Newspaper Page Text
Coal Companies Demand Mili
tia. Declaring Socialists Plan
Mob March on Harrisburg.
of Troop B of the state constabulary, a
era ok company of the state service, left
here today under rush orders and heav
ily armed for Shamokin and vicinity to
reinforce the troopers now gathered
there to quell rioting which started
yesterday and raged all day In the
vicinity of Shenandoah. Shamokin and
• Mt. Carmel.
Following conferences between Gov
ernor Tener, Superintendent Groome.
the head of the state constabulary, and
officials of the Lehigh and Wilkesbarre,
Susquehanna Coal Company and the
Lehigh Valley Coal Company, it, was
decided to concentrate ,at the scene of
the rioting all the troopers it was pos
sible to gather without leaving other
tenters of activity unguarded.
Officials of the coal companies con
ferred today relative to the situation,
and it was determined to appeal to the
governor to call out the state militia
under the command of Major General
C. B. Dougherty, of this city, if the
state troopers are unable to control the
The union officials are doing their
utmost to prevent further outbreaks of
violence, but appear unable to control
the foreign element among the men.
, - - -- - i- i miwiiiwwiinn ii '■wh l l ii iinip—iiuiimi ii i —■mm—inw wil
SAMPLES Ready=to=W ear
A fortunate chance enabled us to buy the entire sample line of a high
class manufacturer at one-half original wholesale prices. These gar
ments will be placed on sale, beginning at 9 o’clock, Wednesday morn
ing. Women’s Linen Crash and Corduroy Suits and Dresses, Linen
Auto Coats, and the finest values in Serge and Whipcord Skirts ever
shown for the money.
Worth $7.50 to SIO.OO Worth $12.50 to $15.00
The Second Week of I A BPDMI TCI INTC
Our Great May Sale of
Extraordianry Values—Our Entire Stock Offered at Great Reductions
. ... At 25c At 49c
\ A 100 d ° Zen women ’ 8 high ’ Nainsook Kimono Gowns,
< ’A S 3 WrCdr I grade cambric Drawers, open „ .„ , „
I aEWHMBffIPi 1 aBHWWBra Round Neck Gowns, and
”s- w i |HM| or closed, in all sizes, hem-
~ stitched, tucked ruffle or good cambric Gowns; muslin
/ iRL with linen lace edged ruffle; and cambric golf and full
/ft } \ also broken line of sizes in skirts; Drawers, Corset Cov-
f / //• f A I z neat nainsook and cambric
\ k/ X limply ( Const Cover,, lac. or on- «rs and Chemise; all the best
/ f‘\\ ■ V ' J broidery trimmed; 75c and 89c values;
/ X. MAY Os - MAY
j iXixA 25c js 4 9c_
' 7. At 75c At 98c
j f- ■/ Fine embroidery trimmed Fine Corset Covers reduced
ig— Gowns, excellent styles in from $1.75 and $2.00, that
skirts; beautiful Corset Cov- are sightly soiled, and the
ersin abiir varietvof stvles- largest selection of splendid
f ■ IT ersin a Dig variety or styles, $1.25 and $1.50 new Gowns,’
f Z» Dorothy and apron Drawers; Skirts, Chemise, Corset Cov-
XII Z all values that sell regularly ers, Combinations and Draw-
211 /fy Sp /><< li at 89c and $1.00; ers
li FWfT ™ 7sc ' = 9Bc
At 88c At $1.35 At s l - 50 At S l - 98
Everything pretty that can Fine French hand-made gar-
French hand-made, hand-em- French garments, every be imagined in lace trimmed mentg up to « 3 g 0 and also
_. stitch hand made; lovely Gowns, Combinations, Prin-
broidered Corset Covers, Chemise. Corset Covers and ce3S Slips, Corset Covers, our prettiest American
Chemise and Drawers; not a Drawers: such garments as Skirts, Chemise and Drawers, goods, values $2.50 and $2.75,
large variety, but excellent we sell always at $1.75, $2.00 and will be in tbis collection ;
SI.OO and $1.25 garments; and $2.25; $2.25 values; garments of all styles;
B.BBc '? ■. $1.35 “$1.50 & $1.98
Pauline Will Try to
Prove Hypnotic Feat
To Atlanta Medicos
Atlanta dbetors and physiologists wlil
have a chance Thursdav to see If Jo
seph R. Pauline, the hypnotist, is able
to work the wonders he lays claim to
on the stage.
He has asked a select gathering of
physicians, surgeons and dentists to
watch him perform at a private exhibi
tion to which admission will be only by
invitation. With the men of science
grouped around him. he says he wil!
put a patient in a cataleptic state land
cause his biood to recede from forearm
and hands and return again at the mes
merist’s will. A big proportion of
Pauline’s audience will be Atlanta med
ical experts, who have ‘declared that
Pauline accomplishes nothing more un
natural than an illusion and wouldn't
be able to do the trick with experts
watching him closely.
WASHINGTON. May ".--Judge Al
ton B. Parker appeared in the supreme
court last week in defense of the “Black
and Tan” Knights of Pythias .of Geor
gia. the negro lodge, against the “Lily
White” Knights. The dispute is over
the right of the white and negro lodges
to use the fraternal insignia and para
"What I want to know.” said Justice
Lurton to Judge Parker from the bench
without a smile, "is, do these lodges use
the same goat?”
The outburst of merriment which fol
lowed disrupted the court’s dignity and
temporarily wrecked Judge Parker’s
55.DD0.090 FUND
Methodist Conference at Min
neapolis Plans Giant Collec
tion on 125th Anniversary.
The Methodists of the world will
launch a campaign to raise five million
dollars for the retired ministers of the
church, if the general conference adopts
a plan adopted by the conference here.
The plan is proposed today in a memo
rial asking the conference to desig
nate the 12$th anniversary year of the
founding of the church as the year foj
the raising of the fund. The matter
will be considered in committee and
will then be brought before the gen
eral conference.
Should the conference adopt a me
morial presented by the Northern Min
nesota conference, placing the conduct
of the three women’s organizations of
the church—the Women’s Home Mis
sionary society, the German organiza
tion and the Independent Deaconess
Work—all under the control of the an
nual conference, Mrs. Lucy Rider Mey
er, of Chicago, a superintendent of the
Independent Deaconess Work, will be
deprived of control of the work and
control will be assumed by the Rock
River. Illinois, conference.
Masons of 3 States
To Gather Tomorrow
At Meeting in Rome
ROME. GA.. May 7—Hundreds of vis
itors from north Georgia. Tennessee and
Alabamg will gather in Rome tomorrow
to attend the fifteenth annual conven
tion of the Seventh District Masonic con
vention The convention will last through
Thursday, and will close with a banquet
at which the grand officers of Tennessee.
Alabama and Georgia will be the guests
of honor.
The convention will open with Worship
ful Master Max Meyerhardt presieffiig.
The address of welcome will be made by
Mayor Yancey, and after organization the
convention will adjourn until afternoon,
when the first degree will be conferred
Tomorrow night a musical program will
be rendered and addresses will be made
by F. W. Copeland, L. A. Dean, President
A. W. VanHoose. of Shorter college;
Judge W. M Henry, Wright Willingham,
Professor N. W. Ballard, of Brunswick,
and Dr. J. Lynn Bachman, grand master
of Tennessee.
Thursday’ morning there will be a pub
lic religious service, at which well known
local ministers will deliver short sermons.
Thursday afternoon the second degree
will be conferred. Thursday night the
third degree will be conferred and the an
nual banquet and rally will bring the
convention to a close.
Grand Master Napier, of Georgia; Grand
Master Bachman, of Tennessee; Grand
Master Greene, of Alabama; Pas Grand
Masters Taylor, Jeffries. Banks and Mey
erhardt, of Georgia, and many others
will be present.
J H Hood, mother of C. H. Hood, a well
known newspaper man of this section,
died here today after a long illness She
came of a distinguished Tennessee fam
White City Park Now Open
Bond To Be Fixed and Accused
Woman Freed Upon Report
From Husband’s Doctor.
Mrs. Daisy Grace. Indicted on a
charge of attempting to kill her hus
band. Eugene H. Grace, will remain in
Atlanta until the conclusion of her trial
in the superior court. This was stated
by her attorneys today In answer to
the report which gained circulation
that she wa; preparing to return to
Philadelphia as soon as she was re
leased on bond.
As soon as Solicitor General Hugh
Dorsey names the amount of her bond,
her attorneys will arrange it. This is
expected in the next few days. The
solicitor is waiting to hear from Dr. T.
S. Bailey, of Newnan, regarding the
wounded husbands condition.
Raymond Snide 1 -.
The funeral of Raymond Snider, who
died recently at Fort McPherson, was
held today from the post chapel, and
the body was taken to Marietta for in
terment in the National cemetery.
Mid-Week Specials
Just a few hints today of the many money-saving
specials to he offered Kogers stores Wednes-
day and Thursday. Economical housewives will he
quick to appreciate the attractiveness of these values.
Order from the store nearest you.
————— ■■■■■■■■ T . - - -I"I. - -■- - - - - j
New Irish file Fresh,CrispF|c
Potatoes . . qt. Snap Beans qt.
These Money-Savers Wednesday and Thursday
Regular 16-cent Evaporated 44 Full pound package of Corn Cm
Peaches; two days, per pound IIG Starch; 10c kind'vC
Red Rock Brand Canned Apricots; 4 15c cans of Georgia Pie Peaches;
25c kind; per can |wG Wednesday and Thursday wC
25c bottles of Brooks’ Chili Sauce; 4 15c cans of String Beans;
Wednesday and Thursday IwG Wednesday and ThursdaywC
15c hotties of Brooks’ Chili 4 10c package of Royal Scarlet Tea;
Sauce; Wednesday and Thursday.... ICC very special |C
Regular 25c tins of Cocoa. Wed- *1 Qft 20c cans of Dixie Brand Black- 4
nesday and Thursday Ivv berries; full package| CO
Wednesday and Thursday only
/W\ Swift’s Premium Hams
Extra Fine and 1
i n popular sizes *V2 lb.
Two Soap Specials for Wednesday and Thursday
Wednesday and Thursday, Wednesday and Thursday,
3 l-2c Cake 3 l-3c Cake
(Not more than 6 cakes to a buyer) ''Packed 3 cakes in neat box)
Wednesday and Thursday Only
Snowdrift Pan* 0 99 c
No better Shortening on the market WhjWH
Try it once; you will use it always
These Are Specials for Wednesday and Thursday
Gold Cross Evaporated Regular 10c combination “Baby
Mdk, 5c size, per can vLG Elite’’Shoe Polish |Q
Gold Cross Evaporated Milk, Regular 25c package Gold Dust. 4ft
10c size, per can I;G M ashing Powder I
California Dessert Peaches, regular >| a Enoch Morgan’s Sapolio, hand
25c value; per can I "rG or scrubbing; cake I G
Jack Frost Baking Powder; 4 ft a Old Dutch Cleanser; Wednesday
regular 25c cans I vG and Thursday | ?G
Regular 5c cans of Potted 30c worth of Regal Toilet. 4
Meat (tongue flavor) wIG | Paper for only CIG
60-pound tubs of I 100-pound bags of No. 3 cans of
8 3 4c POUND. SUGAR $1.15 DOZEN.
(Full net weight.) $5.40 BAG. (Case of 2 dozen, $2.25.)
Rogers’ 35 F p o u o r d c Stores
ii Mw»msMn»ww’iwwiMx»miii»iiiiiMim l Ji»i««iiMiin
Georgian Want Ads Bring Results
s3 t ooo f ooo Eddy Fund
Is Upheld by Court
In New Hampshire
CONCORD, N. H„ May 7. —The New
Hampshire supreme court rendered a
decision today in which it declares, up
on a statement of facts before the
court, that the. $3,000,000 trust fund cer
ated for the “Mother church” in Bos
ton bv the will of Mary G. Baker Eddy
is vaild. This opinion is rendered by
Chief Justice Frank N. Parsons. The
other four justices concur.
VIDALIA, GA.. May 7.—Farmer Mullis,
of near Glennwood, in Montgomery coun
tv. is the proud parent of a record-break
ing baby. The child, which is only a week
old. has already cut two jaw teeth.
How’s This?
W? offer One Hundred Dollars Reward for
any case of Catarrh that can not be cured
by Hall’s Catarrh Cure.
F. J. CHENEY & CO . Toledo. O.
We. the undersigned, have known F. J.
Cheney for the Inst 15 years, and believe him
perfectly honorable In all business transac
tions and financially able to carry out any
obligations made by his tirm.
Wholesale Druggists. Toledo. O.
Hall’s Catarrh Cure is taken Internally,
acting directly upon the blood and mucous
surfaces of the system. Testimonials sent
f r oe Price 75 cents per bottle. Sold by all
Take Hall's Family Pills for constipation.
Rigg’s Disease
If your teeth are loose and sensitive,
and the gums receding and bleeding, you
have Riggs Disease, and are in danger
of losing all your teeth.
Use Call’s Aotl-Rigge. and it will give
quick relief and a complete cure. It ia
a pleasant and economical treatment,
used and recommended by leading min
isters. lawyers and theatrical people who
appreciate the need of perfect teeth. Get
a 50c bottle of Call's Anti-Riggs from
Jacobs' Pharmacy, with their guarantee
to refund the. money if it fails to do all
that is claimed for it. It is invaluable
in relieving sore mouth due to plate
pressure Circular free. CALL'S ANTI
RIGGS CO.. 2.’> William-st., Elmira, N. Y.
—I ■ I"
White City Park Now Open
and all week. Matinee daily.
"Greater Than the Arabian Nights.”
Prices, 15c, 25c. 50c.
CORSYTH podty, 2:30
■ Atlanta sßusiestTheater ) Toriflht 8:8ft
The Scientific Sensation of the World
D’ART and Other Features.