Newspaper Page Text
I carry everything in ladies’ and
gents’ furnishings, dress goods, an dall
small articles which are wanted by
the people.
Ladies’ shoes, hosiery, laces, rib
bons, jewelry. Cents’ shoes, clothing,
hats, caps, umbrellas.
Groceries for table use of evey de
scription. Flour, meat, lard, hams,
canned goods, sugar, coffee, syrups,
tobacco, corn, oats, hay, garden seeds,
and in fact everything in the grocery
Remember we pay the highest
price for country produce,butter,chick
ens, eggs and cured meats.
Crockery, China and
Cut Glass—Worth
$3,000, to be
$3,000 is tlie value of the largest and most at
tractive stock of crockery, china and glass
ware and cut glass in the city ; and it must be
closed out during the next 60 days, regardless
of former selling prices. This immense stock of
desirable ware is going at prices so low as to
amaze all purchasers. Come and see the goods
and buy at your own figures. The stock must
be closed out and is going to be sold within 60
days, regardless of first cost.
Newnan, Ga.
Petition for Charter.
Legal Advertisements.
Atlanta & West Point Railroad Co.
The Western Railway of Alabama,
Direct Lines Between North, Hast, South and Southwest. U. S. Fast
Mail Route. Through Palace Sleeping Cars. Dining
Cars. Tourist Sleepers to Cali-fornia.
8 15p
lit 40a
5 00a
30 05s
3 0 90a
12 85p
31 25a
12 28p
32 60p
1 58p
2 £ p
9 20p
9 45a
30 52a
32 54p
0 3p
12 16p
1 SOp
2 27p
2 52p
8 81p
3 45p
4 80p
11 59p
6 00p
6 28p
7 Cop
7 90p
U 25a
1 25p
8 16p
12 40a
4 OOp
6 SOp
" T2p
8 rip
9 25p
8 25 p
0 02 p
(I fl'p
10 27p
11 40p
9 l op
11 25p
2 58p
6 lfltt
Lv - New Orleans.
Lv Mobile-.—
11 06p
5 00a;
0 55a
7 68a
12 35p
8 87a
Lv Montgomery.
Ar Milstead —.
Ar Cbehaw—
Ar Auburn....
9 87a
10 85a
G 42s
8 00a
10 15a
Lv— Pensacola.
Lr Relma.
.Columbus Ar
Ar Opelika 4r
Ar West Point
No 85 No 87
8 l«p
4 12p
4 OOp
7 L5a
2 55a
11 flOp
10 55a 9 20p
9 57a
9 42a
9 10a
12 86p
'8 87a
8 20p
7 45p
9 25p
7 flflp
7 Mai 0 4Gp
Ar La Grange
Ar Newnan Ar!
Ar Falrburn — Ar
Ar East Point A r|
^r. Atlanta Lvi 6 80a
7 38a 8 22p
8 34a i 5 26p
0 04a —
12 43p|Ar.
4 20p
Ar Washington Lvjll 15all045p
Ar Baltimore Lv, 8 17aj 9 lGp
Ar Philadelphia Lv S45a : 6 56p
.New York Lvll210a^ 4 25p!
11 10a
1 45p
1 10a
11 15p
6 20p
5 23 p
5 Olp
4 27p
S3'ATE OF GEORGIA, Fulton County.
T i tli Honorable Secretary of State of the
State of Georgia:
The petition of P. S. Arkwright, R. E. Cnl-
linnne, S. J. Bradley, W. B. Stovall, H. M.
Milam, F, M. Sisk. .1. F. Weissinger, G. W.
Brine, \V. T. Colquitt and B. .1. Conyers, all of
whom reside in the City of Allalltu, of the
aforesaid state and County, shows:
1. That they desire for themselves, their as
sociates, successors and assigns, to lie incor
porated as a railroad company under the laws
of Georgia for the pet iod of one hundred and
one years, with privilege of renewal, under
the corporate name and style of "ATLANTA,
COMPANY’ for the purpose of constructing,
owning, equipping, maintaining and operat
ing a railroad, extending from Monte, uma, in
the county of Macon, State of Georgia, to some
point on the line between Alabama and Geor
gia in the county of Troup or the county of
Heard, and thence to Birmingham, in the
county of Jefferson, State of Alubumn, and
from the City of Atlanta, Fulton County,
Georgia, to some point on the line between the
Stati s of Alalumm and Georgia in the county of
Carroll or the county of Heard, and thence to
a connection with the road first described in
the State of Alabama, at or about the town of
Wodowce, or some convenient point in Ran
dolph County, Alnbumu.
2 The general-direction of the main line of
said proposed road from Montezuma to the
Georgia nod Alabama line and thence to
Birminglihln is northwestwardly, and the
counties through which it will probably run
in the State of Georgia are the counties of Mu
con, Tuylor, Talbot, Meriwether and Troup or
Heard, thence crossing into the State of Ala
bama und fanning in the State of Alabama,
protably through tile counties of Randolph,
Chambers, Clay, Talludega, St. Clair and Jef
ferson, in the State of Alabama. The length
of this road, as near as can be estimated, is
about one hundred und ton miles in the State
of Georgia and about one hundred und thirty
one miles in the state of Alabama, making the
whole length of the road from Montezuma to
Birmingham, as near as can be estimated,
about two hundred and forty one miles.
9. The general direction of the ether line of
said road from Atlanta to the Georgia and Ala
butna line and thence to Wodowce is, as near
as can lie estimated, southwestwardly,
und its length, us near as can be
estimated, is about s e v e n t y-fl v t
miles, of which ubout sixty miles are in the
Htute of Georgia, and the counties through
which it will probably run in the State of
Georgia are the counties of Fulton, Campbell,
Douglas, Coweta und Carroll or Heard, in the
State of Georgia and tile county oi Randolph
in the State of Alabama.
4. That the capital stock of said corporation
is to be tlOO.UOO.UO, divided into shares of the
par value of one hundred dollai s each, with
the rlgnt to increase the same to any amount
in the manner provided by law for increasing
the cupitul stock of ruilroads, such increases to
consist ot common or preferred stock, cither
or both, hm may bedetermlncd at the time, and
in the event of the issuance of preferred stock
t ie same to have such rights and privileg
over tin- common stock as are Jlxi d in the res
lutiolis authorizing the issuunec ol mien pi-
ferrod stock.
r. The place where the prlir-ipnl office of
suii corporation will iiu locutcu will be in i- ni
ton county, in the Htatepf Georgia.
8. Petltionl-rs intend In good faith to go for
ward without delay tosecure subscriptions to
tlie capital stock, construct, equip, iiiuintuin
and operate said railroad, and request flint
t.u-y bo incorporated under tile, laws of this
Butte us u railroad company, for tin- purposes
uforesuid, under file corporate name aforesaid,
together with ^ill the rights, powers and
privileges now or hereafter allowed ruilroad
companies under the laws of tills Htute.
7. Petitioners further request that the cor
poration shall have tlie right to apply fur and
accept, whenever authorized by a majority
vote of its voting stockholders, any additional
powers or amendments: to its charter, whether
lumlamental or immaterial, und whether eon-
furred or to he acquired under th« general
mws or special Acts.
8. Petitioners have given four weeks notice
of their intention to apply forsaid cliarterby
the publication of this petition in one of the
newspapers in which the sheriff’s advertise
ments are published in eueh of the counties
through which said proposed road will probab
ly run, once a week for four weeks before the
tiling of this petition.
And petitioners will everpray.
P. S Arkwright, R. E. ffullinane,
H. J, Bradley, W. B. ,Stovall,
H.M. Milam, F. M.Bisk,
J. F. Weiaainger, O.W. Brine,
Waiter T. Colquitt, Ben J, Conyers.
STATE OF GEORGIA, Fulton County.
Personally before the undersigned appeared
F. 8. Arkwiglit, S. J. Bradley and R. E Out
linane, three of the petitioners in tlie above
petition, who, on oath, state that the names
subscribed to the foregoing petition are the
genuine signatures of the persons named there
in and that the facts stated in the petition are
true to the beat of petitioners knowledge, in
formation and belief. Hworn to and sub
scribed before ine, this 7th day of March, 1905.
P.S. Arkwright,
H. J. Bradley,
K. E. Cullinune.
J. W. MAHON, . .
Notary Public, Fulton County, Ga.
GEORGIA—Coweta County.
T. F. Rawls, Adnir. of tin- estate of Mrs. E.
Rucker, di-eci-.M-d, having applied to tlie Court
of Ordinary of said County tor leave to sell the
hinds of said deceased, all persons concerned
are required to show cause in said Court by
tin- first Monday in April next, if any tliev can,
why said application should not be irrnnted.
This March tlth, 1905.
L. A. PERDUE, Ordinary.
GEORGIA Coweta County
N. C. Banks, Executor o't John \\ . ,
deceased, having applied to the Court
dinar,v of said County for leave to sell Un
binds of said deeensou, all persons eoneeriied
are required to show eanse in said Court by
t he first Monday in April any they
an, why said application should not be grant
d. This March tlth, IWi.
I, A PERDUE, Ordinary.
GKORgI A—Coweta County.
T. F. Rawls. Adinr. of estate of Kddie Smith,
dis-eased, having applied to the Court of Or
dinary of said County for leave to sell tin-
lands of sni-1 deceased, all persons concerned
required to show cause in said Court by
the first Monday in April next, if any they
can, wliv said application should not bo grant
'd. This March ftth. 1905.
L.A. PERDUE. Ordinary.
GEORGIA—Coweta County.
The return of the appraisers setting apart
twelve months' support to tlie family of John
W. Arnold, do,-eased, having been fill'd In my
office, all persons eoneerned are cited to show
cause by the first Monday in April, 1905, why
said application for twelve months' support
should not be granted. This March tlth, IMJ5.
1. A. PERDUE, Ordinary.
GEORGIA —Coweta County.
By virtue of an order grunted by tlie Court
of Ordinary of said Coweta County, will Is
old before the court- house door of said county,
to the highest bidder, between tile legal hours
of sale on the first Tuesday In April next, tile
following dosertbed property: One nere of
land, more or less, In the First, district of
Coweta county. Georgia, near the incorporate
limits of the town of Menolin, Ga.. and known
ns the Betsey Harris place, the same being
hounded on the north by K. Hobday plaee,
east by J. F. Arnnll estate, south by lands of
Julia Ann Thurmond and on the west by
George Harris.
Hold us the property of Betsey Harris, late of
said county, deceased. Terms cash. This
March 8, 1905. T. F. KAWLH,
Adnir. of Betsey Harris.
If yon are nervous nml tired out
continually you could liavo no
clearer warm tip of the approach
of serious female trouble.
Do not wait until you Buffer un
bearable pain Ix'fore you seek treat
ment. Tou need \Vino of Cardui
now just as much as if tho trouble
were more developed and tbo tor
turing puiiis of disordered men
struation, bearing down painR,
leucorrhoea, backache and linad-
ache were driving you to the un
failing relief that Wine of Cardui
Lbs brought hundreds of thousands
of women und will bring you.
"Wine of Cardui will drive out
all trace of weakness and banish
nervous siiells, headache anti back
ache and prevent tho symptoms
from quickly developing into dan
gerous troubles that will bo hard
to check. Secure a 61.00 bottle of
Wine of Cardui today, if your
dealer does not keep it, send tbo
money to the Indies' Advisory
Dept., Tlie Chattanooga Medicine
Co.. Chattanooga, Tent)., and the
medicine will be sent you.
WtNE sf
4 15p
3 SOp
12 flop
Petition for Charter.
GEORGIA, Ooweta'County.
To the Superior Court of said County:
Tlie petition of tbo Grantville Hos
iery Mills respootfnlly shows:
1. That, it is a corporation duly incor
porated under the laws of said State by
order of said Court at the September
term 189(5 thereof, with the right to in-
crease its capital stock to an amount not
exceeding One Hundred Thousand Dol
2. Thnt it is now and over has boon
doing business tinder its said charter
with its principal office undplucoot bus
iness at Grantville, snhl Stale and
li. At a meeting of its shareholders
regularly held at its principal office in
Grantvillo on the the 27th day of Janu
ary, 1905, of which due notice was given
to the Stockholders, and at vOiieli meet
ing all the stock was represented, the
following resolution was unanimously
passed; “Resolved that the charter of
said corporation he so amended ns to
authorize an increase of its capital stock
to an amount not exceeding Three Hun
dred Thousand Dollars”.
4. Iii pursuance of said resolution,
your petitioner prays an order of said
court amending its said charter so as to
authorized an increasopf its cupitul stock
from time to time to an amount not
exceeding Three Hundred Thousand Dol
5. Petitioner shows that Fifty-two
Thousand und Five Hundred Dollars of
said capital stock has actually been
paid in.
(5. Your petitioner further prays that
when so amended, it have the same
rights, powers and privileges as granted
to it under its said original charter i
This the 21st day of February, 1905.
• W. A. Post,
Petitioners’ Attorney
Filed in office this February 21st, 1905
L. Turner, C. O. S. 0.
GEORGIA, Coweta County.
I, L. Turner, Clerk of the Superior
Court in and for «aid county, do hereby
certify that the above and foregoing is
a true and correct copy of the original
petition for amendment of its charter,
of The Grantville Hosiery Mills, as ap
pears of file and record in this office
Witness my hand and the seal of
said Court, this 21st day of Feb., 1905.
L. Turner, C. C. S.O
The Nowh and a <1 r»t oIuhh
monthly agricultural journal —
The American Farmer—both one
year for $1. Regular price of the
t wo is $1.60.
1 68p
12 55p
1 19|i
10 £ P
^ Me til 8
Above traiDs daily. Connections' at New Orleans for Texas, Mexico, California. At Cbehaw
rorTuskegee, Milstead for Tallahassee.
LaGrange accommodation leaves Atlanta daily, except Sunday at 0:30 p. m. Returning
leaves LaGrange at 5:50 a. m. arrives Atlanta 8:16 a. m.
Trains !)5 arid 36 Pullman sleepers New York and New Orleans. Through coaches Washing
qd and Ncw OrlGftns.
Trains 37 and 36 Washington and Southwestern Limited. Pullman sleepers, compartmen
ars observation and dining cars. Complete service New Y’ork and New Orleans.
Train 97 United States fast mail. Through day coaches Atlanta and New Orleans.
Write for maps, schedules and information.
j) p * Atlanta, Ga. G. P. A., Atlanta Ga.
V. r. A; auauia, « CHA6. A. WICKER3HAM,
Pres, and Gen. Mgr., Atlanta, Ga
The Colonel’s Waterloo.
Colonel John M Fuller, of Honey
Grove, Texas, nearly met his Waterloo,
from liver and kidney trouble. In a re
cent letter, he says: “I was nearly dead,
of these complaints, and, although 1
tried my family doctor, he did mo no
good; so 1 got a 50c bottle of your great
Electric Bitters, which cured me. I con
sider them the best medicine on earth,
and thank God who gave yon the know
ledge to [make them.” .Sold and guar
anteed to cure, dyspepsia, biliousness
and kidney disease, by J. T. Reese and
Dr. Paul Peniston, druggists, at 50c a
The Prince of Peace did not car
ry a "big stick.”
15. C. CARTER S CO.,
& when you want them
cleaned, pressed, repaired
or dyed in the best manner
and at the most reasona-
L ble prices.
'The Publisher’s
Claims Sustained
United States Court of Claims
The PiibllHhcrH of Webster’s International
Dictionary allege llmt It “is, in foct.lhe popu
lar Unabridged thoroughly re-edited in every
detail, and vastly eiirieiied in every part, with
the purpose of adapting it to meet the larger
and severer requirements of uuother genera
We ure of the opinion that this allegation
most clearly uml accurately desorilios the
work that baa been accomplished and the
result that has I icon reached. The Dictionary,
os it now stands, has Been thoroughly re-
edited hi every detail, hug been corrected in
every part, and Is admirably adapted to meet
the larger und severer requirements of a
generation which demands more ot popular
philological knowledge than any generation
that the world liaaever contained.
It ia perhaps needless to add that we refer
to the dictionary In our judicial work usol!
the highest authority in accuracy of defini
tion; und that in the future us in the pant it
will be the source of cormtant referoucx-.
CHARLES 0. NOTT, Cbl*t Jutlo*. .
OH A 111. EH 11. HOWItY. T
* r JudffM. * j
/ The nlxtve to WEIiRTER'S I
As long as the world expects
every young man to sow wild oats
there will be a continual harvest of
'the highest award) was given to the Interna
tional at the World’s Fuir, 8t. Louis.
You wCU be Interested in our
specimen panes, scut /rec.
The News’ clubbing offers the
leading newspapers and magn
zines will interest you. Ask for
particulars a 1 o it them. tf.