Newspaper Page Text
.Prices Leveled To Bed Rock I n Our
Great Mid-Summer Clearance
For Wednesday
Clearing here is real, complete and made effec
tive by means of the most radical price cutting of
the entire year on praetieally our entire stock.
Come earlv and reap the extra advantage of bet
ter assortments.
Sale Starts BA. M Sharp
SIO.OO Lingerie Dresses . . . $5.95
$ 7.05 Striped Voile Dresses . . $4.95 I
$ 7.50 Norfolk Dressses and Suits . $3.95 |
$ 6.05 Tissue Dresses .... $4.95 |l
$ 6.50 Voile and Lingerie Dresses . $3.95
$ 6.50 Linen Dresses .... $3.75
$ 5.00 Linen Dresses .... $2.95
$ 3.50 Tub Dressessl.9s
$ 6.50 Serge and Whipcord Skirts . $3.95
$ 5.00 Raincoats. Monday . . . $2.95
$ 1.50 Lingerie Waists . . . . SI.OO
$ 1.00 Lingerie Waists .... 53c
$ LOO Lawn Kimonos .... 59c
$ 1.00 & $1.50 Kimonos and House Dresses 85c
Men’s 50c Underwear . . . . 35c
Men's 35c Underwear. 22c
Women's 50c Silk Hose .... 35c
Women's 25c Gauze Lisle Hose . . 17c
m SfKKJti 3KB IX. Jv
zwf ff aSea SB S L
49 Whitehall Street
I,™"*" 11 11 "■ "
- We will he von glad to give your
i ' •> h a t hoi oiiL r h'<>n anil ad
j ' 111 as ueeessarv I infill
and advice I. !'r. e
whether yon decide to give ns your
practice not.
SET OF teeth $5.00
wk* I J JL/ BRIDGE WORK $4.00
'T— GOLD CROWNS $4.00 and *5.00
PR. C. r CONSTANTIHE. Prop, anil Mgr.
Corner Peachtree and Decatur; Entrance 19% Peachtree Street
( Phis sale includes all Ladies’, Misses’, Chil- J
ren s an( l Infants’ Pumps--Colonials and
Slippers, and every pair of White Boots, / ijl j
Pumps, Colonials or Low Shoes in the house, !
as well as all Ladies’ Evening Slippers. u——
Any $6.00 Low Shoe, now only $4.85 i Any $2.00 Low Shoe, now only $1.65
Any $5.00 Low Shoe, now only $3.95 Any $1.75 Low Shoe, noow only $1.45
w now °"i y $315 EoS SZ ::::::::::::
Any $3.50 Low Shoe, now only $2.85 Any SI.OO Low Shoo, n?w only SBS
Any $3.00 Low Shoe, now only $2.45 Our entire stock of Summer Footwear includ
Any $2.50 Low Shoe, now only $1.95 i ed in this sale.
Nothing Reserved I
Goods exchanged— or sent C. O. D., as de- \
sired-—mail orders get benefit of all reductions y*/
and filled same day as received. // yfwF
27 and 29 Whitehall Street I
| J Great Bargains
( Here Wednesday (
’ == L
I In Dresses, Waists, Suits 2
I H and Shirts *
1 $3 and $4 Dresses-- $ 8.98
Ginghams. Chambraj's and B
Uys Linenes. now
/ *
■ft $5 ands6 sn Dresses--$ 98 t
y Linens, Zephyrs, Tissues and Jr.
% Piques, new styles, now atf
> : ?
o j
$7/° to $lO White SQ.9B |
I Lingerie Dresses---
$6 White Pique $
Coat Suits--- a j
Jt Norfolk s fvle, now
$1.50 White Pique f \ S
Shir's now ....
I SI.OO and $1.50 £ \
Shirwaists, now. . . /
About 800 White Lingerie Waists; all new this sea-
*tf% son's styles in high neck, short and long sleeves; also
about 200 colored Madras Waists. g g
sizes 34 to 42, now WWW
| I
! Atlanta’s Exclusive Komen’s Apparel Store /
I * 43-45 Whitehall Street Ijj
the sure steps you take in j%j i
advertising. GEORGIAN
ift! W ANT ADS are sure step
® ping-stones to success. The
Men and Religion Bulletin No. 5
Corruption, Political and Otherwise
hirst. SEDUCTION of girls is made certain, frequent and
profitable by the houses in our midst.
The houses must have inmates.
The inmates ean be only prostitutes.
A prostitute is a fallen woman.
A fallen woman can he obtained only by seduction.
They die in five to seven years from being bought and sold.
Hence the sign of “girls wanted” must be frequently given the trade.
Over $700,000 per annum is the volume of trade in our houses
You. through your officials, who have sworn to enforce the law, and do it
not. are responsible for this.
Second. DISEASES, the most malignant and deadly, are
spread among the innocent by the houses.
One of these maladies was formerly regarded as no worse that a “bad cold.”
Some doctors estimate that 50 per cent, others 90 per cent, of men have it.
Once regarded as a joke, it is now known to be a source of disease of the prostate*
gland among men. blind eyes for their children, and suffering and death to their wives
and babies.
Twenty per cent of Americans, according to a medical authority, are now suffering
from the other malady, which, beginning with an eruption, like a slow fire devours
the bones, muscles, arteries and viscera.
Sometimes the features are eaten away.
Doctors say that in three years all prostitutes are infected ufith both diseases.
Both may be transmitted to the innocent by towels, furniture, drinking cups, and
door knobs.
The first, second, third and fourth generation of children bear the blight.
You help to scatter it by the failure of your officials to keep their oaths of
Third. PROSTITUTION has never been confined or
segregated in a district of Atlanta.
The evil was not scattered by the attack on Collins street, the former so-called
segregated district.
It was already scattered, as is ever the case where segregation is supposed to be in
When good men dared do no more than ask that the houses be moved from th?
neighborhood of the churches and the Boys’ and Girls' High Schools, the solemn
farce of selecting another segregated district was enacted.
An injunction then was required to move the evil from the doors of our schools
and churches, so zealous were our officials in the non-enforcement of law.
You. through your officials, who broke the laws of God and of man. refused to
disturb our official market for seduced girls and the municipal source
of foul diseases until a new site had been sanctioned and prepared for
these desirable interests.
Fourth. SEGREGATION is an unbearable pretense, mak
ing a few rich and enriching all with corruption.
The evil has been found in hotels and assignation houses.
More than thirty-three of the houses are scattered.
Only eleven are in the segregated district.
But seven of these in the district pay their owners $43,074.00 per annum rent.
The thirty-three pay their owners only $19,317.60 per annum rent.
The advertisement of the city’s approval and protection produces large returns to
the favored few.
Your share of the reward may be the blighted blood and bones of sons now near
ing manhood and the blind eyes of the children of these growing sons, who are being
falsely taught by your actions that it is necessary and right for a man to gratify his
lusts, and that he may do so with the approval, protection ®nd participation of At
lanta in this district.
You. through your officials, who arc disregarding the law. are enriching the
few and smearing yourself and all with this slime of corruption.
Filth. OUR MAYOR, when asked to appoint disinterest
ed citizens to investigate With a view to suppressing
this evil in Atlanta, aopomts a min financially interest
ed in a house of ill fame a member of the Vice Com
Unquestionably, many of our officials and Mayor Winn have been conscientious.
Most probably the mayor did not know of th? property* interest of the man ap
Possibly the man is not conscious of wrongdoing.
This would only better illustrate the persistent and insidious course of the poison.
One who has studied this problem in cities says; “ Prostitution, protected by a thick
hedge of secrecy, imperceptibly renewing itself through changing administrations, is
the one fixed point of maladministration. The corruption spreads until the brothel,
the saloon and the gambling hall are the trio literally at the base of the administra
tion of our cities.” ,
You and we. through these officials, who are setting at naught our laws,
which they have sworn to enforce, are helping to maintain public
places for the sale of seduced girls, and for spreading disease and moral
and political corruption.
Atlanta, when her shame is realized, will not endure it
The coming dawn of the day of reckoning is even now pending shafts of
light above the horizon.
In Christ's name awake!
Os the Men and Religion Forward Movement
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Georgian Want Ads Bring Results