Newspaper Page Text
Sow t* ‘■trarirni In Mnner ImM Sell
* Ttilrn to Work.
Mow rIoBK a hauls Lt ljj the farmer?
With tire approach of the tits* for
flowing rnd planting, gc*<l* and fer
tiliser viH lie necvsts -y. How can tho
farmer buy them if the last season was
poor one? He baa spent all of hi*
earnings in running the JpfaseTioM dnr
*na the long winter. Ho goes to tbo
dealer in fi itiiizr.r in the nearest Til
lage and arks, "Wbut is the price of
fertilizer a t in?"
"Kifty dollars ” the dealer replies.
"Tveli, i will need two tons and
that will amount to ®IOO. ”
“Yes. Take it along now?”
“1 haven't the ready cash jut t nowr,
"Ob, tliat’a all right. I know yon’ra
peed frr it. Tukt- It along and give mo
yonr note payable lu four months By
that time yovr crops will he yielding a
pr< lit. ’ ’
Tho farmer gives bis note; the denier
indorses it and gives it in payment to
the wholesaler from whew ho gets tho
fertilizer; tho wholesaler sends it to the
manufacturer of the fertilizer, who In
tern takes it to his hank and borrows
the money on it less the interest.
The farmer gels his need in tiie sairco
way and at tho time of the expiration
of tho notes is able to meet his obliga
Thus, instead of ttre farmer being
compelled to wait until he can get tho
cash to pay before lio can hay tho fer
tilizer and seed, he obtains tbctn when
he needs them. The dealer. Instead of
having to wait until tho fanner gets the
money before ho eon sell Ids goods, tells
them in the proper season and receives
what Is to him practically cash. The
wholesaler receives from the retailer
what is as good as cash to him, and tho
manufacturer receives virtually cash
from the wholesaler.
llow would all this he pcixxible were
it not that the bankers had collected tbo
Idle money of other people and were
able to lend it out to good advantage?
The farm would go tmplnnted; tho
ground would go untitled; thoro would
he no crops to yield a profit.
That s whero iho hank helps tho
fanner.—Now York Press.
)(cr*4>f the Mate! fine* Into Them Thnn
fun He Get Gut.
An example of some of tho qneer ex
p.-rj.ifccs people have when they are
called upon to laiy n thing with which
they ere i:ot familiar and which they
1;kvo need of rely < n rare end r.nnsual
eeeuslouN is thus set forth by the Mil
waukee Ketstincl:
A young woman who. worked as a
dcinr Mie went to n dentist together
teeth repaired. I!o repaired them nml
ti nt a till of sf>s. lie justified himself
for the charges ly explaining how
tunc!) the filling* rest him. In one hol
low tooih, lm said, he put fl.o worth of
gold. The bill Was paid, nml recently,
when the little nugget (said to be worth
$10) caii'.o out, tho woman fork it to a
goldsmith u!)d had it appraised. Tin
weighed it scrupulously and rained it
tt 48 cents. bhe no longer has fuith in
her den t i st.
It set mu la ho always good taste to
"go shopping'’among tho dentists Co
lore having uuy couaiderable amount of
work done. There is imnsidernblo hum
buggery about the business in some
fjnarttrs. Tho public is told (hut |IB is
a fair price for a crown and stands
ready to pay it, on tho ground tlmf
good work deserve* good joy. A few
blocks away the same work was done
last week for $3. just as well as if ft 1A
hud been jmid, and it was done by a
reputable dentist. One dentist figured
an SBS for six’ teeth, nml Bnottrvr SOD
yards away performed tho pervice for
|Bo. Philadelphia Time*.
Tho Hint ritiuMo Ilnhy Rhrvtr.
The first Chlnoso baby thow iu thr>
world bus just been hold hero. Thom
were 200 of them. From oinbroldored
•Upper to shaven poll thoy worn nrmyod
in their host. They worn satin Ldounc*
that *hoEo in the stm with a nilvary
•himiner. They wore .embroiderkm of
wouderfnl lirdi nnd lees and flower*
never seen on laud or sea. Tbo lltth>
boys wore shaven, and the littlo girl*
hud their hair stiffened nqd polished
and dressed ns though for the grandest
tunction, with littlo birdcages and
fringoa of l end* and paper ntop There
were gr- rt tinkling* of metal sml inneh
rhiniug cf green jade. A now fashion
in infant headgear showed a halo of stiff
pompous that rose above the iufnnta'
somber eyes Others wore huge nwottea
vf silk on each temple, like a Jess, and
one little girl had n mane of black silk
cue strings hanging down from the
taels of her head. Even the lathy com
plexions had beau looked after. On the
smooth, yellow chfeks appeared the
most lovely patch of pink rouge, put on
quite frankly in fashion
Tiie rosebud months wjr* touched op.
and the narrow brows beautifully pen
ciled.—Penang ttazotta
Hu mom of the tiuh'iu Cillery.
The humor of the Dublin gallery has
long Ih*cu proverbial, .'lucrtady, in hie
’•Rvniimsetiicets," relates that on one
mrasinn " ben playing Otway's” Venice
.Preserved,” .lather s long and rathetr
drowsy dying spet-vb was in terra pfrrt
by one of the gallery, in a tone of grooi 1
impatience. caUtig out very loudly,
”Ah. now die at . to which uu
ether from toe other side immediately
replied, "is- quiet, you Vtuvkgßtml. ”
then turning with a pitiv.nir.lng tone to
the lingering ,** I'Ur, "XuHo your
time.'”—tVirulnll Mugiwiijo.
Tti CswUn Xilitlarr.
The co ii’t ni soldier •• Ilnssia re- \
c< i\es r shins jaweautirn—about $2.25.
The day ran,;, s ivmsist of two pounds
c! suci iiy. wbkh :s a siry evor.-e kind
'! Ur,a tiradei.fd rye, baked huni
*.i tir-t. then cut tafi small pieces end
fiitiucr d,*t*si ms li. utcl nivn. a suiail
;;;y Jt writ uni s.n> • s: up
Vestcrn & Auntie R 5 R.
(EATrunruM ?rw>
Hshviilc, Chattcnooqa & St
louis Rdilvvay
r “" }
ST, LOliS.
.. 10 ..
WASHY Hi f end ST. LOUS,
res; Sleepers hetwcea Atlanta and Chat
f ISOOfpl.
heap Emigrant .Tales to Arknavas oof
icurelofi Ticket* to Cofiforaie ‘c-d Col
orado o Mrt*.
' V M,, W.'!* <pg C#r 9v+*r>* 4 .i*n or 4
• v >ftf'uAtkj ao iut W<*, f
It* or <wl> to
ft. *\l %f A, X A. THOHAS.
k**l \qff>t 4 1 ickot t -*-.
SiM <)t*t ot, *r.
A 4UAIiTA, ..
<?., 1. P. A, J. W. IttCKA. r. u
f Kimball kcuttis A hirtibnll !'<>,
*4. M. OKOWk, OWS. I. lUHMAI*.
Iralfit ►■*, Go*. Pni**. AflL.
Aft VAT A, 6A.
Try Home of our clubbing
offers. Wo can give you any
paper, periodical or magazine at
a reduced juice.
Let us name w fevr, all includ
ing n year’s subscription to Tint
Banner :
Tin* Constitution, f 1 .2f•
Flic Journal 85c
Courant American 1.25
Chnttnnoogii Times i)oc
Confederate \ 1.25
Home an.! Farm 75c
Scientific American S.OO
■Sunny South 2.25
Domorost 1.25
Review of Reviews 2.00
Petersons *1.25
Tho Delir.ouor 1.40
Those and many others wo
offer you. Remember the alo. e
price includes Thk Banner. If
you wish more than one take a
combination and the)- are still
cheaper. Say The Constitution,
Homo and Farm, Courant A
merican and Tub Banner. Tho
regular price would ho $3.25 but
wo make thorn to 3-011 for the
rediculottuly low sum of $2.25.
riles Cured vrlUtont (lie
Surseo*’* Knifb 1
Docs It iuXalliWy.
60 Cent* a package.
Get it of your dealer
souU direct to laboratory.'
Fwi ]&&??? JMsise §B.
Itooorab, lowa.
frnn't Tobacco Sj*lt *mi swuk !cir Ufe An*;.
To <3nit 101 acco <tatltjr nnl forever. lionuf
nciic. fnl! pt li?\ iirrvt* ami vigor, take No To*
llftr. *iu sroinWpaiker. thatumk*** *enk*arfn
str*:g. A!i UnTpri-Us, 60c ocf N Cure riaran
tctl l look let ami KtmplQ free. A'liirfM
Sleriiog itenxM? (a , Chicago t*r Kew York
For Infant* and Children,
The Kind You Haro Always Bought
Persons troubled with diar
rhoea will be interested in Use
experience of Mr. W. M. Bush,
clerk of Hotel Dorrancr, Provi
dence, 11. I. He says: “For
several years I have been al
most a constant sufferer irotn
diarrhoea, the frequent attacks
completely prostrating me and
rendering me unfit for nsy du
ties at this hotel. About two
years ago a traveling salesman
kindly gave me a small bottle
of Cliamberlain’s Colic, Cholera
and Diarrhoea Remedy. Much
to my surprise and delight its
effects were immediate. When
ever I felt symptoms of this
disease I would fortif3' myself
against the attack with a lew
doses of this valuable remedy.
The result has been very satis
f act or}- and almost complete re
lief from the affliction.’’ For
sale b}’ Thos. Johnson, Drug’st.
Bain tho /) YW HW AIW) Boßjflt
j A F-tf-Vl -, , DIM v : ..I -■■•■:
I *’•' inert )!'•: tkU) i.r •)'- VC-.:....
die xrd t?r vuir v.m J, v/Uhio-;;
if ‘ , '
J ilaimzc 4 .0 j our lire.
I No ihr.;cr ct yror run 4*v:y wit-! £
U v.-a —you're alwjy* * :’lt m
• 1898
1 <wvyw
1 J
; 'cycles
Tb* perfection of BlcycSe oonatracOon ’
1 Plu*h Joint.'. Ijirpc Sprocket*. Dolt. 4 >
| (ess yet nb*oliitc!}r tccur* scat pott Bad , i
handle bar clamps. No crank kevs. I
) Dust-proof tool steel bearings. BaU , |
Retainer*. Direct Oilers. superb fin- ' '
| lab, etc. •)• .;. .)• j
| fhxitirlee. Tires nnA Drnlera* Pnqplles. .
Agents wanted everywhere. If w* are '
I not represented In your locality write as i I
for prices on nnything In the Bicycle line. '
! They will interest you. , |
) Harrah & Stewart Mfg. Cos., .)
| 114 to MO Court Bt, . De. Koines, Is. 1 ,
Matn/nrtiirrrt, J.H-rr, nnd Erfart.r, I
; V everything pertaining to eieycltt. ' *
“1 have used Chamberlain’s
Cough Remedy in my family for
roars and always with good re
sult*,” says Mr. W. H. Cooper,
of El Rio, Cal. “For small
children wo lind it especially
ofictiro.” For sale by Thomas
Johnson, Druggist.
k. Missionary lla|t'BoWfyi'ncbing Second
Saturday and SunHyof each month by
Pastor .1. F.. liui’sSi'i. Prayer Service
every Sunday afttjjjrfioon, at 4. Sunday
.eJinol every Sabbaib inorir ug, 0."0. IP
E* Lewis, Siij crinlcndcnt.
SECOND suxn.wj
ChristianChruch—Preachinghy Rpv.
Mr. Caiman 11 I.ib’e Class in
charge of Mr. Thomas Turner.
Presbyterian—Prcaelsmg'at 11 a. m.
by Rev. Dr. Darnell.
MVthrdDt Kev. W. O. Ivoiley
preaches 11 a. m. and Sp. in. Sunday \
school every Sabbath at ba. in. Mr.
M. Poyd, Superintendent. Wednesday ]
evening each week, Prayer meeting a"t ,
xp. m. Epworth League meets Friday
night before the Second Sunday and at
(r„ in, on Fourth Sunday. Miss ,!o-r!
Gi ay. President; A. SI. Papers, Seera
arr; . Woman’s Missionary s violy ’
me, t- every Fourth Sunday at 3 t>. m. ;
Primitive Baptist—Services Fourth ;
Said ath red Saturday before. Rev. G. i
H. Muehell
@ All Farm Implements in the CataiGsru:s- @
It will' par to use HAMILTON Cultivators and Hay Ri*kes ; Me-CORMICTC Harvesting Machinest.
Hardware And Cutlery of Every OeseriptiGn,
Agent forjthe Best ENGINES and BOJLEE3. Th Famous TENNESFKE WA'-GONJ
BUGGIES, Ilarncsg vnd Saddles, Blankets, Lap Robes. Grass Seeds, Plow Points„
and Builders’ Hardware,
@ % Every Department Full and Complete @
Prices in every line that can’t be beat in Georgia*.
Thos. Lumpkin, Cartersvllee, ®a.
AND Original
Indorsed by leading Artists
of Americat
Every Inxfrument fully guaranteed for
seven years.
Writ© for Catalogue
*:• and Dor!ptlve Matter.
kWll Piano Cos. Mfr’a.,
Established 1889.
f TOri *?t jfr
j Your Stomach’s Sake
<■ Q U VH o->
There is r.ol'iir.j to Rood for the
Stomach a:- Soda and Peppermint.
Each tablet of Scdi Mint Gum
c ntains two grains dxmkally
r'..rc soda ca.nbi -i wia. jVppenuint.
r. ■ 1 esaos
The Proof of the Pdidiag is in ihe
Is Aaiiseptic. Pxfir..-< the Breath.
Retains Flavor ForeVer.
yov. s ti.r. 7ir alt. oKAT.r.r.s,
Salesmen Wanted.
Good wages to sell our Nur
sery Stock. Apply for terms.
Wo will have for Spring and
Fall, 1897, an immense stock of
Apple, Dear, Peach, Plum,
Apricot, Cherry, Grape. Eke.
Also small fruits, shades and
ornamental trees, Roses, cie.
Wo make a specialty cf whole
saling to largo planters direct.
Write tis fir wholesale prices.
Address, fout'iern Nursery
ap r 26-1 y Wj i; c:: o■.crT en n.
lU-.7ri r i.-i siUt-id Deep.
hooutv v-itf.j—t ( --u ei-g Candy Call
tie y,-r. l .< .: and it clear.
f.t;n u n.o -■ nvw and driving a>i
purities i: .ft •i iy. Rcgiu to•<!.•>
f'..n .-!i > •••:■' -. riote-ics. bla. k!
and the.: s' U‘y hi io*43 c, rnidexion by t
Ciis-carc;.--. I '..uity tor lea cent*. AU and
C ratirf -.L'.icn g:s; antced, 10c, 25<% f
.{/[j m H MW \\mUH 111 iH C3TA6USHCD 1675.:
/I pi Bat r ixilh 'uVitfx v // / CdpiCaf
Pa,d u| ' f l ' soo0 °
I !^^||^^^Liacsran^L
IS Acres Closely Punted
v Pg * 5 WPMf .WITH
=>hi, A uS?z W ,M|l ano.
lllliSW miW3:
da* M If
Z O §jf!]||r|!! i I Ail the New amo Old Varieties, |
2og, □ | l|l ib j B trjcfudirygf &q immense stocX df the
Oe§.L *"-11 In -rfolloniiig populwriw v*rte<ia:?-
|a “jl Jli 11RIUMPI1 PEftEHrhALE'-wWCKSffIrPUM.
P tf) gS jia .also a full ho* f.
111§ tm,dm Paa/ftjjii,
I % shade-"
ii mawßOKwi
r AO3TqEE T fi Ca
r b }kf t ') /wh
r r ' x, v _
We will otTor for fail of ’9B and spring of ’99 a largo stock of:
strictly first-class fruit trees, vines, shrubs, shade and oruamnn
al trees at very low prices. Wo make a specialty of apple, peach,
plum, pear, cherry, quince and mulberry; we can supply plant
ers in any quantity and variety. We also make a specialty of
growing Juno budded poach and plum ; can furnish largo quan
tities of Matthew’s Beauty, Caram, Emma, Bbk tra N0... .
Fitzgerald poaches, Wiekson, Red Juno, Willard, Mikado, Bai
ley and Halo plums. Write us send in, li■t- of wants before plac
ing your order olswhere.
Large stand an Earth Write for
Gun Price rm lowest
Parry <5E*.wL--