Newspaper Page Text
Hollbcrg Choson Mayor.
K«noia. January 7 —At the election
here today, the following mayor and
aldermen were elected to nerve for the
year 1005:
For mayor, E. Hollbrrg; for alder- |
men. Vindex Hand. W F. Culpepp*T, I
.1 I). Hnnter and L. K. Arhall Tlie,
new board will b" installed Monday
night, when they will i !<*et th> ir flay
and night marshal*, city -cxtou, ejty
toil, and street committees.
Tribute to Mrs. McCutchen
< m Htitnrdn\. I)ec. 1<*. 100',. Mr* Mni 1
Close McCutchen, beloved Wife fit Ml
p. T. M utc it) roug i tl ••
Home of tic Re-
MilitOtfvn Notes.
Dr. Coorfwyn Married.
Dr. Henry J. Ooodwyn and Mise Bes- \
sieRoopwere happily married at the ' Mary Ozmore is able to sit up. after
bride's home in Uoopville on Thursday,' ^iuR confined to her bed several days
Dec w with pneumonia.
Dr Goodwyn is a non of Hon. John | Mr. and Mrs. Boyd Stevens nr* t-n-
B Goodwyn. of this citv. and lias at- joying the company of a nice little girl,
mined high rank in Ins chosen profes- ( 'Y 1 "’ came into their home last Friday
s’.on in om sister county of Carrol!—a ,,! 8* ,f -
.vonug uiiin of fine attainments nii'l v,; - v *’i! b-ticlier died on the J4th of
most excellent character Deo-mbe.r. after lingering for several
Miss Hoop is a charming and a cm- week, win. a complication of diseases,
plislied young lady, a member of out: of Die iiereaved ones have the sympnth..
the bestnnd most prominent fajuilies <~f of tie writer and the entire community
Benutifnl < -ate to t
She was 1 fully ,■! ild
if Mr
]\1rs (llinrle, <'lose, tie-former ol whom
a year ago , r< ' 'led Ins i-ree tins flinigh-
ter to the sinless shfife. Illi'l '1' llbtless
weleonu 1 ' **r with a saint's holy rap-
Mi- Mdf’utcheii was ol a leva’ 1- re
tiring disposition; and. while -h* ad
mired progress, neve: did "lie se< 1. to be
•\ leudt. Hie ,, *ngni/ed ' inn,' a- a wo
man's tr lealm a 1 ,.lie: - alone tl •
most n<imirnhle fjaaliti* * oi ' i natuie
could lie developed nl.d • :<el' i“' 1 Alllld
IIc lot, -lit 'paths - t t.lial, wifely and
iin Ihei ly she h -• * he-:
to huger, and regri ti 1 v.i- tli day in
which she could il-■ 1111«; 1 omfort or
< hear suite n civ one
Mrs. Met iltehell guv- f, the ho: tlie
(b-vv ol le i youth, amt < .1 I>11 •. n • i**
years pi • life the g.f-. glil *- Ulld
growth lit tie- ('hi -I .all religion. The
Methodist ■ haroh ! 11 her a valued,
loyal mem' el
She surround 1 le r widowed 1,1 .Hen
with the warm mantle , I a grateful
daughter'- love. Never wns th< union
betW‘ en mother and danghti 1 of a more
cons, crated form • 1 h vicing . it a the
other ill atYei tioil's sweetest tribut*
Mrs. M t’ntchen wit* married to Mr.
I’ T Met'uteheii on May ‘.‘8, !NIC. ami
tie union was blessed with throe prom
ising children, the youngest only two
months of age. May the mantle of her
many graces envelop their U nder forms,
mid may they realize as she did, that
the two great elements of goodness
whichever go hand in hand, are duty to
(lod and duty to mini.
She felt that It is mother's hand that
rules the world, and that duty, well
discharged, builds ourselves and our
race four-wjoare in righteousness, ready
for every Wind that blows. In her heart
there was a secret chamber with an al
tar to tlie most high God. and the Dove
of Peace ever hovered over it.
May the three little lamps that God
privileged her to light, burn brightly in
the Narrow Way. till merged into the
I light of Paradise.
Such women are among life's most
precious realities, and its most inefface
able memories. Tin* woman whose
guiding star is home sits regnant over
the realm of human affections. Tin*
tomli of snob will he a shrine where the
tenderest tribute- oi our hearts should
May her beloved, bereaved mother
lean upon the strong arm that never yet
failed His faithful children. May her
lamented daughter's best attributes
bloom afresh in the hearts of the three
little motherless onei—now too young
(0 know their irreparable loss May the
spirit of tin departed om* guide their
tender feet into the ways of pence and
As she lay 11 bridal white, adorned
with fail-sweet SWeet flowers W<* felt
that earth had lew s "in - sot xnltiug. so
like a happy translation Instinct with
the liamelt s- graft s f motherhood,
modesty and piety . sin* will be • nshnn-
od in nienioi y as < ut ot • arth s loveliest
ami best.
Home hapiy day. may - • weleonu*
home bust aud. mother ... . hiMreii,
where changes ncv< r conn*.
Pence to t ■ beloved dust, whose
npiril is m the b> -om * t its God.
Where t 11 a faithful mothei -1* ep-.
GOil's eve a ceiisel -> vig 1 ke<' is:
When on • a mot s' . .1*1 b» at -
The tnel* — tiaml- lie willing f : —
Such das: :■ -ion- in that ye
That weigh- :h- wo*.-: t earth and
Such dr.-' ami. - any - •
Such dust—best iiiaig* ol our God.
.*, \Y.
Death of Mrs Bollard at
I'a)mitt» .'a - Mr* s. ■
Ballard • 1* t \-S- :■-•* r l.evi Bal
lard. div,. - ■ \ <■!• • day at
0V.I1 ik. S * . i ■ • ii . 1 1 • b.i h- alth.
but bn i. all wa« win dy 1. expaett i.
Bile was sitting n ;*. •• air v* .Ming at tin
time. Sin rrow
Carroll county, a daughter of the Inti*
Hon. John K. Hoop ami a niece of Rev.
W. W. Roop, wall known and beloved
in Coweta church circles.
It isan auspicious union, and T ie
News wafts t ■ the happy vonug couple
•ts heart v wishes for a bright and bl.---
1.1I fntur*.
toe ft a [>elet|ates to Cane Growers Con
Govt nit 1 Terrell lies appointed , *oo
■!b1> gate* from ths cam giowing coun
ties of G-orgm'to * '*■ Int*-i Sta'.i Sugar
('am* Grower.- Convent on v. hjeli will
be held in Montgomery. Ala . January
.'tli to ,’itli inclusive.
The ditlegat* - nann d i*i Cow< ta man-
ty an Hon. S. IJ. Heigh. Newnnii; Hon.
Moreland /.ellar- «J1 tint•.!!• • H«n. H.
W. Ca ap, Moreland: Hon. s, What
ley Ncwnan: Hon. H. I). Mann. New
nnii 11 . Nat Hs'es. Senoia.
"Hoq, hominy end lla'."
The Herald lias been preaching
li ininy and Hay” for so many years
that our 1 uit)■ a this program e- .: pana
cea for all tin serious ills that agricul
tural int rests arc lo ir t< lias come to
lie -*■ mud natur* And laid tin South’s
farmers be< 11 fuit lituily tallowing our
suggi stimis on this line during -> *i nt
,, .n s, !{KM-C would not proved a
twelve and a hall million bnl*'crop year,
and tin present demoralization of prices
would not exist.—Albany Hi raid.
Oscar 1 hilips. w ho moved to Hognns-
villi* last fall, was in our midst last Sat
urday and Sunday.
Cliff Turner, from HaGrange, lias;
moved into th* rni'ins recently vacated
by \| 1. Mont Smith.
The Wednesday evening prayer —r-
vicc was held at Mr. F.uinei's last week
and proved very"intei* -ting.
Owing t'> a severe attaci; of rheutna- |
ris 111 in tli* writer'- right arm, we had
in 1 in ti - last wi e,.
Mr. and Mr-. J. A. South, of Clmtta-
InKiche- sjieiit New* A'ear's day with old
tre nds of tins community.
Mr. and Mrs Judson Smith -jicat sev
eral of the holiday- with the latter's
mother. M r-. Nancy Gwens.
Mr Hmor. Piti .an spent t' 1 * * holidays
with his mothei 111 Ath* ns, 1 hi.
Adieus and Harry South spent ( hr:-t-
mas with Nev.'na.: fri* mis.
Gui Sunday school !*oK-up remark
ably well, considering lit- -ohl Weati.i .
That -peaks wi II for our Suj»-*i intend-
'•nt. Ih i- a wide awake n an, and
knows how to lie* p things moving.
Mr. and Mrs. ,J. Hendrix v:-it• *■ 1
fri**eds 1.1 the country last Sunday.
Tin young toiks of tin* community
met *it Mr. John Newsom s lust Sunday
afternoon and Imd a singing.
Mr. and Mrs John Garner, from
ChuttulioDcIi e. spent Christmn- \\ ; tli
the lutti r's mother, Mrs. T.C. McGh* *
The 11 r11*• lolk- were pleasantly 1 titer-
tniued last Saturday ev< mug at Mrs.
Charlie Turner's with n pound stipjier.
Many little hearts wete mndi glnd.
Mrs. Turner believes in making club
dieii have a g iod tune as well as grown-
up people.
As this is tin* tirst opportunity the ,
writer lias hud toexpress herself through
Have you tried going
without yourovercoat
this changabl 0 weath
How do you suppose
your horse feels
iyou see how he looks)
without his blanket?
How would you feel if
the Societyforthe Pre-
£; i vention of Cruelty to
Animals got hold of p
0 i'i
I; you.? *
c; v#
| Orr & Powell
* vi
»**•••••*» • •*' 'i*'c;i\f • -ft*; * •• ’>•' *>»••* ' 'J' ? *. ‘J' ‘J • 'J' 'J'.* 'J' ^' ‘J j * '/* •/»1 'J • *‘ * * *
J lids'e Wilkinson is Able to
be at Office.
Judge John R. WilkiiiM.ui, ordinary
of Fulton county, who has been serious
ly ill at his home, 72 Dixie avenue, wns tin paper, since the New Year began,
able to be at his office a short time Mon- we will take this occasion to say to all
day. He is much better, though still the readers of the News, we wish for
weak. He wishes to extend to his ninny you a happy New Year. May each one
friends his thanks for their courtesy be pros]s*rous in whatever business they
(luring liis illness.—Monday's Atlanta may follow: and not forget to give God
Mo« •• Abide With Me" Was Written.
Henry Francis Lyte, author of that
matchless composition, '‘Abide With
Me," lor twenty years was u sufferer
from consumption. During this time lie
was the minister overn parish composed
largely of fisherfolk in a coast town of
Mr. ] .■>..
f C -leg*
ail the honor and glory. Remember
that we owe a tenth ol nil we have to
the Lord. May we be prompt to pay
Him first; so that it may be a prosperous
year religiously, as well as temporally.
News’ Circulation is Crow*
Since jhe new muunger lias been in
England He labored laithfully among charge, the News'circulation has been
his people, yet lie always longed to do 1 g r0 wiug at the rate of three or four new
something that would have an influence subscribers daily. This is gratifying. 111
lor tlie good of humanity utter his view of the fact that the new inaunge-
deatli—a longing which found expres- ment has not yet commenced to push
sion in a beautiiul poem. The story of j) le News’ circulation building cam-
how tIris- desire came to be fulfilled paign,and most of these new subscribers
through writing “Abide with Me, ' is have conn* to us without being solicited,
related in the February Delineator, in ; 'pi,,. News confidently expects to
an interesting paper' by Allan t-nther- < doultle its circulation this year. At the
land, giving the history and romance of p rt ,M'iit rut'* of progress, this end can be
the famous hymn. easily accomplished.
"In the Autumn ot 1847 his physi- Business men desiring to place their
eiuns informed Mr. l.yte that it would advertising in a paper with a growing
1 he necessary for him to relinquish Bit-' virc-ulaticni .should talk business to the
work and spend the winter in Italy.
When the last Sabbath of his stay in
Knglatid »September '*, 18471 arrived. In*
determined to preach once more to his
little bock iiiirt to celebrntc with them
: .*■ Lord's Supper. 111 spite of the pro
test of friends. In* clmied out hi- intern
•! ns. although scarn ly able to stand in
•!:. *111111 -el. In words ol melting ten-
ti ll)*—In 'leaded with In- people to qp,). IJooill 12. N il'iliniil Ho-
live holy lives, and when lie took his
1* uvt of them t here was scarcely a dry
eye in the dulrch. The day lmd been
well-i, gh ]" rl'ect, and in the late after-
1 no 11. recovering somewhat from the
-train-of tin service in the church, he
walked slowly aud feebly down the ter-
i'.*.-, i *i walk to Tn water he loved so
well and which he was about to leave
forever. The spell of tin* hour was upon
, th-* ni'.'ii-!*. r. While tin bright stins- t
I color- fa led into the sober grays of
twilight. Ii*- slowly made his wnv buck
to :. I ;>• :: pyay* 1'lU! slb llCe all 1
. *• Wb a he joined his
1 .a'- r he 1 -v* in ns hand
ait were destined to move
Hi- piv.y* r had been an
il - last * veiling in his old
!,..i :oduced that whi.Ti will be
ai. — ig si . g as the heart turns to
•- Ma -111' .help 111 trill--- ■: n* *d."
G i.* i .11-. ii - sou ol N. F. Pitts
of K.:-t N- wiutu. who was-i seriously
Wi ■' a : . i tie head by l- mg caught
• .- v;-.*. ; . :-.-onvale-eeiit. He Is a
\--v ■ g y.iut and Wi - xt- iid-yin-
’-m' .v a:.,i .. o,- tor hi- early recovery.
manager of the News.
No chance to lose money
by buying a few lots in tlie
oil fields of Okliihointt. Lots
are only s:tu each, in three
payments. See -I. W. Wootl-
tel. Phone - - !4.
(iK'iKin i. Cowi-ta County.
l.'Tii if. Hn*it*i-. a'linini-'.nitrix or' - -• at - :
K. W Jlti ig- -. ii n .1. lar. ing appli-'tl t-i th-
' enrt ef l 'll'., IV : v . t -ilii'l C'imatV fill' It tt-'I'S of
li-in.--leu tr ii -aiil trr.-t, all persons r..i:-
ranso in -niii
i ruury next, -t
iion - In mill not
i-nieil are
our: by
ay tin y
. . • (1 To Show
• Mi, niay in F
wi -niit app i*i
went to h
family .. i
the V,
tin; -a!) .-
s\Vt ,
-s'ate nt Fn -i n
plied t-) tin.' Court
n-r :-e- r- -'f il.-
a!' j-- is - *' - ■ ii-ei-r
■.ms, in ( - i
ruurv in \:. *f
lion -Iinuid not ;
an tv.
a i.ilini’.ii-tnnr x f
<; - n-i-il. h.;\. lit
: i ir-li t ry oi -hi i ' • ..inty
-frein iitr suid trust.
..v- r- ninred to sliow
tin Mo-'.iUi.■ in t'- li- ;
• ■ : .!iy -iii.: )>]..: -a.
-1. i ii - Ian. .V!'..i'll. 1 '..
. A PtiKlil l
i Irdinarv.
(jKOIti.i.1 CoWi ta I • unty.,
Tin- i slat, - of K i . K ii-kvix -ai-1
tv. deceased being unrepresented and not
liic- ly to 1,.- is s. ntoil; all p-.-rsolis I I,licerili il
hi ,i).;ir. -1 ;■ show .-nils.- in tin- Court <-f
iir-hnurv of sa.d c’o-.imy on tin* tir-t Mon- .-.v
in Fob., .wi . next, wi y -ueli ndniini-tratiou
should not ' • v--:n! :n'lie- «.'--unty Adnc.nis
tri-.l-‘". I *'l. ‘.'ll:, li- s'..
!. A Pamirs:.
i Iniiimrv.
Underse!ling ® Store!
\V** F.i'e going tn dose out ;ili of bnr %voo! dress
g i ids ;it ones* at* prices that will surprise
you. <’*ime and inspect our line before you buy
A big line of samples in everything in suspenders, Fasci
nators, If >.-!» ry, Ladies' Wool \’ests, which will please you.
Il is useless for us to say anything about our sta
ple dry goods, as we know our prices are lower
than you expect. Visit the Underselling Store
and see for yourself.
Shoes for everyone—-children, men, women, and the masses
And remember we are sole agents for Godman's Black Bot
tom and Bostonian high grade shoes for men.
Your Money Back on Demand!
Everything that one needs for winter supplies
can be found at greatly reduced prices at the Un
derselling Store.
J. W. Stripling & Son
'Pnone 98.
The Popular Grocers.
We are now in our new quarters at Far
mer Bros., stand, and better prepared
than ever to serve our customers.
— Call on us for---
fancy and Family Groceries, Fine Cigars and Tobacco.
Our stock is by far the eompletest we have ever had, and
we caii easily and cheaply and quickly supply your eating
Call to see us, or ’Phone Your Wants.
C. P. Stephens & Co.
Kimball House,
JAS. E. HICKEY, Proprietor.
Centrally Located. Cu.sine and Se'vice Unexcelled