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The Font Valiev X Leaden*
Official Organ of
Houston County
Leader Publishing Co., Lessees.
R. M. Reynolds, Editor and Manager.
\ TV mis of Subscription:
One yeftf....... ...... $
Six mouths....
Throe months.
Bnton-rt as second-class matter Aug. 20,1000, the
the post-office at t'ortValley , Qa., under
of Coneresh of March!! 1870.
We cannot gurantee the
cation of any article sent
later than Tuesday noon.
Fort Valley, Ga OCT. 16, 1908.
Ex-Senator ‘Smith, of
Jersey, says Bryan is sure to
elected. He ought to know,
he spent the whole summer
Tlk power of money was
demonstrated when a
vania man knocked out a
by striking him on the head
a small bag-of change.
“Evelyn Thaw has gone
retirement,” says a
Will the congregation rise
join us in singing that
old ballad entitled “I Don’t
If You Never Come Back. 5 J
The Vermont Legislature
have two Democrats in the
ate hereafter. They will have
great time deciding who shall
the leader of tlie minority.
A Texas Man has married
woman whose pie killed her
husband. W e admire courage
a man,but this looks like
remark that Taft is runing on
record and that Bryan is
i away from his record is
epigrammatic? and accurate
well deserves to “stick- >>
It takes a child a couple
years to learn to talk and then
takes the rest of a lifetime
learn to keep from talking
Lives pi great men should
WtNtan make our saceurst
If we leave our business
Where they can be found
Hear st.
Hubbie—My dear, if I
leave the office in time for
tonight I will send you a note
a messenger.
Wife- You need not go to
expense, George, for I have
ready found the note in your
pocket.— Philadelphia Inquire.
Epitaphs—As They Might Have
Here lies a man who seemed
think" His troubles he could
in drink.
(He succeeded.)
11 re lies a chap quite free from
strife. Who dared to
his wife.
(She married again.)
A hypnotist below doth lie,
Who looked a tiger in the eve.
(And the tiger won.)
Dear friends, here lies then bones
of one Who always carried a dead¬
ly gun.
(The other man drew first.)
Below a man quite safely lies.
Who jumped a chap just twice his
size. K
(Take warning.)
Kind friends, stop here and
please take mote. Here lies the
fool who rocked the boat.
(Companions were rescued.)
A Hair-Raising Tail
They were discussing the
proper way to bring up rabbits,
when the young man in the white
canvas hat with a light blue band
threw away his cigarette and
remarked dreamily;
a Speaking of raising hairs,
when I was up in Canidalast year
I heard of a hair tonic that was
so marvelous it made me some¬
what sceptical. finally I bor¬
rowed some of it to try on a tame
jackrabbit that had been rather
out of sorts ever since his tail got
chopped off by accident. I gave
him some of it, and it sure toned
hinrup great—in fact, I reckon
he's running yet. But he left
the loose piece of his tail behind
him and I says to myself: “It’s
a poor hair tonic that won’t grow
hair ’ Ss I tried some of it on
that chunk of tail. Well,
you can believe me or not, but as
sure as my name is Bates that
stuff was so powerful that itgrew
another hair on the tail in nine
and three-fifths seconds by my
There was silence for fort-eight
seconds, and then the stout man
in the pink shirt and the pale
green tie with purple dots spoke:
“That’s what you call a hair
raising tale,” he murmured in a
sudden burst of inspiration.—
Take Notice,
J Good Solid Values
| j We offer you to¬
Not $2.00 worth for one
dollar for you well know we
could not then stay in busi¬
ness long.
What you want is value
received and as many goods
as your money will buy in
any market.
Your Shoe Busi¬
ness is what we
are after, and
Dry Goods and
Winter Clothes,
we want you to
look at before you
Our Specials are:
The Irving Drew Shoes,
Holeproof Hose and Half
Hose with a six months
guarantee, and
Mattings and
5. B. Brown
& Son,
I Dry Goods,
Shoes and
t ’*
. V T
418 Poplar 5t. MACON, GA.
Will sell yon more goods at.
and better goods for the
8 A M E M O N E V
Head-to-F r. v T rSl m Outfitters
The largest and most complete line of cook stoves, grates,
wood and cos! heaters ever shown in Fort Valley. Daring Octo¬
ber 1 will offer these at the following extremely low prices:
$27.5® No. 8 six hds cast rssges, to go at i'a
cir m No. 7 six fid C f "ves, to go a: 19.50
iO U
v 20.09 No. 8 four hole large size stoves to go at ’(iM
15.00 No. 8 four bole 55 J? 5? 55 5? 55 11 . 6 ®
All of the above have frons 2§ to 24 pieces of wear mi are guaranteed.
$12.58 No. 7 cook stoves to go at $9,5®
55 7 55 55 55 55 8.01
The above have 16 pieces of ware and are guaranteed.
$18.5# No. 8 stoves to go at $10.25
10 0 @ No. 7 u u u ,7.75
9.80 No. 7 u u u 7.25
These have 7 to 9 pieces of ware.
A large lot of wood and coal heaters This ranging in price from $2 50 to $20.00, worth a great deal
more than I arn asking for them. is a rate bargain in stoves and heaters, come and see for your¬
if can’t write and I will send splendid '
self: you come you a cut of same and lull description, and
guarantee them to be as represented or money refunded. I will prepay freight on all stoves to be
shipped within 25 miles of Fort Valley. I carry arid a complete line of hardware- Have in stock a job lot
of buggy whips, shovels,, forks, tools, files pocket knives that I am selling at half price and less.
A full line of electric light supplies.
OlELVIO^ The Mai?du>ai*e Ilian.
346 to 352 Poplar street
Your money is as good as any¬
body’s. You are entitled to the
best that the market affords when
you spend it. That’s the reason
why you should come to see us
when you are in the market
Buggies, Wagons or Harness.
Now is the time to subscribe.
B*tn the The Kind You Haw Always Bought
Sif Bstu* /
1 Portable and
BoiSers, Saw Mills
Side Crank and STEAM ENGINES is
Center Crank
Highest grade Ginning Machinery,
Gasoline Engines, Shingle Mills, '-• is
Corn Mills and Pumping Outfits to Wt
be had in the entire South. Large
stock on fiend, best terms, quickest
delivery. It will pay you to investi¬
gate our machinery and prices.
; a HARD CLINCH ff Trade
; m lasting Zact, key Notice Beats GEORGIA on it every the and is the the keys! guaranteed world lath. one It and WOOD It locks for never only satisfaction. holding as cracks, real securely FIBRE wood breaks and as It fibre if is lasting there or sold plaster disintegrates. PLASTER by were thousands which qualities. a Mare. lock gives and I of 11
tons all over the South. Don't consider using any other brand
you write us for information, prices, etc.