Newspaper Page Text
©cargfa JtWhlijf mtfr 'Jciunutl
left the old Central Oil/ on the 1st day of
i the Central railroad, which
“Whereas, by tenwia of all thU allege<1 _ t-'iptX'vD to exist on cold, frosty nights, fl ■ -Miami dry, and then ta
crime r.nd outlawry, too sold Mmk will la* • would «;«iu i»iU Umu Xivot oxidation. B for »po4Ai:i>: of oottun -
oalii ! upon to defend him-elf Against I It rbouldalcobe remembered that this dis-1 first corresponded t-yoke <
< - . < i ... :I.. l . .1. L. 1 r . i .. ..... j- .
jed (i). That this is not an ‘indig- ton seed. If there is a farmer that has
nation meeting* called to denounce either over found a pile of wet seed ootton hot I ordinary ms
tbs prisoner or hie accusers, but a gather, from any cause before 11 had begun to r
HO noon to loan Vnr 0rM »iwmnfnntor nr A in 2 cUusaua, to adopt racaanroft looking to 1 cotton must be dry, or
BO Boon to lose her great benefactor and | tho procar iug of competent counsel to rep- ginning, the seed aro ’
grand old president, who his done somocu J resent the accused, who is poor and do- dltion, und unless .
for that corporation in developing the I fenceless, and to do such other things as other source of moist
glad to hear from him. As I phot
ogy (Crook'
Amorphous oh
expused to rain, or I |;om r ally used
__ _ ___ [store, neither oxidation reran 1, of the read r.ud*»ho hid | be doomed.eipflient to «*■>« for the | or fermentation wt'l eet in. J. It. V.
....... . ,, . .. accused a fair, jost and impartial trial be- 1 ——■
i«*d it to its present powerful and nsefnl foro n of lnw>
isition in the Empire State of the South. I "Jinoleed (2), That if under facts prov-
Iu Atlanta we took the Piedmont Air-Line en by competent Urdimony.the prisoner is | A Flop I condt.'.nod to servitude on acoountof hi*
in a Pullman sleeper, and with| m j g( j eo j St we r ,i e dgo the obeefol acqoica-
epoodand a pleasant night’s eleep, wo cecooofour race in the result.
• found ourselves noxt morning in Danville, | _ t *‘ife*elusd t (J), T hat knowing, as we do,
hat, the
l-7r> stAto
tiorii'i it by no minus [
• .f. ii • 1 I'
xl, however, for making the so-called
THE ii \I (.IITS tejiplab.
for a Grnuil Encamp-
tin tUftWMet
St Omer Gommandery. Knights Tern-
! plar, of Maoon, may be interested in know-
safety mutches. To prove this matter per
sonally, however, I have examined tLo
match, such as is used by the million by
the people of Maoon and vicinity, a^.d 2nd
* .ry ,\: 1 'g • « • 1 -. •< •
insteadof ftX) degrees—provingconclusive-
;. ’ *r , 11•.• i f '.r.Una
ry phosphorus. J. It. D. is a good writer,
r.nd in closing I must thsak him for his
'(Torts, which show how hard it would be
V* Took dinner that dav in I/vnehbnrV I thn ^ the hbuorablo and distinguished I log that a grand encampment of the
That evonini we .rJl Jon* over v»h5 jud Z e . of our Superior Court hn» expressed Knights Templar of America in the >Ve-t to prove I am not right, in my sUtements.
That evening we sped along over what pec a ij ar gratification in sentencing a I, doflrit.i M ftdni * ro boldness in saying in
ficomed to me almost saored ground on the | young colored man to death or imprison-1 P _ r ° P °*? J ,/ uns | stance that spontaneous combustion
Virginia Midland railroad. That evening’i
ride filled my eye and my heart fall of sor
rowful and sacred memories, as wo parsed
along by Charlottesville, Oordonsville, Or-
’for life, who had been oont&mned I will soot* be decided on- It seems, says | not oooar.
i for a lees grave offense than many which j the 8L Louis Globe-Democrat, that there is
h»T. been committed bj other, of theop- cro „io Kl lemM<lfor the eeUblUhment of
posite raoe who have bit wBf M^dllsd 1
| in tho same oonrt, we have, we think,
moug oy c>narioiw.sTme, uoruonsviiie, ur- ijuo muiv wiuh wo u«»o, «o tmua, some J n permanent place of meeting far remou <1 a aeon «iirf* (Slandered l»v a ton
an go Court House, Culpt pper Court House, j well grounded misgivings as to the justne-s I from all the Influences of large oites. The I ■
Warrentou and at old Manassas, fof eaored of tho jaatice dispensed by His Honor to order wan t4 g^nt privacy, and must have I. „ .. " f ® \ ^
mwmory to all of Stonowall Jackson’s I the unfortunate of our race. I onntml of tho anrronndt’nM Tho I From the Waterbary (Conn.) American
old army corps of foot cavalry, and there l “lleeolved (J).Thataswe arepowerlessto elusive oontrol of ^e .urr^dlugs. ihe ^ ^ followiD2 .
wo made another triumph in devouring j demand justioe, we mostJveartUy^beg the [ proposition is to acquire^ territory enough J Macon, Qt., girls, of course hand-
Wo had occasion to Interview Mr. J. A.
Harks, the station u jent at Robeiline. Mr.
Berks was the lucky bold, t of one-fifth
of ticket No fiC,021, which drew the
prize of -! .'5,000 in Uio Louisiana Stnto
Lottery drawing of August 8th. Ho stated
that he had forwarded the ticket to New
Orleans by tho Southern Express Company,
and exhibited a letter showing that the
•nm of $U>,0>'<0 was paid in cash by tho
Lottery Ccw.p-i»7: without scaling or any
deduction. Mr. Burks seemed delighted
with his good fortune, and was full of
pleasant humor.
Mr. Darks Is rat nor below the mVlium
size; wears a light brown mustaohe and
gontet, and has dark brown hair; ho is
cental, pleasant and sociable in disposition.
He is a comr-irativoly a young man; has a
wifo and two ehildron, and is a native of
Sonora, Kentucky, where ho owns some
real estate. He has been in his pressent
situation at the depot of thn New Orleans
Pacific railroad, aud in this State sinoe
last December. He takes his good fortune
ever boon our fate to rnoet in battle array, of Qod and tmfloring humanity, to show ns Io-n C o reculsrlv into camp.
Woonjojed thi. lut b.ttl. M Man M8 « inthj.craofpoor^mU«k M «^..t. ™ d “™^ n ^ t ^.^Sr b r J 1 1, l £^5®
much more than m did the flr»t two th.t of f»it imd imp.rtial joitic. to a poor, de. ,t molar end their femfUi
i fought c
to the latest fashioa. They woro both in-
tersated in the same young man. As he
was one of those unma<c-liko males who
WM jusuco w ■ t>uur, uo- j Templar end
lr thi. old historic groaod, and feaselw Mlor^ mM, irnd tho. elicit the , ?ill & , 11(mcd within tho litnita of tho I oontd not tcll for hlmtoif whlch oltl" he
mad. o-iaall/ a. perfect end complete a warmwt etoUtad. of onr rwe. (rut camp. One prepetition adrMoed i. rcalft wanted, “Leura” and ••Della" beinir
, , ... , ( 5 2'?kattbeDan.TTEijKiBtrn I to obtain a tract of land of 1GO,000 acrea in I e-iualiy halancod In hi. tniod, tlicro wna no
^ pnhliah [!l8 h , n , t 0 f lll0 p^j k Mountain., within way oht of it bat for the sir!, to li,ht It
wtlu. marble d ' prMmbl ° “S rhm t,n ot twenty mite, of the I'aelBo tailrovl., | out. Dltoardlna tho tnditton. o! their oei
Sn rLm !5 ° affordinc ample and cicIn.iro camping | i a f ITO r of hair-pallir.g and uail -erateh-
f m I eronad for all tho State (trend CJomman-1 lng, they amnlatod the eaamplo of l’rof.w.
what has transpired on theee classic hills I J»o. U. lovnio, I THriM I „„„ j„K n HuiiiTan and “Tuu” Wilson. Thn
farm^on^tarMrS’nldntadha^ribriS 1 k a Committee. Many say that the plan is worthy of con- 11 lace fixed upon was across the river in
farm-houses, large red painted baroa brim-1 Aftsr the adoption of this resolution a I sideration, perfectly feasible, and can be [ K&at Macon, po as to more easily avoid the
fnl of oil kinds of small grain; with large subscription was taken up to dofray tho easily carried out. j k 1
fields, of growing <Mrn and clover, which I expeuets of counsel, and resulted in aboat I tion can be secured at
looks Rke a blaok <fi^ud in the distance, I eighty dollsrB being realized. I of the government, a , M | ..
"9™, I Kev - Q * Coleman said that another | cottages can be built, and a camp and pa-! rily onto the place of meeting, for all the
rattiA *L* B fniuf i°/nwb!» I w “ being held at that time in an- ndo ground propsrod. Tho Grand Beoreta-1 world like a novel. A ring was
JfJ**? :n“ J «I ihe city, at which $30 had I ry says that it will cost a great deal of I formed, seoonda (sex not stated) chosen,
I b * ea ralM>d * further aaid that similar I money, but when it ia remembered that and the Marquis of Quccnshcrry
- U °t Tjff? I “eeUngs would bo held all over the dty. I there are fiG.000 Templars In America, aad rules annooncsd, as those to govern the nf-
Kn! I Then tho meeting adjourned. . the sum of |l0 each makes half a million. I fair. Two rounds were fought in which
iSS 3™£“!S There were only one or t wowhite persons and that there are at least 6,000 who will “Della” oame off the victor, who, wo sup-
of Phot, the bursting of soclis aad too treau I present at the meeting. The bd— 1 •--•*• - * *■ **-- — 1 il - 1 * —. —* *
of . wantora. In passing through thU I Sere aggrc-Pivo and wew somewhat
eoiendid oountry and seeing the eiddenoe I diary, still each speaker laid etreaa ua vua. vno unanci:
°l jk ^ *°„ ex ' I point that the law should take Its oourse. I ried out in J
°*ffA Hisseed l^^e O^of 1 cftce. ^ I W« publish the proceedings and reeoln-1 in the mind of every Templar, and inna-1 suppose to avoid scandal) doea not seem to
Un «® 0 oiock ^® I Hone merely as a matter of news. I racrable air oastles ore built upon it. For I ha*e been up in the part of heroine. IIi<i-
l —— twelve yean, at least, the grand tory doss not record a single act on his
BEX AT O it Hi LI.. I cnoampment has been earnest-1 part. By the analogy of all sc,oh oocur-
if endeavoring to hold a business I rcnces, having all along been ignorant of
I A Virginian’s Tribute to Ills Mem-1 session. The Orsnd Master has Usoed hie I what was to take place, ho should have np-
qoarton Provided for us on TbUteenth ory . orders time and again, requesting no pa- psared on the soeue riding a foam-oovered
editor. TtUorooh and Mnunarr1«de.hdn o aUpUy.. 1me« ? toj>toh.m|.toedj init j. “WV .ml-Del^w.r.
ce persons i an d that there are at least 6,000 who will I “Della” oame on the victor, who, wo snp-
spoeehes I cheerfully contribute $1,000 each, there I pose, is now hsppy in undisputed posses-
bst inoen-1 seems to be no ticeitation in saying that I si on of the young man. The only ansatis-
*aa on the | the financial patt of the sobeme will be car-1 factory thing to reootd is. that live young
This is a magic number I man (whose very nsme is oocosaled, we
position for somo time to corno. He is
evidently an intelligent gentleman, of
sound, practical judgment. He speaks in
high terms of the promptness with whioh
tho Louisiana State Lottery Company
oasbed his ticket, without any quibbles or
reductions, for any canse whatever. This
ia but one of the invariable instances
showing that the Louisiana State Lottery
Company deal honestly with the lucky
holders of tickets drawing prizes in tho
whed of fortene.—Natchitoches (La.)
Peoples'* Vindicator, Auoust ulh.
Editors Telegraph and Messenger:
v-.r™K I ttruj. / n - , . . .. [ and true lovers of the orders have fought, I “squaring oil” rsshing wildly into the ring
"® mUo m * ny of tro ®» nfttiT ® ®° D * worked and begged for a hearing and ooa- with tumbhd hair, thrown himself between
t1t? ar ® offering tributes of respectful admire- I sidorstion of questions vital to its future, I Jnno and Vonu<, and in drsmstie tones
tion to her dead hero, statesman and ora- bat 11 *» » diflicult matter to get con- made the woods echo with his cries of:
Stltuto. This association Will in tne future I wuu uor uwu jkuisiiibu buu orn ■ _» I i 0 _ 1 .u on n « -n- nur -tion at the avera"S I '‘Htrlkn mn I Ham hep 1 “ ila did notiuncr
hold its session biennially in ths lecture tor, allow me, an hnmbio and onthnsiaetio I triennial oonelnTC. * If this rroposition^ I apparently of ‘' * “ ' * "
\V^S;n°ri !^*n ^ rinriilnHlnlA admirer of Senator Hill’s life and character I carried out, as it doubtless will be, it will produces Lit!
d.nu3 "SKSfta »0th« sut., to .!» off., ,n ..m«t gpHfett? -~J» I. . I <ri .nfn In Ii .ninmn.r TT/» ■ un, M. 1 100 nisiory OI _ BCCTCl iraicrmuea. iW
permitted to meet
to havo free access «, ... w . „ M
their relics of antiqoity, geology, anatomy I oome j and now, next
and mechanism, both anoient and modern. I Georgians, true Virginians claim
We held a vory interesting and profitable the right to hono y, glorious
session. The following poisons were elect-1 ** B
11LOVSTS orvosiTiox.
Tho Itnplil InsprcTemont or Ifnroa’s
Fnvorlto fCatcrlnc rineo.
Ixdxsn Spkxmo, August 2G.—Macon’s fa-
voritu watering plaoo is enjoying a tempo
rary lull from the excitement incident to a
A BAVHIlimll IIoiimo
Among tho many flrst-olaas ootton com
mission houses In Savannah, none have
won a higher reputation for promptness
in correspondence or dhpatoh of business
than Messrs. Butler A Stephens. They
hare only boon in business about four
years, but they now rank among the best
as to ability, and so far this year they
are ahead in the receipt of new cotton.
Their facilities for handling ootton are
a iasl to any in the Forotd City, andena-
o them to get the highest prions in the
market As salesmen, they are not excell
ed by any firm in our great aeaport Their
business has been increasing evsry year
and this year they are better prepared than
ever to serve their customers. See their
eaid in another column.
$1,500 year can oe easily made at
home working for E. G. Rideout & Co.
10 Barclay street, New York, Send for
catalogue and full particulars.!/
their c
edoffleers lor the'cnHmngtwo*years:* Dr. I *»omory. A true Southron aud sinoere pa-I An , “ Ul T* A * 1 In,r I crowded eompany, and at prewent, while
U. B. Winder, Dean of the Baltimore Col-1 triot has passed away. His sufferings were
Dentil of llev. K. II. netnln.
From a telegram reoeived by Rev. J. W.
Burke, we learn that Re\*. Kennctt McLain
died in Terrell county on yesterday, and
will be buried in Dawroa to-day at 3 p. m.
It will be recolleoted that Mr. MoLaln
went as a missionary to China, but bad to
return on account of the ill health of his
wife. Last winter he contracttd consump
tion and died after a long illness. Ho
leaves a wife and one child. He was a
most devoted and nsefnl man, and his Iom
will be severely felt by his family as well
ss to the church.
O., tnlrd vice-president; Dr.
Macon, Georgia, fourth vice-pri
W. Warrington Evans, of Waal
to vigorously push a business,
strength to study a profession,
strength to regulate a household,
strength to do a day's labor with
out physical pain. All this repre
sents what Is wanted, In the often
heard expression, “OhI I wish I
had the strengthl 1 ' If you aro
broken down, have not energy, or
feel as if life was hardly worth liv
ing, you can be relieved and re
stored to robust health and strength
by taking BROWN'S IRON BIT
TERS, which Is a true tonic-a
medicine universally recommended
for all wasting diseases.
pi N. Fremont 5l, Baltimore
During the war I was in
jured in the stomach by a piece
of a shell, and have suffered
from it ever since. Aboutfour
years ago it brought on partly-
, sis, which kept me in bed ux
months, and the best doctors
in the city said I could not
live. I suffered fearfully from
indigestion, and for over two
years could not cat solid food
and for a large portion of the
time was unable to retain even
liquid nourishment. I tried
Brown’s Iron liittcrs snd r
after taking two bottles I
able to get up and go aroi
and am rapidly improvinj
G. Dxckcb
a complete and sure remedy
Indigestion. Dyspepsia, Malaria,
Weakness and all diseases requir
ing a true, reliable, non-alcoholic
tonic, it enriches the blood, gives
new life to the muscles and tone
to tho nerves.
, ■.'i
■■noormuiri ^
l c • .'snty, -.a the hot Tm * 1
tt * rnext, between tho legal hours
ad known m the home pin oof
(T MiniroM to .piuic-l
I" TV !sfi.t> If tl‘t.< HI".:'
: JsD,
:i, yKy
'Vitni-> my hand ami . fiiobO.
US, Ordlna
rand EKKvani, administrator* of tho
V Evana, late of said count*.
' appllcatk H • 1
B,oiI f ir ntdfttrftt«T^teloan^
>4 *
.. Ford, at oil Obri.tian philotophor, anil whoa tho I iron mo ■»>» ogm™i»a» l . ^ mids . u . e Tho staid
ireoident; Dr. hour oomo bo paoaed awo, without a .trnn- and that Mr. W. A. Unit would boaJ the '*T “^ “m-
.(ton Evano. of Waohlngton, D. ulo or appnreat onfferlnit. That Ocoriri. I 0cpoi in2 olomont: but tho rumor wool* 11 ' 1 atatalj dame and aolid, aoriooaclti
. fifth vico-prrridcnt; Dr. Noble, ot I has loot in him her nobtoot and boot lorod I PP 0 * “« I ran eometn now lor tho ptfaauio tbata
Washington, D. O., tmunrer; Dr. Findloj I oon, and the Sooth ita moet realoni aiul I uorer in a tmgiblo ehapo. It • - >so * | . -j, companionable tlmo afford.,
“ant, oMVaohlugtor,, D.O., aocrotarr. I able ohampion, no ono will attompt to I bug In tho room at night Yon ooold hoar rounifolk havo a dclichttal
Wo remained in Wnahln,ton until Toes- den,. . it bon around and konipagalnottha wall, wl, ‘“
d»y morning. Wo then come to thia bear-1 Uo wae a bora lender ot men, possessed I. , ... i. v 0 a know it wrn I r “* ,rom *“ hi om b t '' nn l ,n o nn
lifal city ot Baltimore. This la Indoed tho I of that animal magnetism which made | ; , ., ' „ , ton j opportnnlt, tobe benontod by tlio spring
Monumental City. It ia full of monument., I orsrjr man his friend who knew him or I (0 , - I water. Tho yonngladies have rotlrod unco
beautiful equaros, parka andchurehee, anJ heard him apoak. In political debate ho V p iiS tbSl- thegallaat cadeU loft and find no plen.-
clmrcli homoi, hooptulo, end all kind. I waa po.orlul and aggtraive, and few In-1 pf„iriL VirCa th«' minor hurling and I ure In the danoe. Wo mlia tho brau bnt-
ot religion* and charitob’o iasti-1 deid ware they, among tho many nnd I. Um . rMK irter cot I tona and mourn thalr doparture.
tuliou. for tho relief of tho pocrluiluhty leaders ot this brood land, that 1 IK lamp tMterdar button-1 Among tho .olid eltiren.i hero at thl*
and tho .ink -und tho afiliotod of 1 could copo with him. The bluer Northora I {j* t rcct 1 ’ I tlmo is the gonial Tom Hardeman, whoaa
ever, name and ordtAUalUmoro Is in-1 partisan, of tho Itapabllcaa party rwgmfadj "WJ' LT^intirvlswiLbls to-dsv. Mr. I eloqnonos will bohoardiuthooomlngcam-
dMdthemoot moral, XRrly and religions I aim with » respootfnl droad^pRl , S ta , T5S"thrSifortwS. « pMra. Mr. Pete Bolomon and lady, Hon.
oitv In the United Htatod The Babhsih i. I bordering terrorism, for no; WSo of I 7 I Ocorgo B. Obcar and dvn K htf r-, ot your
.mcllj observed by all ctaseoa; every bnal- (hem “Mid enter the ^lite with I ..nJjrlini-. Jhlt Ult?ou want to know V" oily, Colonel J. (1. Nlotml. ol l::-iok.hea.,
ot*. bpu.i' is rl.-.J and all .be people him and not go down baton hla lanoe v„. ;,“,7. 7 L„,L,oken. hentofon a reprr„nt*tlvo it tho lusi
«y»m 1 U. 11 their chosen ehnreh. L-.t 1 Tho humble writer of this saw him oaoo in I X , Q oiul ran an the Iudo. 1 OohgreaoUmal district, and now with a rmr
ffabh.v-.-rtt-er.de4 Old Trinity, tho Booth, all lha glory and grandear of hie match- 1 n-^.’SJiaSTfbrlOoniBeesman from I prepeet of ro-lndorsement byals old con-
. orn .MMhodiar Ohnreh, and had the pleae- lose eloqneooe end Inimitable gnee. I‘ I FhudStriSr'•* - I stituenoy lathe nominating convent, a
ure of hearing e aplondld sermon from one I wan upon the floor of the House, during .. w.1 l fwr u m» own Inclination end I eoon to be bold, and lleorge IL Bihlo, and
. .of the MW bUhope. Bi.hop Wileoa. hie ever to be remembered reply to the - «“N"oSnSSSwA I family of Aaanata. Atlanta Is represented
Wo go trom here to I’niUdsIphla, then I rnthlsss attack of Mr. Uialne opon ths I “"“{H/R JJ’bnL ra 2a. I havef k by Mr. W. J„Onrrett.oneof the magnatr,.
to New Fork, then t. New Haven, Boston, Bonth throogb the medinm of Mr. Jeflor- j ^StT’donT taow who is Ure with hU family. Albany hy
Saratoga,1-Magera,WaUln'anisn, Chicago, aoo Darla ana the amaeaty bllL TW» I tSteKnlia will pennlt mi or Mrs. H. B. Brown and family and Mrs. A.
Cincinnau and home by fast linta and the grandest and perhaps the .tonntastl«« u ’"“;“;£2J h J , “ 1 I ^" 0 5 , ^"D.j M u». . ... ..
short .top*. I hope to ramoh Maoon by the I eoene in the hte of Mr. Hill, the j jSlsndtolook "tar, andtheT oaght to I The closng season has, it It oonfldently
1st or ith cf Beptember. F. 1 supreme moment of hie ellatenoe, when | SSiira mwmSfimUom.*, 7 | thought, lolly assored tt.e snccsse or this
.jsB-jaj- Ss^^,«s~'- ®aisfssass. , 5t
of tbo pvsarnt uruertUon. If lq f ir i'ir
Curr or fflila difSABio «n'l n m” i.i >tm.
rVe^ tffiADACHE. BiLioUhNE^a.
PLHUA. 0(»NSTI?Ari0N L riI?.S. ty , that
T*ilfT’.T Pltps havn < ; - • . l-wi :<i
ti,*ta: iin. N•> Hi-n' l.i< >'vrr t». • ii
.-yorl thAt hrts so gsatty on rig
X- • 1\.* oraT'in • ■' • •••
inf «' 1 • I • > 1. Ana il r> ' . -
isrv • i *R> '■ • rn !. ta M -.i
■9 pi,vf lopod. arid tho Hotly llMr.nt.
cf Kentucky Univcraity,
mnin: u.'imu.i'reai.kxim>i#y.kt.
*•«>» M00 wemM ftaitaiet •Ylfco
rtbet wUk As Wwl ag kteMtafl of l
•«DWt«U» *f m Cowrto of M|l»l X
TkinatE, rtxtkkl aad Ceayleti. lo'ipiti IUolk*ew( a|
llulMit irllkMlM.^CeMaemal U*. M.r e Corte-
I haSv^ikwl* fflaT* DtaOnU of Mo C«Umb ru iiuy/S
•*Mt r»',.*(*« *. el, v usvenity »>•»* V> twOimi lei
I y.«r Free ssf rhtrgs. «En l «am nitt Mti'r
Mmmm nS antMaMl w ■••», tw
|l«Mf l*isiet EM MBMauraL Dm I llal.ali rnotrel ••* >
BA It HACK'S rill EX ns
ny Houth. Evsry eye was fixed upon him.
llcaolnUonM Be* | and every soul iu that jest assembly o'
Cliillo ftnd Povor.
R. RIVAL. Ik Plan**r M Caron B»r*. Lm.,mmtm:
>Iy r.uuuon la la » maUrlkl (SJitrlcL Foe
. a “ —* —•— hMlf % crop on
tOd to- !*»«
nr*rlr dlaoourMfMd whan 11
TUTt'U PILLS. Tha retail
k«*rty aad rwbUMi.
HU Arrest. | sturdy men was wrapped in the ecstatio | jS’S^SySSif Ska^iSSra 1 ^Srol* Sit. 1 how it has
I... iii.ii.i iii.Mr.on.n toniintwl hsnd I armeof enohantmenL Amidthteennhetit-1 beUtat.he will taaa aoma.goPQi,or_i. | I Q the ftrstpLaee,therehaaneverbeeaa
W night, in reaponao to printed hud- rimMi ol ln f,rior.ptritab..tood, ademl-1 with, otoonme, the genital dlreotionmmy ^ M „ l0 , „ u, u b „ tOT ,
billa nnd a bran band, aboat two hundred I god. toweriog above alt petty apitea injiis I ““rfc-, can’t e. ralUvelv whether I and especially since the first trsla on the
colored people met in Union HtU, on Cot. lolly disdain, .lie wan the embodiment of 1 - SmSi » ^ I new road on tho ltth of Jane i rar.ndly.
ton arenue, to “take Into consideration *}j'«*»»»• *^1 wU rSride In Are day. from bow. SS
lb. brutal shooting of their fellow-dUum, SjtSSuta ‘igTTw^^tattoS! I ran, and ner. I hw had tho mtvutag. of taeuaioa rntaw
Bamosl Musk, and inquire into tha musm I "such as tha gods do envy. „
or ths same;” at Isest that is what the I true Bouthron that beard, that vindt-1 M^VtaT’orsrth, and not wdd er.-f
ftc^teavslMbdeahutlMr trvaUU.
h rr rsl 1 ere th* mtorffpll LI rrr, rlftnni*
- rtfrom »>oi*Mt».i*» ftuMn, rand’
HR I hr bowel* l* •« naatfimllp, wlUi-
Vrl—.'asv-w—. eiuw'.asisur.-yjiun.V:
■ita own inspiration, t Vf r do I shall Mrijht f?to rehieh hiTp7itic.Uy bra dented tola
gods do envy.” Every | Imowherw fwork’when I'dian BprlBg. Inasmneb as the tickets wetj
that beard that vindLl“*™y> , I *i.voaknow how l work when i Fotaylh, and not said eaecpl
MlUytiiBw<#ril deT flV. do?“" 1 wlthhaek tar..'th.'rdly,there visits.
aradsT' wT. were led to believe I tion* of sore eyre and whooping cough;
hacdblll raid-
The meeting was called to order by J. F. I people will forever love to do honor to tbs I
Iiong. who made a lengthy opening ad-1 bslovrd memory of Benjamin U. Hill. I in which 1 aud,"lMtl»,U»e reports of tho place
dress, recounting the arrest, ole., of Bata, j Poore to his ashes 1 May hcavsashed, | J}"*”!Ji T m, to TiilJX 1 overcrowded ktpt away as many a#
Jsff was finally made chsirnw*n on a mo- with a lavish band, the brightsst raya ot 1J&ffSffiLJ? St? SriS&Z*}*toL ySweeededln n
Uo^y^ripg^nd^wg^vinghwr^utooas Iftjt
(<^m"of tho Booth ami iier imroic] _
IrJ^honmnnvr in whirl, Mlibnn | ' . c^r.
^ number
SMKKSRRS!lT^^^^^Tn5S3^RB^w5S,potathatm!S I S*T “ 1,- PS‘ 1 !?' wh ^ tb f' I 5nm‘blr‘fisnSb^keptep'bywliilrin«
than mad* aeother spseeh in which I ever attend the spirits of departed baroa* I involve^tm’tha’fnfi'umrlf I ararriona, huL on to* contrary, aooS
b* said the newspaper (mtinlag this pa. I and patriot*, aa they back In tbs smile- at I ahapadta Urn* to gtva um thojwil Ungth , nd tha fra of th.
per) had said ao much aboat Svu l^ I an approving Ood, 'neath th- amaranthtaa I “LrfJSJf IS-Ulli’JrariSnt 'venu^rin I hotel* baeama rather that wewtH diaap-
wm mads out a regular desperado. He I bowers of toe New Jerusalem, aud t I xtxpiHhat >»»>eral pronnacnt grata nun | , . „ , ..,, ^| t ,„ n ,.tt w „ tl> nrMm.
tfco i cxpUineJ how ho wsx shot, charirinj I uafading c:o«rn«. Vi
■* j city oUid-il* with Uric*; cini>tojMl a) Macon, Ua„ Augu*t ‘S>, 1<'J.
_lorisl iua3 at a r.ilary of forty dollars a
mouth tofthxit S.rn ns ho lay sleeping un I II7/.IT III J:\s V
tho puri«o«o of t!»0[
of I shaped
Will stump tho district iu his interest, ami ,"",1SlSs^oam# tt
though they do not belong to tn. district, mod ita M.1 who
; their dome to >.« him clccfid grows out ot • •• ...-.»..ier...f —v.
"upon*Mb*rwuen?*inquiry among th.-se I th* gm.T'uiit Tcnn»s.e, Viruiuln and
wto aro MPPOMd to 2. aonuamtad with I Oeorgta aystem aro eompUt-if aod ths
■ £SSS£S5?2i3S3i& ss
inthe raoe.and a rumor gained curreaey ia b* (ognd *|* bis’tamUy tor'th*
' ' . svrolag ttolTy^k [ tQ°a^otUge?
■b rbaa
bis doorstep. He ssld the purpoew
meeting was to rsuo money to employ I cIn Ucuseis snd niHiataneoas Com*
oouasof, summon witnsesss and have ar-1 busciou,
rested tboss engaged in the capture. He I . ^-1,1 aak a
said it wav • matter of great I #otdd not again aak ■
ImporU&oe to the whole oountry I nmns to prolong the disoMeion of tbU
that the matter should * "
vest!qated. The question
whetner Ham was guilty
tha mayor and police wi
thenevledonaDr. WroCo'l BaviurnMn'to I «hj^L‘” f oJTi^IJondmL “a ]P* , « n(r ’
“Tto didofitoi'iid ta a flro.mluntea- »*• Plata atatamanta. Urol if j „ vnXH TnBn ,
roach tire t tha African heart, ao to spank. 1 provao would daalda th* eaaa ta hla favor, I I nUna tseapihtsot being mads more base.
[is remarks wsre not ealenlated to bnug I but he neglects to give hie authority for I T. r. Awaweee J. It. D. ontlie fain j J lfa » the rcssrvs of ten »erse,lntho
psaoa to thia eooatfy. He f*ld that ths ihAO> x not wUb u oarT - ^ dixcoa- House Darnlnz «laeailon. I 0 f which ia the spring, will hereafter
°°£ r *dj > !!2P * “5Si %,r I »ion deoDer into seisnee than will bs in- I 1 notiee in jour Issue of yMtsrday an-1 ba shown to be the cwt peculiarly fertu-
national olrfces and pay more attention to | othcr co^anlcatioa from youTcor-1 naU ooudltton of toings.toat oould be ft
_ would
inn hare for a resident of yonr city, so
will be almost a suburban
who wUh to make it so. No
representation in load government*.
Affcr this speech, a committed oriMrt-
ing of Allen
Wm. Bavayo were appoint
ghli^sanTntiona axpeesaive of
TV this nv-'-tinjf.
i tcrusting to tbs general reader, ar
I fore Trill be as explicit aa brevity
sired- For as this will tartly be the
respondent, *‘J. H. D.,” in which he seems I for health and
If the theory that the beat In a pile of I *° lbink dUUon of lwUno " of I Be. •W 1 ‘
George Loring and I natnre of the
jiuted to draft suit- I If Use theory um urn* ms pusw I #anartna * hn .., n „ -ara „ I IZin.trisl. *:■
the senU-1 deoomposlng cotton seed is due to oxida-1 taneoua eombusuon were only mare re-1 tnausuisi^wi.
When they retqn
tion had been adxsnced revi-ral years ago.I
It, v. (J. 11. (Jalc- *t would probably hs\o bc»*u acct ; Uil, und
^oaeht that he divi I tliCre Htl11 tewatn some arguments in
; - • . ra • JUM then. J«0.i Ut tf.a tMvntla -i I
Bomaot tham, StMld. had bra i-ad-1 TyndaU and qthars scatealy lea* anine^^m
ad at Baepat’a Fany aad bad bra b*»» provan tlrot organ!* mattar does not I utry."H
....-»j» .•«-j»li=agtjrBL , gagTftfifl:l
*■’ ’
lortice, 63 Murray Street, New York.
■or. Ti rri StAXVAt. «f 1
’HO have a surplus of oats,
: ! 'll'! > 4 : 1 for
future prioss, earn get advaneaa on seme by
■ A ****»g them with xas. fiLL* COOK,
repr«sent«d to mo that the c»Ufe of Ksney
Itsmlia, lets of mL! county, deceased, U uo*
Mated, whereby loss is likely to accrue to
s 1s therefore to site el) person* concerned
i«w esufto. if snytlicyhftTc, by the flnt
lay in October next by 12 o'clock m., whf
sdmlnUtrmtlnn slimild not »•# Usosq
toj. W.Jsck, clerk Superior Court Crawford
Witness my ham! offlcUlly. Aturusta, 1SR2.
augawtd ViauiLH. noLTQS, Ordinary.
D Mathew*, executor of lari will and taste*
tnentof Mlcsjsh Mathews, lets of mid county
deceased, has mads apijicaUon to ms for an
order to sell all ths real property belonging to
■eld estate:
This is to cits all concern*! to show cause if
any they have, by tbs first Mends? in October
next why ’* -*--•“ — -
rT Wim«* toy hand offlctaUv Anruta, V
augAwvi YUI'HIsH. HOLTON. Ordini
>. Mathews. exe< utor of last will and tesm*
.dent of Enoch Mathews, late of mid county
deceased, has DIM hla application ta my oAce
foe an orAer to mil all ths reel property, brtoug
in* to Uio nuts of the said Keoch Mathews,
This Uthersiofe to rtto all MNMMCOMNMd
to show cause It any they have, by the tost
Monday in Orbri«r next, why said application
should not be granted. .
r baud oBchUly A —
• tl. B. Kmlneer, C. _
; t It, II. runt, all of mid county, IniY,
to n limited coTsertncrshlp *.
firm nsme of r^mlnKvr A V
commenced the msimfscturinx i
' rs, bread, candles, boxes
>i •-1 In Use bubtnc *q, In l
con, Itlbb county, Gs., «.n the 1.
livii, to eonUauo for Sro yrars. The
partners, who are to carry on the bust!
II. B. Ermlnirtr and IL I). Winn, -
amount of capital contributed by tin-m U t
thousand and five hnndml dollars, and t
amount contributed br I.”'. Idant an<l Rob
H. Plant, of tbs firm of !. C. riant A Hon. cf
stltutlnx one special partner, is twelve thou«n
dollar*, making twenty-two thuurand nnd f .
hundred dollars In all. Tho **1.1 it R r*.
mlnircr, C. D. Winn and I. c. l'lnnt A Hon
constltuv -f three several equal Banners of
firm, each sharing oo*third or all tbepn
aud the vcncral partners bearing ell tt.c lu
If any, and the special partners hearlni
othcr loss than the csf ltal contributed»y tl
The articles (>f partnmhlp were *!».•>« t • n
11th day ol July, lsw, and tho «i3darl»
ma<lc l.y them aud certified ft* required by I
all which have been filed ta the clerk's ol
of the Huoerlor Court ot mid ci»anty, snd i
articles recorded according to
such cases provfdedi to which r.
mads. IL B. kRMinuu,
C. I). WINN.
July 11, MX lulyXJdlawCw
Notlco To DoUtov*
’OTK’E Is henby* given to all j < rw>na bs
■I demands a#am*t John W. Htubbs. Is
•aid county, deceased, tn present tli
properly made out. within the time
by law. And all persons Indebted I
art hereby notified tn moka payment to me
Uc«ir*ls, llitib rotnty, July k. Inc.
juWawtw JOHN W. 8TUBW. J R-, Adm'
Sheriff Salo&.
>• sold before the court house
Inthe town of Knoxville. Ua.. within thsb
hours pf sale, the following described prop
One hundretl acres of Und. No. 34t,
Hwcrtwater creek, snd 75 acres of i_
south of said Hwrctwatrr enwk, in the
district of •*— * '
land /Iced
Gtoraia Planlalion* lor Sale.
Crawford county.
"'Ve?a. w m' n ‘ ..
Ufa of Thomas Dickson, td
fl fs Uraed fmm Uie Hupcrhw
ild county, la favor of Greet* Thurj
man vs. as 1*1 Thnmas Dickson. I’rupe I
ed out by flalntlirs attorney. Teuaminpo*
■emlon notified.
j Alan, at ths seme Him and place, lot of lam!
No ivi In the first district ot Crawford county
LcvIM on as the property of K. P. Borough w
Lulifyetexafa.vs.tbe said E F. Doroush
levy made by John W. Hommix k, cun*table
and returned to me.
Also at the rams time end piece, one two
I horse wagon. Lrvlnt on the property of Wild
T. Pot tenon tn satisfy a mortgage fl fa. lssum
from the Muperfor Court of aald county In fa
vor of Flar*<t<*~ hen- s “
AI»o, at th
No. 12R In the seventh dlst,.. . ,. — -
I cnotalnlng joaSacrea, more or leas, en*l l...
hundred and forty-four acres In the second !
district of said county, mid tract containing in
I tha aggregate three hundred end ninety-six I
B a< rr*. more or less, known a* thn Hobby
■ place, where W.llartman and
Carter lately n*ld*L Levied on I
property of W lUteu Carter, to satisfy two cer-
At this season, various diseases of tho
bowels are prevalent and many fires ors
fssf throdkh lack of knowledge of a safe
and sore remedy. Penny Davis’ Pain
Killer ia a sure cure for Diarrhea, Dys
entery. Cholera, Cholera Morbus, Hummer
Complaint, ete, and is perfectly eft.
Bead the following:
.. - ... , obtatari from a work which .taads wilb-1 v „ c ; l(n | , 0 iieu u a,. It l, that
SiTtaT. I <avov; bat to. nrat Uboro o, f«tan“ “* F*~««‘ ““ ,h * «**mieal Ulrataro j lyga toprorororota^ trill to
d. had Stn !Sa3: TyndaU u*other.rarrol, troa anlnanL «* lha day, "WaU* DiaUocarr o*.a— S^?,ro?%TraTta^talldSS*
■ ■ ■ I have provao that or 8 ante mattar do** not I utr,." I Ifc^wto bT^DWedTao that aSotn-
II;,I dventnporo ,1'^it V.VJ atoelj ip auat-| ..j, lb n." |, . uttla too fast whro ha! modationaotnazt will be at lean
SSrSa b. daSSnircr Writa. a. thoauh I had atatvd that all gta ^^ST.MUM.tatoM
th7ptatarj of llro min «l» shot Bam ta I l’“trofaetkro. Trutall U* kept various j bora dm* oooar In thta waf. I ilmplr I 2U5J 1 ro* i>«* 1/00,* »l
tho darker I color., saving that bo was -a I »U|r,aadaltrogeaoro robatanaaa ta ordma. | atalad that taa, weld tho. tab. Th. I
1 aa -.rd I i.
■ * * McIntosh llouao this
l, v 00, which number.
foolraroato^lSmf^S in mocker^^TTfff^^y^Bert^ogySro^^Sl^^^tan^^^^StSti^rovw^uLRaf^® 0 ^^!^*^ {jjpe^f^My^ce vriSk,
man f. ylsy the port of midnight assassin. W change taking place, (k lost- tobe the cant# of all of them, oe we would I SSrea daily aUeodaneu of about 'JCO
and if he ooold l—hired for forty A-Bare tol [ n « ¥*^** taTro* AtmoapSan; p. Apple-1 aa* moro taatanon of It th*« «ta bora roiSoSaMatoforo *» Sdi
shoot do an a eeiorrd MBUoman like B :m •»» **• aatanant Brooch I bornln*. Bar aro all of oar faraura so I tooaamoca than aboat for.
Mack, he could b* hired to aot firs to any | aolrottaL Maj^o, aloroi Me admirable | d» pro rod aa to aaaaaaoati oMmliar, a*|“- ^ itad the accommodations been
whitannu’s .tore, or rh.-' arr vblt, ™t « “2S? “ ' aUo »*; I raro taronuroa oomroalaa aaroa to think, I SthiaS it u ut «-l
k that to ^,1# piM-j j* Baatarllt Farts, 1874.) Not nar-1 b, rafaatna to tosaro tbeva, I .dunlkala ear this dailr attendsaca
Ecto an thencontribst:j ‘ Uirow- ‘"2 *•» book bj to* I shall r it n*.Sn,l^.h.i.a_.^ ^ ... I aqgerottoalo .a, airooa.aro
a half-dollar on the l ■(!» ■•* eudeavor to giro hi* aiact word*, bat I gamrota ta favor of the oiulation th• >rj.
Id giro tha-. mneh. aimpfrttro eraror “We now come to to-1 letdoeenottrr to replr to (tafaftj
■The oommittro oa resolutions, retamed qoiro coccermng the osm of thoro orcm- I tmdaniaod him nn^l.L thero
and offered tbs fol.owtag, which was i * n “., ThetaoOe.,1. to asaiautataaU dead I ,aeh thing aa orrotofara
adoot-d: | orgaalo mattar, wlrotbar animal or ngeta-1 withoU,maU*r«latiu«.Lro,i-.:itvn.-.o.lj, I ^
•• ItV.-rou, oar fsUow-eiitoaa. Rama.11 bta, and!k> cuarMtit tatoneh roapoanda I ,r,a alter stsndiag heapod^ogathsr for I taom J
Mack, has reran, bra arroatod and «oo-f«»»b. again heap ap the era*- | aoaroitaro. ,H*k ip almoa* *m’ notat IW rodlttlrottbaraood U
cl.r.r^- - * it
pubiio road anil easily accessible to rail L
road. Theee lands are among the moat
fertile In this section, producing cotton
and all the cereals abandantly. and is rt-
■ ^ite well adapted to stock raking.
J are well watered aad timbered. !
Two of the plantations contain euobl^W
acres and the third lJtO norm. These
plantations have all necessary houses, etc..
WswuShtoPtETabore ptaeee cheap
raj term*.
I aegliwlf AagettojOa. i
Notice Leave ts So!! Lend.
/xsoroia, job«* os wnr.-rsur erok. sil
tt Ise dale we will applr lo thacoart oi eedl-
uary of Jour* county tor on oydar to sell
u il
si him anght, can he ao l —: ir™ _;m thaold ilaee homo her
8“ SS* “* UtUI aatarmtad S^biThlu roalStoDb”
j^rotakitroflro;p«Uraa.l,, *~J21 t _deicoroiooof tiro taatoi
H appear from his I
published state onset and thn uswspafwi im»>
con -1 of thesU-ir—wf to frighten
a policemnn (an al surity, we think), and
by reason of vl ich bet had tor many
>ths preceding hk arreat beea a fugitive
i justice, Icadinj. according tn report.
MWRSoable-barrelcd, open at both ei.dt,
front, rear and sfakei o ahot-guss, roam-1
toy about cickfng, but not finding, any-
thingdcYoarablejMtneUmee|frigfcUai :gev-
crybody fearfully (except poticetncn, of I
oourse), but hurting no one' co far as]
heard from, snd
“ Whereas, It appoers that at the turn of 1
hk arrest, the an l Hack was unable and]
ixulupcrt d to offer the slightest rcMB
anlyetitroqatr. 1 the marshal, a I
Rnt of polios and Ida "squad,” heavily
ed, to xesompltrli II s and
“ WhrrtaA, The said police, armed with
their h • ij artillery, msrehedtrtamphant-
1} d’ji n u. • w rtet close ’mhind the boggy
cont^u. M . X tUl bt»W Usuteu-
ki : •'*:. 1
ytfmi, Dk tone that white being
gnkrdad. the Mid Mack was ao utterly he CduU no*, pvsaibly Use
> hobble from t
I ■ ™ a ” tCT <rom aatobwa* Qtofgi*^
animal wouldreqoire years to be- I tion of varioM bodies. Ask thoee to ths I
JizUby tUoiyg^nof theair.OLd I large factories of oil-varnisl cd goods at
ing-d into carbonic add, water I the North wny they tre ao cwrefal to keep
ot a l
comacti liz.J
to bn ch :t* g ‘ J . .
and Lstfci
from theaourceit does I t.iius this luuKKua | ia a mere veewr/i
proof that, to the treat ot our knowledge, I J. R. u. Mka why aro mot fires moro I * ad 1 1
the oxidadoa of organic mnltcr Ukae place I frequent in moehtoo shoi^M|^M h
VafryaiLtly aa 1, therefore, CMnnoti rodaco I rags are found toabundai
Liuch h»'.L TI.U fact u taught also by | occur to him that if aom-s
Usfcor in hia “Estudee aur U H.ere.” I each filthy piles to
I know th t the oxi lation theory was 1 there is nearly always
[formerly taught by the treat writer*, but it | near to remove the a
lie/* greasy I flio want of n i radical school of tcl-g-
Did it never | rap hy, upon which telegraph and railroad
ii d> allow I cn,-i| \n:c* can detrend for com patent and
iccumulstc, J reliable operators, bav prompted the an -
. . P I tome one I j-, -igntd to op«n a school in which shall
_ Jby Uie treat wntere, but it I near to remove the smoking mats. Many I thought all the re-iuircmente neceaaaryto
P- J. i-car-i«al by Marly aU adeoikts. ( * mechanic can tell ot an experkuee tn | tl * person for practical service. The
W L. n thu theory was held H was eustome-1 stopping an incipient ftra. Te giro my I eouni e'ubracee: tot. A thorough knowl-
ry to attribute any fire of misterioas ori-1 autnonty on thU *n» j ■-•*., I will mention I mUe of Utkrica, machinery, and wires in |
gin to pfontaneous eouabusUoo. but these I Mr. W.T. Johuiou, of thta ptoee, ue om I practical use to telegraph ofiteM fid. A
combustkwu sstta to here u habit of co-1 who has dkeovered eeeh e mma upon tbe] thorough knowledge of troniwkaion and
earring when nobody k Mir to witness I point of bursting into flame*. I ncectioo of miaun and prase reports
Jhcmjaadstoceoily bodtae boro rrodUy, j J.JL D. cites a few checukte le support Srora liu*. W. A thorough knowkdga of
afire originating inthecu wusy be due to | Ha side of the qusetfam. Theee faen aey I boohs, aoooumte a»d forme ta prurttasl uee
their ignttiouby ether means. Will **G. | that organic matters oxi dins slowly; they I nilwell regulated telegraph offices. 4th. I
F. F." Mtioo eome of do not Tkk thrir ropttuUon. h, ro^ig that a &roughT££Ctf*lro
Ucafed eaera”-not mere report*, but wit-1 uedar certain ctrcuvaUrce* Che seme I the Dawdling of baunem to such ditm
Mesedl^MnOMMpubkofhdgiagMloi bodke eanno* oxidise rapidly, to| pirteaching arrangem—t aad eoj
“‘••SrlJ? 1 ® T ®»TMA«htoeshoo groeay I t% ceoeraUy beUarod by mo* ehem- (tioa of dmfcsnRd balk
rage for wiping machinery aro found ml kta. aa I. B. D. admits it u by ‘ J
abundance. Wky, then, aro they nut a I such fires can occur.
more common scarce of fires ? | J. IL l>. forgeu U»\t your figst
fcten »f we admit tLe oxidalton Ureory to I ds-ki roferrrd to «^td cu'.tstu reGing upon
i t | be true, the iha'inee of voarfiret c^rree- * floor saturated witli oil rro«hcdoiit of
iu I pendent (which U. F. I*, seems to in-1 the seed by the feet of tire laborers trom
r I flsiM) aro untenable, for the very -coodl-1 year to year, which makse tesuh of a d»f-
I t.oo tach ns^u of the ai*, whi^h he I jrrent state of affairs than il the itoof was | follow the l« of Drown s Iron Bitters.
1 ,raKroIS3i.a BBka
far. au sfiawte ooa nsvsr kirew n fo fsd ic eh •.
ituf. - It. CiasiBsa
No family can mtelr be without this
htvuluable remedy. Its price tricp to
within tho reach of alL
For sole by all druggists at fiSc^fiOe,
snd $1^)0 per bottle.
PEBKT DAVIS A BOX. Froprixtore,
Established l%d7.
m. L. ALLEN & CO.,
Produce Crmmissioit Merchants,
104 Warran 8t.,
We eolteit oonsigumeck of
San-Britil and Eupniti Fruits
Of all kinds. Our long experf
us to handle to the ta
grade* of of dried Pusan
TttlHTY YK.iBV EirflOIl
. For eirouten, eddrete with tom
fice I m. EUrdawas, Milner, Pike county
ita» fifiP