Newspaper Page Text
m ' - I m m * lj J §ge OK T~r^ 1 M % m "j m '--V* m * A- 87 p i WEEK I.V
03 n m 1 a; v^"* I gj G i;£ v ; 5Mf -;* VF; •*A I III ■ j£L J&E E
are agents for the alcCALL BAZ YRPATTERNS, of New York, at 10c ami 15c each.
Whilst O to sell Hio McCall Magaziue at good salary. Os a 13 .
invited To inspect the big shipments of Clothing, Drtss Goods, Shoes, Hats etc ■ ? etc., and hear prices that will be a saving to all. Quick Sales, Small Profits.
1 all sssssm^s^SM^emK^KS^ SAMPLES FURNISHED WITH ATSfcr-’* :s^mms2£2£aSEl£2^£ - PLEASURE.
F M L-. U ''T RT * 1 L 1 N E R CD .k
Ve are now prepared
o offer to the trade seyer
al Let tdiiifT Brands of Fer &
tiiizers . These goods.ha\ V-.
been used it). this section
for a number o &a years aiu
from tic,to al held lest havt
ft r 0i d to be second to
none which H * C'i a better ree
omihendatiun than
thing we might say* M’ e
l/ihi) have cottonseed meal
find acid, Ilia slicing the
people for past patronage
we solicit a contitiuunee
of the same.
Very Respectful Is.
K^wiiMew'nV)ii B—« niHI ■Wr i .*•- 5
When you want a good, safe turnout one that you can
drive with
One that looks well and goes well, call on me.
Good drivers furnished if desired
Terms very reasonable.
"Mice to Debtors
ami Creditors.
P J' '' : o are indebted to Jas. I>
ll, G:ni, deceased, will please ca
and settle same. Also I at
“>tl>«riz- ? d to settle all of his just
Pfer. Eo don’t delay but call at
Jno. C Stephenson. Ex’r.
• c; tA. Rockdale County;
: fowl "‘in it may concern:—John
H ; - administrator of llobt L
jm ! j; ■ u : of said county disc sed
t-is final return and made
u for letters of dismission
~ administrator
*r ' r rust as such
Y\ j n pass upon the same on
(; i//' 11 J’Lnday U r hand in April and official 1500.
ibis my
• Jan. 3rd 1900.
A M Helms, Obi>.
to Debitors and
fib Creditors -
R> 1 1 indebted to the estate of
nr „ ; ’■‘Ly deceased, and ail
! “ g claims ahainst said
r tate. are hereby notified
% ., ; : same the undersign
^ to
■ *< meat at once,
h; 1 S' Stanley, Admr.
^*Vc. • 9th, 1800,
IVotiee to T>cl>toi*fii and
Georgia, Rockdale County:
All persons holding claims or
mands against the' estate ol fol)
lr,and, late of said county, decesed,
are hereby notfled to present and ah to
me properly authenticated
persons indeb'ed to said deceased
are required to make immeihate
This Feb. 9,1900. Almand. Admr.
It A
Dissolution ISoteie.
Notice is hereby giver, that the firm
of Stark & Lonrshore is this day mu
tuallv dissolved.
This Jan. 1, 1900.
Suesosibbbs: Search your mind,
Do you owe ns for your paper?
you do. don't you know we need the
money? Don't you Know you ought
to pay us? Don’t you know you
would feel better it you would pay
us? Come in and pay up or write us
about it.
Ectem* and C*
List of Jurors#
Drawn to Serve at April Term
Ro kdale Superior Court.
Grand jukoks:
James T, Pate, Josiah Askew
■•4 t - e W. Rodgers, John M
D Hammock; John D
o t inn A. Oast lev. Wit
L* Plunket, James W
8,»n». W.U’.am T Sunton,
Ke,;l H t’epoheart. Wnitaw T
B.ik ptngioti, Preston T} M Born,
John it Atmand James S Vrsu
Jcrasee , W. JontsB, T Joseph , , W ...
Maddox, , Jud-son, , , i> li Rosser, r.
Ulom,UO«mL ,»i Longshore,
,. ... , , ...
‘VciWvjny, . oiti ami.
uaU 1 d,U !'’ VI looker, enry Kee, UI '
u. r.
Roagau, Be..j .min V 'l ocker
James RHjois. Robt
.vottil. -
James T VVneeler, John W
MctJiung. William O Olotfelter.
Hugh L White, Joseph M Mc¬
Donald. G S F Miller. WtU
li irn (J McDonald, Chns O
Mitchell, John T A McCollum,
Thomas W Huff, John R Har
v<d, Henry 0 Amos, J Non is
Hate, David 0 Albert, Arthur
Whitaker, William M White,
John \v flollutgs Arorth, Kimsey
M Warren, James 8 Weather¬
ford, Id us M Walker' will lain
J Williams, John H Maddox,
J j Mann, Madison Maddox, jr,
John J McClelland, Josiah G
Ray, Janies H Peek sr, William
Lackey, Addison S Turner,
John Reagan, James J White,
John Yv Mote, Thomas E Nor¬
ton, William J Lester, William
L Peek, James R Treadwell.
The pjess and the govern
met) t of Greece are reported
be doing all they can to stop
rapidly increasing emigration
of Greek peasants to the United
States. The it labors are along
the tight line. We certainly
have pretty nearly enough cor
tier fruit stands and push-carts
in this country—Ex.
! <*<) tEiuc n formation some
Uni i:S makes a fool of a man.
Uni- -- ■* hjmu tries he never
Kitoiv b h it he i- unalile to do.
■ A Louis man keeps a list
of li the banks in the country.
This enables him to boast of his
large bank account.
It’s a wise young man who
recogmz-’s a hint when his best
girl gives it.
gome men are never satisfied
After having their limbs brok
en head smashed, etc., they go
to law and try to get further
While the loafer waits for a
J come along * the hus
tier goe^ and meecs it.
The prosperity of to-morrow
does not depend entirely on the
of to-day, but cornea a:
seed sown all over the field of
the past. Today’s advertising
may not bring a single custo¬
mer, but a. month’s advertising
will bring profitable trade, and
the advertising of years will
bear f. nit in proportion as it, is
planted in a well tilled field. Ex.
«<»rg, ...... .11 be tho fa- .
a h.ost
' ,nMd «ar,l. I. ittat
the eclipse l of the t-un which oc
<"'™W* . h J of . .. M ou ?•
«»" * »/ V
1 his hat been discovered by
astronomers every where, and
t'»™« "‘H >■» 1,1
terent parts of t he state lo take
u f ,h e pheimme
non which is so rarely visible in
ctviIiz ,,,, ul!llrie8 .
^ u ,„ dit6c Uy in the
Ulwot „„ „ >ta| ^ pse . The
io,,. party which has decided tu
Come here is from tite Massa¬
chusetts Institute of Technology
■oedried at Boston.
The party will he rn tdv Up of
Piois. Bunco and Robbins, and
Mr. George tiosmer.
They will observe the time of
contact, and Use photographs of
corona dining totality, which
las'.s about one and a half min.
u tos.
The observers will establish
themselves for their wuik at
Washington, Ga.
Another parly of observers
wdi be at the University i>l
Geo.gia at Athens, This party
is from Harvard/ In otVer
parts of t'’e state scientific {tar
ties, pi‘i!ici[ially from the north,
wdl watch I lie eclipse —Augus¬
ta Herald.
‘‘So you are looking for a po
gition.” said 1 ho merchant, to
the youth with (he high collar
noisy necktie* ( *What can
you do?” ’‘Oh. any old thing,’
replied Hie young man. •‘Of
course, f don’t expect (ho jun
ior partnership at the start, but
I want to be sure of an eailv
rise. > 1 “Very well,’ replied the
merchant, ‘I'll make you assis¬
tant j mitor. You will rise at.
4 o’clock ev ry morning and
8weep the floors.”
h X)pT^ \-— A i y
\ I
a.24o Ft \
AB0VL A *]) LiT Agricultural
SEA. \ l LlU College
?! Maw BuicoihG. rum'QN.
ti 1
;d| tM v iiffTfc)
a rXX T?(. iL k'YLr- -
DAHLONEGA, r5cH GA. of A.B.,
n.S., A collageeJucattou Normal and Business in Um Man’s all.
cioodJalioratorieb; healthful, pood invigorating moral and cJi
m »tc; military Ch-upest board in U»c
religious influences.
State; abURd->ncccf country produce ;expeoscs
from $75 to $15J a year; board in dormitories
or prirate families. full faculty Sjx-cia! cf iliac; license all course trader tho lor
teachers; control cf the Uaivcrsity. A college
rustication of Tleinsti- prrpar
itory class, ( sexes.
tut ion fonnded specially for sttidentsof limited
mean*. Lend for catalogue to the President,
’ «. a. grew**r, a.M.
The best a 1 vc rt'sement, like
tho best sermon i omes, from
■lm heart. A preachej wlio pre¬
pares bis disco > 8 in perfunc¬
tory manner not more than half
believing or at, least not entire¬
ly possessed by he tonic, and
v\ ho delivers it in a half-heart¬
ed. slipshod manner, can not
expect to save souls. Neither
can the man who dvertises in a
half hearted, don't-care sort of
style expect to sell goods. Tito
adveriiaement that has the work
mg power ofi Uy in it and
carries logical conviction in the
reading is wr.ttm, usually by
the man who h, u the first
pla"H, full i f h s uhjecfc and
knows all there m t> know con
corning what be is talking a
bout. In the seco id place, the
ad-wtiter must n t only have
sufficient Knowledge, but he
must have abundant faith in
wh ;t 1 o ahverii o . He must
know tint he has something
worth tho money. He must
not duly know it as a matter of
fact, but bo s» possessed and
filled to overflowing with knowl
edge that sincerity gleams in
svei y line and truth Hashes
from every sentence.—Ex,
tej£ mi FW M
m m $
m ■m
mM mM r< r ■" •
Th g Qosnltag of Baby
| brings mother to joy decide. or pain. With It’s good for health the
I | womanly organism,
I and a strong
| motherhood but adds to a woman’s
Wine of Gartluf
takes away all terrors by strengthening
j jthe baby’s vital coming. organs. By It fits revitalizing a mother the for
j crowing nerve centres youngsters it has to brought thousands chubby, of
weak women who feared they were
barren. It purifies, heals, regulates
and strengthens, and is good for all
women at ail times. No druggist
would be without it. $i oo
directions, Foradvice address, in cases giving requiring symptoms, special
“ The Ladies’ Advisoiy Medicine Department, Co., ”
The Chattanooga Chat¬
tanooga, Tenn.
MRS.LOUISA HAEE.of .Icffevson.Gn.,
may®“When had been married I first took three Wine of Cardtii
we years, but couki
^3 ot have any children. Line months later
jN of ice.
Coll on me or at J. C. Stephen¬
son’s store and read al out Young's
Superior Poultrv Food. Try a
box for 25c if you want healthy
cliickciiS Ulld would have JOlir
}*p n3 more than pay YOU 1)1 eff^S.
It lfilUIilbiO CUT© „ r I(jT , fill , nr Cll—
SCliSts OI c j, [.ouilJ}. f)U |+ rv Xitiv Have tried ni.u
| ;f , r powders but tills ^ 18 the best,
Ail I ask , . to ... tlj j tOT „ J OUT
Seri, ie
I G Walker.
NO. 12
IV ot.lce.
I am prepared to do all kinds of
shoe anil harness repairing on
short notice and in a satisfactory
manner. Simp in Mr. J, 1). Win
burn’s old stand.
John M. Gray.
My shop is comfortable.
My towels are clean.
My tools are always keen.
My attention is respectful.
My aim—to please all.
Give me a call when you need
dressing up.
We represent some of the
best Fire Inenrance Companies
in existence and ask the publio
generally to see us before plac¬
ing their risks.
Office in Banner office under
ilaiirtikiij and EbUo
Mv undertaking (stahlish
ment is well fitted up and
my stock of unde) taking
goods is complete.
Attention prompt and ca
Hearses free of
W. \ r . .Ajufinul,
U«»<lei-inicer »V Emhiuncr
(ienerl Mci’clmnte.
Street's Old Stand.
The people are invi¬
ted to call and exam¬
ine our goods and hear
our prices. Polite atten¬
tion to all- Ycur pa
tronage solicited.
Give us a trial. *
P. s. Several goc-d
buggies and a wagon for
gale cheap,