Newspaper Page Text
A i
for infants and Children.
M OTHERS, Do You Know that Paregoric,
Bateman’s Drops, Godfrey’s Cordial, many so-called Soothing Syrups, cud
most remedies for children are composed of opium or morphine ?
j; 0O YOU Enow that opium and tnorphine are stupefying narcotic poisons ?
'• Do you Know that in most countries druggists arc not permitted tosell narcotics
without labeling them poisons f
Do v on Know that yoa should not permit any medicine to be given ycur child
unless you or your physician know of what it is composed ?
Do V on Know that Castoriaisa purely vegetable preparation, and that a list of
its ingredients is published with every bottle?
Do V on Know that Castoria is the prescription of the famous Dr. Samuel ri teller.
That it has been in use for nearly thirty years, and that more Castoria is now sold than
of all other remedies for children combined ?
„„ yo n Know that the Patent Office Department of the United States, and of
ether countries, have issued exclusive right to Dr. Pitcher and his assigns to use the word
*• Castoria ” and its formula, and that to imitate them is a state prison offense ?
I- yp n Know that one of the reasons for granting this government protection
was because Castoria had been proven to be absolutely harmless ?
Do YOU Know that 35 average doses of Castoria are furnished for 35
cents, or one cent a dose ?
p 0 yo n Know that when possessed of this perfect preparation, your children may
be kept well, and that you may have unbroken rest ?
wi-.-H. these things are worth t rowing. They are facts.
The fac-slmitc is on every
signature of wrapper.
Children Cry for Pitcher’s Castoria.
Crisp for a Popular Vote.
Judge Crisp suggested to the
State Democratic Executive
Committee, by letter, that the
Ipeople should be permitted a
direct voice in the matter as to
[who should succeed Senator
' Gordon. Following up his con¬
victions on this line, he has
addressed the following letter
to the Executive Committee of
the varrious counties of the
“To the Democratic Execu¬
tive Committees of the Several
Count’es of Georgia. Gentle¬
men; Accompanying this is a
copy of a letter recently address¬
ed by me to our state executive
committee. For the reasons
therein given and for others that
will occur to you I respectively
suggest that at the primary
election to be held on the 6th
day of June next the democrat¬
ic voters of each county be ac
corded the privilige of express¬
ing by ballot theii choice
for the office of the United
State senator for the term be
gining March 4.1897.
“Through our state and the
country generally there is a
growing sentiment in favor of
the election of sena tors by the
people. The adoption of the
plan indicated will respect tiiis
sentiment and practically reach
the end desired.
“I know you will acquit me
of any improper purpose in
making this suggestion when
you ble reflect that the only possi¬
effect of affirmative action
upon it will be to remit to the
people themselves the duty of
filling the by a direct vote one of
ed for most important offices creat¬
their benefit.
“With assurances of respect
Mid the utmost confidence,
I am truly and sincerely yonrs
Charles F. Crisp
It must be plain to the people
°f Georgia that congressman
Cnsp is not afraid to submit
bis candidacy tor Senate, to
tbe people. He is an honest,
fearless champion of tho money
of the Constitution and he open¬
ly asks that his principles be
sustained or condemned by the
whole people. This is nothing
but fair and, despite the Gold
bug cry that the free silver
craze (?) is “dying” and “dead”
[i /
if Georgia voters have an oppor¬
tunity to speak out for their
preference for a man to succeed
Senator Gordon, Crisp will
meet with such a victoi v as
never crowned his political am¬
bition before.
How Wan a inker Adver=
Johnnie Wanamaker. now the
largest merchant in Philadel¬
phia. thus gives his experience
in advertising:
“I do the heaviest advertis¬
ing in dull times. Then it is
that people look most keenly
for bargains and are anxious to
know how much things cost
and when they can save money.
I advertise particular things,
give prices, and take as much
pains with my announcement
as I do with my stock. One
big dinner want keep up the
reputation of a house—but stea¬
dy good cooking does it I nev¬
er permit interest in my an
nouncements to lag, and never
miss an issue in my chosen pub¬
lications. Advertising has made
my store one of tho largest in
the world.”
‘ ‘The cuckoo idea is that the
country can borrow itself rich
and grow more prosperous as
prices go lower. The country
is now engaged in trying the
experiment, and it is not pan¬
ning cut.— Atlanta Constitu¬
Heretofore it has been the
practice for counties to elect a
score or more of delegates to
the State convention. It was a
cheap compliment to pay men
that it was desired to nurse poli¬
tically. This year a county will
be allowed to send only as
many delegates as it has votes
in the convention—a very sensi
able change.—Augusta Chron¬
Always Pays to use Ed y stone
• 4 From. TJ.S.Jctirvol of JTedictni
Trot. V7. H. reekc, who
& makes ft specialty of
Epilepsy, has without
y doubt treated and cur¬
ed more cases than any
living Physician; is astonishing. his
We have heard of cases
of 20 years’ standing
j j cured by
him. Ho
j I valuablo p ublishes a
J this work die- on
4 j j ho ease,which sends
it h a
large bot¬
tle of his absolute cure, free to any sufferers
who may send tlicir P. p. and Express address.
We advise any one wishing a euro to address
ProtW. a. F« !>., 4 Cedar St., New York
Silver in ths West.
Goveruer Boise, of Iowa, the
only democrat who can carry
Iowa, is not only in favor of
the free coinage of silver, but
takes pains to say emphatically;
“I want it, therefore, under¬
stood by every friend I have
in Iowa that the utmost extent
of the ability I possess 1 will do
all I can to restore the finau
cial system adopted by our fa¬
thers and guaranteed to their
decendants in the most solemn
form c that human right . *t of c any
kind can be secured to a free
•—» • •-
Why Is It?
That when you put your hand
in your pocket for a nickel and
find a quarter, you arc disap¬
That, if a woman, you insist
upon tellmg the conductor to
stop the car at the next street
when you havo already seen
him pull the bell cord for some¬
body else?
That, when you owe your
giocera small bill, you trade
and pay cash at his cmnpeti
That you wear your old coat
without flinching provided you
have a better one at home?
That you Say you “used to
play a good game,” when you
can’t make a simple carom at
That you use half a dozen
towels on the sleeping car when
one is sufficient at home?
That you tell an utter strang¬
er facts yon wouldn't whisper
to your nearest friend?
That you grapple with and
overcome a present trouble and
missfortune when you worry
over a theoretical one in the
future?—St. Paul’s Dispatch.
iPWPS fh
Nonsense! That’s a doctor’s
Justice Lowe, of Ridgeway,
Mich., was a Rheumatic sufferer
over 78 years old—‘‘too old to
expect a cure,” so they said.
He took
r/an&fleurdl^io "^Rheumatic
and is on his feet again, going
about the country well and
Remarkable case, you say. All
cases where this remedy is
used are remarkable. It’s a
remarkable medicine.
It cleanses the blood of acid
—makes a torpid liver active.
Testimonial bebw:
practice. 1 Audit &• -'xceller.^ rerceuy wt
in habitual costive, css, indigef'lQB k ^
and dyspepsia mi. J. C. COU1FOUD.
Ue ruciak Springs. * la. W
Ask Your RrujSi. l or Merchant Far It vp
CULLEN Sole P & oprietors, NEWMAN. Vf
List of Jurors
Drawr for April t^rm, of Rockdale
Superim Court, 1806, by hla Honor
Heliard H. Clark, on the IStb dar of
October IS 95.
1 T C. M( Calls, 2 Geo W. Warren.
3 I'. M. Almand, 4 J. A. Lowe, 5 .1 I.
I’fite, 0 Wm L McKuight, 7 J. T.
Adair, 8 M. H. Wesley, 8 1!. D. What¬
ley, 10 M L. Wood, 11 P. H. White,
12 . 1 . 8 . Weatherford, 13 8 . 11 . Wood,
14 .Tno. W. McDaniel, 15 W. 8 . Yea',
16 B. F. Tucker, 17 W. W. Swann, is
■fames W, Cowan, Sr., 18 Thos. K
Brodnax, 20T. T. Thra.her, 21 Robert
Hollingsworth, 22 A. D. Siininu rs, 28
Glenn H. Owens, 24 Walter Wood. 25
A. J. Smith, 20 S. J. Taylor 27 Jas. 1*
Tilley, 28 Arthur Whitaker, 2D Jas. L.
McCalla, 30 L. J. Almand.
1 M. C. White, 2 II. A. Moon, 3Thos.
W. Hoff, 4 John G. Malcolm, 5 W. H.
Massey, 6 S. L. Almand, 7 E. J. Argo,
8 J. C. Plunkett, 9 T. L. O’Kelley, 10
D. A. Tucket, 11 S. A. Helms, 12 J. P
McDaniel, 13 J. W. Swann, 14 Jas. K|
nhite > w Walter l. Scott, 16 R, O,
Lailev, 17 Jas. A, Stowers, ISC. E.
Reagan, 19 Z. S. Christian, 20 M. A.
Waldrop, 21 H. A. Turner, 22 T. II.
Bryang, Jr. 23 Geo. w. McDaniel, 24
R. B. Vaughan, 25 John G. Johnson
26JohnR cooper, 27 G. J. Rollings
worth, 28 John William Johnson, 29
•D H. Nolan, 30 Manly F, Turner, 31 G.
N. Sanders, 32 John II. Tucker, 38 C.
Humphries, 34 Alfred F. Simssr., 85
David Vaughn, sr., 80 G. W. Cair..
1 E, C. Grenad.p, 2 W. A. Browning,
3 J. E. Maddox, 4 Joseph Askew , 5 R.
JvCarr, 9 Joel Marks, 7 W. J. Williams
8 1. A. Goode, 9 Josiah James, 10 G. A
Haralson, 11 Wm D Smith, 12 John H,
Maddox, 18 Geo. P. Tilley, 14 J. W.
McOlung, 15 Wm. S. I.ester, 16 A. N.
Pliinket, 17 John W. Shaw, 18 Jas. M.
Street, 19 I). H. Bowen, 20 Milt R.
Christian, 21 wm. U. Wallace, 22 H. V.
Hardwick, 23 j. R. Harvill. 24 .rohn
T. Sim 0 . 25 G. B. Hudson, 26 E. A,
\\ 55Sk" mA
h r 9t TO k
fc\\ 'a ft t
■At: ri J.
) v\ aKgfc
\ ’t 9 /
\ % //,
^ 5
rjjv t
hit f/l
- * i
, i ^ Superior To Al! SarsapariHas. s.
TIoti u in Georgia, over fifty years! a marvelous medicine was discovered It was wliat •7
■■ V- iv.vii as I*. *». I*., (Lippman's Great Remedy), and its fame and reputation has been
v. i«U the years.
. : .•nimalism, Blood Poisoning, Tain in the side, svristr., shoulders, back and joints,
y- lalaria, Scrofula, and all Blood and Skin Diseases, it liar, never been equalled.
’■ L. subjugated, Health Renewed, Appetite restored and sleepless nights banished oy
i it- v f::.ierful influence.
I’. 1*. I’, builds is a wonderful them tonic lias and the universal strengthened commendation Weak women of medical should always throughout take
V. I’. 1*. It up It li cit
the country, !>ccause we publish the formula on every bottle, end cue trial will convince the
mo: t skeptical that it is a genuine health restorer.
Read The Truth And Be Convinced.
A Wonderful Cure.
T was ft warivr nil tnetdetnea mnssptl&r and rhrutiiatism for thirty
years: tr:c*<l doctor* with no per
.nam.ul re!fci. I wns advised lo take F. I\ P.. and
bciore I had finished two l>o* U*a niy pain subsided
so I *.7fts able to work. I feci better than I have for
years, and am confident of ft complete recovery.
J. S. DUTRISS, Newuanvillc, Fia.
Testimony from tho Mayor.
I fullered with Rheumatism for fifteen yeaTs, tried
grandson all the so-called specifics, bottle of but F. to no and purpose. feel like My
g’ot me a F. F., I a
new niau.
W. It. WILDER, Mayor of Albany.
From Two Well-known Physicians.
We are haring: it a big: sale for your and F. find P. it P., and
we prescribe iua greatniany cases, an ex-
The above letters are taken from many received by vs. P. P. P,, ( Lippman's
Great Remedy,) is a medicine whose virtues arc known from the Atlantic to the Pacific.
P. P. P. begins its work by purifying the blood, which is the source of all life,
&ud does not cease until a perfect and entire cure is effected.
The mortifying eruptions that disfigure the complexion, the tired feeling that pre¬
vents thorough accomplishments of the daily tasks, sleepless nights, loss of appetite,
irritability of disposition, all mean a derangement of the system consequent from
impure blood, which can and will be cured by P. p. P.
P. P. P. ( Lippman's Great Remedy), is conceded by physicians and the people
to be the Greatest Blood Purifier of the Age. It positively and permanently
cures. For sale by all druggists or direct from us; price $1 a bottle, six bottles for $ 5 .
•» nonaross,
Harpfl527 A S Farmer, 28 Liunrar IL.n.
2!) Lemuel j Slm«. 50 Kghert A,
31 jS Black, Pi J H Tar lor, 83 Gw,
C Mitch, 11, 84 M M Norton, 35 Turn
it ' Miller, 38 O S Ifargnoi!.
BANKRUPT in health.
constitution undermined by ex¬
travagance in eating, by disre¬
garding the laws .of nature, or
physical capital al! gone, if so,
Tutt’s Liver Pills will cure you.
For sick headache, dyspepsia,
sour stomach, malaria, torpid
liver, constipation, biliousness
and all kindred diseases.
Tutt’s Liver Pills
an absolute cure.
When Baby was Rick, we gave her CaMria
When She was a Child, she cried for Castoria.
When she became Miss, she clung to Castoria.
When she had Children, she gave them Castoria.
Our prices on advertising.
You want to make money !
(64 pages) for men and women who arc
afflicted with any form of private dis¬
ease peculiar to their sex, errors of
youth, contagious diseases, female trou¬
bles, etc., etc.,
Send 2 two cent stamps, to pay post¬
age, to the leading specialists and physi¬
cians in this country - . I3r. HATHAWAY
& CO., 22 % So. Broad St., Atlanta, Ga
cellent thinr- Y.*c handle about esc do ztn bottles a
JL>rs. J. M. * M. T. RICHARDSON. Tiedn:Out, S. C.
Hot Springs Surpassed.
A bottle of P. r. p.. has done me more n°°d than
three months’ treatment cl the- JI< t HprinffH, Ark.
JAMES M. NIJWTON, Aberdeen, lirown Co., O.
Pimples, Sorco and Eruptions Cured.
qualities I take great of the pleasure popular Iti medicine te«lifyinp to the efficient
for skin diwans
known aa V. F. F. I suffered for several years with
an After unsightly nnd disagreeable eruption on iny face.
taking three bottles iu accordance with direc¬
tions, I am entirely cured.
Capt. ]. V. JOHNSTON,
Larannah, Ca. of Johnston A Co.
NO. 12
la in selling
frr* le Clark
l O YV « Some¬
thing- every
f * ^ ,,.^1 *■-*■-* ^ ny Al ri t' n g\ v7 r] vl o O
p AvClll. oil g lill \ i^| tyi p
J. A. Goode.
“ My wife used only two bottles. She
vas easily and quickly relieved; is now
ioiDg splendidly.— J. S. Morton, Harlow, N. C.
Seat by express or mad, nji receipt of price,
$ 1.00 prr bottle. Book "TO MOTHERS’’
mailed free.