Newspaper Page Text
) .
FREE READING by trance medium
astrologer; advice, love, business, mar
riage, health. Send birthdate, five two
cent stamps. Dr. Smith. Dept. SO. Box
829. Saginaw. Mich. 70-29-6
(hnxAxminster Squares. 9 bv 13, $17.00
’(’"''ROBISON’S. 27 E. Hunter street.
UADY, 36. worth 120.000. would marry
8.. Box 35. League. Toledo. Ohio.
LADIES—Ask your druggist for Chiches
ters Pills, the Diamond brand; for 25
years known as best, safest, always relia
ble; buy of your druggist. Take no other.
Chichesters Diamond Brand Pills are sold
by druggists everywhere. 5-2-1
ANY SHADE, length or weight. Thin
braids remade and hair added. Special
attention given to dyeing Work and
quality goods used guaranteed SPECIAL
PRICES offered for next thirty days Mail
orders given prompt attention
Phone Main 1769. 5-20-22
WANTED Accommodations for the
Georgia legislators. They are coming
in now and will be in esssion at the state
capitol for the next FIFTY days. All of
them are on the outlook for nice, com
fortable and home-llke places to eat their
meals, or to board or to rent. Many of
the places these legislators had last tear
did not suit them and they de
sire to find something better. All
the legislators will read The Georgian
that's certain. Their attention will be
called day after day to the "Legislators’
Accommodations" column on the Want Ad
pages of ThtJ&Georgian. This will be a
big advantage to you. So if you have eat
Ing or boarding places or have rooms,
apartments or houses or rent, your ad
should be under the "Legislators' Accom
modations” heading. An Investment of a
few cents will keep your house full for the
next three months Phone or send in
your ad at once,6-26-33
WANTED—Sewing tn do of any descrip
tion. Call Atlanta phone 5890-M.
SERIOUS RESULTS come from trusses
improperly fitted John B. Daniel, at 34
Wall street, has an expert fitter and it
will cost you no more to have him fit you,
and it means insurance 6-24 19
3 VIADUCT PLACE, between Peachtree
and Broad. * 3 21-36
The Many Spirella Styles.
INCLUDE a style for every woman; the
genuine skill of our corset lores is man
ifested tn selecting the model that, be
comes you best. Company Headquarters,
84 East North ave. Ivy 6176. 5-28-36
, FOUND—The successful treatment for
skin, blood, chronic diseases and CAN
CER Call and see Dr. Reynolds Com
pany. 21 Inman building. Atlanta, Ga. If
you can not call, write 6 7 36
SCREENS —Wood fly screens, metal fly
screens, hardwood floors. Venetian blinds,
metal weather strips, furnished anywhere
In the South. Write or phone W R Cal
laway, manager, 1403 Fourth National
Bank building. Atlanta. Ga. Main 5310.
4 30-19
NOTHING but first-class work and '
prompt service. When you are ready
for this kind of work, phone Ivy 1436 |
ACME LETTER CO . 417 Wesley Memo
rtal Bldg. 5-6-33
STILL another 'mg shipment of new wall
papers Prices right. All work guar
anteed. Better be safe than sorry. Bar
nett * Gordon. 22 E Mitchell st.; 30 sec
onds from 'Whitehall. 4-13-45
PUPILS who failed to make grades, de
siring to be taught through summer,
call Ivy 2560-J. 6-29-74
DR. EDMONDSON’S Tansy, Pennyroyal
and Cotton Root Pills, a safe and re
liable treatment, for painful and sup
pressed menstruation. Irregularities and
similar obstructions. Trial box by mall.
60c. Frank Edmondson & Bro., manufac
turing chemists, 14 South Broad street,
Atlanta, Ga. 2-17-14
LADIES- 11,000 reward. T positively
guarantee my great successful "Month
ly“ remedy; safely relieves some of the
lor rest, most obstinate, abnormal cases
In three to five days: no harm, pain or
interference with work; mail J 1.50. Dou
ble strength, $2. Dr. F. G. Southington
Remedy Company, Kansas City, Mo.
2354 Whitehall St. 8-21-29
Colored Undertakers.
Fountain & Robinson.
223 Auburn. Atl. 5921-F; Night Ivy 3609.
• 4-11-27
For Sale—Miscellaneous.
FOR SALE —Hot water heating plant;
complete outfit; boiler, radiators 1600
feet radiation), pipes, etc.; bargain. Ap
ply quick. Bell phone 178. 4344 White
FOR SALE—Thoroughbred fox terrier
puppies. Males, $6; females, $5. Ivy
3819. 6-39-62
FOR SALE—New double-seated canopy
top surrey and set of harness, cheap for
cash. Call Atlanta phone 2440. 80-29-6
WANTED —To sell cheap, gas range In
perfect condition. Apply 30 W. North
gve 52-29-6
$25 BRASS BEDS, $17.50.
ROBISON’S, 27 East Hunter street.
rfwinblning Table. 6 feet. $15.50. ROBI
- 27 E. Hunter street. 6-29-29
F< iR SALE Two two-room houses in
good condition. 62 West Fair st. Phone
Main_ss2. 6-29-44
and large home safes. sls: Hall's bank
and fire-vroof safes, vault doors, etc. C.
J Daniel. 416 Fourth National Bank Bldg
_ UA 3
NEW HOME, five-drawer drop-head sew
ing machine; perfect condition; $45
value. S2O. Write 11. <'. E , care Geor
gian 28-29-6
ART SQUARE, china, ice box, gas stove,
iron bed. dining table, your own price.
290 S. Pryor.6-29-7
Foil SALE A fifteen to twenty thou
sand-foot capacity sawmill, planing mill,
fifteen thousand capacity dry kiln and
two and a third miles «f well built Irani
road tn the timber; one Shey locomotive,
one skidder and other logging equipment,
twentj million feet of standing pine and
hardwood timber, with five and ten-year
leases over same, and ten million feei ad
ditlonal joining 'hat <an be secured at
reasonable figures: considered one of the
best logging propositions now on the mar
ket. All of the above offered as one prop
osition; located on the I'harleston and
Western Carolina railway in lower South
t'erolina. Freight rate to port cents
per hundred pounds Georgia Real IL
tate Company. Savannah, Ga 6-20-17
FINE PIANO fo> sale, used only short
time. Cash or credit. Mrs I'. S . care
Georgian 38 28 6
jJf>R SALE —One band resaw, one bor
ing machine, one string saw. one turn
ing lathe, two rip-saws, one box board
matcher, one double emery wheel, one lot
pullet•«•. belting and shafting and hang
era. Will sell at a sacrifice E T Payne.
150 Park avenue. 6
for sale '"’oo pairs of the very best
roller skates Guarantee them to be in
first class condition. For further infornia
(ton write Frank A Dennis. Eatonton. Ga
6 28-48
FUR SaTJe Windmill, 'auk and galvan iron tower. <omtlrte outfit 34
Boulevard DeKalb. South Kirkwoo.i »
:u 28 6
gTL’ii N’t's < 7tir <r ap.i t-ooi,
~a M both for 15 Cal! Atlanta phone*
8542, or write A R , care Georgian
For Sale—Miscellaneous.
ERS. 175 K. W. ALTER
VILLE, GA. 6-25-11
WANTED You to km that we sell both
new and second hand furniture for the
convenience nf the economical housekeep
er. We save you at least 20 per cent
on every purchase. Cameron Furniture
Com nan.v. 39 West Mitchell street Phone
Main 32296-24-20
REPAIRS and refurnishes all kinds of
furniture We make ladies' shirtwaist
boxes to order at $3 each An? special
pieces of upholstered furniture we make
to order by expert mechanics Estimates
carefully furnished. Phone Main 2475.
171 Whitehall Street
LUMBER, sash and doors All kinds of
building material. C. E. Henderson,
Marietta, Ga 6-22-50
ONE complete set of mahogany drug fix
tures, one Puffer soda fount; all prac
tically new and in good condition; will
sell at a great sacrifice. Consolidated
Drug Co., Pelham, Ga. 6-22-5
National Cash Register.
$36. SSO, S6O. $75, SIOO, $l6O and up to suit
your needs. Terms easy. Liberal ex
change for cash registers in use. Bell
phone Ivy 4155, Atlanta 594
60 North Broad Street.
SAFES, new and second-hand; all sizes.
Steel filing cases and Are proof cabinets
Gookin Bank and Office Equipment Com
pany 6-18-17
Cotton Seed Hulls.
!F, R LOGAN & CO.. ATLANTA. 6-17-37
WE RENT good pianos, $3 month up.
We sell good pianos, $5 month up
Bargain tn second-hand. SIOO up.
R. P. Becht Company, 110 Te.mple Court
building. Bell phone 667 Main. 4-23-20
BE SURE and see our screens and get
our prices before buying. Kane Blind
and Screen Co., J. J. Crawford, 202 Kiser
Bldg. M. 1929.3-20-11
Atlanta Tent and Awning
MANUFACTURERS high grade tents and
awnings. 39’/4 Luckle st. Ivy 5667.
Amnrionn " Tt registers everything "
xYIUUrICdI I Latest Improvements
C'oeli o,< ’ registers exchanged.
"• rinll .Mt sizes; easy terms.
T?A<vic + orc Atlanta Cash Register Co.
IVUglSberS 34 East Alabama street
POPE'S dollar watch In
the world sent prepaid, only 86c
Fully guaranteed to keep correct time
two years or money refunded. New watch
given free if It breaks. A more servicea
ble watch can not be had at any price.
Money refunded immediately if you are
not highly pleased. Order today without
fail. Pope watch and Diamond Company,
1514 Main street. Dallas. Tex. 6-1-14
SODA FOUNTS—Bargain tn new and sec
ond-hand soda fountains: easy terms;
write for prices. P. O. Box 1022, Atlanta.
Ga. 8-16-76
WANTED—To give away 400 yards of
dirt on lot adjoining Walton building
G. W. McCarty. 206 Walton building
WANTED —Second-hand safe; must be
cheap Safe, care Georgian.
WANTED —Two fox terrier dogs, male
and female, and one male Maltese cat.
Pure bred wanted- no fancy prices. Write
and give description to Box 353, Fort
Gaines, Ga. 6-29-11
DROP A CARD—WiII bring cash for old
clothes and shoes. The Vestaire, 166
Decatur street. 6-27-42
i~BUY~men's” old clothes and shoes
Drop a card. I. Bock. 32 Beh sL 6-1-14
BEST CASH PRICES for furniture,
household goods and office furniture.
Pembroke Sales Co., 143 S. Pryor street.
Bell phone Main 181. 4-5-25
WA NTED—We" pay highest cash prices
on household goods, pianos and office
furniture. Cash advanced on consign
ments Springer's Auction House, 25
South Prvor street. Bell phone Main 1526.
household goods, pianos and office tur
rit lire. Cash advanced on consignments.
Central Auction Company. 12 East Mitch
ell street Bell phone Main 2424. 8-26-26
A NEW 1912 Maxwell Messenger, fully
equipped; never been uncrated; will sell
well under list price. 902 Empire Life.
Phone M 41 l - __6 -29-71
'‘ I I \I, M U I.’ S 30. 4 l>assong< 911, A '
condition, top. windshield. speedometer,
Prest-O-Llte and a snappy little ear. We
overhauled ibis ourselves and we know
it's right and cheap al SBOO
Travis A- Almand, 26 .lamer street, third
floor. Bell Phone ' j 183 I 6-29-8
FOR SALE Pope Hartford 5-passenger
touring car in good condition. 1910
model Must he sold at once. Address
; I-. Box • '<•. A Ranta, <la 628 u
Ft d: sx EE 1910 2 cylinder Buick good
condition, $375; also Buick SI,OOO dellv
ery truck at bargain Overland Southern
Motor Oar Company, 232 Fea oh tree street.
Atlanta. Ga 6-28-18
WILT 4 EXCHANGE vacant lot on Wilson
avenue for good automobile, titles good
R M. Clay. Austell. Ga_ 6 D 1 1
I'ARRI’RETOR work ;i specialty. W
give careful attention to Electric Auto
rind BHterv work. Hartrampf & Yar
bray Co. Phone Main 8810, 56 Edge
-a mill Ave . just bblow Equitable Bldg
4 -22-5
I XLL MAKES. AND 1 "T* 1 «argest mo
torcycle dealers in the South, exclusive
I 'outL" *u distributors for Indian I’lyea
\ istull <’»»mpanv. 35 North Pryor street
I 21 9
I ■ ‘
Trunks. Bags and Suitcases.
t: ur\ 11 ij • xnd r i:r x ireu»
ii.'iti NTi.TE-s - kv;?,'.'.;'"
I'HuNLS. Bell Main 1576 Atlanta 1654
Office Fixtures.
Stove and Range Repairing.
sells second-hand gas stoves We sweep
chimneys. We take down heaters. We
sell wick and oil stoves. We sell
gasoline stoves and ranges Atlanta
phone 2235. 121 Whitehall street. Bell
phon> Main 2699. 4-4-7
Carpenter Work.
LET US GIVE you prices on cabinet, car
penter and brick work, plastering
painting and tinting. Forsyth Street
Cabinet Shop, 62S South Forsyth street.
Phones Main 1187, Atlanta 6087-M.
Sewing Machines.
WE RENT new machines with complete
set of attachments for $2 per month,
also machines repaired; prompt delivery.
Both phones 181'3. Singer Sewing Ma
chine Company, 79 Whitehall. 9-14-44
Mattresses Renova,ted.
WE MAKE OVER old mattresses, also I
furnish new ticking; best work; give us I
a trial. Acme Mattress Company, .lack
son and Irwin streets. Both plumes. 5-4 8
Business Opportunities.
INVEST SIOO and make several hundred
per year; chance of a lifetime for 'some
young man or young woman: honmable,
high-class and permanent: will not inter
fere with your present business or pro
fession Address Box 733, i are Georgian,
and will call and explain fully. 95 29-6
WILL SELL good paying business for
small amount. Reason for selling,
otherwise engaged Can't look After it
Address Charles A. Bowen. 610 Fourth
National Bank building, or call 253-254
Candler annex, 104 North Pryor street
i-IHlron Beds, $5 98. ROBISON’S, 27
y lOHunter street. 6-29-31
FOR SALE—By owner, cigar and soda
business on prominent corner, doing
S7OO to SBOO business a month; long lease,
fine location for drugs; ill health, reason
for selling. Box 73, care Georgian.
FOR SALE OR LEASE 7 A4’eil established
weekly newspaper Address Box 132,
Oglethorpe. Ga. 6-29-39
FOR SALE General merchandise busi
ness in good country town. There is
connected witli this business lumber,
shingle and building material, lee. auto
mobile and garage business: also meat
market The amount of business now
done is $25,000 tn $30,000 per year. This
amount can be doubled. About $5,000 will
handle. Merchant, care Georgian.
CIATION offers its members not only
the fraternl love of the lodge roorrf and
the social life of the reading, sick and
rest rooms, bath and gymnasium, but the
blessings of life Insurance and other bene
fits at small cost. Open rooms at all
times to both ladies and gentlemen be
tween the ages of 15 and 65. A 60-day
campaign is now on for charter members.
This is your opportunity. For further par
ticulars call Main 144, or Fraternal Provi
dent Association, P. O. Box 1153, Atlanta.
Ga. 6-29-1
SPEND your winters in Florida fishing,
hunting for what It costs to live at
home Write for booklet. Sarasota Fish
ing and Hunting Club. Main 4877. Atlanta.
PARTNER WANTED In real estate busi
ness Experience unnecessary. Fine
chance. Box 29. care Georgian. 56-1-6
millinery, good location, no opposition;
best reason for selling: splendid chance
for Investing small capital Address Mil
liner, Box 800, care Georgian.*zlV4
FOR SALE —Fine well located business,
good opportunity for the right man. Ad
dress J. W„ care Georgian. 6-28-45
WANTED—To buy stock and fixtures
of small grocery. Address Grocery,
care Georgian. 44-28-6
FOR SALE—-11-room boarding
house, furnished throughout;
full of boarders; best location;
Washington St. M. 2312-J.
RESTAURANT for sale; everything new;
good locality; would sell to right par
ties on account of sickness; part cash,
balance on easy terms. Call at 173 Ma
rietta st.3o-28-6
FOR SALE —Meat market doing cash
business, clearing money now. Good
reasons for selling. Phone Main 4198
Bell. 6-25-15
Money To Loan.
"chahles'k black,”
Real Estate and Loans
Prudential Insurance Company
of America 6-29-64
ONE THOUSAND first mortgage notes,
secured by Atlanta real estate, being
balance purchase money, on exceptionally'
well located lot. John R Scott, 814 Grant
building Phone Main 1869. 6-29 36
MONEY by the thousands; money hy the
tens of thousands; money by the mil
lion: first-class first mortgage real estate
and farms; first mortgage purchase mon
ey notes Come direct to us. Randolph
Loan Co., 821 Candler Bldg. Ivy 5069.
Capital $600,000 Surplus $350,000.
Can negotiate any good Real Estate
Loan on Atlanta or suburban property.
Bring us your applications
■Phones: Bell. Main 1304—At!. 633
GEO. S. MAY. Kirkwood. Ga.
(Established 1987.1
Wishes to buy first mortgage purchase
money notes.
Rell plume Decatur 312.
7 Y"‘
LOA.N (y
Phoms main ns z Ls/
MoNkA on hand for immediate loans on
property In <»r near Atlanta .1 E Van
Valkenburg, 5W Equitable HLig g 6 22
WE HAVE plenty of money to
lend at lowest rates on Atlanta
and nearby property, either for
straight or monthly payment
plan. Also for purehasing pur
ehase money notes. Foster &
Robson. 11 Edgewood Ave.
Mortgages <m ReaUEstate < D 3
SPETtAL ll' >M E"FUNDS T<' LEND, anv
amount; 6 per cent. Write or call. S
W Carson, 24 South Bread st. 4-1-17
MORTGAGE L'IANS on Atlanta real es
'ale Established since 1889 Turman,
Black .8- I'alhoiin. 203-208 Empire Bldg
FARM WANS placed in any amount on
improved farm lands In Georgia The
Southern Mortgage Company, Gould build
ln_g. 7 13-1
t’LE. women keeping house and others
without security; chetitMat rates, easy
' payments Offices al! principal cities. D.
H Tolman, Room 524 Austell building
Money To Loan.
Loans on Diamonds
"Collateral Bank."
256 Candler Annex.
8 Per Cent Per Annum.
Without Indorsement
Without Collateral
Without Real Estate
Monev loaned at
301-2 Fourth Nation
al Bank Building.
Purchase Money Notes.
FOR SALE ; First mortgage purchase
money notes' $12,400 first mortgage real
estate, due. in one and two years, 7 per
cent. This is A-l gilt edge, and I will
consider clear Atlanta property, or take
email discount for cash. John R. Scott,
314 Grant building Phone Main 1869.
Will buy first or second
mortgage purchase money
notes in hatches of $500.00
to $1,500.00. If yon can not
allow liberal discount do not
answer. MAC, care Geor
gian. 6-25-20
Real Estate For Sale
WEST END, new five-room bungalow. 18
Wellington street; gas. electricity, hot
and cold water, bath, cabinet mantels,
beautiful fixtures, large east front lot.
near ear line: price, $2,850; terms Make
an offer. <'all Owner. AVest 143 81-29-6
BETWEEN Peachtree street and Pied
mont park, convenient to car line ami
school, we have a nine-room two-story
house, with modern conveniences, that we
have been authorized to sell for a few
days at a bargain, as owner is leaving
ci<_, and must sell. See this place before
ft is too late. Everett A- Everett, 602 Em
pire Life building Phone Main 3392.
SIX-ROOM bungalow, all Impiovements:
must be sacrificed. West 1*63 6-29-24
FOR SALE—Best corner lot in Atlanta
for the money; bargain: owner leaving
Atlanta Address Home Lot, Box 15. care
Georgian 60-29-6
Pensacola. Fla. Some exceptionally well
located, at bargain prices. John R. Scott,
814 Grant building Phone Main 1869.
FOR SALE—My equity in six-room house
and corner lot; south side. Address
P. O. Box 98 6-29-9
FOR SALE—Luckle street corner, close
in; on terms. Sure to advance. G. W .
care Georgian. 6-28-44
RARGAIN Four ronm house: water and
gas; cheap; cash or terms Owner, care
Georgia n. 6-28-46
BEAUTIFUL West End bungalow on
pretty street, near Gordon and between
two car lines; six rooms; large porches:
all modern conveniences; new; elevated,
shady lot; built for a home; best mate
rials If you have S3OO or more cash, you
can get a bargain. Phone W. 460-J,' or
address Owner. Box 10, care Georgian
New Bungalow For Sale.
47 ELBERT STREET, just off Stewart
avenue; all city conveniences; terms
easy and price reasonable. Apply to
W. A. Baggett, 22 Beecher street. Phone
West 1153. 40-27-6
LARGE LOT; best part Kirkwood; block
and half south Decatur car line; or
will build bungalow by plans of purchaser,
with terms also to suit. Owner. Box 1000.
care Georgian. 6-27-8
THIS HOUSE was built for a home; has
all conveniences; has ten rooms: back
porch upstairs and down: built of solid
brick and stone; has been occupied less
than three years. Ix>t 90 by 200 feet. Can
be bought on terms Call or address the
owner. G. A. Finding. 56 Hurt street. In
man Park. 6-25-35
DO YOU WISH to own a home? 42 tots tn
Kirkwood. S3OO to $700; 10 per cent first
payment. George S. May A Co., Bell
phone Decatur 382. 6-13-10
THE HOUSE you build, buy or
rent will not be a modern home
unless it is wired for electricity.
FOR a well loc&tea. well null!, modern
seven-room house, good terms, see
owner, 816 Peachtree street. Phone 80
Ivy. 5 19-30
Real Estate Wanted.
XVANTED—To buy six or seven-room
house; must have large lot, one or two
acres; prefer off Peachtree road nr Druid
Hills section; will consider any section
where property Is advancing; will pay
cash for bargain, or will buy one nr two
acre lot. in good section; prefer to deal
i with owner, must be reasonable Address
<‘it3' Farmer, care Georgian. 29-29-6
FIVE nr six-room cottage or bungalow,
state best price, terms and location
X v. z, Box 980. care Ojorgjan 36 28 6
WANTEI' Tn buy liico 'fl \ r rtioin (( ,t
tage; must be hand} to car and In ex
cellent condition; give lowest price and lo
cation In first lettrr. Cottage. Box 10,
care Georgian. 6 27 80
Contractors and Builders.
1 Will Finance You
IF YOU wish to build all kinds of build
ers’ material for sale R F Mitchell.
5J2_ A ustel! Building. 1 ’ 4
ARCHITECT, contractor and builder,
cabinet shop; carpenters furnished. R
H. Jones. 190 Houston sL 5-21-12
HOMES built for rash or terms, archi
tectural designs furnished frre
('enfurv < 'onstrnution ('o.
4 10-35
Architects and Builders.
CONTRACTOR, cabinet shop carpenters
furnished. John Allen, 106-A Edge wood
avenupe 3-22-42
Painting and Tinting.
1 EMBRY M 1455. 318 4TH NATL
BANK BLDG. 5-11-24
Building Materials.
AUSTIN BROS . Atlanta. Ga. 4-19»7
Monuments and Stone Work.
”~atlanta' g7GnTte7'i’>mpan'y.
AU kinds stone work.
17-19 Fraser st. Phone Main 3540. 1-5-47
Railroad Schedule.
The following scheoula figures are pub
lished only as information, and are not
No Arrive From— No. Depart To—
-35 New Y. 5:00 am 36 New Y.13:15 am
13 Jaxville. 5:20 am 30 Col’bus 5:20 am
43 Was'ton 5:25 am 13 Cinci. 5:30 am
12 Sh’port. 6:30 am 32 Fort V. 5:30 am
23 Jaxville 6:50 am 35 B’ham . 5:45 am.
•17 Toccoa. 8:10 am 7 Chat'ga 6:40 am
26 Heflin.. 8:20 am 12 R’mond 6:55 am
29 New Y. 10:30 am 23 Kan. C. 7:00 am
8 Chat’ga 10:35 am 16 Rrun’k 7:45 am
7 Macon 10:40 am 29 B'ham. 10:45 am
27 Fort V 10:45 am 38 New Y.11:01 am
21 Col’bus 10:50 am 40 Charl’e 12:00 n'n
6 Cine! ..11:10 am 6 Macon .12:40 pm
80 B’ham.. 2:30 pm 30 New Y. 2:45 pm
40 B'ham 12:40 pm 15 Chat'ga 3:00 pm
39 Charlo’e 3:55 pm 39 B'ham. 4:10 pm
5 Macon. 4:55 pm *4B Toccoa. 4:30 pm
87 New Y. 5:00 pm 22 Col’bus 5:10 pm
15 Bruns'k 7:50 pm 5 Clncl . 5:10 pm
11 R’mond 8:30 pm 28 Fort V. 5:20 pm
24 Kan. C 9:20 pm 25 Heflin . 5:45 pm
16 Chat’ga 9:35 pm 10 Macon . 5:30 pm
29 Col'bus 10 20 pm 44 Wash’n 8:45 pm
31 Fort V.10:25 pm 24 Jaxville 9 30 pm
36 B'ham 12:00 ngt 11 Sh’port 11:10 pm
14 Cinci. .11:00 pm 14_Jaxviile 11:10 pm
Trains marked thus (•) run daily, ex
cept Sunday.
Other trains run daily. Central time
City Ticket Office. No. 1 Peachtree St.
, Legal Notices.
Sheriff 's Sales for July, 1912.
Bill be sold before the present court
house door Cold city hall building' , lo
cated at the northeast corner of South
Pryor and East Hunter streets, the said
premises having been designated by the
board of commissioners of roads and reve
nues of Fulton county as the court house.!
in the city of Atlanta, Fulton county.
Georgia op the first Tuesday in July.
1912. at public outers, within the legal
hours of sale, to the highest and best
bidder or bidders, for cash, the whole,
part or parts of the following described
property, tn-wit:
All that tract or parcel of land situ
ate, lying and being in the Fourteenth
(14th) district of originally Henry, now
Fulton, county, Georgia, being part of
land lot ninety-seven (97) and described
as follows; Being In the city of Hape
ville. and being in the southeast corner
of block four (4> commencing at the cor
ner of Fulton avenue and Cherry street,
running southwesterly along the north
side of Cherr.v street one hundred and
fifty (1501 feet; thence northerly along the
line of land owned b>’ R. E. Todd one
hundred H 00) feet, thence southeasterly
one hundred and fifty (150) feet to Ful
ton avenue, thence southerly along Ful
ton avenue one hundred (100! feet to he
ginning point, there being a four-room
frame building on said lot, le\led upon is
the property of W. A L. Willingham, to
satisfy a fl fa Issued from the city court
of Atlanta, in favor of S. A. McChargue
vs said W. A 1,. Willingham, a deed for
the purpose of levy and sale having been
executed, filed and recorded as required
bj' law. the tenant In possession
Also at same time and place the follow
ing described properly, to wit: Com
mencing on the south side of Ware ave
nue. formerly known as Church street,
and In the town of East Point, al the
northwest corner "f what was formerly
the Matthews lot, which point is five hun
dred and sixty-one (561 i feet measured
along said M are avenue from th* center
of the tract of the Central of Georgia
railroad, and seventy-five (75) feet west
of a street heretofore known as Conklin
avenue, and running thence northwesterly
along said Ware avenue seventy-five (75!
feet to an alley, sometimes known as the
Newnan road or Church street; thence
southwesterly along said alley three hun
dred and ninety-four (394! feet; thence
easterly eighty-one (811 feet to the lot
formerly of Matthews; thence northerly
along said Matthews lot three hundred
and slxty-one (361) feet to the beginning
point, being the same property conveyed
to Mary T. Smith, by Mrs Nancy' H.
Ware, by deed dated February 29th, 1892,
recorded in book F-4, page 118, records of
Fulton county, and being in land lots one
hundred and fifty-six (156) and one hun
dred and fifty-seven <157) of the Four
teenth (14th) district of Fulton county,
Georgia, levied upon as the property of
Mrs Mary T. Smith, to satisfy a fi fa.
Issued from the city court of Atlanta in
favor of Mrs. Janet T. Fortson versus
the said Mrs. Mary T. Smith, a deed for
the purpose of levy and sale having been
executed, filed and recorded as required
by law. the tenant in possession notified
Also at same time and place, the fol
lowing described property, to-wit: All
that tract or parcel of land lying near the
cltv of Atlanta, and being part of land
lot one hundred and twelve (112) of the
Fourteenth (14th i district of Fulton coun
ty, Georgia, and described as follows:
Commencing al the northwest corner of
Marietta and Hampton streets, and run
ning thence northwesterly along the north
side of Marietta street flf'y 1501 feet;
thence northeasterly one hundred (100>
feet; thence southeasterly fifty (50) feet
to Hampton street, thence southwesterly
along Hampton street to the beginning
point, the easterly line being one hun
dred (100 i feet; same being lots 23 and
24. of plat of D. R. Dillon’s property as
per plat recorded in "OO," page 528. land
records Fulton county. Georgia, the house
thereon being known as 913-915 Marietta
street, levied upon as the property of
R I Hille) to satisfy a fi. fa Issued from
the city court of Atlanta, in favor of Mrs.
L. H. 'l'. Moore versus said K. I. Hilley, a
deed for the purpose of levy and sale
having been executed, filed and recorded
as required by law, the tenant in pos
session notified.
Also' at same time and place, the fol
lowing described property, to-wit: All
that tract or parcel of land situate, lying
and being in land lot number ten (10) of
the Fourteenth (14th) district of Fulton
county, Georgia, known as lot No. nine
(9) of block eleven 'll) of the Hlrsch
subdivision, said lot commencing at a
point on the western side of Lynes ave
nue four hundred G 00) feet south westerly
frcJm Confederate avenue, and running
thence southerly along the western side
of Lynes avenue fifty-five (55) feel;
thence westerly three hundred and six
teen and two-tenths '316.21 feet, more
or less, thence northwesterly one hundred
and twelve (112) feet, more or less, thence
southeasterly three hundred and forty-six
'3461 feet, more or less, tn the beginning
point, levied upon as the property of L
B Gra> to satisfy a fi. fa issued from
the city court of Atlanta. In favor of
Harold Hlrsch versus said 1.. B. Gray, a
deed for ttie purpose of levy and sale
tiavfng been executeci. filed and recorded
ns required by law. the tenant in posses
sion notified.
Also at same time and place, the fol
lowing described property, to-wit; The
following tract or parcel of land situate.
Iving and being in the city of Atlanta, and
in land’lot. twenty-one <2li of the Four
teentb tilth) district of Fulton county,
Georgia, commencing at a point on the
east side of South Boulevard flftv (50)
feet south of Glennwood avenue, and run
ning thence south along the oast side of
South Boulevard flftv five (55) feet, and
extending back east with same width as
front one liundred and fifty <lso> feet,
being part of lots one (1t and two (2) of
the plat of the Annie M. Burch property,
sold to Marc <’ Bratton by G R. Glenn,
trustee, levied upon as the property of
Mrs. Mar' c Bratton, to satisfy a fi. fa.
issued from the city court of Atlanta, in
favor of Airs F G. A ('andler versus
said Mrs Marv C Bratton, a deed for
the purpose of levy and sale having been
executed, filed and recorded as required
by law, the tenant in possession notified
Also at same time and place, all chat
tract nr narco! of land lying and being
in land lot 149. In the Seventeenth dis
trlet of Fulton county. Georgia, and more
particularly described as follows: Com
mencing fifty ' 501 feet west of McMillan
street, thence west fifty '5Ol feet along
Emmett street; thence south one hun
dred and forty-three and eight-tenths
'143,8) feet to an alloy, thence east along
said alley fifty (50) feet; thence south
Legal Notices.
nne hundred and forty-three and eight
tenths (143.8) feet to the beginning point,
levied upon as the property of T. L.
Francis, to satisfy a fl. fa. issued from
the city court of Atlanta, in favor of
Aline Moore versus Peter Johnson as
principal and said T. L. Francis as se
curity, the tenant in possession notified
Also at same time and place, fol
lowing personal property, to-wit: Nine
teen wash bowls, 20 pitchers, one cham
ber. two small pitchers, one hall rack, 26
iron bed ends, 26 iron bed rails, two
wooden bed rails, sixteen bed springs,
one lot of bed slats, seven rolls carpets,
four rolls of stair carpets. 20 mirrors,
four table leaves, eight dressers, four
washstands, nineteen art squares, six
rugs, one sideboard, twelve center tables,
one kitchen cabinet, two porch chairs,
thirteen mattresses, 41 sheets. 22 spreads,
sixteen pillows, one feather bed. 43 quilts,
six dining tables, 74 straight chairs, one
easel, two wood bed ends, one bookcase,
four marbles, three wardrobes, one re
frigerator, 28 rockers, two settees, two
leather lounges, one library table, four
blankets, two pillow cases, two portieres,
one bundle of lace curtains, one bundle
of window shades, one rlavenport, one
piano, one piano stool, sixteen slop jars,
one large range and ware, on* set dishes,
levied upon as the property of h. W.
Freeman and Gertrud* Freeman, to sat
isfy a fl. fa. issued from the city court
of Atlanta, in favor of D. A. Farrell and
P. Murphy versus the said L. W.
Freeman and Gertrude Freeman.
Also at same time and place, the fol
lowing personal property, to-wit; Twelve
table spoons, twelve dessert spoons,
twelve table forks, twelve teaspoons, one
five o’clock tea set. and twelve spoons
and sugar tongs, mustard pot and spoon,
four salt spoons, two sauce ladles, one
soup ladle, one butter knife, one sugar
duster, one marrow spoon, one pickle fork,
one gravy spoon, four salt cellars, one
tea pot, one coffer pot, one sugar basin,
one cream ewer, two candlesticks, one
snuffer and tray, one toast rack, two bot
tle sliders, one small card tray, levied
upon as the property of P L. Wooley,
the defendant, to satisfy a fi. fa Issued
from the city court nf Atlanta, in favor
of J. D. Dominack versus the said P. L
Wooley, property pointed out by the
plaintiff’s attorneys.
U. W. MANGUM. Sheriff.
All creditors of the estate nf Mrs u J.
Strickland, late of Fulton county, de
ceased. are hereby notified to render in
their demands tn the undersigned, ac
cording to law, and all persons indebted
tn Hald estate are required to make im
mediate pa - ment.
June 8, 1912.
J. O. COCHRAN. Administrator
6 8-11
THE DISTRICT road commissioners of
Buckhead district having made a favor
able report under oath, as by law ie
quired. upon the petition for a new road
beginning on the side, nf Plasters
Bridge road, about 600 feet north of in
tersection of Plasters Bridge road and
the Southern railway, and extending
thence northwesterly a distance nf about
2.700 feet, thence nearly west a distance
of about 2.500 feet, to Peachtree road, and
Intersecting Peachtree road opposite resi
dence <>f John M. Slaton, said new road
tn be known as Peachtree avenue and to
i be 50 feet wide, this is to notify all per
sons that petition will be finally granted
at a session of the board of commissioners
of roads and revenues ’■ ’niton county.
Georgia, to be. held on Wednesday, July 3.
1912. at 10 o'clock a. m . provided no good 1
and sufficient cause tn the contrarj is
Commissioners Roads and Revenues Ful
I ton County. Georgia.
H M WOOD. Clerk 6-8-19
> I GEORGIA Fulton County.
■ i To the Superior Court of Said County:
’ | The petition of S. S. Dudley and M. S.
• > Dudley, of said county, respectfully
I I shows:
I 1. That they desire for themselves,
i | their associates and successors, to he in
ti corpora te<l under the name and style of
i “Consumers' Ice Company." for a period
■ of twenty t2ol years, with all the rights'
> of renewal at the expiration of said term.
» 2. That the principal office of said cor-
t poration shall be in Fulton county, in said
■ state, but they desire the right to estab
s lish branch offices in other counties in
t said state.
3. The object of said corporation is pe-
I cuniary gain to Its stockholders.
; 4. That the particular business of said
I corporation w'ill be manufacturing, buying
anti selling ice; establishing and operating
, cold storage plants, with the right to
’ charge on all products placed In cold
: storage with said corporation; bottling
and selling soft drinks; manufacturing
and selling ice creams and similar food
products; buying and selling fuel of all
' kinds; and to do and perform anj and all
acts incident and necessary to the suc
cessful operation of its business as afore
5. They desire the right and power in
said corporation to buy. own. sell, lease,
improve and otherwise to deal in any and
all kinds of property, both real and per
sonal, and to make and enter into any
kind of contracts which may be Incident
to or contribute to the operation of the
business of said corporation.
6. They desire that said corporation
shall have the right and power to borrow
money, ami give its notes, bonds and
other evidences of indebtedness therefor,
and to secure the same by mortgage, loan
deed or in any other manner authorized
by law upon any or all of Its property,
teal, personal or mixed, including its
good will and franchises, and likewise to
lend money and to receive therefor notes
and other evidences of indebtedness, and
securities, such as may be agreed upon,
and to have vested In it all the rights,
powers and privileges usual and proper
i to be enjoyed by a corporation of this
i character under the laws of said stare.
1 7. That the said corporation shall have
the right, power and privilege of receiv
ing. at a fair value, all kinds of property.
i both real and personal, and suitable for
the purposes of its business for the pa> -
ment nf subscription to its capital slock,
and to Issue certificates of its capita!
I stock therefor.
8 That the capital stock of said cor- ■
poration shall be one hundred thousand
<> dollars, divider! into shares of
. the par value of SIOO each, of which slxtj
r thousand < $60.000» dollars shall be com
i mon stock, and forty thousand < $40,000 >
dollars shall be ureferred stock, but
' th«> desire the right to increase It ;
capital stock tn an aggregate amount
1 not to exceed five hundred thou-
sand ($500,000) dollars; said increase
tn be of common and preferred stock, all
r of which stock shall be issued In the
; ratio of 60 per cent of common to 40 pet
cent of the preferred stock; that sin h in
crease may ne made from time to time b.\
a majority vote of the stockholders of Its
outstanding common stock. They desire
th* right to sell and issue the preferred
stock, upon such terms and conditions as
may be determined h\ the stockholders of
a majority of its outstanding common
Wherefore, petitioners pray that upon
the compliance bv them with the provi
sions of the law in such cases made and
provided that they, their associates and
successors, be incorporated and made a
body corporate for and during a term of
twenty (20) years, with the privilege of
renewal at the expiration or said time
and thereafter and from time to time as
tnaj be allowed b\ law under the name
and style aforesaid, and with all the pow
ers. rights ami privileges set forth In this
petition, and which under the laws of this
state aro usuallv enjoyed bv corporations
r f a like character
’ Attorney for Petitioners
Filed ip office this lune 8, 1912
STATE OF GEORGIA County of Fulton
I. Arnold Broyles, clerk of the superior
court of said county, do hereby certify
that the foregoing Is a true and correct
copj of the application for charter of
Consumers' Ice Company, as ’h*> same
i appears of file in this office
Witness m\ official signature and the
• seal of said court this June 8. 1912.
I t’lerk Superior Court Fulton County,
Georgia. J 2
(JE<’RGIA Fulton Countv;
; W. E. Ingram vs. Lillie Ingram Supe
rior Court.
• To Lillie Ingram;
Ry order of court vou are notified that
i on the twelfth da> of June, 1912, Y E
t Ingram filed suit against ’on for divorce
tn the September term, 1912. of said court
- You are required to be at the September
i term of said court, to be held on the first
i Monday in September and there to an-
One cent a word each insertion
unless on agreement. Minimum
10c an ad. Ads to appear in ordi
nary reading matter type. Ads in
larger type 2c a word.
.-Ads on contracts, 4c a line for
30 consecutive insertions; a
nne for 60 consecutive insertions;
ftc a line for 80 consecutive inser
tions; a fine for 15 times.
< °unt six average length words in
line) rea<iing flatter type to ths
tt,a^ona Wanted" ads contaln
ng not over 24 words will be
printed one time for 10c; three
40c e3 f° F 20c ’ ° r seven tlrnes f° r
All ads. such as Boarders Want
ed, Furnished or Unfurnished
Dooms. Apartments. Houses For
alS ° LOBt Bnd
UT id. Help Wanted ads that only
get the. benefit of the “city cir
culation of The Georgian, will be
ic a word for one Insertion: three
times for the price of two or seven
times for the price of four.
To secure proper classification of
Want Ads it will he necessary to
U a y e ropy in Tbe Georgian office
before 1 o’clock the day of the
1 word in the advertisement.
Including the name and address,
I should be counted. Each initial
counts one word; compound words
are counted as two words.
Telephone your Want Ads to The
Georgian (both phones 8000) when
it Is more convenient tn do so, and
collection will be made at your
home or at your office the follow
ing day. This Is an accommoda
tion service rendered Georgian
patrons and payment
should always be promptly made
nn presentation of bill Mways ask
that your telephone Ad be repeated
bark to you by the telephone Ad
taker to make sure that It has been
taken correctly. The Georgian can
not guarantee accuracy or assume
responsibilty fnr errors of anv kind
occurring in telephone advertise
tnents. ;
Out-of town advertisements must
be accompanied with cash in full
payment for the same. Note the
foregoing instructions about count
ing the words and the rates per
word. Agencies’ discounts 15 and
2 per cent
ADVERTISERS should retain re
ceipts given by The Georgian tq.
patrons making nayment for Want
Ads over the office counter, as no
mistakes can be rectified without
them. In answering advertise
ments addressed in care of The
Georgian, if the advertiser asks to
show references, send a dupllcata
of same
Al! Ads must be ordered out tn
writing or at the office. No dis
continuance notice taken over tet
Legal Notices.
swer the plaintiff's romnlaint
Witness ihe Hon. .1. T. Pendleton, ludge
of said court, this June 20 1912
GEORGIA Fulton County;
Annie R Haney vs. J. Harry Haney—
Superior Court. September term, 1912.
IJ be! for divorce.
To J. Harry Haney, Greeting:
H' order of court you are notified that
on the otti day of June, Annie B. Hanev
med suit against you for divorce, to the
September term of said court
i ou are required to be and appear at
the September term of said court, to be
held on fbr first Monday in September,
1912, there to answer the plaintiff’s com
W itness the Hon. J T. Pendleton. Judge
»»f said court, this the 17th day of June
MADD(>X & SIMS, Attorneys.
Gl'< >RGI A Fulton County.
Mrs Mary B. Mjddleton et al. vs». Chas.
B Mill-hell et al.. No. 25228. Fulton supe-
Iror< om t. July term, 1912. Equitable pe
tlnon for partition. To Mrs Marv E.
(’oulbourne, Ernest J. Roach and Mrs.
Hattie Mae Keating: You are hereby no
tified that on the 9th day of April. 1912,
Mrs. Mar.\ B. Middleton and others filed
in equitable petition for partition against
you and other defendants, returnable to
the .litlv term. 1912. of said court.
ou are re<|uired to be and appear at
'he 1i.1.' term. 1912. of Fulton superior
court to tna’-e answer in said matter
Witness Hon George L. Bell, judge of
said court. This Mhv 1. 1912
\\ M A FULLER. Plaintiffs Attorney.
Supci ior Court, September Term. 1912
No. 25777 Mrs. Jennie L. Richey vs. Wil
liam <' Rlche\ To William C. Richey.
Greeting: By order of court, you are
herebx notified that on the 17th' day of
lune. 1912. Mrs. Jennie I. Richey ’filed
suit against you for divorce, returnable to
the September Tern). 1912. of said court.
b,u are hereby required to be and appear
at the September term. 1912, of said court,
to be held qn the first Monday in Septem
ber. 191.2, then and the e to answer the
pla.nt ft's complaint. \\ tness 'he Hon. J.
T. Pendleton, judge < f said court, this day of June. 1912.
<' E< >R( >I A Full mi (’mu ’y.
Mrs. J. Coan vs. James Clifton Coan.
Superior (’our i.
T" James Clifton <*<an: R’ order of
cou-t you are notified that on 15tb of June,
912. Mrs. j G. Coan filed suit against \ou
for divorue. to September term of said
You are required to bp at September
term of said court, t<» be held first Mon
day in September. 1912. to answer plain
liff's complaint.
Witness Hon, .1 T. Pendleton, judge of
raid court, this 15th day <-f June. \ car
I EO 'I I *1 'i’TTH. AttOJ -• ' :10-
STATE OF GEORG! \ - I'ulton County.
A. I*. Meeks vs. Laura Meck« -Superior
Court September Term, 191-—To Isaura
Meeks. Greeting. By order of court, you
are hereby notified that on the 29th day
of June. 1912. A. L. Meeks filed suit
against you for divorce, returnable to the
September term, 1912. of said court. You
are hereby required to be and appear at
the September term. 1912. of said court,
to be* hell up the first Monday in Sep
tember. 1: 12. then and there to answer
the plaintiff’s complaint. Witness the
lion. I T Pendleton, judge of said court,
this June 29. 1912.
WANTED Accommodations for th®
Georgia legislators They are corning
in now and will be in esssion at the slate
capitol for the next FIFTY days. All of
them are on the outlook for nice, com
fortable and home-like places to eat their
meals, or to board or to rent Man} of
the places these legislators had last year
did not suit then) and they de
sire to find something better All
the legislators will read The Georgian
that's certain Their attention will be
'•ailed day after day to the Legislators'
Accommodations'* column on the Want Ad
pages of The Georgian. This will be a
big advantage to you So if you have eat
Ing or boarding places nr have rooms,
apartments or Imuses or rent, your ad
should be under the “Legislators' Accom
modations" heading. An investment of a
few < ents will keep ■ our house full for the
next three months Phone or send 1n
your ad at once. 6-26-33