Newspaper Page Text
Dr. Andrews Declares Atlan-
tans Must Awaken to the
Danger of Insect Pest.
‘Tilth breeds flies and flies are
death’s swiftest demons, said Dr. L. L
Andrews, medical superintendent of the
tAtlanta sanitarium, in a lecture on
“Files and Mosquitoes as Breeders of
Disease,” delivered at the weekly schoo'
of health at the old Baptist Tabernacle.
"Modem science is revealing iir
truth that for every abnormal condi
tion of the human body there is a Just
and sufficient and traceable cause and
it is not the work of some mysterious
“Insects which a few years ago « ere
' regarded with indifference or at most
• as a nuisance, are now known to be out
deadlv foes The house fly and the
mosoulto are two of the most common,
of these pests They carry' disease and
death in their wake.
"tVe need to be awakened to the fact
that strict enforcement’ of thorough
hvgdenfc and sanitarv laws Is our onlv
safety, else we will reap the results o'
the truth that filth breeds flies and fli ? ;
arc death's swiftest demons.
"Tvphoid fever is properly regarded I
as a water and milk born disease, but |
it is equajlv as true that it is a fly born |
disease The rapid spreading of the
typhoid epidemic tn certain localities
can be accounted for in no other way
This is quite as true of diphtheria, scar
let fever, and other acute infectious ;
diseases. If we would save ourselves
from these destroyers of life then tte
must decree death against the fly
wherever and whenever found V ■
must enact sanitary laws and .rs ■ c i
them; keeping our own back ytu if |
clean as well as our neighbor's, niio j
barring the fly fmm our homes''
A'lanta is directly in linn for the
American Road congress, a convention
of the American Association for High
way Improvement, the American Auto
mobile association, the American Road
Builder- and the National Association
of Road Material and Machinery Man
Fharles P. Light, who has just com
pleted a. tour of inspection of cities
contesting for the convention, has an
nounced that either Atlanta, Kansas
City. St Louis. Detroit or Milwaukee I
will be chosen.
SCRANTON, PA . May 7 —Wagering
80 era's with two friends last night that
he could drink a quart of gin, Joseph
Ogourk. a young nun of Duryea, was I
at the fifth glass, w hen he fell over and
Bright Eyes
An active, healthy liver
that never shirks its
work is reflected in your
eyes which sparkle and
shine with the joy of life
—watch your eyes in the
mirror and take
Tutt s Pills
at the first sign of dull
ness. At your druggist,
sugar coated or plain-
Maru mi, i . i iimiii ■ iiiisi i ■■■□ n—rwwaa
qtticlcly c\n\«l
KlO tneom/orf I
> Fre A. HarVeV Jr
pUL/CkX meeds , JB-
f personally:
I .excursions
Jno D Csr*er Fa«j Aft,
'''■ ' ' 14 rTnr
/-Atlanta. Ga '■
- •-——,6 i I
Homer Davenport Lost
Job Once Because He
Couldn't Draw Stove
PORTLAND, OREG , May 7.—Homer
Davenport once was discharged from
the art department of The Oregonian
because he was unable to draw a satis
factory picture of a stove for use in an
It was early in Davenport's career.
He had obtained a position on The
Oregonian's art staff more through his
father's influence than because anybody
believed in his work. For a few months
he worked with Indifferent success,
from the point of view of his em
One day the advertising manager. E.
G. Jones demanded that an artist be
assigned to draw a picture of a stove
with which to illustrate a large display
advertisement. The art force was lim
ited and Davenport drew the assign
ment He took it dubiously, but labored
several hours and then turned in his
"Great Scotti" shouted Jones, “do
you cal! that a stove? Do you call
yourself an artist?" And, on Jones' in
sistence, Davenport was let go.
Infant Laid to Rest,
The funeral of the seven-weekS-Old
infant of Mr and Mrs E. C West, who
died yesterday, was held this afternoon
from the residence. 45 English avenue,
and interment was in Westview.
World Atlas for Everybody
THE GEORGIAN wishes to supply every home in Atlanta and vicinity with a copy of the LATEST Atlas of the World, and has arranged
with the publishers for an entire edition for this purpose. It is a gigantic undertaxing, but will be appreciated bv our loyal readers, for
every home NEEDS such a work of reference. This is the STANDARD ATLAS AND CHRONOLOGICAL HISTORY OF THE WORLD,
and is up to dato in every particular, as described below. Think of the XTSEFULNESS of this volume in your home. Read how you can
get it through THE GEORGIAN.
like Atlanta Georc
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EXACT SIZE 18 3-4 x 7 inches! JUST AS IT LOOKS The Chronological Table of Uni-
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Phis Standard Atlas should be in every family Official IVIaCKiriOW Xot a day passes that you do not want quick in- onetofollowataglancethischro-
where there are children of school age. It is the one VlllUttl XTlaVlllilcZl y nological history of the world Thus
book that contains the essential features of a dozen rrtVCDV WCVT 4T WiCHIKrTnK formation about some other city, or some other the Standard Atlas is complete in
books in such concise form that one may get the ULK UU> tKKMtA 1 Al N AMIIMIIUni £tate or eountrv . Get it at a glancp from thp Stand . every detail, a work of rare edu-
desired information at a glance. Its the handy with duties, powers and salaries of- ® cational value, and of unusual in-
Atlas for every-day use. FEDERAL OFFICIALS ard Atlas and Chronological History of the AVorld I terest to both old and young.
Intimating; that the cost of the pro
posed garbage disposal and electric
power plant is far too great, a minority
of the city council refused to approve
the recommendation of the board of
health and had the matter referred to
the finance committee. A thorough In
vestigation into the cost of the plant
will be made. The matter was referred
on the motion of Aiderman Johnson.
The proposition of the Destructor
Company, of New York, recommended
by the board of health, calls for an
expenditure of $440,000. Another bid of
$200,000 was submitted to the board.
But the higher one was accepted on
the recommendation of Dr. Rudolph
Hering, of New York, an expert. Coun
cil will be able to pav onlv $50,000 on
the plant this year.
Councilmen Aldine Chambers and
Claude C. Mason say they want a bet
ter understanding of the matter before
thej- vot.e for it.
The finance committee will consider
the bid Friday afternoon and an ad
journed meeting of council will be held
next Mondaj- afternoon to hear the re
Though there is usually a scramble
for city board jobs. Dr, Joseph Jacobs
has reported to Mayor Winn that his
term of office as a cemetery commis
sioner expired last June and that there
has been no election to flil the vacancy.
Dr. Jacobs says he will not atand for
re-election. Members of council have
agreed to elect Robert Otis to the place.
Indigestion and all other
Stomach distress goes after
taking a little Diapepsin.
You can eat anything your stomach
craves without fear of Indigestion or
Dyspepsia, or that your food will fer
ment or sour on your atomach. if you
will take a little Diapepsin occasion
Your meals will taste good, and any
thing you eat will be digested; nothing
can ferment or turn into acid or poison
or stomach gas, which causes Belch
ing, Dizziness, a feeling of fullness aft
er eating, 'Nausea. Indigestion (like a
lump of lead in stomach) Biliousness,
Heartburn, Water brash, Pain in stom
ach and intestines or other symptoms.
ARCADIA, IND., May 7.—Letting
himself down head first into a barrel of
rain water at his home, Rev. Charles
Martz, aged 60, committed suicide. He
had been a minister of the Christian
church 30 years. Lately he had shown
signs of insanity.
Headaches from the stomach are ab
solutely unknown where this effective
remedy is used. Diapepsin really does
all the work of a healthy stomach. It
digests your meals when your stomach
can't, a. single dose will digest all the
food you eat an<4 leave nothing to fer
ment or sour and upset the stcrmach.
Get a large 50-cent case of Pape's
Diapepsin from your druggist and start
takiag now, and in a little while you
will actually brag about your healthy,
strong Stomach, for you then can eat
anything and everything you want
without the slightest discomfort or mis
ery. and every particle of impurity and
Gas that is in your stomach and in
testines is going to be carried away
without the use of laxatives or any
other assistance.
Should you at this moment be suffer
ing from Indigestion or any stomach
disorder, you can get relief within five
No odds how bad your liver, stomach or bowels: ho^ n ™'l c ?J 4o 3 ’’ OU r nd
aches, how miserable and uncomfortable you a"/. 1 ’ 0 ™ U?he deseed results
tion, biliousness and sluggish intestines —you always get th
With Don' S t C Tet e your stomach, liver and bowels make you miserable another mo
ment: put an end to the headache, biliousness. d 4 z!ne Y'™lYom-" G«dde or-’
sour, gassy stomach, backache and all other distress, cleanses y
gans of all The noison •’nd effete matter which is producing the ■_
Take a Cascaret now; don't wait until bedtime. In the
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happiness and a clear head for months. No more
davs of gloom and distress if you wi 1 take »
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