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The pictures at the top and the bottom show two views in Dr.
Baird 's Laboratory, while, the picture in between the two shows
one of the operating rooms.
THERE are some doctors who con
tinue to look at the tongue, feel
the pulse and scribble off a pre
scription for those who come to
hare their ills cured.
But, as a rule, they are not suc
cessful doctors. Certainly they are not
specialists and if they are they are not
For the specialist these days must
keep abreast of every scientific dis
covery whi<;h tends to prevent and cure
it was for this reason that Dr. Wil
liam M. Baird, one of the best known
and most successful specialists in the
country, went ,tv> great expense in equip
ping his largo suite in the Brown Ran
dolph building, Atlanta, in an elaborate
in fact. It is probably the best
equipped in the entire South, and jt is
doubtful if there is a more completely
equipped specialist's office in the coun
The pictures on this page give some
idea of the elaborate manner in which
Dr. Baird has sought to keep abreast of
the times and to have ever}' scientific
equipment for the benefit of his pa
There was a time when some show.'
apparatus stuck up in a doctor’s office
to make a psychologic effect upon un
suspecting patients would get by. But
those who depend on such methods are
not successful. People are not fooler!
so easily now as they once were.
They demand of the specialist who
treats them the latest in scientific
knowledge and equipment and it is
only with such knowledge and equip
ment that the best results, are ob
Why. it might be asked, did Dr.
Baird go io the expense to install in
cubators to produce germs? And why
should he put in a stock of rabbits and
guinea pigs and sheep at his country
place to help out the laboratory?
These are merely incidentals in the
equipment of a scientific specialist’s
office with a modern laboratory. Blood
tests, microscopical examinations and
laboratory work In the making of sc
rums for the cure of disease demand
such things
For more than a third of a century
Dr. Baird has been doing the best work
it was possible to do. In order to do
this kind of work, it has always been
necessary to have every modern equip
ment. And Dr Baird has always had
such equipment
Not long ago he decided that a suc -
cessful specialist should have a com
pletely equipped laboratory in order to
give patients the benefit of the latest
scientific research. When he moved his
offices to the Brown-Randolph building,
56 Marietta street, he secured enough
room to make the installation of a
laboratory possible. This consists now '
of one very large room containing more t
than 800 feet of floor space. The il- i
lustrations of the laboratory show the
chemical apparatus, microscopes, incu- i
bators, autoclave, ovens, water still, t
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Ihe top view shows anot he r sect ion ot Dr. Bai rd s I.a borat ory. In the eent er Dr. Ba ird is shown
at his desk in his private consultation room, while the picture under this shows the principal en
trance ball to the suite with an ante-room in the rear, and the lower picture shows the correspon
dence and cashier’s rooms.
cages for guinea pigs and rabbits and
the other things necessary for a modern
institution of scientific medical research.
In all. Dr. Baird has twelve rooms,
with two large reception halls, and even
now he finds himself cramped for room
at times.
, He lias several waiting rooms, some of
them private, and private waiting rooms
for ladies and rest parlors.
There was a time when Dr. Ba ini at
tended to all his practice personally.
But his practice has increased so rapid
ly the past few years that this has be
come Impossible. As a result, he has
been compelled to have assistants to
help him carry on the work of the of
The picture at the top shows the General Reception Room,
large apd comfortable; the picture in the center shows another
one of the operating rooms, while the lower picture shows the La
dies’ Prixate Parlor.
These assistants are the most expert
it is possible to secure. Like Dr. Baird,
they are thorough diagnosticians, for
this one point Dr. Balj-d insists upon
In fact, as he has pointed out time and
again in Ills interesting .health talks, he
Is a crank on diagnosis. His assistants,
too, are experts in chemical and labora
tory work and with the microscope.
There arc many who think a doctor
can tell what is wrong by feeling the
pulse, looking at the tongue and look
ing wise A doctor may do this, make a
guess at the trouble and guess right.
But, at the same time, he is GUESS
ING. To KNOW the trouble so as to
be able to eliminate the CAUSE, thor
ough examinations are necessary..
And to make thorough examinations,
it is necessary to have complete equip
ment such as Dr. Baird has installed
in his new suite of offices. A specialist
in these days must be an expert diag
nostician and to be this he must be a
microscopist and a bacteriologist.
All this is necessary to do good work,
and good work Dr. Baird has always
insisted upon. It was he who declared
several times that what the profession
needs today is not new sure-cures and
specifics, but a more careful and intel
ligent use of the remedies already
known to be of use in certain diseases
and more care and attention to the de
tails of each case. By following out
tills policy. Dr. Baird has been success
ful. in fact, he has made a greater suc
cess as a specialist than any other in
the South.
The value of such a well equipped
suite of offices has been shown many
times recently in Dr. Baird's exten
sive practice. Dozens or patients have
consulted him who have thought them
selves suffering from Gout, Rheuma
tism, Kidney Trouble and the like,
when thorough examinations have
shown the trouble to be something else.
When they were scientifically treated
for the REAL CAUSE, and this has
been removed, their pains have van
ished. It was simply in knowing how to
find the CAUSE and then knowing how
to remove the cause.
Other physicians who had treated
them had treated them for the wrong
trouble or had been confused by symp
toms. The removal of symptoms alone
instead of removing the CAUSE of the
symptoms will not bring permanent re
lief. And permanent relief is what all
sufferers want.
As every one who has been reading
Dr. Baird s interesting and Instructive,
health talks knows, he has been prac
ticing and studying along original lines
for more than a third of a century.
That is why he knows Chronic Dis
eases, Diseases of Men, Nervous Dis
orders and Diseases of Women. A life
time of study and experience has made
him competent and his remarkable suc
cess indicates that he has produced re
Recently he has had considerable to
say about Neo-Salvarsan. the great
Blood Poison treatment which super
seded “606,'' and will he glad to talk
about this to sufferers. His mono
graphs on Diseases of Men and his
Health Essays are interesting and in
structive and free by mall in plain,
sealed wrapper. Dr. Baird's office hours
are from 8 to 7; Sundays and holidays,
10 to t. And his address is Brown-
Randolph building, 56 Marietta street,t
Atlanta, Ga.