Newspaper Page Text
Hiauses ■at does it do?
the oil glands
Hb skin to become more
Ha IBe, making the hair soft
Hire glossy, precisely as
Hcleanses the scalp from
gBdruff of the and thus removes of
gw Hdness. great causes
it makes a better circu-
■ion in the scalp and stops
Je hair from coming out.
i !>i
[ surely Ayer’s make Hair hair Vigor will
grow on
bald heads, provided only
here is any life remain-
ng in the hair bulbs.
It restores color to gray
r or white hair. It does not
do this in a moment, as
will a hair dye; but in a
short time the gray color
of age gradually disap¬
pears and the darker color
of youth takes its place.
•- - Would you like a copy
. [? of our book on the Hair
and Scalp? It is free.
If you do not obtain all the benefits
l you expected from the use of the Vigor
write the Doctor about it.
Address, DR. J. C. AYER,
Lowell, Mass.
Desserts in Variety,
postres, or desserts, there is
variety, the majority of
s many fruits adapting
3 to the making of
’a vorite kind is that of the
. jr guava. This is a round,
a little larger than the plum
’ithin. It is eaten raw or in
s, and from it is also
amous brown guava paste
! ark red guava jelly.
fc^red BfciL milk in many brandy ways, 'he
or sw.
... it* "it.
^^■nihave ^■dutios. Ice boon Uopt is
or am
Hcatiso of tlio lack of
Hive fruit is sold
His gonornlly quite
■ towns finer candy is
^Be'rtcd again from high import France
^Hhe Jie Porto cause Ricans, of a lack of
as a
^Bholesale ^■fond of sweets, consumption ns is of
Hoanut, and guava candy,
Hie first and last sounds
■isitor to Porto Ricr- is the
R boys who have
je: pa-a-a!”—New “Dulce de coeo-o-o! York Times. Dulce
French and English at Sea.
jlief rely which, if not to
erroneous, appears
lly held that a war with
[were jbe unfortunately to
of short duration.
F with more or less
jut rk out the period ancient In which we
our enemy
I ally into a cocked hat at
fays to seven weeks, a very
Hedging,that it might run
ay months. We know of
pustify such optimism, but
!o lead us to a directly
i: and we conceive it
e to be of this opinion and
ee no question of the
bf such a lamentable
d that to attempt to draw
f from the results of recent
irs would be only to
es. There Is no
between the relative
nee and this country and
yi and Japan, or Spain and
IStates. If the British
Is that French naval
bve themselves to be as defi-
I strategical and tactical
■Beers Irated of China and Spain
themselves to be. it
l.g L Itself for a rude
Army and Navy Gazette.
^^yhas Hws Agriculture been Issued and or.will
[the bouifty Chilean of $125,000 Congress to
mpany or firm who will
! to establish an iron foundry in
n a sufficiently large scale.
“La Creole” Hair Restorer is a Perfect Dressing and Restorer. Price $1.00.
The Largest id the World to Be Built la the
Argentine Republic.
The great refrigerating and cold
storage plnnts of this country, the
largest in the world, promise before
long to be eclipsed by those of the Ar¬
gentine Republic. The Sanslnina plant
at Bnevios Ayres Is only one of several
and $4,000,000 has already been ex¬
pended upon it. It has a capacity for
slaughtering 3,000 sheep daily, with c
proportionate number of cattle. One
of tlie cold storage rooms holds 60,000
frozen carcasses of mutton at one
time. These are transported to Eu¬
rope in refrigerator steamers, A1
though there is a voyage of 7,000 miles
across the equator, the original cost
of each sheep is so small that the price
of the meat in Europe is not greater
than of that brought from the United
States and Canada. In 1897, 2,500,000
frozen sheep were exported from the
Argentine. If to these be added those
sent from Australia and America it
will be seen how dependent's Europe
upon foreign meat products, This
business was begun only in 1883, when
11,000 frozen sheep were sent from the
Argentine. It is estimated that that
republic now has a total of
sheep, twice the number of the
States. This great flock by no
represents the future capacity of
country, for 591,000 square miles, or
territory ten times the size of the
State of New York, is available
sheep pasturage. As yet it may be
said to be deserted, compared with
the number of animals that it will
port in the future. It will he
of supplying the civilized world with
all the mutton its inhabitants can
sume. Before the establishment of
frigerating plants In and the
tion of mutton from the
sheep that could not he utilized
their wool and tallow were driven
the rocks into the sea or were
for fuel until laws were passed
ing it a crime to drive living
into the fires of the brick-kilns.
White Deer.
I have heard of not less than
white deer lteinj killed in
alone this fall. One was taken
Ashland by F. C. Klady, H.
and Eric Seheidcen, who shot it
ember ID. Another was killed by
Catfish, a Flambeau Indian, on
ember 10, on the Lac du
reservation. It weighed 254
and had good antlers. It was
by the Indian agent and sent to
ago for mounting. A third
deer was killed by A. Vine, son of
school superintendent, on this
Flambeau reservation. It
225 pounds, and also had a good
of antlers. This specimen had a
small dark spots' on the legs, but
otherwise white. In the case of
Catfis h, the ‘Indian, it would
Bd forgettintf a good many
Traditions of his
gS>ich white says deer that Is forever the Indian
^■Catfish ^^piowed is by willing ill fortune. to take
cmHces in that line for the sake
the additional price that a white
brings in valid coin of the
Superstition and commerce
blend rather strangely.—-Forest
Beauty Is Blood Deep.
Clean blood means a clean skin.
beauty without it. Cascarets, Candy Cathar¬
tic clean your blood and keep it clean,
stirring tip the lazy liver and driving all
purities from the body. Begin to-day
banish pimples, boils, blotches,
and that sickly bilious complexion by
Cascarets,—beauty for ten cents. All
gists, satisfaction guaranteed, 10c, 25c, 50c.
The Austrian Government serum
in Vienna for the treatment of
disposed of thirty thousand, four
nnd thirty-four bottles of the remedy
the last twelve months.
To ('me a Cold in One T>ay.
Take Laxative Bromo Quinino Tablets.
Druggists refund money if it fails to cure.
There is a creature known as the
fish, or myxine. which is in the habit of
ting inside cod and similar fish and
ing the interior until only tho skin and
skeleton are left.
H. H. Green’s Sons, of Atlanta, Ga.. are
only successful Dropsy Specialists in the
See their liberal offer in advertisement in
other column of this paper.
teething.softens Mrs. Winslow’s the Soothing gums, reduces Syrup for^hildren iimamma-
tion.allays pain.cures wind colic. 25c. a bottle.
Cvclists in Denmark are not allowed to
faster than the speed of a cab through towns.
To Cure Constipation Forever.
Take Cascarets Candy Cathartic. 30c or 25c.
Ji C. C. C. fail to cure, druggistsrofund money.
Ireland possesses the most equable climate
pf any European country.
How’s This?
We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward for
any casoi of Catarrh that cannot be cured by
Hall’s Catarrh Cure.
F, J. Cheney & Co . Props., Toledo, O.
We, the undersigned, have known F. J. Che¬
ney for the last, 15 years, and believe him per¬
fectly honorable In all business transactions
and financially able to carry out any obliga¬
tion made by their firm. Toledo,
West & Trpax, Wholesale Druggists,
Ohio. Drug¬
Walding, Kinnan & Marvin, Wholesale
gists. Toledo. Ohio.
Hall’s Catarrh Cure is taken internally, act¬
ing directly upon tha blood and mucous sur¬
faces of the system. Price,75c. per bottle, aoid
by all Druggists Testimonials free.
Hall's Family Pills are the best.
I believe Piso’s Cure for Consumption Doug¬ saved
my boy’s life last summer.—Mrs. Allie
lass, Le Roy. Mich., Oct. 20, 1894.
Twenty-six thousand men are employed at
the Krupp gunworks.
Educate Your Bowels With Cascarets.
iCandy Cathartic, cure constipation forever.
Wc,25c: If C. C. C. rail, druggistsrofund money.
i AU the pope’s private fortune is invested
i» British securities.
S i @4
& O', &
fl p
V;;*.. r-i.'.w mi*
% jtf--: 7 %.
■f P
V & 1
I ¥ (§
’ T V &
In fifteen minutes' time, with only a cake of Ivory
Soap and water, you can make in your own kitchen,
a better cleansing* paste than you can buy. v
Ivory Soap Paste will take spots from clothing;
and will clean carpets, rugs, kid gloves, slippers, patent, baits,
enamel, russet leather and canvas shoes, leather
painted wood-work and furniture. The special value
of Ivory Soap in this form arises from the fact that it
can he used with a damp sponge or cloth to cleanse r
many articles that cannot be washed because they will
not stand the free application of water.
DIRECTIONS FOR MAKING.—To one pint of boiling water add one
and one-half ounces of Ivory Soap cut into shavings, boil five minutes after
the Soap is thoroughly dissolved. Remove, from the fire, e.nd cool iu con¬ t
venient dishes (not tin.) It will keep well in an air-tight glass jar, .
Copyright, 1897, by The Procter & Gentle Co., ClncinneU.
V a
Pr is One of the First Symptoms of B N
Y, Failing Health in a Woman is
Did yon ever think that there is always a Jr ||
r cause for this malady? In women Nervous. *8
V ness is generally the forerunner of some
form ofTemale disease, such as Whites, F ’
Painful, Profuse will or Irregular Menses, etc.,
\ V- yV. either of which produce Nervousness ,
’ ' * w ) in all of its distressing intensity. If you use "
•*§Gerstle’s Female Panacea
S m ft t »*d=(G-.P 1 .^>J»ark. - "f
i you will very soon; be cured of Nervotia-
. p|:|/ Yff cess If costiv^A*move and all other female the bowels troubles with as well. milej L
Regulator i-
doses of StK goh’s Liver
I HAVE SUFFEREW with sip BjBlugfl to the
With painful menses, attended also sour ilfc pit
and occasional whites. I used have various severe 'lemgtf
bad I cannot rest. I have months wheMal
no relief until about two and ST. JtfSKPfl'3. ago. LIV
Female Panacea m
more Glenmore, good than Go.' all others. I sbnll^ggSasp® WHi
formation If your regarding case is complicatedj the use of this write medicx
gist. If he does not keep it send us $1 ai ■K^
ail charges paid. L. GERSTLE & CO]
Cattle in a Bath.
According to a recently adopted
ulation cattle entering the
or stock yards, of the Western
from infected regions further South,
must undergo a disinfecting hath.
administration of this bath was
gurated at St. Louis with some
The hath is composed of water
taining a solution of kerosene and
phur. Under the superintendence
the chief inspector, seventy-two
were first treated. They objected
somewhat strenuously, as was natur¬
al in view of the composition of the
bath, but quite in vain. They were
thoroughly soaked, the process requir¬
ing some thirty-six minutes.
They came out, shaking their heads
and blowing, but without any ill ef¬
fect. The result being satisfactory to
the inspector, a much larger number
of cattle and straightway put into the
bath, and none c^f them found them¬
selves any the worse for the sulphur
and the petroleum.
No-To-Bac for Fifty Cents.
Guaranteed tobacco habit cure makes weak
men strong, blood pure. 50c,$1. All druggists
St. Petersburg’s bronze statue of Peter the
Great weighs 1,000 tons.
The Potash
A thorough study of the sub¬
ject has proven that crop fail¬
ures can be prevented by using
fertilizers containing a large
percentage of Potash; no
plant can grow without Potash.
We have a little book on the subject oi
Potash, written by authorities, that we
would like to send to every farmer, free of
cost, if he will only write and ask for it.
QER 1 TAN kali works.
93 Nassau St., New York.
: Efl _
j |W3n
,J ! tar
' -ta r
'v-'ta® Si
Corn Mills, Teed MHg WM
ery and INSERtH
SOLID and ta
Locks, Knight’s Pateut^swo, «.
Mill and Knernie Repairs, of Mill Gove Supplies. orsTHrafce Price
Bars and a full line
and quality of goods guaranteed. Catalogue
free by mentioning this paper.
Parniaasntly Prevented Cored
Insanity by
trior liril FJ$ dar'« n«o. Trceti.eand$2 trialbottl. charges only
free to patients, tbey paying: Kline, egress Ltd, Bcllevo*
when received. Send to Dr.
Institute of Medicine. U31 Arch St.. Thiladeluhia. Pa.
m this 200,000 '
We wish to gain and lienoe year
,y<3r new customers, oner
1 Pk g. i3 Day Radish, Cabbage, 10 IOC C
a 1 Pkg. Early Ripe Red Beet, loo
mm 1 " Earliest Lightn’e Cucumber 10c
I: [ 1 “ Long
1 " Salzer’s Best Lettuce, 15o
1 " California Fig Tomato, 20o
1 '* Early Dinner Onion, Seeds, loo 10c
i' 3 u Brilliant Flower ^Eoo
CT Worth fl.OO , for 14c enU,
i Above 10 pkgs. worth together $1.00, with wo will
■ |9 ,1| mail you free, and Seed Catalogue our
great 2 r receipt Plant of this notice & 14c
pon >Ve invite trade and
u noBtag-. tnow when your try Salzer’s
you once alongwith-
seeilsyon will never get GSc.^and
a*u*. out them. Onion Seed S1.2D
^ lb. Potatoes at No. AC
® a Ubl. Catalog alone5c.
e©a®a®3»o e®o©9O®(C0©oaffl®®a
and cured Whiskey home Habits with¬
out ?ain. Book FREE. of par- .
Alia uta, ua. Office 104 N. Pryor St.
DROPSYSSIS^ testimonials and 10 davg* treatment
cases. Book of Box
Free. Dr. H. H. GREEN’8 SONS D, Atlanta. GAt
YUkf ANTED—^ Case of bad health that RT - P A* N*S
VY will not brfhe’fit. Send ft cts. to Ripans Chemicftl
Co., NewYork, for 10 samples and 1QW testimonials.