Newspaper Page Text
An Ohio man has invented a bicycle
and automobile tire stuffed with rope
and yarn.
It is said that the method of produ¬
cing anesthesia by means of electri¬
city, discovered by Prof. Le Due of
Nantes, Prance, is applicable to the
painless execution of criminals.
The fruit of the karite tree is now
being handled in fair commercial
quantities for the production of a
cheap type of vegetable grease, use
il for the manufacture of soap and
candles. The natives of Africa hull the
nut, which somewhat respfiibles the
chestnut; mash and boil the kernels,
skimming off the floating grease,
which has also food value.
On attaining full growth, the silk¬
worm stops feeding and throws out
silken threads. The silk is formed in
a fluid condition and issues from the
body of the worm in a glutinous state
—apparently in a single thread. From
this silk the worm constructs its co¬
coon, an interval of from three to five
days being required to complete its
imprisonment in the envelope. In or¬
der that the silken strands may not
be subjected to the danger of break¬
age by the moth emerging from the
cocoon, the cocoons are steamed till
the inclosed insects are dead. After
this the silk may be wound off.
Consular Agent Gustav C. Kothe
of Cassel, an agency of the Frank¬
fort consulate, states that an archi¬
tect of that city has been granted
patents in Germany and other Euro¬
pean countries and also in the United
States for an invention for the manu¬
facturing of glass telegraph and tele¬
phone poles. The glass mass of which
the’ poles are made is strengthened by
interlacing and intertwining with
strong wire threads. One of the prin
cipal advantages of these poles would
be their use in tropical countries,
where Wooden poles are soon de¬
stroyed by the ravages of insects and
where climatical influences are ruin¬
ous to wood.
A . of tests , made . recently ,, ot .
the different electric lighting systems
gave results greatly ° in favor of the
tube . , system. As . far .'
vacuum qfl possi
ble all the different lamps were test¬
ed under the same circumstances, and
it was shown that the long vacuum
tubes were the most satisfactory and
the most economical. While the vir¬
tues of this comparatively new meth¬
od are manifest, there are certain dis¬
advantages connected with their use
which must be overcome before they
can be generally accepted for service.
The disagreeable color of the glow,
which was very noticeable at first,
has been overcome in a great measure
and the system otherwise perfected.
a Oxaluria,” a New Nerve Disease
That he had discussed a new disease
of the nerves, which he terms “oxai
Uria,” before the recent international
medical congress in Vienna, was stat¬
ed yesterday by Dr. Gustav Baar, of
Portland, Ore. The physician was one
of three representatives sent from this
country to attend the biennial meet¬
ing of medical men.
“I have determined that in many
cases the breaking down of the nerves
fore the congress I read a treatise "on
large quantities of oxalic acid in the
system,” said Dr. Baar. “This dis¬
ease I have named oxaluria, and be¬
fore the congress I read treatise on
my discoveries and recommendations
as to proper treatment.
“For one thing, I believe that the
so-called ‘rest cure’ will soon be a
thing of the past as a treatment for
nervous exhaustion. On the contrary
a stimulation of the muscular ener¬
gies is needed and the patient will be
more immediately benefited and ulti¬
mately cured.”—New York Herald.
Took the Prayer Back.
A very devout Presbyterian clergy¬
man in the middle west had just mar¬
ried a couple, and, as was his custom,
offered a fervent prayer, invoking the
divine blessing upon them. As they
seemed to he worthy folk and not
overburdened with this worU's goods,
he prayed, among other things, for
their material prosperity, and be¬
sought the Lord to greatly increase
the man’s business, laying much
stress on this point.
In filling out the blanks it became
necessary to ask the man his business
and to the minister's horor he said:
“I keep a saloon.”
In telling the story to his wife af
terward the clergyman said that as he
wrote down the occupation he whis
■ ■ Lord, you needn’t answer that
prayer.”—Cleveland Leader.
in Stern Chase.
11 Humph! Him? He'd run before
he’d fight me!”
I guess he’d have to.”—Houston
■ tt:
After suffering' restored for seven health years,
this woman was to
by Lydia E. Pinkliam’s Vegetable
Compound. Read her letter. j
Mrs. Sallie French, of Paucaunla,
Ind. Ter., writes to Mrs, Pinkliam:
u I had female troubles for seven
years — was all run-down, and so ner¬
vous I could not do anything, The
doctors treated me for different troubles
but did me no good. While in this con¬
dition I wrote to Mrs. Pinkham for ad¬
vice and took Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vege¬
table Compound, and I am now strong
and well. 5)
For thirty years Lydia E. Pink
ham’s Vegetable Compound, made
from roots and herbs, has been the
standard remedy for female ills,
and has positively cured thousands of
women who have been troubled with,
displacements, inflammation, ulcera¬
tion, fibroid tumors, irregularities,
periodic pains, backache, that bear¬
ing-down feeling, flatulency,indiges¬
tion,dizziness,ornervous prostration.
Why don’t you try it ?
Don’t hesitate to w rite to Mrs.
Pinkham if there is anything
about your sickness you do not
understand. She will treat your
letter in confidence andadviseyou
free. No woman ever regretted
writing her, and because of her
vast experience she has helped
thousands. Address, Lynn, Mass.
j - I
Peace negotiations at The Hague ;
have been forgotten in the general j
demand among nations for bigger na
vies, mourns the Washington Star. j
There is more Catarrh in this section of
the country than all other diseases put to¬
posed gether, and until the last For few years was sup¬
to be incurable. a great many
years doctors pronounced it a local disease
an( j prescribed local remedies, and by con
stantly failing to cure with local treatment,
“pronounced it incurable. Science has proven
Catarrh to be a constitutional disease, and
therefore requires constitutional treatment.
Hall’s Catarrh Cure, manufactured by F. J.
Cheney & Co., Toledo, Ohio, is It the only con¬
stitutional cure on the market. is taken in¬
ternally in doses from 10 drops to a teaspoon¬
ful. It acts directly on the blood and mucous
surfaces of the system. They offer one hun¬
dred dollars for any case it fails to cure. Send
for circularsand testimonials. Address F. J.
Cuexey & Co., Toledo, Ohio.
Sold bv flail’s Druggists, 75c.
Take Family Pills for constipation.
Next to votes, money to pay cam¬
paign expenses is the most essential
:liing to insure political success.
American Cotton and Business University
and School of Telegraphy, Consolidated
I I vll* We guarantee to complete any one with good eyesight in 30 days how to grade, elassify,
average, ship, buy and sell cotton, and be able to protect themselves in any first-class
market. We also teach how to grade cotton by a Correspondence Course, Our sample Buget rooms under expert
cotton men. All samples CTPIN Cl* 8 in * le and dcuble entry, system, recog
expressed us graded FREE. JDv^vyXVIvC*E*r li n V3. nized by business men to be the best. COM¬
MERCIAL LAW and all LITERARY branches. SHORTHAND, TYPEWRITING, Greg* and Electric.
T 1 Ci00T«ipiiy 1 ______l ana ^ ^ Jj ix&liro&aing. D «J* Under three expert Telegraphers and Train Dispatchers.
Main line Railroad wires. The best equipped school in the
south. Expenses reasonable. Write for Catalogue, and state course desired.
TRY A BOTTLE Ask your dealer for it
Avert Your female trouble may not be dangerous, now, but if neglected it may become so.
Other ladies, by neglecting their health, have become chronic invalids, or even ended by finding an
operation necessary. So why not learn by their experience, and take Cardui before your trouble be¬
comes serious.
Take Cardui
Danger \W a V no idle troubles. better. feeling Mrs. W. I I At had H. had! last Ison, backache, / I thought of began Baltimore, dizziness, to 1 was take Md. and going Wine such says: to of die. pains Cardui “I had My in and suffered the doctor lowest now did for I part all do 6 he years, all of could, my my from body. housework but female I Oh got S
B 31 ,1 . and feel fine.” Try it.
U Do you go to Sunday School, little
“Nope.” isn’t right.
“Don’t say ‘Nope,’ that
I “Well, if I said ‘Yep,’ I'd be bellin’
yer a lie.”—Boston Transcript.
Tettebike has done wonders for suffer¬
1 ers from eczema, tetter, ground chafes itch, ery¬ and
sipelas, infant sore head, chaps, aggravat¬
Other forms of skin diseases. In
ed cases of eczema its cures have been mar¬
velous and thousands of people sing its
praises. 50c. at druggists or by mail from
J. T. Shcptbine, Dept. A, Savannah, &a.
Until one word be coined to mean
porch, portico, piazza and veranda,
j there is bound to be class the distinction New York
j in the country, laments
I Evening Mail.
One of the
of the happy homes of to-day is a vast
fund of information as to the best methods
of promoting health and happiness and
right living and knowledge of the world’s
best products.
Products of actual excellence and
reasonable claims truthfully presented
and which have attained to world-wide
acceptance through the approval of the
Well-Informed of the World; not of indi¬
viduals only, but of the many who have
the happy faculty of selecting and obtain¬
ing the best the world affords.
One of the products of that class, of
known component parts, an Ethical
remedy, approved by physicians and com¬
mended by the Well-Informed of the
World as a valuable ,and wholesome family
laxative is the well-known Syrup of Figs
and Elixir of Senna. To get its beneficial
effects always buy the genuine, manu¬
factured by the California Fig Syrup Co.,
vily, and for sale by all leading druggists. 1
I patterns, are cut on designed large
>. \i v, ,to give the wearer
7 V ,the utmost comfort
1 -V \ *322
sign or mi nsN. 1
A J.TOWtR CO- B05T^ U.S.A.
When one good turn begets another
we shall have perpetual motion.
Hicks’ Capudine Cures Nervousness,
Whether tired out, worried, overworked, or
w hat not. It refreshes the brain and
nerves. It’s Liquid and pleasant to take,
* 0c ’* 25 c -> and 50c., at drug stores.
Only the man who has courage
knows how thin it is.
TrilU itm, T tm* 4Hmetor. Only
9to.l Stump ridter Factory in the
makitifc tl>eir own SUhjI Casting:*.
G-u/vrautiMd for 600 horse powor itrail*.
Catalogue ud discount*. Address :
ZDfiMEEMANN STEEL CO, • Lone Tree, low*
with ores, If afflict*-.! weak use Thoipson’sEyeWaler
mit. RHFiiKilTISM Ulilnl lum now curable; thousands cured; re¬
low. Write gu ita speedy; guarantee WEIGHT, glven;prlce
quick. UK. S. T. Peru, Ind.
*■' ST. 1,0I In, MISSOURI.
The oldest, largest and best music school in
the State. All branches of music taught,
Send for handsomely illustrated catalogue
N W.Cor.Taylor and Olive. Director*
Color more goods brighter and faster colors than any other dye. One 10c, package colors all libers. They dye in cold water better than any other dye. To*
I -i •n rtvf nnv earmenr without rlpning apart. Write for free booklet—How to nye. Bleach and till Colors. .HOMtllE DRUIi CO., Quincy, illiuoi*.
mm ■
Throat and Longs
need iust the protection a*airut cold
and di*ea*e that i* obtained from ro
Piao’» Cute. If you have a cough
or cold, Piso’s slight Cure or today serious, and begin continue tak¬ cn
ing until well. Cure the cough
while you it is are fresh, when few doses O
of Pisb's Cure may be all that you CO
will need. Famous for half a cen
tuiy. Pleasant to taste. Free from
opiates and harmful ingredient*.
At all druggist*’, 25 eft*.
‘4/f 1
A Revolutionary Machine.
A revolution in the sending and
receiving of telegraph messages is
taking place throughout the
United States, owing to the telegraph
printing machines which are being
installed in the metropolitan offices of
the telegraph companies.
In sending, the messages are
“punched” or spelled out in the Morse
characters on an endless tape, The
tape is then fed into a sending ma¬
chine, where a wheel moves it along
and in the right direction. The holes
in the tape allow contacts to be made
which control the receiving mechan¬
ism. The receiving machine is some¬
what like an electrically controlled
typewriter. Electrical oontracts made
through the holes in the tape cause
the proper typo bars to be struck. So
fast is this automatic working that
the girl operators can receive and
send from 200 to 400 messages In
nine hours with one machine, The
machines work duplex, two messages
being sent at the same time.—-Popu
lar Mechanics.
A Cow Boy Breakfast.
T. B. Sweet, a Topeka capitalist,
stopped at Abileind in the early days
at the hest hotel in the city. He
asked for his breakfast. The waiters
took no special notice of his appear¬
ance, or at least did mot guess that
his appetite was different from the
average patron’s.
“Give me some eggs,” said Mr.
Swe'et, and waited.
In a little while the waitress came
back. In a howl she had a full doz
cn eggs, all hard boiled.
Sweet gasped and ate What he
could, protesting that she had brought
him too many, and that he didn’t just
know hnv, hard boiled eggs would
strike him for his first meal of the
“Why,, that’s a regular cowboy’s
breakfast,” responded the waitress.—
Kansas City Journal.
President Roosevelt wants to tm
prove the condition of the farmer.
The President will have to hurry,
thinks the New York American, if he
wants to catch up with the farmer’s
own efforts in this line.
Learn Telegraphy Young Men and Ladles of ambition should master Telegraphy and
R. Accounting in one of our Institutes. Great scarcity of operas
torn We operate five schools under direct supervision of Railway
Officials Main-line wires in all our schools. Positions absolutely
assured, when competent. Work for board. Prospectus free.
National Telegraph Institute, (Dept. A. N.) m'em Mn s.^tknn.’, c™. uMhiA^'d. o.
M Makes TO lMffer-nt Articles: Household Remedies, Flavoring!
HR W Extracts nil Kinds, Toilet Preparations, Fine ttoups, County Klc.
Can't)assers Wanted in Edery m
F 40 Yeurs Experience, #8,000,000 Output.
A* r A ■ a shu J* Mj
si-X *
J, -
Alfalfa thrives best on a soil
.Wvv .lit vl well supplied with POTASH, phos¬
phoric acid and lime.
4 /AS In preparing your land for alfalfa this fall
ft don’t forget to insure your crop against weeds and
winter-killing by applying, broadcast, ten dayShe
; fore planting, 600 pounds of 2-8-10 fertilizer per
acre . jVfost fertilizers are Weak in Potash. Make
them complete by adding Potash— 10 %—or 25
lbs, Muriate of Potash to each xoo lbs of fertilizer.
% i; Call on your dealer for POTASH at once as next week
m otash may Potash be too late to get the Grows goods delivered Alfalfa in time for use.
Send for our books containing: facts about soil,
crops, manuri-3 and fertilizers. Mailed free
L: GERMAN KALI WORKS, Candler Bldg., Atlanta, Ga.
NEW YORK—93 Nassau St. CHICAGO—Monadnock Bldg.
I; kM Jags MFuldCi
® N. Two hundred pounds, more or loss, resting on the
bottoms of your shoes will tiro your feet unless tho shoe bottoms fit your
feet. bKREEMER shoes are made correctly from the bottom up, and
thats why they always fit. Look for the label. If you don’t find
Skreemers readily, write us for directions how to secure them.
FRED. F. FIELD CO •a BrocHtoY, Mass.
V Wm
s wk
II y.v *
tm mmm
mm 1/11
v;.V AJERTgfri
Sliu Helen Sauerbtor, of 815 Main St., Sfc.
Joseph, Mich., writes an interesting letter
on tho subject of catching cold, whlcfc
cannot fail to be of Taluo to all women whe
catch cold easily.
It Should Be Taken According to Bi»
rections on the Bottle, at the
First Appearance of the Cold.
St. Joseph, Mich., Sept., 1901.—Last
winter 1 caught a sudden cold which de¬
veloped tiie head into and an throat, unpleasant depriving catarrh of
ol' me frieni rar
appetite and usual cured good Peruna spirits. advised A
to who try had it been and I sent by for bottle at in*
a once. day*
and am glad to say that in three
the phlegm had loosened, and I felt better,
my appetite returned and within nine day*
1 was in my usual f/ood health.
—Miss Helen Sauerbier.
Peruna is an old and well tried remedy,
for colds. No woman should be with¬
out it.