Newspaper Page Text
Local News
of Newnan
Per first-class meats, phone Tit.
lu case of fire ring Phone 12S. *
Mr. Heidf Pendergrast spent Sunday
in Atlanta.
Boy's bicycle for sale cheap. Call at
t his office.
Great bargains :nstationery at Reese's
Drug Store. tt
J. C. Anderson.Dentist. Salbide ltidp.
Newnan. Ga *
W. M Glu-s. Esq . was in Atlanta
last Tuesday.
Mr. duel. Powell is in Kentucky, on a
business trip.
Phone 28 when you wan! a ;.a ft. »h
piece of Bet f Steak.
Mr. (Tiff Turner, i f Carrollton, was
in thi> city Tm sduy.
Sheriff .T L. Brown tiiiide a business
trip to Senoia toduv.
High hack oak rocking chairs, US*' at
Newnan Furnifur ■ Co.
L E. Pritchett, from near Sargent,
was in flic city Monthly.
Hon. J. C. Knight, of Cedartown.
Polk county's Representative in the
j Georgia Legislature, is in Newnan lor a
| few days on a business trip.
L000 pounds old jiapers in pood eondi-
Ition. Make good wrapping paper. Bip
i bundles fie. Special price in large quau-
1 ritios. Call at Tbe News office.
j An agreeable movement of the bowels
without any unpleasant effect produced
by Chamberlain's Stomach mid Liver
Tablets. For sale bv Holt <Y Cates.
S. S. Wells, from near Turin, was in
town today.
Those who have henrd Wendling be
fore. want to bear him again in his new
lecture, “The Imperial Book,” at The
Auditorium. Wednesday. -Inn. iSth.
Mr. Lynch Turner was hi Grantville
We have just
car spring steel
made for fume i>
undo up a largi line of
plows, the best plow
\l r., r A Ih nt.
A handsome
place ! in the
new heater
rending-roo u
the Li-
Call and
H* 'si
• our
( *il
D. T. M. ngi't A Co., who
and jobbers, Newuati. Ga.
Mr. Sauls I J < aco- k. of
ape at Sun l.iy'iu the city.
Mr. p. T. MeC'.'.iohen innde a business
trip to Atlanta last Monday.
Money to loan on real estate rt 7 pel
oc.nt. Apply to L. M. Farmer.
Mr. W. ,1. Driskill, who has 1 en
quite ill for several days,is much better.
The best of the Wendling lectures at
The Auditorium, Wednesday elan. 18th.
Pope Barrow, of Atlanta, was the
guest of friends in Newnan several days,
Wood Wasted.—.100 cords of dry i
pine. Address or ’phone E. C. Good- !
wyii, Newnan, Ga.
Fortin work, roofing, plumbing re
pairing see T. M. Martin. Shop below
Arnall & Farmer.
Fatten your hogs on pure shorts.
Bradley & Banks can furnish them to
you at the proper cost.
3000 gallons good second hand jug-
ware to close out at once at fihjC. See
K E. Davis or call ’phone 1'22.
Seats on sale now at Bradley & Wes
ters for the Wendling lecture, Wednes
day, dan. 18th. Get one early.
Use "Reception Flour” and you will
liave the highest grade.
Bradley & Banks.
D. T. Manget& Co., wholesale grocers
and jobbers. Large fresh stock. Prices
right. We sell to merchants only. *
Reception Flour makes beautiful
(lakes, and the very finest Breads.
Bradley & Banks.
Bring me your hides. Highest prices
Tim Daughters of the Ynf. der.tcy
had an interesting sosiun Iv -iiv af
ternoon, and hope to h. < a l:tie pro
gram for 1. '■■ amiiveisun
Miss Mary Plan;, wlm was the gia st
of Mr. and Mrs. W. ,1. Chandler and
other friends for some time, lias return
ed to her Imni" in Meriwether '-.unity.
Mr. O. F. Allen, win was with Black
Bros. Co for the past eighteen months,
is now with IX W Bii'ie lie W'll li ■
pleased to see his friends a: that store.
For .Sale—A second-hand solid oak
desk, in good condition. Also, second
hand writing desk or -ccretary. Will
sell cheap. li. II. Bowman. tf
Burch & Gay. Depot street. High
Class Restaurant for white pi oplo. Ser
vice prompt, and tallies supplied by host mas with the home folks,
the market affords. Lunches lfic; din
ners, 25c.
Claiborne (.'handler, who spent the
holidays with Mr. and Mrs. Wnlter
Plant and other friends at Rocky Mount,
Meriwether county, has returned to
school at Mrs. W. P. Nimmons’.
Personals and
Society Notes j
Miss Imogeuo Simms is visiting rela
tives at Grantville.
Mi<s Mary Parrott left last week for
Chattanooga, to visit relatives.
Mr. and Mrs. D. T. Manget spent
Sn.,a.... with relatives at Marietta.
Mrs. C. F Durr, of Buchanan, is
visiting her son. Mr. M. B. Mooney.
Miss Lucile Thompson is the guest of
Miss Sarah Gilleland in Charleston,S.I
Miss Mary Jones, of Turin, spent last
Thursday and Friday with MissCleone
| Hum.
* Mrs. P. B. Murphy entertained “The
(Twelve" very pleasantly lio-t Tuesday
Misses Martha Wright and Evelyn
Martin have returned to school at Mii-
Miss Gertrude Ehcrhart. of Colum
bus. a spending the \n T; with Mrs. M. I
C. Farmer.
Mi-s Nell Pinson has returned to
Moniv Coll- ge, altei a v;>it to relatives ■
in the city.
Mrs. T. S. Parrott will entertain tho|
Salmagundi t Tub tomorrow afternoon
at 2 bill o'clock.
Mr. and Mrs. 1L \V. Atimll have r. •
turned from a visit to the hitter's pur- i
cuts at (’edartown.
Mis-; Frances King Ims returned from
a short visit to Mr. and .Mrs. Warner;
Camp at Moreland
Mrs. Sarah Parrott is spending sev- |
e-ul days with Misses Marrilu and Julia |
Harris, at Paris. Ga.
Miss Until Whatley returned to Cur- |
rolltou last week, after spending Christ
We have spent much time in getting
a good Flour flint would please every
body for general use. and have found it
in Coweta Patent.
Bradley & Banks.
Library Hocks.—During the remain-
|der of the winter, libraiy liours will he
from t) to 12 a. m.. 2 to 5 p. m., 7 to II p.
1 in. on Tuesday and Friday evenings.
Mrs. D. B. Woodroof, Librarian.
A good paying mercantile business,
cosisting of a good stock of groceries
and sundries. Location, one of the best
stands in Newnan. Will sell for cash
or good note, at a bargain.
Address “G” quick, Newnan, Ga.
Lost—In Newnan on Jan. nth, a
brown, fox-eared Shepherd dog. Any
inforinatibn about same will be appre
ciated. John P. Morgan,
Senoiu, Ga.
Miss Christine Melson. of Atlanta,
spent Sunday in thecity with hor grand
mother, Mrs. E. S. Dent.
Mrs. A. M. Hughie left Monday for
East Point to attend the wedding of her
brother, Mr. Ernest Hughie.'
Mrs. F. S. Lasotcr. of Opelika, Ala
bama, is the guest of her mother, Mrs.
Fry, at the latter’s home, near Newnan.
Miss Annie Harris, of Palmetto, who
has been visiting Miss Li/./do Shackel
ford during Christmas, has returned
Miss Mattie Hardaway has returned
from her home at Rocky Mount, to re
suine her studies at the Newnan High
Mrs. W. J. Boone and children have
returned to Atlanta, after spending the
holidays with the family of Mr. D. W.
Of the United States Treasury Recommends
Other Prominent Physicians Use
and Endorse Pe-ru-na.
D ll. LLEWELLYN Jordan, Medi
cal Examiner <>f the F. S.Treasury
Department, graduate of (Tduiuhiii Col
lege, and who served throe years at West
Point, lms tin follow ingr to say of l’eruna:
••Allow me to express my grati
tude to you for the benefit derived
from your wonderful remedy.
One short month has brought
forth a vast change and I now
consider myself a well man after
months of suffering. Fellow suf
ferers, Peruna will cure you."
A constantly increasing number <d
physicians p:i scribe Peruna in their
practice, li has provt n its merits so
thoroughly that even the doctors him
i \ ereome their |>ri Jiulieo agninsl so call
ed patent mciheiiu-s ami recommend it
to tlu lr patii nt .
I'cnmn occupies a unique position in
medical s- ience. It istpconl} Intern:.,
m 'en.Y t;.lurch remedy known to I In
i •••local profession to-day. Catarrh, as
cl ••ryonc vrill admit, i the cull -of one
lull tin disease whle.h nlUiels niiiiik ind.
larrh and eulnrrlial ill-cases afflict
< -lmlf id the poop!* of l'idled Slates'.
1 Bohcrl K. Jh iicrt-, M. I)., Wash- *
• nig ion, 1). (w rile.- : ^
‘ " Through my own experience•
i as well ns that of many of my J
\ * friends and aeuuxintanees who»
J have been cured or relieved ofen- <
i larrh by the use of Hartman's J
* Peruna, I can confidently ret am- *
* mend it to those suffering from sue h *
, disorders, and have no hesitation In J i
♦ prescribing It to my patients."... »
7 Hubert R. Roberts. * ,
••»»»» 0909*
Dr. R. Bobbins, Muskogee, |. T, '
l’eruna i,- the Is -1 medicine I know
of lor coughs and to strengthen it wi-ul, j
Hlonineh and to giw appetite. Besides!
pieserihing it for eaturrh, I have ordered ,
ii for weak and di'hllitatcd people, and
have not hud ii patient hut said It helped
him. 11 is an t xccllt ut medicine and il
(Its so many eases.
"1 have u large practice, and haver.
Chance to prescribe yi or l’eruna. I hope
you may live long to do good to the sick
and the suffering.”
Dr. M. (’. (lee, wi lies- from MU Jones
Ut., San Francisco, ('al.:
" l’eruna bus pi /formed to many won
derful cures In San j ruiicisco that I am
convinced that il Isa valuable remedy.
I have frequently advised Us use for
' !
Llewellyn Jordan,
Examiner United Slate.
T reasury.
■- ' ■;-Y XL,'■,I.!• f>.1 >s.• •TiisfP*,
G. O. Carmichael.
fourth Lyceum Course attraction at
The Auditorium. Wednesday,Jan. 18th.
os the most fastidious.
Bradley & Banks
Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Mills have return
ed to their home in BarnenviJIc, after
spending several days with relatives in
tlie city.
Mr. Earnest Lee and family, of Con
cord. who had been visiting relatives in
thecity for several days, returned honx
last week.
Miss Blanche Huen, who spent the
holidays in Newnan, has returned to At
lantu and is with her sister, Mrs.
Mr. and Mrs. T. S. Parrott mid Miss
Mary Good ruin spoilt Saturday and
next. Several petitions to he received I Sunday witli Miss Emnui Belle Zellars,
Hon. J. B. S. Davis, who had an office
; in the Willcoxon building for several
; years, lias removed to his home near the
i city. He will usually be found at the
Hon. Geo. R. Wendling will be the CO urt house, in the future, when in the
Tailored Conmiandery, No. 11, K. T.,
Schottens, Pure Roasted Coffee pleas- I will hold regular conclave Friday night
women, us I iiml it Insures regular and
painless menstrual ion, cures leneorrhiea
and ovarian troubles, and builds up the
entire system. I also consider It one ef
I be line; I catarrh remedies I know of.”
M.C. (lee, M. D.
i 'atari'll Is a systemic disease curable
only by syslemle treatnieiil, A remedy
I hut cures catarrh must aim directly at
:e depress'd llerve centers. Tlli'l i.s
wliat l’eruna dm -.
Peruna iutnehintcly liivlgornles lliu
nerve-eelilers.wbii'li give vitality to the
mucous membranes. Then euturrh dls-
np]H>nrs. Then eaturrli Is peruinuuiitly
If you do not derive prompt and satis
factory results from the use of l’eruna
write nt once lo Dr, llarlmuii, giving a.
full stateim ut of your ease, and lie will
be pleased to give you Ins valual V al*
vlee grails.
Address Dr. Hartman, 1’i'cslbi n' ef
The Itartiiiuii tlaullui'iiim, <V.,n. u.- r
and work in the orders. All members
Mr. J.E. Boone, who has been with ! and visiting Sir Knights requested to be
the firm of D. W. Boone <fc Co. for the ! present,
past year, bus accepted a position in
Mrs. Clyde Givens who Iibs been on u
visit to Newnan. Palmetto and Atlanta,
lms returned to LaGrnnge.—LaGrange
Mr. A. G. Hendrick mid family are
recent additions to the population of
Newnan. They removed to this place
from Heard county.
Mr. Minor Murray, who spent Hie
holidays with his parents, returned to
Emory College last week, where he i.s
attending school.
Call on J. T. Holmes, real estate ag-nt,
il* you desire to rent, buy or .“■il a honfe,
vacant lot or farm. OfRc- at .J. W.
Stripling & Son's.
J)r. W. B. Jones, who spent the holi
days with Hon. W. B. Jones mid fam
ily at their country home, “Riverside."
lias returned ro Atlanta.
Wendling '- new -r and best lecture,
“The Imperial Book.” will attract and
entertain crowds at I he Auditorium, )
Wednesday, Jan. 18th.
On the memory of those who
discourse on the themes of greatest con-
' cern to liumanity. the most lasting
1 and charming impressions remain where
Wendling's lectures have been listened
to: and earnest anticipation will be
aroused by the announcement that “The
I Imperial Book,” Wendling’s newest,and
'best lecture, will he the fourth Lyceum
Course attraction at the Auditorium,
Wednesday, Jan. 18th.
Mr. Tom L. Camp has been painfully
ill for more than a week. He is improv
ing and expects to he out again soon.
at Grantville
Mesdames W. J. Hogan and S. I).
I Whitaker, of Hogaiisville, were the j
'injoy ! guests of Mrs. I. N. (Irr last .Saturday I
!and Sunday.
Miss Corille Hardaway and Messrs.
Tom Fisher and N. I . North went up to
Atlanta to see “Mother Goose” last
Thursday night.
Mr. a:id Mrs. Albert Pendergnist and
little son. of Jesup. Ga.. have returned
home, alter spending Christmas with
Prof, and Mrs. J. E. Pendergrast.
Little Miss Anna Cuttino Kelly was!
the happy and charming little hostess to
a number of her little friends on Mon-
Miss Essie Jackson, who is in charge
of Midway school in the Fourth District , 1
has n flourishing school and bright
prospects for the future.
Mrs. Oliver, of Savannah, is visiting
her sister, Mrs. Habersham King.
Miss Cleone Ham was the lovely hos
tess last week at a house party. The
hospitable ami lovely home was thrown
open for the occasion, and all present
spent a most enjoyable week. Those
invited were: Missus Coral Moses, Liz
zie Belle Farmer, May Russell, Cleone
and Lucile Ham, and Mr. Jewell Bell,
of Grfflin, and Mr. Alton Hum, of Mc
Mesdames 'I'. P. Zellers, and IX B.
Bullard, of Palmetto, and Mrs. Mattie
Thomas, of Union Springs, Ala., are the
| guests of Mrs. W. Ji. Orr.
Mrs. W. B. Orr entertained a few
friends at, a delightful six o’clock dinner
Wednesday evening.
Miss Bessie Powell will give u "spend-
tlie-night party” on Thursday night,
complimentary to n number of friends.
Her guests will he Misses Alma Arnold,
Gertrude Eberliart, of Columbus, Julia
May Hackney,Katie A i null, Mart I iu < jit.
Mrs. P.B Murpliey’s friends regret lo
learn lhat six lias been ill for several
days. Two of Mrs. M urphoy'x children
are also sick.
Mr. A. W. Stubbs. Manag<
Newnan Hardware Company, is busily j
engaged in arranging hi- -lock in the |
building formerly occupied bv Bradley
& Wester's drug store, and will he)
ready for business within the s.■ r few i
, j dav afternoon, at a birthday party,
•r of the I
Mrs. J. IL Sims entertained al an ele
gant six o'clock dinner last Friday even
ing, complimentary to Dr. and Mr.-. T.
B. Davis and Mr. and Mr-. I. N. < Irr.
\.J. Houston, of the Third District,
has accepted a position with T. IX Man
j gum of this city, agent for He Singer
Sewing Machine (
Prof. B. II. Ilobbard opened school at
Corner Branch, in the 'Jbird District,
last Monday, with a Jargi attendance
and splendid prospects.
Mrs. P. (’.
Bowman. 'J'
Allred i
,-:as. win
in the Third District for son,.- Him
home in the
Mr. Willis Davis returned to Athens
last Monday to resume his work in the
University of Georgia. H<- spent the
Christmas holidays at his home in this
Tuesday to return to their
>one Star State.
Miss Jennie L. Houston op-n<-d school
at Madras lust week, with a large at
Miss Ethel Brown has accepted a po
sition to reach school in tie 1 bird JX--
The North Side Club was pleasantly
‘entertained last. Friday nigld by Misses
Fi'-d. of | Nell and Emma Poll.-. Delightful re
freshments were served and the entire
evening was happily spent.
Col. and Mrs. W. <X Wright enter
tained at dinner Ja-t Sunday. Those
present on this pleasant occasion were
Mrs. Brewster, Mrs. Ben Wright, Mr.
and Mrs. W. B. Pringle and daughter,
Ulive, Mr. and Mrs. J B. Ramey and
daugliP-r, Mary, Misses Lizzie and
Lucile Arnold.
Tin- Way Carpenter lice* llallil Their
Antln Iu Wood.
Mr. Iteunlu in IiIh ‘‘Insect Architec
ture" describes the work of a carpen
ter bee. First she chiseled a channel-
in a piece of wood with her powerful
Jaws and deposited each morsel at a
distance. Then she made repented
Journeys to bring In pollen and day
until she had collected enough to serve
us food for the future grubs and to
Imr the entrance.
Cutting open the post, he found a
nest of six cells separated by parti
lions of day as thin as cardboard and
with sides as smooth as any Joiner
could have contrived.
Reaumur tells us how the violet cur-
penter bee bores Into wood obliquely
for uu inch and then perpendicularly
for a foot, scooping out three or four
sudi passages. At the bottom she lays
an egg, couth It with a paste of pollen
and honey and a protection of gnaw
ings from Ihe wood. This Is repeated
nutII the nest is filled, and a side door
at the bottom enables Hie young bees
to come out iu due time. Penrsdn’s
Aii Knriy Memorial Kyulern.
Tlii* primitive Indo-European numer
ical system was a mixture of the deci
mal and the sexagesimal. The first
large iiUliiimr was the "shock"- that
Is, 00 anil Hie nexl large number was
the ‘‘liund, ' or "hundred"- (hat Is, 120.
Between oo and 12u there were no
numbers bite our Vo. dr., being "u
shock nud lo," and 80 being "a shock
and 2o.” i he introduction of our
present numbers between 00 and 120
ii rose out of the Introduction of the
deelmul build or hundred that Is, 100
in distinction from which the old hun
dred (120i was culled the duodecimal
hundred, or the "great hundred,”
wiiieit is slid used in Iceland and parts
of England.
WorUei-M In liolM-niln.
ill Bohemia every wageworker, of
whatever sex or age. must have i*
work bool: wliedi contains Ids person
(lesoripll <o and history and his em
ployer's indorsements. I'ermisslon o>
travel in s .ieli of work must lie In
dorsed by the local authorities. Id
changing locations a certificate from
hull place of residence must be ie*
cured and il • • 1 al the new locution.
Surest and Quickest Cure for all
< !ni"-Goal ('oiiipany, at the Railroad
.1.motion. ’Rhone 117. 1