Newspaper Page Text
•*— r>H—>an . *
J.I Ml’lilN. (»A„
» w key,
SATURDAY.....September l. 1SK3
- ..........
Mttt* fine on "OU(e\ />/;
a>|M><d«l roHtntcl to the contrite".
----- ----- i I , _
--------- --------------------------
• Ihe uuiittKii'ned d. « rto yivos notice
th r i^trobs o! Tine Uj/U
ti« nUitc in itk huMlncKb nicinacrcr. O nthirtH
end oli pt.rmen<*i for m’ sc lptiot)* job wok
-SBd bdwitinemcnts muvt be tmule with and
r »h:Ba. Z'in.motal matfers c. Daccled »it!i
vi growit^ cni of hunilKM had with tlu* r«:.
flet icai*t be linger his management. Any
Hfcci nnau^emfiat would create
faTiie tTJiMt«i#i<« to aiisn. Mr. llott. f*.
UtirriHCU w .1 at« rdi'.ovi il •< of the
i/tw mid lne *.l d'-pmtii o i k m.d n'.tcnJ to
the office work.
Btxr. tr. rerr. I’ropnx.r.
'"j *?—* *■* —^*mmrnmmmm ■ ■ »i ■ ■! n » ■/■»»■■ ■ > ' » ipi w ewe
G'lmuge of ri'iiprloiio-i..
Having hold the office of'j'uc
wrrnrtiT fo Mr. B. W. Iv-y, who
'ales char^o ot orco, this issue nil)
• ud tny ronneclion with the paper as
propriator. My removal to Atlanta
isadc it impossiiffo for mo to longer
undertake to kern np tbo pr»| er. 1
give it. np tnort refuetant-ty for since
its first, issue, in March 1872, I have
telt tt ju'ido in the cordial support
the good people ul c tewart li«r, ( giv¬
en if, nmt the favors they bavo be
•tfi’ved npon its proprietor.
I commend my successor fo thc
putroas of Tnr IwrrEtmENT na a
worthy gentleman tvlio «tnrls cut to
Kinky the paper better than it h is
ever been.
Ho is well known to most of y on
shd deicrres to be well patronized,
I trust sll tny h ienda will weloomt.
him fo the p!»t.e I now rncafe and
fet your welcome L»c cordial and sub*
•f antis I
Ouse again kind friends I bid you
* tt“»t flffe&iimifto adieu.
IV. H ff.vntiisoh'.
fh* illsi\ 6 announces tha retire¬
ment of the lafc Editnr and p/opiio
tor ol this paper. In this our first
»pp*srsu.,c W6 shr.Uc hr>r.(lB with the
press of Georgia and make our in
traduc'.ory bow to tho public, A fa
vor wc would hvg of each. Of the
prmstho privilege of using the shears
and paste, and of the public a hearty
but sabsfantia! support. In return
wc pledge our beat effort to bold Tnr
I>pW‘t:M>r:.vr to its present enviable
piae-i in the ranks of Georgia j nir
naliara ar.rl will giv« to the public the
very best paper thsir money wilt nt
It is both right and proper that
wc state the prineip’es and policy
upon which Tins Iitscresocxr is to
It is to be conducted in tho inter
eftt f<t the proprietor. Wo have put
our money lit iff. back and propose
to manago it so that it will make the
largest return possible. Vim, pluck,
patieuec, will succeed in tho long*
tUB. These wo invest vv thont stint
It is to be run- in tho interest
^fevvart county. Wa hare corns to
stay. Having invested our money
usd become n citizen of Stewart, li.-i
cie onis. Ht?r wclluro aiiti
advancement will always receive out
t'rst and warmest support.
I nr. Ij-Ditrarmr will ever statu!
by tho gcod old commouwenRh ot
ifaorgh. Ik:in am) educated and
neared on her soil, wi mo proud ot
her histcuT and devoted to her poo
pie. It will be a labor of Jove to
promote the industry and good or
der, the vfrture aud morals of all,
arc seek, r-g her prospudy and bless
* H. W. I\cv.
Ue Atlanta Cm^n says
"Mr. Humber of Vutuam is one ol
the men whosa po.ition on eveiy
fjuestiou is watched by the bouse,
He always carries inlluvnce.’’ Nv
higher compliment could be paid to
a legislator. The Rntubcrs seem to
b* fine stock. Mr. C C. Humber ot
this county, brothei to the gentle
tuan from Putnam, sod bis sons are
equal to the best in Georgia. Mr.
TI amber bus represented Stawart ot
fta and has always been fouud on
the rigtit side of every question.
Jamls Cask, I.’ciunda traitet
bsenkllUJ. A man by the name of
Tatrick 0 Donnell drggod hi- steps
from tho pEoe where ha bofrayed I i«
Mow eoaatrymen. Wc are op posed
to murder under any circumstances,
/ ot it wua who betrays his country
into taa hands of her enemy deserves
uj better iue thau Carey ‘i.
Ta. ^
jptUUiitteu aopoiutcJ to look
into tho amount of bndnesa before
UlllB, tho Legislature have rcporWI 153
molatioh»&.v, before thfriicn
-SftJdSiwt ^«5 % n
At’.an-u t.Rt death to the Sfv'.c a ,
- '
G iineii*is«Mc«.
—Mr, Janus L, nub, of Goiiiutbus,
U dead.
—lue T . gr.ipo cron of Ran lolph
countjr in almost an tuilrru fui me.
— W. I* Hundley allot <»ud
fn.ti.nllj .1 D. Mclutyre,
'“ ut - »-•
—Mm. J. D. Odoiu fl liiccc of
hte Oov. Alex II. Hte|ib«u« died ii.
T I ... uluoiWn, .. on oUliduy .. . last. ,
-The Legislature T . , is now .
tl.ree smion» a day The only fault
w " hnvKu * ii,tl isi,i<ai!dkii -" t «x
gin soon enough. 1
(i h)U iinM truthfnl pot-try fron*
iho Worth Star: “He who lie* and
cheats and swnartJ, wi;1 n< vt r chiul
^ lc g^'ldvn ntnira.*
— Tiio hill 11 > M'cnre f * * U cr r riltiit s
.if property wuh defi :i'i fl in I lie Iji. n v <
on tin* 28ih 11 Was si uni bi 1
m^lif. to liuve p i -M I
— Inc | iin!**«-u I .'!>• i- !i on !J:. *1 ■
• iou of “fi iicu" or i ii-oc,- ' in i
bat trinity, linn bei-n <ii i:uji i| i s
fi nco" wiuK by 21 mr.j iritv.
— Onn rj l)r. Kavoood's dtultst
Called fit one of our ill'll" Momo
day or two ngo orul ml.oil for “coi.
founded Ca-lliolic pilin ’'- Unrig Colin
tj JV/.w.
—Col. Oar.-T W Sljlc, form r!>
of the Atlanta and Galvi-siion press
in tii lull’d tiilitori:il control of to*
Wueo, Ti-sss, /Mill/ Pi.-pa'ch, whici
"'ill limbe its aiipeaiuiicc- shortly.
—Georgia has tlucc t.'io'is/nid ii ;■<
hundred and ninety-three mnnuf.ic
niing GHtahlislinientH, in which
capital of £2<i,G72 -ilO is invested me
vet not a thousandth part of tie
available water power in the State it.
— We r-j lice that R-.-. v J If Coup
Ik.!I ho fortunately escaped being in
jurod from a runavvny horse. Jin i
ono of too very heat, ministers m tin
State. II,- h is c /1 tuiuly tieea u lion
( diction to C-ilurnbns Wc hope tu«
driver was hadlv hurt.
—Wm t.rlass, of «ttilkcr, Ibivshe -
daring this Kimsmi 5.219 tuishi-N •,
wheat, 1420 busies of oats, 321
bushels of bavji y, and one-half hush
el of rvo. Tiio best work done l,\
macliine was Hirwhiug 1 Id",
of oats in .six hours.
—Ex Govern r Bm janun Conte,
,ms bu ‘ ,u f ''“» the pusiti. .
j ,J f U°st-M ister nt Atlanta l'ln« guv
! ‘‘»' nor chtiius that he whs not no’di.
<U1 - T ‘lissuiisfactioii. \V„ guc*.
som0 A*kiuta man wuutid tlie plan
j Gk' 7 t what they want,
[ - Frank Rittos, a colored burglar
was shot and killed in Atlanta on
i Wednesday morning, at 2 o'clock, l>
Police Officer Grcui. 'l in y ttrf v
mitering tlic station huttso when tin
negro furiouely iWHunltcd Green witt.
a dirk, iellicting severe vvoumla Th.
negro Riariod to run, when Grcei
shot and killed him.
—Tho total lo jjes ol tho Kimbal
Houro fire foot up $I,700,000.— Wat
Ion X'JWS. Wo’ll waii'rtut that tin
iircpvrly destroyed, indu ling tin
find fin which it w.*is wusti’.
j j roturue.l for tax ition at Imlf th. t
suui__ZW/pro/i/i amt M.we.ngc--.
It ih hardly tmr tor the gentle
nian to vote on a rejtuii.l v llow
much real estate in tho State is giv
on in at its real va'ue ?
—Tho Sumtor Ilrpnhliivn givi
,i,; 3 j very good receipt tor huil tin
j up a tow n : The way to butld up n
j town is to believe in it— In cumo in
-piivd with a faith that there is a f
, turn for it ; and then for cv. rv .-in
; tia to lcnil a helping hand in m-.k
inj , „ wh(K it ol , K | lt t: bl , rijls
eal public sp.nt which does ct h. si
t atf , to make a pri'sent SHcnfieo in
;«“> «•»«»* that it will „nuc the
111 ' v >lc ‘' u .° hvo m roiuc way l.vttci
111 * uw future. It t.k< e. shape in u
dc'ci tuiuatiou to |n*trouiza our honji
’unchan'.s and mechanics
—Fanner Primus Jones tolls the
Xnus and A<tv> rti/isr that, ho intends
to devote less uttentinn to cott'ii
growing hereafter, and g* into slock
raising. Here is au extract : "I pro
poso to change m\ system anoiher
year. I intend to go into stock raia
:ng extensively—especially mu'es and
horses. I intend to sow down three
hundred acres in g niu, I tike out the
L .tumpa, have pasttinigu aud raise
t) p s . n ftwta „ b ,, H (1S m!rrh
1 raise ^«ttrlin^ colt in this
a n« a
J country, and the edt is worth fiv,
time* as Utieb ns cotton,‘ tho venrling, I
plant some but not bo
vxteusiv«.ly ns hereto ore.’’
Mhcn the tvudertukcr look clung.,
,,f ,bc boi V “Obe R-v. Mr. Sewell
■ v ^° vv !8 taaautly shot by Lawrcnio
Gunman, in Laling, T. Si-s, he found
a Bclf-c/ckiuotlvo Bhurdcr attach, d
*. ®
quick mwji m l*o slipped (low!• into
. 1 .. i *
Tiio by
0 *^''.' 1
to Mr. L \\. k-j diai-Mvea unr con
nation withtli* paper ns publisher*.
^‘ ,r * t-w 6 t ’ ,1 ‘ r °us and word ul cup
***«. -I,
’ * '
' contracts will no carried
out lie the Mv-n-nt {cojrkf. r l'a.
j td-s have paid ilu-ir t.nb>-cnp« : .oii
„ lldVRn<M mU u , ftSrilU , 1K .,
ii"nfi; ,„ r IIIm> . A „
t(l( , iienten.bei are dm : <ul
nmst bt* pni.l to the itn«h As
.| ia „l Ini.inens must !.<• c’on.d :m
m*'hnJflv, w** c'hi) , jVhtij ni! nrn s
in n
11 c JiiMi for .van! and s«m! •
A B Ha: bisck
R i5 li*i .kuos
8 : 1 i CO 3
+ -
LUMPKIN lUiil 30iI«.iL
ri.i- l I, u j i.,i: if ■' ’.';i
dm pride of lb •. • vv n,
I VO i!'.- liu l UJ-j i
./ T1S. \\ c do not lamv i f a Hi !io-.i
ii Hi utli AV. at <ii or .ia tint is h tu r
-fj'lijiped f r edi'C it in;;' tlu* young,
U <1 Tut« is a teacher of nbilHy and
•vn-ritmee with fine ti-.hniniair.'ilire
iju'iii.ic... It 1 ! possessor Oill- of till!
r. (j'lisiUm -»i a school
•r t « wlnit ho knows lie in c.liablo ‘ .t
mipiitimg to oftiers. iil-> .
M..-S Wuddi 11, is nioMt iidimrnb'y .
iutf-d tor her . . nml
• p-.sitmti m
in t vcclli-r/f ti-Hchi-r ol mini.I
b on. 1 ho fall term opi US Oil tl.C inol wo Irnul Hint the attend.
Ilia U.i'l wi.iii/ino.. t. . 1 ,|„ , To,,... iii(,(|i,M.ii)n f f
ti.lacaUon in i»gitntip,»x ib« whole
o .iintrv and it u y nr duty n.
us that yoar ■ hil Iren shoti'd he
u,,n,.. ............... -
lie No: t h lll'n looisi lung t ur cir I III no
-irings and donating money by tin
mitiiona for the edne turn ofihcio
gro. Are von going to stand
•md ii.e tho negro elevated above
,-oui children ? It is a M-rimm
Mon iunl k'HiA’ves vour con I Dim
Vm. The rising gemmation will hav,
■i manage* this vast, rcpuhlot iu emu
mg years un i tii'.-r* ill In- a hard
•'.niggle for tha m.o-tirv. I' is mn
duty . , parentB . to , put . children , , ,
an mir
m such iamitiim an to bust rvrvc
heir coui.irv.
----—- --
V/. A- JUrlAN & CO.
j While in Macon a f, « <luvs aco
j ; VO tihulti tnllrt! nt. llio \Y mn*jmfiecnt Jubfifs Ur.
ht.UMd (It A iV (J
L; is ». piihitml eslnliio 1 im I'.’, ti ie,l
Roiu cellnr 1 .1 >nii. with Dry << M H ! ’
Siloes -Vj i 1J J .*). 1 1 * c, and iude; .1 ev< n
i iiing liciidod to tnahe up the inns
lastiilimiH ladies tulle'. Mr Jn-> Ii
Ji (is Inis ui.iliu ill) to New Y 'I'i. tu':r
in a fall and winter su ck. He
iu us ifiat he (?c; ct i d tu t ring out
tlie In gest Mul finest stock evil
U'oilglil tu Miici'O hjainp'cs are sent
in a ppl mat HU} by 1)1 ihkiub at)) in
Ollirv A Will no IVC prompt, 1 1 alu) t
i*il aiteutioD. # They will havua
InPI'FcND.LNT in n few WPI u S.
\V. A Jl'UAN bV. v U , Al C hi, • fi\ i
‘XT l Ul llHtt’Mk'turi i.i Dn G«nf(lf
l): v ss lN.)i hIs, B )otH f * *ii »cs,
in l Gents Fnir.ishu rj (1. I, »t Is.
New Advei-tiseiuents.
_____ -------""".....—__ __ „ „ _ "
_ * y -i * j jv r I XT XT/ 't’F'l’f:'
JjUdlX ivl j J 1 I I
; J ^
.JOS IN Y.iHDUOrt , ! * ff
1MIOPU1101 O 1 £,
1 his old ami «, ll-knu» a H*.t. 1
j ' i'‘'>' m! 'M'"l'H:.*i"en!s *••> 1,0 public t.> ttti travel. i off rusii and
1 «•'»* ,s
I - «« < sr«-r.. i.e.. t‘i
fhisgn.s.s i able f,„ msln-.l
'he bes* the mm hot iiffuids ]\i||Ji*
Lumpkin, Ga . Sept. 1 1 SS’3 if
Mieraiii & likr J
Burta! Gases.
Gin furnish any style <>f COFFIN
wanted at reasonable prices,
RepOsitorv a! Frtcu *m‘s brtops.
Lumpkin, Ou . S-!>. 1, 188:1*, I -1 t. /x t) tu / . / \ 1 > tt
Canned Goods,
j £ foo ^
j ConfeCtioniirieS,
• TOBACCO, ClttASS Al\0 S?«UfF, _
K,so - 4
TWMWWV/JUR J7.vr.iw«
South * side Pubii# A T“ bnuare.
Lumpkin, , Os, Ttcnt.
! IfgalAdvertisementa
Ootohcr. !»«{
j joct-ber w:IXb»-old on ’tho ism -lm» 1>* f u
next, before th-■ r.'.ai.-t a'-vnc a . r
! f -•nrleu uict.-*, !»• 1 l:> s.ii oifi •• i ,n,v
; wms ii h c u >1.- 1 ;> ] u‘j <n V. Ik '
■' ’: ..a fi
I i» n .l .rmn .mi: .• i. r (oau of • cw-rt
; i.’oumy in favw r.j. . itv u-d <>o .i..n, , a
• «MW. II. ;t arris a iv .. r,v w .i.
j‘ ‘ ,i,v ,“ Wy ' 1 ’ : 1 H ' ' .
■ T v 'l'’ v : ;v ’ ; \ ''' ! , ' 1 * ' ’’ i ' ,:; '■
! a
< 1 v iii-am a. i:, i cv Cu O'i u T
: *1 r an -..u r •• Uj’vjr >f ■ ‘ an "
j sirvvur • . n y in ts.vor 01 1 * i;u.»] i\ ■
rr.’ii n - v . 'A'i.ij 1 A i t is 1 1 J ui j V ■
ih a '< (u < i » 1 he ti u | r '•< tli-. j :
I i •*>»•; i i fr //ft. iri
t : ii i*it n a d |i i.pi ly 1 0 .v a i; • 1 ”
hu-- i n f»t invtoi V F- ii?».
'. i i i •. t ‘ i 0. .1 ^4 ft i III i
t: (* V
Jit. t all i U - < Hi * II
I • 11 I - ■< - i'. y t'<ia b.v ,iy i i : i... iii,i t» i d V - j
. -i
•hi:-.' l d. 1\ ;
-J't tiro J
Co of . 1 .. /•J':: ’n i).,.. t' Yof *: ;
v cy!
hi" i
: . i'.'u ic. n r t o. \ . i'r.iV.. ... . .. u:
x. is r.. Mi
j, .bnnij hin . iv. . ■ * !'•. i,
; KO r;i\ / ' ail •£* ai* Or idi try, !
j ^ . ** i:,Tt v, ' u ‘ rs: ~ 1 1 bounty. |
i i • t) ft f{htffwf>r, Hit* r on I
H I i; hislitto »“0l.H J >ni;d *Y. r t<* oi >5ni«l c U'lJ V |
d m, d, h n e • ! j>!i<- ti - u ?or h. v. • ii j
' ‘ 1-. »■<! - 1 ■ i :;r i i " i IK- J-.-iit.* .it ail dr;
. w.i.-ed. ,
j Tin-, s t i t - il jut on, .-'m.'iini ;
j m fiJtc.w cun b liirc i:> ,a. |;. !ir-l ' i ,:i
j 'biy i i Uotiibi r mis! ■ y 1 i:v ■ I" h.H nail! !
bindi 1 ) 0 ill mti; n (• nel 'V’i no.
:ny nm-.-ml mc i u , -.D au ..i i 2'!.h l .'di
*f. ih !. \ T - b, , - d' i-a oy
i 1 f'- 1 >K ,f.\, j Dili r.J I ),- i
| ' s f<*t- tv. (->l oumy.';
J. V: I'lH-iis Iiu’ois a: n nv |t • !
jf.iioii ,;,.iy m t to tim„i it,.! „j
e (m ? cv/"-a *;d) »:/»#%-.•#* tin* i-. rt tc j
£ ''Cf’V f ’" 1 !' <U
i vil to khmv e muo i.;.j..r ; ainoa iha dr t kt-m ’
hl j d K t do ..K p -JC-] I.r W:t:iCM mv ill |
i r, '“ 9 ; f ,utuIV •“ * 1 • 2i -1rd V , 1881 * ;
......-42 ‘
^ < i: iliGli (. ..r (>r diiia'y
1 .1,1',, B •' uNbi!.! Cof.'TT iM." I Of Suit:; ui,:y. ' j
1^1 mukcu. plicmUn tor l aw t«> m*! 1 tlu*
U ^i t^'e !
I I’crin-il lo how i-iii e bei’.'r i in mi tbeiisl!
j »l Al./ii.iuy f >rs sl» -Uul int l.,tin- tlinji lux' b why gkiitit^A d> siii Iimv I Ex,-- to
i t .
li MLitl 1 iii'Js Wm iay .&• :.l si an •
ibifu liio'Jdikitavot’ ViiJio.i I -« 3 .
,/ n . livTfAtEit, Or iu.-ry.
I .....—---------------—
<T ;i/ in si A t.TlAVAH l" i OENTV.
i ! Uriclov ml by virDio of i <Vo I !
ft >\ i o ••, r w
1 ‘ h f, M , ,U11 I »*•( i-..nuij w
H O' i* l ! I < ' I irt ’ • :t •; ! } , It’ tli j J , Ml I ;
i iu be* ^ n tlu liwul },* h in- ». «•
ftist 1 *t< / ii N s'ew'tt -I m.x
! oil *n\ lol-H Ot ! t it.\-L*vit n l lor
ty liv’ j,i in, VP t.-t Divv t*i
| Niill’l CM i U 1 V or
t> 01 ! I
iiiot!*U li. io. b. »M lor ■
minors. Pvj'-cm '.‘Ill •MS,I. 1 •.!.;> Il
(inftnb iii v>i ,’.i rh-i's >.mu i 1 . i ‘j
All 2 » il .hb ».
(j ' J.OIliilA St, v.vtr nt - ,:v.
i tli e ei Urui.ii u, . suet ,, u. LT
It (.piieinuie t: u! 11)0 star ,v ni tie ..
iiMu j a i inert v el lis'iODsiy .i.i,,, r .: S
I shown t y the 'i'i x t Ci'lVe i's i i j- l 1 i fa
I year 18 >3 lunuil a lo .•.)•• aiUli.n) live nun
'r*' 1 and eiybiy-hve ill Iisiiiul a i ■ hua ti a
J nml •.•11 us. llmt ihoiil. 1 lo
: i*aist» u mud mftiu on', to \>av i u •xp-.oisc^.
; rK“,i' ! .;;;,n: ,
ibuti.sO • n< j c* Cviit. ti. r<...‘«'innivii! Ifti l*v
j *\o (h l •i d -luiy ul ^u'k ii.ii 1
j * 1 ' Si ' ! asI •
It ih ih re (i null red lint fom--t.-v.fti-n|
' n • \,.y c :.t . , • , !' •:■• . 1 , U;";ii all tlu. Inx.ihl
-J \ vitju-i’ty mi » • tv< r'.*. I •.'.c ,i u«r iH ».» and
| tilJit n i.v t‘ ilivfi'tl b.V l ax (.■<'» b rtdi* a .d
i p dd iut«v th r a ny i’r.*;i uvy to l*v U -
1 l '° i iHi,-. ; :,-.V=-ir.*.,-..• .■.its ..<> i.. r
! bu) Hiv ^uh.ic ;) p i t.
| pay S.,t r ti’*. J-i.Lh’s eld » .» «• ofd • r.j I'»
! *'''** * '' l, Y C.’t‘Vt»ll: rs I I or •» 2 ilt. il ltilV.s. U«M»
; iVGdfid Wit.-U-V SfSi 111 J, >--<}( >,: 0 iV it Rfd
' f-n*. JitruiN ;pLiu>4 l ail I
it i r • * .> p r
joii.i. 1*' iMi ’p-j). oi'ibt j) nrlOpcr^onl
j j flirt lot;\l I 1 Op rcoiil. * 1' 11* i*> Hivih ii v t.-x »• slo'iil
u»'b y« nr.siiit; *U1 oti>o
! I-*‘<1 mtu C. limy Trc.sury iimi'H I
iu al
'Vitae*, my cf.i urn
j. it i.vriMiv.:.
An* Ug.-lMSi-tt.
1 * • ^ « ... or i..m.y m v...l ,*-*n ry
i iiiako* Witty- Ad mm » ii. .,! at in sui.l o.-u !
; ll.lVf appli, a>imi by t' -duly , 1 * t !'
! DM: II U I.T.-'ll - ■ a lUiti-ir I'i'j'li
! mx your.- .-1 i l), a! id to him a nuapinen ire.
| J(> J MUii his tin it-lull's- r for - 1 * to cite the ne.uvst ii of hill
l *H------it'll It * til 1 JMT
! mi iLctt’d in H.iia * *. • i i •«, v *o sli
. luioro nu'tm the li>>( AJon i v iu S jh*h
j Der nut then uyni t,o wJiy gnuilvl Hiiiol > to/.aid ol mvlYntiuo Wiley A2.un. .shoul-i
; a- mayed I, r.
j ' 2i.ll), V4 itn*>K 18’j.i. my official signature this .July
i -T U. LAilMEL',, Or,litier,'.
i July 28th, 1833 41
i G • EOUOIA- Ouhiiiiiv'.*. Sticwaiit Ulii.v, Countt. Jni.e itl) IS i.
-bihn E, Irvin, tho Afiminstraior cn Ih
! K-tate «>f John Irvia late of *aid l)e*
cen«* .1 in.iki s appl. 4.0 lor JvUtv:* of i) ^
: mission iri in In.-, snal un-d.
, 1 bi» is lo cite all persona concerned tu
■ show cause before me ou or before the th-t
V. on. ss jn\ official Kiuuuturu. This June
! itli 1 SS 3 .
I J. 11 L.VTnMEE. Ordinary.
| a tried, nad r.l able I’are lornihurut* o
U 1 a
j-rind. iwmk« ;U
nag th- < v tical iia* a w-.x m*.
liv,s - Eador**.! t-y ilu*»suiid»of ;*
, ihv best v*a. dyoihskn.d Auy lu;p, 81
^« ID.
. ,
I .Ul Supersedes drnggista, «u 81.00 other bottle. kidney rem-.itev.—
’ a
’ CUAitLEs y. rj/tl.V.Y. NEW TqBS-
mm 5! ,«.«a d 3 & SIS CS^ SITSi 5
Rim>10NI>, VA. MACOX, C»‘A.
ig ii* xd^^^pM
"H m
:m :yy xw- ! ] Bm»L
■r"-'- H M W0m ■> v^ n- ’*
^ E £
-:»iANur.\( TL ii its <;t -----
& S, ■srr e a ivtj: esistgj-hstsjs :bo cl
Old Dominion Corn and NYheiii ?Jill3. 'i'urhinc Water Wheels and
G^nCl^ll I a JaCill r i •
X I10I*y.
We ^ furii.dl r -0 Opk'te Cirtflta _ for Giunill ' il 1 1 f.nv.lhiu {. Fin:. I if 1 . i I 1 !>!-ii....-. Il l.ltv- S
Tij 5 ROTT w i I u crii ^ U.Mv/, iq uinOUlN, M*nr\M UU» Oo
S, S. _ P S.GR4 „ ^&na^6r.
. ,,
Tho. fil m of f . j,oM & Gttc.oisv
t,n * been di?s<i!vi.<l bv uni'iitil »/ii- •nr
^ -A. Solomon retiring. The bu.-u
ness will t,e continued bv F B O g
*’ ry ' l ; l ‘ h ' ,i,i '' s !U ‘ li
U ‘ |(MU a " 1 cc*mntH hi *mla b * ;j «»
UMU * u,,m ' e, v • « ') 5 ;' OLOM,,S -
1’ B UkC-'W.-iV
Lumpkin, O i , Aug 27, 188'!.
I C f. tL£ Od HLN f .
Inin iff in." f..r sale or' net m
hoii,. 'and lot in it,,. f Luin;
km. die hniidings are in g-,i d i.
t-or, wuh id Weil f»! Vk?k • i , k •
■■ s I * * it’d t IftOK* Ud! >■
i 1<MUS 4 r i I i. o
'> iu ... I 1 w
\) \
V’ ■: \ b \:
! hva *;ii*-.iu b
? * *•,•; ho:iU: ill mil
rt u ••
a i IV. j >
!f) i..;; f.
i u .1 i li j u f . {>;..£ > ;■
Attorney At ie.w
, * wj lil’ic . IU). \ k J t'. N « '7
coi.uuiir.-i i .
i • pl’iu'ict- ui S*« ac.iI V il * r:
C*. >1 1 rt
C'liumiHia (l i , A'ljjir : JL h i
iHsaOiS. ItrH Nt ;!•;
t / FIRM M J & C ii.
is ihi- d i\ 'T s ii.v- • C ■>'■ 1
i to agieenicnf.
I wil » ■■■ .mi ■> ail it, d :‘r i.--. n I
4 ‘. 11 I'I r * it ills
1 hi!*.- »v!lo hate < :aiIII- n_->: n-i :!i
m will pr. s.-iit *•- t >r- for p,! ii tr
and id wli<» ill'.- in dm ud Ki )*, . i h
i*r by no h or nee. -nuts that are .liv,
m .. ( payinun! t in-- only.
Thanking niy frn n Is and <-u.*r- t.!)
e g* f * *....
Iii- ir )>i lii iiii)4 t*;;:itiand pat
ituiee for the list iif eu y-ar-, i
1 1 .-.iro to av tlni [ id.ulL i‘>',ii
Grocery 3 u 3inic s
it the sauni place, an I solicit a coo
MiiUiineu of tin ir sup} orb
w j wait.
Colinul u*, Gu*. An^ ‘2-j lm
?o umm
Wear Singer's Home
Every ^ ,, I’mrW . a V nmnr.ed , ,
J.IU-I. S.Slii.fil
Od 21-18882.
r r *y If i! r i>\v \ vnu {_ r 1 r 0 CALL ON
. J ] s j J J .1. J p \ \]
f T 7 T-7 1% ri
I h I « m ©is
t2'£lZL^j2 £
r-3 *$3 § 1 [j V 'Z~ 4 '* ?•} Bmm s-»>, r< &i3asnaNT
g v <;’ <j
s muimm* m
■.*. ‘ Hi*. Fdl Stock of
BK f
»-*'-* a m
k tUi.
Gg®$s$8fek/£m ar:i ? -izi :5oo .l 3
f 4 1 1 • ■ i r * \ \ elB ' urv
t ,
t lap® # I Hi.. ! • fl’if ! cc - I i il H i ‘I •» t and ' , i i y k * tern c-n a
<!.- ; s u It )« ‘ u ' .<•' f 1- v ror no' or- > 0 -11, be
i I :«•;! ifi I i\\ i ’j ‘ !n •v,!'. J*-'.' cv»m, \ ion.
#1 •3 '•) rn aum
pi 11 3 m
s 1 . w n
K2rlPi.Jp m p I i\i :]td i il * il* 1) ? is i '» •! «» m tbe Fali G
are nnivi 4 .'ii D f < r-’ ns are f tb#*ir oivl rs
X d Tv. S \ • tin pi t-ie ',\t once
«E&SiS 4SSS»:«V-t . smscsct Ti'jzrx j* ■■ir.^i^rfsxseac- 2 rrzzz: .tiHflPii
,-;VT! ! it a 2r.r-;i S-. r* ,t n - ■! mmrnmm si
no nun. ii) tiJUKKT, 01’ERA HOUSE B L'lLVLXG,
Wh lesalc .mil Retail Dealers in
1 at It u ■ f-vw'-v i RS ■ 1 rnl k ri : ii iA :• ' kl I « t," ■<-- V .a) i PLASTATIOS SUPPLIES.
Hii^gy I liirncFH, Nurifig’e Harness, Wagon
1 arness, Bi^yy lv: idles, Wagon Bridles, Ui(l»
iu(j Bridles. Buif/pj Whips, Waijmi Whips, Sad -
die ;. Saddle Blankets, Lap Dusters, ctc~r
T a *>! i e -in* o’ 1 'I ■ rn : o' .•Ml -- ud B i-gv Cushions etc., and k<-ep
verythi i. i i tli!- lue*. I iv* • - ■ I ,v ,rk ii a t* .t il »•..*• I in 1 gu ira t (»- ali work
timed . L’r . e •• t > Mlit i tie H is (i m-- a cad - r -n-l v nr o'd. i's.
J. E. DUS K1M.
-* a, a 5 3 j v> ~> [f.lPROVED
G- X XT S ,
ILukI and Fovvci* Colton.Presses and
steam engines.
Ptitie.-. h-.siring lo tie but Gin made u;l^»ive ns a cdl.
x l A % , Q, EDMONSON & BKO.. Agents, A
Alabama Warehouse, Eufimla, Ala.
Juuc 3.Y 4 1$83.