Newspaper Page Text
The Georgwn Is.the Leading Want Ad Medium of the South
W 1
TFI Carrying more Want Ads than any other Southern Newspaper. Below are the figures showing the number of Want Ads published
if by ail the A . anta Newspapers for the year ii92!l: The Georgian carried 1189,411 Want Ads, Journal 256,259, Constitution 92,009 Want Ads. jdL»
jig This count is for six days to the week-—for The Georgian prints no Sunday paper—and seven days to the week for The Journal and The I
Constitution. 289,422 Want Ads are by far the most ever before printed by an Atlanta Newspaper in a year. Both Phones 8000. LiyU
Published by Th© Georgian Company.
20 East Alabama Street
Atlanta, Ga.
• Entered at Atlanta Postoffice as second
class matter
Subscriptions Payable in Advance
One year, mail, postage prepaid. $n 00
Fix months. mail, postage prepaid, 2.50
Three months, mail, postage prepaid, 125
One month. mail, postage prepaid. 45
Subscript lons P* yable in Advance.
Delivered by carrier, one yearss 20
Delivered by carrier, six months. . 2.60
Delivered by carrier, three months... 1.30
Delivered by carrier, on® month 4
Delivered by carrier in Atlanta and
other cities, one week 10c.
Help Wanted—Female
pastry ladies
who can make salads, two nuil-vs for
hospital, experienced or inexperienced.
Acme Business Agency, 1018 Century
Bld£__ 6-14-39
WANTED Reliable colored cook for
boarding house; colored pantry woman.
1018 Century Bi-ig. I 10
COOK and ' • wanted at 11’.* S
Pryor street. 6-14 -15
IVANTED- A man or woman cook; good
pay 638 Candler Bldg Call by Satur
day n00n39-14-6
WANTEf’- An experienced cook Apply
at <>nce, 55 Sells ave. 6-14-9
tVE Want a good stenographer Apply
Fargo Rernedj company. Annex B.
Rhodes building 6-13-23
WANTED- A middle-aged woman to
cook <’all after 11 a tn.. 50 East Ellis.
EXPERIENCED help want'ed on~ ladles 7
and children’s dresses. Apply 53 Deca
tur street 6-12-35
W A *<' 1 rI > Experienced coHai girls Ex
celsior laundry t’onipany. 40-42 Wall
street 41-12-6
WANTED A good servant. Apply 31
Q eei street. West End,6-12-37
WANTED Reliable and settled woman
for cook in small family; references re
quired Bell phone Ivy 8218 L ?.'» ij 6
Wanted ?oung woman for nurse Must
sta\ In the house. Good salary. 65
Wab;i Bl avei ue 6 11 30
LADIES We teach hairdressing. Herr
mann permanent wave; manicuring, fa
cial massage, electrolysis or chiropody, in
few weeks These trades will make you
independent Big demand for Mol er grad
uates at splendid pay. Some money
earned while learning Call or write Mo
ler college 53 West M ichell street. 41-8-6
84 Renti < >l.l \ER 3 Months 84
Oliver Tvpyr. Agency, 54 Xuburn Avenue
Phone Ivy 4757 6-12-45
Help Wanted—Male.
WANTED First-class colored chef cook;
second cook, ten reliable colored waiters
for summer resort; tw<» kitchen boys.
1018 < 'Hinn \ Bldg. 6 14 38
WANriJ' \ representative in yout lo
cality to handle our goods, exclusive
territory given Standard Utensil Co.,
»•. 11 irnoy av< • <a go 46*14-5
WANT KT’ Good coAk Apply the Colo
nial Apartments, 86 E. North avenue,
Apartment 7 6-14-8
WANTED Carriage painter: man to col
or varnish bodies Blount Carriage Co ,
East Point. Ga 6-14-2
WA a 1 ' * x ' rienced bushelman
and presser.’good wages to good all
around man. no other need apply. 69
Piedmont ave, _£L±l±
WANTED Reliable negro man to do yard
and housework, good home for right
party 663 Piedmont avenue 6-13-48
WANTED Laborers to work on lumber
yard Pattillo Lumb<‘r ’ ’ 6-13-41
wVn TED Four neat appearing voting
men for house to house high-class so
liciting proposition in city. Call any time
during the day at 140 Edgewood ave \sk
for Mr. Cicle. 6’31
WANTED Shop helper-machinist. one
with a few years’ shop experience on
light machine work preferred Call at
15 Lawn st.. West End 25-13-6
Wax TED-- An expert rate man. one thor
oughly familiar with freight tariffs and
auditing Must know his business. Ad
dr<i ■ ’ > eflerson, s < ’ 6-12 9
WANTED A young man steno
bookkeeper; must be competent
to get off trial balances and
monthly statements; double entry
books and lots of detail work;
large corporation. Address with
references, Steno-Book keep er.
.-are (leorgian. 6 1 2 8
WANTED ' . , • 1
DeKalb county cbatngang must have
experience with • i vi«-is anti road work
Call either phone 63 Decatur 6-12-16
.MAN to d<> W.ill papering by the job
Call at 345’ g P>-achtr«>e 6-12 5
WANTED A lew live num of
good address to present an at
tractive newspaper premium offer
among Atlanta homes See Han
lon at The Georgian office. G 10-28
WANTED Mon to learn the barbei trade
Few weeks completes (’omenow. Flu
lab at busiest season. We control many
excellent positions Tools given Wages
while learning See our uffei (’in ot
country applicants (’all or write Mohr
Barber College. 53 West Mitchell slre.-t
£ 2 - X 6
6TOP at Hilburn hotel bean of city;
WL Walton st . if you want a clean,
quiet room, transient 50c; open all right.
-21 19
fES. eroressor G O Brannlng will teach
the barber trade tlt'e easy) We
teach in one-half time of other colley,
Course, tools and position tn our shops
only S3O Why’ pay mor. ? Thousand- of
our graduates running shops or making
good Wages. Atlanta Harber College ’.O
East ilttcliell street 5 11 -IT
FREE." MASSAGE, hair cuts >l:i>>-‘
shampoos Ml barl’er wor k free <*l. .<r>
linen Atlanta Burlier College. 10 fla-t
Mitchell. 5-27-1(1
Help Wanted—Male and Female
WK FERNJSH all kinds of good, reliable
colored help for places in ami out city
Jones Employment Agon< \. 11U S Hr. m<l
st.; 20 years in the business,s2-14 6
f y R a NEV’S 131o<»«1 Mr<licinc for rheu
matism, i*ellagra, <»bi sores. 150 f*»r a
4-Rse of specific blood poison wc fail t<>
cure <l. S. Dobbs, agent, 51.< Austell
building Phone 614 < »ffice hours, 7 a m
to 6 p m. Sunday. 9 to 12 6-3-33
Salesmen Wanted.
igttrij-jun.- ,^-~v-u-i i-u-y-. -Jn>- xr<.~ l— r^u~i— l-~.— y— i ■—?- *•
' HONEST MEN to sell nursery stock ex
perience unnecessary: salary or coni
ir.Ls ■ weekly Address Millburn Ad
vertising \geney. .Millburn, N .1 40-10-t.
Teachers Wanted.
WANTED—Teachers All principals,
grade and high school teachers should
read our free booklet, “Ability and Op
portunity." Secure it at once by address
ing Dept R-3, Clanton A Webb. Rhodes
building. Atlantas-31-32
TEACHERS WANTED- Mainly for prin
cipals and assistants Fall positions
being taken rapidly l>-mand exceeds
supplv Free Registration Write for |
blank's and niu Register Teachers,
Agency, Register. Ga. 5-30-25
Agents Wanted.
Ailanta; ladios or gentlemen; start in
next week; salary $2.50 per day. <’all
Sunday only. 11 Cone st. 40-14-6
AGENTS WANTED In every town 1n
i Georgia to sell automobile tire remov
i er, dbes the work in one rnhiute what
, it will take two hours to do without this
tool. For sale by A. G. Inman, Midville.
Ga J I 29 J?
BE IXDEI’EXDENT- Start a mall order
1 business in your own home. We
1 tell you how, and furnish everything
11 needed wholesale An honorable and
| profitable business for a man or woman.
Particulars .free. Many make $3,000 a
year Murphy Mfg. Co., South Norwalk,
. Conn. 5-11-5
Situations Wanted—Female.
i 1T:I)I;RS
234 Candler annex, supplies, ‘free of
charge, hotels, cases, restaurants with
first-class white and colored help of all
i kinds Phones Ivv 1789, Atlanta 915.
CAPABLE lady stenographer desires good
i position. A-l references F3xperience.
Box 153. < are (>r*<»rg!an. 48-14-6
WANTED By a refined widow position
as working housekeeper. Address Mrs.
J. H.. care Georgian. 42 -13-6
> \V ANT ED By young lady of experience,
pupils lo coach for public school; also
i foi piano Instruction. Teacher. 496 Pied
mont ave. Bell phone Ivy 1647-L.
EDI DATED, unincumbered lady, under
standing linen room, dining room and
' kitchen, wants position as housekeeper in
hotel, sanitarium or large
Housekeeper. 94 \\ ashmgt.m si 32 12 6
w ' \”rp:D Position aS cigar
stand or cashier in or uut of city; ex
perience in both lines. Phone Main 1059-
•1dll : £ n 1 a 3576- _6 -12- 26
t’eMI'ETEXT young lady stenographer
desires position; moderate salary; .best
references (’all Atlanta 5801-F, or ad
dress Miss M., 63 Mart!_n_ st_ 38-12-6
( (LMi’ETENT, intelligent widow without
incumbrances, age 41. wishes position
as housekeeper or companion or take
« barge of rooming bouse; references ex
'L.ihm'‘o Box 59, care <Jeorgian. 25-12-6
WANTED Maternity cases 6y experi
enced nurse; hospital trained; best ref
erences, reasonable charges, no objections
to out-of-town cases. Bell phone 1054
West. 4 1 Sells ave. 29-12-6
WANTED Any kind of sewing done. Call
Atlanta phone 3X90 M. 36-14-6
Situations Wanted—Male.
254 Candler annex. 104 North Pryor
street, phone Ivy 1789, Atlanta 915. sup
plies free of charge hotels, restaurants,
boarding apartments and private houses
with .hi kinds oi help. 6 14 35
• WANTED V position as soda disp»-n.<»*r.
have had two years’ experience In the
; soda and drug business, can give good
rci. iences i\ y 6V74. 54 i» 6
A COLORED young man wants a wait
er’s job Address Joseph Burdett, De-
i eatur » Ga 49-14-6
A COLORED young man wants a but
ler’s Job. Address Willie Walker, De
s catur, Ga 50-14 6
NEAT, accurate Mien. i a plim-, general
office man. married, desires Inumsliate
; employment Experience, Box 11. care
Georgian. 3LJ 4 6
\\ AXTED Position by a registered drug
t gist of eight years' experience, can
• give ihe best of reference, now employed.
Address Aspirin, Box 69, Bowdon. Ga
13 116
{ C( »M I ‘ETENT all round newspaper print -
er desires position in office where the
‘ services ot a real decent fellow would be
1 aj>preciat( <l. C. \ M , 2255 Central.
M< Hipiio. Tenn o i i »,
POSITToN wanted at once by experD
eneed young man stenographer and all
round office man. moderate salary; good
. references Address Quick. Box 373. Val
’ <la 17 u-6
\\ \ntld Position as stenographer bj
high school graduate; have had expo
! rience Address R c ßox 750. care
Georgian 38-14-6
11 DRI G CLERK with long experience, not
registered, desires position at once; am
sob* i honest, reliable small town pre
ferred A-l references. Box 723. rare
■ i.m 4:: i 6
\\ \\ Ti i 1 Letters copied at home at
night. Prices reasonable Phone West
419-1,. or can be found at -Walton Build
( i* • 41 ■ L". 6
I. \\\ \ MOW! RS s lt . i petted and repaired
ai your home; satisfaction guaranteed.
Call \tlanta phone 306 Alan sent imme
diately 44-7-6
WANTED By ambitious young man
i| bookkeeper, a position; office work or
oiiheicr work, now employed, but desir**
1 I chang*'. good reason Address H. C . Box
• c .« r. 28-13-6
Licensed drfggist desires position
i mrnish references. <L L P.. 115
, I XVcsl 1 ?’ n 31-13-6
JW AN’I’EI ' Posit ion by young man. T 9
vein s u! age. as strno- bookkeeper Vd
dress II B R. 4O»-2 Alitehell st . citv.
1 < ‘I Ng M \ N of 19 wants a posit ion as as
s slant bookkeeper; have had experi
ence good references. AdcUess Compe-
•' ' H. \ ' ai • < o-. >i gia n is 12 6
X< •! NG \l \ N STEN( >GR XPIIER of tw O
vears experience, who Is nqw employed,
desires to make change to better future.
Xdress “Steno P <» Box 772. Cif\.
■■ ■
! W ANTED Position by licensed druggist,
also M D Address Bismuth care
; ! < leorgian 33-12 6
Bright Office Boy.
AGED 13. wants position in some office
i ; Willing to learn and will work for
. small salary Address L I. L . care
M < leorgian 6 12 22
) rung uai uh experici ■
« wants position as stenographer and of
f . assistant has some knowledge of
j bookkeeping Address G. R. K.. care
) !, 'oonr.in_ 31-12-6
1 ’ Position by colored rhanfft u:'.
V will R.-cp car nut of shop Wife to do
w.-ik cii lot. Address || Alclaiin. 212
’ hitvha B st reel 36 -11 - 6
W ANTED IL’.-l cii rent, salary o r per -
entag* M\ management always In-
| er* a-es busmess Best of references.
Address II I’. 8 Boulevard. South Kirk
wood stajJon 101-8-6
I WANTED Poultry farm to manage ot
I salary or percentage can improve and
i increase t isiness experience and refer
; »-r . H 8 Boulevard, South
' i Kirk w ood y't»££’<'‘D. Ga 59-8 -6
< I‘RINTEI; desires < inployment in << un
’ I try or > ’y printing office. Address
1 ' Experience*). Box 4. care Georgian
.. . . 31 . c
Situations Wanted--Male and
.I'l’o GET good competent, reliable serv
. j ants. suck. .i< cooks maids. butlers.
; nurses, office girls or chauffeurs, pleas*'
- apply to Bethel Labor Exchange. Phone
IVy 3114-L M I. Howard. Mgr, 6-14-17
Boarders Wanted
191 E. FAIR ST Ncr room with board,
all conveniences Phone Main 3722-. I
; 6-14-22
GOOD rooms and board 358 Peachtree
street Ivy 431' 6- n ! 3
I TRY 308 S PRYoI; s I’REET i< >R
Boarders Wanted.
Board and Rooms.
SELECT BOARD, cool room.-. 115-115
South Pryor. Atlanta phone 4949. 6-7-1
COI PLE W’ANTED for room and board;
also one room furnished ano one unfur
nished; one block off I’. achtr ee, easy
walking. I‘rice reasonable. 35 Currier
street i*hone \L ■ 1 1 -1' -6
in i a iti >i:i: < i atg< cool room
in small private family. Ivy 5775-J. 118
West I ’eaclitree. 36-16-6
THE COoLEFT and cleanest place, in
town is what my last boarders recently
told me. You can find this at private
home. 375 Capitol ave Phone Main
ROOM with Jxcefient meals; all conven
iences; seie. i neighborhood; $4.50 per
week. 42 Windsor st. Atlanta phone
FIRST-CLASS BOARD and rooms. 37
I ‘oplar. ±±2-7?
NICE, cool room; all conveniences; young
men or couple; table board. 13aker and
Spring streets, Apartment 2. 6-12-71
Boaters WANTED ip elegant sub
urban home; all chty conveniences; to
couple without children. Decatur 270.
GOOD TABLE BOARD in north side
home, I‘hone Ivy 2423.6 12-55
DELIGHTEDL ROOM and board in pri
_yate north side home. Ivy 1848.6-12-56
Nl<’|; FRONT room for couj)le. Phone
Ivy 5079-L. ~ ‘>-1 -j 57
ITA\ NICE young men can get board
and homelike meals at 85 Luckie sirept.
Ivy 3150.6-12-67
NICE, cool front room with board; all
conveniences. Suitable for two young
men or couple. Call ivy 4339-J.6-12-37
11 Cl RKIER, tv<> young men for nice,
large front rndrn; four windows; every
convenience; terms reasonable. 6-12-29
PARTIES desiring nice room and board
in refined private family, apply 400
Spring, half block from North avenue.
WAN’rED Two boarders for nice front
room; close in. Main 3734 L. 6 -12-18
FI’RNI SITED ROOMS, with or without
board, at 72 Spring street. Ivv 4860-. L
SNYDER HOCHE, 55 Luckie street
Rooms and meals for regular and tran
sient boarders, (’lose in Rates reason
able. Atlanta 5386,6- 11-37
BEAI’TIFI’L rooms and best meals in the
city; cool house for the summer. 17
East North avenue, between the Peach
trees. 6-11-21
COZY room adjoining bath; Peachtree
homo; early breakfast; no children. Ap-
Plx Belj ghone Ivy 6108 6-11 2
be \ t 'IT i’i ’ ELY furnished rooms, with
board, at 76 West Peachtree. Ivy 3767-1.
_ 6JL53
ROOMS and boarders. 121 Capitol square.
M 4839-L. 6-8-15
24 \V. BA KICK, front room and board for
couple or gentlemen; also room for one.
Ivy 1788,6-7-26
DELIGHTFVL home for summer; all con
veniences Phone Ivy 6634. Mrs C. S.
Mcßae 5-14-42
Board Wanted.
ROOM and board wanted by refined cou
ple in private family. Inman Park sec
tion Box 41, care
COFPLE would like room and board In
private family; preference north side;
would furnish room, state location and
terms in reply. Box A-100. Georgian
BOARD and two rooms wanted, with good
family; good neighborhood; full partieu
i.(is Reiifi.-.i, care <leorgian 53 12-6
BOAR!’ wanted by young lady in private
home, must bp (’lose in Address Miss
S. H., care Georgian. 26-12-6
Summer Resorts.
NICE. <ool rooms, three best meals in
city. $7 to sl2 per week, references ex
changed. 6-13-15
Exhibit No. 6
FOR SALE- (Jas cooking' stove; good
condition, reasonable. -83 Forrest
avenue. 6-11-1
Tlie above ad was inserted in the For Sale
Miscellaneous eolnnin of The Georgian on
June 11 and was sold -lune 12.
The following is what Mi’. S. S. White
thinks of The Georgian Want Ad pages as a
salesman :
. Atlanta. Ga.. June 12. 1912.
The Atlanta Georgian
' Gentlemen- I put an ad in yesterday ’s
Georgian under For Sale Miscellaneous, to sell
a gas stove. The ad cost me lie. This morn
ing I had a phone call at 7 o'clock, and sold
the stove today 1 think this is quick work,
for less than 24 hours from the time 1 put the
ad in I sold the stove. I am sending you an
other nd. and 1 now I will get quick and good
results. Sincerely,
819 Equitable Building.
Georgian Want Ads are known for their
quick work. They will buy, sell, exchange
everything.' secure help and positions of the
best kind, rent anything in existence, find lost
articles, locate lost articles and anything else
you are desirous of finding or wishing to dis
pose of.
Bead Georgian Want Ads for Pleasure
and Profit, use and answer them for Results.
Furnished Rooms For Rent.
FOR YOtNG furnished
room adjoining bath; West Peachtree,
near Linden Phone Ivy 1495. 6-14-20
CLEAN, neat, first-class accommodation,
25c to $1 per night; rooms, $1.50 to $3
per week. Bath and phone. 175 Mari-
Mia st. ’ 6-14-29
IN BEAI’TIFI’L north side home, one or
two rooms; separate or en suite: strict
ly private hath; large porch. Ivy 599-J.
SIX-ROOM bungalow on North Boule
vard, near Ponce DeLeon, until Sep
tember 1; completely furnished; gas and
electric lights. Phone Ivy 1880-. L
FOR REN’r Two rooms at 60 Carnegie
way; partly furnished. Phone Owner.
Ivy 2155. 6-14-11
FOR RENT—Furnished rooms; two or
three rooms furnished complete' for
housekeeping; no children; references. 73
NEWLY ftirnished room with refined
family; adults; Grant park home; sep
arate entrance; five-minute cars; meals.
256 Grant st reel 30-14-»4
AN elegant furnished front room with or
without kitchenette, with private fam
ily on north side. Phone Ivy 6083.
NICELY furnished rooms in private
home; walking distance. 152 West
Peachtree st. 33-14-6
FOR RENT Two nicely furnished rooms
for light housekeeping. 293 Courtland
street. Ivy 2455-L.6-14-1
THREE connecting rooms, kitchen and
_ ± _ 3 4 Pull ia m st reef. 6-14-6
LARGE front room; furnished; hot and
cold bath on same floor. Main 4324-J.
11l South Pryor street. 37-14-6
FOR RENT —Large room; clean, cool;
conveniences. Atlanta 1964. 72 Central
place 6-13-54
IN the Marlborough, Apartment 5, well
furnished. attractive room, next to bath;
one or two gentlemen. Ivy 2047-J. 6-13-46
FOR RENT furnished room for
one or twq young men. Meals If de
sired. Phone Ivy 2509-J.6-13-53
WILL RENT sou” rooms, completely fur
nished, during summer months; very
cheap, (’all 2389 Atlanta, and get particu
lars. 6-13-34
FOR RENT —One front room, furnished;
two single beds; all modern conven
iences; north side. Rent cheap for the
sjimmer I’Lone Ivy 128±±_
NICE, newly furnished rooms; also light
housekeeping apartments; close in; pri
vate family. 151 Spring st. 6-13-9
DELIGHTFI’L rooms with all conven
iences; pleasant home; close in; hot and
cold baths; $6 and $lO per month. 265
Courtland st. 6-13-16
WELL-KEPT, cool front room; just off
Whitehall; porcelain bath 22 Wind
snr st. 6-13-20
37T (: AP IT 01. AV E’. del igh ts ul rooms:
newly furnished; rales very reasonable.
801 l phone M. 2890 .1. 6-12-80
F( )R RENT Nice rooms. also light
housekeeping suites; close in. 255 Court
,an±_ _ 56-12-6
FOR RENT -Comfortable sunny front
room, close in. north side. 100 West
Baker street. 54-12-6
YOI’NG MAN wishes roommate; best
north side location; close in. Ivy 6645.
6-12 70
NICE COOL ROOMS with board. Phone
_22 Eas!_EllisL 6-12-73
FOR RENT Nicely furnished rooms;
center of city; also housekeeping rooms;
opposite postoffice. 41 Poplar street.
TWO light housekeeping rooms; all con
veniences 5853-F. 6-12-J79
NICE, cool rooms, in excellent neighbor
hood; close in; block of Candler Bldg.
Atlanta phone 1534_ 6-12-66
NICE front room, suitable for two gen
tlemen; Close in 50 E. Ellis. 6-12-65
LARGE front room; also single rooms;
conveniences: In pleasant home 26 E.
Caln. 6-12-68
NICE, cool front room; all conveniences;
( lose in. 239 Courtland st. 6-12-62
TWO newly furnished front rooms; bath
and every convenience. 71 Williams st.
6 12-61
Furnished Rooms For Rent.
COOI. front room and board; excellent
neighborhood; close in. 109 \V. Harris
street. 6-12-60
NICE, enol front room in Inman Park;
all conveniences; reasonable. Ivy
LARGE front room on first floor at 145
Spring_st. 6-12-58
COMFORTABLY furnished frbnt room;
close in; north side. 192 Courtland st.
NICE, cool room in apartment; close in,
reasonable. Ivy 5638.6-12-51
TWO furnished rooms for light house
keeping: also furnished bed rooms for
gentlemen: clean, modern and close in.
81 Brotherton, between Whitehall and
FOR RENT—Furnished, two or three
beautiful rooms for housekeeping; fine
exposure. North side. Phone Ivy 2080-L.
TWO rooms, furnished complete for light
housekeeping, $3 per week. *66 White
COOL ROOMS; north side; 31 West
Peachtree Place. Ivy 4606. Reasonable.
ONE large furnished front room; ideal
for summer; suitable for gentleman.
Atlanta phone 1298. 21.7 Capitol avenue,
NICELY furnished rooms; close in 173
Luckie st. 6-11 -19
FURNISHED rooms, with or without
meals. Main 3991-1., 6-8-59
FOR RENT—One nicely furnished front
room, well screened: all modern con
veniences, with bath, breakfast and 6;30
dinner; near In. Northern lady's home.
No children.2s2 Ivy street. 6-8-54
FOR RENT Furnished rooms, light
I housekeeping; separate to gentlemen.
325 Capitol avenue. Main 4082-L. 6-8-50
FOR RENT—Nicely furnished /font
room, close in; one party, $8; two'par
ties. $lO. I’hone Ivy 4607-J.6-8-31
IN WEST END, home of three large
rooms, one with private bath; flrst
class board. 428 Gordon street. Phone
_ 6-T-6
NICE, large housekeeping rooms, fur
nished complete for housekeeping; ex
cellent neighborhood; close In. Ivy 6071.
' 6-6-73
ROOM and board; nice location. 17 East
North avenue. 27-7-6
FOR RENT Roohis, furnished or unfur
nished; good neighborhood; five min
utes’ walk from Terminal Station; cars
every five minutes. Write or apply Mrs.
Sue F. Johnson, 76 Walker st. 5-22-3
NEWLY FURNISHED rooms; reasonable
prices; centrally located: baths free.
Broadway Hotel, 7H North Broad street.
Unfurnished Rooms For Rent.
ENTIRE second floor; hall, sink, gas,
front porch; walking distance; block
from Peachtree. 400 Courtland st.
TWO large front rooms for rent at 339
Whitehall st. 6-14-32
ONE unfurnished room and kitchenette
for rent to business woman preferred.
Phone ivy 4929. 6-14-16
TWO connecting rooms for light house
keeping; two blocks of park 31 W.
Pavilion. Main 4129-J.6-14-14
ATTRACTIVE housekeeping rooms to
parties without children in refined home
with adults; two blocks Grant park; sep
arate entrance; flve-minute cars. 256
Grant street. 32-14-6
THREE first-floor connecting rooms;
conveniences; no children. 49 Pulliam
street. 6-14-5
FOR RENT—Two large connecting first
floor rsorns, SB. 26 Broyles. Atlanta
phone 6037-M.6-13-54
ROOM for rent. 77 West Caln, 6-HD42
FOR RENT—Two large front connecting
rooms; sink in kitchen; bath; use of
phone. Main 5342-.152 6-13-32
| FIVE rooms, second floor: gas. electric
lights; hot and cold water; all couven
ien<■ es, 3C Argard ave. 6-13-2
FOR RENT—Three connecting rooms;
two large, one small. 316 Crew street.
FOR RENT Two rooms, kitchenette and
porch, two doors from Peachtree cars.
54 East Alexander. Ivy 2352-J. 6-12-28
FOUR unfurnished rooms for light house
keeping 255 Ivy st. 6-12-30
THREE connecting rooms for light
housekeeping: all conveniences; vacant
June 15. 83 Forrest ave 6-12-54
ENTIRE upper floor consisting of four
nice rooms, private bath, hall and front
porch. 323 Pulliam street. Phone Main
FOR RENT Three beautiful Tooms, sep
arate entrance; private veranda: elec
t.ricity; porcelain sink. Ivy 99. 44-1 1-6
THREE housekeeping rooms and hall;
modern conveniences. 97 Grant st.
THREE nice, large unfurnished connect
ing rooms; all conveniences. 460 Luckie
street. Atlanta 4447. 6-12-10
TWO large connecting rooms and kltch
enette. 417 E. Georgia ave. 6-12-11
FOUR connecting rooms for couple. 743
tllenn st.. Grant Park. 6-12-12
KIRKWOOD, GA.. three connecting
rooms for rent to refined party. 32
Trottl st. 6-12-1.1
TWO connecting rooms; $6 month. 129
Kelly st,6-11-17
FOR RENT —Two unfurnished rooms for
housekeeping; conveniences: vacant
I .lune 15. 114 East- F'alr.2B-11-6
TWO dandy housekeeping rooms; con
veniences; adjoining bath 142 Glenn
wood avenue. 6-11-9
THREE unfurnished housekeeping rooms;
no children. 442 East Fair st. 6-11-10
THREE rooms for light housekeeping;
convenient to bath. 254 S. Pryor st.
FOR RENT—Light honsekeeplng: three
first floor connecting rooms; sink; all
conveniences. Atlanta phone 2738 6-7-5
Furnished or Unfurnished Rooms
For Rent.
FOR RENT -Two or three rooms, fur
nished or unfurnished: all conveniences.
Main_3t‘4l. _227 Capitol ave. 6-12-32
FOR RENT- Three rooms, furnished or
unfurnished, for light housekeeping, in
private family. ,No children. All conven
iences Very cheap. 205 South Forsvth.
Furnished Apartments For Rent.
FOR RENT —A four-room flat; complete
ly furnished; in good neighborhood.
Call Main 4020 6-14-31
APARTMENT for rent for the summer:
completely furnished Phones Ivv 6433-1,.
Ivy 3860-J6-14-18
ATTRACTIVE SBO apartment for rent,
furnished during July and August;
sleeping porch and two bath rooms spe
cial feature; will rent for SSO to‘right
party. Apply Mrs. Lloyd B. Parks, 58
West Eleventh st, 6-14-12
FOR RENT —Completely furnished four
•room apartment, north side, for three
months, reasonable Phone Ivv 1281-J
FOR RENT -Nicely furnished four-room
apartment with all conveniences will
rent unfurnished Apply .1. M Wilson.
Atlanta National Bank. 6-13-4
FOR RENT—Five-room apartment, com
pletely furnished; north side; two
porches cool. Phone Ivy 5490-. I 6-8-11
TWO furnished apartments. two and
three rooms each, with private baths
and private entrance. Peachtree st
Unfurnished Apartments For Rent
FOR RENT—Seven-room apartment in
the Nicholas, 234 Forrest avenue. (Jail
Ivy 2583.6-14-21
FOR RENT By owner, a cozy four-room
apartment; close in. Apply 79 W.
Harris street. 6-14G0
FOR RENT—Six-room apartment, close
in; modern improvements. 76 West
Harris street. J. H. George. 75 West
11 a r ris s treet. 35-13 6
UNFURNISHED apartment for rent; con
venient location and comfortable apart
ment at a sacrifice. Apartment A, 11 W.
Baker st. Phone Ivy 5932. 6-12-48
P<)R RENT—The new apartment house
at 83 Hurt street, known as the Bosco
bel, consisting of three and four rooms
each, with every known modern conven
ience, and renting for $32.50 to $35, is
now ready for occupancy. Apply on prem
ises or Fitzhugh Knox, 1613 Candler
building. 5-9-57
Furnished Houses For Rent.
FURNISHED house of ten rooms. 200 feet
from Peachtree; $75 per month 78 E.
North ave. Ivy 5145. 6-14-34
WILL SELL furniture, etc., of a nine
room boarding house; best neighbor
hood; two blocks of Aragon; house full
of boarders. Box 16, care Georgian.
WANTED —To arrange with gentleman
and wife to use my furnished home and
board three who are at present there. Ad
dress 'Comfort,” care Georgian. 6-8-20
Unfurnished Houses For Rent.
FOR RENT—On September 1, A-l six
room house, near Gordon street car,
Peeples street school and Howell park.
Call Webster. Main 2106. 807-808 Fourth
National Bank building. 6-8-3
THE HOUSE you build, buy or
rent will not be a modern home
unless it is wired for electricity.
FOR RENT —No. 27 West Twelfth street,
seven rooms, hardwood floors, furnace
heat. See owner, 25 West Twelfth street.
Phone 2155 Ivy. ' 5-18-29
phone for our rent bulletin. Ralph O.
Cochran. 19 South Broad street. 4-1-21
Desk Space For Rent.
PART of office at 405 Peters Bldg Main
5258-J. 6-12-50
DESK SPACE for rent at 302 Candler !
building. Rent reasonable. 6-8-52 ’
Lost and Found.
LOST From 116 W. Mitchell street, one |
English bulldog; white and brindle col
or; considerable undershot and with cork- |
screw tail: return to above address and '
get reward.2s-14-6
LOST—Small, black suede purse, contain
ing seven ten dollar bills; probably
dropped in Dr. Block's waiting room; re
ward. Phone W. 810-.1.6-12-31
LOST —One baby ring. Tiffany setting,
with a very small diamond in it on
Whitehall street. 6-7-2
d»Q?; Axminster Squares, 9 bv 12. $17.00.
ROBISON'S, 27 E. Hunter street.
SERIOUS RESULTS come from trusses
improperly fitted. John B. Daniel, at 34
Wall street, has an expert fitter and it
wlll cost you no more to have him fit you.
and it means Insurance 6-24-19
3 VIADUCT PLACE, between Peachtree
and Broad. 3-21-36
AFTER twenty years nf intense agony
from itching piles I discovered a rem
edy which any one can use for the sim
ple asking. Send me postal card for in
structions. Box 39, Buena Vista. Ga.
31-11-6 '
SUBSCRIBE through me; Atlanta busi
ness men know me; high-class publica
tions at lowest prices. G. Haas. 165 l‘ul
liara st. Telephone Main 3244-L. 6-10-5
The .Many Spirella Styles.
INCLUDE a style for every woman: the
genuine skill of our coraetieres is man
ifested in selecting the model that be
comes you best. Company Headquarters,
84 East North ave. Ivy 6176. 5-28-36
| FOUND—The successful treatment for
skin, blood, chronic diseases and CAN
i CER. Call and see Dr. Reynolds Com
pany. 21 Inman building. Atlanta, Ga. If
you can not call, write. 6-7-36
SCREENS—Wood fly screens, metal fly
screens, hardwood floors, Venetian blinds,
metal weather strips, furnished anywhere
in the South. Write or phone W. R. Cal
law’ay, manager. 1403 Fourth National
Bank building, Atlanta, Ga. Main 5310.
■ . 4-30-19
NOTHING but first-class work and
prompt service. When you are ready
for this kind of work, phone Ivv 1436.
ACME LETTER CO., 417 Wesley Memo
rfal Bldg. 5-6-33
STILL another big shipment of new wall
papers. Prices right. All work guar
anteed. Better be safe than sorry, Bar
nett & Gordon, 22 E. Mitchell st.; 30 sec
onds from Whitehall. 4-13-45
CVCI’MBER and peroxide cream, espe
cially used for sunburn; guaranteed one
of tie best skin foods on the market;
nothing like it for whitening the skin.
For sale by’ Clayton & Zahn, 36U White
half st. M. 1 769.5-20-22
CARPETS and RUGS clean as when new 1
Our process insures satisfaction.
2 cents per square foot. 5-23-38
MR. JOHN F. PARROTT, your baggage,
now held by Miss Ida Smith. 126 Love
joy street, will be sold if not called for
in ten days. 6-5-18
REVEALS past, present and future Can
be consulted on all affairs of life, read
ings, 25c, 50c. 17 East Mitchell street (In
DR. EDMONDSON’S Tansy, Pennyroyal
and Cotton Root Pills, a safe and re
liable treatment for painful and sup
pressed menstruation. Irregularities and
similar obstructions. Trial box by mail. I
50c. Frank Edmondson & Bro., manufac
turing chemists. 14 South Broad street. ’
Atlanta, 1a.2-17-14
LADIES SI,OOO rewaro * positively
guarantee my great successful “Month
ly'' remedy; safely relieves some of the
longest, most obstinate, abnormal cases j
in three to five days; no harm, pain or
interference w» . work: mail $1.50 Dou- ;
ble strength, Dr F G Southington ’
Remedy Company, Kansas City, Mo ]
■ 4-2-3>
One cent a word each insertion
unless on agreement. Minimum
10c an ad. Ads to appear in orau
nary reading matter type. Acs i
larger type 2c a word.
Ads on contracts. 4c a line for
90 consecutive insertions- a
line for 60 consecutive insertions,
i 5c a line for 80 consecutive inser
tions; a line for 15 times.
(Count six average length words in
small reading matter type to the
“Situations Wanted” ads contain
ing not over 24 words will be
printed one time for 10c; three
times for 20c, or seven times for
All ads. such as Boarders Want
ed, Furnished or Unfurnished
Rooms, Apartments. Houses For
Rent or Wanted, also Dost and
Found, Help Wanted ads that only
get the benefit of the “city cir
culation” of The Georgian, will be
1c a word for one insertion: three
times for the price of two or seven
times for the price of four.
To secure proper classification of
Want Ads it will be necessary to
have copy in The Georgian office
before 1 o’clock the day of the
Every word In the advertisement,
Including the name and address,
should be counted. Each initial
counts one word; compound word”
are counted as two words.
Telephone your Want Ads to The
Georgian (both phones 8000) when,
it Is more convenient to do so, and
1 collection will be made at your
home or at your office the follow
ing day. This is an accommoda
♦inn service rendered Georgian
Want Ad patrons and payment
should always be promptly made
on presentation of bill. Always ask
that your telephone Ad be repeated
back to you by the telephone Ad
taker to make sure that it has been
taken correctly. The Georgian can
not guarantee accuracy or assume
responsiibilty for errors of anj- kind
occurring in telephone advertise
Out-of-town advertisements must,
be accompanied with cash in fuil
payment for the same. Note ths
foregoing instructions about count
ing the words and the rates per
word. Agencies’ discounts 15 /*n<i
2 per cent.
; ADVERTISERS should retain re
ceipts given by The Georgian to
patrons making payment for Want
-Ads over the office counter, as n >
mistakes can be rectified without
them. In answering advertise
| ments addressed in care of Ths
Georgian. If the advertiser asks to
show references, send a duplicate
of same.
All Ads must be ordered out In
writing or at the office. No dis
continuance notice taken over tei
SPECIAL COACHING for children Pre
paring to enter the sixth and sev* nth
grades. 245 West Peachtree. Phone Ivy
2085. 8-13-21
DROPSY CURED —Relieves shortness of
breath in 36 to 48 hours. Reduces swell
ing in 15 to 20 days. Write for particu
lars. Collom Dropsy Remedy Company,
512 Austell Building. Atlanta. 5-25-11
TFFTII "extracted '
23*4 Whitehall St. 8-31-29
Books Wanted.
CASH PAID l«i all kinds salable
MATE LIST. Phone >822 Main, or better
still, bring books tn store.
71 Whitehall St. ((Javan’s.)
W anted—Miscellaneous.
WANT the use of furniture for one v-eai
f ? r of It. by a' responsible
party. Address D. .1., care Georgian
i 6-14-11
■).XTED —To buy war relics from the
Civil war; will pay spot cash. L Einsrel
Lookout Mountain, Tenn. 45-14-6
WANTED Amateur printing outfit. ~A<D
dress, giving name »f press, list of ma
terial and lowest price. B R C 3'5
■Marietta street. City. ’ ' tjl’l3-43
1 HUY men’s old clothes and - shoes
Drop a card. I. Bock, 32 Bell st. 6-1-14
ca KD- Wil! bring cash for old
clothes and shoes. The Vestaire. IC~
Decatur street. 3-r
BLS 1 CASH PRICES for furniture,
household goods and office furnlturs.
Pembroke Sales Co 143 S. Pryor street
Bell phone Main 187. 4-5-2?■
" A *' 2 E P*~We pay highest cash price
on household goods, pianos and offief
furniture. < ash advanced on consign
" len ' s r , s P ri niWs Auction House, 21
South Pryor street. Ren phone Main 1526
"Jp HIGHEST CASH prices for
household goods, pianos and office fur
niture. < ash advanced on consignments.
ln nt ,rlL AU u ?> n < ? oni P an - v ' Eaat Mitch
ell street. Bell phone Main 2424. 8-26-26
For Exchange—Miscellaneous.
I'OK EXCHANGE Lawn mower, good
condition, wil exchange for Indian run
ner ducks •»r chickens, s S White riq
Equitable Bldg. ‘!J!«
WILL exchange Reo runabout for good
motorcycle. Reo. P. o. Box 176
For Sale—Miscellaneous.
“copyTng“'~'' ™~'
,o Hi , gh ‘^ ass " o, ' k A '""- Letter Co. 117
Wesley Memorial Bldg. Phone Ivy 1436
i “bL S Pot : ~ HI 'i n,Jsom ‘ "f'Kht folding
Led, large oak wardrobe oak milt
wide hall runner. Very .-heap. 225 West
Peachtree street. 6-14-19
$-’5 BRASS BF:T)s“ST7A(i ~
ROBISON S, 27 East Huntar street.
d rt . an< Wrms from rugs, car
V* k‘n r v e,C vacuu m cleaners from
tv.-.00 up. vacuum sweepers. $975 CT
Daniel &. Co,, 416 fourth Nat. Bk. Bldg
—— u-3-n