Newspaper Page Text
You can get the cream at home, but I’ll send the peaches direct from my B
orchard. I (
I’ve made a hit with my FROM ORCHARD TO HOME Peach Proposition. |
Folks seem to like the big, luscious peaches I send them, freshly picked from the I
; trees. The dew is hardly off of them.
B r
I’m in the heart of the Peach Eelt where the finest peaches are grown and
that’s the kind I grow. I
This is what I’ll do for you: g
Selected Extra Fine Peaches, six large baskets to crate,
express prepaid to any point in Georgia
Fine Peaches, run of orchard, six baskets to crate, OO
press prepaid to any point in GeorgiaW
Write for prices and terms to noints outside Georgia.
&,..-T’ • r
f«A «»>'/-*< M «,-= fife MJr Wi'
- M kJ M MH “ IL
* ~~1-.z.- - --.' . •- ' • • .
’ -. .."'. !?•" ' z ' X.-> ft
[■ -K/k .#5
Drink Hires and Let
J the Sun do its Worst
''X A'i J J §° g°°d to know there is one drink that will
\ z\/\ i,'J cool and invigorate you without ill effects.
Yv'\ ’/' #i ’.'J? So good to know a drink that is made from KW * y awtSt
r'i' Nature's recipe—that combines the tonic
v. <C J virtues of herbs and roots and forest saps, to n
'--.■rw giv you the most delectable of all summer I-
drinks * wWWB 4 1
*> • & Tr y h right now. See the nearest Fountain law ksfeMß
XAT j A Man. and just say “Hires.”
!1- J More cooling than other drinks and more
y ■ healthful. Not a trace of drugs. Just helps
■Uy- C” , \°-y —never harms. No need to say “ rootbeer.”
- Just say “Hires.”
jßfgafw- <;'Xtsc- sparkling, delicious. At your
home, carbonated, in bottles.
I',' V -Y •;’ ' . : A il? .-' ? ~ x ’ '*’Kair-'.''.''
i tsjf'' -a •■ ■ *''■ •■■4‘
«*W t-*»'* * ■»-«*-*- ’• l »uw^ L /».<i >M( i«g-w'uU - tfWA*pill!
the greatest improvement
in poultry fence construction ever known was made when M
! electric welding was introduced. It sounded the death '3
g 1 knell of the light, flimsy netting and of light poultry fences wl
!of all kinds. This radical change over old methods was J®
made by the Pittsburgh Steel Company and was ineor- Si|i
porated into its now celebrated “Pittsburgh Perfect” |M
fencing, for hogs sheep, cattle, farm purposes and for J
lawns and poultry I his fencing is manufactured ex- HI
clusively by them. Electric welding also placed wraps, H|
clamps and lies ii. the waste wire class. »»
“Pittsburgh PERFECT” 1
Poultry Fence WW
‘Pittsburgh Perfect” poultry fences as RMkWI
well as all l.jtti and lawn f< nv s under this MV jgA
brariii. arc tmw being made from a special
■' I n'h wire, mic iifiunircd in •/ A-fIMjM
th> addition to our mills recently -OMM
built. heavily galvanized by an
n- improved pn>ce e. All ?tay wires are the same HhBKJ9HHB
v size as line win s, and is the superior of any
poultry ci <■•■ made. The quality of the open
hearth w in l , conceded superior to Bessemer MSKHf ■■
steel; tin'galvanizing, applied by our special HHRi|®''!
process, and tlie large wires, are all of vital lii',''. l i ’’ft-V
importance in giving service and durability. Cg><u(
‘ Pittsburgh Pert< et” Electrically W elded
Fences, are made every height and weight
for upon getting only
‘Pittsburgh Perfect” fence.
No. 5819 55.50 Roll. W I’3
58 inches high, 165 feet. fcHBISSI
No. 4617 $4.50 Roll
REGISTER EO . „ . , . ,
4b inches high, 165 feet,
Poultry Netting
1 Foot High, 2-inch Mesh ... .$ .75 Roll $.Ol ft. cut
1 Foot High. 1 1-4 meh Mesh . . 1.50 Roll .02 ft. cut
1 Foot High.. 1 inch Mesh .... 2.25 Roll .03 ft. cut
1 Foot High, 3-4-inch Mesh . . 3.00 Roll .04 ft. cut
2 Feet High, 2-inch Mesh . . 1.50 Roll .02 ft. cut
3 Feet High, 2-inch Mesh 2.25 Roll .03 ft. cut
4 Feet High, 2-inch Mesh . 3.C0 Roll 04 ft. cut
5 Feet High, 2-inch Mesh 3.75 Roll .05 ft. cut
- 6 Feet High, 2-inch Mesh 4.50 Roll .06 ft. cut
53 Peachtree St. 87 Whitehall St.
■ mi, 11l liiii*miw»»i.i
... . • X
... I
It wan decided that the laic I»r M. I
Gardner, al that time surgeon general of I
the Southern Pacific Railroad Company.:
should he asked to select a theoretically in- 1 |
cm a hie case of ehroif<-Bj-ightdisease ! Le I I
picked out an employer in Arizona whose l »
case bail been passed on by three S. P.
R R physielai s <involved albumen ,
‘ casts, dropsy, and pal lent \va*' s<» weak I
he was in night sweats Hr. Gardner did I
not believe he couhi live 60 days.
lie was pul on Pultons Renal Com
pound and we waited In 30 days Im- !
pro veined I was reported and less than six I
months later patient was recommended J
for light employment, tests h\ the local
physicians whom we never saw reporting I
disappearance of the albumen ami casts.
It Gardner’s favorable report (our thir
ty-fourth test easel caused the closure of
the negotiations an<| the determination to
’announce the results Fulton's Renal Corn
| pound is getting in kidney disease.
It ran he had at Frank Edmondson X-
Bro., 11 South Broad and 106 North Pryor
I streets.
Ask for pamphlet or write to John J.
Fulton Company. San Francisco.
Books Are Selected as Necessary Com
panions of Boys or Business
Give i box til, alphabet and who
can say what height- of greatness he
mav attain. Today, however, the time
worn adage is being improved upon and I
pile attaining of :h« gi atuess is be-j
line made more certain by the enlarg
ing of the know ledge u hich that al-I
I phabet should be the index to.
The Georgian suggests that tin fond
parent shouhlwiot be satisfied witli giv- I
ing the boy merely the alphabet but
that othei books as simple as the A
It but as useful to the gray-Imited i
'business man as to the boy at school
lire provided ami tile lad given a big
I shove toward success by having <’
. otnpaet course of at - < he-e|bow eduea-l
lion provided him.
Give man ot hoy tin- alphabet today t
and lie also needs tile Standard Atlas I
and t'hronologit al History of th< I
World to isist him in selecting ami;
apply ing the facts and figures of post-I
live, \ eritied knowledge to the needs
of Ids business or’studies.
The alphabet gives you lite k<-v to
iliis most compact and complete his
tory. ami the Atlas gives you the key
to the quick attainment of as vast a|
fund of knowledge for practical ap
plication as you need along life's Jour
This book contains jiescrlptions of
cities, population and geographical in j
I formation, historical, geograp'ii. al and
I statistical charts, all of which will be
i found invaluable at iiotne business ot !
I school.
I <'lip six lieadlngs from tilts paper and
present .them with the small expense
fe, ,equited
, , , .... .
Automatic Refrigerators
are superior to all others.
Pay for themselves in ice
‘ savings. C. H. Mason, 6
‘•and R W Mitchpll c+rpot
Liquor and' Tobacco Addictions
Cured Within Ten Days by
Our New Painless Method.
Only Sanitarium in the World
Giving Unconditional Guar
Our guarantee means something. Not
one dollar need be paid until a satisfac
tory cure has been effected..
We control completely lite usual with
drawal symptoms. No extreme nervouiw
ni ss. aching limbs, ok lass of sleep. Pa
tients unable to visit Sanitarium can be
treated privately at home. References:
The Mayor of Ouy City, the President of
tiny Bank, or any Citizen of Lebanon.
Write lor Free Booklet No. 2 Address
F. J. SANDERS, Mgr.. Lebanon, Tenn.
I Guaranteed Fresh Country |
Creensboro Creimer/Go 07lp
Greameiy Buller Zlib
New york Oaky Co. Hr,
Dairy Buber, Pound Zub
Good, Sweel, Fresh
Ttnmssse Bu!er, Pound. Zub
Georgia Couniry Butier 22c
40c Coflea. .. .. 2Bcib|
3Cc Coffee .. . ...,22c lb |
25c Coffee .. ... 19c lb |
Tetley’s Tea, 1-4 lb. Tins He
Te ley's Tea, 1 2 lb. Tins J*lc
Buc Tins b
Cash Grocery Go.
I 1 !,8 and 120 Whitehall
IO OS M | # Here they go! The Georgian’s Atlas Campaign is a
IP? <Bl W O' s rousing success. Everybody wants one and the supply
f i s l° w » b ut mother shipment is now on the way.
Bl W Q S K 'gW We don’t want anybody to be disappointed, and must
HI S ur S e our readers to lose no time. Get your Atlas as
soon as possible before they are all gone. Act quickly.
THIS LUSTRATION is exact size; bound in JO GET IT " PreM '" -
silk-finished cloth; beautiful and durable; ■' r " j
with maps of every country, state ATLANTA GEOR(j
and province in the world LIKE THIS:
I and educational
charts. and th« expense fee of 53 cents to defray ■
packing, shipping, checking, accounting, etc.
THIS $1.50
11 An I» i
vav. ’.di-,'-.'•?? Doctors
■■■H ■■■■■■ ifcili
IlpMl j MiWWi! ip i ST*
nV z.ijri yx Artists,
b-Y v Policemen,
S Conductors,
••£■s£ S?: $£ Motormen,
A?f : •:: i-.- ” Engineers,
#• • • d. foremen,
tiffin Ott Workme "'
v7X ?••<: -H ?: •• rife 1 nci ude
:<-d ■> Y. Wss Mot hers,
i® ® Fatl, ers,
[w-ij • I?.:;- ?5 : * Sldprc
I'* pi Brolhers ’
—i Encles,
8 Coiis ™ s ’
/v-Yy.i AND THE
•-• •,- • ,' I, - ~.-..-.,,,,,-4 _ ‘ iiim
. ... ..®v. - . - ' ■ .
' ’ ■■’*•'■. -- ' ■ TTHtriTI WMillll i Hit I ■——»■wn—»ii»M—naiim_i-L_ - -
" • T ■'*" „ ..- - .
r-g3x “SCOTCH” the Heat!
In 3 Stylish Straw!!
Our Straw Hat stock is the most extensive and repre
\ \ I sentative in Atlanta, and embraces the ultra-modish
TH n / shapes and styles in all braids. Fine Split Braids and
IB n 51.50 to $3.50
Be Surt* and See our Straws!’.!
Soothingly Cool, Comfortable Underwear!
Xow come the days of real heat, when the least and
' ■■ coolest in Underwear is necessary to human endurance.
. Our lines are extensive in variety, taking in all the
" 1 ■ standard makes of light.
We control the balance filniv. gauzv textures that
of power in the Shirt. , ;|V ' as uht a bl „. dcn „„ V#/
business of Atlanta. W e
conduct the only legiti- . vour anatomy as textile pos-
mate Shirt Store in the sibilities will permit. You /h|\ e C'Vi
<-itv. The abundance w „ o+ ; /. V ¥\Z X
•> • . .. must come m and look xy.'w o INA >
and varietv of our { / / /
stock confirms our through the lines. Priced V V \ ; / / /
(‘laim. Soft Shirts with per gar- rA t rn X\k V / /
soft collars and cuffs so $3.50 /
‘X h $1.50 to $3.50 \V/ 3f
S . $5.00 DANIEL BROS. CO. >' \
Georgian Want Ads Bring Results