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4SDEU«r» AfiMVi t**4« ty Xprena Osoey
ti-iee et E*a'.-,?ro»* Ucnr.
* a «Oi-nii-. a-uw kXakVS to (MfOMIy
i «r.
CL he (T^cncgta iUcf>v;i £eirgcaptr aci* Jawcnal « IRcasjmgpr
is ainui in eessmb
A turd.
There f« a minor afloat to the effect t hat the
Tslei/Bapii and MnflSBKGU 1> not
property of a Southern corporation
manor born.—FTayereii Reporter.
Your Informant,
liar. The entire r
Bibb oountj, ail of
eroers except Mr.
Manager Telegraph
liebing Company.
Pathos on tbo lips o
praise oa a Pharisee’s
Jcdob Haquei.i. will
be decidedly chilling a day
faAaoa is feeling around in
ability and opportunity to be avenged
Ths indorsement of Mr. Btepbena Is no
test of. Democracy, and any man not a
fool knows it.
Mr Mephsartf—I.
Injustice »o Hr. Stephens we present in
another column all that portion of his
'■* rw 'oeech which Is or present Interest.
TilS first part was devoted to a somewhat
rambling and sketchy history of govern*
meats and careen of men. As Mr. Ste
phens Is fresh from his history this work
at the ends of bis fingen. it Is familiar
Jtost readen of American history and
o are not Informed and desire to
find the matter In almost any
If Mr. Stephens proposes to
campai^wV would suggest to him to
sp\>» hims&L 0*e fatigue of repeating this
mail; i.% .VcuN* actot possibly change or
Influ :>**.• ▼pte. V ' w<K
t that tM \ oieful and intelli
gent readeVnUM, that the
portion of tWvJf'iech publWjfJs a very
adroit present^! e of the points, and a
skill!al though Inyeiplete and unsatislac*
U ij defense of lVtiplf. We shall not
permit it to pass Athf it challenge.
3(r. Stephens ^f.hat he, solitary
and alone, threw hlmscTr against the solid
opiuion of the Democratic party in Con*
gresa on the question of the Potter resolu
tions. lie claimed to be wiasr and more
the others, predicted that
“a tragedy or a farce,'
o movement was aban-
the history of this
ts bring on any
A Saintly Fraud. I cago that do not have picnics given to j fictions of mythology. A lovely girl grew j Mr. Stephens, who claims »/> be the can* I dent; yet in one year after when he
Ouv. Bt. John, of Kansas, finds It Impossible raise funds, U) provide them and theJr or- sick and died. On the day after her burial j didate for governor of the Georgia De- into office he appointed more of them than
to accept an Invitation to speak In Ohio during phan children with the common necessa* the young man to whom she was engaged
theoamutigo, bet h. MJ. IhM ftw. tow | ri<MufU fa. Tu , i, because their bus- wa. found lying at full length on her
reason for the fnenus of temperance in Ohio ... I ........
to withhold their earnest aupport from the Re- b * nd » wert not murdereis and howlers grave cold and icy In death. There seems
publican party of that Bute. The fact i* rap- for negro equality. A failure on this never to have been any wavering or heal-
Idly »k.'eloping that the Republican party of I Hue Is fatal to the hopes of a Chicago tatlon. Never once did It occur to
th A C ^Ui lnrUt0b6 the, ^* p *f t,r |![ i mor * uljr wldow » in *> far as the distribution of him that life was worth the living
w“dXl“ib. U I P |CU|C fuud » “ enneemed. W« venture I without the wom.u who was
whisky."---New York Tniutu. to say no widow whose husband waa a idol of bis life, the embodiment of hit
There is a saying to the effect that “all I poor, honest, decent, law-abiding citizen, hopes. Rut more heartrending than
are not saints who go to church.” It ever had a picnic gotten up for the bene- this, aro the tales of those young girls
would seem, from the above paragraph, fit of herself or her children in that abld- who have attempted their lives while but
that even the St. John of the Kansas Jac- ing place of social pollution. We shall on its threshold. Some have been res-
oblns, a man of Infinite pretension, Is as take pleasure In making reference to any cued, aud when questioned as to tbo
little of s saint as the worst of them—his I such case that may be brought to our at- cause of their rashness, have answered
. lu llicir l " *rr—• - I iror.i ms prison rrn, i tmi jhh’. iiinjf «yi ins iiuru
character greatly belying his name. | teniion. | simply that they had nothing to lire for. j Is there a sane man in Georgia who bar- tom hia friendship to violent hatred, and wylnf that he la snjoyisg must excel*
St. John, the Kansas wbooper, has been I John Brown was not a man of distlnc* I Their home life was nothing but drudg- bors such a hallucination at this morosnt? T,ry fow of his attachments lsatsd for —Captain Fox, of tls« cn.vt survey, is «j
counselling with “the friends of temper-1 tiou. He did not seek distinction. He I ery, their puts chspter of toll and pain, I Does it not seem that the contagion from y ® ar8, I , •jjjwopublio life as du-1 ont with »pamphlet to prove that ( j" J, imbti«
auce in Ohio,” If we are really to believo I coveted notoriety, and he got it. He was and their future one dreary blank. With j the mountain districts ’« likely to find I S a C ipv * chafed u^>n him for about 4io yeari'.'i.'it nt
that there aro such people ir. that State, a worse man than Hayea or even Grant, no uint of shame, from the sheer force of strongliolds in the lowlands? Can ths JndgeV which did not plTaso fife* 1101110 dlaiance souther tot t-imsaiva-
and advising them that there is no reason I He was not so decent a man by a ereat despair.and helplessness, they plunged fslr-minded and honest Democrat, who ^s debt of gratitude, nnd oonvert —It is ssld that Brady did not make
for withholding ‘‘their earnest aupport deal as Guiteau. He was not the supe-1 into the river in quest of rest. really desires the triumph of his principles him into a bitter enemy. He entered nr- JT^anf aSff&^&rUie? teportSnSat " Wl “
from the Republican party of that State.” rlor of Jay Hubbell, or the editor of the I Men who have almost run oat their and his party, make serious and tenable I tional politics as a follower and admirer I suppiyint thejurvmen wlUi •uinptnoufi n _
St. John takes the usual Jacobin view of New York Tribune. Johu Brown waa a [ three score years and ten, unable to find objection to the demand that Mr. Stephens, of Joflerion, but turned upon him with sav- Jewif! oomeoutoftbetSS? wS^nmn.^Thls
temperance and morality, which he rc-1 thief, a murderer and a miscegenatlonlst. I any good in the past or hope for tbo fu-1 in this emergency, shall put himtelf in age ferooity for not appointinj him gov-1 prophesy is intendwl fw wnotejKHkTity, the
gards as the peculiar traits of his party I He was hung at Harper’s Ferry, just be- ture, are daily snapping the cord. They such attitude towards Indepcndentism as eraor of New Orleans. | tJuJcGZ! 11 * * ' * *°
He seems to consider intemperance and fore the war, for attempting to incite a shut their eyes to the hereafter, fleeing will quiet the “unrest” in the public mind, Such is the character with which this I —Dr. J. Marhn Sims, who was made a
immorality as somewhat synonymous I servile insurrection In Virginia, Jurlng 1 from the spectres of other days. restore order to “a distracted public opin- book deals. II moat not be iafaried, from I jJSSgjjjSjt uSem^Lhaaby deemeo t , u «
terms, Juat as he consldeia temperance I which attempt he was guilty of the crime I Men who have lived blameless lives, I ion,” and gtve hope that the pledges made what has bsen said above, that Jackson I nth ot July la«t been made officer of the i"”
and morality ; and with him and hU or* 0 f murder. He did more than auyolherllv- and cherished their honor above all in bis behalf shall be fully met? was a baseman. Hit tails were suchas j fj° c n h ^“}^; S JEJEf, SS3f*IiS SmTSi
ganlzatjon temporance and morality con-1 hig wan of bit day to bring on the late I thing#, are wounded through the way-! I result from laok of social and moral train-1 the battle of Bedso. The public n*ng»itJi>» cf
•ist simply and only In abstaining from I war; and, indeed, his capturo of Harper’s | wardness of a wife or a daughter, and ^ | I with trea^Mtu/i'ctioolf/h^VAcnVl. n"i
the use of ardent spirits. A man may I Ferry and invasion of Virginia constl* I ponder over it with the gleam of a pistol] “ ~~ n ^
[verouent to, cbeU,„«»l, rob, and defrtud th. gov-1 tuted tbo flr.t .coo I. th« fcrful I dud^g tbrlr eye. B.Uor to meet de.tbI JS J STu."^ I SSSiViTnlB:
*- 1 th»n dUbonor, .nd In the ume .plrtt th.t | I pnjadleeorTnHiimlbluM hU, end " 1,h 1:CTr -
Acstbia hat a territorial interest in
maintaining the pressnt boundaries of
Turkey in Europe.
Sim GaarAf would "end the
war with a clsp ef thunder” if he ooold
oontrol the lightning.
No man who favoia abolishing “tho*
oolor line” is worthy of the confldeneo or
gapport of Democrats.
Bowkhoot seems to havs disinfsoted the
pustulious paraarapbor with a swipe of
earbolio soap. It is well.
JuDdC JAoasoa would illustrate Georgia
in the Senate, and so wooid either J. 0.0.
Black or N. J. Hammond.
Tub Chalmers-Manning fight is off for
the present. If they campaign togethar
they will fight befors the election.
Tin man that has not seen the last iasne
of the Poet-Appeal cannot tell which of the
oaniidatee it advocates for governor.
ass of evidence
which must forever damu the Republican
party In the estimation of all honest men,
The committee was llmarted and desisted
only when the «snip*gu telegrams were
demanded, and the Western Union Com
pany brought the Uemoc*«tic telegrams
made reply if**’ ‘"b** rate eaten
ilujio uf the Republicans." Mr. htephe^
alone of all the Democrats resisted Tills
movement and acted In full accord with
Editobs with brasa beads do not get
"sore-headed" at any outrage that may oe
perpetrated on the Demooratio party.
\S a make the pndletioa that Mr. Ste
phens will not throw his influence in tarot
of the slaotioa of Col. Ueeeo, in the eighth
Arras glancing over the long array of
criminal acts, it is refreshing to turn to
tusIm: see tea, and learn that Kentucky has
hemp seven feet high.
Wa bear nothing more of Alr.Baoon’a
“sulking in his tent.” "The clans of the
valley” seem to De confined to their tents.
What are they doing ?
Tna people of Georgia will conclude
after a while that a faw political bummers
In Atlanta do not constitute the Dsmo-
or&tto party of the State.
Taa Nsw York IVihuae, with Its usual
mendacious versatility, Is trying to boid
the Demooratio j arty raepooalble for the
system of pollUoel assesslaente.
A aaxrtCAi. editor's notion of “high mor
al ideas,” as Ulostrated by the Wsshisgton
and New York Radioul paper*, is slwsya to
charge the top of the market when be sells
Tuna la no greater blot on the English
judiciary than the ba'berous aud tyrunni
cal imprisonment of editor Gray. Thai*
is nothing In the annals of Russian juetiot,
eo*called, to equal it
B a aro beginning to hope that Jim Ben
nett has permanently located In Turkey,
though we do not wish to be understood as
having any personal grievance against the
people of that country.
Ms. HrarSKBSla authority for the opiu
ion that no Demooratio convention ass
right to go outside of the party to gat
flemiaee ; and if any convention should
do so, that ite action is not binding.
“Sixtus chaplains accompany \Tolse-
Icy’s army. They don't linger long over
'Thou shall not kill.*" They don’t have
the time. Arab! scoops down on them and
drops them into the canal for his carp.
Ak exchange says the people are not
uneasy about the yellow lever is Feosa-
cula, because they are getting used to
This getting utsd to yellow fever is very
much like the little ope rat loo on the eels.
TnTaunnani sm> Messes ;la has
oeeasion to defend the Democracy of
reoord. No man, no paper, no sit of men,
can make^he indorsement of Indepen*
dMtism a test of Che genuineness of De-
Tn Atlanta stool pigeon organ read Mr.
Stephens out of the Democratic party
few jrrars ago for doing what it now
cUree to have been all right. The stool
pigeon organ takes pride in defiling
Thb organized Democrats in the ninth
district would have welcomed Mr. Stephens
Into their midst as an ally and u defender.
He prefers to some South end shirk
issue against Independenttsm. Comment
Ir is stated that Gen. Sturgis basbeen
restored to hia aoparintendency of tha Sol
diers' Home. He will be careful hereafter
not to interfere with the systematic Urfev
log that is said to be carried on by the high
officials of that lust Radon.
citizen of Detroit object to tb* odor
colored gentleman's brier root pipe.
rannofi see that the colors i
I r»*. y smokirgoat of consul
liriia f. The colored gentleman
in good odor it* Detroit.
ling challenge to the
bar* and when I
mocracjr. Tha vote at the end of the gu- I any of his prc*doco.»*ors had in a whole I p sf^Montrfa * ui,!* v'ent'to
bematorial campaign will have a power- j torm * a Senator he voted for tts tariff, EnglsiSlforcon*ccratlon, has returu»-«i.
ful effect upon the canvass of the Inde- bQ l® 8 l ,fC8 Ident he said in hia menage, In I —Canon Farrar, ol London, [tr^aches
ptndenu for Congr«.lou.l honor,. '**•
In ?iew of UiU very morement on Iho | **Hti»ail«d«l W‘Ui «Hhi. ,i eve j.
part of the administration, to which wo ^ treD * Ttho/ ^racier, and todapenJcnoe, _Miss Welch has been nominated for
i A n a a r .i *i a h® became, as President, the tool of a de-1 lupcilnteudcn! of «choolA ia Fulton «-o\
hsvo alluded, frantic appeals were made cJ1 par . m..SSiTifw*tiia
to the Democracy to consent to the non!- Ucu i arly ^ Iftsk one , WC re the complete Affile intWed ^
nation of Mr. Stephens for the reason that embodiment of centralism and —Gen. David R. Atclii»»n, ex Senator
hi, name, hi, ability and hU effort would penonnlUiir In politic.. Do in-1!'ft* ' }**};
meet and offset It. augorated the practioe of packing the 8u- ol bis farm lu Clinton countyMb’so.i.’.!
The masses were auared that with him preme Court He waa a most fa*thful I resided for msujr y*»M.
in the field, tho seventh and ninth districts friend, so long as his friendship laiied, but .,
would be won back to their allegiano?. the least opposition by word or deed wonhl I f rom bi prison ceil, complaining of bis imni
The barnacles, bummers and hoodlums who I executive powers. Prof. Sumner's theory I compatriots,
e trying to control the Republican party of [ of bis character is that “a certain notion] —The Rev. Charles Benlly
prised and mortified at his action, but no
attempt was made to disdpllue him. ne
wrote the Casey letter without cause,
tramfed his district In vain to find
ono of hit party to opposo him. He ex
hibited a great deal of bad temper, aud
course provoked some retaliation lu
(urn, and weakened the bond betweeu
himself and those who bad always support*
him. He knew when he wrote tho
Baker letter, that Dr. Felton was
and had been In open revolt against the
Democratic party, and was seeking to
beat the nominee of that party by the use
uegro and Radical votes.
No matter how good a Democrat be
may have professed to be, and no mails;
how be may have voted in and out of
caucus, there Is no rubbing out the fact,
which Mr. Stephens and all men knew,
that Dr. Felton waa engaged In an attempt
defeat the party In his district.
Mr. Stephens claims that his superior
wisdom in the Greeley matter has been
indorsed. This we deny. The Greeley
movement was wise In policy and ben
eficial In results. It broke the solidity of
the Republican party, and for the first
time opened the way for the Northern
mind to receive the truth concerning the
Mr. Stephens was punished for his con
tumacy. A Democratic Legislature de
feated his aspirations for the Senate, and
though it turned out to be a case of bit
ing one’s nose off to spite one's face, and
the six yarns of Gordon were a terrific
puulshment to tlra Democratic party of
Georgia, yet Mr. Stephens was not in
domed. Ills history of the twc-tblrds
rule la good so far as It goes. He cannot
name a sneak that was ever made by U,
and be kuows that tbo great trouble
which came to the Georgia Democracy
followed a contemptuous disregard of it.
If 11 bad been adhered to aa the people
instructed, we would bare avoided the
trouble now upon us.
Mr. Stephens said some things which
gave great satisfaction. The people were
pleased to see him unload Colquitt In
public and unmistakable manner.
They wero delighted, too, that be bad de
termined to assume command of his own
skillet. It was ominous of I he fact that lie
admitted the necessity of throwing
board wsak and bad adtlsen, and waa,
disposed to think aud act for himself.
Mr. Stephens stopped short of reselling
two points m a spirit or frankness in his
speech. Be should have struck iudepen-
drutliO’ squarer blows lu front, aud lie
abouli bave met the race issue as au liu-
mediate and not a possible future contin
He seems to have lodged in bis head
couvlcliou that be will receive all tho
uegro and Indepoudent vote, and appears
lobe afraid to Imperil the chances of
Mr. Stephens claims to bo tunning u
tbo cudiiUto of tbo Democratic pvt)
UMfgU. Tbit party hu a right to ilo-
mand of bint that ba aball moot both
theaa tuuo§ to iquinl) u to loaro no room
for doubt.
Thor, an aoma Democrat, who will
n.T.r aupport him. Then v. a largo
number who an unwilling to aupport
biatlnhti pment aultnue. Tho. I art
be can reach for out acd bring U> him If
will whtcrlba to a platform to ba pro
pared by th., oxoculire committor.
Then mutt b. no non dodgtn
K.ltoa ar Emory Speer,
aud no more trimming of language, which,
when It uya that party wrong! uturt
ndrataad laald. of party linea, I, lutein!
<d to aim directly at then leaden of llw
Independent moiement, u movement
which I, spreading with gnat rapidity
throughout the Slate.
Alnady It la aattled that Sir. Stephen,
cannot poll Un accustomed henry Demo
cratic mg|oetty. Ue hu amoRltealioo in
Won for himatlf. If ba shall "abUtaryand
lion." aland ont agabuttbe party in Urn
matter of a sound and satisfactory plat-
ways tragedy.
characterise the officials of the Jacobin j For those characteristics and for this I nuwed the old Roman, to fall on tboir I the Globt-Dcmoerat is a reckless pa-1 msdiatery'becamo!"for , Um”*a , "eeif™Tident| ncentlrntiirncdto tiuu eh" 1 , inirnbiu^'!
party, and be very temperate end morel I record he hubeen apotheosized In many I swords, they quench the light. per. The publication of the abovo para- troth, which he irarsoedtothe l«t conie-1 {Sf^lwthstmmo'oi'KnUrV “'mi,',. ■ !; 17
men, In the estimation of the Kansas I portions of the North. Notably InBos-l To men who have failed in life, in the j graph was not necersary to the establish-1 qoenoes; endwoe tothe maneroeese that I ins hu former vi, it luni.b r
Saint. ton and Chicago, he is regarded by many I alienee of their chambers, come grim end I ment of Us character in that particular, stood in his way.” lie <u not vain or I l“‘{}3tm3rllr mtfno'lroalheaSrffirr^
It Is impoulhle, on any other anpprsi-1 people u superior to Washington, and I unwelcome spectres—failure end dlspair. IA paper that indorsed ell tho bad points I ambitions, though he held more power | negr0 Czrlr.r, wlm Iv runni
tion, to account for Ht. John's claim that I greater and more admirable than any other I The struggle is a brief one, and sniddelof the administrations of Hayea ami thnnany other American hsd ever wielded. I .nindepemieni Krrui,iic'„,
the ltepubllcen party la “the party ol man except, perhaps, Grant, that the draws tho sting of defest, end oblivion Grant, and tbst is earnest in the adro- I Trof. Samner says that, “It does not ap-1 gejfj>mtl»dl«rfctm which Gen chsimer.
morality and good government" In this 1 country hu ever oroduced. I puts on end to it all. | cecy of Jacobin measures, Jutt In propor- j I ? mr tiist lie ever re pan tod of am thin,', or I ,ny,,[
country. Tho truth of the business is. I This brief recital will explain why pio- It must ba evident that thla crime Is in tlon to their baduww, need, nothiog else ever Ibongbt that he had bsenjn tho wrong
there never was, lu this or any other I nics are given In Chicago, to raise funds creasing, anfsome step must betaken for to be alleged in proof oflte rechleesneea. I" forgave an enemy, UI to favor of Chalmers. He FIJI lie,
country, a prrty containing ao large au I for tho widow of John Brows. I its suppressioo. To those who are prompt- But that refers to reckleiiness of *dvo- * '^ n ° j, C kion’o characterUtio, bave I -“h whtebto!eppem/onrhnobm.'^"
aggregate of thieves and corrupt official, yyi, ;ll , Joh „ Brown murdered Southern «d bf physical anffsrlng, tha remedy lies escy and belief. be.a f ol |. « n d fairly detvied by l’rof. , k ~ Mr ' ? l f d 1 *,“ >n ® ,l "i ,
the llepubllcan parly ofto-day, and of m)n ln K „,, M , nd Virginia-iasU-1 largely In the charities ol church and nereweharo an evidence of wildness 8llmner ln , hi< vdnmo, end the pnaent !n^VSSwSvStoSt itom »T" .‘,v ' vl
the past twenty years. An honest exalt- gltc d by Henry Ward Beecher and tho State. But for men who aro moved by of still another character. I> actually | lu« i..monlnion.lhe W...whlrf, hu | He wu aoeoapMUeo hr, sir,
ed official, lu Radical circles, hu been an I d4v n_nud while ho adviv'zted theft and I tsuiee beyond tile reach of physical aid, I urges its party to a ooorso which muit I Jft beenwritten of this remarkablema I Auxtut2o, the party Unde
exception to the rule, during the past I practiced it, end sought to raise the flag there It no remedy hut the elevation of result in lelMestructlon. Jnet think of Itienotonlyslifeof Jackson, but inc '' I I.'awtt.'nsl^nfis 1 "f"
twcntyyoars. Menwhooo not faeailate | or ssr vlio war tn tho'south, It is proper to public sentiment. Do away with the tho Republican party of Missouri on- j deobiily a history of tho polities of his I Beembarkin*. the voy»ee‘i». I
to steal whenover an opportunity offers I a „ ,b cae dld not ,„d do not consti-1 sentimentality of such a death; cloths It gaged lu the businesi or shaking 0 ff Ume,aodis follof info^tionupoimany I Ku^r,., .
cannot establish a claim to he exemplars L oto bi, principal distinction In tho csti-1 with all the shame aud horror which tho Its “barnacles, bummers and hoed- TUtnOmuisr pat- _ 4 Blpt|jt M ^ borr t „ , ,,
of morality and temperance, simply be-1 m ,,i 0I1 v r i,la Northern wonliinDen I Oathollc Church lnveatad It, and try and I luma I" There would be Juit no-| , ariysn'csisrnim carrying ont thede- ■ hudeposc.1 the Rev. tierco w. r
cause »ii,y are too cioro-ff.ted .pend SSvU .t th^ Nort7h.,.^“ imp- «poo msu th. greater nobility of body lef^xcept, perlups, tome faded | ^ I }%
mo,,., for bjro, au John 1. . fraod. | wllb fik. notoriety without having divine «dJuranco. speclmeu of Grant’s old wh.rky ring, like lh0 Una of pouut^ortt and dsvslop CRUSUaBSS .., „ lS
a wattle on the neck of e cholera-stricken men , ia Amerlcao butory,” and thla end SjfffStoSS&ftBti ,u,u “ :
hog. The party Is made up of “barna-1 the other rolnmes of this valuable aprlea I sin, urriw this doctrine to such au^xiroVu to
Cotton n tain
According to tbe Now York i-'inancial
Chronicle of September 2, the total gro^
receipts tot tbo season 1881-2 wero 4,707,
j honors paid to their memories, and with
out leaving behind them widows to be
Alt! for tbe IndepeudeaU.
Recent advices from Washington rep-1
„ . IPfPB •a.,.vwi. ..«« .. — MU..W. ,»v-, . , toriee I ilix.nrjrlMihlidoctrlns to rate
provided for by mixed breed rMe , lt that at a late cabinet meeting, it b “ mmtrs * nd boodl >‘™-” So “ 0 - ere heartily commondsdto the pnblio. !8i1S8Stel^SWi^fito"rtr«
'.Viicago picnic fanatics. They were lack- | WM resolved by Arthur and bU mlnliters 1 1 mM lbo m#mbors aro known by other Tbo binding is cost and sobstantisl, and | ouceregeuenieioul.
I..R lb -m great respect of not being open to Lave no .ton. unturned to elect anti- “T * ?*“ bjr ^ “a .** "'"“"a 2 ^
1,1 >®: ";r ““ » m . o ” n ‘ ohir “ ter ".^.1:'.“ Kn n m
the matter they contain. I which ►ho wroio rocentli for the C*tif,r*ian,
■he Mf!; "I MO very ■
.613. Tho receipts for SepUmber I, ths “ 7“ ™ " U, lears no stons unturnsd to elect anti- „TT7~.~-. C"." m ^tf
'first day of the new »a»t, were 6,065, ‘ d ’°„ “i™ ,’'‘ ,c ^ e “ llon ' , I r “ r ' Mlon Uou r bon candidal,w for Coogros. ln Ml of
against 13 352 bale, list year. Tha total “ d , P ™ C ,, ™ °* ,:h * r * c ‘ ec *» necess^ J Southern districts; that money and all of ““!“*? tb,t lh0 Med b f tbo St '
K “ to the full rounding off of th. character i m.„|Aoul» Jacobin paper are general enough .
paper are general enough t,, onlj
til for thr Cxll/or.u.;
... , icll that all my race will
event In Washington ’" »'**£ ift. r" 1 ? ft£" »'>> •»
BiatT it,. I Doneleft^no, notone Indian In tbe whole of
or “llhet” with tho I America. 1 dare isy thewblto man la better In
- * - — - -jf£|er rt*c*l, too.
the Ir “
isy tbewbll
.. _e reepecu, but ne Is a b
I lie steals and lie* more than t
. is ths divorcement of I
fwrmrt I t.Tx—1 m i, T. „ ■ . . „ _ . I n« iivaiiiim un raure min mu inuian r
I Fresh,” his “rally de chimb.' The ooort 11 hope some other race will cornu and .hive
Tlicro is a certain “pit” that is occa-1 allotted the little Freebee* to Madame I i 1 '-
— ^ ^ a. I Then X wl laejr the Gfsat Spirit is lust and that
> cuke, no flowers. I it it «U rijht. ,r
will swim the I
tbe citizene |
takes any in-
Tb# Difference.
Wall Street Daily 2few*.
“WheaX was jour Sfe," remarked
receipts lor me weex nasi nave Deen ^ 7 .**• c bar ac ter J the aids and appliances calculated to aid in ■. t . « ... r 1
032, against 40,122 to tho corresponding I ° f *, 10 lb * “ft 1 '**" cl,im 1 thodilcomflturoamloverthrowofthoDem. 1< I k ln tM J boll> con “ n1 ' » lth tb « sinoe ths dcparlurs
WKksflut is wn. apotheosis at the hand, of Boston and writlc 0 ^ IaU , tl0n wer , to ^ funUb- * lcoh 1 ° Uo ““ pt “ m “ whlcb w0 h ‘ re >- boys, oa a big bum, 1,
Chicago, and that will Isave his widow I ed w , cc b persona as Felton and Speer. "”*
is 10,0X0 ones, agatusv eo.sxx ones ,or, t0 , °* „ fot b} mot ' 6 r ,rr * 1 * of mon ' j It was furthsr determined, that Attor , , „ , „ , „ . „ , ,. . .
the corresponding week lut yev. The “ ,uch 8* tb * rin 8*“ ns,-General Brewster and S.croUr, ef '„T''j'l ^ P °
stock In Macon on Fnd.y night waa l.OTO ‘ 1 “"? 0 “', . theNavy Chandler worn to be detailed j *°”. ,bAlB 8 hf Faor. Botxtox says he wi
bale*, against 1,318 hales lut year. Tbel ^he spectacle to which the paragraph I uke Immediate charge of this burl- 8 iP ’ b ‘ l " ud “ 1 h” , JfT' 1 ' rapids below Kisser* Fall, if
recelots atthe same towns have bean 11 .| r *f er * ** P [ °h*bly not a rare ono In Chi-1 aMti I »ue« with the eternal Alness of things | will rl ^ ^ooo. As no one takes any in-1 ."When I waa your age" remarked a Wall
*10 bales short as compand with tho cor- | c *S ,l > » n<11,1 many other places ln thar,,. I it does net require that we should , n . I uncapping of that pit sbonid he a , urMt in tl bn( Paul, this is cheap enough, "nro , .k,ll > 7a nrck’ e : ' ! - b ra threw away'ihr
respond,ug week of le^Kaaos, sections of IbU country. The dlcal0 lh8 luU , mgeal readers of tbe P rell “‘«JT step to the .baking off pro-1 , n d u in all pro-.-bilit, be will hmr«dl*a**“»;*»g««; «»«•>• >“»> «h«el
Tto total visible supply on Friday or tbo™ portions o, cue country J tbleoraph ,o»i-, sUt! < ***' Wb * n tb *' hM bM “ P™pcrly at- for his money, we see no ground for ob- "Dmi'i toS u, «or«nor-don't think It,”
nlgbM^wm IwTbair 2SH •o““‘«|-“-^* b ^" ? oflh.two L.urnArtbur and hi, cabinet ^d bis I t® nd *d tow. shall be ready to th. snek- tonioue. _____
1,885,813 boles ln MSI, nnd I ^f ^eTii^MrohTws^J^^y “P<K> OwthSM favors. It 1. known 1 "* thsjn'ujetebet o. Tea “old msn" is running ths regular | %WSS ffilSrty.' i5d ylt d ^h"'?.»
balealt,1880. Theahove figures indicate I r . T of all men that It Is eapected that Speer, I Oeo. vr. ciutln, i>a, Isohsduls. A Saratoga correspondent of|ft^fifi* , 're'- , “ , ;' n ft* 1 syi y f u “"'iv' 1
a decreaM In cotton In eight, as compered I . “ . u • l elton and Chalmers, and all inch aa I Thl, gentlemanwssunanimously nom-1 lh * Ghloegor«M writes: -Gan. Grant | down,nmrear—don'tbsb«i °° ”
with 1881, of 342,325 hales, and as com-1. ?.. *!!? “ «>»» b » »<>1« losucceed by these rae,u., inlt ,d by llte convention which uretn- U^,tin^withme. H.
pared with the corresponding date In 1SS0 wUI *" M ’ 0rt lhS * dn,lnl » tr “ l0 “ ln «■« | bled at Forsyth ou yesterday, as tbe D.m- WM br w™f« red-nosod
enlncreere of 68.533 Veto. demand nothin, tan, »d th. mongrel n „ t ^ The lcbeIae u . bold locr.tle candidate to Kce,.’, *»» hnUeJog. mul* lot of boae. «d
nl«iliMl i
an locreaze of 88,033 bale*. ~ Ct,n * r '“- Tb ® • cbeo ' *•»'»» I oentle candidate fo,^^B^oT tom thb I “«;»«> b “U-dogs and a lot of boxes and I
Middling cotton waa quoud h, LW.r- » nd *»“•'«» »“• Tbsre war a Urn. I dtatrlct. - kM-Pcn.
.-.a .Va . . I Jacobin (sAstlous of tbe country seem I when Its avowal would have driven tbel •
:— _ - - —- -■ *«•■■(), Tne Mining
ftTlUon-1 Wllfn I In eventofhl^lectloD^whlcMlSwiiH Tna New York Tribune, referring to the | J**** WortjlRav! a t -TTiViry -
tot year« 1518d. bsMndlng ln ths .li^lon of fM com part, In power «t and Into disgrace. Mturedi „ ih , u wtlch wllh p ,^. rstacUd tYeet Point appetafa*, sa n , “On. ^A.^P^^iv^Sn'T^y:'^
Tbo Imports inlo contlnenti 1 ports tht, I.... ,. t „ rd ua ljliiii«a tha state-1 T “ l d ” b “ l< ’ n * ,lw » P“»ed, and this Lrablo anticipation for tho tulMlmcnt In I ol the applicants rsjeciod wa, no appointee I V^x.'vmmi l^oord—<.hiokc4. Thp^UvIng
week harebeen 32,000 balea ^ thrt the Record pntUMrt. the rtato infamous au.ult upon th. purity of th. respect of the hope, of U, Mad. “> “>• adjulant-genetoof th. army.” W.
Thewerther to tho past week has ™ of hx Chtoio n^,l. -ithoLt ^“ “ “> “ et " 4 OMrtbro ''".who bars so rasnlull, sle~t b, him, smi 'koold ux. lo know b, suthortt, of who. Jb^ -
been showery for four day., Th. »P- ^ “t. -rJl Northta «« I wc ih.ll not be alow U observe and ae- **' b * m * kM appoint- ..
neremroe o'mrt ha. been report^, tmt 1 f 3 T' , . , ‘7 Th ! ^ ** Democratic part,. How absolutely use- knowledge . which will set at rest “ ,oU to ,r “ tloi ° t -' SS&JftiXS ’ I
“ up troops of social equality ahriekera, I et s»ry than la It, that every man In tha apprehensions which we hare bone It JuDTsTwioosUsnan<hr,.i..ii n Ki»,i,,^ T !j*»»odzv r.^.-i.r-imr with ,
Uto‘TbL“ ms'of'Mamn “Tf « -SS2S JttXTSgSTS&Z sat Th ' “ j
I later, thU aid, of^ M.wn * Dlion a liaa. , a lho ,ff ort lo der.ud It against an assault lt s duty, at one time, to giro expression, for Congress. Mr. Htepbens to TUe mIlT
rhe people of the South are not wUo If w dangerous and inaldioua. IIow lm- 5 commit hlmsalf sgainst th. Independent. roe,.„mJ
tliey think that question has been settled | patent it is that every Democrat should I •*•*•*• rorm Boon. | w j JO muning for Concre s. Until be | Chattanooa* rim
aud put behind them. Tho promlnenco I OC c U py % poiltlon ai to this Ijjuo, which | ** e4 * r *« Sri®an and Tbompion, the I M dselares himself bow can he claim to be I In phplqnt? tiio« , m:
that bas been given to the negro In poll-1 can M \n tr be mistaken or misconstrued. | cnm P , * er »» h » T « ,aI<1 00 ont table a copy an organized Democrat ?
lenshort as compared with lut year]
about 800 bales. Cotton it in fair de
mand, and the tone of the market la good. tn assumo satisfactory shape, I llc, ‘ t,M re “ Bt vut ' * U 0,,r lb * 8oulb ’ Whilst the Radical prore of tha North, | ° r * fjrm P«P»«d by them. It is
. * 7 P'• I ....1 il.. iimja vltlnlr ilnmaimirilM nr* mil.. I ss « . a «.*_ _ ... ana . 1 W011 SOttflD UD *0(1 SUbStontllllV tmiltul
pearaace to both Chlnea* sn«l Ja>-a ..
et theta are tall, MahrarUonlelnr chap*.
mneh ranuo* be mIJ for
At the conference ln Atlanta during tho I
ty, which teems to be wlthlu euy reach aoma of the wiser, sbler and more far builncM Injtrumenls, and will | tnUrtsliMevar in politteaTsi* I
at tha North, wiii soon be accorded to | , ce |ug lournala of that organization. | * ‘■f* zod eoOTJOjWi counsellor *bd | Wtj ynj, ,„ t th0 roW polled wi l b-1 gSmi"!iJ
ooy haprr**lr»r
menu of businesi. The volume ts from I It is singular that the advocates of the I temperature hw. bet-a
Mvenij-on* degree* Fahr«
that petty necetslty demanded the unload I case, u presented In till, brief article, we I nines, tbe ablest and fairest exponent of I m,f * * DdUl *“ eD 8*S»l *» *H deport
ing of bie weight, and Mr. Stephens gate • u( >mlt that m man whn refus is t > draw lh , Republican party. | ®« u ° r bu * ln “’- ™ volume is from
duo notice in his speech, that the unload- Dio color line, an deep at to ba eternally i„ commenting upon the published pru-1 lh ® of 1 • Harrison & Go., of Co, ' 1 . a |“ to tb « ®*°*_ ircemsdurto*
lug had been accomplished. I Ineradicable, Is worthy *llb«r of personal gramme, it says: I Atlanta, Oa. torahlp should be so mneb grieved at the I
I I V, , f . „ ,, re,,. 1-7 . . I . — -.s. ooorse of ths Ttumexmi zxo Msasrsarn I Asoinsrsnrslt
Tbe publle at large wore not then ap-1 oonfldonce or of po.itlcal support. The Whether lb, movement Is on, which will I new Pnbiicsiieus. I .,—h— i„ , I
vllUge, built In a awawpy mini R*i. Tt * other }
B -nWlIl tt.HllillCM pfDT# in«ttr . ll y S.(
pmtnrt bae base daUghtral, alxir and ■
Vahretihell being tha ex* fll
prized of the maneuvering that bad been ,1 *T ahould noter come when such acouca devervs success depends enUrely opon th. root I Axnaaw Jaoxaow. (A
going on, but U would Appear that Col- « rejoiced the heart of the Chicago orator •*“»“““•* “« ““ “•*“ *“»>oy.d I Mrisw.) By W. o
qultt had gotten a hint of It, for but a few •*“» be wilnerad In the State of Oeor- ' 1|u| „ w ‘ ou[ii ^ a altuk , „ y,. psrt cl I
The eaedldsry ef Mi
ou that qaestion, lu view of the fact that I
tctrlaan Statesmen I they contend that said conns is sore to te-1
-i ^ suit in .toting their fevorile. wtthhW ymty. while Put Ue .
A Oo. tor a<ila by I I nword topar.jr,approve* it. lie
. . .— | —. hu, is wvum *w,i*ii* aumiN vu we mmivi ■ •* n, dhim h. w>r Macon, Os* Cloth, f . I *-J, bat will many Pew , ■
day since Journals in every »«tloa of tho I tendency, however, ts lit I iheadmlnttustlontomppoae that the country. I ,a m0 - 4U9 PP** I*- 1 *- |. A ?, ,00 ? t M manc#r f d * iUTe I many fr.»n the !:• a
country auddenly bloomed out for Gordon | lhal direction cannot be a matter of doubt | or even the body of tbs Republican party I H would be diffloolt to find, m the whole |, b,ood iwaggering, per-1 n Wh,0*\v,
Senator lust a* the nawl oa l, u> part of thinking men who ore I woual naca— rtfy approve the axtendtug of I field of history, a character in which so I w*a« Bourbon joina the MI|mbH«M ptr.y, I km nor* penoiiel |k»|.u fc rii)
advertisement, of Lydia «.!*.», catefttUy oUervant. | rtdtotl.epyraeM o« the ^rtwm lu to ma», eontr^leUen. and ^.ntriMUwez- h* kigbchareeUr, si.< ’•-
, J Y , ’| I South without prfereoee to to principles of I , t ta d a. ia that of Andrew Jaek-oii. Ula I fre* 1 personal sad moral couiaya, sad re-1 u.,.i.r. a-u.m-r■
te 1 ointment*, and drastic pHIt breakout I Th . naul.u, ■■■to. I those oppooenu. It would bo .stillimrer er-1 u(e(nrnllh(J , no tb er instance of a poor "I"** 11 b » * u eommmity. Ue to-1 toj*«»c*reutj.u vof Its
In the columns of tha leading dailies. | The most essiial otoirrer must be lm-1 ror U) ’kink tot the Rspubtirou party counts [ without aarly advent-1 -o 111 ** to friend of Gorham. | stre)Tutsitr*wo rliU u -;i’:
9 1 — — 1 tlcndnrlngMr. M- [>h»n*'**Vv nr
But tbe outlook to thla la by no means I p„ tbe td ., of tba horrible. Despite M*kou«.wiih ell to edveniatse tot Itbrooght I the bsllef, Ii th* minds of thoosanda of ^ , fatistotory'raulu wo fook to!
promising The Angart. politicians,hay theta rorhi, ehsroeter. .. haveTLo 1 , - b ° n, , l ° I *«tU** f.toro, that their sons. I ^ fear next, that we will hear that ia *
mgfalled with Uarues asd Black,have . mu ^ » t lh . sulddto grow- suTlrMeh^u u^Z,,„°' «to..fc.B»« that makro U.em
determined to do something to reduce the I lng oat of domeaUc Infellcltlea. Not I It Is beyond ell qwstloo that to matood. I ", “**• f*” 101 ’ ,oto I drooa Hod.
average aa agalurt themselves. So Major 1 unfrequently tho frantic husband, -bleb bars teen emplored to aid Msbon*. In I “ Old Ulekory; leave u glorious rtama, I
Qanahl, a leading adherent of Mr. 8te-1 . 0 „,, d J desneratlou lias tree- ,M “• »' rederit i»tr>ma*a .nd in ibn dis-1 {« ponUrityi and be voted for, regularly. Tea postal telegraph lu Eaglrn.' during
pheua, Informs Chief-Justice James jKk.fe.iir , .7, *“‘ 1 «»>•"« P*»«v or.rln North Carolina, for Presutant, forth, tot jeir netted over. mil ,o- of J,1
Km li st thete Is ". ' . . plrtol and boldly , ppolDtn . nu ,„ d romorri. twenty rear, alter tolr dsstto. Uro abort We m.J ,
•on that there Is a general frellng of on-1 threatenedielf.dcrttuctien,.apecUi»gthat | that has ton accorded tn hio.l Us powertsd nU tha virtnsn nnd maay of I telegraph system!, this
H,n *“ a woman's natural fear of firearms, and I bar. ton entirely {with-ral imUlcatloo I um Tices of frooUsrsmssu in a powsrtnl I eenot iwt it too, thooxhTooaMdcmr
of lho United State.; that hit name it dutiful love to her liege lord, would eere I ° rco, “ Bat “ b * arl ^“‘Vn l s lnits I digrefc Hi wee very illilerate, and oom- ally to cnmmUsiou of ell aorta, we wiU
him from tho cold sod silent tomb. But to to hi. perecU did .op'port. commluiou to tlkT tojrephta
wllh wonderful unanimity tho women I rin. Ue at ID own door. Tire dictatorship 1 11<,t **•“ own * komo, ia a tod whore toils to hand,
have conquered their instinctive dread of I which to ton erected in ths departments ter I homes were SO very cheep. He pos,eared
expletives, aud, celling their husbands I Ushone. and to Urenae he has ben allowed I *n nnbendln* character; end penned bit
fools end iiittulea. bave left them to take ln * b “* ln « F'dcrol e«eae for to pnrpoee ol ends, whether good er bed, with to Im-
.h. to., tews. HU.crew , ik „ •»“«~d“* , k'™*k krt're'r.o.comwttelon, to prtoee ly ef th. whirlwind, newaagniai
Kaat-r enys be will run a Inin from GU-
cage lo New York for Alty cents, and tha
etockbokters give him on* hundred dollan
for saying so. VarUyiftoir faith wum
strasg in ether diroerttme, they enold move
the whole ally for nothing.
Not half of the me* uf voting sgeis
Rhode lalend ever oxereiee the right of an*
frog*, lh* tendency in the United Buis*
te for good rtttons to rtsnd aloof from pe-
Ths (eaten are very apt
to vote if they aaa got their pries.
the on* “lo give quirt end harmony," and
that he could ba elected beyond manner
of doubt.
Tbe Chief Justice replies and places
his name at tha dtipcaal of his friends.
Major Ganaht bad a wise intuition. Us
■truck out fur a strong candidate.
Judge Jackson la able and popular, and
wBl be eaabled to congregate strong ele
ment! at bis hack. Ur declines, on ac
count of his position, to “expose tb* of tha present distracted state uf
public opinion.” Title must be regretted,
for no one la better acquainted with them
than Judge Jackson, or more able to ex-
pose them In all of their bldeoui deform
ity. The correspondence Is interetllng
and Important from tbe feet that Major
Ganahl and Judge Jeeklou both admit
tbit then Is “unreel" and “a distracted
stats of public opinion." Tbe small by
bars been attempting to make tbe public
believe that everything was lovely.
Rakt tb* Color Lla# I in (•••amble,
The facta era asitl to bave been with the
•yaaker who aald at the Chiraco |4c*k for the
benefit ot John Brown's widow: M 1 oai re
joiced to isy that t have seen Wrday colored
men end whit*ftrU and while nun and col
ored glria dooct&f oa thla .floor. 1
pkle Meeerd.
Nothin* bat decency would be ear.
pnaiof at a Chlcmfo picnic. Good .blood
la ae rare In that taoocrel modern Bob-
and, we may add, not near ao much ap-
There aret
• of widows In CU-
Osaraxu. has no claim, onto
Democratic party for its support. No good
th* iwt.t i - | *»««—ocreerereon" re.orer rerererore™, ore ■ pnsuon sy orsn* wmriwmu. si* waa gvoto , wift com* to to Bute from hli efforts to
it , It* I it Ti Ti " politics o< hia 8tsts.rola prinelplsasooBpirti-1 tad .hen tilings wsut hia wa>| bet stir op poUtioal szcilemcnt smong to ns-
lightning flashes In Hie darkness, give a i, retul)«»ocrmUc as toUrnu* paper hsilot. or n nir:x , M ^, and brutal when crowed; helh'roes. Mr.BlcphsnsandMmselfwillbriog
momsntery insight info the «- JrnUi rtMfote-L Mld „ k , ap ^ oMh . Bl-trsatad IrrspMaWa iojnry on toBtsre If thr, he
benetUctina Kate and to manifold beau- tool.T^L »»d in to most chirotaon. not cnrrfel In eta bid. to what the,
ties of “woman in her bourn of era.” I niS^rtr 1 mson.r, or he oould himself Bi-trsat and I pleased to call to colored vote.'
R Is recorded of on* husband In North | ^ ^ apon m. tenure to <ti|n> | red ore to dspendenee In a low and brutal | bfc(| ^ rdlhrtth. rzeoolire com-
lib's burden, be reeolvedfo shake off lb* I end dsgrant vtetettea of tot party's professed I By with nnparallalad vigor, or with enper I ml ‘to blish a rigid political quar-
mortal coil. Itl.l.tlc. his hmo the sen. I rerprrt br to principle of equal mffrngn. | alteted Time ont down resistant* tuna. I nntaneitlhia.oint. ho party with.
qutatl^dcrwiT' to bis Kahle.' Da picked I I ‘"tmdom, or I
<»ut the blind bridle of hie favorite bor»% cuntenptlbl*, an.1 aa corrupt ac thou ot the I npoc itwtth the same florae rigor; I ^ j ^ ntrmtb and ninth being
k» oU, faithful Wand, and having ad- U«“< *mtooa h. wo to dafomto the opprorad. c,
Justed it and tied it to arafter, with.) Thiele to ianguag. ofho~rt,fodl(~l 253 ZZLTJZfZ
flual prayer be Jumped to Jeruaatam. I Hon at to moat disgraceful epreod. known I a^ naUrtll i, l)n j (ru a„| orar
By aome good or III fortune, bi* wife | lo American polttlca. What to Ttasea| 0| ciril .mhorilpi bet s, n miUtaryl,,^
Tmt Charlotte Otesmr conteinaenee
eonnlof s trial of s n rgro boy about nla
stumbled upju him while enjoying his 1 condemns as having been dona In Vlr-1 eommander bs 'tnlhlMsly diarig^ I
perpendicular repose, and cut turn down la proposed to do lo Georgia. ciril authority; he daspbed dapBcity, bet th .. th, „ , ,, lit y, ^rtim'.
ere lb* spirit bad wtofed Its Bight. Rc-. In the abort iBcttmbeocy of Garfield the | yrt displayed to Englbh ffag oa board head open with to Mads of a feed colter
stored to coo ae tons ness, she naturally Federal patronags of Georgia was given I one of to American ships at Bt. Marks, I p, get from Mm (LM. Bush a
asked wbat be was doing. WUh becom-1 to Emory Speer, tb* Independent candta and by this means enlieed two Indian rtiiich«nag»,se»ms ui’*.ibi!
by-your-leave torre I data in to ninth district, and to people i chiefs on board, whom he ordered hang; | —
of voice, be coafesetd that hs waa going of this dly an Indebted lo Mm for tbe n- ke came luo power aa to standard bearer Ei-Oov. Uomrix, et New York, m
fo beaveo. Gobi, to hroron! Ton'd play mnval ol a ,«l»..ur who wrt tohbfbi,l^»^tongtat Ibrtr m4btfopfo| UvatomUtokfogof Qrag.
thunder in Wve. with a blind bridta «h I compared and bn—, “ d -kom | X to r^Tt I much perrati
“*y us* of to apotlr of tb* pwbite serview for 1 shout IreJcrs and too iltt’ ‘ —
And to Jerked him over about len fort of they wen is well •atteOedn* toy could |
good solid earth fo Ufo again. But il te j bave bees with any one of political views
not often tot tore la anything fo roller* eppeeed to their own.
to tearful bum* of to act. Tbe organ of Ihlebold and bad young
Only a bw day* ago lu Arkansas, wa I mao I* flooding Mu dirtrtai with lu isauaa
road of a cm* of uudyiug itotiou ue-1 prialad upeu paper sett out from the city
qualkdtntoiragedteaof to poeuor the Bortou, Maas., which orgzn U supporting
party benefit, whisk had already devai-1 urea, tfhat the Democratic peri
oped iato a highly firkhed system ia Nrw I moat ia to tmrial of a fi
York aad Peons}trials, waa first employ-1 resurrection of a few prineip
ad in aalhwial poiitics j he nude a strong whole column of inters
point against xppoiatin.- members of I nothing to to pith and force o! that
Congress fo offleas in to gif t of to Freer-1 msrot.