Newspaper Page Text
9Rn>AY MORlf IHG::::: OCTOBER 38.
Cotton Fraud w Nrw York.—A3 is
generally known an internal revenue tax
per pound is collectable on all cotton ex
ported from this country. This tax is
legitimately payable at the place of pro
duction; but, in order to facilitate sales,
E Treasury Department allows cot ten to
•hipped in nond from the South to
them ports, and the tax to be collected
at the warehouse when export Is made.—
Hot long ago a deficiency of about 430/000
•m discovered between the number of
1 of cotton called for by the books of a
cotton warehouse in this city and
nberof boles in store. An iuvestt-
E on into this dhcrepcncy brought out
feet, at alleged, that about three bou-
1 bales, belsuging to different partiss
sad left on storage, bad mysteriously dis
appeared, and are supposed to have found
a European market without first paying
the tax required by the Internal Revenue
4v. The warehouse iu which this cotton
pus stored, was with its contents, destroyed
Op fire s few months since, and the thtw
hundred bales now alleged to have been
surreptitiously removed were supposed to
have been burned. Such proabable de
struction of the ootton would have been
STadHed until now, had it not been, as is
fiDcdged, that when the parties owning the
warehouse made application for the pay
ment of their insurances the usual investi-
gption nude by the companies was insti
tuted, and resulted In the discovery that
■0 presence in the warehouse at the tfnte
drthe conflagration of the three hundred
Unles for which payment was claimed could
set be proved by the books of the estab-
W ILL be sold on the first Taesday In Novem
ber next, before AS Court House door, in the
toWfl of Ctnsming, Forsyth county, Ga., within
the legal hours of tale, the lands belonging to the
estate of Wm Smith, deceased. Nos. 900 and 909, in
the 14th district ami 1st section of Forsyth coun
ty and 90 aeres, No. 633 in the 13th district and 1st
section of Lawson county. Sold for the benefit of
the heirs and creditors or said deceased. Terms,
cash J. T. BROWN, Clerk.
September 90. 1387. [Prs fee $5] septt-w40d
Irfimm'r Hie principal party connected
lair is now in Canada. The ad-
sltL the affair
luster of the insurance has the matter in
Aargo. and will, if his surmises as to the
band U correct, bring the matter specially
before the courts.—Herald, 12th
Wosdrrs of Ancirnt Roiu.—The last
number of Houre at Home contains an in
teresting description of the wonders of
ancient Rome. Speaking of the Coliseum,
the writer says: It reveals a wonderful
•kill in masonry and great architectural
strength; it shows the wealth and resour
ces 01 rulers who must have had the trea
sures of die world at their command; it
Indicates the enormous population, since it
wonkl seat all the male adults in the city
•f New York; it shows the restless pas
sions of the people for excitement, and tho
necessity on the part of the Government
of yielding to this taste. What leisure and
indolence marked a city which could af
ford to give up so much time to the de
moralizing sports? What facilities for
urn importation were afforded, when so
many wild beasts could he brought to the
eapitol from oentral parts of Africa with
out calling out unusual comment? How
imperious a populace which oompels the
government to provide such expensive
■-fiujun'1 ■ f.«- 1. 1 .- '.i.
B Y virtue of aa order from the Court ot Ordin
ary of
_ Bartow county, Ga., will be void on the
Are* Tuesday in November next, 1867, at the Court
• g i door in said county, between the legal sale
toon, the tract of land in aald county, whereon
t»T virtue of an order from tho Court of Ordln
X> a
B Y virtue of an order from the Court of Ordtn
ry of Gwinnett county, Georgia,- will be sold
— ary of Gwinnett county, Georgia, will be void
before the Court House door, in the town of Law-
renceville. between the legal hours of sale, on the
first Tuesday in November next, TOO acres of land,
part of lot No 318, in the 5th district of Gwinnett
county, adjoining lands of L. B, Hays and others
Sold as the property of Nemses L. Vlnyard, de
ceased. Bold for distribution among the heirs of
said deceased. Terms, cash.
September 85,1887-wtda[Prs fee $6]
before the Ceurt House dobr, in the town of
[mwrencevllle. within the legal hours of sale,on
the first Tuesday In November next, 198 acres of
land, part of lot Mo 170 and 950 acres, known as
the Dean lot. Mo. MB, and 176 acres, more or lees,
part of lot Mo. 914, known as the place whereon
the deceased lived, all ia the 8th district of said
county. Sold aa Aa property of Miles Barnett,
deoeased. Sold for the benefit of As heirs of aald
deosmsA. Terms, snk.
September B, 1838—wtds[Prs fee $8]
Y virtue of an order from Ae Court of Ordin
ary of Moot** oeoaty, Georgia, will be sold
regieStoajtHooeedocr, iutoetowaof Ftor-
svth, Modree county, Ga., on Aa first Tuesday in
FuvembernexvWtween thelegal hours of sale.
940 acres of land, nfi*rtfr*r late, in Ae '4th district
of said county, on which is a good mill site, ad
joining lands of Proctor, Button and Crender. Sold
as the property of AM. Buffer, late of said coun
ty, deceased. Sold for Ae benefit of the heirs and
creditors of said deceased.
K. G. AMDHRSON, Adm’r,
De bonie mam of E. 1C Butler’s estate.
September 4.18ffl—wtds I Prs fee $5}
£ 11 virtue of an order from Ae Court of Ordln-
9 ary of Monroe county, Georgia, will be sold
fore the Court House ooor, in Ae town of For
syth, Menroe county, tie., oft the first Tuesday in
November next, between Ae legal hears of sale,
1,000 acres of land, iu Ae 6th district of said
county. SoM as Ae property of Wilson Dardens,
late ef said county, deceased. Said for Ae benefit
of the heirs and creditor* of said deceased. .
a. G. ANDERSON, Administrator
September 4,1867—wtds . [Printer’s fee gS]
B T virtue of an order from the Court ©f Ordlna-
ry of Fayette county, Georgia, will be sold
before Ae Court House door in said county of
Fayette, wiAin the usual hours of sale, on the
first Tuesday in November next, one hundred
and thirty-five acres of land, it being part of Lot
No. 136. in the fburth (4th) district of originally
Henry now Fayette county. Sold as the property
ing to the estate of Francis P. Jones, de
ceased. Sold for the benefit of Ae heirs and
creditors of said deaceased. Terms cash.
JANE JONES, Administratrix.
August 84,1867. aug27-wtds [Prs fee f5|
jgY virtuo of an order from the Court of Ordin-
ary of Gwinnett county, Georgia, will besold
before tlio Court House door, in Ae town of
Lawrencevillo, on the first November
next, within the legal hours of saio, 137 acres of
land, more or less, it being part of lot No. 13, in
the 6th district of said county. Will bo 6dd for a
distribution among Ae heirs of Margaret nur
bin, deceased. Terms, cash.
fleptemberfiS, 1867-wtds. [Prs fee ga]
jgY virtue of an order «i Ae Court of Ordinary
of DeKalb county, Georgia. Will bo aold on
Ae first Tuesday In Notssnbec next, a* the Court
House door in Ae town at' Decatur, DeKalb
county, between Ae legal hMR* of sale, part of
lot of land No. 183. In Ae lfiA District of DoKalb
county, lying on Ae west eidoof aald lot, adjoin
ing lands of — - -
S lUiaas P. Hay resided at Ae time of his death.
1 same containing KiO acres, more or less, and
sum a nor i1 nf Ae following lots and parts of lots,
m-wit - 1.188, 1.133, 1,000, 1,134. i486. 1,136. 1,169,
JtB. 1 171.1.179,1,106.1J08. 1,907,1.808, 1,249,1.948,
*3 and 797. A tne seven teen A district and
Uhlid section of said county, lying on Eubarlee
Creek, about 400 acres of said farm is open and
good state of cultivation, balance well timber-
«g,'wlA a dwelling bouse and good crib on said
" stea on Ae Alabama
The farm is well situai
-end. about three and a half miles west of Stiles-
anro. in Bartow county.
Terms of Ae aalo—One-third cash; one-third
vedit of twelve months from date of sale, with
•ate and good security, interest from date; one-
Wurd two years from date of sale, note aud good
■nty, interest from date, and titles to be made
B. N. Center, and W. H. Braswell,
and others. About 80 acres olekrod. Ae balance
in Ae woods; a small dwelling house, smoke
house, stables, Ac., on Ae place. Sola as Ae
S ropertv of Jabes B. Walker, deceased, for bene-
t of heirs and creditors. Terms of sale, cash.
WM. U. PENDLY, Administrator.
September 13,1867—wtds [Printer’s fee $10.]
jgY virtue of atrorder fronf the honora'ble Court
of Ordinary ef Butts county, Georgia, will be
sold before the Court House door, in tho town of
Jackson, Butts county, within Ae legal hours of
sale, on the flrss Tuesday in November next, the
following property, to-wit: Lot of land No. 16, in
the 9th district of originally Henry, now Butts
county. Bold as Ae real estate of William
Gregc-y, deceased. Bold for Ae benefit of Ae
heirs ..rid creditors of said deceased.
Terms of sale—Cash.
September 16,1867. [Prs fee $6] fiep23-wtds
£ payment of purchase money, retaining lein on
: land until the same is paid-
J. A. COWAN. Adm’r debonie turn.
Of William I*. Hay, deceased,
keptember 7,1887. [Prs fee$15[ sepl4-wtds
B Y virtue of an ordor from the Court of Ordin-
ry of Monroe county, Georgia, will be sold be
fore the Court Uouso door, in tho town of For
syth, Monroe county, Ga., on the first Tuesday in
November next, between the legal hours of sale
80 acres of land, lu the 3d district of said county,
bounded on the west by D. Uodard, south by C. M
Edwards, north by W. B. Hutchinson, east by
Wm. Tyrus and the balance of land lot No. 120.—
Sold as tbe property of Henry Sutton, late of said
QY virtue of an order from the Court of Ordina
ry ry of Bartow county, will bo sold on the first m
rueaday in November next, before the Court county, deceased. Sold for the benefit of the heirs
••tire door in tho town of Cartersville, Bartow j and creditors of said deceased,
meaty. Georgia, within Ae legal hours of sale, | R. (1. ANDERSON, Administrator.
Ae aettlemert of land known as the homestead of j September 4,1867. [Printer’s fee $5]
Benjamin Turner, late of said county, deceased, ;
-Witling ol lot- No#. 1.850. 1,331. 1,266. 1,268, j ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE.
| TTNDEE * n order of the Court of Ordinary of
-ectioa of Bartow i Li Fulton county, Georgia, I will sell before the
Court House door in said county, within thelegal
J i L„ZJ.ui 3 ! 'our* Of sale, in Ae city of AtUnta, on Ae ifrst
agjoir mg tue hom^tead ko ?*,Tuesday in November next: Fifty-live acres off
rwtvir. - j*«ec«\ c/MD-irtlng of two Loti, No* 1,1 .tt the north 6iJe OJ , ljka<1 lot No f 5 aores 0 f laad
t IT?, riune district, section acd county,
aim. three lot- ia Cobb county, Georgia, Nos.
jm>I. 1,303 and 1,809 ia Ae nineteenA district
tecoud section. All sold agreeably to an or-
dmr from Ae Court of Ordinary of Bartow coun-
. and for Ae benefit of Ae heirs gad creditors of
a _ _ .
«k deceased- Terms of aaleoaah.
JOHN C. b %8£ Administrator,
bertfi,16*1. [Pm fro filO] »epld-w40d
B Y virtue of an order from Ae Court ef Ofdia-
aryjntf Gwinnett county, Georgia, will be sold
> Ae Court House door A tbe town of Mon-
Wilita county, Georgia, on Ae first Tuesday
m Mev ember next, wiAin Ae legal hoars of sale,
Ae IMlowtag property ia Ae town of Logano-
vAle,. iu sail county of Walton. 1 acre Mo. 8, 1
•Bre Bo. 4, 1 aore wiA a shop on tho same, 1
•ere Mo 3. wiA a grocery house oo Ae same, 1
awe. mere or leas. No. 4, wiA a dwelling and
Up bouse* am Ae same. 1J* acres, more or leas,
•umber not kno vn. wiA store house, dwelling,
mil bou-en and garden. 8 acres, more or less, well
red' number not known. All Ae abovo in
AefeurA district of W-ltou county, it being part
>f Wiley
dt land lot No. 186. Bold as Ae property of'
w Webb, late o* Gwinnett county, deceased.
Terms, cash.
B. m! BRAND, j Administrators.
lot No. 228. and 64 acres of land lot No. 994. of Aa
14A district of originally Henry, now Fulton
connty. Bold as the property or Ae estate of
ThomasM. Lee, late of said county, deceased, for
Ae benefit of the heirs and creditors. Said prop
erty lies about eight miles from Atlanta, on Ae
Newnan ipa4,ptt Ae head waters of CamjtCreek,
near old Gamp Creek Church. Terms,
JOSEPH WILLIS, Admlaistrafor.
B Y virtue of aa order frtofi AeCcurtsf Ordtna
ry of Fulton county. Ga.. will be sold before
Aa Court House doer, in As county of CaA^MU,
ia said State of Georgia, wiAin the legabho
sale, on Ae first Tuesday in November next
half interest A lot number (Ml fiftr*nlne, j
fourteenth district ef originally: Fayette, now
CaapbnU county. Sold aa the property of Wil
liam W. Dench oo, late of said county of Fulton,
deceased. On said lot of land U situated a Saw
and Grist Mill, is well timbered and watered,
about thirty acres cleared. Bold fer Ae purpose
of distribution among Ae lawful heirs of said
Terms—One-third cash; balance an Ae 08th of
December, 1867.
E. M. DONBHOO, Administrator.
; September 81,1887—wtds [Prs fee $10)
•rptrxaOT i», 1867-wtds (Printer’s fbe $10]
« > Y virtue of an order from the Court of Ordin-
Forsyth county.^ Georgia, I will offer for
B Y virtue of an order from Ae honorable Court
Ordinary of Butts county, Georgia, will be
tbs town of
•old before Ae Court House door, in
_ Jackson, Butts connty. Georgia, wiAin Ac legal
."before Ae Court Vlcmsc"3oor,* in the'tovrn oi hours of sale, on Ae first Tuesday in November
ikuuiu, Georgia, between tho legal hours of
Jte, an the first
t Tuesday In Novombor next, one
Mnitrvd and eight aeres of land, more or less,
wring about three and a half miles 8ouAwe6tof
Summing, Ua. Bold for the benefit of the heirs
l creditors of Hutson Estes, late ot said county,
wed. Terms—On time of twelve months,
note and approved security; titles made
*** Cl^LRLKB HBTE3, Sr.. Adm’r.
Him. (Printer's feeflO)
B Y virtue of an order from Ae Court of Ordiu-
nry ef Gwinnett county, Georgia, wiU be sold
Court House door'in the” town of Law-
iTmiuirilli. on Ae fiat Tuesday in November next.
opal* Ae legal hours of sale. 110 acres of land.
^ lot Ne. 133, and 16 acres of land, part of lot
i as *nd MM acres of lea No. 187, ail in Ae fifth
in said county, wiA considerable im-
vita on said lands. Sold as Ae property
Ln B. Wright, decerned. Terms, cash.
JOHN V. PBBWMTT, Administrator.
m, Ifof-wtds [Pra fee $6]
T virtue of an order from the Court of Ordln-
' — of Gwinnett county, Georgia, will bo sold
Ae Court House door, in Ae town of
B Y virtue of an an order of the Court of Ordin
ary of Gwinnett county, Georgia, will be sold
before tbe Court House door, in Ae town of Law-
rencevllle, on tbe first Tnesday in November
•ext, wiAin Ae legal hours of sale, 8B0 acres of
land, .lot -No. 89, and acres «f mH>of ^ot
No, ll, adjoining Ae above, alt In Ae 8th dis
trict of said county, tolerable well Improved.
m stt«bbs' -
>ioh among Ae belrs<. xertae—oae-
Aird osdh; balance on a credit of twelve Months.
, JAMES A. HUTCHENS, Adte’r^ |
Btefrnber9B 1887-wtds[Prsfeejl]
T virtue of aa order from the Court ef Ordina
ry of Gwinnett county, Georgia, will be aold
wivrt Ae Court House door. in. Ae town ot
Lawreaoevilie, wiA A tbe legal hours of sale on
the flat Tnesday in November next, 168 acres of
land, mere or less, with tbe widows dowery ex-
oeptod. la tbe 6th district of said county, on the
east aide of the Appalachee, number not known,
It being part of the Patterson survey. Sold as the
property of William A. Perry, deceased. Terms,
cash/ M1RAM 8. PERKY. Adm’x.
September 96.1867—wtda [Prs fee $6)
JgT virtue of an order from the houorablo Court
of Ordinary of DeKalb county; Georgia, will
be sold before tbe Court Honse doer In the town
of Dahlonega, Lumpkin county, Georgia, within
the legal hours of sale, on the 1st Tueseay in De-
oembeir next, tbe following property, fo-wit: Lot
itrlet and 1st section
ef UndKo. 1979, in AelJIAdis
of Lumpkin county, Georgia. Sold as part of the
real estate of George K. Smith, deceased. Sold for
Ae benefit of Ae heirs and creditors of said de
ceased. Terms of sale cash. Oct. 1,1867.
oc to-wtda.[Printer's Fee $5.00,]
B Y virtue of an order from Ae Court of Ordi
nary of Henry county, will be sold before Ae
Court House door of Clayton county, at Jonesboro',
on the first Tuesday in November next, between
tbe legal hours of sale, 800 acres of land, more .or
less, in the 12th District of Clayton county, and
known as lot No. 18; and also, part of lot No. 17, In
said district, as the real estate of James McRight,
deceased. Termes of sale, cash.
Administrator with will annexed.
September 13,1867—tda [Printer's l'eo $5.1
GEORGIA, Cobb county.
■y^THKRKAS, it having been represented to me
be sold before the Court_nouse door, ia
the town of Cartersvillo, BartoW county,
Qa., within tho legal hours of sale, on Ae first
Tuesday In December next, the following prop
erty, to wit:
One saw mill, steam engine and boiler. Levied
as the property of Morrison & Garrison, to satisfy
a Mortgage fi. fa. in my hands, issued from Floyd
County Court in favor oi Noble Bros & Co., against
Morrison A Garrison. October 5,1867.
Will be sold on the first Tnesday in November
next, before tbe Court House door, in tbe town of
Cartersville, within the legal houn ol sale, the
following property, to-wit:
. Lots of l .md Nos. (974,) twohundredTandeeventy.
four, 938, ‘-67 an-i 973, containing 640 acres, more or
less, in tbe Bth ulstrict and 3d section of Bartow
county. Levied on as the property of Detonsey F.
~r a Mortgage fl. fa. in^my hands,
Bishop, to satisfy _
from Bartow Superior Court, in favor of Howard,
Stokely A Co., vs. D. F. Bishop.
At Ae same time and place will be «4M r lot of
land No. 967 in the 17th district and'Id eeetion,
and fot No. 910 in the 3A district and fid section of
Bartow connty. Levied on as the property of
Christopher Dodd, to satisfy one fi. to. from Cam
Superior Court, in favor of Henry P. Farrow vs
Jesse Dodd. C. Dodd and W. C. G/llaim. .
Also, at tne same time and place, lots of land
Not. 966,990, 991 and 992, all In the 17th district and
fid section of Bartow county, levied on o* the
property of Amasi A. Stroup, deceased, to satisfy J
a fi. fa. from Bartow Superior Court, in favor of'
Lewis Tuiulin and John A. Erwin vs. D. A. Taff
and J. G. Ryals, administrators of Amasi A.
Stroup, deceased.
Also, at Ae same time and place, the tract of
land on which B. N. C. Ware now resides, con-
96TI1 SEBI-AMHAL ISXPOSKJAcross the Sierra Nevad^
Great National Trunk Lin*
ACROJW the continent.
18 6 7
Being oo# ► true tod V IA Ae AJDASDnr p>
M B^T, is destinod to he one of tbs most i« f , ti
AW Hues of communication in tbe world;,,,, ^
Ae sole link between tbe For ilk- « «»-» *
) Interior llasib. over whlcb fbe
i Overiaud travel uiun the
property of R. N. C. Ware, to satisfy a fi. fit. from
Bartow F
Sin?erior Court, in favor of Thomas Turn
linvs. R. N. C. Ware. Property pointed ont by
tbe defendant.
Also, at Ae same time and place, lot of land No.
303, lying in tbe 17th district and 3d section of
Bartow county- Levied on as the property of
Thomas A. ana John H. Owens, to satisfy a 11. fa.
issued from Bartow Superior Court, in favor of
Bennett H. Conyers against Thomas A. Owens and
John 8. Owens. Property pointed out by one of
the defendants.
| Principal Portion nf ihi- Mali
Cash on hand and In Bank fi ^ 25!
Real Estate
Mortgage Bonds 2S
Bank Stock — • • l,21*,400 00
United States. State and City Stock, and
other I’ublio bwuritits 1,9S4,308'B6
$4,660,938 87
Less Liabilities, Claim# aotdueand
unadjusted 877 *®*
Net Aesets NJW* ^
Fire & Inland Navigation Risks.
that tbe est&to of Miles Glasco, late of said
eounty, deceased, ia unpresented, and no person
having applied forthe administration of the estate
of said deceased:
These are, therefore, to cito and admonish all
and singular the kindred and creditors of said
deceased, to show cause, if any they have, on or
before the first Monday in November next, why
the administration or the estate of tho said de
ceased should not vest in the Clerk of the Supe
rior Court, or some other fit and proper person of
said county.
Given under my hand, as Ordinary, at offloe, In
Marietta, Ala October 1,1867.
nett w80d [Printer’s fee $3]
GEORGIA, Cobb county.
•yyiiKRRA.S, Jerusha Gnee* having applied to
me for Ae administration of the estate of
Henry Guees, lato of said county, deceased:
These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all
and singular the kindred and creditors of said
deceased, to show cause, if any they have, on or
before the first Monday in November next, other
wise letters of administration will be granted the
applicant at that term of the Court of Ordinary
for said county.
Given under mv hand, as Ordinary, at office, lit
Marietta, October 1,1867.
oct9-w30d [Printer’s fee $3]
GEORGIA, Butts county.
A lexander banders applies to me for
letters of administration on Ae estate of John
Hutchens, late of said county, deceased:
These'are, therefore, to cite all and singular,
tho next of kin and creditors of said deceased, to
be and appear at my office, within tbe time pre
scribed by law, and show cause, if anv they can,
Ilf ■ '
why said lettors should not be granted.
Given under my hand and official signature,
this Beptember 15.1S67.
se [Printers fee $3|
Also, at tbe same time and place, the settle
ment in the 17th district and 3d section of Bartow
county, known as the Dickerson {dace, num
bers of lots not known. Levied satisfy a
fl. fa. issued from Bartow Superior Court iu favor
of Samuel Gris- wold vs. E. C. tiones.
Also, at the same time and place, one hall’of lot
land No. 324 (80 acres) in the 22d district and 2d
section of Bartow couniy. Levied on as the
property of A. J. Brewster, to satisfy one Bartow
(bounty Court fl. fa. in favor ol G. U. Scott vs. A.
J. Brewster.
Also, at the same time and place, lots of land
Nos. 290, 358, 365, aud the undivided half of lots
No. 291 and 296, all iu the 4th district and 3d sec
tion of Bartow county. Levied on as tbe proper
ty of Christopher Dodd, to satisfy one Bartow-
Superior Court fl. fa. in favor of Samuel Grisw old
vs. Christopher Dodd.
Also, at tbe same time and place, one house and
lot in the town of Euharlee, now occupied by E.
Buice. Levied on to satify one Bartow County
Court fl. fa. in favor of W. H. Pritchett vs. Collins
A Buice.
Also, at the same time and place, lots of land
Nos. C34, 686, 686 in the 4th district and 3d section,
and lot No. 720 in the 91st district and 9d section of
Bartow county. Levied on as Ae property of
Wm. D. Wheeler, to satisfy one Bartow Inferior
Court fl. fa. in favor of Madison McMurray vs.
Wm. D. Wheeler, principal, and Mark A. Hardin,
Also, at the same time and place, Ae settlement
of land on which W. T. Hellems now reside. Nos.
of lots not known, lying in tbo 17tb district and
3d section of Bartow county; also, eight hundred
pounds seed cotton, more or less. Levied on as
the property of Wm. T. Hellems, to satisfy one
Bartow county Inferior Court fl. fa. in favor of
Jdhn H. Walker vs. Wm. T. Hellems and John M.
- Also, gt same time and place, the settlement of
lahd on on which C. Pannell now resides, in the
istrict and Sd section of Bartow epunty,
of lots not known. Levied on as the
property Mark C. Owing, to satisfy one Cass
Shi^orior Court fl. fa. in lavor of Warren Akin vs.
C. Owing.
Also, atthe same time and place, the settlement
ot land of which Robert C. Saxton now resides,
numbers of lots not known, lying In the 5th dis
trict and 3d section of Bartow county. Levied on
as the property of Robert G. Tomlin, to satisfy
one Cass Superior Court fi. la. in favor of Travis
Cotton vs. Robert G. Tomlin.
• Also, at the same time and place, two mules,
Levied on as the property of Wiley Smith, to sat-
GEOIIGIA, Fayettr county.
T^ACHEL NEAL, in proper form, applies to me
for letters of administration on tho estate ot
Francis Carson, deceased, lato of said county:
This is, therefore, to cito all and singular
tho kindred and creditors of said deceased
to be and appear at my office within the
time allowed by law, and show cause, if any they
can, why said letters should not bo granted to the
Witness my hand and official signature, this
7th day of October, 1867.
octlwSOd Printer’s fee $3
GEORGIA, Baldwin county.
Z ACHARIAII BROOKINS has made applica
tion to me for letters of administration on the
estate of Elizabeth Brown, Into of said county,
deceased :
These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all
persons adversely concerned to tile their objec
tions oa or before the first Monday A December
Given under my official signature, tbl# Octo
ber 8A. 1865.
oetll—wfiOd* Printer’s fee $3
Jams h. Lawkskca
M^kfil* H- J-AW1UCJC*.!
f Libel fin- Divorce, in
> Bartow 8 u p er i nr
* Court, Beptember
Term, 1897.
to Ae Court by Ae return of the
Sheriff that the defendant cannot bo found in
Ae county of Bartow; and it being further made
to appear that defendant does not reside in this
Stato^it Ui on motion of ,counsel, ordered that
skid defendant appear aud answer at the nex
TenS of this Chert, else that the case be consider
ed in default, and the plaintiff allowed to pro
ceed. And it ia nirther ordered Aat this rule be
published in the Atlanta Weekly Opinion, once a
monA for four months.
Psufrrr 4b Focchx, plaintiff’s attorneys.
A true transcript from the minute* of Bartow-
Superior Court, September 16th, 1867.
sep80-wlaw4na THQ8. A. WORD. Clerk.
GEORGIA, Faykttr county.
J^ACHEL BASON, administratrix on tbe estate
next, 1887, the following property, to-wit: Part of
lot or land No. 63, containing 12T
acre*., more or
less. Bold as Ao real estate ol George 8. Johnson,
deceased. Bold for Ae benefit of Ae hoi re and
creditors of said dooensed. Terms cash.
Beptember 16.1887. [Prs foe$S[ aeptt wtds
T>Y virtue of an order from Ae Court of Ordla-
13 ary of Fayette county, Georgia, will bo sold
before Ae Court House door, in Fayetteville, la
Mid eounty of Fayette, on the list Tuesday in
November next, between Ae legal hour* of sal*,
two hundred usd two and a half (•(■&) acre* of
land, it being the aouA half ol lot No. £9. and Ae
north half 1m Bo. V, la Ao seventh district of
Fayette oounty, whereon Zadock Davis formerly
lived. Sold a* Ao property belonging to Ae
estate of aald Zadock Davis, deceased. Bold for
tho benefit of the heirs nod creditors of Mid
De broJo mam wiA will annexed.
Beptember 19A. 1891—wtds [Prs foe $10]
jjwwacevtlle. on the first Tuesday in November
wiAia the legal hours of sale, 17U acres ot
,*3l asore or le*«. wiA Ao widowT. dowery ex
it being parte of lot* Nos. 79, 84, 84, all in
’di-4rirt of said county. Bold as tbe prop.
of John B. Collins, deceased. Bold for tho
Itof Ao heirs and creditors of said deceased.
‘September *5.1887-wtds [Prs foe $5]
Y virtue of aa order of Ae Court of Ordinary
R Gwinnett county, Georgia, will be sold be-
4re Ae Conrt House door, in tho town of Law-
' ao urn first Tuesday in November next.
■ tbo legal hours of sale, llfiji acres of
SJoor* or loss, with Ae widow's dowery ex-
mmtLTia Ao 6A di.trict of said county, on the
ih. Aonalachoe, known as part ot the
rStelsoa *u7?ev PI 8old as Ao property of Ra A-
• , jii.v deceased. Terms, cash.
jfTuT A MOBLKY. Adm’x.
*rr to, IMS— vrwii [ Prs foe $\
B Y virtue of aa order from the Conrt or Ordlna-
ry of Monroe oounty Georgia, will be sold be
fore Ao Court House door, in the town of For
svA, Monroo county, on the flret Tuesday in
November next, between Ae legal hours of sale,
450 acres of land, on which ia a saw and grist
mill, in Uiefith district of Monroe county. Bold
as Ae property of John Dillard, late of said coun
ty, deceased. Sold for the benefit of Ae heirs and
creditors of said deceased.
U G. ANDKUSON, Administrator.
September 4,1887-wtds {Printer’s fee $5]
of Richard Eason, late of said county, dec’d,
having made application to this Conrt for leave to
soil the land belonging to tbe estate of said de
ceased for the benefit of the heirs and creditors,
all persons are notified to file their objections, if
any they have, within two months from tho first
publication of this notice, elso leave will be
granted for the sale of said real estate.
Given under my hand, this August 21st, 1867.
KbWAKD CONNOR, Ordinary,
angjtt—wkm[Prs fee $6)
GEORGIA, Fultox county.
YJCTHBRKAS, Hammond Marshall applies to me
TV for letters of guardianship of the person and
property of Ann Isabella Knight, minor and
orphan of A. B. Knight, deceased:
All persons non corned will file their objections.
If nay exist, on or before Ao first Monday tn
November next, elso letters will be granted Ae
October 4.1867. [Prs fee $8] octt-waOd
GEORGIA, Fulton county.
W HEREAS, Littleberry Jackson applies to me
for letters of administration on the estate of
Warren W. Bartow, late of said county, deceased:
All persons concerned are notified to file their
objections, if any exist, on or before the lint Mon
day A November next, else letters will be granted
according to the prayer of petitioner.
October 4, 1867. [Prs fee $3] octd—w30d
GEORGIA, Bibb county.
isfy one Bartow Superior Court 11. fa. in favor of
James W. Harris vs. Wiley Smith.
Also, at same time aud place, lots of land Nos.
735,777 and 779, (said levy made by a former
Sheriff;) also lots of land Nos. 1026 and 1027, all of
said land lying in the 17th district and 3d section
of Bartow county. Levied on as the property of
Joel Stone, to satisfy two 11. las. in favor of D. L.
& R. M. Wingard vs. Joel Btono, issued from Bar
tow Inferior Court.
pgf Agencies in all the principal cities and
towns in tne United States,
Applications lor Insurance will be promptly at
tended to. , . .
OFFICE—With C. I. Brown, on east side White
hall street, one door from Alabama,
augl—9m N L. ANG1ER, Agent.
n Mrn
Lino between tho Two Oceam.
It# line extend# from Baerameato, <>n ij 1( . >
water# of the Parifle. ea«t« aid amw# it, r n
and most ]M> parts of California, ’'•r,
aud Utah, rontfnguous tn all the great Min •
Region* or the Far West, and will tnr*t » t ,i o .
nect with Ao loads now building r*»i
Rocky Mountains. About lOO tnilee are B .. f!
built, equipped and in running opeiatinu »«, *
summit of the Miorra Nevada. Within „ re*
35 miles, now graded, will be added, and the t r „,
carried entirely across tho mountain* a>ap,,|.,
la Ae Great halt 1 aks Valley, wheat-*
iher progress will be o*»y and rapid fo,,
mate* inis and equipment* are ready at bur.) e
300 miles of road, and 10*000 men aleem^i,,
ed in the eon«tru* v iou.
The local husrt'O?* upon the completed |i<»i .
j surpasses all |-r*i»ioll» etsimale. The figuu.
•thequarter tiding August 31. are as i,
; G<iLl>:
Successors to the late Sahvkl I>. Willmott,
UAH7 actprkks ok
Of nil .descriptions.
No. 4 Liberty street New York.
G anas
$487,579 64
& PECIAL attention given to tho manutaettireot
also, Bbingle, Mill. Mulay, Gang. Cross-Cut,
Tenon, Hand, Panel, Kip, and Butchers’ Bow
Saws; also, Turning and Felloe Webs.
We also continue the manufacture of our well
known brand of FILES, made of the best
English Cast Steel; cut by hand and fully war
ranted to be equal in quafity to the best English.
_ ... ( f i( - - *
We respectfully solicit orders, which we are
prepared to All promptly, at the lowest rates and
figures. aug31—dly
$86,548 47 $401,031
j or at the rate oi two million. |>,.»- *i>niiin. <>f « .
j more than Ihrt e fourll » are net prhiit on !«■«« tt.
t 100 Ml I lea worked. 1 hi- i> upon he actual. >**i-
; mute traffic, of it o road, with it-* ierminu* in • 4
; mountains, and with only the normal ratine
: government transpoitatiou. anti U excliihirei;
• the materials tor the further extension <if the re*.
J Tho Company's Interest liabilities during a,
j t-ame period were leas than $125 UU
j Add to this an ever-expanding through tr»a,
1 and Ike proportion* ot As fUtur* businere bwua,
Tk* Compear are aatUoriard n> coatigss
their line eeat-ward until It shall m«*t i*
•eaaent wiA Ae roads | V « baildiDg ^
off the Rocky Mountain ranges. A<uumtt,
Aat they will build and eoutrol half tbe *»
Mre distance between San Frant i*eo ami fl*
Missouri River, as now seem# probable, u.
United States will have invested in the romp,,
tion of 80S miles $98,503,000, or at As am
age rato of $35,000 per mile-not including r
absolute grant of 10,000,000 acre* m »f,
Publio Lands. By becoming a join* iuve-tor a
Ae magnificent enterprise, aud by waivlar «•
first lien in lavor of the First Mortgage Be
holders, the • iKSKBSL CoVKBKMHbr, IX ird,
I8T8, and has carefully guarilcd thtir iutunv-
I against all ordinary contingencies.
; Tho Company offer for sale, through us. thru
Also, at the same time and place, the settlement
of land known as the Campbell place; also, the
settlement known as the McKclvez place, on
which R. R. Wilson now resides, all in the 4th
district and 3d section of Bartow county, num
bers of lots not known. Levied on as the proper-
ty of Moses A. Leak, Jr., to satisfy two Superior
Court fl. fas. in "favor «f J. R. Parrott, endorser,
vs. J. J. Hannan, principal, and M. A. Leak, Jr.,
security, and W. Strange, endorser.
Also, at the same time and place, the settlement
of land on which D. F. Bishop now resides; also,
tbe settlement of land on which the mill known
as D. T. Bishop’i grist mill now stands, numbers
of lots not known, all lying in the 6th district and
8d section ot Bartow connty. Levied on as the
property of D. F. Bishop, to satisfy one Cass 8u-
S enor Court fl. fa. in favor of J. B. Parrott, en-
orser, vs. Gabriel Culver, principal, and D. F.
Bishop, security, and one Gate Inferior Court fl.
ta. in favor-of A. G. Wyly A Go.
Also, at Ae same time and place, Ae settlement
of land on which Gabriel Culver now reside*,
numbers of lot* not known, lying in the 6th dis
trict and $d section of Bartow county. Levied on
as the property or Gabriel Culver, to satisfy one
Bartow Superior Court fl. fa. ia favor of J. R. Par
rott vs. Gabriel Culver, maker, and D. F. Bishop,
Also, atthe same time aud place, the settlement
ol‘ land on which Robert Spear now reeidos, eon-
tainlng 450 acres, more or less, in the 17th district
and 3d section of Bartow county. Levied <#i as
the property |pf Robert Spear, to satisfy ono Bar-
Speak their own pntifw wherever planted, i Principal and lntercai Pajrablr
DAVID LANDRKTH A SO- ! Uol.l loin,
l*w3m Philadelphia. i\<. j
New York «ity. They arc iu *um« >>i t
with semi-annual gold coiiponi att.irl
EDUCATIONAL IMSTITI TIO.XS. and arc selling for the piv»*-ut at O.Y ;m r r<
M O U XT A IX j lu ,
Rev. C. F. P.
BANCROFT. Principal { Hnd I^-rued interest Iron, July lvt ad-lc-i
J currency,' i»t which rate they yiald nearlt
1ARDING SCHOOLS for both w .
F irst class boardinc
sexes; flUU.OO In advance. Next session, twen
ty weeks, begins November 13. 1867.
For circulars, with full particulars, address the i
Nino percent, upon the I nvestrarni
These Bonds, authorized by Art eftongre^.
Principal, or
lookout Mountain, Teun.
M^Orders solicited and promptly filled.
Che o Block, Peachtree street,
avgti wffm Atlanta, Ga.
issued only i>* the work progresses, anti to ih
►amo amount only as tho Ronds granted by IN
Government;aud represent, In all cases, the/!*
Rea upon a completed, equipped, and products
railroad, In which have been invested Coven
ment subsidies, stock subscriptions, donation
surplus earnings, etc., and which is worth wm
than three times toe amount of First Mortgjp
Bonds which can be issued upon ih
The Central Pacific Fire* Mortgage Beads to”
all fee assurances, sanations end guarantied
toe Peelfle Bell reed ^Act of Ooa grots, eed U*
la effditloa eererel aoUcaaU* edvaategV* <•»*
■fit other ef railroad Voad*.
iire toe «oportar stalai apaa
getter the most vital aad valuable j
of tbs through line,
9. ». HS6LIN08, PreprlsfeiJ^
angle Im
Bob idee toe fulltet benefit of toe »*•«•I*
meat sudsidity, (which Is aaubordtae*
lien.) the road receives thebenfltei IfifF
deuaffons from California.
v.» r .vf. lvpi BM . GEORGIA, Baldwin county. . i .
tow Superior Court fl. la. in favor J. C. Richey vs. 1 »7ACHAUIAH BROOKINS has flle»l his petition t
J-W. Marshall, principal, aad Robert Spear, aud [ LA for letters ot guardianship of the person and ! freneitee i» ^
W. II. Bailey, securities. , property of Arameuta Brown, a minor resident ( rent rateu upon the iff) attire now*
Also, et the same time end place, lot ofland No. °f M»ld countxi . ^ 1 <wmpi«ea.
286 in tho 3th district and 3d section of Bartow These are, therefore, to cite nn<l admonish all
county. Levied on as the property of John r I persons adversely courerne-l to file their objee- | rouvtO—K local bu-inew> already yielding >hh*
Ward, to satisfy one Bartow Superior Court U. fa I li °B* on or before the first Monday in December! fold the annual interest liabilities**
in favor of J. M. Parson vs. P. 8. Walker, .lnt>. F. > advantages rates payable ia com.
Ward and A. F. Ward. j (liven under my official sign at are. this Utti 1
Also, at the same time and place, lot. of land
October, 1887.
Nos. 170.171 and 172 in the 5th district and 3d sec
tion of Bartow county. Levied on as the proper
ty of of Levi Branson, to satisfr ono Bartow
>r of Robert Russell
Superior Court fl. f.v In thvor
vs. J. C. Branson, and Levi Branson, security.
Also, at the same time and place, lots of land
Nos. 8, 9,28, 20; 30,44,43, and other lots, numbers
not known, composing the settlement of land
whereon Levi Branson now resides, all in the 5th
district and 3d section of Bartow county. Levied
onjasthe property of Levi Branson to satisfy one
Bartow County U. fa. in favor of Abda Johnson vs.
Levi Branson.
Also, at the same time aad place, lots of land
No, 963 in the 88d district and 8d section, and No.
8ui in the 0th district and 3d section of Bartow
County. Levied on aa theproperty of Joel Bra w -
aer to satisfy one Cass Superior Court fi. fa. in
favor of Isaac Thompson vs. Jteeo Brawner and
Joel Brawner.
Also, at the same time and place, lots of land
Nos. 444,498,494,490,419,314 and north^alf of 515 In
the 17th district and 8d section of Bartow county.
Levied on as the property of Uillery Meeks to
satisfy one Bartow Superier Court 11. fa. in faver
of Wm. T. Livingston vs. Hlllery Meeks. Levied
on for the purchase money.
Also, at the same time and place, lot No. 869 in
the 91st district and M section of Bartow county.
Levied on to satisfy six Justices’ Court fl. las. in
my hands. Levy made and returned to mo by a
lawful constable.
■y^HKREAS, Ransom. T. AvanC Applies to Ihe
undersigned for letters of administration
upon the estate of Mrs. Mary D. Brown, late of
said county, deceased:
Allipersons interested are required to bo and
appear at the Court ol Ordinary on the flrst Mon
day in November next, to show cause, if any they
have, wfiv letters of administration should not be
granted the applicant.
Given under my hand officially, October 5.1867.
W. M. RILEY, Ordinary.
octfi—wapd* .... Brin tor’s fee $3
B r r virtue of on order from the Court of Ordlae-
. ry of Gwinnett county, Ga., wHi be sold oo
tbe flrst Tuesday in November next, between the
legal boars of sale, before the Court Home door, In
the town of Lawreneeville, 60 acres of land, part of
Lot No. 066, and 3 acres of Lot No. 063, ia the 6th
district of Gwinnett county, bold as the proper
ty ot Jesse K. Hnnaioutt, daccused, bold lor the
benefit of the heirs aad creditors of said deceased.
Terns oath. August 14,1887.
WM. F. MBNNICVTT, A dm la titrate r.
[Prtaterts ton $kj
i GEORGIA, Gwixwbtt county.
WHERKA8, Janres t, McKlvany applies to me
for letters of administration on tbe estate of Hop-
eon Carroll, late bl said eouutv, deceased -
Therfe are,- therefore, to cite and admonish all
and singular the kindred and creditors of said
deceased, to show cause, if any they can, why per
manent letters should not be granted tbe applicant
on flrst Monday in December next
Given under my baud and official signature,
this October 19.1867.
G. T. RAKK9TBAW, Ordinary.
Also, at tbe cams time and place, lota of land
Nos. ew, 861, 806, 888, 869, and one-half of lot No.
941 in tbe 21st district and fid section of Bartow
county, said settlement being known as the
McCarty place, whereon tbe town of Allatoona
now stands. Levied on as the property of H. B.
McConnell, to satisfy eleven Justices Court fl. fas
In favor of J. W. Curry vs. Henry B. McConnell.
Levies made and returned to me by a lawful con
Also, at the same time and place, 1 town lot in the
town of Kingston. Levied on as the property of
Christopher Dortd. to satisfy one Justices Court A.
fa .in favor of W.M. Shropshire vs. C. Dodd. Levy-
made and returned to me by a Constable.
Also, at the same time asd place, one house and
lot in tho town of Enharle. now occupied by John
W. Han Is. Levied on as the property of John W.
Uanie, to satisfy one Bartow Superion Court fl. fa,
ia favor of John L. Greer vs. John W. Haaie.
Also, at the same time and place, the house and
lot in the town of Cartersville, whereon A. T.
Morrison now resides. Levied on to satisfy one
Bartow Superior Court fl. fa. in fovor of Stepbr^
C. Tate vs. Albert F. Morrison. Levied on for rt«
purchase money. October 6. 1867.
W. L. GOODWIN, jk : r
octl0— wto Printer's for v".
Printer’s fee $3
J n/ih-
GKORGIA, Fulton county.
1867.—Whereas, Mrs. Jane A. Welch applies
to me for letters of guardianship of tho person
and property of Thomas Fleming, minor under
fourteen years of age, orphan of James Fleming,
All persons concerned are notified to Ole their
objections, if any exist, on or before tha flrst
Monday in November next, else letters will be
granted according to the prayer of applieant.
Witness my official signature aad seal of office,
October 7 th. 1981.
octfl—wflOd Printer's foe $■
-The principal as well as tho interest
Bonds being payable in rein, npoa s ««'
ly binding agreement.
GEORGIA* Owinkwy oounty.
W ILLIAM BICB applies to me for lettesa of
admlnistratioa on the estate of Benjamin
Bioe, late oi said eounty, deceased:
These are. therefore, to cite and aad admonish
all and singular the kindred and creditors of
said deceased, to show cause, If any they can, why
letters of administration should not be granted
the applicant on the flrst Monday ia November
Given under tny baud and official signature,
this Beptember 28th. 1!*S7.
G. T. RAKE8TRAW. Ordinary,
octo—^w30d [Printer’s foe $3]
GEORGIA, Clayton county.
Having carefully investigated the resoo'fo
progress, and prospeote of the road, and the
agementof tbe Company’s affairs, we rerllv
recommend these Bonds to Trustees, Kxeroic^
Institutions, and others as aa eminently eamtf.r
liable cad rwtrtmmSftm Ami 'fif pmraanea* ***
Osnversions ot florsnanl tuoerltr**
/hr 0*1
Twslvs to Eighteen par «**i- **
wrsa ran tana im of iktuisi.
The following are the current rates ^
8th.) subject, of count©, to slight varlstlow P**
day to day. We receive ta exchange i
L*. A Sixes. 1861, coupon, and pay dlfferenre '-JH
Tt. S. Five-Twenties, 1*9, coupon, d B ‘.j
C. S. Five-Twenties, 1W4, coupon, do
P LEASANT M. GLASS, late of t*ai<l oounty,
having departed this life intestate and no per
son having applied for udmiuistratiou on the
estate of said deceased -.
These are, therefore, lo rite und admonish all
and singular the kindred and creditors of said de
ceased, to be and appear at my office within the
time prescribed hy law, to show cause. If any they
have, why letters should uot be granted to the
Clerk of the Superior Court or some other Ut or
proper person.
Given under my hand and official signature,
this October 7th. IWI.
C. A. IK>1.I. lit. Ordinary.
OCtia—wflOd P-inter’s fee $5
As New Or>e»ns is a large iilDB MARKET
aud as a through fieigh (ali- hail.) has bee. ar
ranged from that city tv Atlanta via Chattanooga
I IT. *s. Five-Twenties, isea, coupon,
17. S. Five-Twenties, l*CV (new), coup
HIDES in bales, the undersigned solicit your ol
der* and " xuiss strict attention in their axacu-
^uimisslsn Msri-banta,
Stt Orlsaas.
4> 6. tt Dodd, aaa
l’orsalob)- 3s»D and Banker* gcn^r^'l'
whom descriptive Pamphl^tfi ami Map* , '*' r
to i nnd, and by
Bankers aad Dsalsrs lu Govsfamsnt fleenf'*
Ft saactal Agealssf th* C
NO. 3 NAflBAU hTBKBT, S. f
*m .! awb’.*-n