Newspaper Page Text
SAT C UD A i Sept., 1st lbt>3.
All Sunsomr-Tioxs Must be Path in
! 1-VASCE.
■ --l- vjj,-j-r
«SrA>lvert'scute ut# and commuTti
ations must tie handed tu by Thurs
day night, ni d alt legal ads must be
i aid for in advance'
Hon J. B. Uicn,u'.nsos. Mayor.
Aid* It!!' 1 - —.1. L. \t itula rlv .1. P.
Carte C, (■■ Brooks J ( Tln rnt'
-ml T D. '*• V«t
Frank limns, y T*.». V ; C.
* M n m. ASl ’ 'ihcat' OF .Mails
Ci u’jiii't's - 1, .v. -1 v ry ir •>-e i .
it: t \ ’ d, '.it 5 <>'e - S ,\ VI .
». iM'liV- • *i ‘ v :r\ S Oi it'C!' P M,
^ CT1II5KKT —I*<3 J t'es ^loti Lv,
dv,.'. esdsy ! .d tVldiiv-4 ( l-Mliys «'
■; ..'i h-i'k am, ami alTl'i's same <!;.y -
at 7 o clock pm
Americcs —Arrives evety
T hnrsday and Saturday at 12 a, and
leaves same duva at 1 o’clock r. it
Floelxck.—L „ r eaves every \\ ,
clay , and , Saturday ,, , , corning at , 5 K
oelook and nr rives same days at ,
o’clock p m.
M-mey orders cun Vie cV.tained up
on any money order office n (he Uni
Ud States. B F. Hawks, F. M
Mmtmodirt—Rev. L A
Diirsey. Pastor. Services on the 1st,
3rd and 4th Sundays in cacti month,
Fri»isr meeting every Wedncs '»y
right Sm>il yJSchool every Sunday
morning at 9 o'clock ; A.T. Fort,
Sllpel'int ell dell t.
Pbovtiiencl—P reaching on the
2nd Sabbath in each tnoti.h, by the
I astor, Iv v. Tj A. Darsev. Sutntay
School every Sunday at t) o'clock,
J. 1} Rriizier, Supei inteiidcif.
PiArrisr (Tn iu ii — Rev W. B Stev
cn*, Fas ! or. Pro ichiug on the 2ud
Colder f
snd 4'h Sun bus in each.
cnee on the Second Sunday. Pr •}
< r- meeting every Thursday night
Sunday School i very Sundav mori^
ii.g at 9 o’clock, 31. Coibutt, Super
Siudy Grove—F icaching on the
Ah Sabbath in each month, by th*
Pastor, Rev. W. M. llowcll.
Elim-P reaching on tic 3rd Sun
d«) iu each month by ltev. W. B Ste
i ASl ,'ill — ( 1 * NT 12
itrA <u i Fi* 2l d •< : • ’I each
n i-n'li at 3 o'clock p m., - I) High
tower, W 3f.
I O O. F.—Stew-) r» L >dg. N, 44
meets every Tuesday night. A i'.
Fort, N. G.
Harris Ekomi'ment meets on it,<
'.st Monday ni«ht tn each Olltll
Ksioirrs jk Muxor —Stew ir* L<‘ L <
N>> 2ti2‘.t mi (t- at. MaMiire Hall ' s
tile first Tui-sdni in each imititli at 3
o’cloek p. in., and on Monday night
li-rfure tlie 3r TTiesday at 7 o'clock.
I have taken charge of rnv Fuihi r’s.
shopsytnd will continue ihe (.’auuiaoe
and \3 agos Uiistness. Repanu g a
specialty. Painting done iu good
style and all work put at low prices.
Will get ««>any new Job to
on lilwrat terms. I mean business
and hope to teceive a liberal share of
public patronage.
B. /. bUKLES.
Lumpkin, Gu , May 1, 1883 3m
I »«.!,.'.,r ......
grocers, Eufoila.Ala, dunim the
coming year, and solicit a siunv oi
your patronage Anv orders y*.n
mas furor <dSatrri’.v.i prompt
ami Personal Attention. Lx
f u j| v W C GiilVlSS
I offer the property known as the
Thornton a»-l C, tS phree,,. containin'*
2521 acres, niM-e or leas, ft„ I son,o
wU J miles of Lnmpk.c. Conven
lent to churc os ami schools, & ■
ihrteweis goon water and several
S^dwelSl.W^^c!' besides room*
cook w,n, K , M) 1 buck
ami rock chimneys. U’Jentv out hint.!
ing*., *ucl> as euibfee house,
£ r “ b ''- 11 l r
C..1 I Trllryri^llx ol..!,
run roiv U„ ,„,l
^XJQ Ps tliia year I estiuAto f„ii,.«&
Bes and oats,.corn, fodder, peas, pots.
meat to teed <ul stock, ab<*r
femilvof hveoraix persons,
4 {u » yourself it you want to buy.
d.ur-inri l—B.
,L L. fc.n-ni.
S . , .ota ’'
’ « '
.'.'JI!" .. .L J. J
— Juslice Court to day. !
—Dwelling houses are m demand.
“ ...... b ""> bs * l **» fi . “° u
It is still not tuo late to sow tur-j
! :
—Sore eyes prevail to an alarming j
extent. I
—Cot-tor pickers are somewhat in :
1 d* m.u ;
—Tie new cdtou season
with to day
—Mr. if !». F.-arntt off IS his
:• siit nou f >r .
; — L <■ pit's mm iu and tho ’possum
r. r-Ji. oh g -tin;: r: ■ ■■•.
— Hu- Lumpkin lTgh -ichool will
"p i) io .\t tl'.vl'.i k j
wcv . }
—vet a) legal a ! v fi.somctits
iH'pciv iii th.-' pr.iperj-o.nnia
—Tfi* wa>«-V in km-'vith a cliff!-Ui
; t Ce siol.allv Si-.ei) upon lhe s!k e’
—Th • Lumpkin m iv!i .n‘s will
j., .g, i ( . f, t |
a in|< r goods.
— Wo burn * liar several of mu
country friends would like to mow
their f imilic. to town.
—l ... herd four ... beef
were wagons te
town ou W nines hiv and , all ,, of , then: ,
succeeded m . selling cut.
~ Mrs - *■ 11 B ,okn '‘- !1 ’*
ed from Cuba Il iust* to th> residence i
of Capf. W. II. Harrison. j
— (’"me in at once and let your)
Mlbseiiptiotl begin with the com I
mencement of tin new management ’
— lhe firm of Solonmn & Gregory i
has been dissolved, Mr 8. A. Soto
moll retiring. Ttie tuisiners will hi
continued by Mr. F. B. Gregory. }
--Some of the lift.o git-a lo k twice
as huge and three heads taller since
tliey commouce 1 wealing thu “Motli
> r Hubbard ” B’lt in iybo they me
not little girls i fter si!.
—T lie crops ir, Stewart county ftl't
better tlinn anv section of the S’a'e
No man can find a better place to
than Stewart c-nnty Let every
one come, but nobo Iv leave.
—On Saturday last a negro Tmm
ed Neil Kimbrough was arres'ed nnd
committed to jail for forging tfr. T
T Hines narua <o ordeiw ou 3fr. <
E. Davis at, Green Ilill for goods'
—There was a marririge iu high
colored society on Thursday Uoatltr" night • I
A. Q Rodgers, the head a'
iloit.'s stiibl*, was married to Mim
M- z-lls .lohnston, R«v. Butt offici
„ .„ g
—I'ia « serions matter to talk
b;-k ‘ i * I. ’ .i 11 . 1 i ‘V ( !
’“"f...... tii-'ios. . le-s. Midi i }
ic. Sheram li tw a wml nssorti-d stock ]
winch tlinv prop.*, to sell at reason j i
able i,rices Should you need auv
, ,
— 3Ir John, (lie vett-r !
ni proprietor of do- Lumpkin Hotel, j
olners his card in the columns of to j
das’w LMiEi'EXDHNT. Mr Y ir! rj!i‘.d
i< a pains taking landlord who io vet
watchful for th- coinf rt -f hisguo to
»nd w h comm; mi turn to the travel-!
ling public 1
— Ou \\ t dm s hr iiight last Bailiff'
H#hr and Mm-slmi Kirksey went j |
to L F (lumbers Battle place on
the. iv.r and nan. j
Mellon F!«w,.ill'll who is imlictcd
h-r tissauli. with attempt, to murder.;
Mellon shot at another negro tin- .ugh ;
a crack in his bouse.
_r HE Isdeaexdest '. ‘ after this issue
will bu . printed on In-lay , mglits.
Ibis will enable subscribers on the j !
Columbus Americas and oLr Florence
mail routes “ to yA get their 1 J Sat- y
urdi.v. , Ilioso ;
. leceivug it from the j
t „
eVer ~"Z V Dw,n,; '"I'M * ,n ,b ® «"«''*?. N-t '« i
write lenuthy articles but to send us i
the bappeuings in Un-ir m-ighhor i
hood in a concise form. If you nad
fijn J.nd pr.we.nt you kuowbow wo
ut:t U ' ,W! * it, ms Let us hear
from you by Iho middle of each week, ■
-3Ir F B Greonry has a ("ltd in i
paocr to''winch wc, dire'et
He offers inducements in I
all k.nds of Fancv and Family Gro | 1
Confectionaries and C nned
(j (1() ds. Mr Gregory is otoof ,i,r!
mmi attentive youinr ° bnsin«s A men ' !
{)ib( , s { ((} , J
., T'n
_ W /'I 1 , ^pccml attention ' lo .
,, ‘ t> ! ,8< m ' ° 4 l -u-•
. j Macon, G,»., dealer Car
lS ? ‘ i'A7’ **'?*• Harueg in "’ j
r iU1W X> “’r
", ,f,’ wrgoat and rest assorted atocka
" Buggies aud Carriages of any (
bouse in Georgia. His prices |
—Hjh. “ C. F. Crisp desires 8ir ^ s ns to to
. . ... ol lb .
“ ,
8 *s nal District who desue G@j-,
t 3081 ' car P f Hat they can probably bo
by coin mum -ating with him
the subject Applications should
be filed by the loth of October. From
35 to 20 carp nra furnished each
n. M «. MM n».
twom 15th _ of October and first
Muri-L each year.
-Q.ite a number of subscriptions
ans expiring dailv and we earnestly
r ,. q .,.. s t ,he old patrons of Tin: Isdk
pkxdest to come f.r.var.l and renew
; >t once. Tito paper has been a
1116 viai'or at jour firesides for
eleven years and we wish you to con
tin it • to receive it. We shall endcav
or t^ make it more attractive than
-Vi t, and t his cn 1 ask your
.•ration and support.
— The firs', m '.v balu of cotton of
th.' season was brought to town on
Wednesday by Mr. C. II. Stnbbr.
Jilll'lli' US'-l 1 to stick typo for
Ivnm-'NiiEST bat ho got proud an I
ii-i'.v follows 'h-peaceful pursuits of
" L't iiigt r. Ho sa\,i ho wouldn’t
have i'll a- so pri vi*ns about, biin r
in'.: in this bale but that .there wasn’t
a “take” on the bo k and ho had to
•*cbip iu" Ki iuething to got tho babv
i dress.
—Darwin claims that m m came
from the lower iinivmds, some from
ai mkoys ;uni others from hogs etc.
(’here is a man in town who says
th s is so, he is a direct dceeudant ol
li» turtle. Ho has a head shaped
ike a turtle and has no ejn bows,
tie never caught a fish in his li e.but
can catch a turtle any time ha wants
turtle soup, uo matter what kind of
weather, all lm has to do is to put in
litl Hues and he hauls out his
, u , r>
— We take p’e.isuro in bringing *o
the notice of our reader-, tho cur I of i
Ur. S. S. I’, grr.m who has ertabli di
a branch Af the old imd wuiltln ]
muse of f laloott , ,, & t a Sons of t Rich I
niond, Va. Macon. Mr. . . Begnim .,
in isi
vide-awiil.e , , itut , , full M of , lit ,,
is the master of the engine bnsi- J
tn'es in ail of its details from the
Foundry to the Gin house. Alreudv
ho Inn built up an immense trade
and :s fast working a revolution in
h ” ,ll ' il,st 'T °f W«»st Georgia
! ’ h (, v is *»J’ vb f'U’t"
‘’ “. IiH ' «» " V "'.V
>'f will i".'ai z- that au
uec.!K-ary as a mulo.
--Mr It F. Ilawes, our very • ffi j
lUl-Ilt funs!, uj;i.stt r, I mu vticvt v<‘(l t ho |
filly I\w postal notes. They are beaut i ,
ex-cumd ami look very much
'jr** , ft 1 ''*' 11 ticsa. lie postal , no.t-s , | 1
*» cutua from oo«
1 ™ !1,1 ‘ u * 'J*couU< Th y j
‘ 11 trnnsimtitrig!
1 ' 1 tmmi.v through the I
l>iu fis they fire lo puyu- :
I)|( , ,,, b.Mir- r vm run the same risk
, , “' , 11 .
! ' VOU S** ** ^
! " 7 e "" ,mi ' lsw ‘"““"'K tl "‘ u ' “**
Monday t ext A« Bou has n monop
yl „ Uli , ,„„ in „ s it
fo attempt to jew him ou the Lo.
— On Tucsdnv evening last, while
^j. .stei's Sib ey Fort, Tom Fort an-)
Lrut.'i t Harrison were riding in a
t , , , , , ,
b,oke out,it. fell upon iho horse’
heis He made u break ami the hoys
pul <1 d wu on him but he could
not h« stopped. They Hun began to
out Ernest lit upon his feet,
^.bl-v feii andtlje win els of tho win* !
run ov, r hi* leg bat wiihonf se
rious damage. Tommie fell bjw k
ward as he jiulfped and had his arm i i
under the wheel and broken
,lst below tb« elbow. Ho was car j
mA homo Lou. t and and the the broken Im ken a... in whs! «hs|
' b 3 Hi. (V. 1. Caitei. fommiej
i 8 «P «« d about and we guess will
recover. The horse, after h*v I
" the hovs in the ' r-.a.l ’* van t*. " v 1 i
h«,i. j, .
U ’>* "f
been killed.
e 1ml . me pleasure a few , days. |
"K : * u ‘ r »do over (lie magnificent!
l' !a,1,il 1 "' ,n 1)1 Dr. J. K. Barn,an. sit- j
,e ou tb « HEionabatcbet. creek
l<! 1,111 1116 r»di and fictile and
,lK ’ Cr ,I) llli8 Veir l * ° nt! ° f tbo l,e * 1
K '° W " Up ' n,he Vhc0 ' Tbu j
UOI " tl ® ,ni> Wil8 11 'cry fine otic. Tb’* j
V r*' 'V'T 1 "'’’ ‘® I •’ P iecfl {
i , )at M ,bw *° ««’«'< i
nu ' 8 ”*» » !
' ! ' i ' ,u,cfe of nt " r b’ " r, d | e* I" ri'hug ]
thia field we found many
lH ' U Umt W " n!<1 r ‘ iach 8
on horseback, nor was it
being well limbed and
heavily fruited from top to bottom.
fi< kI Wi?l iie]d 8 l,aI ° 01 C0tl0l !
' ‘
«»•»» "«>>■■ n-a«l« I. j
«•“■'«<> i» .....ol
plantation by his two sons Lee
WilliimJ. Two bova that have
raised in town, one of them;
to Colleeo wifoti1 but neither ZmS afraid
(J I
v n ( ettj m W ss enr-eriutendiriD S“,Sg !i L
hnrso Of thc<0 plow kind turning under stubble, | ,
of boys men arc- ms do.
—Bill Hodge has broken into
at last. For several years ho hss
slipped and elided around town. He
has been horse-whipped and
***l« i..,«
to run iuto j.iil until this week. It
seems that ou Friday evening last h«
to Mr E 31. SWraui to borrow
Mcew- £ ’ iver, which Mr. Sheram
refused c loan. He went off and
f ' oul1 return! d telling Mr. f'heiam
'hat Mr, r sent for flu* screw
diivcr. (worth 35 cents.) This
Mr Sheram let. Bill have it and it is
'he hist time that ho hits as nit. He
got.after Sweet- William about it sev
oral times but was told a different lie
on each occasion. Patience oca soil
to bo a virtue and on Thursday
morning .Mr. Sheram took out a war
r;ult f " r Bid charging him with lar
cll v "fb r trust. He was bi'ongiit
*Bidg« Kin>cy and find, ilic
* 1 ' J ‘^ re-nlfiatf in his being sent to
n default of ft $o0 bond to up
"ear btf.ire th« n<xt Hnj'crior Court,
I5 > ing plo of the fancy boys be was
to tho parlor where ho is
hkoly to remain as there is not a
man in town w ho would’go oti-Biil's
loinl.’ Truly (ho way of tho tnius
gressor is h od.
—— • ♦ ——-----
W A. Jims A t o , of Macon, car
ry the hugest and most attractive
stock of Dry Goods and Millinery
than any other house iu Middle Geo* -
J ‘ ^ iHUi'.iTTOrl
a,r ’ 11 J I!lornton - the Southern ^
8;5 ? ,lU S5
CoIllu,L,l,s - Ga.. has ivcivcd his new
stock c i'Falli ud Winter Clothing
," ^‘ U '* .* Jl ’ * ’ ' h. iin>, at i xv. cuiugly
ll>W * ’ * *’ nbm is u 1 ol
* * * r ' " i n a i | list in making
h,s .h , ‘ ,0 ‘ ,,lses war ' !l ' M »be Hmrkols
uu * aecurea the boat bargains.
of Clothing, Hats, Furnislii'igs b
and , goods .
pitCJ in is ‘
lKI * ' 1 “ ' 1 ' l, a nl '' ls b° * ,J
1 hornton . s mid examine his mngniti
dent smell c in lit you np i"
any kind cf set that you may do
sou 3Ir. \V. A. Ling, of this
county. She was UO years old last
Al.trch and was {-robuhlv t'io o! ?ghJ
lady ir, the comity It las only bo n
a short while since her husband
passed away and now the consort <■!
half certury is called to sleep in I
the tomb Ik si Ie him. May she rest j
iu pcnca :
On the 25th ultimo it Florence.!
.Uury L^titiu Geriru<!<\ infant utC !
t r of Mr. Amos K.-nvon du *' d J
^ 1 « !ie W! ’ s l ' l ’ ru *>“
Jl »'« ’>T 13th and w is but. six months |
of age but tho wen (him- ." had wound !
i l , < | l „,,„ 1 „ (U „ [[ , lhe| K |,.„t„„. rP
than is ordinary tho case as
sainted roti.m- hi.,1 been taken from I
•" r several months ago
** ]
D:in’-C3 a Quart of Wii'skcv
" ! " llf >» town and
f *» ■»««»« l!l « inos. Pete is i
l 'U' vsblu eut for nickels, an 1 ti.anipuiatos tobacco the j
c ' T» or bug
j"'™’ If " ,n,,st have played una
«naMy wc-ii on this fccad m as some i
no i,idUc * <! ‘ 1 biiu d ‘ink a quart of
wbwk «y* O.n Tneadtiy im.mug he |
' xai fo “ ri<1 rie " i ' ti)c colored Mot ho |
,luit ^ C,lluch by Preacher 1,1 lll > Butt, inaeosiblo who noJiC.-d coudi-1
H 1 "'h.d Kirksey. i’etecould not bet
( 1U<| u - p _ 0lM . u . r
* u,, “‘ )ont " 1 1 »"‘ l rm .Jmtoly went to
,,ork a l ,on k‘ m - A fir a Cons.’dera ;
bl « 1 cngib ol turn, Pete was monsed !
under medical treatment
.......""- j
on dm ground the anfs «to Mea in
IVUr’s arms. Tins may have
iutell ,) tt j a8 a joke but it camo near i i
pVov itig u very serious one
1 napldn High School :
The cxorci.^s of the/all term
begin on 10th of September. It is
^nroMly desired that, all pupils will
outer on that day. Parties living
ol town can make satisfactory
arrangements fo- board by calling
or writing to me. I hope wv
abull have a good opening and that
onr school shall increase in numbers 1
and grow into the nffeeimns of all tc !
» b »t extent that wo shall equal the *
school cf -‘Ante Bcllum” days.
Yonr teacher caanoi: do this with- i
„ut your active cooperation and 1
brarfy support. JU Do you know of one i
r.„J • «. W»* W.
j, i, jour .Inlv », » good *»,» 1
friend to Lumpkiu to uso that inflo
Are you able to pay tb« tni
tbn tV of some 7 bov or oirl who » imn
* . to enter school V, on account of
l ,ovcrt - v ? 111611 them a IBnnco.
«'» tkrir '«*• »»'! Itok. ,„l a.
eeteetn of all people,
J 1 sate, Tntiopn],
j Mr. D. W. Sur.'es has returned
: from Gbipley.
, r „ ir “37LL «- . p ll( i.K» r i
, v i
' *
*• *' ' J * ’ *'* ih
1 10 ia P^ y father of twin boya. '
! . Mr ^* slson Seymour ana wife, «uo j
| bllt ® b f* n vWlil5 S lhe fnrail T o1 ’ * rr -
j B Seymour returned homo last
j L '*!""•'*
I) l*. Liaiutneil mid wife, cf
Dnv.son, who have been visiting rel
in tho county returned heme
—Mr J A. B. Ward, of this conn j
t week y, was to Mr*. married Sutton, on Thursday »,most of last j
bio'lady of Fort Claim.-?, Ga.
Cant. \V. II. Harriaun and family!
left for their now home in A'lar.'taj
last Wednesday. Their ruai.y friends
were loth to nee thena depart. Wo j
trust tiinv may i.n 1 heal'li, hap pi i
u-sa aid prosperity in their new
home. i
Badiu-i wiaaiug to purchase Dress !
Goodsi for Fall and Winter wear j
should by all means Bond lo \V. A.
J t iiAN A Cu , Mncoo, for sauipli-s ho-.
fore making their selections. It will
pay you handsomely.
While tho th-nizens of tho crowd*
cvl cities hia to the mountains and
sea shore for rest during tho heated j
i„, B| tfio average Stewart county u*. I
6Gi! i;s the thade of the county
jail. As a matter of interest we pub
ljah a Hst of lK ,.. rdel . a at tUo Uote ,
j 0
Stephen Gui- o, sentenced to the
0 j Ja j 0 gang for six months for steal
j U g hog but being half crazy no
o;io v. ill havo him. Walter Carter
charged with assault and battery ;
Torn ■ liiiivisou, burglary ; Zed Rob
insim is a road defaulter who want
ed to get out of corking the roads in
lWs (u>uu , v becnnse ba belonged to a
cvuhbort fi.-o cumpany. Jake Shcr
Ulllll H8SUIllt ftiu j balterv ; Peter 1W
ry, assault with attempt to murder;
Mollie Kifig, larceny ; Neil Kim
li ^*> I'^uy aftc- trust. Th« R
, "" k ‘ i8 ", to,a! V) * h, ® h 18
ctijmcitj o. tlio liotol ami it
l ’ lkos 100 mnch cb ' ck « l * P»« t0 fetd
t,,t ’ ra *
A'ouciii save money by sending
vour orders for DresUGoods,
aery and Fancy Goods to W. A. Ju
hat. A Co., 31,icon.
As the snake season is waning we
thmnrht i„.cf ♦„ ."In , t i
, 1 8U /‘ kt slo slo ‘ • u " b f , had L ’ ul ail lal1
10Mt ' ‘‘i-re goes.
0» IWI- «~k Mr. N. IV.
Slm,tm,iu > wLo Iives !lballt ei - r!jI
m,laB flom l,,wa 011 the Cl,,ll,,er '
road, was awakened by a pecnhai
rattling noise in the hou n e. He im
mediately i . get, up, for . , lm well ,, , knew
fll " 1 n t,ub b ®
louk Muuai1 f ‘“ "“i 1 "-'
luni! - a “ ,mk ® c ‘ ,,lctl »l>
,ru " r He killed him with his
ni;(J 3* to be a rs'llesimkw ubi C
™ Let long, with llva -aM
!,n, ‘ " ,n,tl0D * He tblflk8 lb * »a«ke
a Joking h»r rata and that
r:ui b,iu ' viiit ' b st,uteii
n ; f L ’‘ l, * flf * r ’ s Iot 18 . 8 ,lr v
"J 3 ' 1Ul1 be uscr to keep fresh meat
other things coo) in. One day
ricfitlv ^ ^ 31r f ’ A U Ir-i-i ' Taiiniev L ’"f went " *n ‘ J
■ b ’ 5 w “ ’ to iraw »P « of
U hi;il Bo p;ot tho basket up he
ed •T uif -° u commotion in it, and soon
..... . c ,, llmtil
............... lo«.lli.b„,
l! ‘V : r'If L‘i
l > b o ^uok tut siwke by tho »ml . pul.-
1 '” 1 *' lrom ,bo b ‘ l8Uek and po f p<-d
bi “ be,td »’#* ft-coach-w^ij.
fire feet long,
On Saturday evening last while r
well-known citizen of tho Florence
,retnck w «» returning homo from
Florence, and approaching Brier
Creek hi i. .discovered a curious
'^‘S object pioco on oi Urn short ground, join fed re
°; Uie ’. lue object moved and he saw
lbl * k ‘ k was some kind of snake of
dirk greyisn color. As ho camo up
to U ho 8 aVo i! - 11 sb ®*'P cl)t with bis
wb *P and cut in eeveral pieces ns
b ° tbooght. fter duving upon the
1"J looked back and was os j
Loninlieil to seethe broken pieces
r,v ‘* nln 8 pother after which the
«*» k * crawled off into the bushes.
H. ~J. tut l.u wihiit .IriiiiE. nnd
buggy 1».rtolrti«loj
10 lb® nnd had never uncork.
e<1 tb,,t ' As roc-n. however, as he
8aw tbe wonderful performanco of
tbe snake 1m took one swig * for feur
cf an accident.
”■ A. Jubas &.Co., of IDicon.hav^
roctivad full lines of fall *ni ‘
dry gwlu. Son4 ht OfBpttfli
’ t?as3
One hand and mule can do as much and bet
ter work than from two or three ordinary plows
Is of light draught and easily operated by a
of ifj> VGUI'S.
3£;'A Sample Phtv can be aeeti at ofico of Tbs Lnvrzts lysmstrju.
CMliIrai (Muses, \kmm> Leather k.
< — / j
Corner Cheiry and Second Streets,
fiS-Cail and see u<> or write for prices before purchasing.
t Jan 1 t’4.
ajrbonr Machine
lJ Kinds Of BtUltlCF’S WoOtl Altieedal SSh^d n
a IiUIllber.
Our FOUNDRY is now in full blast, and all birds of Castings furnished at
short woUc“.
Hpecial attention given to repairing machinery. Our Machine Shop is in gooJ
running order, doing first-class work
Lumbei fumislu d in any shape. Dr“saed Weatherboardin 0 ’, Flooring a n I
Ceiling dressed ml mulched. M-niM^ngs, Brackets, Etc., Etc.
Q T "XT GmVpairing 1? T> A { }> J ctasu \T wSk fi
department. Wo are prepared Parties to hiving da Gins and‘gu.wantec firat in this
to r-ipair are requested to soul them in early
If desired wo will store them fror until wanted iu tho full. We have a new Fir*
Proof Ware IJoiHo now building where ti.*ey can be securely kept.
We will furnish any castings wanted for Gins or Presses. Wo solicit your ot¬
dura ard iriiararitce sutniisfaction.
TO AKH1VE: ° 110 ^ >«“d While Pine Sash, Doors amt Blinds,
Sdliug Agents for all kind t of Machinery, such us Saw Mills, Str.tiouarv, For
table and Farm Rogmos nnd Howe ‘-’cniei.
June Eufanla, Alabama.
2, 1SS3. 3 m 8
—»* to —■, * —.... ^lei . l_i i Y X O IR.
1 f ’*
J ust iiGCoived By
G. E. T H § I AS.
1 J-trt . uraed bm Iho North, wber,
w l li.-vve purchased a larga stock of
k>pi mg ylotlu-g. On tmeonut ol my constantly increasing business, and
carryiag over very little of last year’s ato,!:, i have Oecu compelled U,
of mt hose •« heavy purchases. While I sell ni a low margin, I am notone
so-called murclianfa who prelend t-soil cheaper than any one
cisc. by offering old con ntei'-worn goods 1 ha; are dear at anv price. My r
NEW, ........... '
and i have
\ j dirH’C C fllld. Attl’ftCtiVO StOf’lc ^ to UlII.
' ’
Bsifidos my immensc-s stock of ready undo clothing, 1 have several thousand
samples of new goads that I can havo mmia to order at short notice.
Grand Opening This Week. Come One, Come All.
(L E. TIIOMAS Clothier, Columbus
Columbus, G i, Octl-1.1882.
TP.TTTP ^ A TJT ^ I ^ U.X A —LliX. T . A
Has removed his stock of
to his new store at the old stand on Eufaula
13- B. DWiS, Eufaula, Ala.