Newspaper Page Text
Chamberlin=Johnson=Dußose Company
Shop in the Morning
Store Closes Tomorrow, Saturday, at I o’Clock
Between the Hours of 8 and 1
o’Clock Tomorrow We Will Sell
Women’s 35c Lisle Hose at 25c
They are very light summer weight, made
strong at the toes, heel and top with double
Silk finished lisle—a quality that we sell regularly
for 35c a pair. With this saving of ioc a pair wise
women will buy their summer’s supply right now.
Women’s $1 Lisle Combination Suits 89c
Women’s 75c Lisle Combination Suits 59c
Those at 89c are of mercerized lisle; those at
59c are of nlain lisle. They are both lace trimmed
and both are garments that have already proven
very popular. They are marked at these prices
just for the half day’s selling.
Chamberlin* Johnson=Dußose Company
FOR <e models V- 50 \ and
THxS charts
CLIPPED FROM THE ’’.ftS ft? ft i
GEORC ;? ffc? « I
i.lust to show part of heading with date) '.J . •*' ’. ■' ’.'.
and the expense fee to defray the neces. ;>■ •'
sary items of the cost of handling, ';*.ys ,*•>* ’. ' .V-'jf&y L*'
packing, shipping, checking, account- : .' '.’w|nw'
®l £ i Wk> I
To get your Atlas, just present the six •.’•ft y-.’-.’IHMrJ. •
headings of c onsecutive dates E Fi’.l'i'S.’Lv-i’iictXntV.’.''’’:’i .'•
ot this office with the expense jAf tH : ; ’-VlSfe’-*:'-
t" ri{ V :>
BY MAIL, 15 GENTS EXTRA FOR POST 4GE jftftj £ fts $
qp 111 S Standard Atlas .y/.-..; ::
should be in every fam- ft* gw :|Bj - -••
ily where there are children >7.:J ftft -ft 'fts ia| ‘Wp”"
of school age. It is the one ft?-: :'|^ Cy
book that contains rhe es- ftftl .?ft ft & ft*
sential features of a dozen ft ft fti ft; ft
b< oks, in such concise form ft->;•
that one may get the desired ft: ft
information at a glance. It’s .:*:&
the handy Atlas for every- ft.ftft-ft ■>
'lay use - ft< X
Abraham Erlich lives at 49 Mill
Btreet. In this city. He is a tailor by
trade, and is 12 years of age. He suf
fered from a very severe ease of stom
ach trouble for about twelve years. His
stomach would give him intense mis
ery, especially after meals; he would
bloat and belch, his food would fer
ment, causing a rising of gas. also
water brash. Headaches were frequent
in his case, and a nauseated feeling at
times assailed him He, of course.
bought many of the remedies intended
for such complaints, and had good med
ical attention, but gradually grew
worse. He went to Course}' & Munn’s
drug store and had a talk with them,
who recommended the use of Quaker
Extract for his case. .Mi Erlich com
menced its use immediately and after a
week or so saw that he was getting
along much better. This improvement
continued, and after taking only the
third bottle, he says he finds that he is
in a better condition than at any time
during the entire twelve years he was a
sufferer from his trouble. Bloating all
gone, no more belching, no headache
any more, and a good appetite, with
great ambition and strength, are now
his. His little ten-year-old son. Ralph,
who has been a sufferer from kidney
anti bladder trouble for about three
years, with no control over the urinary
channel, and pale, restless and thin, is
now a completely changed boy; so it
can be imagined how happy the father
and son are over their double benefits,
and both called at Coursey & Munn's
drug store especially to i xpross their
heartfelt thanks.
If you suffer from any possible branch
of stomach, liver, kidney, bladder, blood
or worm trouble, you an the one who is
missing a great opportunity to secure
that priceless asset -health—if you
delay in calling for Quaker Extract, 6
for $5.00. 3 for $2.50, or SI.OO a single
bottle; Oil Os Balm 25c, or 5 for SI.OO,
at I'oursej & Munn's drug store. 29
Marietta street We prepay express
charges on all orders of $3.00 or over.
An Active Liver Keeps the Head Clear,
the Eyes Bright and the Smile Cheerful.
When the Liver Gets Lazy T l )?'T l !"' ts
• J sure of the blood, and food remains in the stoin-
tfie Blood Thickens and a( '* l or '’°" e^s - The head gets hot, the feet cold
and the bowels constipated. Right then and there
the System Becomes Easily is the dan » pr i ,oint - The bowels must be kept
J open. The system must be relieved of congestion.
SuSCeptlble to Cold and JACOBS’LIVER SALT is the greatest known
# relief. It is better than calomel. It will rejuv-
DlSeaSe enate the liver, send the blood racing through the
veins, dispel the congestion and make .you feel
' as if life is worth living.
The summer cold is directly traceable to an Don’t take an inferior substitute. Some stores
inactive liver. You get overheated and cool off will offer other preparations upon which they
too suddenly; the pores of the skin become make larger profits, often similar in name but
closed, the blood recedes from the surface of the different in action. JACOBS’ LIVER SALT
, , , ... , , is 25c for a */2 lb. jar at all druggists or sent by
9od\ apd a conges ion is jiroduced. The same mail (postage 16c additional). Jacobs'Pharmacy,
condition follows when you sit in a draft, or get Atlanta, Ga.
Easy to Restore Natural Color of Your V ”W* 188 W "W U Hfl Is
Hair by Simple Method. ■ H ■ ■ ■ * WW JIM ■
Science has just been finding out some JUUBL.
of the most amazing things about the
nair—discoveries that overturn many old
WeaS For instance CHESTS* FLATWARE: There is perhaps nothing more
Jis 11 a I newl3 ’ highly prized than what comes to us as an heirloom, many
> uct?A'he natural treasuring it to the point of re tiring it from actual service,
b°-° r a re simpi« keeping for the association alone. The patterns of which our
v '■'?ft ,l i>X nt a > ’nei nian . v chests are filled are as substantially constructed as were
by n an.v e 1 >ne , 'iifta those of the past, and are as su rely destined to be prized and
sc | en t t lt flc’ e treat- treasured by those that follow.
tedTn thftqueen ratl g ( ‘ combinations that we can show you covers the
a\a lu Hair Restorer'a entire field, from a silk-lined case carrying two dozen pieces at
AY\ \y tion'lhaftmakes s4<>.o(). to a velvet-lined chest, three drawers and deck, carrying
from the one package. twentv dozen At lISoOG (X)
leaving the hair soft and fluffy, and mak- iweuiy aozen, ar
ing a lasting color that Is not sticky and
does not run off.
The Queen Gray Hair Restorer is in
stantaneous In its effect and requires but XTf
one application to restore the natural col- fi y//* g>
$T "an.Tft-a’n "'be'' obtain™ from’ Jacobs’ LAU
Pharmacy, and the leading drug and de- c£z
partment stores throughout the country. -vr «iT.
The best hairdressers use it and sell It >37 WHITKWVIII 3T.
to their patrons.
m. RICH & BROS. CO. |~
| WAISTS I Sheer Soft White SJft
g These Waists are not helter-skelter-picked-at- S"
random garments. They are all fresh and dandy, jjft
'g more than seventy-five dozen having been bought S '
for this sale. So this ad invites you to a bargain
ft* feast of Waists of which we are proud, and which *ft
you will be delighted to buy. The lot includes
ft* both low and high neck in the simple lingerie sft:
ft* blouse effects, and also in the severely plain 3ft
ft* tailored styles. 5
p 5 These Waists are dainty de- 5
sign lace and insertion trim- f J M W £ J
; £ med and you will find many Jft
•5 charming designs to please K Sr
■J you. These (hi CA Values gs *
5 are positives' I •-'V Now
fti —1 s
* Another Come On In, j
5 117 : 7“ . 1 the Water’s Fine” ?
s Waists Special If you , re taking vour |
I “Linene” and Linen • “ dai ‘ y p di '’” at - f Pied ’ £
K Lawn Waists, G Pa - ’n r ‘ f 3 :
-2 Rpo-nmr «1 CO /M vacation is all seaward, S;
■ vXe lA 50 13 the feathery, g
* frolicsome surf, we can S
apparel you cap-a-pie Jft
* White Pique Skirts in the latest styles of 5
:: E «I co Values <Ri no Bathin S Suits, Caps, S'
M. 50 Values, H>l.oo Shoes etc- Ask to be S?
. w now, . . . shown the line. S ■
■ E si"
< 2K4EKJ
I Southern Suit ?
& Skirt Co. |
| 43-45 Whitehall St.
(> Important |
( s P e £ als ?
u Saturday )
| 1,000 New White
Lingerie Waists, t
Saturday SI.OO /
jF A wonderful showing of
fik lovely new, sheer Lingerie
M Waists, trimmed with w
T beautiful laces and em- g
broideries in every con
ceivable manner; low I
necks In square and V
J shapes; also sailor and
to*Ti Dutch collars; 25 charming V
)new styles to select from; A
regular $1.50 ■
$l.OO l
d Saturday Sale of
( $lO Silk Dresses
| $5.95 ) '
J* Lovely new, soft Taffeta ;
Silk Dresses in neat checks
and stripes, trimmed In 1
f buttons and laces, with at-
R/a tractive lace peplum; the
colors are navy and white, Y
a black and white, brown and A
f white and white and black; W.
®k a stunning little summer >
'® gown; worth g
’ $10; tomorrow < €J» QC y
priced attpv.zt)
Remarkable Bar=
J gains in Ladies’ I
Silk Shirt Waists 98c J
Tomorrow we will sell 10
dozen Ladies’ Silk Shirt
waists, all new and fresh,
I in white grounds with col
ored stripes; light blue, y
4$ green, heliotrope, tan and £
W black; very dainty and cool
for summer wear; .Jr
K priced for QXf
, tomorrow at 7UV
5 Voile Dresses in Zj
j colors at $3.98 *
We will sei! tomorrow j
some very pretty colored W
/sa Voile Dresses, with bodice
and sleeves entirely of all- *Se«
over lace and the skirt of
sheer, lovely striped voile.
in black and white, navy K
A and white, tan and white, Y
& hello and white; a very k
I attractive sum- A
W mer dress; worth V< Qx >
$5.00; tomorrow. . 'W.7U
5 Saturday the J)
j Last Day of)
theSkirtSale 2
Every Skirt in stock re- V
Sduced in price. Save $2 to A
$4 by buying that Skirt to- V
morrow. J
d 55.00 Skirts To»
morrow $2.98 *
Co These Skirts are in various I
m new models: plain and V
£ striped Imported Mohairs, R.
Imported Chiffon Pana- w
J mas, Worsteds and Tweeds.
The colors are navy, bla< k, x’---y
■ gray and brown; *
m tomorrow, vour C/ Qx
choice V-. - v.
j Choice entire Stock $5 j
q and $6.50 Whipcords /
and Serges at $3.08
I Every Skirt in stock that
W’ 5 ? sold at $5.00 and $6 50, in i?
g Whipcords and Serges, of- 1
t sered in navy -
® blue and black; <4 fix W
|L tomorrow.... tJW.vll g
C 57.51) Skirts for
$4.98 r
New Skirts in fine Prench
serges, blue and black, Im- ji
ported Panamas, in blue
and black, md imported * 1
K\ Trench worsted In tan on- *2l
•a ly; late models, strictly kr
ffl hand tailored; ,» . fto
v ton,,M - M.Vo
| A row
j Southern Suit /
C| & Skirt Co. JP
/ 43-45 Whitehall St. i
V |