Newspaper Page Text
Adairsviile, Bartow Cos., Ga.
Is ctc-ed by torpid l.vt r,inch prevents digt-s
tion an-1 i food tofen--..-,t ai>-l petrify In
the stomach. Then follow dizziness, headache.
insomnia, no sonsr. ss, <o <
If not rei!eve,.. bilious forcr § q *s,
cr blood poisoning. Hood’s jSr' g S L
n;u stimulate the stomach, ““ ks, ej *s.
rouse the liver, cure headache, dizziness, con
stipation, etc. 2r> cents. Hold i>y all drnggi-ts.
The ouly KJls to take with Hood's Sarsaparilla.
A. M. Cox visited Cartersville
(t. A. Veach spent Tuesday
in Carterrville.
T. J. Hilburn and son have
returned to Chattanooga.
Reese Combs went down to
Atlanta Friday.
Miss Eva McCollum is down
from Calhoun, the guest of her
Miss Ethel Orr, who has been
the guest of Miss Jessie Combs,
returned homo Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. Tatum of Bar*
tow, Fla., are in tlio city for
Messrs. Felton and George
Gibbons, of Linwood, were in
town Tuesday.
MiBB Bobbie Howell, of Al
pharetta, is visiting Mrs, Ross
Mrs. J. E. Scott entertained
a party of the young folks very
pleasantly on Tuesday evening.
Inman Gray, of Atlanta, is
with his grandparents Col. and
Mrs. J. W. Gray.
Guy Smith, of Romo, been a
visitor at the home of W. W.
Trimble for some days.
M iss.Pearl Addington return
el from a visit to her sister at
Corbin Tuesday.
H. M. Vencli left last Friday
night for a stay of some days at
Tate Springs, Tenn. and Ash
vino N. C.
Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Bentley,
of Redbud, spent one day re
cently’ with Mrs. R. McCol
Mr. Mayfield Wimberly, of
Roma, ha* been tho guest of
Millard Boyd for some days
Mra. Stegall, of Emerson, is
spending some time in tho city,
tne guest of her daughter, Mrs.
A Abromson.
Misses Jonnie and Hattie
Fannie Gray, of Atlanta, are
spending some time at Col. J.
W. Gray’s.
Wo-10-Roc for Titty Cent*.
Gear*to. vooblbit con, makes weak
men r.ronff. ’ lonil p ire. Vk 11 Aii druggists
Miss Stella Brogdon has re
turned to her home in Gordon
county, She was accompanied
by Mias Pauline Boyd.
Dr. Joe P. Bowdoin wi l ar
rive Monday from New York,
where he has been for some
This hs.3 been a very busy
week with our fruit grower?
Many cars of the unequaiec;
Bartow Eibertas hare been and
are still be : ng shipped.
To Cora Conjugation rr72r,
TaScc Caaca. st* Cssndy Catijr rtlo. lOe r,r®4.
If C. C. C. fa!to cute, drotafiSirf refo-i ssbeef.
In another column of this pa
per is a notice of Dr. J. Hirvey
Moore's last visit to Calhoun.
He will be at f>r. G. H. High
tower’s office Friday Saturday
August sth and 6th.
Bhiratf! Ton? HoTreU Wish Carmrew.
CfcciJj Oatlnrt'c. e-r- rri! -> !!-ri
16c. S3-.. If C. C. C. fail, ftnjMti ref ini n-sr.'-j.
We are indebted to Mrs. L\
W T Louderrollk for one of the
finest ba-kets of peache- we
have seen ihl® year. They were
exceptionally large and were
enjoyed very much.
his las J v
Dr. J. Harvey KcortWiil Ec !n Otlttan
Friday and Saturday, August Sih and
6tfc TUN is Positively His Lrst
Visit to Calhoun For a Long
It is with regret that we an
nounce that Dr. J. Harvey
Moorea’s next visit to Calhoun
will be his last. He has visited
this section of the state several
times already, and lias given
universal satisfaction to every
one, but of course he cannot
continue to come, on account of
there being so many ethers in
different parts of the state who
have written him and urged
that lie come to their towns bo
they can have a chance to go
under his treatment.
On account of his largo prac
tice in Atlanta, he always stays
thero the first four days in ev
ery week and devotes tfnly Fri
days and Haturdays to the out
side points, and even then loses
a great deal of practico which
comes to his home office.
Heretofore he has closed Iris
offices in Atlanta every summer
and taken a vacation, but he
wi'l not do so this year.
Unless thov want to go to tho
expense of a trip to Atlanta, the
readers of this paper had bettor
sec him at Dr. G. H. Hightow
er’s office in Calhoun Friday
and Saturday, August sth and
Oth. They will not have anoth
er chance soon to get the servic
es of a first-class ear, eve, nose,
throat and catarrh specialist
right at home.
Dr. Moore says summer is
the best time to cure catarrh.
Tis Thy decree we must have bread,
Tho’ sorrowing heart and achl-Jg head
C ii ~ daily toils attend.
Tis by Thy will this creature need,
for creature comfort we must heed
While soul and body blend.
Yet the whole universe was made
And at the feet of mortals laid
For his express design.
This craving meets him day by day,
Hi j being, though land com cionce sway
Oft formulating crime.
The radiant Hlies of the field
Thrir gladest praise of income yield,
Acknowledging Thy care;
And thongh with ralm nt bright
they're clothed
Nor for its texture rich have toiled
Nor spun the'e garments fair.
Yet man, Thine image frail and weal:
Ilia daily sustenance must seek
By labor and sweat of brow;
I'm casing though with bleeding heart
This daily want man’s mortal part
Unbidden stern doth grow.
The sparrow beds its chirping brood,
Untitled ho finds their native food,
By instinct culls its store.
But man must toil with eeaslcssaiin
And each day’s striving he but gains
His daily need no more.
Yet in Tby wisdom power and love,
In Thy creations far above
With all things made for him;
Subservient to his good and might,
Ills creature comfort, soul delight
Before he knew of sin.
Lord, should this life ail labor he
Through Christ redeemed we trust in
And own Thy Holy will.
The radi-nt lily bathed in light,
The sparrow on its happy flight,
Thy wisdom doth fulfill.
But. man, Thine image mind with sonl,
These lesser nature* rnav unfold
And through them learn thy love,
For unto dust the->- beauties fall
And ashes robe them with a pall
While man gains Heaven with Thee
—Mu-. M. L. MoCants.
W. J. Hilburn ha- returned
from the reunion and will spend
some time in the city before re
turning to hi* home in Texas.
His many friends here are glad
to see life familiar face among
them again.
PUEE BLOOD is the foundation
■ of health, llood’s fearfaparißaiuaitg
the blood pure, rich and nonrfehingand
gives and main tain* good HEALTH.
When you are in Rome don’t
fail to call 03 B. W. Childress,
Photographer. Whether you
want any work done or not it
will do you good just to look at
his work, and you won’t regret
a visit to his art gallery.
and yon cure its consequences. These are
some of the consequences of constipation:
Biliousness, loss of appetite, pimples, sour
stomach, depression, coated tongue, night
mare, palpitation, cold feet, debility, diz
ziness, weakness, backache, vomiting,
jaundice, pries, pallor, stitch, irritability,
nervousness, headache, torpid liver, heart
burn, foul breath, sleeplessness, drowsi
ness, hot skin, cramps, throbbing Lead.
£O3 #7 Js*e a Ctrwo Coro
tor Cooctlpstton
Dr. J. C. Ayer’s Pills are a specific for
all diseases of the liver, stomach, and
" I suffered from constipation which as
euraed such an obetfnato form that I feared
it would carta a stoppage of the bowels.
After vainly trying various remedies, I be
gan to take Ayer's Pills. Two boxes effected
A complete cute.”
; D. BLUER, Saco, tie.
■ "Tor eight years I was afflicted with
eotmtipetioa, which became 60 bad that tbs
doctors could do no moro for mo. Then I
began to take Ayer’s Pills, and soon the
beri-da recovered their natural action."
WM. 11. DeLAUCETT, Dorset, Oat
TU3 PtlL nSA7 V3UL
For the Legislative.
To the rotors of Bartow Countyl
hereby announce myself n n candidate
for representative from Bartow county
in the next General Assembly of Geor
gia, and earnestly ask the support and
influence of my friends.
I promise a faithful and honest dis
charge of the duties of UlO office.
Your obedient servant,
-Kirby 8. Anderson.
For the Legislature.
WV are authorized to announce the
name of M. L. Johnson as a candidate
for representative in the lower house of
the general assembly.
For, Clerk.
We are authorized to announce the
name of W. W Roberts as a candidate
for reelection to the office of Clerk of
the Superior Court of Bartow county.
He earnestly asks the support of liis
For County Commissioner.
The many friends of W. M. King
announce him as a candidate for Coun
ty Commissioner.
For Tax Collector.
I announce myself as a candidate
for election to the office of Tax Col
lector of Bartow comity, Oct. Cth, 180S,
and respectfully solicit your support.
B. F. McCoy.
To the voters of Bartow County: I
beg to announce myself as a candidate
for the office of Tax Collet ‘,->r of Bar
tow county, and hope to roc-ive
the support that has been so generous
ly accorded. Assuring the people that
the offi e will he heartily appreciated
and its duties faithfully discharged, I
beg to remain,
Most Respectfully,
W W. Ginn.
* For Tax Collector.
Wo are authorized to announce the
name of J. M. Bohannon as a candidate
for reelection to the oflicc of Tax Col
lector of Bartow County. He respect
fully solicits the support of his friends.
Thousands Celebrate
With fchankfulnc-es their resto
ration to health by tho uso of
Hood's Sarsaparilla. Think of
the vast army who have been
cured by this medicine—men,
women and children who have
suffered the consequences of
impure blooe, who have been
tho victims-of wo'ula sores, e
ruptions, dyspepsia, nervous
ness, sleeplessness.
.Thor have tried other medi
cines and have failed to obtained
relief. They tried Hood’s Sar
saparilla and it did them good.
They persevered in its uso and
it accomplished permanent
cures. Do you wonder that
they praise it and recommend
it to you.
A select school for girls and
small boys. All branches taught.
Elocution, Calisthenics. Singing
by note-. Music with Kinder
gar’ n features. Will reopen
Augus t Ist V'MH; Session closes
June Is. 1899.
M ns. M L. Me Cants.
Woman’s Sphere.
—-“sr. Bessie Anderson.
No rubles of red for my lady—
No jewel that glitters and charms.
But the light of the skies in a little
one’s eyes
And a necklace of two little arms.
Of two little arms that are clinging
Oh, ne’er was a necklace like this!
And the wealth o’ the world dud Love’s
swee t n -iss i 111 pearled
In the joy of a little one’s kiss.
A necklace of love for my lady
That vs us linked by the angels above
No other but this—and the tender
sweet kiss
That scaleth a little one’s love.
—Frank L. Stanton in the August La
dies’ Home Journal.
It strikes me that so many
people read poetry without giv
ing it any thought. It is some
thing like this ; one takes up a
book or paper and reads a poem,
it is read simply becau3o it has
some pretty lines in it of some
thing of tho kind, but let the
same story related in tho poem
be put into proso and it will be
read with eagerness and gener
ally remembered, while as a
poem it would he pretty soon
forgotten. This is not tho caso
with every ono but with a largo
majority, who fail to find the
poems so interesting. In a re
cent number of tho Washington
Post the poem, Lasca, Is given
and illustrated in a very lifelike
manner. It seems that most
people enjoy an illustrated arti
cle more and it may be that if
poems wore illustrated as much
as stories tlioy would bo read
In Fashions, innate**—
Many yokes of lengthwise
tucks have a fiat border of lace
giving them an oval shape.
Tucks nro often made sepa
rate from a bodice or blouse aad
then shaped to it. Making
tucks as a separate trimming is
tho discovery of French modist
es, for tricks are now put on in
shapes utterly impossible to
accomplish on tho garmont.
Most dressmakers have been
obliged to raise their prices on
this season’s gowns as tho fitted
flounces, foundation skirts,
multitudes of trimmings and
tho exquisit finish demanded
for a fashionable gown nowa
days require moro work than
any costume for yoars past.
White tan or palo blue pique
vests fastened with pearl but
tons are considered very stylish
with blue cloth or serge tailor
The Girl and llkr College.
“It is sometimes argued that
tho college uyfits a woman for
domestic life,” writes Edward
Bok in the August Ladies’
Homo Journal. “That is true,
I think, only so far as a girl
can or can not adapt herself
from ono condition to another.
The difference between the col
lege and the home i? simplj’ tho
difference between all training
and real work in tl.c world. If
a collcgo course is rightly un-
“Isnlftrrd lltctortiirrdof the rinnmrd
with proiruhi:!? pile* brought on by conrlipn
tlon with which X u nfblrtcd for twenty
year* X ran aero** your OASOAXiKTS in tl.o
tovnof Newell. I*.. nn<l net-or found nrythlnr
to equal them To-day J am entirely free from
pi o* and feel like anew man "
C. 11. Knr 7. nil Jones St.. Sioux City, la.
P3e&**t Palatable, i otent. Taste Goj*!. Tto
Oocal, ; crfei* Sicken. Weaken, or Grij o. 1 Uc.2sc*. Wc.
•,-rit.y S,crf, '.™ U,U:-o. JgmtmU T(V r.t
Jerstood and taken advantage
of, it will prepare rather than
unfit a girl for the wisest gov
eminent of a house. If she
has used her time and oppor
tunities .at college well, her
training of system and discip
line will prove of the first im
portance to her in conducting
th* domestic machinery’. Aside
from tho direct application of
her training to her work, she
has tho-great advantago cf re
sources of mental refreshment
when moments of pleasure como
to her. Tho domestic eources,
now being so gene, ally intro
duced into tho curriculum of
our our girls’ colleges, also give
a practical value to a college
education for a girl which it
did not possess a few years ago.
Tho value of these courses lies
in tho foundation which they
give a girl to build upon.
“All things being equal, a
collego training is unquestiona
bly a source of unestimab e y.V
uo to a girl as it is to a man,
and she is hotter equipped for
her duties of \ if j and mother
hocauso of it. Knowledge is!
always valuablo valuable. Yet
it docs not follow, by any
means, that a girl unable to go
through college is at a ilmd
vautago with her girl friend
who di j. Whore it is foasiblo
and possible it is an excellent
part of a girl’s oquipmont and
its advantages will come back
to hor a thousandfold in her
future years. Butin tile ma
jority of cases a college training
is not feasible nor possible. If
going to college simply moans
to a girl’s mind the fun to bo
had it is infinitely better that
silo should romain at borne. If
a girl io inclined to be selfish,
and hungers simply for a bril
liant career, it is wisest that
the softening influences of a
homo remain hor portion."
Chronic Dyspepsia Cured.
■art $
FTEU Buffering for nearly thirty years
/*d from dyspepsia, Mra. 11. E. Dtigflalo,
wlfo of a prominent business man of
Warsaw, N. Y.. writes: "For 28 yoars, I was
& constant sufferer from (lysjiopsla and a
weak stomach. Tho lightest food produced
distress, causing sovero pain mid tho forma
tion of gas. No matter how careful of my
diet I suffered agonizing pala after eating.
I was treated by many physicians and tried
numerous remedies without permanent help.
Two years ago I began taking Dr. Miles’
Ncrro and Liver Fills and Nervine. Within
a week I commenced Improving, and per
sisting in tho treatment I was Boon able to
oat what X liked, with no evil effects
I keep them at hand and a slnglo dose dispels
any old symptoms.”
Dr. Miles' Remedies rj r
arooold by all drug
gista under a positive . vk
guarantee, first bottle C. $
bencata or money rc- b . 05 'J
funded. Book on dls- 2-' 5 ... ;vgj
eases of tho heart and
nerves free. Addrcfs,
, DR MILES MEDICAL CO.. Elkhart, Ind.
Tetter, Snlt-IMienm nntl Eczema.
Tho intense Itching and smarting, inci
dent to thcs.c diseases, fsiustantlvnllayzc!
by. a;iplyiiig Cli/unnorlimi’c Jiyp r.nd
HlfTn Ointment. Many vc-ry had cases
aavolicfrn permanently cnri.d It
is equal ly efficient for itch in,T piles and
a favorito remedy for flora ninnies,
chapped hands, chilblains, front bites
ind chronic oorocycs. 2~> clk. |<cr Lex,
Ur. Cady’s Condition Powdovs, are
jnst wh-.t a horno needs when in Lad
conditior,. Tonic, blood purifier and
vermifuge. They aro rot f>x>d but
medicine and the best in une to put n
horse in prime condition. Prico 25
cents per paelmge.
For *alo by Thofffa* Johnson, druggls
Alaii*vil>, Ga.
-persons ay
' s natura * f° r
jjjf them to lose flesh
during summer.
But losing flesh is losing
ground. Can you afford
to approach another win
ter in this weakened con
dition ?
Coughs and colds,weak
throats and lungs, come
quickest to those who are
thin in flesh, to those eas
ily chilled, to those who
have poor circulation and
feeble digestion.
of cod liver oil <vjilh hppo
phospfHtes does just as
much good in summer as
in winter. It makes flesh
in August as well as April.
You certainly need as
strong nerves in July as in
January. And your weak
throat and lungs should
be healed and strength
ened without delay.
AU I>rugKi3t>.Soc. *nd ft-
SCOTT A lIOW.NL, CheiuiiU. Ngvt Tfrtt
S ft
Klg?!C3? Aw?.rd nijj'cjaa af Hon®r i Grlndi::? r.ud Kv rllonoy lit
til. ManofacUtl-o <if (Kilieloii i:i l IJv, lilntwr-Oi
in n,W I'illiM ami Vowun tu Uio U. S. Most
Popular (ilasso3 In t!:o U. S,
A 11| Ylfl M TuKai. Famous Gi.absm
UAU 8 1 U 11 - AM HtTlUt I-IX’KI.i.U.
Thos. Johnson ha?the excluuivtt
sulo of those famouse glasses in
Adairsviile. Eye sight tested
free and the fit guaranteed.
“During the hut weather last
Biunmor 1 had a mvoro attack
of cholera inarbns, necessitating
my leaving my business.” says
Mr. C, A. Hare, of Haro Bros.,
Fincastlo Ohio. “After taking
two or three doses if Chamber
lain's Colic, Cholera and Di
arrhoea Remedy 1 was ma-<
plokcly relieved aud irt a few 1
hours was .able to res mho iuy
wotk in th < at or*. I sweivdjr
recommend il to any ono
(■fl with stomach or bowel U-owb- 1
Ip." For sale by Thos.. Jolkiw
son, Druggist.
Tho “Jifo of the flesh is tin*
blood thereof." Pure blood
monos healthy functional activi
ty, and this bears with it the
certainty of quick restoration
from sickness or accident. Dr.
J. JI. McLean's Strengthening
Cordial and Blood Purifier gives
pure, rich blood and vitalizes
and strengthens the whole Ikklv
Prico 50c and $1 11 bottle. For
sale by Fran k and Cos.
Because your
Kidneys are
out of order.
fin. J. 11. MEAN'S
curing ailiiicnlo ol lit Li/cr, Kidneys
and Bladder, Diabetes, Rheumatism
and Bright's Disease.
For: sale nv
Franks & Cos.