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—— ——— I PIANOS
Manufacturer’s Sale j
Os High Grade Pianos I
To give more expedient attention to
Southern Dealers, the Story & Clark .
Piano Co., a concern of 50 years standing,
is opening Factory Warerooms at 61 N.
Forsyth St., “Out of the High Rent Dis
trict/’ and will make the following Intro
ductory Discount Offer on Standard Up- h
right Pianos:
New $175 Pianos, Wholesale Price to you. . . .$ 89
New $250 Pianos, Wholesale Price to you ... $l4B |
New $350 Pianos, Wholesale Price to you .. . $224 I |l
New S4OO S.& C. Pianos, Wholesale Price to you $298 |
New $450 S.& C. Pianos, Wholesale Price to you $317 i H
New $475 S.& C. Pianos, Wholesale Price to you $342
New SSOO S.& C. Pianos, Wholesale Price to you $379
“ Made Endure”
Easy Terms Given. . Open Evenings.
Story & Clark Piano Co.
“Out of the High Rent District”
| 61 N. Forsyth St. Atlanta, Ga. || |
I. ‘ ‘ . STORY '
clark 1 , ~ t — r - ... . clark °
' pianos I .. :: ; " 1 pianos
Chamberlin=Johnson=Dußose Co.
$ 1 n-oo
I xJ $35.00
Silk Dresses I
Fifty silk dresses sparkling with style join
with the Suit Sale to make tomorrow an unprec
edented day of values.
One piece dresses of plain and shot taffeta and
of foulard. The foulard is Cheney Bros.’ war
ranted shower proof quality.
There are fifty of these in all, and perhaps ten
different styles among them, and being dresses
that are worth $25.00, $30.00 and $35.00, you
need have no fear of not finding one particularly
suitable to your own liking and needs.
Many blues and blacks, flowered and ringed
and dotted in picturesque foulard fashion, trimmed
with shadow laces at the yokes and about the
sleeves. Macrame laces are prominent and on the
taffeta dresses, ornamental buttons. A rich op
portunity for those about to go on their vacation.
Chamberlin=Johnson=Dußose Co.
• '
- - - - - A tt-
1 mi
AWAY from the old, cut and dried expressions. I
Away from the many meaningless, hackneyed I
I automobile phrases. Away from the every-day methods g
I of motor car advertising. They are not for us. I
Like Oakland cars —we believe in being distinctive in our advertising.
We believe'in doing things in a different way —the right way —the sane
We have but one aim in our publicity—and that is to say just enough
about Oakland cars to make you want to see them.
And then, the cars will do all the convincing necessary. Thafs the faith
we have in our 1912 models —and the faith in your good judgment.
You are going to admire Oaklands out of a sense of fairness.
Did you ever read an automobile advertisement that didn’t claim the maximum of acces
sibility, reliability and efficiency? Os course, you have noticed the sameness in the adver
tisements. Everybody is talking about the similarity of claims.
There is a difference in automobile design and construction. There is a difference in
material and methods, regardless of the public statements made by companies. Good
cars are not born in a day, nor a month. Cars must be proven by months and months of
9 hard road work.
The Oakland Motor Company has never mark- That's our faith in this car. You will decide as
eted an experiment. The first car made in others have, that this model is an exceptional
1908 is running today. Honesty in maufactur- car at the list price.
IQ ing may be old in principle but it is even wel- Model “40”—five-passenger Touring Car was de-
rome in these days of commercial strife. signed and built for the special purpose of meet-
increased production, year after year, can only ing the big demand for a car of sufficient horse
mean that we have budded well, and that Oak- power, and having refined details, to sell at a
land cars have met with favor. medium price. At $1,450 this car fills eVery
From a small beginning of 500 cars the first want for comfort., power, speed and reliability,
year, we have grown to 8,000 cars in 1912. The There is also built on this chassis one of the
growth has been steady-—each year increasing unique ears of the rear—a single seated, t.hree-
the production to meet the increased demand passenger roadster, at $1,450.
for cars. Model “30” Touring Car is a leader in the $1,250
Oaklands have won their place by proof of serv- class. It’s not a small car, either, having a
iee—by giving the satisfaction demanded of a wheel base of 1()6 inehes It ’ s a comfortable,
carefully built machine. That s all —and that s five-passenger touring car and finished with the
the only reason for our success. It sheen based same care and attention given the costlier mod-
on performance. It s been real. We have “de- e ] s This ear will surprise vou in looks and in
livered the goods.” action
That’s why we want proactive purchasers to And the thpr( , js th( _ Oakland .. O riole”-a 30-
look into Oakland oars We are proud of them horsepower runabout that has every require-
We know the high standards they represent. m „ n , ou ( . ()u| W)(ih This |s a snla|4 rul^ho| , t
We know the care bat has been taken in the de- „ , easin to iook at . an(l has Ih( . wllen
sign and construction. e know with what I, , # u i c ■
6 , .. -. ■ i , , , called upon, for it has a track record of sixty
exactness thev are finished; how thoroughl v each A , J
car is tried and tested. Lt s natural that we . , ,
should be so enthusiastic about our ears, and such Oakland efficiency has >een proven —proven m
real enthusiasm can onlv come from a dutv well many hill dim is and in competitixe long dis
nerformed * ' 1 tance tours. During the season of 1911 the
And we want vou to know the things we know. Oakland received a place in contest en-
Step into our salesroom. Go over the line with tered - , Ih, ” k ol that-wmning 18 events, and
one of our men. See for vourself. Prove the received perfect scores in every tour, and in one,
things we sav in this advertisement. Take \he hardest run of the year, given by the Buffalo
model after model. Automobile Club, captured the Sweepstakes
Begin at Model “45” —the seven-passenger Trophy.
Touring Car. It sells for $2,100. Remember This record proves more than efficiency. It
that. Go over it carefully. Notice the details. proves superiority, lor we won from many cars.
“What a beautifully finished car,” will be your I his superiority proves leadership—a leadership
first comment. You will notice the design, too, n °f disputed by any manufacturer.
the exclusiveness of it—the roominess of the Prospective purchasers should make it a point
body, and the many other details. It’s a great to see Oakland cars. They are made in three
ear for $2,100. It would be good for $3,000. chassis sizes and many body designs. Semi for
With a good mental picture of this car. compare a copy of “Sweet is Victory,” and the Oakland
it with any car on the market up to $3,600. catalog.
I Oakland Motor Company, Atlanta Brandi I
Birmingham Garage Co., Maury Motor Co., W. E. Fenner Auto Co.,
Birmingham, Ala. Columbia, Tenn. Rocky Mount. N. C. H
J 0. Green Auto Co., J. J. McDonough, Jr., W. A. B. Worley,
Chattanooga, Tenn. Savannah, Ga. Jacksonville. Fla.
Gregory Conder Motor Co., S. S. Parmalee Co.,
Columbia, S. 0. Macon, Ga.
—WU ■ W II II mill ITBB
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