Newspaper Page Text
Published by The Georgian Company.
20 East Alabama Street
Atlanta. Ga
Entered at Atlanta Postofflce as second
class matter.
Subscriptions Payable In Advance
One year. mail, postage prepaid. $5 90
Six months, mall, postage prepaid. 250
Three months, mall, postage prepaid, 1.25
One month. mall, postage prepaid, <5
Subscriptions P' Table in Advance
Delivered by carrier, one yearl6 20
Delivered by carrier, six months 2 66
Delivered by carrier, three months... 130
Delivered by carrier, one month -41
Delivered by carrier in Atlanta and
other cities, one week 100.
Help Wanted—Female
WANTED—Maid that has nothing to dn
but wjprk. 42 5 4 Decatur street 79-29-6
W XNTED Washerwoman to do wash
ing on lot. Apply 510 North Jackson st.
WANTED Washerwoman on lot. 859
Piedmont avenuess-29-6
WOMAN to cook two meals a da\ and
help with housework Apply 202 Rawson
street. 6-29-21
addresses; stamp for particulars. J
Murray Co.. 44 Elizabeth street. W . De-
EADY STENOGRAPHER, one with ex - ;
perience. rapid and accurate. Golden;
Eagle Buggy Company, 16 South I’itd- j
mnnt avenue 6-29-17 ;
A SETTLED woman to cook and do house ■
work for famih of three half-mile j
from Peachtree car line Call Ivj 56
6-29-3 ;
WAXTEI • \ good k *PPb 801 S
Pryor st 6-29-4
STENOGRA PH~ER; must also use pho
nograph; write letter In own ha nd writ
Ing. state salary wanted. Address X. AD
rare Georgian. 6-29-5
EITHER sex, earn big money, addressing;
envelopes at home; spare time, outfit to
start at once; sent on receipt of 10c, mail
ing cost. etc. Anderson Boek and Music
Co,, Box 238. Anderson. Ind 41 -29-6 ■
■■a \xti:l' Woman to do genera] house-
work. Good safarj 65 Wabash ave l
nue. __ 6 28-42 I
WANTED x good servant: must sleep In
the house 119 N Moreland aVfnue
IVANTED Experienced cashier; perma
nent position to right party. Rnjig ref
erenees with you. Nunnally s, Edgewood
and Peachtree.
WANTED A competent cook *pniy 175
South Pryor. Apartment 10. 119-28rj6
WANTED A competenf. reliable white
woman to keep house and rook iw<>
meals daily for two people: best home and
wages in city Address Home. ty>x 102.
rare Georgian .28-28-6
COMPETENT, experienced woman < not
joungl in take rare of infant, refer
ences required Telephone Main 4915.
COOK WANTED at 677 West Peachtree;
small family; cook must be first-class
and with best references. < an live in yard
If desired. 6-27-12
NURSE. settled and willing to stay on
plß'-e. Good wages. Phone Ivv 3098
6-24 A
Top are looking for* a position, aren't
you: or you would not be reading these
ads’’ Perhaps the position you are look
ing for is not to be found advertised to
day. ’Then why not spend a few cents
advertising for a position in the "Situa
fion Wanted ’’ columns of this paper to- .
morrow? ’There is no need of your walk
ing around in the hot sun or rain, lei
ting your brain go to rust as well as
worn yourself sick looking for a good
position when a "Situation Wanted" ad
m The Georgian will do the .searching for
you An ad in this paper will cost you
only a few cents to run several times and
relieve your mind of a heavy load. Tr
it and see 6-28-13
. !
RENT No. 3 (»Dl\ I'.RS
" Months >•’
Oliver Typewriter Agency. 54 Auburn ave •
♦ .. 15
Help Wanted —Male
EX PERI EN<' El’ stopo book keeper for
summer resort: must furnish bond.
Xctiie Business Agent \ . 1018 t'enturv
Eldg 6-29-72
’.■l ’\ i I a t expert < • < ■ a", : n\
Ugator. plenty of work at big money.
W rite National Detective \gen< \ . Dept
60. (’hi 69-29-6
PONT WORK F()R’OTTfElts' Star: mail
order business at home I made $8,500
last year. Let me toll you how Instruct
ive booklet free Voorhies. Dr \ 346.
Omaha. Nebr. ;i-j.'-6 j
<14)0 W EEKLY PROFIT.' Stan In bust- j
ness for yourself. Don't worry about i
capital No experience Box.l || Brown, j
Omaha. Nebr. a-29-6
Wy Y LONGER endure uisid* drudgery .’
Re our representaii'c. doing outside
healthful work own boss S2O daily'
profit nm unusual Experience unneees |
sary Davis Toilet Company. 908 Davis
buih . igo . ID 6
I WILL ST AI Ul* Y(»l'~earniu "at!,
home in spate time silvering mirrors
no capital, free instructive booklet, giv- ■
ng plans -< opera t ion G F. Redmond.
Itepi 85, Boston, Mass 39-29-6 j
x x y ONI . my where, can earn good In
come copying addresses. particulars for
stamp, II E Rogers. Dept AS. Boston.
Mav . , _ ,
*3O WEEKLY Salesmen to take orders)
for cut rate groceries, outfit free. r\ !
perien<*e unnecessary Standard Mercan
tile Co . 2454-2456 East Ninth st.. Cleve
land. <» u 29-6
Wanted g i portet foi dpctoi - • >ff< e
(’all Monday morning United Doctors.
' i i.«■ 11 \ni< ■ who can t boliers wanted
Address Box 575, Newnan, Ga 6-29-16
L< »< A L RI: I HI SI: NTA TI \ I :~w anted No
canvassing or soliciting required. Good
Income assured Address National Co
operative Realty Company. V-949 Marden
building. Washington. D (' 44-1-6
I K* ■ B- •< )'k
more than 360,000 protected positions
•n 1 nited States service More than 10.
<’oo vacancies every vear There is n big
chance heje for you. sure ami generous
pay. lifeline employment Easy to get
lust ask for booklet c tij N.. obliga
tion Earl Ih.pkinM Washington. D C
- I 6
W \NTED Barbers to know that we
carry full line fixtures and supplies in
Atlanta. Write foi catalog Matthews &
Lively, Dept <; '’iar.a 9-26-4
M xiL CLERKS. ’Hiruiy. internal reve
nue and custom house clerks, clerks in
patent offices, agr’- ulture treasury, army. 1
navy and other departments at Washing !
’on wanted by govermmm'. excellent sal- I
aries no “lay-offs short hours, annual!
vacations, position yvould be yours fori
life. Atlanta Ga examinations soon
Common educat ■ n suffii"ent. thousands
of appointments , ming “PiiH" un
necessary Write immediately tor sample
questions and large illustrated book tell
ing duties and gA mg full particulars I
Franklin Institute. Dept, 52 P, Rochester. ’
N- Y '
WANTED FOR p S ARMY Able bodied i
unmarried men between ages of 18 and
35; citizens of I’nited States, of good char
arter and temperate habits, who can
speak, read and write tf.< English lan
guage ror Intormatb n apph' to Recruit
ing Officer. 23U W’i.ite) all street, Atlanta.
o£ 411 Cherry street. Ma. on. i.a 4-2-1
W ANTED Two descnj 'Ae yyriters \bb
to use and own machine Single and]
steady preferred Industrial Publishing ■
Company, Box tf<, ears Georgian 40 28 6
WANTED Young men of g.< »d~\ h’7ra<-7 •
tor to furnish part of capital and driye,
rent ears Splendid opportunity f<>r i ght
party overland Southern M-dor Car I
Company. 232 Peachtree stnet xtlanta.
Ga 6-28-K ;
WANTED Good man to handle lif,»>- <»t
eiders and vinegars, exclusive terr ier' I
and high-grade y -ods. liberal ommis
stuns, weekly settlements; exclusive <«i
side line, references required Redlands
Mfg «’o . Ric hmond, Vk 48-27 6,
W ANTED <»ne . omhinmion frame um!'
■ abinet man; als<> <me colored fireman '
Fatillo Lumber Co 6 27 35 )
WANTED —Twn bar- i
bers. bogiti work about .lul\ I
Sttady jo\ io rioht parties
Write • .ira/ai o. Winteliea-I Gris
fin. Ga. 41 27-L
Help Wanted—Male.
WANTED- Young man of experience and
good recommendations to take charge
and manage retail grocery business; must
invest SSOO Address Groceries, care
Georgian. 29-27-6
WANTED Good competent male book
keeper for assistant In general supply
business Must have good habits and fur
nish good reference. Prefer married man.
Address P <» Box 227, Ashburn, Ga.
6-26-46 j
WaNT ED Ar? experienced man to run
artesian well machinery one that has
bad some experience drilling large well,
that can furnish satisfactory reference to I
that effect Address 'l’. A. Futch. Cecil, j
Ga 6-24-13
WANTED —A few live men of i
good address to present an at
tractive newspaper premium offer
among Atlanta homes. See Han
! lon at The Georgian office. 6-10-28
STOP at Hilburn hotel; heart of city;
lOVJ Walton at.. If you want a clean.
quiet room, transient 50c; open all night
3 21 19
YES. nrnressor G () Brannlng will teach
vou the barber trade (it's easy). W’e
teach In one-half time of other colleges. |
; Course, tools and position in our shops
only S3O. Why pay more? Thousands of
our graduates running shops or making
good wages. Atlanta Barber College. 10
f ' ast Mitchell streets-11-17
FREE MASSAGE, hair cuts, shaves,
shampoos All barber work free Clean
linen Xtlanta Barber College. 10 East
Mite hell 5-27-16
YOl’ are looking for a position, aren't
you. or you would not be reading these
ads" Perhaps the position you are look-
■ mg for is not to be found advertised to
! day Then why not spend a few c ents
a<lvertislng for a position in the “Situation
w anted" columns of this paper tomorrow?
There Is no need of your walking around
in the hot sun or rain, letting your brain
go to rust as well ns worry yourself sick
looking for a good position whet) a "Sit
uation Wanted" ad in The ’Georgian will
do the searching for you. An ad In this
paper will cost vou only n few cents to
run several times and relieve your mind
of a heavy load Try It and see. 6-28-13
Help Wanted—Male and Female.
ANY INTELLIGENT person may earn
steady income corresponding for news
papers. Experience unnecessary Ad
dress Press Correspondence Bureau,
.i:•t ■ • ri I • i' 103 -29 '»
WANTED Several good
stenographers at once.
Reniington Typewriter Co.,
56 North Broad street
I for a case Specific Blood Pol
-1 son w’e fail to cure. Raney
’ Medicine Co . 513 Auateij
' BJdg Phone 614 Office
-1/ .' Hours. 7 a. m to 6 p, m.;
/ Sundays, 9 a rn to 12 a m
I 6-3-33
Agents Wanted.
\\ A NTI :i» Keen, upright land salesmen
who can present a clean, legitimate plan
to investors. Leads furnished. Absolute
guarantee hack of every sale. Salesman
ship ability not so necessary as earnest
desire to accomplish results Write for
particulars. E, H ('lark, sales manager.
Waycross. Ga. 68-29-6
SALESMEN, do you want sio a daj aido
••r main line deal? Five combined prop
ositions; snappiest ever sprung Ameri
can Pottery Company. St Louis, Mo.
h 29-6
SALiISM i:n w ante3 to sefi the $1.50
"Write-Away" fountain pen to dealers;
big commissions: sample to salesmen 25c.
Write-Away Pen Co. Sedalia. Mo.
1912 CAMPAIGN B< »< >l< now readv. grrat lolitl.-al battle in half a centur
rariff. recall, money trtisi. and other vital
questions must be decided by voters of
the I nited States Biographies of candi
dates and al) facts and arguments on
both skies of Issues, written by Democrat
ic and Republican leaders themselves, in
our wonderful book containing 350 pages.
100 engravings .and mash beautiful col
osed pbitek You van make big rhoney
fast if you start at ohce* Liberal enrn
missions. Handsome p”ospec(iik and out
fit free Send |Oc to cover postage on
big free outfit. Thompson Pub. Co.. St.
Lords. Mo 6-29-47
I.A 1)1 l-:s. YOl l: OPIViIiTNrrV
EARN $7 daily taking orders for the Vic
tnrla protector; best sanitary belt made,
particulars and circular free. Write Cone
stoga .Company, <’hurchtown. Pa. 43-29-6
MLN \N!> \\ CM LN Wanted everywhere
to handle fast soiling articles that every
housewife needs, wants and buys; repeat
orders, large profits, experience uuneces
‘ary Write for particulars. Berry Mfg
■ " , h■lciiungtt.u, i*a. 36-29-6
agi NTS Here s a cinch for you; make
money quick: best seller ever offered;
big profits; free particulars Write to
<<ay Pelahatchie Gin Co .’Dept. 16. Pela-
" . Mis-, 38-29-6
G1 NEKAL XGI’.NT for cx. lusixe (I >ritrol
of Now Vacuum ('leaner In Atlanta; $4
profit each sale; sells $7.50 Write quick
Sartorius Co., 149 \\ Thirty-fifth st.,
NJ 40-29-6
BE IN I lEPEN DENT Start a mail order
business in your own home. We
tell you how. and furnish everything
needed wholesale An honorable and
profitable business for a man or woman.
Pat ticulars free. Many make $3,000 a
year Murphy Mfg Co., South Norwalk,
Conn 5-11-5
I Vi; WoRKED for Smith, Jones and
Saw yer,
xnd I've been from coast to shore.
But all I ever got from an employer
Was a darned poor living no more
Drop m<* a postal I'll put you wise;
SSO to 8100 a week Facts, not lies
My free booklot tells how James P l/O
gan. 226 South Seventh street, Minneap
olis \imii 6 -i.
Y(»l' can make big money sefiing ELEC
TRICAL DIAMONDS; scarf pins, studs
and rings, send 10 cents for samples; cat
alogue free Leon Wilder & Sons. 83
i ■ " . \ i v \■ >i i. 5-27-9
<’AAIPaIc ;N HOOK! '
\\ \NTED \gents in every county o' the
I’nited States to sell our campaign
hook. 350 pages. 100 pictures and por
traits <»f all (he candidates and leaders.
The Ilves of all the presidents and bV
tory of their administrations The plat
forms and principles of all parties. \n
Impartial and superior book Price only
?l 'l’his wII be (be most exciting cam
paign sim 1861. Outfit free on receipt of
10 cents tn pay postage. Titanic outfit
also sent free on receipt of 10c. for post
age Best terms Or<ler mtfits by return
mail. Phillips-Boyd Publishing Compan.x,
XilA'Ha Ga 6 26-12
KGENTB To tfßll our GAMI xign BOOK,
350 pages. 100 pictures and portraits of
all the candidates and leaders The lives
of all the presidents and history of their)
Administration The platforms and prin
ciples of mH parties \n impartial and
superior book Price only sl. 50c com
mission 'l’his will be the most exciting
campaign since 1861 Outfit free on re
ceipt of 1O« (<» pay postage "Titanic out
fit also sent free for 10c postage. F E
H'ise A* <*o . 5*20 Temple Court. Atlanta.
<;.’i 6 (
'•.('NTs w xn'l’E!' tn every ■ Jwn In
Georgia to sell automobile tire remov
er. does the work in one minute what it
will lake two hours to do without this
to«>l For sale b\ \ G Inman. Midville.
Ga 2-29-32
Salesmen Wanted.
< ARABLE .salesman to cover Georgia
with staple line, high commissions. SIOO
monthly advance and permanent position
to right t.iau loss H Smith Co.. Detroit,
62_ 2 9 - 6
\i i’smi-'n Besl Imr of razors to Si
dealers in every count' splendid talk
ing point** exclusive territories; money
i maker c Horning. Little Valley . N V
, 75-29-6
\<TNTS $5 a day: work all summer for
good men demonstrating to housekeep-
»rs Write for free sample and catalogue
Dept. D Brooke Mail «’rder Company,
f <• Box 618, Roatjoke. Va. 63-29-6
NTS make money selling KOTE on
• sih»" powder. Jewelers. <iei»Artmpnt
tores restaurants homes, xleans. pol
ishes entirely new particulars |
mailed Koie*<’n »'oinpan>, It’S Fulton st
New X<rfk -'i.’u.t
Salesmen Wanted.
I AGENTS- Just coin money sellinc New
• Improved Ilosierj- direct from mill with
our big advertising offer. You can make
<25 daily. Everybody buys. Credit. Bam
: pies In leatherette case free. New Im-
P rnvetl Knitting Milla Chicago. 72-28-6
15.00 TO $15.00 r>AILY selling campaign
book. Appeals to Republicans and Dem
ocrats: 350 pages fully Illustrated; price,
SI.OO. Free outfit Central Supply Co..
Edgewood. lowa. 73-29-6
Teachers Wanted.
; WANTED Music and expression teach-
• ers We need at oneft, for unfilled posi-
j tfons, several combination teachers of
I music, piano or vocal, and expression;
also. other combinations; competent
teachers only solicited. Clanton & Webb.
Rhodes Bidg.. Atlanta, <la.6-28-9
TEACHERS WANTED- Mainly for prin
cipals and assistants. Fall positions
being taken rapidly. Demand exceeds
i supply. Free Registration Write for
blanks and terms. Register Teachers
Agencv. Register. Ga. 5-30-25
Situations Wanted—Female.
. WANTED F’osition as nurse by refined
young lady: have bad training and
experience with best doctors. Charges
r< a .Tin }>l» <*p.ll Main 5518-J. 104-29-6
GOOD COOK desires a place In city at
$4.50 a week; can give references Rear
<>f 172 Rawson atreeLß6-29-6
WANTED -Position by a tborugbly' ••apa
ble stenographer of long experience.
< ’all Ivy 6358 - J._B7 -29-6
GOOD-PAYING position as <lh taphone
operator. Address Efficient, care Geor
gian. 101-29-6
LAI *') does coaching for children or adults
in English, mathematics, music. Phone
Teacher, Main 691. or address 29 West
Harris street 46-29-6
I'( >si'l’lO.\’ WANTED bj’competent young
lady as teacher. Can furnish refer
ences. Address Miss B. C.. Washington,
Wilkes county. Georgia Route 3. Box
WANTED Position at a private switch
board by an experienced operator; not
at a hotel. B. A. 8., care Georgian.
WANTED Maternity cases by experi
enced nurse; hospital training; best ref
erences; reasonable charge; no objection
to out-of-town cases. Bell phone West
HJS4 u j2£L , »_?L Vt ‘ _
WANTED Purinan»*nt < t temporary sten
ographic position. Miss Cannon. West
24DL 89-22-6
TAKE YOI R dross to S. M Wilson. 331
Courtland. Price reasonable Ivy 1767.
Situations Wanted—Male.
MECHANICAL draughtsman, young man.
well educated; some knowledge of me
chanical drawing, seeks position as me
chanical draughtsman. Address Me
ehanbal. Care Georgian. 96-29-6
ARCHITECT Young man, well educated,
some knowledge mechanical drawing,
seeks place in architect's office. Address
Architect, cart 4 Georgian. 97-29-6
HOTEL CLERK, young man. seeks po
sition as hotel clerk; some experience;
will go any where. Address Hotel Clerk.
• are Georgian. 98-29-6
HANK Ell Young man. college education,
some knowledge stenography and type
writing and general office work, seeks
position in bank or office. Address Bank
Clerk, care Georgian 99-29-6
SALESMAN, well educated young man of
fine appearance and pleasing address,
wants position as salesman wdth a good
house, experienced. Address Salesman,
care Georgian. 100-29-6
EXPERT stenographer and office man.
with railroad and commercial experi
ence, wishes first-class connection Ad
dress .1. A. M Box 1. <are Georgian.
SITI’ATK’N wanted by thoroughly expe
rienced driver and repair man; best care
given to ear. bps’ of references furnished.
Address C. C. S., care Georgian. 32-28-6
Situations Wanted—-Male and
FEPERS Eiiru AG END Y.'jf/f
--*64 Candler annex. 104 North Prvor
street, phone Ivy 17$!'. Atlanta 915. sup
plies free of charge hotels, restaurants,
boa’-dlng apartments and private houses
with all kinds of first class help. 6-29-5$
815. 6-29-26
Boarders Wanted.
syth street. All conveniences Atlanta
1173. 6-29-56
APPLY at 1 South Candler street at
Georgia depot. Decatur. Ga.: good
rooms, good meals, fresh milk. 6-29-43
SIMMER RA'I’ES al ?l West IVachtree
place, two nicely furnished rooms. Day
• •is wanted. Ivy 5625-J. 6-29-33
ONE LARGE, desirable room, with excel
lent table board; ready for occupancy
1?1 Peachtree 6-28-52
Hoard and Rooms.
SELECT BOARD, cool rooms 113-115
South Pry( »r Atlanta phone 4949 6-7-1
DELIGHTFUL location and summer rates
with all conveniences for boarders.
y oung men especially desired. 647 Peach
tree. Ivy 6634 6-27-53
IF YOU are looking for large, cool rooms,
delightful porch, best meals, everything
first-class, apply io 17 East North avenue
References 31-27 6
\\ xntiJ’ Two yotmg nan as boarders
in a small private family at 61 Mans
field ave. Inman Park, best table b.»ard;
reasonable rates 32-27-6
WEST END home qgn accommodate two
couples with nice room and good board
for the summer; also single rooms for
gentlemen. West 568-. I 6-26-59
NICE, cool rooms and best meals in city,
reasonable 20 Carnegie D E Evans.
Crop 6-26-4
NICELY’ furnished room and board 173
Luckie st.; close In. 6-24-1
() p pgs ITT: Tapi toiT
ROOMS and boarders 121 Capitol square
M 4839-L. 6-8-15
Board Wanted.
j FOR MY MOTHER and sister, I want
room ami board with private, refined
family, suburbs preferred; state phone I
and particulars Address References, care I
Georgian 91-29-6 I
WANTED Xecornmodations for The
Georgia legislators They are coming
in now and will be in session at the state
capitol for the next FIFTY days All of
them are on the outlook for nice, com
fortable and home-like places to eat their
meals, or to board or to rent Many of
the places these legislators had last year
did not suit them and they de
sire to find something better. All
the legislators will read The Georgians
that’s certain Their attention will be
called day after day to the “LegiHlators'
Xceommodatlons" column on the Want Ad
pages of The Georgian This will be a
big advantage to you. So If you have eat
ing or boarding places or have rooms,
apartments or houses or rent, your a<i
should be under the "Legislators' Accom
modations" heading An investment of a
few cents will keep your house full for the (
next three nmnlhs Phone or send in
your ad st once 6-26-33
Public Baggage and Transfer.
,M C FCRNITIRE transfer, we pack
and ship M 5490-1.. \ 1319 30 West
Hunter 3-12-7
Fire-Proof Storage.
W E sr. •>:!: li. JvgEHt h.d g ~.,s
| pianos (»ffue and warehouse 239-241 1
Edgew ’od n\r By 2037. John J Wood- |
Mtd« Bit>rnv« Conuanv
: Legos3ators’ AccommodatSons
TWO COOL, clean light rooms, southern
exposure; walk down Washington to
Glenn street; private family: no children.
Conveniences Tennessee cooking. 246
Pulliam street. 6-28-11
LEGISLATORS, If you want a cozy
room on north side call Ivy 2560-J.
ATTRACTIVE, furnished front rooms,
two gentlemen, or couples; separate
baths; near Capitol; conveniences. 65
Crew street.B4-29-6
THREE connecting, attractive furnished
housekeeping rooms adjoining bath;
two blinks from capitol: reasonable;
adults, Tr, Crew street. 85-29-6
NICE, cool outside rooms; with or without
hoard. Ivy 6778-J. 19 W. Cain. 6-29-67
Horne-Cooked Meals.
WE ARE SERVIN’; the most delicious
meals in the city. Woman's Exchange.
56G. Peachtree street, opposite King
Ha rd w r a re Company. 6-29-60
Nicely' furnished room, with board.
Close in. 6-29-54
FOR RENT—Three connecting unfur
nished rooms, close in; hot and cold
water. Also one furrrished room. Apply
12 Brownplace. Main 9077. 6-29-55
ROOM for the Georgia legislators. Plaza
hotel. Centrally lo ated. Cool rooms.
With or without meals. 286 Peachtree.
TWO or three housekeeping rooms wltn
bath and private entrance. Peach
tree. 6-26-1
CLEAN, cool rooms; home comforts; $lO
and up; meals if desired. Home cook
ing 400 Peachtree 53-29-6
LEGISLATORS, you can get nice rooms
and board at 56 West Baker. Ivv
2423-J. 6 - 29 -19
TWO nicely furnished rooms, private
home, all conveniences, rent very reas- i
onable. Apply 223 Capitol avenue. Main
3958- L. 6-29-20
TWO beautiful rooms in West End. pri
vate family; all conveniences; large lot
and beautiful shade. West 174 143 Ash-
by street. 6-29-22
LARGE, choice, front, connecting rooms i
or apartments, furnished or unfurnished; !
conveniences; private home. 66 Highland )
avenue. Ivy 4809-J. i
Nl(*El*Y furnished room on West Peach- •
tree street; private family; all con
veniences; reasonable to desirable parties.
lyy_s49sj-L. 6-28-62
LEGISLATORS: If you want a nice
room on West Peachtree, call at 38.
15 HOLSTON STREET. Nice cool rooms
and best of board. 6-28-51
LEGISLATORS can find exclusive accom
modations in private home; best of ref
erences. Phone Ivy 2080-L for particu
lars. 6-28-38
ONE extra large front room, having five
windows; also smaller front room, tax
ing tour windows; each nicely furnished;
bath room near and modern'; hot water
and phone; private family; near capitol.
Bell phone M. 3285-L.6-28-31
BEFGRF; you look further, call Decatur
505 if you want a room in a private
family in Atlanta’s most beautiful suburb.
Delightful surroundings: all conveniences.
Excellent meals next door; 25 minutes’
ride fr<mt_ "Five Points. ’ 6-28-29
FOR RENT—Nicely furnished room; on
car line, 129 Mills st. 6-28-28
NICELY furnished room for one or two
gentlemen, with or without beard. In
private family. Phone M. 4170-L.
ROOM AND B(>ARD for two or three
young men; all conveniences; $4 per
week. 42 Windsor street. Allanta phone
301.5-F. 6-28-37
Delightful Room and Board.
DLL' 848 6-28-5
NICE, cool rooms and best home-like
cooking: close in. 6-28-8
NICE furnished room; all conveniences.
Bell phone Main 4034-.1. 400 Rawson st.
TWO connecting furnished rooms: modern
conveniences; four windows: southern
exposure. 246 Pulliam. 1 6-28-11
ROOMS and board for Iwo couples In pri
vate home, on car line: very desirable
for city or Southern patrons: we use our
own Jersey milk and butter. Box 273.
Decatur, Ga.. or phone 296 Decatur.
Summer Resorts.
TI’RNERVILLE, GA. Near by Tallu
lah Falls. Now open. Cool, quiet and
comfortable. Climate unexcelled. Excel
lent fare 6 29-52
LOOKING for a cool, shady place to
spend the summer at reasonable rates?
Write T M. Foddrill. Turnerville. Hab
ersham county. Georgia »fL_29-6
CASCADE INN Conae where it is cooi
we sleep under blankets; catch auto bus
end Whitehall-West End car line. 5856-A
Atlanta. IL F. D. No. 1.6-27-36 I
VIRGINIA BEACH. VA. Special rates to
families. Vers select. Can only accom
modate a very few. 6-22-18
NICE, cool rooms, three best meals In
city; $7 to sl2 per week; references ex
changed. €-13-15
Wanted—Place To Eat.
WANTED Accommodations for the
Georgia legislators. They are coming
in now and will be in esssion at the state
capitol for the next FIFTY days. All of
them are on the outlook for nice, com
fortable and home-like places to eat their
meals, or to board or to rent. Many of
the places these legislators had last year
did not suit them and they de
sire t<' find something better. All
the legislators will read The Georgian
that’s certain Their attention will be
called day after day to the “Legislators’
Accommodations ’ column on the Want Ad
pages of The Georgian. 'l’his will be a
big advantage to you. So if you have eat
ing or boarding places or have rooms,
apartments or houses or rent, your ad
should be under the "Legislators' Accom
modations" heading. An investment of a
few cents will keep your house full fy;* the
next th.rec months. Phone or send in
your ad at once. 6-26-33
Furnished Rooms For Rent.
NICE, c<">l rooms in private north side
home, block of Peachtree. Ivy 5166.
152 w I's'f PEACHTREE, nioeb furnished
room, in private home, also housekeep
ing suite. mo<iern conveniences. 90-29-6
F<»R RENT ’•s private family, north side,
delightful location, two furnished rooms,
ne !v> 820 J j 2 29-6
E' 'i: Ri n : Two fuinished front rooms;
also two unfurnished rooms for light
housekeeping 77 v s Brotherton street.
near Pryur. 1605 Atlanta phone. 6-29-63
LARGE, cool front room; north side,
apartment, all conveniences; close in.
Ivy 6281 6-29-68
■j ■ furnished romns; gentlemen pre
ferred. 25 West Peachtree place Phone
;Ix x M3O-.I _ G-2P_-69
FOR gei tlematb nicely furnished room,
adjoining bath. West Peachtree, near
■ '>?.■ 6 29-70
I’’ RNTsh ED rooms for rent 242 Stew
art ave. Phone Main 5302-J. 59-29-6
TW<‘ or three large air,' connecting
rooms: furnished for light housekeep
ing 4‘ Brotherton <t xtlanta phone
34 ? 4 67-29-6
TWO nicely furnished connecting 7ooms
tor light housekeeping in (’hristian
’ b.ome 101 i’ap't«»l a\»- Mam 2484-. I
i ' RE NT Three t ■ oms f< ■ ■ i ise
| keeping close in private porch \Har
la 5052 6-28*43
NICE, cool rooms and table board a spe
clalty. 107 Marietta. 6-28-1
TWO NICE rooms, with or without board;
private family; north side. Ivy 2730-J.
NICE, cool rooms and best home-like
cooking; all conveniences for the legis
lators; walking distance. 255 Courtland.
NICELY furnished roomi; all conven
iences for the legislators. 192 Court
NICELY furnished front room that will
just suit a couple of legislators. 647
Peachtree. Ivy 6634.6-27-57
THREE nicely furnished rooms for house
keeping; cheap during summer. 138
Pulliam. M. 1827-J.6-27-47
CAN accommodate several legislators;
clean rooms and excellent table. M.
5361-J. 111 Washington. 6-27-49
COOL ROOMS: hot baths: $lO per month;
block of Candler Bldg 102 Ivy st.
NICE, cool rooms and best home-like
board. 29 E. Harris. Ivv 3741-L.
TWO or three nice furnished bed rooms;
close in; with best home cooking and
all conveniences. 117 Cooper st. Phone
Main 3814-J.39-27-6
TWO furnished rooms for legislators;
with or without meals: on car line, (’all
LARGE, cool front room; opens on ve
randa: all conveniences. 284 S. Pryor
s_L_ Main 2851-L,6-27-43
LARGE rooms; splend® table; right at
capitol. 119 Washington st. 6-27-28
GO TO 226 E. Fair street for cool rooms,
best table: good home cooking: every
thing up to date and pleasant: close in.
376 CAPITOL AV hl —Delightful rooms:
newly furnished: rhtes reasonable;
meals if desired. Main 2890-J. 6-27-31
TWO pleasant rooms; every convenience;
very close in. 112 Crew st. M. 2378-J.
-^L 32
ROOMS and uood board. Call
Ivy 2340-L. 6-27-44
nishc-d rooms, three blocks from capi
l tol. Phone Main 2439. 6-27-25
iIN PRIVATE HOME, furnished rooms,
with bath, electric lights; with or with
out board: at 367_Spring. 37-27-6
IONE large room With board. 131 YVash-
Ingtdn st. 6-27-18
I FURNISHED room or part of north side
apartment. S. O. L., care Georgian.
ONE or two beautiful front rooms; well
furnished; best location in the city; hy
gienically. esthetically and socially. Ad
dress S. A. G., care Georgian, or phone
Ivy 309. 36-27 6
DESIRABLE rooms; located close in;
north side: also housekeeping rooms.
Phone Ivy 2725-.L6-27-24
LARGE, well furnished room: excellent
board; fairly modern; In Northern home.
484 Courtland. 6-27-14
ONE nicely furnished front bed room for
one or two gentlemen; meals near by;
also two rooms completely furnished for
light housekeeping, near in; reasonable.
34a Whitehall. Phone M. 2464-.1. 6-27-1
GOOD BOARD; nice cool rooms. Every
thing the best. 46 East Mitchell street.
NICE, cool rooms, with board. 32 Hous
_toiy street. 6-26-36
NICE, cool, furnished rooms; meals if
desired. 72 Spring street. Ivy 4860- 1,.
- 2 6 - 3 5
FURNISHED ROOM, with or without
_board. 68 Waltom Main 3991-L. 6-26-41
LARGE clean rooms, good table and plerC
ty large lawn Fine for summer. P.ef
erences exchanged. Main 3758-J. 6-26-45
NICE COOL ROOMS with board. Phone
22 East Ellis. 6-26-48
BOARDERS wanted for nice. large up
stairs front room; private bath; excel
lent meals. 98 Washington. Main 3654-J.
_ : 6-23-47
T.WO nli-eli furnished bod rooms; all con
veniences: close in. Main 3722-L. 215
East Fair.6-26-49
BEAUTIFUL front room with board: 222
West Peachtree. Ivy 5784-.1. 6-26-50
NICELY furnished front room: very close
in. M. 1548-.1. 65 Woodward. 6-26-55
TWO nicely furnished rooms In excellent
north side neighborhood. Iyy 3915-.1.
TWO connecting rooms near Gram park:
one furnjshed. M. 1620-J. 6-26-51
Furnished Rooms For Rent.
DESIRABLE front room for rent In strict
ly private family, first-class In every
particular; meals if desired. Call Ivv
1384-J. ■SO-29-6
FOR RENT—Large, well furnished front
room, adjacent to bath. Private family
of adults. Bell phone Ivv 4317 129 ivy
street. 54-29-8
FOR RENT Two newly furnished rooms,
modern conveniences, in good home, re
eentfy remodeled. Bell telephone service.
Refined couple or business ladies, or
would let for- light housekeeping 311
Courtland street. Phone 6377-J Main
1 56-29-6
FOR RENT l.arge front room, with
board: also connecting room; reason
able. 23 Hurt street. Inman Park At
lanta 3154-B, 6-28-64
For rent Two nicely furnished front
rooms, complete for housekeeping; pri
vate entrance; sink in kitchen; also one
room, furnished complete for housekeep
ing. Hot bath. Bell phone. Best loca
tion. Parties without children. 290 Wash
ington. 6-28-53
FOR RENT Beautiful rooms in cool
house for summer. Splendid meals in
next block. 56 , West North avenue.
FOR RENT In the most attractive home
on north side, only two in family, two
.delightfully cool connecting rooms; every
convenience; for two or three refined gen
tlemen; out where the breezes blow and
birds sing; three ear lines half block of
house: fine for Hie legislators, or would
rent home to refined couple who would
board owners. The mos« delightful lo
caUtj in cltj Phone Ivy 1762- 1.. 6-28-54
THREE delightful furnislied~housekeep
ing rooms with private bath; porch and
entrance. Phone M. 4589 .1 6-28-23
FOR RENT Two connecting furnished
rooms for housekeeping. 58 West Peach
tree. 6-28-25
hDR REN’l' Two furnished rooms, light
housekeeping Call Main 4551 -1.
LARGE, delightful front room for sum
mer; very reasonable price to one voung
man. 61- \ West Baker. Ivv 2188-.1
FURNISHED rooms for rent: five min
utes walk from town: gas and bath;!
on car line, men preferred. 272 E. Fair st 1
FOR RENTNice, cool furnished rooms;
an ideal place for summer; close In.
339 Courtland. 6-27-58
WANTED Roommate For young~lady;
also room for two young men; speciai
summer rases; close in. Ivy Terrace
Apartments. Phone Ivy 1928. 6-27-55
LARGE room: first floor, all conveniences
102 Ivy st. 6-27-51
('.NE large room with board; also’ room
for gentlemen. 131 Washington.
Martinique Apartments.
Corner Ellis and Ivy streets. Elegantly
furnished rooms with bath: gentlemen
only. 34-27-6
TWO completely furnished rooms for
housekeeping north side a|>artment:
close ill Ivx 5638 6-27-4
NICELY furnished cool rooms in private
north side home 23’ Courtland st
IV V 4606 6-26-32
NICE, cool rooms in pleasant neighbor-'
I >od orivaie family, all convenientes I
meals if desired. lv> 2080-L. 6-26-9
1 Furnished Rooms For Rent.
TWO or three rooms for light housekeep
ing complete. 205 South Forsyth street.
Atlanta phone 5714-F.6-26-11
FOR RENT—Two newly furnished rooms,
with or without board. 295 Washington
Phone 2768 Main. 37-26-6
LARGE, airy rooms: single, double or
light housekeeping; north side. Atlanta ;
pbonp 5890-M.25-26-6 I
JULY 1. nicely furnished front roorn; I
screened, private porch and entrance"; i
phone, electric lights; bath convenient
Ivy 5580-J.6-25-3 I
NICE, cool rooms and best home-like t
cooking; close in. 252 Courtland.
6-25-4 I
FOR RENT—Nicely furnished rooms in !
private home. 19 East Harris street. i
-24-26 I
FOR RENT —Nicely furnished room at 61 ■
East Caln; apartment 5.1
FOR RENT -Nice front room, near Can- I
dler building. 102 Ivy street. 6-22-19
FOR RENT—Furnished rooms at 77 West j
Cain street. 6-22-14 |
THREE second floor rooms; neat and cool.
30$ S. Pryor. 42-22-6 :
NEWLY FURNISHED rooms: reasonable i
prices: centrally located; baths free.
Broadway Hotel. 7W North Broad street.
Furnished Rooms Wanted.
WANTED—CooI, furnished room, near
bath, by young man. Give terms and !
details. M. D. C., care Georgian. 6-28-15
WANTED—Furnished room with or near!
bath; preferably with sleeping porch.
State location and price. Address G. T.
W.. care Georgian.'
\\ ANTED—Accommodations for the)
I Georgia legislators. They are coining ;
in now and will be in esssion at the state
capitol for the next FIFTY days. All of
them are on the outlook for nice, com- .
sortable and home-like places to eat their*
meals, or to board or to rent. Many of >
the places these legislators had last year ,
did not suit them and they de
sire to find something better. All i
the legislators will read The Georgian
—that's certain. Their attention will be J
called day after day to the "Legislators* (
-Xecornmodations’’ column on the Want Ad .•
pages vs The Georgian. This will be a
big advantage to you. So if you have eat
ing or boarding places or have rooms,
apartments or houses or rent, your ad
should be under the "Legislators’ Accom
modations’’ heading. An investment of a
few cents will keep your house full for the
next three months. Phone or send in
your ad at once. 6-26-33
Unfurnished Rooms For Rent.
FOR RENT—Three rooms in new home:
every convenience; furnace heat. Per
manent people jmly. Main 3029. 6-29-65
FOR RENT—Three nice rooms, with con
veniences. References. No children.
Main 5205-L. 597 Capitol avenue.
THREE unfurnished connecting first-floor
rooms for rent to couple only; near in;
shady; separate gas, sink. 81 W. Baker.
FOR RENT—Three connecting first floor
rooms, no children. Atlanta phone 2973.
49 Pulliam street. 6-29-50 I
FOR RENT —Three unfurnished rooms I
witli bath and kitchenette: sls yer I
month. 45 East Merritts ave. 6-21V23 |
TWO large housekeeping rooms; hall, pri- <
vate front porch; block of Peachtree. I
400 Courtland st. 57-29-6
FOR RENT- Four nice unfurnished rooms '
at 76 Doane street: price, $10.60 per I
month. Apply 74 Doane street, or 187
East Fair street. 6-29-49
COUPLE wishes another couple to take
two lovely unfurnished connecting
rooms with kitchenette, bath and recep
tion ball. Also private entrance. Phone
Ivy 4375.1. 6-29-32
FOUR second-floor rooms and bath. $11)760
month. 158 Simpson street, near Luckfe.
Phone Ivy 2807-1,. 45-29-6
TWO rooms In new house; $7.50 per
month: on the car line: take a Decatur
car and get off at Lakeview and Third
avenue Mrs, W. M. Taylor. 6-28-2
FOR RENT- Two rooms ami kitchenette,
two doors of Peachtree cars. Ivy 2352-.1.
’ 6-28 - 49
TWO unfurnished rooms for light house
keeping. with all conveniences; ten min
utes walk from center of city. 11.7 Pul
liam st. 43-27-6
IN SUBURBS, three connecting unfur
nished rooms for housekeeping; large
porches; convenient to cars, etc.; rent
very reasonable. O. D. G., Box .101. care
Georgian. 6-27-9
FOR RENT Three or four rooms, sec
ond floor, all conveniences; good neigh
borhood; close in: suitable for light house
keeping No children. 234 Central ave
nue. corner Woodward. Bell phone Main
3560. 6 - 2 6 -17
THREE unfurnished rooms, two closets,
for light housekeeping to refined couple
15 Little st. ■ 30-26-6
Unfurnished Rooms Wanted.
WANTEDTwo unfurnished rooms for
light housekeeping; must be reasonable.
Answer, stating price anil location. Ad
dress Box 72. care Georgian. 88-29-6
CAN you spare three or four rooms of
your private home to people of true re
finement for housekeeping. Must be north
side or West End's choice residence sec
tion. Address Williams, 722 Candler
Bldg. 6-28-60
WANTED —Three or four connecting
rooms; Grant park section References
exchanged. II F. C., care Georgian.
WANTED Accommodations for Die
Georgia legislators. They are coming
In now and will ho In esssion at the state
capitol for the next FIFTY days. All of
them are on the outlook for nice, com
fortable and home-like places to eat their
meals, or to board or to rent Many of
the places these legislators bad last year
did not suit them and they de
sire to find something better. All
the legislators will read The Georgian.
—that's certain. Their attention will be
called day after day to the "Legislators'
Accommodations” column on the Want Ad
pages of The' Georgian This will be a
big advantage to you So if you have eat
ing or boarding places os have rooms, 1
apartments or houses or rent, your ad ■
should be under the "Legislators' Accom
modations" beading. An investment of a
few cents will keep your house full for the
next three months. Phone or semi in
your ad at once. 6-26-33
Furnished or Unfurnished Rooms
For Rent.
ONE large front room, furnished or un
furnished: private family 109-A Ricb
ardson st. 6-29-10’
TWO connecting with bath:
private entrance: apartment. Ivy Sl's-J
ROOMS furnished or unfurnished: plenty
of air, light and shade trees. 250 Lee
street. Phone West 656-. I 6-28-30
- I
Furnished Apartments For Rent, i
1 FOR RENT Three-room apartment, fur- ]
nished complete: steam Imai and gas: ,
reasonable. Apartment A. 28 E. Alexan- ,
der st. 93-29-6 ,
FOR RENT Four connecting rooms~pri '
vate bath 'entire second floor of own- i
er's home) and completely furnished for 1
light housekeeping; close in; north side. '
Adults only References required Ivv ;
2078-L. 38-27-6 |:
FURNISHED apartment in Marlborough" !
Ivy 4208. 6-26-14 1
TWO. three or five-room apartment fur
nished complete for housekeeping; no
•hild re n ._ 73 William ss t. 6-25 - 9
I'ELIGHTFUT,. cool furnished apart”
ments; nominal summer rent. West
I Vsn htree, care Georgian 6-25*5 1
TWO large beautiful kitcKenette
and bath; modern conveniences; nicelv <
furnished; north side. Phone lv' 2478. >
-24-18 '
DROPSY Cl 'RED Relieves shortness of
breath in 36 t<> 48 hours Red’\ces swell- J,
*ng in 15 to 20 days Write for partlcu
rtrs Collom Drops' Remedy Comnany.
512 Austell Building, Atlanta. 6-25-11 \
Unfurnished Apartments For Rent
WILL sublet at sacrifice four-room apart
ment, located on Peachtree street. Ivy
I 2234. 6-29-6
large, cool rooms, two closets, bath,
lights, screens, hot and cold water, phone,
north side home. References exchanged.
Atlanta phone 3163-M. Furnished or un-
| furnished. *25-29-6
I WANTED—By small family, a couple
i without children to take upper $25 Hat
lof home, vicinity of Third and Spring
j streets, or to assist in loklng in this di
rection for mutual home with cheaper
rates. References. Phone Ivy 123-L after
: 4 6-29-13
i SECOND STORY, four-room apartment;
steam heat: perfectly modern; $35 per
' month. 339 N. Boulevard. Ivy 508-.1.
i 6-27-16
FOR RENT—The new apartment house
I at 83 Hurt street, known as the Boaco
| bel. consisting of three and four rooms
: each, with every known modern conven
• fence, and renting for $32.50 to $35, is
I now ready for occupancy. Apply on prem
ises or Fitzhugh Knox. 1613 Candler
, building. 5-9-57
Furnished or Unfurnished Apart
ments For Rent.
FOR RENT—Rooms or apartments, fur
nished or unfurnished, in one of the best
I residence sections. Suites of one, two.
| three, four or five rooms, with private
hath. New and all modern conveniences
! ' 1 S J 1 garage. Phonei Ivy 2432. 6-26-21
; FOR RENT —Beautiful 5-room flrst~flodr
apartment, furnished or unfurnished.
105 Highland avenue. Phone Ivy 5448-LI
' 6-19-9
Furnished Houses For Rent.
i NICELY furnished north side home of
eight rooms for $45; located in one of
I the best sections on North avenue. Call
! Webster. Alain 2106.6-29-$
i FOR P.ENT—Comfortable furnished eight-
I room house on West North avenue,
i cheap. Parties leaving town at once.
Ivy 6202 L or Ivy 6414.6-28-34
f FOR RENT —Thirteen-room house, nicely
j furnished, near in on north side, across
; street from Peachtree inn. Owner leav
ing city. Phone Ivy 5t06-L.6-28-22
ATTRACTIVE furnished house; five
rooms; electric lights, gas and all mod
ern conveniences; centrally located. 314
Courtland. 50-27-6
SIX-ROOM cottage furnished complete
for summer. Phone Ivy 960-L. 6-27-17
Furnished Houses Wanted.
DESIRABLE furnished home: seven or
eight rooms: on north side; give details
and rental price in first letter; family in
cludes children: possession wanted July 1.
Address D. J. H., Box 300, care Georgian.
Unfurnished Houses For Rent.
FOR RENT —New five-room bungalow.
West End. 18 Wellington street; gas,
' electricity, hot and cold water, hath: price
| slß.Call West 443. 82-29-6
I PHONE or write us for our rent bulletin;
I excellent houses all over the city at
, moderate rates. Turman, Black & Cal
j hottn. 203 Empire Bldg. 6-29-66
| FOR RENT—New six-room West - End
cottage: modern conveniences; large
| lot. Near tw'O car lines. Owner, 301 Crew
| street,64-29-6
FOR RENT—Six-room house, new. mod
ern improvements: close in. 76 West
Harris street. J. H. George, 75 West
Harris street. 49-29-6
FOR RENT By owner, comfortable north
side cottage; six rooms and bath; $18;
immediate possession. Bell phone Ivv
FOR RENT -A new cottage; three rooms,
hall and hath;. $lO. 392 Mangmm street,
near Jones avenue. Bell phone Ivv 6432.
FREE the first month, low rate after
ward to party who will rent my six
rom cottage in Ansley Park circle. Call
Atlanta phone 2542.6-28-18
WANTED —To rent modem home, from
seven to nine rooms, between
and Spring; not beyond Fifteenth street
Rent SSO. ivv 2318.6-27-34
EOR REXT—New, attractive
house, within one door of Grant
park, on Cherokee avenue. J. T.
Clarke, M. 4672-J.6-27-10
THE HOUSE you build, buy or
rent will not be a modern home
unless it is wired for electricity.
FOR RENT—No. 27 West Twelfth street,
seven rooms, hardwood floors, furnace
heat. See owner, 25 West Twelfth street.
Phone 2155 Ivy 5-18-29
phone for our rent bulletin. Ralph O.
Cochran, 19 South Broad street. 4-1-21
Unfurnished Houses Wanted.
WANTED—By September I five or six
room cottage in first-class neighborhod;
not over $25; best references. Mrs. K .
61-A West Baker. 6-28-20
HOUSE wanted for rent; about eight"
rooms; modern; furnace or steam heat;
in good neighborhood; prefer some dis
tance out; nice suburb no objection; must,
be reasonable rent; good tenant and sure
pay; give full particulars. Address A. H.
11., care Georgian. 27-28-6
Lost and Found.
I,('ST; Diamond stickpin Finder return
same to Mrs. M. I-', ('ook. 257 Crumley
street, or phone Main 3357, and get re
ward. 6-29-53
nue. a mesh bag containing 15e and~a
nue. a fesli bag containing 15c and a
silver chain. Please return 809 Forsyth
Bldg, B. S, Crane. 6-29-40
LOST If party who found lady's hand
bag on Walker to Westview car Sat
urday will return or give information to
.>l6 st. Charles avenue, reward will be
paid. 6-29-34
LOST On \Y oodward avenue ear. coming
in from Grant park, Thursday afternoon,
pocketbook containing $52. Liberal re
ward if returned to 197 South avenue
LOST Dark bay and white Shetland
pony. Finder notify Kimballville Farm
Ivy ■1159-.1. 6-28-56
L< 'ST Setter dog; orange and white;
name "Vet." Phones. Reward for in
formation or return Dr. W. Jay Bell.
IJ'ST A hunch of keys, either in Can
dler Bldg, or postoffice lobby. Return
to 631 Candler Building. Reward. .1. H J
Re ynolds. 6-27-12 '
10l ND The best way of locating vour
lost articles the way that is the sim
plest known and the cost small compared
with the price you would give to have
jour things returned. You know vou
hate to part with keepsakes you value
highly, you dislike to give up searching
for your lost articles. The thing you lost
might be picked up by the person that
would be in the same place you were flvo
minutes later. In this ease this person
wortld naturall.v look in The Georgian to
see who had lost this article. And if
they saw your ad they could communicate
with you immediately. So remember
after this that when you lose anything
advertise it in Hie "Lost and Found" col
umns of The Atlanta Georgian and have
it returned to you. 6-28-11
IS N< >\\ LOCATED in tent, corner For
syth and Luckio; can he consulted on
all affairs of life. Charges moderat**
Satisfaction guaranteed. 6-25-13
GEVEXLS past, present and future’ (*nn
be < finsulted ort all affairs of life; read
ings. 2-»c. ;»oe. 17 Fast Mitchell street (in
tent i. 5-29-5