount nod in the resolutions of the Mil
m ilssippl River
Commission adopted at their sc**lon held
in the city of New York on the- 14th to the
18th days of Aujpi*t, 1882, should be done
es a pari of the plan of the
commission to afford ease and safety
navigation aud oommerce
Mississippi river, and
to doopon the channel, aud that the Score,
tary of War be informed that the allotment
of funds and the plane proposed at said
sofsionwore made in pursuance of snob
^o*>\ Arabs ot I charged by moonlight, but v....
battle, but Inride Ramses were found eev. I BeCQro the rebel gnus, whloh the •u.-tny
oral small pyrumlds of etonee, freehly I withdrew during the night. Th > h ft.
erected, beneath which the dred natives I however, all their twunnmiion. Uurluli. -t
were probal^j’ buried. Though tr.o en-1 ar „ Surgeon-Major Shaw, Aix nmMne ur-
B grmerit was not serious, so far as hard I tillorymen and ono infautrj »• ••mt
hting Is .ii 1 ® s©fdier* acted | auon.kd, one major, two capta.i. *, two
splendidly. Tha| difficulties of the ground I lteotnaats and flfty-slx men.”
were frertsl. white the beat of the sun de- The Daily AVirs bee the following from
WoleeUyhob- Alexandria: "Those afloat In the harbor
yect has been Achieved, and we have gaiuod I to-day witnessed an unumal sight—dm
so mnoh moro fresh water, for the o*nal keel hauling of three Arab sailors on board
had been carefully dammed at Ramses. I the EgypUan frigate Bouda. t r mutiny.
We loat a good many bore** and mules. They were first flogged aud then ti.-d to .<
The lomalnder are fatigued and sadly need rope an a hauled up to tlie port yard-arm.
a few days rest. The railway has bsen I They were then dropped into the*, a, «lr.ig-
ispaired as far as Ilamaes. The native I nnder the keel aod hunUd iu. t*> tnu
cavalry have arrived ntd gone to the front. Sarbosrd yard-arm. They wt:u eoon <l<-ad.
A Sews dispatch from Alexandria says it The transport Nepaul has b -a - r Jt rod t.>
U reported Hurt several ateflI otterea have be reedy to Uke on boar.i tho Fort; second
dee* rtrd Arab! hasha aud given General I Highlanders to-morrow.”
Wolfeley important information. I a dispateli to tho Exchange Telegraph
Ijondon, August 27.—A dispatch to Rtm- Oompar.y from Alexandria !ayu Slight
tot , iT. | wimOo»pjur from Coiutontl- .kirmi-l h ■: l .« t.-.i • P l»ru lu J .y M
nopl. »»r«: Wd I’Mh» w.nt to 'rt.r.1,1. iu m i oh .
Band.,.Twins udioforiDod LordDadw- Aijiutow*. Ausn.tS.-Th. , i - a, nro
inUu>ltlioTorkUhootm-ilo(irln»Ur.hHl|otm •Ir.oailitni Kt tl.dr 1.ft. liny n.t
rMol.^ to jmblUh tbs procUmatio. | oa t an umorMl train Bfiftln 1 ■ ' '
tpiitut Arab) I'lwhs nnd to » mill. 0pn . Hir Kvclyn Wood bio, gbs. b
tar/ oonTentioo with I comtoruta- I Q0 Ure
blr to lord Daff.rtn’. propotal. A di.pittoh to tho nau* from Atamn 1
tonwfi Aoftut Si.-0en.,rnl VTotMln tbo r.port of tho ilonth ut T '
t.lwt.pb. from IimallU, ondor d.t.of , h , t, coonmi.,1.
Hund.y,n.toltow.i "I hsrojaitntornnl ComrumonjbAt«ut ».-•
from th.ootiio.Ui, and Sod tlmt Mr I now lutatt tint tho Turl.i-I,
action.onThimd.y nml rrld., hid moral p.rmltt.,1 to Uno r.l \w
important nauita than I waa awar. ot yra- I ,t,nt iUi .11
- -.^^8 - ^, , . their arma and acooutrntp-uiJ.- rF^cry I lonnow. Anon.t2lt.— 1 Tha com 'po *'
jadotnwnt of tha MtumiMion than aiiat-1 tarjaatuoantof caii.yaqnipafor.nd mnnl-| 0 f p, 1< r utyrnm Company at '
*9^7 »°°4. a.bmoudF.bmflr, ta ^"th data* Mondw?«. Ytator-
Tha oommiMlon than dla«aaad tha tab-1 Arabl Paah’a ahiaf tnginaar and military 1 day morritf tha TorktahtrooDa attul.i.1
joct of axtandlti, part of tha monay ailnttad ^i,| M r, U now a prtaon.r In my otunp.” QraTUail alooi tSa ftonti r frm.
to Urea boildloa •ho’.tha month of tha boanow, input 28,-Tha IMUy 1Vnra, SwtaTto^ “irMna J<u" -
it«d rltar to leno bttildinE tulow that In tu MMnd edition, baa the toUawin, UmKdto^MNTha Clr kholt irkm.-d
potot. A rraolntinn to th»t »lfMt waa loat, f ra m lamalUa t Th. troop, an OMUnnaU; i^taTwanidld; Th. io?Sr,nn
bnt th. matter will probably b. rTOWdd- and it will not ba lonif baton ha. dllpalebld iota.,In nr
^^ m ° rrOW * * «oth« TH.IK«ir ta atlwHd. Uot.ran lUm- liii.Sr£d^d.,o,5t., t. • front,, r'.
’.i? lft . keu * , .... . . ,. ... . ra. and Uaiima tho around l« good for Loatxu Au l 2d—Tha I n , ■■
ThaBacrataryof War haa daoidad that m „chlng, bnt tha canal ia foU ot daad oonntoflWtB/m tha fradtar
bid. for, law. building obtalnwl by tho horraa and tha Uodlai of AraU. Aatnaof twiwa TarU mid ClrYiki I. ,,
uu.iulppl huu autborltiaa oannot ba I th. lattar w.ra thrown than by tbair com-1 QrwS "root. attamoUd
and b, tbaPaitad Htala. rnaromMl. mnl r ^ I aor^aataf ^‘i,|. , ~mu.i 0 ToI Uu d£ t t.m-
■qiarnto b.di mtut ba adrarhiud to, to aa-1 m , a .hot while attmepKoa to -aKKiltonof Karalik Urn il l mu
™*SJ*«— *»•'** »' •«to«- SktharabranIn graat totutTbat'SlI SKt».Switad^’ttTmH-,, Hid”.
Irandaya. of th.m appear to ban bran mratly para- ThaOraak mlnUtar at ( ... : mil...... hod
a naraoiTam. I antry, armad withotd mmaai. loading moa-1 ■ ■oafannes with .-O! Praha, -a* d*..-
aanTMToa, Angn.t 21.—A AVkj Dallaa I kata. AluariaUtha prUM.n >r. para. I mini-tar of fordgu «:Uir«, lo diy
•pactal .ay. Wm. J. Orant to guilty of tha I ania. All Ih. daad w.ra atao pen >ut u I i, Aagtut -"J v di.p.1
defalcation of tha innd.of loSgraof tnti-1 Th. ttoatora ban prohibited tha uie of tha 1 Oouitantinopl* to It. t'.T.l'cnuiCum-
Catholic negro Kri.tira. lie wm no in- water of Lake Mtilma for drinking. An I pu , (J-I ah„ii„ r aggagamanl took i
atad if ha dora not rafond. artiltaty gnanl haa turn raptarad. who ,t kStUk Ucrt.nt Tart night, au : Out
A taxaa utranaa. I apaaka Kagiiab Itnantty. H. ha. ftmil.h. 0rMk , w ,„ ^.i,, ropnlrad. Ttadaj the
a v™l «1 nont* raluablalnfortnallon. W. now lonatak with uaSray. mad. a third tutack,
E&UKSSWrtf tnflaa^froSj “V ‘ "t
here to^Iay. Anderson went to MoGru- Kt^Tiui; with lSjTarktekriSiliaud 1)0(1 y <*®“ 1 ' s
der’s oamp to Uke his (Anderson's) wlfs, I moored iusldirthe Inner karborVwhcl tfie I hkw now nearly •stablUbed our lice o
who was with MoGruder. OtHoers are iu I kjyoarch sent two armed boats, covered I communication with Tel el KeMr. The
- —— I with galling guns from the Monarch. t*» I railway a! .U'» the route is iucoiuitet-
■TtantNorc, Augu.1 l».-llr. WlUon, of U fnl rararal train, bar. ,.h. . u
coaoMt for tha dafania, continaod hi. iST f0 „ la th. Rad Haa. Etorin, rant forward. Oanaral Wol. ,, ll .
gument in the star route oases to-day. He 1 tb# night armed ousts eratoed around, with I entire army ar* marehing to the front,
iuialed tha. produaU.rora. ... Mt M|radSSyrararttt.Th.| ***%-!*.* tad
Important cotuid.ration to tha atlanaion TtowaTSi’tK^teta Arabl Praha U .trongly fortifyinghU poH.
of postal fsoillUe*. Tbo development of I #impan>lagher, withordersto p.cvcuttbe I Uoo at DuniAuhoor. AUwmi. »
the rerourcca of the country waa of far j di«* mbarkateun uf troops. I an to the 2Cth
bitatawotirarwira. 'th. ftarnbUran., ( am »»'• U *'‘' driSS'offioSlhira Aunattoma, AugurtMl l:40p. a
informed, ..prat to raw toft tbauSoogrt.- mony and read tho pMition. of ttamtaiy JJoapod from Arab! k-aaha. They w.ra llamlty, with, brlgadaaf
1 T.llar, Oto.ral Hharman and othara, to I ve u rtaalrad h, thaRhadira. from Bamtah and. r O.mral All r. i
allow they bad rakad and adviaad atpadi-1 Th. Ttaira oorra.pMirat at Altaudria , m barking bm A Or. t ironcl
Washington for the diflerenos* which have . mn ira end util if nsnspsl I telegraphs that the enemy have released I‘ ,
existed for seme time to be harmonized, tion on various routes, and said If General I behind the dam and I he* loft her# for Vote, ut cuutqu ■ f
The Republican candidates now in the Brady was a robber aud a rogue for order- ^xjed ?b# roontry m both their flanks. I the colltolon b-tweentSeTurks a (i
field ere to be withdrawn and others are to fog *uoh expedition, Sherman and Teller | Their cavalry and Bedouins eonUoue to I on the Toroo-Greek frontier. M
be put in their places, and these will he * ar # robber* and rouges for sskiug I rani the village of Make durisg the night, I easiness is felt here owing to the e
backed by the administration, and will be Sg “* “ ‘ * ... * * ‘
farntohed with p'entr of money. Back,
Biaby, Darnell, Locke aud Pledger will
lose their beads. Independents will bo
supported iu nearly every instance.
Tbs coLtret iu the ninth will be closely
contested by Col. Candler, and I was in
formed by one of his ruppoalers that ha
had arid be would beat topecr if it cost
him fifty thousand dollars.
I met a prominent politician of the sev
enth district to-day, acd a supporter uf
Clemente, who said that while they hoped
to elect Clements, it
■amed that evsry act does within Cm law I Standard fiotn Alexandria state* thst el London, Au„.-t ju.—Geeerl U .i-c
was done with a proper motive. Ojrrup-1 ministry has been formed with Chsrlff Pe- I telegraphs from the cavalry Uadqoan
tion must he proved, and the prowsotloo I thnee president of oouneil aod minteter of I el Mshr . ineh Camp, on To, it u
»<*d not attempted to prove it exoept by | loreign affairs, Bits Pasha ne minister of I the Household Cavalry th *> S * Y -
testimony of Walsh. Mr. Wilson then I the interior. Ilaldar Pasha, minister of A* I Dragoon Guards were e
VO# iciunwur ui nuio. wr. nuwu ihvh i ut# iDwnuri nswsr * iuihmwi w» u- i i/ih^wu uu*fJ* WOTS eerio *sly eng l In
reviewed W alsh’s statements at great I nano* and Omar Tofli Ihuha, minister of I the fight at Kasensin Lock on M
length, nttempllng to »how that they wwe I war. _ . ... levying. The former Lad three tr>p*:rri
improbable and untrue. He defended I Alexanduu, August 28.—It Is sthl the I killed and eight wonndc Mnjo. l .a-
Iredjr from the chargee made, replied to | British intend to nut tbedykes near Uekij | sheod reeeived a sabre
life I cannot speak, but to the outward ap
pearance they have little or none of the
marked cuarectorieUeeof manner and hab
its of their mother country, like Canadian
girl,« hile rc H-iubtlug in feature be; French
■ Liter across the water, os soot boast of the
■t> l«. grace aod piquancy uf appearane?,
whim so distingniihm the Utter.
The j)«n.ulaUon of Montreal Uexeeed-
Ingly cnlerly and wtll-l * . •.>«•!, and the
oo« At of the city U only disturbed by the
bustle of businsM and the noise of those
inteat on recreation. There is Uttle or no
mendicancy ip the city, and almost if noi
quite all tbo population seem tobeoom-
f.Kt.iV." ,v. 1. l f.' 1- From having
visited the markets. I should judge that the
cost of living here is not materially differ
ent from that in the South. Meats, butter,
egsl and ordinary vegetable * are held at
nsariy the same prise*: si in Macon. Fndi,
however, to cinch higher, ordinary peaches
being now prisid here at from thirty to forty
cento a dozen, whi'e watermelon* that are
utterly insipid and only recognizable by
the color, are eat ia tlie market aed retail
ed to the common people ia slioes ee thin
os if the fruit i ire pwiieika Cants-
lot:. *ar« • ; vLosut-; *. Lheeizeof
tteri*. carted arunad Maeeo, aud ssver.ty*
fire esnte ia the price ef ooe of them. The
variety of regsUbks to quite limited, while
“ only crops apparently
a email grsui and
to sera here, as
to too short to maters
occasionally grown
«f the small and
rieri#*. each ne ere
ratal I'lrc at Pearson.
Special to Telegraph and Messenger.
Fbaison, Ga., August 27.—Jeff Kirk
land's boose was destroyed by fire here
last night. Little Bertha Greer, the daugh
ter of N. O. Greer, perished in the flame#.
IL J. McDonald nubed in the fire and
saved Belle Gre#r at a fearful risk.burning
hie hair aod whisker?. W. U. L.
organization be
than it had ever been before.
Colonel Clifford Anderson's sodden
change of front in the convention two
yean ago, and his subsequent nomination
to the office of Attorney General, are
spoken of here very often, and two local
politicians had so angry dispute over ths
matter, in the Kimball House, last night,
ooe contending that be had sold out Iu
Colquitt at that time, the other defending
^ H. a h.
»rreaUrmesniU tiauty u ™ had slept so long in ou* m
Mtara««Ulto<l W1 frail too llitSl
ne young men. I «.» Th# thlmr t
direa town to
breakfast Tb# first thing tbs bo)• said to
ha/ eaten all thre# meals
I bore. They}
and c*
- - k..-*m uAtota. -mj zr.S'l-M
th. ono rooming imiil «it oviook th. Mil
Itomtoto, ntd lb. nrall wra I rooming niyl
I he eUer «n. found Uod») -
Messrs. W. A. Julian JL C#.
We beg leave to eall your attention to the
beautiful advertisement of W. A. Johan A
Co, in another column. This enterprising
firm re bettor prepared now to sell good*
cheep than ever before. They occupy their
handsome stores, aod It to almost tike go
ing over a big farm to go over the different
department: *~
Mud good I
and can boat --
tics, boots and shoes ever sold in Maeoo.
They have bought their jeans 25 per cent
dteaper Chau tost year, and waay other
goods proportionately cheap. Beeer
find them. They wiU deal honest;
tTn ,
Caowmao Oab Cowraatsa—A friend has
.oiled our attention to a new patent for
the manufacture of gas from water, wh ch
be avers is a great improvement over all of
afterward browriog penesfnlly in A **n AU teutaayi w oneann.
field, with two drinoff wheels bong on Me
engiae nee ncen neara oiemee. **^*9 Jjtadsjs^by vnthotoiny^koowm|amy-
thtai kowBraTl lota to Ural oo»d«y!
| . brar, uJ no
>w ? y to j? f y i fjSiJia?*CeSla wil a*®^ for fear of steeping two day* at
—!cunt. * tul * J i AtMst X Ml M Idtob There was
. process the steca
to not passed through the fire, and thru to
free from the eclpbar which it acquired by
the old method, aud therefore it needs no
parifimtioN. ► team to eon rested into oxy
gen and ujdrogra gas, and meeting a eur-
ren: from naphtha twoomaa an ifiumuut-
ine body of very high candle power,
lie cUinu that, according to the exx^t ot
naththn or oU at Sto
. , i, this gae can be deliver*
to the holders at from » to 10 cents per
1 fiOO coble feeL Reckoning a fair cost of
service, eoosumersought to obtain itat 75
cents for a large votuane, and (1 for small-
*r euppliee, and Uave n Urge profit t>
the produesra. This, ho Uuaks, is a rod
in ptckle for lb# gas monopolists, now
obarging *L~'> l,0u0 cubic feet for a
vary tefenor prodact. not fit for any one
Uuof tbeUItt IIuuhc naevtloe.
Sine# "G. F. P.” and, posaibly, others
to have misunderstood my last aril
de, I wish to state dearly my position. J
have net claimed that there is no such
thing aa spontaneous oombustioo, but I
have and do claim that it nevee takes place
from simple oxidation of organic matter,
nor from this or any other came under ti»
conditions existing in gin nooses. As thi>«
to the only point of interest to yonr read
era, and since both sides have been stated
at some length, I prefer to leave the sob
Ject with them to form their owa eonclu
store, bo b from the argument# pres
and from their own observations.
Even to those minds most prejudiced in
favor of the spontaneous o>mba«tion the
ory, there mast be some doubt on the sub
ject, afid while this is the case, other cam
should be looked for lest we attribute
th* Uws of nature that for which human
depravity to amounted*. J. B. D.
a ia conclusion, said > "I make no ap-1 from
(or merey i that to not my mission I troops at Kafr d Dear were considerably I Allteon have en.barked on four tr • u
re this jury. My mission is to see that I reinforced. I for Irmailla. G«u. tu!jnW«
ttM law is not violated. I make no appeal I London, August JS.-& dtepateh to tlie I aasomed chief cotnunnd of i > troops
for symratliy, but I do appeal to yoa to I Exchange Telegraph Com pan/ from Alex* I Alexandria acd vicinity. A G ■ • k incr-
•tend by the law and d# guided by the svi-1 audria etalee that ri»e man-of-war Mina I chant, who left Cairo on the _ -.ii iU'’.., re
dene*. If you do that, as 1 am euro you I tear hae successfully ehelled the enemy I ports that Arab! Pasha, All
will, I have an abiding faith that roar ver-1 out of Mandaro,on the Une brtweeo Ram-1 numb* r of troops from Kafr el D—
diot will be for IhcM defendants.' 7 I ltb and Abookir. I at Tel d Kel>ir when he posAod *
The court then adjoorhed. Mr. Uenkle I A. ispatch to the Times from Iamailis| Isnaiua. August 90,5 p. r
will address the jury to-morrow. I says Gad. Woteelej’e staff and heodqaar- I report of General Low* regi
a MPmpaaam oontumss I tare will probably start for the front in a I tion of cavalry at Ka>*a-m o-uun:,* tl*
Richmond. Vam Aumiet 10.—Emmett I day or two. I details already printed. He says afte
r loo d** rile nearow howaetr iedl a* t soring I A correspondent of the Timm at CaleuL I charge tb# ground was etr *
f^thi mtS2T2f Jdk?MmreU Kid ?W | * totegraphs.that a further rererve lias | bodies of dead Egyptian Inf:
Gtorar.’TncfwM'tn ital ..toUS, . Wraod *y^ra *» I ^ j
trial la MraMSra.Mm.bra rnvi. ■ »# 5«s*“4SlSlfS2!*JftJ a USSfl!? .'ll
trial -
until November.
■o a small pinaaapliag on the aide of the
was killed. Ha lived ehrot three home
after the aeddsaL
He was a brother-in-law of Mr. I.
ismaa of CoL IL K. Hines,
cterk in tho Central Rai
was reteen
for Ms fidelity andooorteey. He waste
near Baiaftridge, Peeatar county, *
of ags,aad lives a
child to monm bto 1
. G«o. S. Owens, ■
s had two trooper* wounds t.
of"tte crima.^He is d)ina^rom I orders to that efieet from Gen. Wo! **elcy. I lent b. aviorto at all time* ;
SiXSitoltt^elpldidinllS the whole eontrolif the Indian division IL Gen. WoM > riv, • t>.. u.o ,
• 1 ■ ba* been made over to Geo. WoUeley. Is re now thrusingop wuri
Sun, August 28.—Eight ship* with troops I KaeMsia.
. . ,■ . from Bombay arrived here Saturday. I Loni>jn, Aagusta).—An I
Cnattanoooa, Aug net 30.—Lest night a I aior n indsa. I wee ruceiiid at Huolw*ch t >
negro, while stoaliug potatoes, was shot at I Calcutta. Ac oust 28-There has been I wanl to Egypt, af. once, a formldab
by CapL Murray. A. ebottook effect and fetfiri^lngfifiweS the Htodoo* and *tog* tram. It will w»Nb.with . .
Capt. Murray raptured the negro, bat I ”5 Salem, ia the P»4.| meutg^fJMOtouu an-l will r. 41-1,1- >f.
whilo bringing him to jail the negro died-1 jJadnun One buodred and fifty I il *'^ will cou-
CapL Murray to an Ohio man aed has a I hi.jLm .roi ;^|-## Mohammedans base I el it of thirty-fix plrc*- f s ■ r> i.f v.i-
Isrge gerden farm ia the saburbe of this | ^ arrested- An •*# witntvs of tbe dia-1 ri-ms call* - • *, fneladmg «
ta now ptarad Mdra . Ira.taTdSlrob^tadb^I<*;«.raraty n.-M
Iwes. I of a Mohammedan infant lying «a the I . * • - 1
vatal sccinmrre. I ground. Its arms were also tern off. The I I*maib%_to Itcate; * lel*gfi
PmawitnMw August 30. — Jsmes C. I r.triiM. corpses of MoLaromedee matt end I says* "Tba British ara a iron
Smith, a well-anown citizen of Chesterfield I -q-m were lying oil ovary side. Tt.*|Xoroe towards
eocuty, was thrown from hi* wagon tester-1. nnaM nf M 0 h«JIpidana wire Lnroedand • Aba Daily ,V< c$ L\-» t. k fo;: . da-.« vi
day, wble returning home from this city, I tfj , ' t1 | vu almost razed to
tally tajra.d, both I... tatojirararod troro \ ‘.2^1 aSSSolvL pmXi ro
shows w* are ready for
ported that tbe enemy I
Our position* remain i
bat tbe cavalry have aJ
to cruse tbe track in ad-1
A n»<i Death. wm attempting
To. ramuni ot tar. t. 0. XMMriyo ™» cl I.
.V ■- t.- .... -.-I. -- .Tttranoora I tord-iimwauitof IraUod,h*»ord<r«lI
tmn IWMfk mmo. Uta mgMoo we m»*«oino > T«..*Mra»a#.—'TW.irral du oL-.l t,( th. 4ol«)ota.Mra who ob » , i jii . h. :
m, to hnuit tar tatramrat. Mr. TM Mo# «1. wrata. I
JVZZ KS hj.ra ? ira4tad ^ ? ^^|rataU.Utatata^taM>.rataMtira l
or seventy-five i
Ab-)ut fifty Louj
:urett iLajre sue* i
IK, nun of th. OaMhorarakth.RtoI
Grand, ra AhtalM. Itarand •hra.Btatl lira octji. i> ■
Dntra Sta, t«ta A-A bury raw* | Om
torrahrabMtalM»( to LradriKoiB total bad