Newspaper Page Text
■ —
Come, oqme to'the Carnival
Next Friday night
Come dressed ‘
Hart, Schaffner & Man
in a costume
Gay jolly and bright
Come with rings on your iiingors
And a hell on each toe
And you shall find fun
Wherever you go,
Just back from Chicago we purchased the
Cleanest and most Up to Date line in this
country. These suits as everybody knows are
made by the Worlds Greatest Suit Makers.
We Ve divided them into three groups
The Georgia Sfcate Pair, Macon’s
Contenial and Atlanta’s Jubalee
shall each in its turn fade inti* a
dim and infinitesimal mites of mi-
la . • compared with the
Alunq lertulv. >nVn , tut r , < ; t v
nigh', i 1 1 bold shVemei place in
the program ok all iiie season’s
festivii's and which will laugh
i'sell into ihe hearisand memories
of all.' the folk of i in* cou try
; At;5 o’clock next Friday after
noon;!, the la wn ol Mr. and Mrs*
Powerr <'ooper’s home in t lie cen
ter of town shall bo the scene of
one of the gayest festivals which
thing for the
trip around the world” an
wonders of the microscopic
have been brought together in __
small tent so that those who woul
“enlarge the mind” as well as $
the body” and '‘thrill the soul’*
may find adequate means of doing
So we cry once again,
“Come, come with a mask oU
your face,”
And go home with a laugli in
your heart. X
— ■ '• i ■■
jthe town of Perry has witnessed
Mall its full hundred years of
life. The parade, the’ opening
feature of the evenings jollity,will
begin promptly at 5:80 and the
entire town and county is cot dial
ly invited to come, “but not let
Suits Up To $40.00
Now $23.75
Suits Up To $55.00
Now $32.50
Suits Up To $70.00
Now $41.75
Be among the first to Macon Sale at
Both Stores
New Store
556 Cherry St.
Old Store
317 Third St.
Located as follows
One at Hayneville
One at Elko
One at Henderson
One at Pinehurst, Dooly County
One at Vienna, Dooly County
Parties interested must have mules, corn, labor
and credit. For terms apply to
We are in the market for several thousand acres
of timber lands, will buy both timber and
land if prices are right.
Spirit of Service Demonstrated
in Readiness for Nation
wide Activity.
Lawrenceville, Ga.
.Subscribe for the [HOME JOURNAL and keep
informed on the afairs of
When President Coolidge by procla
mation designated the American Red
Cross as the medium through which
contributions for relief- of the Japan
ese earthquake sufferers should flow,
the President’s desire came as an or
der to the Red Cross. Immediately
the entire machinery of the organiza-,
tlon was put in motion and within 24
hours the fund campaign was moving
with vigor in every part of the coun
This emergency test demonstrated
the peacetime readiness of the Red
Cross to cope with stupendous tasks
Id behalf of humanity. Within a
month it had collected upwards of
$10,250,000 in contributions, landed
ten cargoes of supplies at Japanese
ports and was keeping pace with re
lief requirements—all without a sin
gle dollar of the fund being spent for
President Coolidge, in expressing
his thanks to the people, said: "When
the news of the tragedy in Japan first
reached us, the American Red Cross,
pursuant to a proclamation, asked the
country for $5,000,000 to meet the
great emergency. The answer to this
appeal waB prompt and generous; In
less than two weeks a sum far In ex
cess of the original goal was given.’’
The work of the Red Cross for
Japan is expected to Influence a very
large enrollment of new recruits dur
ing the Roll Call, which starts Armis
tice Day.
your county^
Political Race Opens With 5 Killings
Mexico City.—The political situa*
tlon here following arrival of general
Elies Calles to open his campaign
for president. Clashes caused at least
five deaths and Injuries to many.
your countenance be seen.”
Bach individual is requested to
come in costume and in mask. A
prize is to be awarded to the adult
and a prize to the child who pre
sents himself or herself before the
tribunal judges in the most be
witching, fantastic and thorough
ly charming costume.
Another particularly interest
ing item, is this: Don’t eat sup
per before you come “yes, we
have bananas.” There will be
Weiner Stands and Ice Cream
Cone Stands and stands with Pop
Corn and more stands with real
circus lemonade (maybe pink)and
“oysters fried and oyster stew and
oysters raw and a plenty for you”
Having appeased the physical
longing for food you shall find am
ple means of satisfying your hun
ger for excitement, there will be
mental food of great varietyj.There
shall be a “Chamber of Horrors”
that Edgar Allen Poe in his su-
blimest mood could have only half
fathomed. It is a veritable man
ufacturer of cold chills and retail
er of creeps There are Jong, cold
dark alleys wjtjh small ijhings like
the “family skeleton” looming at
you from behind each rustling
curtain where death-heads and
cross bones play hide and seek
with you for base and one great
green eyed m.onster leads you be
wildered, unwillingly, but enchant
ed into— Come see where.
The three sister fates have join
ed with this gay, wieked throng
and have given your fortune into
their keeping for this single night.
So it is decreed by the fates and
fairos and witches that for the
time between the hours of six and
twelve on this Friday night, No
vember the second of the year
1923, A. D„ the fates of all the
people of Houston county may be
foretold by the soothsayers and
gypsy maidens who shall have
been imbued with such power only
for this given time.
The lover of thrills, however, is
not the only person who shail be
satisfied. There will be for the
music lover a real old-fashioned
“Ole Plantation,” which needs no
explanation nor advertisement.
Every longue that calls Georgia
home and every heart thrt swells
to strains of “1 wish I was in de’
land ob’ cotton” knows and under
stands what mingled joy and pa
thos is to be feltjin “Ole Planta
And.for those who belong to
that more risque’ school of
thought there is to be a booth
over whose entrance may be read
“For Men Only.”
Nor are the children to be for
gotten. Indeed it is all “so sim
ple a ehilds mind may grasp it and
get so entertaining that his elders
will be enthusiastic over it” (as
advertisements for anything from
soap to encyclopedias read.)Tbere
is however, a special attraction
for them, the grab-bag, and the
fish pond and marches and games
to say nothing of the afore men
tioned peanuts and pink lemonade.
Having dispersed with all of
lighter mind there mast be some
Who's gonna win away who’s
who’s gonna win away? avowI
we're gonna win away! Tlow?
we re
'I lie biR event of the season is
to take place Friday aileinoon,
h eie on our own court. There is
going to bo a double header bosket
ball gaino with Cochran* and ;as
we have both a boy’s and gill’s
sure of
put tin out team” we are
our success.
Some of the dignified (less)
Seniors assumed extra dignity Fri
day, when the teachers of the
Grammar school went to the-fair
and employed Seniors to teach
their grados. We declared we had.
much rather teach than be tought,
but. sbppose we had bad a visitor?
Well we would have been mighty 1
glad to be back in our own class
meekly listening to our own teach-
ee. however we accepted the
teacher’s place with the knowledge
that most of the parents had gone
to the fair also, and there was
little prospect of a visitor.
If you see a high school boy
floating around with his head held
up and his chin stuck out (too
far) in a conceited way, you may
at once recognize him as a boy on
the basket ball team, because they
are all puffed up over their new'
basket ball suits which arrived
the other day. The scant pants
are of maroon broadcloth with
gold braid running up the sides,
and to show how proud we are
that they are Perry Hi boys, tlie
jerseys have bright gold P. H. S.
in a prominent place, so that one
cannot fail to see them. If you do
not enjoy basket ball, you will
enjoy their first game because
they are going to wear their hew
The next word in the spelling
lesson was banquet.
Miss Brannan. “Plijl pronounce
the next word.
Phil —“it's beaulcit.”
Who slid down the chute-de-
chute at the school house Thurs
day night?
Miss Dennis—Will some one
get up on the board and write an
outline? >v
Teacher in Lit—What was
Hawthorne’s place in literature
(now his place was that he alleg-
arized the short story)
Pupil—He apologized to the
short story.
Anno B. Describe Caesar for me.
Helen B. Caesar was a little
bity fat.tall man.
“Doris, did’nt Webster have a
stilted childhood?” asked Mar
garet, meaning a stilted style, .of
Smart Junior. “Pm all balled
up. I know who Napoleon is but I
can’t find out- who Bonaparte is.
B. W.
V . »
, . .
—These Happy Horn- Dresses at
Swanson’s are wonders for the
price pf 98c.
Weak* Ailing
should take