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THE CONYERS W TT71 1 h: si if. 1 : . Jl . .JZa __ % < * i 1 * T
ttention BuYers
We buy lor cash and sell for cash, Therefore, we ( * n save money for those
PAYING CASH. We invite all to see our full line. “Money saved is moil
y made.”
What Will We Do?
[five or &i x well-to-do citizens
[Covington Ur have 0 0 applied 0 0 O for cot- a
for »U •
bn factory. The Covington
jtar looks upon the new enter
[rise as being now practically
ssured, aud with such gentle
Hen as TO Swann, W C Clark,
[ s Turner, J F Henderson, 0
|Porter, and others, behind the
•enture, vve too, expect the mill
) be in operation theie at no
infant day. The Weekly fe< Is
,3 interest in southern develop
nt of every kind and Is proud
10 chronicle the progress of
labors and friends, but in
using this probable new emer¬
ge for our sister city.Coving
i) .within a stone throw of
pte and equally accessible
p otir farmers as a market,
r/M flayers, vve. can not fail
l ,tick <a note of warning to
badness men who are sole¬
Impendent upon the predicts
Ithe Ann for the support uf
Lit tow-mess interests As is
II known, farm products,
We have an immense stock ofSpi
bods—Every thing in the store sell was it
ought right and we expect to
1 0
We call your attention to our stock of men’s and
i/s clothing. It was made to fit, made to wear well
id to look well. You should look at this stock beiore
k buy.
Our dress goods are up-to-date- Oet
Ndy for easter. ladies. Come in and
i e these goods whether you wish to
\v or not.
. Shoes and Slippers for all, a great stock at right
j * It costs you nothing to examine these goods,
^ S^t them low. Come to
CONYERS, A, MARCH 31.1900.
3sek the l est nvuKet in reach,
therefore, the Covington and
Porterdale mills would cause
our cotton to seek Covington as
a market. There would he an
increased demand there for all
other farm products and Con¬
yers would wither and fade be¬
cause of her disadvantages.
We write tnis hoping that it
may arouse our people to the
graverty of the situation. There
is a way to avoid the evil efforts
upon us of oui neighbor’s prog
ress—vve must grow v/ith them,
but failing in this we must suf
The Soutn will soon be man
ufacturing her own cotton and
vve hope that Conyers will not
fail to protect her interests by
being among the first of The
towns to secure a mill.
It does not require the vision
of a prophet to see wherein vve
will suffer when we consider our
present and prospective sur¬
roundings. Let us act while it
is yet time.
On one occasion one who
never left terra firma before was)
wrestling with sea sickness
When it had got in its work ef¬
fectually he felt that he was
not long for this world, Call—
ing a friend to hirn to ask as a.
last favor that he would send
h >3 remains home after death j
But, the climax had not been [
reached. When it had gone
from bad to worse he called Ids
friend once more to his side. Ae
the friend stooped down to hear
'what ht wanted the sick man
whispered; “I release you iron)
your promise. There won’t be
remains. ’’
The weight of a woman’s first
baking is usually to twice the
weight of the ingredients.
A dinner is an aggra¬
vation to the man with a 50
cpnt purse.
The dude is considered a sofi
tiling by the hardest man of tb<
Many a man. who is not a
ashmed of his faults is aeham
Mr. Ed Bailey, of Atlanta, is
visiting in our community.
Alias \nnie Hawthorne has
returuei home from school.
Miss kllie Tribble, from near
Conyers! visited friends here
last wedt.
Mr. illie McDaniel visited
his ijest'gir! one day last week.
To entertain nent last Mon
daylight at Mr. Tribble’s was
higly enjoyed by all present.
Grass Hoper.
■*r- •
S yrna has a post-office.
Si lie of our farmers have a
littl corn planted.
Mp. Erneline Plunket has
retuued from a pleasant visit
to rditives in Atlanta.
T! singing at Mr. K. Sim’s
Satn lay night was highly en
jojd by all.
H many friends will be
glad ) know that Mrs E B Pal¬
mer .ho has been very sick for
somtime, is improving.
M&. Gphelia Olotfelter, of
A tipi, is visiting relatives in
r u uer Sims went up north
agitj Sunday.
'r.Quigg will preach atSmyr
n£to-day and aud tomorrow.
C<n4 out and hear him.
lebrge Maddox, of Atlanta,
Positing his parents here.
I.C. U.
an the The Kind Yira Havt Always B«y|k
e ff to confess them,
The farmers of this cotninu
nity have began to prepare the
land for the future crops.
Mr. Albert Tribble, of , WaL
tou ^°uuty» was guest of
Mr. J B Tribble's family last
Saturday and Sunday.
Miss Annie Hawthorne visit¬
ed her sister Mrs. Livsey near
Centerville last Saturday and
We are sorry to know that
Mrs - Chiistian is very sick at
•his writing we hope 3he will
soon recover.
We are glad to know that
Miss Ethel Turner has recover
f-d from her sick bed.
The school at Cedai Grove
dosed last, Friday.
Mi-s. Sawyer and daughter.
Vlisi Angie, are visiting rela¬
tive! in Atlanta.
J M\ John Robinson and Mrs ,
Turner visited relatives in At
lanti last Sunday.
Mitcfiell, John T A McCollum,
Thomas W Huff, John R Har
vel, Henry C Amos, J Norris
Hale, David C Albert, Arthur
Whitaker, William M white,
John w Holhngs vorth Kimsey
M Warren, James 8 Weather¬
ford, Idas M Walker, william
J Williams, John H Maddox,
J J Mann, Madison Maddox, jr,
John J McClelland, Josiah G
Ray. Jc.mes K, William
Lackey, Addison 8 Turner,
John Reagan, James J White,
John \Y Mote, Thomas E Nor¬
ton. William J Lester, William
L Peek, James R Tread well.
22 a 4o f Jjjh ^(jE0RG*#A
5EA. <ea t. fflf Agricultural
*.£3 Ma:ij BuilOing.
if li
m mm fi
i! msm m
A colhj^re education in 'ho reach of all. A.B.,
B.S., Normal and Jltr* s M.m’s courses.
Ciood laboratories; her. , invigorating cli
mite; religious military Influences. discip ; po-.-i D ard moral In and the
C»** ape
from State; $75 ahuiid nooolcouiff/ypr cejexTCitses dormitories
to $150 a year; board ;it for
or private f:i full ?nitfr>s. faculty Special of nine; license all course under the
teachers; University. A college
control of the prepar¬
atory class. Co-education of 6exes. The insti¬
tution founded specially for students of limited
*uc*as. bead for catalogue to the President,
8.6i»wA*T, A-M,
Suhsorirbrs: Search your mind.
Do you owe us for your paper? If
you do, don’t you know we need the
money?* Don’t you Enow you ought
to pay us? Don't you know you
would feel better if you would pay
,,s? Come in mid pay up or write us
about it.
■»*- 0
List of Jurors#
Drawn to Serve -it April Term
Rockdalo Superior Court.
JamesT. Pate, Jc iah Askew,
Sidney W. Rodgers, Johu M
Day, Asa D Hammock; John D
Scott, William A Oostley, Wil¬
liam P. Pluuket, James \V
Swann, William T Stanton,
Neal HCapeheart, William T
Sappington, Preston M Born,
Jolwi fi Almaud James 8 Frau
> '
cis,-Jessee W. J.-u s, Joseph W
Maddox, Jud mi, K Rosser,
Glenn HOwens. Levi Longshore,
A M McElvauy, John G Maun.
John II Hardin, Henry A Tur
nei. Richard W Tucker, Keer
Reagan, Benjamin F Tucker
James R Myers, Robt Hollings¬
worth .
Jjirnes T Wheeler, John W
McClung, William O Olotfelter,
Hugh L White, Joseph M Mc¬
Donald. G S F Miller, Will¬
iam C McDonald, Chis O
0 0
fckblkf nl IMu
My undertaking establish¬
ment is well fitted up and
tny stock of undertaking
goods is complete.
Attention prompt and ea*
Hearses ree of
AV”. Amand,
L ulcer 11161 *
IV otice.
Coll on me or nt J. C. Stephen¬
son ’s hiore and read about Young’s
Superior Pon i l rv Ford. Try %
box for.ioc ii you want Healthy
cl ickens and would have Tour
hens more than pay you in eggs.
It is an of infallible.- cure for nlTdi
other soasis powders poultry. Have tried
hut this i< th e l;est
All 1 ask you is to try lor 3 ’otir
I G Walker,
NO. 13
I mn prepared to do ail kinds of
shoe and harness repairing on
short notice ami in a satisfactory
manner. Shop in Mr. J, 1). \V in¬
burn's old stand.
John M. Gray.
My shop is comfortable
My towels are clean.
M y tools are always keen.
My attention is respectful.
My aim—to please all.
Give me a call when you need
dressing up
YY'o represent some of the
best Fire Insurance Companies
in existence and ask the public
generally to "see its before plac¬
ing their risks.
Office in Banner office under
|JT|— experience
in 'a.
m rmw r* Trade Designs Marks
(tending: Copyrights &c.
Anrono a sketrfi .i nd descrl jit Ion m»f
quickly Invt fTlon ascertain Is probably our oi.iiitou 1 h ether an
I Ions strictly confidential. patentable, Handbook Com in unle*.
sent Iree. Oldest lot on 1‘atenU
Pat taken ajtont.y throueh Hfcurltitr Co. patents.
Pl.t* Slunn & receWe
ijiedn' notice, with jat charge, in the
Scientific Hitterican.
A handsomely trontbsfl'l. Illustrated weekly. newsdealer*? I.nrcest efr.
rear; tour Sold by all
NIIJNN & Co. 3 B,Broadwa r’ New York
Bruncli Office, 926 f St., Wellington. D.C,