Newspaper Page Text
Pointed Paragraphs.
The. dead letter probably died at
\ts post. • *
Good agenjU and sailors need w ind
in their canvas.
But few actresses are. as bad as
they are painted.
Havana wrappers make good
smoking jackets.’
Dreams and weather predictions
usually go by contraries.
Tjho wages of sin defies alike the
hard times and monopolies.
When a woman of, lofty laughs
heartily 7 she actually mgans it,.
Many a girl lives to regret the
day she married her ideal;mar*,
The automatic weighing, machine
gjyes pounds in,return for pennies.
ThcMijan who waits until tomor¬
row never accomplishes anything.
Occasionally a wise man makes a
fool of himself by getting married.
The man who poses as a fancy
whistler isn’t much good at anything
Perhaps all men are liars, but
there are times when it’s unwise to
say so.
Some girls are knpt so busy get¬
ting engaged that they have no time
to marry.
It isn’t what gmaii possesses that
makes him happy, but what he does
not want.
It is sometimes, mqya difficult to
win the father’s ear than,the. daugh¬
ter’s hand.
It’s pretty, tough when the “roll
of honpr” consists, of bytterlcss
dry, bread,
Ijfp who depends upon the invita¬
tions of others for his meals dines
very irregularly.
An honest man is not only the
noblest work of the Creator, but
also the scarcest.
A low voice is an excellent thing
in,a woman and a low theater hat
i? an,excellent thing op,her.
A fish diet may not strengthen
the brain, but going fishing, often
invigorates th% imagination.
Presence of mind; is undoubtedly
a good thing in the hour of danger,
but absence of body is a great deal
Probably nothing bor£s a man.
more, than to ha«e- another man be¬
gin aii-oxplanation of; something he
was just going to explain,
A. scientist says that.if atnanwere
able to junyi as far. in proportion to
h»M,ize as a flea lie could jump from
Chicago to St. Louis. Perhaps he
could, but if sensible he wouldn’t.—
Chicago News.
-n » ^-
The Southern Pine Company of
Georgia, owner of one of the largest
saw mill plants in the state, located
at Nicholls, in Coffee county, in ad¬
dition to crowded orders for lum¬
ber, has an order from one firm for
1,500,000 shingles.
The Journal wants to see Way-
orcisjs a, city of 10,000 population,
andi we believe we’ll see it-.—-Way-
arass. Journal. From the-way you
newspaper c-haps have been talking
down there,.we innocently (supposed
the towni contained not less than
50,000 already.
The Dispatch has had hint little
to say, about the sheriff’s advertis¬
ing, except-to announce it would be
that officials organ, and it has noth¬
ing to. say now, except that it is
quietly- picking its bone, which it
received clean, from the clean hands
of Sheriff Flhtcher.
Mr. J. Ml Garrett is still very
lbwvbnt witBta little change for the
better inthis condition. This genial
old gentlemanhas been confined to
• his bed for several, months from an
acute kidney trouble. Despite his
serious condition, many friends in
Tifton hope for his recovery.—Tif-
tomGazette, 27th.
The Dispatch has no (.hsin
The Cowboy Panco.
(iit yer little sage hens ready,
Trot ’em out. upon the floor;
Line up there, you cusses! Steady}
Lively now! One couple more,
Shorty, shed that ole sombrero,
. 1! rope ho, douse that cigarette ;■
iHtop that cussin', Casavero, ■
’Fq;;e the ladies. Now all set.
.S’lute yer ladies, all together,
Ladies.opposile the same;
Hit the lumber with yer leather,
Balance all and swing yer dame;
JJunch the heifers in the middle,
Circle stags and do si do;
I’ay attention to the fiddle-r
' Swing ’ey round and off yer go.
First four forward; back to places;
Second foliar, shuffle back;
Now you’ve got it down tq,gases,
Swing ’em till.tlieir trotters crack.
Gents all right a heel an’ tonin',
Swing ’em—kiss ’em if yer kin;
On to next an’ keep ngoin’
Till yer hit yer pards agin.
Gentsto center, ladies round ’em,.
Form a basket, balance all;
Whirl yer gals to where yer found,'em,
Promenade around the hall;
Balance to yer pards and trot ’em.
Bound the circle double quick;
Grab and kiss ’em while you’ve got ’em,
Hold ’em to it if they kick.
Ladies’ left hand to yet; sonnies,.
Alamane. Grand right an' left;
Balance alljin’ swing yer honeys—
Pick 'em up an’ {eel their heft.
I’romenade like skeery cattle,
Balance all an’ swing yer sweets!.
Shake yer spurs an’ make ’em rattle—
Keno! Bromenade to. seats.
—11. E. Bacchus, in Detroit FreeBress.
Ran Oown a Wild Turkey.
Some time ago—no matter how
long—Mr, W. Lennon and Mr.
Daniel J. Henderson went turkey
hunting. They are fine shots, both
of them, but on this particular oc¬
casion they did not do any shooting.
; Before reaching the swamp they
“flushed” some turkeys, one of
which—a big, fat one—did not rise,
but ran toward the swamp. They
determined to capture him alive.
To do this they had to keep him on
the run, but not get too close, to
force him to fly. The result was,
before the victim reached the swamp
he’ was too fagged out to make the
short but swift run necessary to en¬
able-kirn to rise, and they closed in
on him and captured him.
The arrest to-day of Marion Win¬
ter, an old.negro of Marion county,
on the.charge of passing counterfeit
m ohm;, brings to light a unique
case, says the Savannah News. A
few days ago bright, shining coins
made their appearance in Buena
Vista,, Winter’s home. The coins,
Unita&i States money, woro dated
back in the ’30’s. They were sus¬
piciously new looking. The banks
refused to take them and this led to
an investigation. It developed that
Winter was'the man responsible for
the circulation of the new-looking
money, and his arrest ensued. Win¬
ter is an unsophisticated looking
country darkey, and he says that
some of the money was given him
by his father and that he earned
some when a young man, He
packed it away to reserve it for old
age. He kept 340 bright half dol¬
lars in a candy jar, buried under his
house. With the coming of old
he needed the money and so he dug
up bis treasure the other day, only
to into trouble.
It sometimes takes severe lessons
to make some men appreciate
wives .and sing their praises.
the following from the
BranchiJournal:. “The editor
played a, new role for several days.
He has learned to make biscuit,,
meat and do general cooking. It
not a pleasant job and the
trouble is, it is never finished.
the time the dishes are washed
the fire goes ont in the stove it
time to fire up and commence
same thing over. The man
fails to appreciate a healthy
ought to trade himself oif for a
and hire the dog killed.”
No healthy person need fear
dangerous consequences from an
tack of la grippe, if properly
It is much the same as a severe
and ; requires precisely the
treatment. Remain quietly at
and take Chamberlain’s Cough
■ly as directed for a severe cold
■ prompt and complete recovery
Hire to follow. For sale by
p Ashley.
kt) u r JV1 the
good oc'lH
adapt thetfn ul
in a highly 1H
the local iic«H
a Gaily, p.ibliO
present prinlifl ■of
lessons for the* ■ its readers,
the idea being V I number of
phrases useful 1 lyday inter-
course. Hero j! _pifie
ment, with the on the Bft
and the pranuneiation of the ivoiBs,
according to the San Juan eoniKp-
tion of American, lingo, on the
How are you?
, se p’ronuncia Ilau aa iu?
Quite well, thank yon.
se pronuncia Kuoit well,zonk iu.
And your family ?
se pronuncia Kid iua femili?
Not very* well.
se pronuncia N.att v.eri uel.
Who is siek?
se pronuncia Hu iz, sik.
Mv boy.
se pronuncia Mai hot.
Good bye.
sq, pronuncia Gud bai.
How to Prevent Pneumonia.
You are perhaps aware that pneu¬
monia ahvays*results from a cold or
from an attack of la grippe. During
the epidemic of la grippe a few
years, ago, when so many cases re¬
sulted in pneumonia, it was ob¬
served that-the attack was never fol¬
lowed by that disease when Cham¬
berlain's Cough Remedy was used.
It counteracts any tendency of a
cold or la grippe to result in that
dangerous disease. It is the
remedy in the world for bad colds
and la grippe. Every bottle war¬
ranted. For sale by Luke
Due Credit Given,
J Jow sweet it would be
For just you and me
To live in a tree
Where the breezes so free
Would kiss us in glee,
T.hen scoot for the sea.
Ashburn Advance*
We give the Advance credit for
thn above, as published as
original in last week’s issue of th&,
paper; but we’ll “qualify” that Aunt
Sofrony published the same piece in
the Dispatch week before last, as
original, and she never claims as her
own the brain work of others.
To the Public.
Wo are authorized to guarantee
every bottle of Chamberlain’s Cough
Remedy to be afe represented and if
not satisfactory after two-thirds of
the contents have been used, will
refund the money to tho purchaser.
There is no better medicine made
for la grippe, colds and wh,oojfing
cough. Price, 25 and 50c per-bot¬
tle. Try it. Luke & Ashley.
Mr. J. ,T. • Whiddon, one of the
cleverest citizens of the Hat neigh¬
borhood, has gained several pounds
in weight recently. Cause, he killed
a buck one day last week that
ried twelve prongs on his
Tifton Gazette.,
LaGrippe is again epidemic.
ery precaution should be taken
avoid it. Its specific cure is
Minute Cough Cure; A. J. Shep-
erd, publisher Agricultural
and Advertiser, Eldeu, Mo.,
“No one will be disappointed
using One Minute Cough Cure
LaGrippe.” Pleasant to
to act. Luke & Ashley-.
By a recent act of the
a person who starts a fire that
stroys the fence or other
of another person, is guilty of a
demeanor and liable for the
of the loss due to hi* act.
this law will have a tendency
make farmers more careful
they burn off woods and old fields,
says an exchange.
The Ocilla Dispatch has
the official advertising of
county and is just tickled to
Bro. Haul ■own
j iWPuxat tke I
tor Diseases a
i Kidneys an
a n
II a! Ji
It has Cured Thoul
perate Cases.
PRICE, $1.00 pe:
ecu silts BY
Luke & Ashley, (I
Before a young ml
five he spends most ol
; ing to make the girls il I
I devil of a fellow,
spends most of it try
them think he isn’t.—1 \
Era. What kind of rails]
young man?
In order to ;Klvert?s(J U
per, itew subscribers
and send, i f soon, this
FOR and 6GC a (stamps takfer 1
—- “ {.Successor to owfA'a Advi
---------- and it will be' sent one
subscription;** t will send it the
“trial or It 1; 3|j
for 30C. Regular price $i per vear.
! lustrated, semi-monthly journal, bt 16 to 32 *paw j|
•miction, Poetry, Ad ventures b|y Sea and L
Wit and Humor, History* Biography, Trav B
Science, General Information. Womans pEPAKTItltl A
Taylor’s Love Letters to the Public are Wante of ( j§ fl
ci;il interest. Sample popy free; Aeents r il
fcVCEi I EDUCATION, etc. enough To any-subset Subsoil
fi « who will secure new
ers at our regular rates to will equal give the free: regular bic'd pr]
of the article selected, we scholarship in > eith
gold watch, diamond ring, Colleges, or a Nashville, Tern
of Draughon’s Business ail
Galveston, or Texarkana, Tex., or one in almost
business College or Literary, School. Write us. I
Mention Dispatch, Ocilla, iVwin Co.,
D. B. JAY r ,
J-. • Sffw JT
Law and Insurance*
O 011x4, 1 G.
Collections, and all legal Ini.-L \1
prompt attention. Office over. \ |
Baulk Co.’s store.
Ocnj.A, Ga.
Prompt attention to all legal bill
Agent tor lire insuyance. Office in rt
Bullard Co.’s old building. AV4
Rooms 2 and 4, EhiHips Block. *4-L9-!y
Tifton, ga.
Office in Tift Building. n2K«8
DBS. holtzeAdore,
Phillips! Building,.corner Pine and Grant
streets. Branch office at Ocilla. 12-97-tf
Attorney at Law,
Fitzoehald, - Ga.
Rooms 8 to 10, Phillips’ Block. 3-12-ly.
Fitzgerald, Ga.
Representing over 850,000,000. Room 1,
Fitzgerald Block. 3-12-98-tf
Attorney at Law,
Fitzgerald, - Ga.
Offices in Phillips’ Block. 2-19-ljjr
DR. J. E. GQJi