Newspaper Page Text
Real Estate For Sale.
Real Estate, Renting and Loans
HAVE noticed within the past few- days a very strong demand
among the buyers for homes, little inexpensive homes, medium
priced homes and high-class residences Naturally we gol busy
looking for the best that could he found in the several classes, and
the result is that w e are prepared to offer some very unusual bar
gains and invite your attention 1o a few noted below. If, however,
you do not see just what you are looking for, call on us or phone us;
we probably have it.
ON THIS very desirable residence street and among some of the
best neighbors in the world we offer a first-class 7-room, 2-story
home on a good size lot for $4,750 This house is equipped with
every modern convenience, including hardwood floors and furnace
heat, and can he bought on easy terms The house is only about two
two years old and is in splendid condition. If it is not sold in a few '
davs. it will be withdrawn from the market and leased for another
year It is leased now for $37.50 per mont h ; lease expires in a few
ON WEST PEACHTREE, near Fifteenth St., where the street is
so beautifully built up. we offer a splendid 9-room home on a
large shady lot for $9,500 There is nothing lacking here for a com
sortable and attractive home, one that you would be proud of and
one that grows more valuable every month while you own it. Buy
on a thoroughfare and you will never regret it.
HERE is a place that should be sold before the sun gets up good
Monday morning It is a nice 6-room bungalow, in a fine loca
tion. close to a new school, and in a fine neighborhood, for $3,150.
Look at the terms; $250 cash and $25 per month, with no loan to
THIS SIDE of Alice St., on Pryor, we have a good 8-room residence
on small lot for $3,750 on very easy terms. Remember Pryor
St. is some street and won't be worth any less
SALESMEN: 11. W Grant. C. W. Cochran.
Sales Manager.
m , ,l m i j.
NEAR COLQUTT AVENUE, we aro offering this
nice home place, at a reasonable price. Has 8
rooms, all conveniences. \s yon know, this is one of
the best sections in Inman Park. Terms SBOO.OO
cash, and balance to suit.
” I—
NEAR GORDON PLACE, we have one of the most
attractive 6-room bungalows you ever saw. in per
fect condition; has three bed rooms, hall, parlor, din
ing room, pantry and kitchen. Tinted walls. House
is screened: lias tile bath room, 8x12; new screened
sleeping’house in yard, and nice shade. Don’t fail
to see this if you want an up-to-date place, and some
thing worth the monev.
$3,250.00 Only SI,OOO Cash.
ON ONE of the best streets in East Point we are go
ing to sell a good. 7 room house, one block from car
line; on a lot. 95x400; at above low price. Now, if vou
want a nice little home on a farm, see this.
Only $4,750.00.
GOOD. TWO-STORY, 8-room house, in A-No. 1 con
dition. tinted walls, combination fixtures, conven
iently arranged. Will sell on easy terms. See this.
It's worth the monev.
WESTMINSTER DRIA E. one block from car line,
50x200 feet. It’s cheap. One-half cash.
home place, just consigned to ns for quirk sale.
Built for a home. A beauty inside. Six rooms and
hall; even convenience; east front; level, shady lot.
203-8 Empire Bldg. Phones Main 674 and 910.
215 Peters Bldg Be!! Phone Main 2245
160 ACRES with 4.000 feet railroad frontage and same on public roa<l Three
houses, good springs Can sell at a bargain and make terms Can gc pos
session non
— ....... ..... . ..... ..... .——- —— - - • ■ .-
90 ACRES, one mile of Tucker Ga 30 acres cleared ip heavy timber, two I
rtreams of water two house® <~’an he bought r’ght. on Kf>od term®
13 ACRES. REDAN. GA well improved, fine orchard, running water right in
b’cvr Will sell cheap or exchane* clH property
10-ROC’A< two-storv house in Der.uu!. ‘»a on lot 150x600 feet *5.000 term®
th®' s’.x-room cottage on lo* !M’x2o n for 13 “5A
ER/.NI' NEW five-room bungalow with all modern convenience® nice lot. tile
sides ■ on car line car ®fon® near place prU* < j onn ran make mod
gpm term*
— * !
COTTAGE, on lot 81x135. in one block ■* ar line This’ '® nice place ’
' ' me or would make a rood investment price. *2 email cash ray- I
menu balance like rent. '
Real Estate For Sale.
Real Estate For Sale
Comer Magnolia St.
THIS lot fronts 19? feet on Mangum
street, beginning just a little beyond I
Block’s fa< tor’- and running up to Mag
nolia street, on which it fronts. 50
feet, has five d l '-e!'HtRS and a good
| store. Total rental. s6l. Price. $7,500
, This is a fine |nvr = tinsnt property, only
j three block? from the Terminal station.
Comer Mangum St.
, THIS Int fronts I'Bs 1-2 feet on Foun
dry street, running back along Man
gum p’reet Bf> feet: contains three
dwellings and a ®tor*. with a rental of
152. These houses could be overhauled
and the r**nt considerably Increased N
A fine piece of Investment propertX’
near Continental Gin Company. Price, '
*6,000, reasonable terms.
Fronts 125 Feet.
A Fj/RGE trues on the past side of
Mangum street, between Magnolia
and Foundry strep's has a frontage of
125 feet, tunning buck 152 feet on one
line and 103 feet on the other line.
Contains **!ght small houses This en- i
tire property for $4,000, on reasonable ’
terms. <
- . (
214 Foot Front. ,
THIP Is an entire blnrk on north side
of Simpson street, between Davis and
Edwards streets, extends back 130 feet,'
containing an old stone house which
rents for $lB lot Is elevated considera
bly above street level. We will sell this
block for $5,000 on terms of one fifth
'9sh. L'iCnre !n four annual payments.
Corner of A’ine St.
THIS tract fronts 13S feet on Simpson
street and rune through to Jones av
enue, at the corner of Vine street, the
frontage on Jones avenue Is 199 feet
Would make seven good building lots
and is ’■ f-’l suited for bulldinv a block
Os houses either to rent or sell. Price.
$3,200; on teasonable terms.
An Entire Block.
THIS is a city block, bounded by Jones
avenue. Walnut street, Bush street
(Western avenue) and Vine street , has
three cottages and thirteen gdod build- .
ing lots, al] street improvements be
ing down on Jones avenue. A good
speculation for some one to build rent
ing houses, being in an Industrial
neighborhood. Price for the entire
block. Jin.nnn.
Comer Walnut St.
A ST"orp; and dwelling house, known
as Nos. 90 and 94 Kennedy street, lot
88x100, located directly on the A , B. &
A. railroad; rent for s2l. Price $2 000.
Suitable for warehouse o> a small fac
tory, and in the meantime pays twelve
per cent.
A Five-Room Cottage.
WP will sell this good 5-room house,
lot 50x88, for S9OO. It adjoins the A..
B. & A right of way, and rents steadi
ly at SB. Terms, one-fourth cash, bal
ance three annual installments, with 7
per cent.
FRONTS 4on feet on A . B. * A rail
road. also fronts on Julian and P Al
vigny streets, an erregularly shaped i
piece of property, well adapted for coal,
wood nr lumber yard, 'contains five
small houses. Price, $3,500. Less than
.110 per foot for railroad frontage.
On Julian Street.
NOS. 59. 63 and 69 Julian street, just
south of Bellwood avenue lot was
original!'- 200x120, but a corner has
been taken off by the A., B. <£■ A rail
road. making tract available for manu
facturing or warehouse purposes We
will sell thes° three houses for $2,000;
one-fourth cash.
Fronts 400 Feet.
BETWEEN Lambert, and Vine streets
we have a five-acre tract fronting 400
feet on North avenue and running back
north 400 fee*, but wider in rear, lying
In between the Southern and A. B <?•
A railroads, has -i five-room house.
Price of entire tract, $6,500.
Lot 100x270.
THIS In' lies on south side of Bell
wood avenue, between Chestnut street I
and English avenue, near where the I
car line turns, it runs through to Fox |
street and Is in ne block adjoining
English Avenue school. Frit e. $2,000
A. splendid investmen* remarkably
cheap for a tine business lot with dou- !
ble street frontage
On Bellwood A'p.
THIS tract is on the northwest corner
of Bellwood avenue and Lindsay
stree’. fronting 13! feet and running
back 324 feet to Powell streel. being
the eastern half of >hat block of land
known as the g'-psy camp We offer
this unusually In- block of propertv for
At Howell Station.
THIS lot fronts 100 fee* on. north side
o' Marietta road, adjoining J. W
Echols home, runs back 345 feet to
right of wa> of Southern railroad, a
remarkab’..' cheap manufact’i-ing site.
On!\ $2,500.
WOULD you like to own one of the
nicest, most modern, newest, prettiest
cottages in this beautiful section of
West End'.' We have the place. It has
six large rooms and is right new-; it's
on® of those places that you have to
f see to appreciate: modern in every par
ticular and convenient to one of the
best car line in the city. The price is
right and the terms are easy.
BETWEEN Fourth and Fifth. This is
one of the biggest bargains on the
north side in a two-story home. House
has hardwood floors, beautiful fixtures,
nicely tinted walls and every conven
ience you can think of; large lot fac
ing south: »he rooms in this house are
ex< epi ionally large, and all have plenty
of close' room. This Is worth all we
are asking for it. Can make terms.
NINE rooms, lot 85x200, right new,
~c!ose to North Decatur car line, just
17 minutes from town and vou have a
modern home that has ail the city con
veniences and the pleasure of living in
the country. We have a price on this
that will convince you that it is the
cheapest place you have looked at in a
long time. NO LOAN TO ASSUME.
Better see this.
\OR TH SIDE, X. Jackson street,
No. 205, 7-room house, and 4
rooms large enough for dressing
rooms; slate roof, combination
fixtures, hot and cold water,
storm sheathed and double
floored, 2-room house in rear;
barn, etc. Corner lot. 50x1 fiO
feet. Price reduced from sfi.soo
to $5,700. This is your oppor
tunity to buy the best bargain
on the north side. Owner must
sell. Look at this property and
see US for particulars.
TEX-ROOM house, close in. all
improvements. Price $3,000.00
Terms, if desired.
WE HAVE some beautiful homes
in Ansley Park, at attractive
prices; also vacant lots.
EIGHT ROOM, 6-room and 3-
room houses close in Rent for
$31.50. Price $2,600.00.
WE HA\ E one of the prettiest
bungalows in West End Stone
front, piped for furnace, brick
mantels and combination fixures,
lot 48x300; a beautiful grove. See
US for particulars and price.
Brand-new, and will be completed
by Tuesday. We have others at
attractive prices.
Miss, worth easily $49,000; al! fur
nished ar.d doing good business now.
Would consider good Atlanta property
I or sell on easy terms to good party.
814 Grant Building.
Phone M. 1869.
Houses For Rent.
203-8 Empire Building.
Phones: Main 764 and 910.
4-r. flat. 438 Pulliam street. $ 14,30
4 r flat. 493 Rawson street .. . . 14 30
4- flat. 160 Courtland .... 20 60
5 r. flat. 124 East Fair street 20 60
5- flat. 296 Lee street .... 25 00
6- flat. 172 Centra! avenue 25 60
6-r flat, 70 Whitehall terrace 22 60
4- h. 32 Rogers street, new 15.00
5- h. 25 Cunningham place 22 50
5- h. 34 Rosalia street 20 00
6- h . 56 Rankin street 27 50
6-r h. 75 Whitefoord avenue .... 18 00
6-r li . 346 Centra! avenue 25 on
7 r h . 152 Crew street 25.00
8-r. h . 158 Courtland street 40.00
8 r b... 156 Richardson street 35 00
8- h . 53 Ponce Pel eon Place... 49 on
9- h., 80 McLendon ave 65 00
9- b. . 242 Stewart, nearly new . . 40 00
10- h . 168 Luckie street 37 00
12- h . 455 Peachtree street 75.00
13- b... 104 Ivy street (partly fur-
nished) 95.00
50-52 Auburn avenue, stores 20x100,
each 100 00
65 East Alabama s'reet. 25x126 . 125 00
12 South Broad street. 4-story brick.
6 Madison avenue. 5-story and
ba sentient $350 00
65 Fast Alabama street. 20x60 12 50
Real Estate For Sale. Real Estate For Sale.
18 and 20 WALTON STREET. Both Phones 458.
$3,500 —HAS 7 pretty rooms, stone front and southern exposure;
size of lot 50x170. This home is on the car line, in Inman Park
section. Remember, it is brand new and has 7 rooms. Easy terms.
Let us show you. We are sure you will like it.
THIS is a 2-story, 8-room home, in beautiful section of Forrest Ave.
Lot 50x150. This home has a loan on it of $3,750. Does not
that alone denote the value? We know this will make some one a
good home, and we feel equally sure that any one buying it will
make some money. If you will just consider this a while, and look
at it, you will never have any regrets. Terms.
THE HOI’SE vou will build, buy or rent will not be a
modern home unless it is wired for Electricity.
1 hi i—■!. ...i. - j-x 1 —■mm jimww— u i “■csaatn—— -<=s»
RIGHT at the street car underpass we have 75 feet on White
hall street with 82 feet on Central of Georgia railway, at
just about one-half its value, or $175.00 foot, on good terms.
Adjoining frontage held at $350.00 foot.
Second Floor. Grant Building.
Postponed Until Tues
day, July 16, 4:30 P. M.
221-223 AUBURN AVENUE, 3-story, new
brick building. Rental $1,620 per annum.
Rain stopped our sale of this property last
Thursday. Come to the sale Tuesday, sure.
Railroad Schedule.
The following scb.eau’e figures are pub
lished only as Information, and are not
No. Arrive From— No. Depart To—
-85 New Y. 5:00 am 36 New Y. 1215 am
13 Jaxville. 5 20 am 80 Col'bus 6:20 »m
43 Was’ton 5:25 am 13 Cine! . 6:30 am
12 Sh’port. 6:30 am 32 Fort V. 5:30 am
23 Jaxville 6 50 am 36 B’ham . 6:45 am
•17 Toccoa. 8:10 am 7 Chat’ga 6:40 am
26 Heflin.. 8:20 am 12 R’mond 6:55 am
29 New Y.10:30 am 23 Kan. C. 7:00 am
8 Chat'ga 10:35 am 16 Brun'k 7:45 am
7 Macon 10:40 am 29 B ham 10:45 am
27 Fort V 10:45 am 38 New Y.11:01 am
21 Col’bus 10:50 am 40 Chari'e 12:00 n'n
6 Cine! ..11:10 am 6 Macon .12:20 pm '
80 B’ham.. 2:30 pm 30 New Y. 2:45 pm
40 B’ham 12 40 pm 15 Chat’ga 3:00 pm
89 Charlo’e 3:55 pm 39 B’ham 4:10 pm
6 Macon 4:00 r>m ’lB Toccoa. 4:30 pm
87 New Y. 5:00 pm 22 Col’bus 5:10 pm
15 Bruns’k 750 pm 5 Clnct . 510 pm
11 R’mond 8:30 pm 28 Fort V. 5:20 pm
24 Kan. C 9:20 pm 25 Heflin . 5 45 pm
16 Chat’ga 9:35 pm 10 Macon . 5:30 pm
29 Col’bus 10 20 pm 44 Wash'n 8:45 pm
31 Fort VlO 25 pm 24 Jaxville 9 80 pm
36 B’ham 12:00 ngt 11 Sh’port. 11:10 pm
14 Cincl .11:00 pm 14 Jaxville 11 10 pm
Trains marked thus (*) run daily, ex
cept Sunday.
Other trains run daily. Centra! time
City Ticket Office. No 1 Peachtree St
Legal Notices,
Wil! Lie sold before the court house door
in the city of Atlanta, the first Tuesday
in August. 1912, within the legal hours of ,
sale, the following property, to-wit:
Same being seized by myself as tax col
lector of Fulton county, as property of ,
parties named below, for their state and ■
county taxes for the years specified:
At the same time and place the follow
ing described property, to-wit:
AU that tract or parcel of land lying
and being in the city of East Point, Ga . :
in land lot 133 of the Fnur'eenth district ,
of Fulton county. Georgia, and more par ,
ticularly described as follows
Beginning at a point on the north side ,
of Brvan avenue. 60 feet east of the
northeast corner of Brvan avenue and
Harris street and running thence east
along the north side of Bryan avenue
one hundred (100) feet, more or less: !
thence north one hundred and sixty-four '
i 164) feet, more or less; thence west '
ninety-six <96) feet: thence south one ‘
hundred and seventy-one (171) feet to 1
the point of beginninc Adjoining .lesser- ‘
son Park Land Company, levied on as I
the property of G R. Cbagnon. to satisfy '
a fi fa In favor of the state and county
against said lot and against said G. R !
Chagnon for state and countv tax for
Also, a s the same time and place the i
following described property, to-wit: All ’
that tract or parcel of land lying and
being in land lot 50. of the Fourteenth 1
district of originally Fayette, non Ful 1
ton. county, Georgia, and more particu- ■
larly described as follows Beginning at
the northeast corner of said land lot and j
running f henre west 900 feet, more or $
less, to land of T <? Hathcock, thence <
south 2.227 feet, more or less, to property f
of s he estate of w <’ Dollar, thence eas’ ♦
900 feet, more or less, to east ime of said i
land lot. and thence north along said land <
lot line »o beginning point, containing 50 <
acres, more or less. lex led on as rhe prop- $
erty of J W Dollar, to satisfy a fi fa in i
favor of rhe state and county against said T
lot and against said i W Dollar for state
and county tax for 1910
Also, a’ the same time and place, the ■
following described property, to-wit \p
that tract or part e 1 of land lying an*'
1 eirg In ’he city of East Point, Ga >r !
land lot 131 of ♦he Fourteenth district
.. re pari
ularly described as follows Beginning a*
■j - 1 • n the east sfd ■ ‘ B ?• • street
Byard and Calhoun streets and running c
Legal Notices
thence south along the eaet side of Byard
street 50 feet, more or less, thence east
230 feet, more or less, thence north 50
feet, more or less, thence west 230 feet,
more or less, to beginning point, adjoining
Jones, levied upon as the property of P
H. Head, to satisfy a fi. fa in favor of the
state and county aga'nst said lot and
said P. H Head for his state and county
tax for 1910.
Also, at the same time and place, the
following described property, to-w!t A
certain city lot in the citv of College
Park, In land lot 162 of the Fourteenth
district of Fulton county, Georgia being
city block No. 99, part of lot. No. 6 Be
ginning 95 feet east from the corner of
Maiden Lane and West Cambridge ave
nue, running east 60 feet to a line of E
D Barrett, thence south 16n feet, thence
west 60 feet to line of Mary D Agnew,
thence north along said line 160 feet to
the beginning point, being improved Drop
erty in the city of College Park, adjoining
Barrett, levied on as the property of J T
Henley to satisfy a fi fa. in favor of the
state and county against said lot and
against said J T Heniev for state and
county taxes for the year 1910
Also, at same time and place, the fol
lowing described property, to-wit: Acer
tain citv lob In the citv of Co’'ege Park
city lot 1.92. lot .. in land lot 163. of the
Fourteenth district of Fulton county,
Georgia, beginning 150 feet east of Low
street at DeFoor's east corner and run
ning east 100 feet to DeFoor's land, thence
south 150 feet, thence 100 feet to De-
Foor's land, thence north along DeFoor’s
line to the beginning point, the same
being improved property in the citv of
College Park adjoining DeFoor, levied on
as the property of Alfred and Wil! C
Jarvis to satisfy a fi. fa. in favor of the
state and countv against said lot and
against said Alfted and Wil! C Jarvis for
state and county taxes for the year 1910
Also, at the same time and place, the
following described property, to-wit- A'l
that tract or parcel of land lying and
being in the city of East Point Ga
in land lot 163 of the Fourteenth district
of Fulton county. Georgia, and more par
ticular!' described as follows Beginning
at a point on the north side of Vesta
avenue. 80 fee' east of the northeast cor
ner of Lowe and Vesta avenues and run
ring thence easterly along the north side
of \ esta avenue 110 feet, more or le??
thence north 212 feet, more or less, thence
west 110 feet, more or less, thence south
212 feet, more or less, to beginning point,
adjoining Be'!, levied or as the property
of N F and J. A McCrory, to satisfy a
fl fa in favor of th? state and count'
against said lot and sa'd N. F and J. A
McCrory for state and county tax for
Also, at the same time and place, the
following described property, to wit Ail
that tract of land lying and being in th?
city of East Point. Ga . in land lot 163
of the Fourteenth district of Fulton
county. Georgia, and more partlo'ilari \
described as follows Beginning at a
point on the east side of Lowe avenue, 150
feet south of the southeast corner of
Lowe avenue and Center street and run
ning thence south along the east side of
Lowe avenue 75 feet, more or less, thence
east 190 f?e», more or less, thenoo north 75
feet, more or less, thence west 1?o feet
more or less, to beginning point, adjoin’
ing Frazier, levied on a? the property of
T E Matthews, to sa'isf' a fl fa in fa:
vor of the state and count'- against said
lot and against said T E Matthews for
state and county tax for 1910.
Also, at same time and plac’eTthTToi
lowing described property, to-wft \ cer
tain citv lot In ity of’ i. Ward
3. land lot 43. in the Fourteenth district
of Fulton county. Georgia, fronting 45
f?et on the south side of Georgia avenue
to Pavilion, between Grant street and
Cherokee avenue, and running back 160
feet, more or less, in a southerly direc
tion. the house on said lot known a? No
429, on said street, according to street
numbers, the same being improved prop
erty In the city of Atlanta, adjoining
Hudgens, levied on as the property of
Mrs Cattie Blount, to satisfy a fl fa in
f-i'or of the state and count' .again?’
aid !o> and against said Mrs. Cattie
Blount for stafe and count'- tax for the i
'ear 1910
Also, at same time and place ~~the fol
”'ng described property tc-wit Acer
• iln <!” le in 'he city of Atlanta Ward
' !md lot -•' in the Fo’jrte?’.’'h d:s"- | c'
of Fulton county, Georgia, fronting 50
Legal Notices.
feet on the northwest corner of
and Arnold streets, and running ha
fee', more or less, in a < '
reetion. the house on said >o' kn-
No. 60-64 on said street, according tc
numbers, the same being improved pro
erty in the city of Atlanta. adtoir’L
parks, levied on as the propertv o' v 'it
Blount, to satisfy a fl. fa. in favor oi •
state and county against said 'or nl. .
against said W. R Blount for state X,'
county tax for the year 1910
Also, at same time and place th.--
Ing described property, to wit A '-e-'
tain city lot In the city of Atlanta' WoU
V lot ... in the Pourteents d'e - •'
of Fulton county, Georgia, fronting .
feet on the east side of Madison ave
between Hunter and Alabama c'-rV
and running back 200 feet, more G'
in an easterly direction, the house o'n
lot known as No. 10-12, on said s*G
according to street numbers, the sG;
being improved property in the
Atlanta, adjoining Roberts, levied A
- property of J. C. Bridger, trustee' V
satisfy a fl. fa. in favor of the ?tate i--
county against said lot and again?*'
L C. Bridger, trustee, for state and
ty tax for the year 1910
Also, at same time and place VVTT'
loving described propertv. to-wit ;
tain city lot in the city 'of Atlanta. W >• J
ot ■* s, tn the Fourteenth di'-'f
of Fulton county. Georgia, front'rg
fee J ,he northwest corner of H-LE
and Oakland, and running back ir"n •
more or less, in a northwester!'- direetd
the house on said lot known 'as No >l.
on said street, according to street ru
bers the same being improved rroG'-
in the city of Atlanta, adjoining Med’- •
levied on as the propertv of Mr? r u"
Bridger, to satisfy a fi. fa in favor of 'L
state and county against said du i-.
against said Mrs E. K Fr.dgor
and county tax for the year 1919
Also at the same time and n'a.-TT- ~
following described property, to wd
certain city lot in the city of <
Park, in block sg_ W e.?t half of i o t \-
beginning at the southeast corner of >' •
Mercer avenue and Jackson street?
ning east 50 feet to line of Mrs J
Parker, thence south 142 U feet tbc- ,
nnrrV Ja( kSOn St^et hL' “
north along east side of Jackson stn
-14---2 feet to beginning onint. be'ng
proved property in the city of ...
Park adjoining Parker Levied on a? -N
property of C. F Merck to satisfy a fl.
In x . vor the state and countv
said lot and against said C F Merck • ■
state and county taxes for the year co'
Also at the same time and place tD
following described property, to wit in
that tract or parcel of land lying and L .'
ing in Fulton county. Georgia, and b.~- - -
lots Nos. 201. 202. 203. 204 205 20 E"
209. 210, 119. 118. 502. 503. 504.' 5<K
016 515. 514. 513. 510. 509. according ■ ,
p'at of northwest Allanta on file in
clerk’s office of Fulton county, GeurEr'a
book 3, pages 82 and 83. levied on as t‘G
property of Mrs. O. L. Reed to satisfy a
fi. fa. m favor of the state and r . - •
against said lot and said Mrs O I. r. : . .
for state and county taxes for year : ■
Also at the same time and place tre
following described propertv, to wit
that, tract or parcel of land lying and G
ing in the city of East Point. Ga . in !-t-d
lot 158 of the Fourteenth district of F':.’
ton countv Georgia, and more particu
larly described as follows: -.n
the northwest corner of East Point ,iv.-
nue and Center street and running tber.-i'
along the west side of East Point avenue
75 feet more or less; thence west 140 fee
thence south 75 feet, more or le
nience east along the north side
Center street 140 feet to beginning
point, adjoining Zellner. Levied on
the property of J. W Roberts to sat;sf' i
fi fa. against said lot and against sa-d
J W Roberts for state and countv tax
for 1910.
.Also at same time and place the fol
lowing described property, to wit A
certain city lot in the city of Atlar.'.a
Ward 3. land lot 33. in the Fourteenth
district of Fulton county. Georgia, fror ■
ing 40 feet on the southwest corner .-f
Connally and Glennwood streets, and run
ning back 120 feet, more or less. In a
southwesterly direction, the house ?a:u
lot known as No. 119 on said street a--
cording to street numbers, the same be'r.g
improved property in the city of Atlanta
adjoining Norris Levied on as the pr.-.-
erty of Mrs. Bessie Seay to satisfy a fi
fa. In favor of the state and county
against said lot and against said Mrs
Bessie Seay for state and coun'v taxes
for the year 1910.
Also at same time and place the f
lowing described property, to wit: A
tain city lot in the city of Atlanta, Wv .
3. land lot 41, in the Fourteenth dlstri."
Fulton county. Georgia, fronting 16c t
on the south side of McDonough to
Railway street, between railroad arid
limits, and running back 450 feet, more r
less, in a southerly direction, the to -
on said lot known as No. ... on sa'i
street according to street numbers, t e
same being property in the city of A
lanta adjoining feryan. Levied on i- • -
property of J. R. Slater to satisfy a fi fa.
In favor of the state and county agair.c
said lot and against said J. R. Slater ■ ■
state and county taxes for the year ’
Also at the same time and place th"
following described property, to w>: ;
certain city lot in the city of College
Park, described as follows: Being '
29, in block 1, of the Rhodes subdivis: : .
fronting 50 feet on south side of Cnltm ■ .i
avenue, and running back 167
bounded on the west by the land of Hax-.-
Brooks, on the east by land of A
- being a lot 50x167 feet, in •!--
city of College Park. Levied on as f “ ,J
property of Martha Speer to satisfy a fi.
fa In favor of the state and roar'--
against said lot and against said o!-i ' •
Speer for state and county taxes for the
year 1910
Also at the same time and place the P!
lowing described property, to wit: A cor
tain city lot in the’city of College Park
1, 2 and 3, city block 192. in !a,nd lot Ih’
In the Fourteenth district, beginning t
the southwest corner of Vesta avenue ani
Connally street, and running th.-n-e
west along the south side of Vesta a' - -
nue 195 feet to the East. Point Land Com
pany; thence south 205 feet: thence ea-t
195 feet to Connally street; thence nor'
along west side of Connally street to p :
of beginning, the same being impr
propertv In the city of College Park 1 :
joining East Point Land Company, le’ :■
on as the property of C D Wright ’
satisfy a fi fa in favor of the state ar
county against said lot and against
C D. Wright for state and county tax>?
for the year 1910.
A’J that tract or parcel of land lying
being in the city of East Point, in land
lot 156 of the Fourteenth district of F'fi
ton county, Georgia, beginning on
west side of Cheney street. 147 feet -
of Chattahoochee avenue, and n
thence south, along the west side
Cheney street, 75 feet to Cue club prop
e r ’'. thence westerly 322 feet, mor
less; thence northerly 75 feet, more or Ps;-
thence easterly 300 feet more or les?
point of beginning Levied upon as ’ '
properti of L N Brown to satisfy a
fa for state and county tax for the ' ar
1907 Sold for benefit of A P Herring- "
Also at same time and place the z '
Irm-ine described property, to wit A ■
tain city lot in the city of A'lanta
1. land lot 109 in the Fourteenth dis*:";;
of Fulton county. Georgia, fronting
feet on the northeast corner of f >rd
and Mitchell streets, and running ba ■
feet more or less in a northeaster'
reetion. the house on said lot knov r
No. 35 on said street according to s*’-?
numbers, the same being Imriro'-e'-l r”
ertj in the city of Atlanta adj'/r”'-
Cobbs. Levied on as the property o' .-J‘
Jackson 'o satisfy a fi fa ''n favor of
eft'- of '•lanta against said 1
against said Sam Jackson for ct'y tax
for the year 1906 Sold for benefit J 1
P Herrington, transferee ‘
■ y p STEWART.
Tax Collector and ex-Officio Sheriff.
ton Countv. Georgia
All creditors of the estate of Mrs
Strickland, late of Fulton countv. de
ceased, are hereby notified to render
their demands to the "nders'gned 0
cording to law. and al! persons indeo’-'-
to said estate a r e reqn'.'ed to make irr
mediate pavment.
June 8. 1912. , , ,
J o COCHRAN. Administrator.^,
mi n ..Il i I 'I .
If ynu «ent a letter or telegram to t?.e
wrong address, you would hardly exp Ai ' r
an answer, would you? The same Is true
her. you select the wrong medium to
fyave all ‘reur filled Try the right
way- -The Georgian s', ant Ad way.