Newspaper Page Text
Tol. 1.
In the House of Representatives.
WHEREAS a bill has passed both-branclies o
the General Assembly, changing the lime
of holding the sessions of the legislature Irom an-l
nual to bi ennial; but whereas it is proper on all
occasions to ascertain the will of the people, when
ever it can be done without interfering with the
ordinary course of Legislation; Therefore.
Be it resolved by the Senate and House of Rep
resentatives u'l the State of in General
Assembly met£-:nd it is hereby., esolved by the
authority of the same, That on < i.) Hi st Monday in
October, 1849 the voters of this State be requested
do endorse on their tickets, the words “Annua,”
■or “Bi-enniel,” as they may favor.the meeting of
the Legislature every year, or once in two jears
and that the resolution be published in the new
papers in this State for three months before the
first Monday in October aforesaid,
Speaktr of the House of Representatives.
Attest—Joseph Sturgis Clerk.
In Senate, concurcd in, 21st December 1839.
President of the Senate.
Attest—David J, Bailey, Secretary.
Approved, December 24th, 18 )9.
CHARLES J. McDONAI.I), Governor,
lily l-3m 145.
ROVOHT to Jail, on the 13th till, a negro
man, named ABEL, about 5 lect 6 inches in
height, 50 years of age, and says he belongs to A,
Moultrie, living in Grahamville, Beaufort DislriC
South Carolina, and runaway in January last,
may 4-95 P. G. SillCK, Jailer.
1) BOUGHT to 1 ail, on the 28tli tilt, a negro
i man, named SAMPSON, about six feet in
height. 23 years of age, and says lie belongs to
James Hope, living on May River, Beaufort Dis
trict, South Carolina, and runaway in March last,
may 4—95 P. G. SHICK, Jailor,
171 XGIIANGK on New Vol k, for sale by
JA may 29 M. DILLON.
IJtJLOUK— 90 oris fresh and sweet just rec’d
and lor sale Sty M. DILLON,
june 16-1.32
The Subscriber,
I"! ESPEOTFULLY informs ihe public in the
R.U lower end of town, that he has fitted up a
iu-ge ami extensive store, ail joining his residence,
East Broad street, for the sale of groceries, provi
sums, wines, liquors, Btc,8 tc, nil of the choicest and
best qualities, which will be sold very little over
first cost, for cash or shot, credit.
Jus received per bi g Win Taylor, from N.w
York, and now open :
lObrls Albany pale ale
50 hrls caoal flour
2J firkins Goshen butter
too it lbs Northern bacon,
2 pipes Holland Km
2 do Cognise brandy
20 bi Is Ni 1 mackarel
10 brls mess pork
50 do Irish potatoes
20 kegs lard (leat )
Together with a large and well selected assort
ment of summer clothing, suited to all classes.
Seamen’s clothing of all kinds—Tarpaulin hats, boat
hand's clothing. &c &c. ,
All the above articles constantly kept on hands —and a
regular supply of provisions received from the North every
two weeks.
families would do well to give a trial to this Establish
j une 1 110 East Broad isreet.
scriber annottoces to his friends that he
lias taken the store recently occupied by Messrs
Boston and Randal, in Market square, and that he
lias |ust received by recent arrivals, a well select
ed slock of F AMILY GROCERIES, anti which he
oilers wholesale and retail, at the most reduced pri
5 hlids. Porto Rico Sugar,
5 do St. Croix do
5 do N Orleans do
25 bags Rio Coffee,
20 do Cuba do
20 bbls. Baltimore Flour,
10 do Canal tlo
20 l tlo do do
50001b* Georgia and Northern Ilacon,
20 boxes Soap,
20 chests Tea, different qualities,
300 sacks S ill.
-00 bushels Liverpool do
10 firkins Goshen Butter,
5 blit's Molasses,
3 tlo Lamp Oil,
20 bbis. Northern Hum,
20 do tlo Giu,
15 do do Brandy,
5 pipes Holland Gin,
2 do Cognac Brandy,
20 casks Madeira and Malaga Wines,
10 do TvmriHe do
Together w ith an assortment of Shut, Nails
Lard, Sic, Ike,
limy 13 103
PUISN t> E BGASTIiaa just rec’d. per
• brig Excel, and o:her recent arrivals, the
following articles, which he offers cheap for Cash.
American Ginghams, Scotch Ginghams,
Printed Lawns, French Cambric,
Corded Dimity, Swiss Muslins,
Mull Muslins, Plaid Muslins,
Bordered Linen Cambric Hdkfs, Ilcin Stiched
L C lldkfs,
Gent. Silk Pocket Hdkfs; Gent. Silk Cravats,
White, brown, black, and slate colored Hose,
White and black French and English Silk Hose
and half Hose,
White and colored Cotton half Iluse,
Low pricec Prints, Checks,
Fancy Shawls, fancy Scarfs,
Frilled top Gloves, childrens Socks and Hose,
Feather Fans, black Bobhinet Lace, Mitts,
34, 7-8, 3-4 brown Shirtings and Sheetings,
Bed Tick, Shirting Stripe,
Striped Homespun, Furniture Dimity,
mar 26 62
BY a young man, a situation as Coachman or an
indoor servant—-would have no objection to
travel with a gentleman as servant —he can give
good recommendations. Apply at this Office.
July 1 145-2 t
G GROSS Golsh’s Friction Matches, a superior
article, received and for sale by
june 18 THOS. RYERSON.
“■ Ik BOXES Colgate Starch, for sale by
” june 18 THOS. RYERSON.
<Tl)c Drain
UJ ANTED-To hire, a coloured worn ui.wlio
can conk, wash, and iro:->, for a a mall family
liberal wages willjbe given. Apply at this office,
may 7-t 98
scriber informs his friends, ot the 4th Beat,
and the citizens generally, that he has rec’d his
Commission,and is duly qualified as a Justice of the
Peace. His office is next the Georgian office,
formerly occupied by Thos. H. Williams, Esq.—
All business committed to him will be faithfully
executed. JAS. M. DEGONOUIt.
may 7 98-
UPERISTEKBEIVT’S office, Hist, o’
Brunswick, Ga., Darien, July 15tb, 1849.
Proposals will be received until the 10 It of Au
gust next, to keep in good condition by painting,
caulking and pitching, and to replace and move at
their pioper stations as often as required, the fol
lowing buoys, viz •• one on Sapello Bar, five on
•Doboy Bar, and nine at the entrance of Brunswick
Harbor; Persons desirous of contracting will
please state, their terms by the year, or for a term
of years.
Good reference or security, will be required as
to the faithful performer of this duty. Address
tile subscriber at the Custom House. Darien.
inly 20-60 Superintendent.
Information IVantcd.
D aniel o’Conneli., ■.aiive of Mallow,
County Cork, Ireland. When last heard
from, he was Working on a rail Road in the state of
Georgia, llis father, who resides in Portland, is
iery anxious to hear from him. Any information
respecting him, addressed to his father Daniel O’-
Connell, or his brother, Callahan O’Connell,
franklin street, Portland, Maine, aug 3 172
('BEAM ALE*-20 bbls Kean’s Stock Ale,
J landing from brig Augusta, and for sale by
may 9-100 MICH DILLON.
I tEORGIA BACON™“ 6 bhds. Georgia
‘LI Bacon, the hog round, just received and for
sale by
nia - v 13 MICH. DILLON.
A Card.
MBEUSONS having business with me, when not
in Court, or at my office, w ill find me at my
prise t residence, at Mrs. F. Fulton’s, Col. Hun
ter’s buildings, outlie Day.
duly 27 [City papers will please copy.] 166
HE subscriber, during leisure hours, will un
dertake to collect Bills, Draw off Accounts,
Post up Rooks, See. on reasonable terms. Good
reference ran br given.
I): .yton-street, near the Academy.
June 11 i2B
PERSONS holding Change Bills, signed by the
Subscriber, are requested to band them in
iiniiediatc y P. WORTHINGTON.
june 22 137
6 Noyes.
GROCE 80 a powders,
8 doSeidkts. For sale bv.
aug 7 176 THOS. RYERSON.
HAVING RESUMED the practice of my pro.
session. 1 will attend tile various Courts of
the United States; those of the eastern and middle
ciicuits. Office in Bull street, near the Exchange.
—Attendence when not in court, from 8 A, M.
July 4 148.
•lust Received jier Brig Clintou.
B CASE Manna, Flake,
-®- 50 oz Quinine, French. For sale by
aug 7 ‘176 THOS. RYERSON.
a]s $ h BOXES, manufactured 16 to the lb. for
“ sale by MICH. DILLON,
juuc 25 140
I>. Dempsey,
I 1 AS recently received and offers for sale,
S B. his store in Market square
500 yds Ingrain and Venetian Carpeting
200 pcs French, English and American Prints
159 do low pricctl do
20 do “'lute and red Flannels
12 do Apron Checks
18 ilo Pongee Silk Hdkfs
15 do Satinet
10 do Negro Cloth
30 do plain anil fig’d Swiss Muslins
59 do Cambric anil Jaconet do
75 do plain and fig’ll Cap Laces
43 do Mous'iu DeLaines
zo do blk L. String ami Gro OeSuisse Silk
15 do figil and col’d Silks
10 do plain ar.d figei Satin
8 doz Lace Coliars
25 do Muslin Capes and Collars
10 do fancy Silk.and Chally Shawls
20 do Prussian do
75 do Spool Cotton
10 do blk Silk Cravats
50 do India Rubber and Webb Suspend*-.*
100 do Woollen and Cotton j Hose
100 do ladies w hite, blk and col’d Hose
10 do do white anil blk Silk Hose
30 do do Silk and Kid Gloves
50 do men’s Woollen, Berlin and 11. S; Gloves
300 Cotton Head llilkfs
An assortment of Lace anil Gauze Veils
75 lbs blk, white and col’d Flax Thread
100 prs Rose, Whitney anil lluffil Blankets
300 Silk and Colton Umbrellas
30 boxes fancy Bonnet and Cap Ribbons
500 pcs room Paper and Bordering
20 do French and English Mcrinoes
4 bales 4-4 brown Sheeting
4 do 3-4 do Shining
3 cases bleached Shirtings and Sheetings
6 do ladies Florence Braid Bonnets
4 do do plain Straw do
2 do do colored do
20 do Shaker Bonnets
[.udies and gentlemens’ Cloaks
Gentlemens’ Overcoats,dress (bats, frock Coats,
Cassimere, Cloth and Satinet Pantaloons, Vests,
&c. &c., which he offers wholesale and
at reduced prices.
TOSKPH FELT, Esq., is authorised to act as
my Attorney, during my absence from the
city. Mr. Israel Dasher, will attend to selling
and collecting as heretofore for the subscriber,
june 26-141-e-o-d-3t. JOHN WAGNER.
Cuvciidibli Tobacco.
BOXES Cavendish Tobacco, a great bar
gain, for sale by P. lIALLIGAN.
april 21 84
Savannah, Friday Evening, September 11, 1840.
A Card.
ALL demands against the undersigned must be
presented within ten days.
Augusta 172-4 t RICHARD LEAKE-
Georgia--Mclntosh County.
WHEREAS Mrs. Ann Sherman ami Nathaniel
M. Calder have applied to me for Letters of
Administration upon the estate and effects of Ben
jamin Sherman, late of said county, deceased.
’I liese are therefore to cite and admonish all and
singular the kindred and creditors of said deceased
to be and appear at my office, within the time
prescribed by law, to shew cause, if any they have,
why said Letters should not be granted.
Given under my hand at my office, this sixth
day of July, eighteen hundred and forty.
J. E. TOWNSEND, c. o.m.c.
july 9 151
LMRAI)- Three Notes of hand, on one sheet
1? ot paper, payable to Joseph Sirmau, for|s3o
eaah, and signed Morgan G. Swain, Jason B
Kemp, Francis Jones—payable one day afterdate,
have been paid on the whole. The notes will
be given to the owner, on paying the expenses ol
this advertisement, by JAMES DICKSON,
Broughton street
mav 10-ts 108
A CARD- -Mrs. Colina, in Bull-st. near the
Bay, rtcompiends to the inhabitants of Savan
nah, her incomparable tooth powder, prepared by
herself from vegetable materials only, and w hit'll
is warranted not to injure the enamel, and only re.
quires a trial to ensute its entire efficacy. 25 cents
per bnx. may 30—118.
y JPBENDEKGAST oilers 11, e follow’
LlJl• ing articles at usual low prices for cash or
city acceptance.
10 11 12-4 best quality Whitney Blankets
Colored Blankets
Blue and grey Plains
Plain and plaid Linseys
Blue, black, brown and grey Satinets
do do do do green Broau G'oll f
3-4 brown Shirtings
4-4 do Sheetings
5-4 do do
6-4 do do
7-8 bleached Shirtings
4-4 do do
5-4 do Sheetings
6-4 do do
6-4 do Irish do
10-4 Bai n!y do
11-4 do . do
12-4 do do
Shirting Stripes
Colored Homespuns
White Flannels
Red do
Yellow do
Green do
Brown Canton Flannel
81.-ne.liCii do ilo
Beil l icks, silk, Colton, worsted
Merino and Casluners llose and i Hose
Swiss Muslins
Jaconet do
Mull do
Book do
Plai.l do
Jail 15 _ I—ly
THE undersigned requests any person claim
ing Iron, now in Patrick Toy’s yard, in East
Hrod aireet, to come forward, prove propelty,
pay chargis, and remove it, in three day s from
june 5 123-lt*
AY AND BEEK--199 b undlis prime
Amboy Hay. 15 brls Read’s Stock Ale, jut
received per brig Clintun. and for sale by
June 16-132 M. DILLON
Domestic Brand, Ac.
BRLS Domestic Brandy
Tell 50 bbls N. E. Rum
10 t>bls Peach Brandy
5 hltils of West India Molasses
5 bbls white Havana Sugar
2 hkds N. Orleans Sugar
50 bbls Howard st. Flour
50 bbls Pilot Bread
10 kegs Goshen Ituiter
20 do Leaf I .ard
20 quarter boxes bunch Raisins
10 boxes Tobacco, 16s to the lb
5 quarter casks Cognac Brandy
3 pipes Holland Gin
1 hhd St. Croix Rum
10 quarter casks Malaga Wine
5 do Tennerifie Wine
12000 first quality of Spanish Cigars
100 half and one gallon Jugs
100 do Demijohns.
Fur sale on reasonable terms, by
mar 3—24 At the Market Dock.
‘iXO PRINTERS.— The following Reduced
l_ Prices will hereafter be charged tor Printing
Types at lliuces’s New York Type Foundry, No.
13 Chambers street, and No, 3 City Hall Place.
Pica, 38 cents a lb.
Small Pica, 40 “
Long Primer, 41 “
Bourgeois, 46 “
Brevier, 54 “
Million, ,; 6 “
Nonparicl, ,84 “
Agate, 108 “
Pearl, 140 •
These ire the prices on a credit of six months
but we w * 1 at this time to encourge short credit
or cash purchases, and will therefore make a dis
count ot five per cent, for New York acceptances
at ninety days, and ten per cent, for rash.
We have recently’ added to our former exten
sive assortment, seventy-five different kinds and
sizes of ornamental letter, embracing Condensed,
Extra Condensed, Extended, Outline Skeleton,
Shaded, Ornamental, modern tbinfaced Black, &c,
100 new Flowers,and a great variety of Ornaments
forming altogether the most extensive and ele
gant assortment of Printing Types in the United
States, and absolutely an unrivalled one- Wa
also furnish every other article that is necessary
for a printing office.
Printers of newspapers who publish this ad
vertisement three times before the Ist of No
vember, 1839, sending us one of the publications,
will reeeive payment when they purchase from
the foundry lour times the amount of their bill.
New York. August 17 1839. ian 15
MIL JOHN MURPHY, Market square, will act
as my attorney, during my absence from
the State. I. F. O’NEILL,
vug 1 171
CASH STOKE— Just received and will be
sold cheap for cash.
Molione black Ita an silk
Do blue blac do do
A few pieces a red do
Silk scarfs and fancy shawls.
may 16 106
-59 doz. Congress and Spring Water, in
quart and pint bottles, fresh, just received per
brig Clinton, and tor sale by
- june 18 THOS. RYERSON.
Lamp Oil, Eiour, Ac.
4L BBLS best quality rectified Whale Oil 50
bbls superfine Howard street Flour, 50
chests Hyson Tea, for sale by
ap 30-92 MICH’L. DILLON
Boat Found.
A YAWL Boat, supposed to belong to a ship or
brig. The owner ntay have it on paying ex
expenses, by applying at this office.
june22-3t 102
Y 5 diS &$ & Georgia bacon, hog round,
Yr vPYF for sale by the subscriber, south
side of the Market, in Boston & Randle’s old stand.
june 24-139 1). DEMPSEY.
CRATES, handsome, assorted, for sale by
june 25 140
Sugai’ and Molasses*
kH IN HHDS prime Muscovada Sugar
do Cuba Molasses (new)
fur sale by MICH. DILLON,
june 25 1 -;0
~3 BUSHELS Baltimore corn, a su
_S_ YF4"perior article; landing from Eleanoi
For sale in lots to suit purchasers, bv
jv 28 167 m\ DILLON.
Drafts on New York.
AT sight and 30 days sight for sale by
july 2 46
A Ciird.
FNN HE undersigned, Bciujeh, having commenr-
M- eil business on iris own account, si li is a
share of public patronage lie deems it unneces
sary to speak ill his ow'n behalf—as there are ma
ny gentlemen of high character who ha>e person
ally known his skill to have been lung tested here,
and that he has proved lumselfcompetent to over,
come ajl difficulties that presented tltemselves
isliop, corner of T)rnt/lurl find Von .-rr-j, street*,
All Ornamental House-work executed in a style
that cannot be surpassed in this city. Geometrical
and Hanging stairs, in all their various windings,
execute” in the newest antt most uppr ipriaie man
ner'. Modern as well as orig'-oal ill signs given for !
all Ornamental Work.
Jtilv 20 ‘Geogian crpy.) 160
Amboy Slay and Goslicn Butter.
ONE hundred bundles Prime Amboy hay, and
5 kegs Goshen butter, (a first ra>e article)
now landing from brig Wilson Fuller. For sale by
july 28 167 M. DILLON.
Justice of the Peace.
FBT HE subscriber having received bis eommis
*- sion, is prepared to discharge the duties of
his office Notarian business an I conveyancing
entrusted to his c a re, “ill meet with prompt at.
tention. M. O. DILLON,
july 9 151
TWO good Draft Horses Also a pair of first
rate Carriage Horses, aud a very gentle well
broke Poney, for sale by M. Dll-LON.
july 2 16
For Fever ami Agile.
ROWANDS Tonic Mixture, and l onic or Ve
getable Febrifuge Pills. Just received anil
for sale by THOS RYERSON.
aug 7 176
BY the subscriber, at the burning of 1i- resi
deuce on the 7th June last, a volume ol
“ Charlton’s Poeo.s.” Whoever has it, will con
fer a favour by returning it. D. POSTELL.
july 25 165
FOUR months after date, application will be
made to the Honorable the Inferior Court ol
Chatham County,setting for ordinary purposes,foe
leave to sell the real estate belonging to the latr
Nicholas Marlow, deceased, for the benefit of the
heirs and creditors of the said Estate.
Adm’or. of N. Maiilow, Deceased.
Feb. 27, 1840. Iw4m
To Kent.
STORES, No. 1 and 2, Waring’* Buildings, at
present occupied by Mr. A Bennett. Pos
session gven on the Ist November. Apply to
Cash, Cash, Cash, and nothing but
Cash, or City acceptance will an
swer my purpose.
rjNIIK subscriber alter trying the wholesale
-N- business, in the store he now occupies, at a
wholesale rent, for nearly two yea*s past, find*
the credit system will not meet his engagements
Therefore, I find it necessary to humble my
self to a retail business again, and w hat is still
more unpleasant, I owe money, which must be
paid, therefore, 1 will sell any part or all my de
sirable Goods at cost, and many articles less than
cost; and lower than they can be purchased from
nny other store in this city, until the first of No
tember next.forcash only, or in largeamouniscity
acceptance, when the balance of stock will be
and at auction. A. BENNE TT,
No 1 & 2 Waring’s Buildings,
aug 17 3t 184 Market rquare
rinvauiialt Poor House V Hospital.
July 1, 1840.
\riSITING Committee for July and Aug. ssr
A B Fannin and Charles Green.
Physicians, llrs. Arnold and Tufls.
All applications for admission 10 the Hospital
must be made to the Visiting Committee —unless
in cases ol urgency, when any member of the
Board nray admit, WM, DUNCAN,
July 1-145 President s. r, u. & u.
pKOSPECTI'S for the 3ru Vol of the Au-
JL gusts Mirror, W T Thompson, Editor.— Con
templating a material improvement of the Mirror,
on the commencement of the ensuing volume, we
have already commenced making the necessary
arrangement for that purpose, and as we Jook with
confidence to our friends and patrons for encour
agement, we have determined to give them this
early notice of our design.
Though a semi-monthly issue wasdeemed to be
the most expedient in the commencement of the
publication of the Minor, when the ground
which it occupied; being exclusively devoted to
literature, was yet untried, and when our domes
tic resources were yet unknown—we feel that the
time has now arrived w hen a weekly publication
is demanded. Entertaining this conviction, we
have resolved to issue the ensuing volume weekly's
and to make such improvements in the appearance
and plan of tire work, at will render it still more
worthy the liberal patronage of the southern pub.
Firmly believing that the only means requisite to
place our domestic literature upon an equality
with that of any other section of the union, is tho
establishment of a literary medium at home, of suf
ficient standing and character to divert it into it*
proper channel—we are resolved to render the
Mirror equal in appearance with any of the North,
ern journals of the same kind, and if the friends of
southern literature will unite in giving it the repu
tation which southern genius and southern talents
are so eminently capable of imparting to its pages,
we doubt not that we shall be able to render the
work much more acceptable to tile southern public.
With a view of accomplishing this design \vg
shall secure the assistance ofan able adjunct in the
editorial department, and shall spare neither pains
nor expense to give character and interest to the
No material change will be made to the plan or
arrangement of the Mirror, which will still be de
voted to general literature, except the introduction
of a critical department for the review of new
works, which will be in the bands of a gentleman
of appioved taste and mature judgment. Jhe Mir
ror will be printed on superior paper, with band
some new type, and will be executed with
the strictest regard to neatness and taste in
ii- typography. Each number will beenvelloped
in a neatly printd cover, entitled “Augusta Mirror
News Sheet,” comprising four closely printed
pages, in which will be given the news of Ihe
week, foreign and domestic, carefully compiled
rem an extensive exchange, together with all the
matter of interest usually contained in an ordinary
iicckly newspaper.
By this arrangement the readers of the Mirror
w Jy, besides being supplied with a volume ol 416
quarto pages of choice literature, receive as
much news matter in the course of the year as is
contained in most of the newspapers of the dav,
m! all lor the additional charge of only two dollars
to our present eubserptiou price.
\Ve sincerely hope the above plan for our third
volume will meet the approbation of every friend
of southern literature. We have always considered
the Mirror, embracing as it does in its design the
broad republic of letters, best adapted to foster
our infant literature. More diversified in the
character of its contents than the graver and mere
Minified magazine, ranging as it does from the
Uglier to the more elevated branches of literary
“From grave to gay, from lively to severe.”
it is crvainly best suited to the tastes of the
greatest number : and while it affords equally
wludsome and refreshing draughts for the uell
read mind, it attracts and luris the Voung to
drink of the Parnassian stieam. We have aimed
in the adoption of the contemplated improvements
‘o place the Mirror upon an equal footing with
our northern contemporaries in regard to cheap,
ness ; and now, all that we ask is a liberal slbre
of that patronage extended to them by our people,
mil we pledge ourselv.s to render the Mirror
equally deserving their support.
(Ty* Terms for the third volune, 85 in advance
—Any person obtaining five subscribers will be
entitled to a sixth copy.
may 11 Jol
C-LSII STEM—To Southern Merchants
Printers, &c.—Papers, Binder’s, Bandbox and
Trunkmaker s Boards.—The subscriber is pre
pared with a supply of every quality and size of
writing, printing and wrapping paper, with tar and
straw Boards, suitable for trunk and box makers
and binders, at the lowest market rates for cash.
All orders accompanied by a remittance in either
bank notes, or certificates of deposit, will be
promptly and faithfully executed, and sale of the
remittance made to the very best advantage.
To those whose business will not admit of their
visiting the North, the above is submitted as
worthy of their attention; and the subscriber has
not the slightest hesitation in making a deliberate
promise that all transactions shall be conducted to
their satisfaction.
Bank notes are more available remittances than
certificates, and can be disposed of at less sacri
Evidence should be taken that letters are
regularly mailed. A CHALMERS,
New York, May 1, 1840. 84 Maiden Lane
may 11 10 i
Direct Importations.
Two cases superior Irish Linens, warranted
free from cotton, for sale very cheap for cash
\\ ho also oflers for sale low for cash, super
drab De Fe, a superior article for gentlemens
sunnier wear; French Linen, white and brown
Linen, drill Cotton, do Georgia Nankeen; blue
black, green and brown Camblets; Long Lawns,
linen camhrick Handkerchiefs; Russia Diaper,
bird's e\e Diaper, table Diaper, imperial Quilts
Marseilles do, white and colored Counterpanes
a fine assortment of gentlemens’ half Hose; ladies
Hose, silk and cotton; childrens Hose, bol bine
Lace; bobinet Quillings and Edgings.
ap 22 85
Amboy Hay and Cream Ale.
Y ANIIING, from ship Celia, 150 bundles Amboy
li Hay, a superior article! It) Mils Read’s Cream
Ale, and for sale by MICH. DILLON,
may 6 97
)%” sis BUNDLES prime Eastern Hay, landing
• from brig Pandora, 150 bundle* best qual
ity Northern H iy, landing fiom brig Wilson, and
for sale by MICH DILLON,
july 12 149
EBNIIF. concern of the undersigned, with Eb.
Jcncks. in the fuel and lumber business, was
mutually dissolved before the ‘NYnfmir : l.|*st.
aug 10 178 8t WM. B.ANIt, v.JSQN.
Jdia-c publish.’ - v
No. 306.