Newspaper Page Text
■CgMMgiC——— —■
For this beautiful
Top Bugcy, manu
factured by us here
iu Atlanta, Georgia.
A Southern Buggy
for Southern trade,
has a fine Leather Quarter Top, has genuine
Leather, Spriug Bottom Cushi m, and Leather
Back, is elegantly painted and fullv guaranteed.
Regular retail price $65.00 to $75 00.’
90 For this fine Collar and Hatne,
nickel mounted Harness, sold with
every GOLHHN KAGI,U BUGGY, regular retail
price 812.50 to $15.00.
Catalog aud full description sent on request.
168-160 Edgewood Ave., Atlanta, Ga.
The pith o’ sense, mid pi n! ■ o' worth,
Are higher muks Miami’ that.
Then let us pray lhateome it uiny--
| As dome it will for a’ that—
i Tlmtsense nml worth, o'er a’ the earth,
| May hoar the gnv and n’ that;
1 For a’ that, and a’ that,
i It’s coinin' yet for a’ that,
That man to man, the warld o'er
Shall brothers he tor a' that!' ’
(To lie continued.)
What Are You Going to Do?
Land of Promise
(Continued from page It.)
lowav Kirk anti its bell and the
nearby grave of Robert hums’
father, afierwatd (joins; a little
back the same way to the cottage
wherein Hums born, now as
sociated with a Hums’ Museum
The popularity of Hums as a poet
is shown by the tact that over | l0mi . j n
thirty thousand people visit these studying
reason of w hat will
his popularity perhaps, is—he is make thou
[Your Lovely Gown
(mils no danger of null-treatment from
s ciet of the undeniable sublimity
of the mountains of Scotland,” as
Dr. John L. Stoddard beautifully
expresses it, “is not their great
height, since they rarely atiain an ,,
, c c . i .i Diaces annually. I he
elevation of 4.000 feet above the • . , J
sea. It is not even the impressive , , , ,
, . , , .. one who touches humanity, speak- 1
way in which they heave their . . . ... 11
monstrous masses
gigantic waves. The grand effect
The (|iu"*tioii is not from wlmt
distinguished family you descend
ed, hut what are you going to do
for tln> year ItlOli,’ The Agricul
turist particularly addresses this
question to the young men and
women of the rural homes.
Are you passing the evenings at
improving your minds,
the laws of mitlire and
eleiale your lives and
useful to the family.
In your neighbors and
1-lSUteko...' .lUMMUlMbHMA'QtiteM
wash stands are sei
|tifieal!.v arranged and built. They
ornamental as well as sanitary.
1st visit my plumbing simp and talk
ler the wash stand question and see if
han’t arrange on one or more for your
westward, like in S directly to the emotions, in the , )nu .tieal to the stale.'
most understandable fashion pos-! The question is not merely (.
. . , , .... sible. Unis he writes:
which they produce is principally
“Gio me n spark of Nature's lire!
That’s a’ t he learning I desir
Then, tho’I drudge thro’ dub an’ min
At plow or cart,
i. noiselessly and swiftly, enormous ! My muse, tho' liumelyin attir
due to the forever changing clouds,
which magnify their altitude by
llitary Open Work Plumbing heaping up around and upon them,
shapes which are themselves al- May touoh tho heart I”
most as large as the huge peaks hated patronage, loved lib
they half conceal, Scotch mists | erty, and desired money only to be
are usually cold and unattractive; f ree from Ike necessity of asking
hut,grouped in billowy immensity, or receiving favors:
around the mountains of Glencoe _ — . . , ,
.. “Not- for to ludo it in a hodge;
I Sexton they are SUbllme; and ' when 11 | Not for a train attendant;
u w 9 luminated by the glow of sunset, But for the glorious privilege
these northern vapors become Of being independent.’'
radiantly beautiful; for the depart
ing sun transforms them into
fields of splendor, gilds all their
O g a ! gloomy heights with glory, and
| I Ut 1 Cjfi * B vJ places upon Scotland’s hroiv a
The Newmui 1*1 timber.
Shop in new Aninll Building.
hilt to lie a henelit to this age of
rapid development of ideas and
higher planes of citizenship that
j are daily opening up in thengri
cultural and horticultural lields.
Young readers, determine in
your thoughts that you will lie
something; he a man. he a woman,
whose noble deeds will add char
actor to your beings and whoso
lives will shine like diamonds
among the noblest and most learn
ed in your state.—Southern Agri
We beg to announce to our customers and friends
that we are now in our commodious new store,
with a full stock of General .Merchandise, and have
recently added to this a complete line of furniture,
burial eases, etc. Also wagons, buggies and liar
ness, mules and horses; all of which will be sold
al the lowest prices, either for cash or on time.
We also carry a complete line of Fertilizers, w hich
we mix to suit aip and all of our customers. We
also pn\ (Iu* highest prices for cotton and cotton
seed, and give the lowest rates on storage aud in
surnnec, and make liberal advances on all cotton
stored wit h us. Thank ing you for your patronage
iu tln> past, we respect fully solicit a continuance
<:” tile same.
Newnan, Ca.
crown of gold.”
“Glasgow” is from
meaning gray mist; the
often being heavy
enough to cut, it would seem.
“Glasgow is the largest Presby
terian city in the world, whether
it he measured by the number of
churches, of communicants, or of
aggressive work done in the cause
of Christ.’
Poor but proud, his indisputable
genius asserted itself in the most
untoward circumstances,a despiser
of unwarranted class-distinctions,
he was ever the most
mining of democrats.
“G’.escu,” lovable as his words,though strong
How to Prevent Bilious Attacks.
One who is subject to bilious attacks
will notion Mint lor a day or more before
tho attack Im is not lummy in meal times and fools dull after oulillg. A
11 is face is I host' ol 1 Olumiherlnln’s Stomach and
Liver Tablets when those lirsi symp-
, 1 , , , , , , , 1 toms appear will vvard oil’ the allaok
fog there [ drink had too large a the I They m . n wllo by ,, linl |>,.„isi<>..,
and dense j effort to drown his sorrows, winch jj^ owim „, y,,
was both unavailing and regret-j —
table. Oh the pathos of his pov- Tho R. F. IJ. liYian.
erty superadded to a highly sensi- \
tive nature, and that the admira-1 In Hummer's heat and -lost he drives tho
tion and honor of his countrymen tedious, tortiion way,
... r. 1 1 1 In winter’h colil mid snow and rain lie
should conic alter he has passed
And, as has been said, ! into the beyond!
has taken the lead in From hero we went at 2:50 p. m.
Atlanta & West Point Kailroad Co.
The Western Kailway of Alabama.
Direct Lines Helwccn North, Last, South and Southwest. U. S. Fast
Mail Route. Through Palace Sleeping Cars. Dining
Cars. Tourist Sleepers to California.
it 10a i> l i
the two greatest characteristics of j by train onto Dumfries, “The
modern evangelical Presbyterian-' Queen of the South,” where the
ism—missions to the heathen, and poet died and was buried; here we
to the lapsed and drifting popula- visited the house in which he ex-
tion at home,” as well as being the pired, meeting there his only liv-
place where the first
society to send the gospel to the
heathen was formed in Scotland.
It is the second city of the King
dom (760,000 in 1901), where “the
stately ocean greyhounds” are
built, and an ancient scat of learn-
l rav-'Im - very day ;
1 le knows lie's e'en mure welcome if flu
(lay should clmncc to Im
Rond 1 and dark, lio always comes on
time—the faithful K. I-'. I).
Thu mother waits* willi anxious heart
out lit. I In- count ry home
For hitlers from tho children who Imvo
left her side lo roam
ing relative, seeing his mausoleum 1 0ut in the big nod busy world; she
shades her eyes to sue,
No jii No mi|No :ih
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Now York
L\ 111 lOu
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, < in I i forn in.
(a lovely marble memorial over
Al Clii’liilW
lint 11 rn i it ^
* WiihIiIuk-
*M fill h
Altnvt* I min ' dully. < 'miiii'i'lIoiih at N*• \% Oi Iohiih for Tuxim/Moxli
forTii;-kc!.'i i', MII-I.oimI for'I nllnlru
Lniimog,’accommodation leuvi** Atl»inl,i dally, except Hiimlny ut ftjiio p, in.
LiiiiriuiKc 1" • *» n hi. nri ivt’s A!litnin H:lf» a. in.
Trainx ;ir> and mi Pullman Mccpcrh New York uml Now nrlmiiiH. Through coiirln
nml New < hit mis
... 1 . I r 1 i .1 tl , n,,. fv... Trnlnn87 nml JIM WiiMliliiKton nml HoiiHiwfHt-pni Minltml. I’nlltnnn hIimmmth, eompiirtmci t
tils remains with 4ilass encasement, uOOKlMK (lOWII tin, Wll.Y so WlHtilll IOI (nine observation nml «iiniUK ears. Complete service New York Mild Now Orleans
tl, „ no „. Hoi n cr t-onrouen lorl ni - I lie coming K. F. I). Tniln 117 llnll.-l Slnh ^ f,.Hl ,m,ll Through .lay coneliUH Atlimtii uml Now UrlomiH.
Hie poet DLing representeu as I ^ Write for map*, HchoduloH and information.
standing on a plot of ground with I The sturdy fanner calculates and plans ' y. p. V., ah'iiui'h, (in. J ' o.ka 1 .'! auumiii <ia.
left hand on his plough, tho right j Ids coming oroj>— ( i-iias. a. wk.kkkhiiam,
, , , . , . , . . . And wonders if the prioo of corn will
hand clasping his hat on his i
Pros. nml (Ion. Mur., Atlimhi. (ill
. tiiko ft nuildon drop—
ing as well as great centre of com- bosom, with head uplifted on the Aw aits his daily , )a , )or j UH t as eager as
merce. Here are art galleries and right toward a female figure at the enu bo—
museums, fine music and lectures base and slightly above him hold
of thoughtful minds, magnificent ing out a shroud of immortality
municipal buildings and capital for him) in St. Michael’s
sanitary arrangements, and plenty
of water from Loch Katrine.
Hu sets his watch each morning by the
passing It. F. D.
Newnan Public Schools
Does nil
kinds of
Truly, “Let Glasgow flourish by
the preaching of the word!” We
Parish Tho blushing girl looks shyly down the i
Churchyard, the nearby river and 1 , “big road” for his team SprmCJ Tenil Opened Wednesday, Jan. 3
, | r* c ■ . , , . Ho familiar; she remembers m her I r » / 7
the old Greyfriars Church (his-
Tin Work, Roofing
Plumbing and
toric for its connection with the
Claverhouse massacre of the Cov-
were particularly pleased with enanters and mentioned in Sir j Sent the message of his loving by the
what we saw of the New Univer-' Walter Scott’s story of Kirkpat-1 faithful R. F. IJ.
snored maiden’s dream | —
That her lover, true and loyal, wrote a | fn Primary an tl Intermediate grnrios thorough instruc-
letter, and that he j tion is given in Reading. Writing, Spoiling and Arithmetic.
Expert work and low
prices win. Shop op
posite Pinson Hotel.
municipal buildings, Royal Ex
change (and Wellington’s statue)
St, George’s Square, with its vari
end of human life is to cultivate
an intercourse with that Heing to
whom we owe life with every en-
R-I-P-A-N-S Tabules
Doctors find
A good prescription
For mankind
The 5-cent packet is enouch for usual occasions
In t-he High School the following courses are offered
. , , , I. The Classical Course.—A full course, including
sity building, the most imposing rick s bloody work’). Truly hath , A!,, whut tidings he delivers that shall the w ]]QV Mat hematics, Latin, and the Sciences. Pupils
modern edifice in Scotland; the the poet said, in “a Prayer in the brighten nil the day, 1 rlinlnm-m in fLM r-nnr-ur* ova :,i,«l f/,
. And wlmt ineBBftgos of sorrow oft ho WHO r<-(XI\(, UljHOIlMS 111 tills COULS(3 rllC HuinittOCl t() dDV
Corporation Galleries of Art, the | Prospect of Death: The grand | i ea ves along the way; | College in the State without examination.
2. The Business Course.—English, Book-keeping,
Business Arithmetic, Business Correspondence and Com#-
mercial Law.
3. Ihe Elective Course.—The pupil chooses, with the
approval of the Superintendent, such studies as he wishes
to take.
Young men and women who are looking forward togo-
not merely for the name of the thing, but
ous assortment of fine and massive joyment that renders life delight-
statues to celebrities (Scott and ful!" Here are some good prose
Burns and Livingstone among thought in his fine rhyme:
them), and especially the famous thcre for Il0 nest poverty,
Cathedral in its picturesque ioca- That hangs his head, and a’ that?
tion and the nearby Necropolis,the j The coward slave, we pass him by,
finest cemetery in the city. Dr. We dare be poor for a’that!
George Adam Smith, the noted i l ' orft Hiat, and a that,
, , , , , , . . Our toils obscure, and a’ that;
Biblical scholar and archaeologist, The rank i8but tbe Kninoa . Btompi
and author of “Historical Geo-! Tiie man’s the gowd for a’ that!
But Ids coming is awaited ull along his
route, and he
Is the link that binds tho country—is
the faithful It. V. D.
—Macon Telegraph.
Sheriffs Sale.
ThtffBmily bottle (00 cents) contains a supply . r tb IJ Q l v T and ” and
for a year.All druggists sell them. grapny oi tne rtoiy hand, anu Wbat though on humoly fare we dine,
R ev - P- Carnegie Simpson, tne, Wear hodden gray, and a’ that;
nan High School. Boys are prepared for the Apprentice
and Sophomore classes; girls for the Sophomore and Jun
ior classes.
| S. t. CARTER S CO., |
when you want them ;j
cleaned, pressed, repaired &
I or dyed in the best manner a
I and at the most reasona- i|
H ble prices.
■c; ssasaseaSSES atria Bnisini cnaci 35231:
author of that striking book, “The j Gie fools their silks, and knaves their
Fact of Christ,” et al., are notable
characters of Glasgow. The great
Scottish scholars, A. B. Davidson
A man’s a man for a’ tlmt!
For a' tiiat, and a’ that,
Tlieir tinsel show, and a’ that;
and Henry Drummond, are missed The honest man, though e’er sae poor,
sorely in the world of letters, but Is king o’men for a’that!
they left rich results of their la- y e gee y 0 n birkie, ea'd a lord,
bors behind them. Wha struts and stares and a’ that;
At 11:15 a. m„ May 24, we lett i Thongh huudreds worship at his word,
, : T , , He’s but a coof for a’ that;
Glasgow direct for the “Land of j For a . tliat ud B . tliat>
Robert Burns,” going first to Ayr,, H is riband, star and a’ that;
on the seacoast (by Dairy), in a' The man of independent mind,
lovely country, arriving at 12:30 He looks and laughs at a’ that!
' p. m., and taking an electric car to A king can mak a belted knight,
GEORGIA—Uoweta County. . ., ..
Will ho sold before the court house \ '- <5 College
door iu tiieoity of Newnan, said State; for all the good that they can get from a college course,
and county, on the first Tuesday in Feb- can not do better than to get their preparation in the Now-
ruary, i.906, between the Legal hours of
sale, to tiie highest bidder, for cash, the
following described property:
A tract or parcel of land situated and
being in the First District of Coweta "ATHENS, GA.. June J(>, 1DCH.
,-nnnt v Georgia and known and dis- “PROF. U. F. PICKETT, Newnan, Ga.: I beg to congratulate you on thy
< ou y ’ g ’ 1 excellent preparation young men receive in the Newnan High School. Tiie en-
tinguished as tiie west, half of lot of truiiee examination papers of your pupils were superior to all others received this
land No. 26‘5; containing 101 1-4 ucres, year. Yours very truly,
more or less; and 16 acres, more or less, “WALTER B. HILL,
of the northeast corner of lot of land "Chancellor State University.”
No. 246, in said district; hounded as fol- Extract from a letter written by Prof. David Cl. Barrow, who for twenty
lows: On north by J. B. Delk and W. years lias been senior professor of mathematics in the Univetsity of Georgia: “it
u Unf-mrv „„ ,. HKf hv \I H Oonnh (fives me pleasure to commend without stint the work of Prof. Pickett in prepsr-
K ^.1. ^ ... ing young men for college His young men are so thoroughly prepared tlmt our
and W. O. Elmore, on south hy Nixon wor k for them here iH a pleasure.”
estate, on west hy B. I-. Cock. Levied
onaw tiK} property of w. M. Gia«B, aud Resident and non-resident pupils are admitted on the
111 Ins possession, to satiHty ft li. ift. jh- , rx . , ^ J 1
sued from the City Court of Newnan, SflUlC terms. (.yEltRlOgUC SCUt Oil Etppl lCRtion.
(Jet. term, 1S1C6, in favor of J. H. Shu 1 - .. /"(ri/U iOTTAiT t> i.i „[7nrT-nf(i
i key and against said W. M. Glass. J J. LrOODTtU JVI, J>. I’. I ICylCKl 1,
Tenant in possession notified in terms of Kor-rotnrvr
I the law. Tliis .Jan. 10, 1906. ’ - y "
J. L. BROWN, Sheriff. i i —
Do you want to subscribe for any tbe un ique Burns’Memorial Monu-
newspaper or magazine published in mentj thg .< Konny Doon” and the
the United States? If so, your snb- ^ „
.cription will be received attl.e K.«. “ A “ ld «-
office tf 1 but well-preserved remains of Al-
A marquis, duke aud a’ that;
Bat an honest man’saboou his might,
Guid faitli lie manna fa’ tiiat!
For a’ tiiat aud a' that,
Tlieir dignities, and a’ that,
Hides Wanted—Will pay best price for
green hides for next few weeks. G. O. j
Carmichael, Newnan, Ga.
Money to loan on real estate a t 7 per
i oent. Apply to L. M. Farmer.
L. M, Farmer,
Office on Second Floor of the Arnall
Merchandise Co.’s Building
Z. Greene, D. D. S.,
Office on Second Floor of
Black Bros. Co.’s Building