Newspaper Page Text
Chamberlin=Johnson=Dußose Co.
Atlanta New York Paris
A Summer Sale of Blankets
hi Which The Actual Savings Are One=Fourth
to One=Third Winter Prices
Our only reason for exploiting a sale of blankets right now in the
heat of summer is based on the actual service we can do our customers.
When we say that this sale brings savings of one-fourth
and one-third regular winter prices, wespeak advisedly. We are
putting in print, that all may read, what you will find in reality when
you visit the blanket department.
And in this day and time when household necessities are offered
at such savings, thrifty and smart housekeepers are not slow in fol
lowing up the opportunity.
The sale covers the blanket question in a broad, wholesome fash
ion. It offers blankets in practical y every size and in all good qualities.
The prices are so small because—
— I here area number of blankets that came tons as samples. They
have been included and marked with no idea of profit--they are one
of a kind.
—There are others, small lots of two, three and four that remained
from our winter stocks. And you who bought then are in a good po
sition to judge for yourselves how worth-while are the savings of this
---There are still other blankets that have become soiled to the
extent that we would not offer them as perfectly fresh. These have
been subjected to the greatest reductions of all. - - - •
From your viewpoint a very happy combination of conditions has
made the prices.
Think now of your next winter needs and when blanket time
comes you will appreciate the opportunity that this store now offers.
'The sale starts when the store opens tomorrow at 8 o’clock.
Besides the regulation blankets you will find
Porch Blankets at $1.50 and $1.95 Indian Blankets
These days, when the call of out- d'hose richly colored and pat-
door sleeping is heard by so many terned and beautifully woven In
light weight blankets are in great dian blankets ate included in the
demand. But regardless of de- ‘
mand this sale brings them at a tomobilists wi ]| want them,
saving. I hex are cotton, of a Here are some of the reduct ions:
weight that keeps out the chill and $6.50 Indian Blankets, now $4.7,5
m the colors that will not quickly $8.50 Indian Blankets, now $6.50
soil—tan, brown,red,blueandgray. $lO Indian Blankets, now SB.OO
Chkmberlin-Johnson-Dußose Co.
zSS ts-o ce-t r»r- _ “Now listen to me,” said Judy to Punch.
it WBK teeth .... As they called to a waiter to ordor their lunch,
sls Set fl* 4 "You can take it from me, it's a nice little hunch—
of Teeth . .
f Post Toasties with cream is the best in the bunch.
All Other Dentistry at
Um* Lowest Prices> w n lohii
Painless Extraction. 605 ! i?nmnhr(*un St., Nashville. Tenn. |
11 1 SO* S" If X Oi C* IK" i <. a1 f city One <»f the "h .lingk s f"! which the Post um <’<».,
* "■ * ■ dental ROOMS Rattle (’reek. Mhh. paid 11000.00 in
24 1 2 Whitehall St.. Over Brown & Alien's Drtig Store g
fig Hour* Btn 7; Sunday. «tn 1 Lady Attendant. Jf
50-Cent Box Free!
We Will Prove at Our Own Expense That It Is No Longer
I Necessary to Be Thin, Scrawny and Undeveloped.
I Every Reader of The Atlanta Georgian and News Who Is Run Down, Nervous or
Underweight, to Get Fat at Our Expense.
ikGwT /Ink
tr w V
MwSPw ■
/ i' l s Fl
“Gee! Look at that pair of skinny scarecrows! Why don’t they try Sargol?’’
Thi? is a generous offer to everj iliin
rnan nr woman reader in Atlanta and
vicinity. \\> positively guarantee t<> in
< reasp our weight m your own satisfac
tion or no pay. Think thi. over think
what it means. At our own risk, we of
fer to put ten. fifteen, yes. thirty pounds
' f good solid “stay there” flesh on your
bones, to fill out hollows in cheeks, nsck
or bus’, to get rid of that "peaked” look,
to rejuvenate and revitalize your wliole
bod\ until it tingles with vibrant energy;
to do this without drastic diet “tonics."
sexere physical culture "stunts.' deten
tion from business or any irksome re
quirements if we fail it* costs xou noth
\Ve particularly wisli to hear from the
*'\cessivelx thin, those who know the
humiliation and embarrassment xvhich
only skinny people have to sufe i in si
len» e Wt want to send a free nt'c pack
age * f mjr new discovery io Die people
who are called “slats” and *‘bea.n poles.’
I io bon.x women, whose clothes never look
i "anyhow.” rm mattet how expensive!)
dressed, to the skiiyix. men who fail to
gain S'-'-ial or busbies* recognition »>n ar
count of their starved appearance. We
(are not whether yoq have been thin from
birth, ’.v het her you have lost flesh through
*|ckncss. how many flesh builders you
have experimented with. We take the
risk and assume / cheerfull). If we <an
not put pounds and pounds of healths
flesh "U x (nir ftame we don't want your
mono .
How ian we do this'.’ We will tell you.
Science has discovered a rpmarkahk con
cent r<a fed treatment which increases cell
growth, the ver) substapce of which our
bodies are made a treatment Dial makes
indigestion and other stoma<h troubles
disappear as if by magic and makes an
obi dyspeptic nr a sufferer from t eak
nerxes or lack »'f xitalit) feel like a »wo
) par-old. T’hls nexv treatment, which has
proved a bomi io ever) thin person, is
called Sargol. Don’t forget the name.
| "S-A • R-C : O-L." Noll; ; i g like it has ever
i been produced before. It is a revelation to
I women who have neter been able to ap
i ptar stylish in anything thex wore l»e-
* cause of their thinness. It is a godsend
I fo oxer) man who is under weight or is
lacking in nerve force nr energx. if you
;xxant a beautiful and wqJI - rounded figure
of symmetrical proport ■ tjis. of which )«»u
lean f»e| justlx proud If you want a bod)
; full of throbbing life ;tnd onerg) write
■ the Sargol Uompan?. 10P-C Herald huild
i irg. Binghamton. N V.. today and we
will send you. absolute!) ‘free, a 50c box of
Saigol that will prove all ve claim. Take
'one with ever) meal, and m five minutes
after you lake the firs? <oth entrated tab-
I l«t <>f this precious product it xvill com
’ men< p to unfold Its virtues, and it ha*
i by actual demonstration often increased
| Dip weight at the rate of 1 pound a da?
I Rut you sax \ou want proof. Well, here
| you are Here is the statement of those
, who have tried who have been convinced
and wi o will swear to the virtues of this
‘marvelous preparation
ON elevated, level, rhudy 101. sl.)x2|H> fee . ort Slewart avenue. Cilpftol View-,
with tile yard walk, concrete terrace stepH, granite front and ti rooms;
will make a delightful, cool, comfortable home.
HOCSE has living room dining room, kitchen, three bed rooms with closets,
pantry, china closet, hall to latticed porch, oak mantels with tiles and
grates, birch doors, solid bronze hardware, mission finish. No mortgage.
JIMALI, CASH PAYMENT, balance monthly, and you occupy the place while i
paving for it, and thus save vour rent.
Use Georgian Want Ads
What Sargol Has Done for Others
When we mail you the free 50c package
of Sargol. we will send you copies of let
ters received from grateful patrons, re
porting actual gains in solid, healthy, per
manent flesh, of from 10 to more than 30
We give here a few interesting figures
from reports which are being received
"I have made a faithful tr .d of the Sar
gol treatment and must say it ha> hr< light
to me np\x life and vigor I have gained
"O pounds and now weigh 170 pounds, and
what is better. I have gained the days of
mx box hood. |t has been the turning
point of my lisp. My health is now fine 1 j
don’t have to take any medioine at all
and never want to again;’’
MRS. A. 1. RODENHEISER writes:
"I have gained Immensely since I look
Sargol. for I <>nl) weighed about I<'G
pounds xv’ien I began using it and now f
xvelgh L’o pounds, so reall) this means
- • pounds. I feel stronger and am looking
better than ever before and now I can
• air) rosy cheeks, which is s<'mething I
could noxor sax before •
"Mx old friends, xvho have been used
to se( ing me with a thin, long fa« p. say
that I am looking bettor than they have
ever seen me before, and father and moth
er arc so well pleased to think I have got
to look so well and weigh so heavy for
F. GAGNON writes:
"Hero is my report sjiwp taking the
Sargol treatment. I arn a man 67 years of
age ami xvas all run down to ti-,< very
bottom I had to quit work, a* I was so
weak. Xoxv. thanks to Sargol. I look like
a new man. I ga-ned 22 pounds with 26
• lays' treatment I can not tell you how
happy I feel. \ll mx clothes arc getting
too light My fa« e has a good color and
I never was so happy in mx life."
C. E. Crouner gained 15 Ihs. in 30 days I
Thdmas Davis gamed 10 lbs. in 16 days
Leonore Patten gained 16 lbs. in 30 day?
Mrs. Seim gained 13 lbs. in 20 days
Mrs. A. Arnott gained 10 lbs. In *0 days
F. A. Myrick gained 20 lbs. in 30 days
Philip Drapeau rained 9 Ihs. in 30 days
Mrs. S. E. Murray gained 30 lbs. in 40 days
Mary Bland gafned 18 lbs. in 40 days
W. W. Allis gained 36 lbs. days
Wm. Carmichael gained 5 lbs. in 10 days
Arthur Stewart gained 5 lbs. in 12 days
Mrs. C. Craig gained 13 lbs. in 30 days
Mrs. N. Galiiger gained 18 lbs. in 35 dayc ,
Send today for our free 50c. package and
let us prove that
Sargol Should Do the Same for You I
This treatment increases the red corpus
< les in the blond, strengthens the nerves
and puts the digestive tract intn such
'hape that your food is assimilated and
turned into good, solid, health' flesh in
stead of passing through the system undi
gested and unassimilated. It is a thor
oughly scientific principle. this Sargol. and
builds up th*» thin, weak and debilitated
without any nauseous rinsing In many
conditions if is better than end liver oil.
end certainly i*? much pleasanter to take.
I Send for the 50c box today, Convince us
by your prompt acceptance of this offer
that you are writing in good faith and
real!.' desire tn gain in weight. The pOc
package which we will send you free will
be an eye-opener to you We send it that
you mn) see the simple, harmless nature
of our new discovery, how easy it is to
take. ho«- you gain flesh privately with
"lit knowledge of friends <»r family until
'on astonish them by the prompt and un
mist a kable results.
We could not publish this offer if we
were not prepared to live up to It. It is
•ml,' the astounding results of our new
method <»f treatment that make such an
offer and such a guarantee possible, on
our pall So cut <ff the coupon today
ami mail if at once to The Sargol Com
pany. iwi. r Herald building Binghamton,
X V . and please inclose 10c with your
lettei io help \ distribution expenses.
Ta kb our word, you'll never regret it.
Come Eat With Us At Our Expense.
'This coupon entitles any thin person I
t<> one 50c package of Sargol. the con
cent ratr<F I‘lcsh Builder (provided .you
have never tried ill. and that 10c is
inclosed to cover postage, packing, etc.
Read our advertisement printed above. I
and then pul 10c in stamps in letter to- |
day. with this coupon, and the full s n r
package will be sens to you by return
post. Address The Sargol Company.
IC> r Herald building. Binghamton. X
V. Write your name and address plain
-15 . and
Pin This Coupon to Your Letter.
Dr. Hughes
s 22 Nerve Blood and
s. Skin Diseases
«*■ I treat successfully
F\. i\jf\ al | private diseases.
A Cs Kidney. Bladder and
Prostatic Trouble.
Blood Poison (in
herited and otherwise', Piles. Fistula
and Nervous Debility. I give 606 suc
-1 ■ -fidl' l cure ydu oi make no
i'barge FREE examination and con
sultai ion
Hours; » a m. to 7 p. m.; Sundays
In to I. Pah or write.
Oopoalte Third National Bank.
16' ,• N. Broad St., Atlanta. Ga.
Virginia ave near Beach anti Steel Pier,
Open *urioundings. Capacity 500. Hot. and
cold sea water baths. Large rooms, south
ern exposure Elevator to street level, spa
clouv: porches etc. Special week rates;
$2 "o up daily. Booklet. Coaches meet
’rains COOPER & LEEDS.
I f»'i r < :2'> illustration* Ail attractions and |
I the Lading hotels described, with rates, city I
I i aus, et.-. Send-c stamp for mailing ft ee copy I
I \ t iantie (it v Free Information Bhithul
kw 1 11. Bin N 95. Atlantic ( lt>. N. J M
CORSYTH ) Today. Mt
■ Atlanta’s RuslcstThcater f Tonight 8:80
Edmund Hayes & Com- Next Week
pany. Isabelle D'Armot'd - _
»€. Frank Carter. Ru MASTER
tan‘« Song Birds. M*l- GABRIEL
notte Twins and The
a n d lairrnv.
c „„„, bs . wl „ blJ ,„, COMPANY
I TTTT, Hill