Newspaper Page Text
jc-hln t&dcgcsipl} Sanctisl & Stc^jcsj&ng^Kr.
: nti.slDSSTo h'l.Mi.
Hi dwtle.M I” th StcTtUn of (»«
And tartan to match i W e shall we
The flag in Ha pride
Chance* to bide! ,
, ivc r the Whit* House, in chamber and hall,
m Be<l Room, and Blue Boom, and Green
Over uS» ^ Eaat'^loom end all ita fine furolah*
over tbefonioi Room, over ita burnUhlnRi;
SaffisOTEK® 5 - 8
Over the four-tn-hand.
Over the bays.
Over the doe-cart.
Over the chubc;
Orer the Home when be «oei toetan blllr.
Over the druggist when lie mixes hia pula.
Over the laud.
Over the sear.
Watted by steam.
Or waluuc the breeze;
Throwing lor aalmon,
Angling ior trout;
Beating at home,
Or driving about; .
Made into badge*
And cut on hi* plate;
Carved on hi* panda
And writ mi hi* fiat
BtamjtM on hi* linen,
Last night one J<
severely one Juda®
a difficulty over a debt. Also laat night in
thin count/, one A.a Btndevan
Lee Banna. both white. O'*
eBook is tha are... llid KOk'ettn. the o«om.
sue first verve u it appearedI --- -
oBAPHOver tbo signature ci h, "• u* »* r
r ono’di StadeVant shot otto follow.:
i. hoth white. Tho load too* ralthlolMecfit! !t lies. I know,
j of n twenty-three dollar asseeiment to
_ cons, who swell the Jay llobbcll land for carrying
moat hero on tin id of September, decide the election thit falu"
to support him. There wilt certainly be I Toaaxi. nothing that woold gratify
- ■ ■ j. «v J,it„ Maoon Tanoourn so mnoh ss tbe del
bard wor* ahead for tho friends of Judge
The court ia on the criminal dookot and
the town is 'nil of people. mn.;
Stitched on 1,1s collars
And sowed on his hot;
In metal or tossing in bunting,
l him, above him. or rowing,
The go*pci of gush bhhh
Done up in a reg.
That innat un-Amerl
M'.irti a AT It Ell ED
Acoprr SI.—The protracted meeting
which has been going on at the Bapflrt
church hero ha. about ti.ojin^od with
ten secessions, who were baptlted to-dsy.
Uncle David Stripling, an sgod end mueh
beloved Methodist minister, died at Shiloh
camp meeting last Ikrodfty, in the way he
had Jong desired to die—while in harness.
He hsdjnst del.vorod an able esortatton
and death seined upon him daring the de
livery. -Ho was buried with Masoulo
TTssB^itorlal convention for thii dis
trict onf^v- Itaard and Carroll, oomoe
oB ScptemliSKt According to the rota
tion system,itiewiToll s Upe, and out-
didates rfjkbfcimiTbfc to coxne to the lroht.
Also #evf|Kp,nthunft “shave announced
for LcffislatJ-iffionors. v jr* “• *»• M *
s CailmM. • s
AtJOUw25.-Tlf.inal of tho wJcrcrfl
of Mr. Harvard ia'itl) progrM'ffitfS*' ho
evidence oloaed yosOjday evening, and
Solicitor-General TWtfoo, made a
speech ono hour wi'liwli long for tho
prosecution, and il i' compliment
to him to aay it la thfj®Pja °* Ws ’“f®*
Tho court then adj^^^edTill h.ilf-pait
eight o’clock thta n-Jning, at which time
oourt met and tho argument was resumed
by Jee. Bishop, Jr. J of the local bar, for
defendants, whofliad* a speech of two
wa * deliberate and
the fraukuoan to tell
some of the de-
$ pnui&hed, and
th it his chief
Pale and white and cold «
And ye say. “Ah! ho is daw* •
Weeping al the feet and head.
* ice your falling tears,
rear your aigba ana prayer*;
imlle and whisper this:
s.... not the thing you kiss;
Cease your tear* and lot it He;
It was mluo, it is not ‘I.
Crisp in that event.
Tbo above verse, and in fact the whole
Article, with tho exception olI s fewTOd
ohsnges. to sn eisct copy of After Death
in Arabia," by Edwin Arnold, rad era be
fount! on tho lUlh page of bis boo*, Tho
Light of Asia.” K *
W. P. B.
Acquit 24.—The trial
rt.tiers is progressing. Ten 1
now before tho court, defei’
Jart iirown, T. X,. Taylor, Es.p
ins rllle sod Jss Bishop, Jr.
These gsntlemcn were appoint, d
court. The Btuto is represented 1
nlToraEaaon, CeL John W. SI
Dublin, Col. D. M, Roberto, J. T,
E. A. Smith, K. Herman end Wm.
of Eastman. A great many wltne,
called for tho defense. The mm. will Ilka-1WUJ.•*■»«£.*
Ijgofeotb* Jury some time to-morrow. I j ahn stabbv will clone for the State.
CoBittPOgDOT. I it u hardly protnble that the speeches will
I be flnii ,W before night, andCi»» jory m *y
canton. I be out soroeUmo. There is a large crowd
Ai .ii sT 23.—The Superior Conrt was in I of negroes in attendance on court, pioba-
«U»h« t 22*g«j^bl| [ ^Uv«o/ttaprto« i .». ua ot tli0
. Issrli/steaH Olid WO (Wipe
successful in
convictions. Most of them will have to go j There have been fight or Ua of the Unghe*, l)r. O'Duniel, Judge
in ti-a oenitentiary or chain gang. Hr. I whtiky druggists indicted, end we tjope othcre, as good men us tnei
r iKCtKpwch ofone ana a half I Col. Tom Kstson will be snocessful in ^ B nd Htato. Now, w
rfiwn MBUB* »1«**I W V"> IA i. .»,« I ikl.m.nniirnf Ml ini/ WllHky. lisen nir nCrMilial
WIIBlnson Cosdlj
Auoust 26.—As the Bonatorlul question
of this (the twenty.flrst) district has l»ocn
the sonroe of much unfavorable comment
among the people of our oounty for tho
past weeks, we determined, if possible, to
sift the matter to the very bottom. F“"
tills purpose, together with other boeini
of importance, we visited Twiggs county,
the seat of trouble, that we might see and
talk to her people, and be enabled to more
wisely Jndge and intelligently aot.
This district, as yon are doubtlcsa aware,
la working under the rotation system, and
it is now Twiggs’s titr.o to name the candi
date. On the fourth day of Joly, at a
mass-meeting in Jeffersonville, delegates
Appointed and instructed to place the
name of P. W. Edge before the nominating
convention of tho district os the choice of
his oounty. Here began the trouble. The
report reached our i*op!e, which many
were anxious to believe (myself among the
number) that tho convention was paoked,
that Mr. Edge was no*, ita choice, that las
recommendation was secured by intrigue
and that his own delegates would not sup
port him. Now, whatover;tuay have boon
the eanse ot tbia report, we are not at lib-
rty to state,but candor impels ns to say,that
r misrepresentation of facts, perversion
it ho truth and utter disregard for honor,
Khava never seen it excelled. We found
I the reverse to be the true condition of
in. After an extensive canvass of the
nty, we did not And a man opposed to
nomination. They say the mass meet-
was the largest and most represtnta-
r»«dbody ® v ©r aaaombled in thocouuty —
some of tho older citizens told me it was
without a parrallel in all tho annals o f her
history; and at this meeting Mr. Edge was
not only unsnimonaly but enthusiastically
ii domed. When his name was proposed
there wss not dissenting voloo. There wete
a few who opposod him at first on person
al ground*, but when they saw that public
acntlmint waa so overwhelmingly ia nta
favor, they immediately withdrew their
opposition, declaring that tho voice ol the.
people mort be re*p«ctod. These men uro
now among his warmest supporterh.
Among this nmubor are Golorel H. U.
-• * “ " -*“» W— boloman and
x the
Covin Kiel'*
Auoust 26.-8ubstantial improvements
ere still being made in oor mtr. Mr. M.
H. Fowler, an enterprising citizen ot this
county, haa recently porenaaed a lot near
the depot and Isiprepariog for 4 the erection
of a large brick boilding, to be t «aed M a
dom ing and grist mill# ilia mill will be
fornialied with the latest improvements
usod in making first-class flour,and in view
of hia experience in the mill buainese, the
enterprise in which he has engag'd wiU
deubtlesa be a success and result in profit
to him and benefit to tbe oommumty.
Messrs. Thompson & Stewart are enlarging
their recently elected store house
by giving it an extension of
forty or fifty feet. The brick
i defeat
of Clements and Hpeer, so it could claim
Mr. Stephens'nomination as the oaute of
it.—Marietta Journal. Now, old bov, you
are just too exceedingly knowing and cun
ning. Bat didn't you fire off that oolum-
biad a little too hastily 1 Didn’t von get it
a little mixed ? You aro tired, old fellow.
Thebe is the promiso of trouble over the
'rotation" system in the seventh Senatorial
district In a political sense the timea are
oat cf joint, and the fact is attributable to
satisfaction, and it haa uo difficulty in
finding occasions for displaying itself.
ehkbaxs Lobino delivered an interest-
lectore on Egyptian affairs before an
into audlenoo on Tuesday night.
Take S rest. Clements will be defeated,
and Spear will be elected—tbe former as
the revolt of tho nomination of Mr. Ste-
Tns Dublin Post says: “Thsre is much
talk of an Independent candidate for the
Southerner and Appeal. There has been
an immense amount of oorn and fodder
made, but the ootton crop, we understand
from some of our farmers, will not reach
forty or miy reel.
used in this work were made by MMtra. J.
H. and J.*W. Carroll, two energetic anden-
lerprising young men of tho oounty,who are
engaged on a large scale in tho manofao-
tnro of bnok by machinery, about three
miles from this place. They made the
brick a*ed in the con*traetion of peney
Hall, in Oxford, and sevoral large building*
in this place. Their brick machine is run
by steam, and turna out about forty bricks
tier minute. . ,
A match gamo o! baseball was played
here on yemerday between the Stars-
vltle club and tbe "Livingstone Grays,
both of this county, and resulted in a
victory for tbe former by a score of twenty-
four ruu* against four runs made by the
latter club. Tho game wae witnessed by n
Th(t Cr farmers are pulling fodder and
saving hay, and the supply of long forage
bid* fair to be abundant.
Our Superior Court will oonveno on tho
third Monday in September, and the law
yers are gotting ready for their work As
there is not much hoary business on the
dockets, they can be easily cleared if the
court continueo two weeks as usual, mum
lio'ira here to a lsrge audience. It is the
opinion of the best thinkers that it will be
nclose raoe between the Dootorandhls
opponent this tUn*. 1.1.
ireaking ur this manner of selling whisky.
Thoro i» a bill of indictment before the
I grand jury againit Harrell and Uuchan for
killing Jslui Ifrrrapin.
mm whatever tn ay
have 'been our personal preferences,
—■‘ wo confess they wero not tor
Edge, they ehould weigh nothing in
considoralion of fioUtical qiieBtioD*.
Col. H. V. Hardeman expressed our eonti-
ment exactly wheu hstaiuho was governed 1
entirely by principio in thie inaito', and
should sacri^MMgM|MU|att|L
Wb heartily indorse the following cen
sure of olfioe-seekeni by the A'ttes and
Vidette: ‘‘The greed and scramble for ot-
phene. The latter would probably have floe all-over Georgia at this time is abso-
been elected in any event.
lately disgusting, and ought to be summari
ly pot down. If the same efforts to get
office were directed to some honest calling,
the remnneration would be greater and
self-respect maintained."
Savannah New*: Our physidans are hsv-
Acquit Baptists will
hold an as-ocintion at Smyrna church,
near Forsyth, embracina Sanday, Bcplem
ber 10th. .... u .
Yesterday Thomas Fhinazec, Esq., of
this county, wn* driving a mule, whit h be-
camo frightened and rau away. learn
that Mr. Phlnazee was thrown fro uJiis
buggy and bad his leg broken near the
Messrs. W. 0. Wodley, of Roger*, and
RAW. Adams, of S .vannah, were in For-
syfti to-day looking after the probate of
the will of the late M
Wad Icy.
irum puiuo ui uur luriucri, wm uuv renuii l , , T ’ .
tb. amount which was at first antioipsted, oit l' •• 10 TOr r «*oillent oondluon.
owing to the rast, which has caused the I Mb. F. P. Milleb, a well-known and
shedding ot yonng fruit. Notwithstanding ( highly-osteemed merchant ot Savannah, is
this, however, there will be as much ootton I dead.
made this year as in either of the two years | M im Maar Wiuu was marri«J to Mr.
P “1 ’ . » _ I William Amos, In Columbus, on Tuesday
The health of Gordon is said to be worse I atternoon.
a0y tim0 be,0r# d0ri0g T** My of Oolnmbus is building up and
I spreading out rapidly. The following evi-
„Tnsi BarnMrilie Qazttte speaks ot Mr. | fences ot ber procrus are talcsn from the
N. J. Hammond in the following oompli-1 Knmirtr-Su.:"\ new ootton factory, thre.
juentary terms! “We hare from the Urn. I „tones high, ia in eonre. ot ereotion on
his name was first mentioned felt that he I the east commons. Another, two-stories
was one of the ablest and best men in the I high, w m soon be oompleted on the north
distriet, and have therefore been his earn-1 common*. A ootton seed oil mill, oover-
ost supportor. We are now prepared to I j n g nearly an aero of ground, will soon be
think him one of the foremost men in the I j n operation on the eAat common*.
State. His serrioe to the State to the I The Central Railroad Company has about
national councils are not to be lightly esti-1 completed at this place, and are now oc-
inated. His work has been seen and I copying one of the largest and most oon-
known, especially in the last session of I yement depot buildings in the State." The two-third, rule
Ry>ia£i t I?ft thStfo ntWn^tliyranrtwflpt I in 0X11 npproachiog conventions is more
♦hi! I necessary than it ever was in order to pr*.
^oi^aany u much good h. the nallooal \ *
Thm Walton
the following statement;
ia to start next week on a six weeks’ trip to
Forsjtb 1 -Jreenevtlle.
jssstsutTSttS! ttj\Jga&nse*Sr& gMeSSstaSP
The enthusiasm of V«>Vl« of
haa not declined in the lenet, nnd their
count/firtde is now aroused on tho »ubjoct.
and m V • »»9 follow*# report, which wm • ^SuStsT’Ttw onSdlarT is They fill that a failure on tho part or tho
adopted : ^ e, y«or com mittoc, appoinUU citlxeis. with i apt. couJtuW to ratify the action of the mm*
ft;JrtiSofSi'mrtSSXfuSSTtoKIBusmUWHsa.. iMr foreman, apd }*»f
President W
rThe willis short, covering about two
jlages only of legal cap, in the handwrit
ing of tho deceased, ana is witnereod by
A. It. Lawton, T. M. Cunningham and It.I
|W. Adams.
At a mt*s meeting of
Mouroe county, held in tho court hocimi to
day, tho following gontlemou were elected
to represent Monroe county in the Twenty-
Second* distriet Senutortot tonmlte,
which mecto hero Mept.mb«r Cth. JJ.U-
gates; A. D. llnmmoud,G. \. Gabane*s,
C. F. Turner and J. E. Taylor. Alternates:
J. U. Sutton, E- M. Moore, R. W. Ruther
ford and John Shannon.
The members of the new county Demo
cratic committeei are>8. D. Mobley, A. L.1
11’erkins, W. A. Wortham, J. G. Phloozae,
H. T. MoMulUo, J. A*
controlled every meeting of the Uxly Mnee
that timo, viz.: to a'low each P'-tmty to
solect her own candidate, provided ho be a
. Banner- Watchman: Dr. Harris ha* just
Vi,mu tnakM I returned from a visit to CoL B. O. Yancey,
SSSiit?»££Z Cwn asBa.TttsJfi *5oT Y U .’J
ta to start next week on a six weeks’ trip to l l . h ® tha^w'ill make 16 UUO
Mexico. He will return in time to attend in °° m that wlU ma *° IU,UW
to tho election of Oov, Colquitt to tho Sen-1 w “ Deli * ..
ale," I The Albany News and Advertiser says
-Wan wOl Mr. Stephen, begin to stamp R“SHt comp “““ ol m,,,a
tho Stole? Felton lost his sleotion two I 00 i t0U ia ^ oonnl i'' . . ,
years ago became he tlionght there was no I The young mau of tbe News and Adter
danger of defoat. History repeats itself. I User is not far wrong when tie ssys:
Unole Alex had bettor heain to whoop up I mau never wake* up his second baby n
tho box.."—Nem and VkUtle. Mr. Sto- I it lough. Tcero u nothing Ilk. tlio
phons hasn’t tho strength to stump the | dom of experience, even in being father
State. It is u physical impossibility. He I of a baby."
c&nuot speak thirty minutes so as to be I j. Donas Auexanpeb, tho Great, who is
heard at a distacoe of ten steps. It is fool-1 nC w said to be a "judge," is responsible for
ish to expect him to stump tbe State. I tho following hilarious disoovorv : "Talk on the fence question are be-1 about harmony in the Democratic party in
ing held in the different districts of Fulton | Georgia. Never in the history of the grand
county. I old commonwealth was tbo Democracy
A» Atlanta paper, in .peakingof . fall rUnl-'Th'.tanM SLtTtta
rSSiSs 5 "*"' 5 »“pessSi»~V^”-
with reference to Mr. Staphen,. People I “ J .** r ° l, *. t " n--".
who know him and Howard William, will orSSS arTnot tonMfi m J
have no hesitancy in beliowing the 1 *i^. l '''?™J2 rg Sdn bSSomee ttam to
whennqneationof veracity eriMebetween D^non
th ® m * . 4 . . Journal, which is an honest, able, unoom-
Honniao bosses, stealing from store* I l)toa n t jng Democrstto psper speaks out
and cars, and the llke are very common in j | u disgust tp the following manner: “All
weather. Colonel Candler will lot hia 1 the Confederate flag, to the count
bnsiness take care of itself and wade into I ninth district giving Caur"
th* cumpaign with coat off. He intend* U» | majority—'the voting pop
visit every oounty in the distriet before be I county to be taken into commie
stops.” I The CrawfordviUe Democrat rays : “Our
Tbn News and Advertiser has au able I managi< g editor will cast bin maiden vote
editorial on “ prohibition and the dema- 1 lot Governor, Iot Georgia's purest, no-
gogues,” from which we make the follow- I blest and most brilliant ion, Hon. Alexan-
mg extract: “We are opposed to making I der H. Stephens. In afte r years bo will
prohibition a political issue, anyhow. It I point back to it as the proudest mo
ts a social and not a political issue, and j meat in all his life.”— Auyusta Chronicle*
the proper place for the war upon liquor to I Our young friend ie miatttkeu. He will bo
begin is in tho church and our home oir- able to pomt buck to prouder moments
elee. No amount of legislation can eradi- I than that. It he shouldn’t be, liia life will
cate the evil until society put* ita seal of l be a fearfully barren one.
condemnation upon it and intemperance go*. of the paparS „ ay Mr. Speer ia
in all ita form* is made a barrier to good depressed and some say ho is f^'.cd ut his
sooiety and to the euarch. We are not op- Ue is hard at work trying to
posed to such leghilation iu will put a stop ^ TTy hU Strict snywav.-Auyuira
to the licensing of dramshop* by tho State, chronicle. Yes, he is hard at work, and bo
Such a s ep would be tn the right direo- i# oot m0 eting with any opposiikm from
Uon, but the people should not permit tho the j 0 ff ere{m ian orator#, a* it was promis-
demagoguea to make thfa •& letus in our ^ ho should. The Demo-rats of tho ninth
State eleotimx and thereby rid# into tbe I ihoald vo do Q bie tbeirefforu* to tieat him.
legislature to the exclusion of good men They nc j cot tX| ^ ct auy from
who would not only be competent to vote I Mr. Stephens, who we believe n favora-
for a prohibition act, bat worthy represen- I \j\ e ^ gnoec’s election.
taUvcio other r«p«U." „ , pMUins ol Geo.r.1 QorJ •, 4ho
Gbotin News: Orer a thousand barrels I Chronicle says; "Some people tide it hi will
ot dried fruit has already been shipped I add to his look by going back to the Sen-
from Griffin. The season will dose about l ate." His return ta th« Senate might add
September first, when we will give the eta- to "his lack," bat it would add nothing of
tistics of the crop so far as they can be I a desirable character to the "tuck" of the
gathered. Stato. Georgia might aa well bo repro-
Do* able contemporary, tba Damon aentad by tho mock Indian in front of
Journal, has the following remarks about store.
tho addreas and candidacy of General Gar-I Hill Abp haa carefally surveyed the
troll t "General Gartreil has leaned an ad-1 field and coccladed that he will not r on for
dress to the peopl* ot Georgia setting forth l any office.—Culhbert Appeal. For small
his position nnd his platform. We have I favor*, good Lord make us thankful
not thought it necessary to produoe it in q RH Savannah llecorder ia responsible
our columns, for the reason it eontoius for the following dog story r.nd its npplioa-
ncthtng very extraordinary. It is sufficient Uon; u Qt!t onV o( fos y0 u r ureal, ,T was
to ssy tost Goneral Gnrtrell, like alt the w Ust Policeman Hecaol, tho co-pulent and
rest of the candidate?, wants office, and if re nersbienmrk«.f policeman am J ti a stray
h# can get it be U going to have it." dog that skillMly dodged < * . 'to and
Tna Republicans of toe third Congress- evaded its drewndlBa Hov. " l • - toes?
tonal dUtrict will meet in Hnwkiusville on dogs bother you much, no n-....aed, a*
the 8th of September, to nominate a can- the guardian of trio *1" 1
itijata for Cononu. Speakino on tin. moi’Ptd bt- iriul'i ,' ' ■' ®?°
fine, the IHxpatcn .ay.: ’‘DuviJ B. Hnr- Uronnd Wvtnlc! tlio nnu^i -unui-
rell, of W.liUer, 1, annonnoed n. no ind«- in" who iwon nromid ill. p ^ ; . viow
K ndent cnndt.latn. Col. Jnck Brown, wo to .tart nfiahi.r frolic. "Y... imu
v« been informed, dmiree tho rapport ol they iwlhor me end Borat tir
the Bepnbficnn. in tbe race. Jack .ay. ho 1 ■ , ’ h " |
.land, where ho did ten a«o when yon ever ran that Ions, .loidvr end
lie and Stephen* wouldn't support Greo- I dog which has a horason Brov
i ey i* " la few doors west of Price strett; i
I know him ? Mo ia th* pimuinii-iit
BSr'JvC.CorljyE.Tl-hnm John Atlanta-and “the pofico aro having a qoict elIort ,np to tbi* timo to drag from Mr.
Bhutan. Wliliaw Walker, tun*” Stephen, an an»w,r at ta wh.ther or not
* -t.‘ a... i i. Uiti T I lw Afirirr*il mtn Irlnlnvt nn nnititn mm. I h* will nunriuM tho Mvcntll and Sillth dlS-
i“W£, rWS 1 ^ An enraged eow kicked np qnita . ram. S will^™ tb”. ’raventa rad nini
W ltankta' ’ I pn, in Atlanta on Wednesday. 4 She wua I trioU «ain.t the Iadei»ndenU have I
ThndalaMtoe to the SoTmtorial conven-1 Jeffersonisn oow. I abortive. V»o had bopfdthntMr.bU
4 SOUU at UJI* our pruiuu • »uu i
ggSrtJsrtJSV -^daaiii 85BSB-flS3*wSSw5S5*.^
touch, ll.benitul lnilninee
church ol Uod, and n. utralix.
lu'wra^f^fiwUhwhfih’ta'dT 1
de*w deetructiooara the I uken up. Col. II. M. lteid, solicitor-
wtuoh tbe enemy of seals pays to tb* I ftrjl | and ‘ ji 0Q( >v. A. Post, rei)re*euting
I tha htntr. nud lion. P. V. Smith, counsel
ninth Uis-
ro proven
■Thadeiognto, to tho Sonrtorial oonven-1 Jofiorronianoow. I nhbrtive. «••>«> nopratnai“t'
tiou nro uuiiutrueltd. However, .jeco 1 vVoaa on tho now ootton factory in Fol- I woold redevet ib® t° ulo*tnSmtiona ore
wntmir tuo anovc.tnnoonvoiwntimnvitlil tonU .aid tab. programing finely. II i» | W“*data do tUj, hot the1 “"dtoAti na n
■mjik ■' k *m ‘h»t ‘hte®« raid that tbo machinery will bo ready to d^d^ly nnlavorablj.
of Gu*tin, I mo ve o# in January. I We have almost reached toe point wn*re
white the fourth h^notl^en JJJJJj I Mas. BkeiAkin Fbankun, an estimable J Jmtod or^ot^VAber® is any difference
l thick you can safely soore ior Mon I Savannah woman, Htod on Wednesday I «t all betweeu Btephens and Gartrell it lies
I morning, of a congestive cWU. I in the feet that the latter is more ooneist-
niakely. I The chickens of Elbert county c-e b*ing I en t of the two, certainly more candid.
^ ■ 11 hey are both Independents so far as that
anxious 1 i* •Hjncsrued, and tho ouly advantegi that
that time, viz.: to a'low each c-.tmty to
‘ ret her own candidate, provided ho be a i xnaaeiy. i r—*• ’
>d man and tried Democrat, would be I Auouax 24.—Haa been eo dull here that I c ^ ore * • . aT ,uthaonW
such a reflection on tbo character of the peo-1 tlo ,K,_ u i ;:. f “ in * lere - t »,ris transpired since 11 The Macon Thleobafr Is very anxious 1 is>eonc*rued, and the only
pie as would ootnpel resentment. Wo foaud . y Q a, bat from some mishap 11 to know if Mr. Stephen* will stump to* I Htephece^wneUim over Gartrell in (^iog
Mr. Kdgo stillconflneU «o hi* house from JJ t «ou have not publiahed the com-1 seventh and ninth districts for Clement* I before iheVbopiois that he wss put forth
the effects of the serious Injury of which EjLKJtlon? You Must not let your devil I and Speer. As far as wo are concerned wo I by tlie so called organ
you have already heud. Tho broken limb th ,, m he waste bosket; news U \ don’t wont Mr. Stephen* to -'tump this die-1 Lon might » riff coma ^wasatmij
Is rapidly improving, nnd he hopestobo-^^mxhore; trict for Mr. Cement*. “Our Jud’’is able I time. The storm has been gathering for
able to attend to hi* bnstiiosa affairs in a I uiUety h M receivr«1 to date fifty bales I to take care of himself. We would be glad I several years. Let it burst. ^
. few woeks. His snfftring hits eerteinly of D ‘ tlo ' The-market iisro ha* ranged to have Mr. Stephens to com* and[speak I Tna convtmuon of the second Congress-
, been latcnio, almost onto death. Vet his l htah—within about half aeentof tttt'at uah | for himself and meet the damaging charges 1 lonal district will meet in Albany on U
- phjwldan says he ho* borno it all with too I „5?ket. Our morehnuts are determined Dr. h el ton is making aga Inst him, fori* I 6th dayof September. There will be »
a most exemplary fdriitudo ond Chriittian ^“‘t be out done m cotton buyers. At I ie in need of voy* ns well oe Mr. Clem-1 opposition to too nomination of M
uiad, but by the»w^y,’’ ho rsmsrt«d, **. *
that ion", r-louder and black
_ d-> you
... M» nn rwm- I know hi ® ? He is the cunuingt-nt rascal
Nominations are becoming very unpop | u Yihr. thrvt dog will soale a
nlar in southern and southwestern Geor- } 6 „. foot ^jj. He* come? to the market
ff 1 ®* , . _ I every night and mounts tho railing about
Amono the Chauneey ltoms In the Die-1 the posts on the oast entrance, jumps to
patch is the following signifioAit one: ] tho guards, balances him felt there
“Many of tbe most thoroughly organized I like a monkey aud then corae i in-
and ptaunchest Democrats of this section fi ide and liberally help» himself to
will snpport Gartrell for governor, white anything he wants. He will then run
those who have always opposed the Do-1 back, jump on the narrow gmtrds, descend
mocraoy are supporting Mr. Stephens. I to the rails and from theuco to tha groi nd *
Atlanta du.t I. raid to U “.xoradingly JiSS'ln itai'lSraddS
disagreeable." Then it must be toe Jeffer-1 toief to btvi.i mr. wo IdLno*
■yg” pfi'bvi. w?SSf»« Mtoi.w.;„‘S
ho. «try ut nlyhl to huvu Urn. He will
. < ! atfr0e , °* i, ., . almost pick a pocket and will bsgiu id tap
Two ladles and a small child were via-1 ti ns." We always did repvct Foil* ►man
lontly thrown from n bnggy, daring a run- Hiuaol, nnd look upon him a* » faithful
awoy sernpe in Atlanta, on Thursday, but ro q efficient officer, but our regard fo.- him
none of them waaeeriouMy hurt. The so- i9 w ffreat thrtt w0 i eft nt thi» point, na we
count dotau t atote that the child resided I thought it about tia>e to quit, »•* hi s tale
«ith its pareuto," bnt wosnppoeo that such no aiopian and Munchau:*cnifh. We
is the fact. I inwardly concluded that tf ho Wo» «a edi-
HouHE-aoantNO is still a common oocur- 1 tor Eli Farkins and H. W. Grady could sit
i once in Atlanta, l d*wn and weep.
Tue "no fenoe” men carried the election I Tna Savannah DevonUr very properly
In two district! of Fnlton oounty or.last roads draymen nnd drlvera generally a lee-
Wednosday. I ture about overloading their reams. Many
Ax Atlanta negro rann, named John » “»» Ita to tfis devillor craolty to
Humor, ... badly mangled by a borttiug ‘“dtonle.. ‘The mercltnl m.n ra.
gun on Thursday aftcrucKm. His survival I gardeto the life of hia beast,
is doubtful. I Tn* editor of the Post.Appeal writo* an
Atlanta dogs are biting people promts-1 editorial a column nnd a quarter long in
cuously. Mattie Holmes, fourteen years answer to the question: "Is tho war
of age, was frightfully bitten by a eavago I ended?" An nnleerned man could have
hall-dog, and a driver of one of the brew-1 answered the queetiun by eirnply saying
ery wagons was badly bitten by a Spitz j “yes."
dog. dog. ought tab. ra«r.iy Tji,“Ohattabooo!iw,” a now .toam.hip
punished in all such cose*. Why shonld « or tb0 ooenjj Ktoamshin lme. has boeu
not the lew protect innocent people against Jucoesefally launched at New York,
tlio attacks of ferocious dogs ? 1 Theb* may be a fow people who credit
No paper published in Georgia has bat-1 Gen. Toombs's deuial of the ItemUl iuter-
tledmoro ably or more gallantly for the I view, but wo are not of the number. Get-
suoeres of Democratic principles than the | ting drunk whenever opportunity oCece U
llawkin*vil:« Dispatch. When the Taut-1 not tbe General’s only infirmity,
orarn anu Mxuimora ranetra. commend i- Ammnoi oonnty h>. oonw to tb. front
lion from sooh a soarce, it does not make w m, a record reversing t>»e new erder of
Any racret of iu gratlficvUon, Th» Uti- 1 thing^-Eowndra. 8h. c«u't liud nujbcdy
paicArayv: Iho old Mason m 1'U wnimu ti) U'l talbo Inubluturo: not only
AND MtwumOM waa rttontly moved Into for tuX. tlu., lAfor miu. timo r*>t- Cm
- hniidnom. brick bnl ding on lb. oornor thijb , lb . b.3WlnBof. n.w vpooh, like
I [ u- Ifirfry And Bnoond AtreeU, where vlo- I bo QM t dny. ot old, wluen ofiiow ranght
llant iitr.ntar. hurt brail fittwd «p on tbw I lh , mw .tndnot am thA offic. ,-Aclta.
firat floor lor iba ralitor. And bn.lntra lUrr an j AppM i. Lot u, „u v ., thAt
mmoAger. ’lhi. old paper Iiajboon Inlnrad tbu mey b. too beginning qUb» -,r» niiAU
wiln nrw life nnd .u.lgy, Aud ia bnukral I oflloA*Ar«king will bA rt,«t OUitpa-
‘T Of brain. Aoanioury. rabi* I, reqnirra a deni ot vanity t
dhorn kmfnAH.m.'hud I np tbo modorn offlw-.eei.r. Too
\.it here anu will ■ » nnr - T «,j_Tlieeoantf convention met I (jardnsr, our tinner, Is making » fin# job j j#ct for Jeffersonian vote*.——wreck ol I oua
STat °fiuS° rS5 jAffTsSS "h.taS,«‘°ol 1 IS "Iji-ifen’lh. d»»" 7“ «r?S‘ttor £"^d BTbTWtohMM JJfjJC ^
I i'lrraliv. oommiilra.At U o’clock. CcpU .The County Court tonrra«l IaaI erraky Amn
„-lvti Hitil their I li i.m.n-Ahonld lendl
tliAir rOotla to the. i: ti ..ton olth gigAn-1 ,
C« -“•** dAliA-cron. In rra. »r t .l;.t,cyral, | |W«jl ta«-
ing him rgtin to All bis * MiliWt
iru«, u«* most u - nn u» m-, wwwBjan n?muni itbffitv aml^wort^aad 1 chairman ol the convention. ^k® I
should not be Ucei.vl by law to do *U 1 alSfeSSduSa I •’••otioBof twoeeeretoile* aad thedispoei-1
d. a By work, but tooald be banished from | “®® #rT ®* "*• Uonor * ^“terred i 0 | tion u ( mdi^minor matters^ a resolntlon I
f I executive
gdllcn M. Turner, ol UArncavillo, WAV elect- 1 dry, bnt did no harm.
dcnitcroo, men arc raatrivmrd. nnd tht rata I "W SgS5Kr~ i”
othM poirana rAAtrirteJ, w. b. Uva that «W l» rtacUnglfim
It.iA, tt» mo«t dai toua ut All t>o«on»,IwotmojC
.I. mld nut ba Ur.,. V 1 by tow to do ito I M*. 1 * njMOO* P**J “
deadly work, bwt tooald ba banlihcd Item [i™» dararraa tho Hoi
tantand. 'fhwpol, it, the pi*"., tbo volco, I him. unrn.v ha. I«en I * u »*>I>toU B*’*"* ono iwprrramAiiv.
nil kinds ot moral i fiicnr.., tot ita aniv I J™JS!lww» nuUmtDAMr and 1 •“» °* Eotato and ous weal. Thw nomlnn-
tr.-.lon ttmiild bt n.v.irautmora than all, jrara al wort tor youraiccnral ,„por ana Uoo o|UHItia m . n wu th.n dtolarad
* >*• I jgSSS^HLra^,.'". to n U?.*| Wl»^. J ^..tw_o g dMM S ; | jrara
uga, fo? tho; aro family j advlee l will go to them. lamaaorgamxc<t I to a fearful extent in all our large c
.hi only real enjoyment is in I Democrat suit always have been, and have I and towns, and could be (■uppre u I but ...
osemvnts. For instance, it lit-1 never at any time noted cy advired others I tb* oowanlice and inclllusaor of the
Wbal lb* reoole Think s«t I>«.
I wm great than a man who never will be. I ladiJ^ndwatT qutsi-ivIpobUetn physical I party/ If thereVr* •file intthe party, 1 boj
s the I and mental wreck, for governor of Geor-1 flare in correcting them inside of the or-
Wnt should not south Georgia uame t
’ni'srtoi'assrM ■n.ul^tSg* !S l^jggHidgagaagg'w^ 1 •^Iox.aweWIWW
, rU hragruSm to bt ra gigratic agMn tn a tn d.,.^ ”Jaoa." ^“SeTH. BloSworth nomic.t«i J. V. died ot on Thn.«Iay night,
that It Is, porrupting oor entire ^ social | wael “ ‘ " ” ‘
_ AuoueT.JM.—I^et A. SmltoCUy-ISJJ.^aJhVfirerBillotthevcreVocd
erie* in its majesty and destroy He“ — “ ‘
Tna Bainbridga Demecrot furnishes ue
United States Senator? He ought to oome I gU. ~uYsotb*r oronks.~the Herald men I ganlsitlon. 1 do"qoI Intend to oppose Mr. 17reor t from^aiduBcre^tCan'iiny town^cMta
either from Augusta, Macon or Savannah. I Imsgtocs all who differ with him to be I Stephens in any way and very few I *|z* In the State. Thl# 1* sof nnd eennot
—h-a. — - * * 'woold have known of cared wh.U I ^atepatod,—Ba*.nbrU R > must havw on
my view* were if it ..had not boinJ wlc(lUn w# mt4 . n 4hu thing, end
United State*.
‘“s see no good to eotne of Ur* contlnuad
’ d upon Gor. GoluuHl by
,L. l- | OTnwq pifijvs in toe Buti^-iaisf
i atI Democrat. Numbers of psper* that corns
, k . a ,°^ l »«“ w '.bnJajthM ITO;
I Redding. Esq.VwhiohTast woo secon lcd by I t»* AUanU Herald do*M en 4 editorial I be will weep for Owrgla on floor
I Henry Walker, Eeq., of the Milner detega* I ro-afllrmation of the tenth of ito intervi e I henatc. ■ tma, IT ’ —I"; i—,v— ; nt .. - • ■ tun
^> t s: r o“ M sa , T b ^a;;^ « ot 'j?rrM , 3o”.. , ri u &rs »■
sSa&Sr -- " “ a H t *?•' M m “m.i rad i?.,V^?rtraMv W ^ti , n.T. k *dra ,
Of «fsorgEe, en opportimity to deride by I ridteolooe aiweys tranrP l *°^** I ■•ereUry.nnd the vote on this, the seooud I ion* expressed by him to u* at a time »h«n
the balk* whether or not they will have I th* burlceqoe » | ballot woe: John F. Redding, I he did not have a spell on him.
" >edtn I yivTbSr 1 k- J- FbwelU2234. Thechai-msndrclared 1 ootktnoara Kcho: Sheriff Doeter in*
. . I ,0 v th S b V B ® ttl I M r. Redding duly nominated. Thefollow- t b ftt his mother, who is seventy-
1 w^iSSdtSlhy^ f ^turit 1 4 ?« «® nt, ® m ® n ‘ ro ™ 9 V ' ix >®* r * o!j - Uvioe ln jR ® k *on oounty. is i U genertlly initash alum. As a
'* tti*l?!!* |“L iTl:. 1 the county mere then nominated , *• r* I coUlngtertb. l\e tmve often lieard ot old I .i ng j 0 f,; Uc h of alum will settle a backet
*.ra. i. vm generally I fu n of oUr ri ver water, tho tor/ small
re dnl not au I quant jty G f tt,* » t i!phur»c acid and potash
la undoubtedly j | n f c#ci | cuunnt lw hurtful, ’lhe use of
fwW similar casts, l ft | nu , j n this connectiou i * common
the intense disgust I Mississippi."
Democrat* over the nom-1 OAaruEtL was announced to
Stephen*. Hundred* of | ^ , n Monnw '.n WednMday an* in
in oieoboUe liqoor* continued in | ton ie esrtainly a The leetare^
'vltetl (J), That w* do not deem i
beyond reach. u ...
Columbus Timet: Yesterday afternoon I think. I went into tho nomination and
about on# o'clock, in th# taste.-a part of th* I voted for delegates, and if Mr. Stephens
city, on old woman namMl Arena Stewart, I bad been nominated under th* two thirds
of Mr. Stephens, llandroos oi i , n Monrt* on Wetlnesdav ann in
, — , veto. I Bay. ,£3 rSWXUM
, -cl conouo ngwova uv aaw raoavy. | boa nnra th, Man.* 'Iha, wara fSthfTug! u'S ol 'to.”’uoota Uartitl|
1 ,,u 0- la tb. ptoJg.ta th. ptaoraUngrrao- .... OapUio to p.rlmp. filly ycara ol
cTT’Tf, i, r.Utiunijti thl
. afioihra .Uctiotu, tha qc-t oo J. T. lligganbotlham
of to' i 'rol.ibitioB oftha numofiratora rad I nombat ot.tolraaoodaM
, 1 alcohotie Uqocm ta aata county |g k ‘
a the ptodg. in tb. rncraltng rra
a orttor that tha fun vntght ot <
, wiinHIat ol Hvra-himraU I
**• -.'STS 'SFSfiuSZ wt MTto’imjTbSrS Si .US. to^n rara “av.“u 5o! air-brating th. Maoon
t . -.<V vlo,: 'moan, th^r ttunkuatto ludcra Jwto. It.raraid «t public oolcry “t 4 ltoboiSjto.t lh.ptlotol rat Tuaoaai.hUa r.tUioagood oapar-cob.
I ' h - if I br ?,' 1 .“. bt .ra-f. 1.15g{& ^v^'ratlLap^ of | b....r tatbofiutc,
imivitMindiBcrvU part. .‘.I >>• >'•
i it necesvory, to | charm
ear wo* broken open in At
Wednesday night and a quantity
stolen from it. “Th* police
quiet time."
Montezuma Weekly says: “Mr. W.
.. Maxwell w.vs bitten on a finger by an
enormous spider one day lest week, and
not been able to use his arm
dropped dead white engaged la washing I n \t, or that rule . bad been
clothes. She wo# aboot sisty years of age, I oh&nged br a tifo-thirda vote in
and her death i* soppaked to have been I the convention, 1 sh'mld have
imsed by apoplaxy. I felt in honor bound to vote for his eleo-
Ma. Ijovicx Wowtrr, of Colombo*, hvl a | Uon; but as orithet was done, i do not feel
tUepistol in his hip pocket. Th* little I that I am bound by the nomination, or that
istol did not know th* differerce betwren I it is undemocratic to refuse to kdto for
.rieadly to the pause of
requested oitber to pal
• report in full, or ,lo publish
No int
.ult —W# publish the above as the pro-
tSbtf th* m—iing, witnoot oommit-
to it* aeteom-Eo. T. k M.)
' Ihe ||A* H liiimosflw|i*rioi rnmt coo-
rt . . . t: Monday. J.£ Pinekardwiil
na.1: ’»t*r# to the bar dnrin# tbe eession.
a,-'.:-' ill Dews, of Coiombne, is
i-rh vb relv.uaa bar*.
net t.Ajr T. J. Fletcher haa booght * Hi
Art! -. m and wiU mov* into town after
Irwtaral nprau'l*r firat bato of ootton
and feerk. We have several boyers aud
nan.*, ti g*vothev*ff top of the market
HAfiit !.•»- ’• ring th* eoming season. TWal
tn* . -ar> to keep **rpr*esot trade
H .ryw' fling the new road.
t,.„. * county ia arid to havetmmty-
i b* I.- ^pinrnu for Wgivlotive honors,
tariff" osan to th*
i te* of whteky and ardent ad vo-
Mdi&i, W'U.t.l.
Of. Car ;k» s .*
Iku b JcJ.' > -
pi hu term -4.
' tf court, and !.*• 1.
W* be a candid
General Gaitrel
*larg« auliHLo».
.fcwbraMd*o.. gftjsSSsFIs b^sj?jstt-ssssstssrfK33
fibt. I ^ry’u^M^V^Tifi. 8 Hra- «"«*» ^ '“ l »" ur J »- ‘X^A^ Itomach 1'Ttra-aran*. ragra mrawb
this I rington and Dribs Jackson or* spend-1 “**•** f t. ,, rur atnt in some cons ideratiam. Internal 'tharmony" I w || 0 aeverely while Tying sick in
>lisb I ing lSwe*k at White Salpbnr Spring*. . ‘ #kkflwa U *’ roTaIent of prime consideration in every by tb* sberitf and p
t2l F5Sriamn a win.ooatraovar, with 1«U ragototod tamily. . . , 1 £?-• SSTJWl**!*®!* f.
little ra - _
it* owner anj utoM raA-nJ'^Uvrcntoa'anJ I him. For Mr. Btcptian. pononally I havo
abot Mr Lovvck Burtt ia tba calf of hia I a high rogard. 1 only oonJcmn m. pc ti-
riSbt l«. H^ldoflh.« .hoTamora cvlaeVa Ilctrnd tovou for. rad do all in
awiropnata lag th.n tha Wright one. wy po«ar as a nwmUr of tbo cjrantivo
’^Thi following from thoOWanWfHrmW “n.*^irara .^ thi 8U n
tion ^I nominees, bot Twill not vote far Mr St-'-
procrad to La.rraoaraU. amt addraaa 1 * * c ;; “* ti^nahli in ra- nn tuff Steffi:
evopofrattoo, having nc«ind“omr givra of hia appotatmrat. urm for which I am aUctra), rad I hava mi
. . liaraxscNTATiva Oroaoa R. Blaca, of ( ,c r tliattbay .Ulfindthir oocfidanca mia-
Uie firat dulrict, to oot in * tottoc aunonno- *
a a t. A...lM.ra «A. .. aloollr n tn (Vta. I ^
i-ridcrs in politic*?
I peace of Thomas county.
Auoust 2S.—Last night, it th* rssidenes I ^Hdge across Uakchapchney creek, on th# tw . _ _ w ^ m _
iJ I rotLd leading from Hi jkory Grove to Grar’s 1 QxxnM~Trihune: We pub’Uh site-1 see tiWm taking thj* step. It convince# us
Kltet iLtiSSj^jBSsSfffif I Ferr Y- A S*Mo*» i* »oj» 1 being signed by tetter to the Teunmuhi and Me*- I that th* peace of that section is now
i? 1 Fo " Jth ’ "*• the citizen* of that district to bar* ilinade 2gucd “H. V. W.,“ upon tbs sub-1 secure.
1 CYb* tiSr^wai exhibited on our l * ,K 004 * rt * d m . J**® I ject of a monument for Senator Hill- HI* [ The Thomavvllle artesian w
thra. ... aahitatoJnn rar I tliat to travelid mere than thia. j J mc ra nIM i t.rotwr thatthatwoplaol Georgia I ficriptaral funndation. Ittothi
|Tha majority of th. pragto of Tralov Soo U monummln mranorv o( f£, P Se.p. Th. work to .fill
I raooty travai it in oarrytng lb.irocuo.i_to j Hr ltU ,nd vi bo., th* rank of I Xb. rock, will b. ptorced and tha wattr
S flow, ta lh. languag. of tW old
» jnatii
r. W. i
I Marao, whito thto wholi raclion of country I rabrartytiooj'for' that pnrpOM J Juj ' ll> * W *^'
- . * Jf* 1 ha. ito milting done at Lamar’. m,U, rad - ’’
Orranltco Bar mtanrrat. B, | ^ ,v*ir.. havo to no br that road. 1
amcrlcoa Amcva . XtQaUi ^ ogtothorpa
*hra raocivad np to I Amm1 *._! „„ b»w rata to oo. 1 ^^S^d^rSS np~aadtolhim 1 5^0^
It ran oo tun and wra ’
“‘iSSSSS'-.r. rranratral to mrat at th. I I
tfato^thiaatov.ath) braabWtvi Outrict,
prluog C'iay, Tcrrcfi and Randolph
Wa an naadioc rata ta thto Motion.
. B.K.B.
, Sown than. Ita fait poffoctly wall, hoi WAaapammOazatr. OoronorCol^uUt
1“ «“ ^ I SdTaai tho toto of tha dm, ra. oot rnoch | to to HU uma of Cotoool. Jtantoman’e ap-
I -rL »a_. nocnc apu iban a wratdi to
IpHra for c
I brighter than
I aragtad to l
year. part. ti.
fc'th. farmtai tiarahaSfbJfTtoSl
■ “row to boa- am atac. tba war, and if tha
TaumaAiu Ann I -tohorar to worthv ot hto Uro," it to ratling
nt an carvd a I Una tha larman of tha country wire bat-
aptinu: "For tba I tartog tbtoc modittao.
SMthir Hill: | Jodga D. IS. Ilarrcll to out for Con giro.
I • Tboarttotolta ltd. diAtrirt. Uto aard atpaan in to.
by U. W. ifi, who, bayoad Ml I day’. KnaJ-tordUy tUpnNUan ant hto
L match in appenfanoo- | [oinlmcnU to.pcik ntdifl routplacnav.r Thera i., trrbap^ lb. State. l!j uar of panothatoa .c
^Hmbug oo earth than tha rap. remind tba prapto that in our optutod
toravl mvlitohc. )tl wbvo a tallow to Ut I ar. many man ta Orargia who woold
to try aay
To. following Ham u from tho Waab-
tacua UabbaU’a ptnmkriag
kaada mat down to Orargia: “Ihanur-
tog pmtmaMir ol thto ptow taavaa t
brajaMt to tb. taooming ow to ttolhop.
Hannrr.WaUhman: On tha
Ai*0atfa.byB*».O. W. Vai'
T. O. Borin, of North C
tha raw. ranntly.—Jaclxm _
woold nndoubtrally ba bratar for Mr. Bta-
phtna. A man ot hit rgc end infirinll
trembling os be ie on ffio brisk of
grave, should think of romrthlog else
eidcs worldly honors. It u a pitiable
taels- that of a wont and mumblr
man scrambling for offices that he
'U. ra v
TuiRomo Courier rn ill* of
Mr* Noah King, of Bartow/fjSny, and
Air. W, W. Cheney, of ri«w* «*rLt>, both
neifol and tesperted citijtbs.
riaukx'i piinsJEfe leant/ awl vigor
ing bis chaudidsey for ra-etection to Coo-1
lx to anoconoed that Mr. Btophora
nH. taunt., \tlaala Mat week to arrun t *™*» • !> , io:t>« oi_in. comtacm_i»oo™r.
ta* crime ^ to igto^U M«-Mhto«rra» I
*ata«M I ,h * riT< * rtocittod that eighty canto pm day
be 'iJm.'Jlf'.ill taK DMt «a not ra much par aa taay war. rattttod
l!!" S TU, Ttoy*JS^SV^kraraSTrad
Havanan Snt: Than haa bran a grad- u-ir ngM vara not lonaaMd at ooca thay
ualadvanoa ta Central railroadatoohtha ^mld rail tbair work. Mr.Champayna
jraErss# ssarass:
aakatL Traoaaationa bar. baan Ught, aal tM rtooUMthonMiUi^totoodadtotoav.,
there to vary Itltla of tho .took oo lh. I bat aaatag Mr. Chompoyoa approaching
plcltad -
.-Mta.v, II. ’.Jet a ate upper, btly
......... ,*.ti»u(d with their intevtmebt
nr.,1 arc dete rmined to iiuld on. Thera
.ill probably ba » still further advance
bvt.van no. nnd the u.acting ut tbu dt-
r, nthodtli troi., concerning .Inch
there U convidcrabla .tacnlation.
Fne Role negmei ate in j-dl charged
r ; ....
I i;,t< in »n nnla.filmanner, the I-..
gambling iv oot thfirccd n.< i!
I L... Tho antborlt cA are cot vig
ilant in the .opprtf.ioo of thia .pacta, of
Tut following Urn ftre from Iha floa-
uf. lin* i: “lb; .t riaka.appoArad
in cunnll,. adj.cvtt to O.-.rkf.—The
army worm iv cling np th
llnd-oa void l.iucirplavt week to partto.
inthi. lion. There I. but litlto donbt
lint Id a.T\ or l wilt Uto S; <r t « If i’lt.C-
SBSraS SsSzsisfS^
wlddi bava bean ti,t, can ba
rv’aincd by tba action nt alu conatlto*
tlnnal ayvi'ti Theta ata.dv l..n ,varily
ncu'ata, hu'M up, fetfy and aougoniw
allnxlttiu- .rTcgnlaritica and ax-
CCVAC-, ur obornctimu which produce tho
til health. The remedy mutt unload the
locked »p Mention., add Iron to blood,
strength to aytoam and ctiiay to nerve..
Buck a remray Iv found iu Iba ura of
FTajItoA Fcimilv B«l-r».
“lT'a oo tug,’’ uyt Iho droptm lant dya*
peptic. Out It to of ura. Tour aulStrlnga
can ba raUarad; tbouranda havo baas
cured, and you can atoo. Brnkt-n-down,
dnpondlng victim, pf dyapapeta, line
complaint, tovrr and ague, rbenmatlam,
nervous debility or pram attire decay will
find in Simmon. Lifer Regulator, pre
pared by J. U. Zcilin 4 Co., a rrget mb la
specific which reaches tlia vwirev of tha
troubia and «fleets an ahwlala rad per
manent cure. U regulaua the liver, dis
pels despondency and rortorra beultls.
Too atoaach ftmlsbca nahtral InsU-
nanca for every organ. If dtoordarod, tho
whole body languishes i however effected,
lu tone and vigor may always ba restored
S ’ using regularly Coliton's Liebig's Lhf
d Extract of E,«f and Tonlo Inairan.
tor, to plot bottle a Ash br OMra’a,
taka no other. Of dm- Uta generally.
Baiurv’a Sauxx ArcwxwT to a whim
poed.r, andw vn p.-nd In «at-r fcama,
rparkica, and tastes j :tt Ilka soda .star.
It la very cooling and plrraanf, acu gently
upon the bescT, «U -na tor-ipatloo
cure* sick headi-To, nssr Meraacb and
CoL' gv s L ’ -n/Eu-1 1. ef an !
Toole Invigor
reached the i vrty ho .vk«J .hero etre
those who wanted to virile, hot a vmgie
man "an'.tml the deveripfiou."
told them tlivi if there «o one among
them tltat did not want to.ork toruhnt
be .as getting, that one b;ui hi. tariol-
to leave .t once, bnt not n single man l,
Tbe rashly to link, luul abaiod.
l’ora, Evy, of atben-, d'-vti Us
tier deehng the nomination tor the Heo-
iiorshipof thet.euty-Mv.nth district, lu
tlie following msener: “Itomg MUgtb-i
tliat this nominatom ia eqnivnlcnl t* nn
Ksuasjsnsis: ssms
idiT a mum of doly to prior obligation.
this district. They are all ravaitg for th. I^vUMU rad Jotoom rl
aaaotngtowiou end.—Tto )«cii« Ik- ;
mocrac, ol Atl^n, .leak ol 1 rrwvnllc* n . dh . or Lo. 1 1 ,