Newspaper Page Text
Ladies’ Vine Wool Black Scarfs
A $5.00 value—1
Ladies’ Wool Scarfs
A 75c value
Another lot
Ladies’ Vino Suits' that. jii-o g
worth up to $:J0. Our price*
One lot Girls’ Coats
Our price- '
-Good Quality Sateen.
Our price--- — : —
Our opening price, dozen-:——:—
Lad Lassie Cloth. Worth 85c ya:
Our jmee per yard —
Cloth of Quid Bleaching. No. 60
Our price per yard—
Same No. 100
Our price per.yard.—
10 yards best Long Cloth
Our price-—
Georgette Crepe and Crepe do Chine
Ecr yard now-___i— _—s.
Gorticelio Satin jppriaii Worth
$3 yard. Our opening price yawl—
Ladies’ Fait House Slippers,
wort/i $1.25. Onr price, pair # vt-
ti Ladies’ Heavy Gut-Door Work Shoes for
tin? ifTijd A .$2.75 value
CJUildreii’s Coats. All sizes slid
prices. Good Coats worth $6.50.^—
Big Misses’ Imitation Bearskin’
Coats.; A $15 value. Gur prices---
Ladies' Silk Jersey Petticoats.
“Her Majesty Make”
W ith Accordion PJ aired FI ounce.
[ P« r pair—i . ,
F Growing Girls’ flvavy Goat Skin
^Leather. A real $3.50 value.
Sihei2 L2 teTi;
flea’s Soiid Leather
S'.(ten Shoes'-—a -
Mile ir’.s Solid 1 11, or % 1 riuson .
Shyes iu Black and Hr y.-n
A $8.50 Value-— V* j y
Ladies’ Heavy Plain Toe ■'Comfort
Shoe:;. A $3.50„v;due_
Boys’ Heavy Work Shoes Solid
mail. r. A $3 50 W-
Boys’ Solid, Leather 1 * f'
B8m^!t'$3-5q|'.valric Or
|>■Cid’-Fs Heavy Calf Slwea tor O
t>d.bai gains, ’Xl^
,.ard \ AsKtySu
Ft Unbleached Sheeting. ^1/2*?*
Opening price yard.*——-——-- *
Mattress'nclang,. '2 *$).■*
Good Grade, yard——— .
Pillow Cases. A 35c .
■rluc. .Each-^-2————_ — — . ‘ J&yi.
'ue Big lot tovitelk.- • C 0
.Fee is each'.just—..—
.:tl Huek Towel, worth 35e ||V«
tf'ee each---;-—C.—_———— ' -s; *
The best Buck Towel Georgia
dig Size Puninan Blue and:Pi^k Bpr-
ders. Werth 35c. ,BaclL2_-'-__^—
blisses.’ Fine Wool Serge Middy F
Suits. A real $20 value 3
Ladies' Silk Finish Raincoats. A
'$7.50. value. Our opening price—
K A \V Line!! f ..liars
One lot Blue Chambray
Work Shirlsl———y___
Big Buddy and M. W.~S. Blue
Work Shirts, while t his lot lasts
Iof AYool and' Flannel' Shirts
To sell at---------,:'——
Men’s, Dress Shirks '
A ; genuine $1.50 value. Each
1 One lot Men’s Suits. A $22.50 X
value. Our price _X_ _ _ __ 2_ _ p '
Meu’fl Dress Sliirts. . A $3.00 T.-
vafue. Oiu- openinte. Price—_
- .Men’s Heavy Ribbed Shirts and
Drawers garment 85c and—i
Men’s Elastic Seam Drawers
Pair—-. . ___F
Ladies’ Fleeced Mbbcki
Union Suits—'—X- —-—A
Men’s Worsted Drawers •
Worth $1.00 pair
Girl’s Union Suits
A $1.0tf value2_-2-_- -_ 2_
• One lot Ladies’ Vests'and. Pants
Per garment--— 44-
Boys’ Heavy Fleeced Union Suits
Moonbeam I’oundation Silk/ Worth
upt Bo OOcy^A- -Our price perte'ariiX—2
Bure Liucri Buck Flowered Satin
Finish. >A 75c value* Yard—2__—_
Pure Linen Buck Towels. A
50e value. Each—. ——^
34x45 inch Turkish Towels. Pulrnan
Blue Borders. Ex tra .Special. Each-
Guest Towels mth deep bhic arid
pink embroidered apd scolloped ends
A “60e value. * '
. One lop Mori’s Suits. Good Make
arid Wool. A $15 value. Our price-_
One lot Overcoats ; -
$15 values. >Now_2_. :
One lot Kirshbaurii Suits, $35 j| ;; 2
to $45 values—— y \
3oys’ Suits. Values up to $12.50 &£
Oiir ,price_^ —- v*
,iid stahiped'lor embroid :
fvess are. worth $1.50; Pair,
lint—plairi and flow- ' •
> to 9. Our■ price*--...-'2., v’
E Heavy Taii Elk Shoes. A -
i'airie. ^ 9 to 12 1-2—— F ; ;
dren’a Mahogany Calf Stitph ^ s
.slioc. Solid Leather— __ ^ K
’s X Uletcn Shoes. TJvLSe are se '
$12. Our price while L:ey labr F -:
us’ Brown Calf, Lo v H . ‘ W
ilioes. Pair— '4*
lot c.-lds aAd; end®"'**i»*b S \
Lit Slip-on
54 inch Wool Dross Goods. Worth
$2,00 yard. Our Opening Price, ykrd-
- ' Chambray Shirting. A real
2oe value. Yard——-^-e.
Extra .Heavy Ble&ehed‘DriUipg.
Farwell’s Romper Cloth. Worth 30c
yd: Onr opening price yard——
,. .32 inebes wde. - ;
48 inch-Wobl Serge. Worth $1.50
yard. Our priee yard ■'— r -f—f-
' 81x90 Bemnied Sheets. No dressing
while they last, each— —-
Corona Sheets, 81x90. Hemmed with ^
woven tape etlge. worth $2. Each—
Amoskeag Utility Ginghams, 32
inches wide. . A 35e value i-
Dress: Plaids
Our Opening Piiee, yard- 2-—
Oil Cloth . . A
Our Opening Price, yard—' -
One lot Dress Prints- ✓ >
Our. opening price, yard-——--——
Boys ’ 6veralls
While this lot lasts—-
sy. last-
n’s Rubbers
:y last-
A $1.50 value
Girls 7 Wool Middy Suits
$10.50 values.. —
Georgette Waists.
our price-ri —
Girl’s Middies
Worth* $1^50.
Worth Double
No-Name Hats. $5 values
$3.95 and—-- ————
Men’s Hits. A <J*
$3.50 valueL-l v
Men’s Caps. Nev/ Styles and worth
$1.50. Now—
One lot Caps
Good values — ^
Small Boys’ Caps and
One. Lot Boys’ Suits.’ .$.0.00 to
$8.00 values. Now. ———
Men’s Rain Coats., Double Tex
ture. A real seasonable bargain—.
Men’s-Bljiek Rubber Coats.'
Our price
Girls’ Gingham Dresses
■Ladles’ Sateen ,
Pettieoats _V———
Ladies’ Flannelette
Kimonos.- Our price _i /
Ladies Who! Skirts fromv$5.95
down to. _2 1
Good Styles and Materials.
- Ladies’ One Piece Serge Dresses
As low as i„__
Ladies* Jersey-• Dr«?tees
O ur price——— 2___.
Satin Boudoir
A $6.50 Value-——'-———-—
Boys-’ Knee Pants
$1.25 values.. Now...———— y
Men’s Corduroy Pants. Best Grade
A $4.50 value. Pairi-——
Meal’s Jean Pants.
A few to go at pair——i
Men’s Overalls -
Per pair—— — ——
:.V- BUSII Shoes i5r men. A
ralue. Our priced! —
X im worth 25e yard. ,
ich Percales. iO
,E & W Silk Shirts that sold up dJO AI
> $10. Our price $3.95 and
; price.» *> IOC £
ide Bleached Sheeting
f Price yard---
e policy of ali
Higii-grade mer*
plenty of efflci-
egt, courteous
salespeople to
show it. if you
are not pleased