Newspaper Page Text
Spot Interests and Commission
Houses Are Active Traders.
Cable Reports Strong.
x riv YORK. Jul? 13. The opening of
... . rt.m market this morning was eas
not first quotations unchanged to 3
rrs below the final of Frida?. After
... p e'r<t fifteen minutes of trading, heavy
, ca , ■ g set in bv the longs, who sold
. -.i : faking profit This selling was
n-. due to the better weather map
■i f boring was of a good character and
[n the last hour of the short session
.... h.arv selling seemed to check, which
„ a . < aused by further unfavorable re
from Texas due to the high tem-
Ppr.-Aure. saying the plant was at a stand
’• ■■■' was greatly in need of moisture
- > - . aused a steady tone developed upon
market, closing prices 2 to 5 points
ioner from 'he previous close
! ■ 0 it e. g. u ®
~ I ~ ~ I
■n 1 10! 12.04112.07 i 12.06-08112.10-12
A';,. ’ 1 12.16:12.09112.11 it 2.11-13.12.16-17
spt.i ’ 12.25 1 2.20:12.23 1 2.22-23 12.25-27
l 12.37 12.28112.31J12.31-32'1.2.36-37
\ ■ .12.35-3712.37-41
Pr. • * 12.46 12’.37 12.4-h T. 40-42 12.45-47
j a p ’ ' H 12.43'12.35112.41 EX4O-41 12.43-45
V. H '12.44 -46 1 2.46-48
y ( v I M 12.00 1.2 00’12.50 12.49-50:1.2.53-55
' 1 6( ' ' i ; 12. ■’'* -6 ■
""t'b’sed steady.
Liverpool cables were due io tn 12%
p. r: higher. < ’pened firm 14 to 15
;. ’■•ighe”. Closed quiet. 12 to 14
P lie- 1 igher. Spots quiet 14 points high-
I '• i/ iru 7 2ld: sales 6.000 bales, in-
HudTg ' Ooh American; speculation and
< . - ■ ■ total sales include 2.000 made
yesterday; imports 4,000, all Ameri-
c.t mated port receipts today 2,000.
asra” 1 -' L 550 last week and 369 last year
s -.' ‘?T7 the year before.
Em opened ouiet.
opening Previous
Range. Close Clo«e
tc . . 6.96 -6.99 6.96 6.82
July - \ije . 695 -6.98 6.95 6.81 %
\i ; c-_Sept . . 6.91 -6.93'” 6.90 6.77
-f-r-’ ’ ... 6.84’2-6.85 ‘ 6.81 % ♦'•69
i>< i -Nov . . 6.79 -6.76 6.76% 6.63
x-.v -pec. . . 6 7,5 -6.75% 6.72% 6.60
f)P( -Tan. . . . 6.74 6.71% 6.58%
.Jan -F p b. . . . 6.74 -6.74% 6.71% 6.59
Feb Meh. . . . 6.75 -6.73% 6.72 6.59
M' ’ -Apr . . 6.74 -6.73 6.73% 6.60
'. ■■■ -\Li ' ........... ’ 6.60%
}ta• - lune b,751*»-6.77 6.74% 6.61%'
< 'biscil quiet
\r-‘T\ ORLEANS. iuly |3. Liverpool
b-f fr-rped fully to yesterday s advance in
ir market.-. futures closing 12 to 13
P' nc- higher; spots. 14 points higher;
-a’c- -.000 bales. The weather map shows
and general showers over the At-
N' rain in the rest of the belt,
rpp'ppratures normal, indications ar** for
s' ~: mtwy < on-lit ions.
A traveling cron reporter sent in a bad
’•r. . - on Arkansas, but a very good re
i”’t on northeast Texas. ‘Hir market
eased somewhat on Saturday's realizing.
h)f the buying was good all ’he way
d' -vn to 12.59 for October and trading
--’■’le-i around 12.54.
L verpool is due Monday 3 to 4 English
i • lower. New Vock wired that the
prevailing sentiment is very bullish, and
i r-’p temperatures or hot winds in Texas
T.-HiL raine further excited markets.
• 'fLial records show a temperature
s-Rragf of 98 degrees for Texas and 100
' dahoma. Weather developments
'-\pr Sunday might have quite a hearing
■,e market. With fair weather in ’be
tates. a further rise in tem
p<-'■ a’ 1 and more showery weather m
'L VlanM-s. bullish sentiment would
rr< babl be excited tn further action. <'n
■ ■ ■' Imnd should prospects for rain
develop in the West a technically weak
c rc : marke’ might be the prompt rc
.- - ~LL / i >«■'
I’tf’ 13 05 13 05'12.99 13.04 13.07-09 13.06-07
A;c 1- 92 12.92 12.82 12.90 1 2.90-92'1 2.91 - f 2
S>"' 1 72 1".73 12.73H2.73 12 69-70 12.78-79
mt ’ kO 1° 60'12 50 12.58 12.56-57 12.62-63
> 12.57-58 12.62-63
i'.s" 12.59 12.51 12.58 12.57-58'12.62-63
Tan ’ n t' 1° 63'12 58 12.62,1 2.62-63 12.68-69
” ’’ 77 12.73 V 67 1 2.73 * 1 2.75-76
' nr 12 78-79 12.80-31
e’loqor] firm.
"lama, stead-/; middbng
\>-a firm; miodlmg ’?"c
Nen York steady, middling 12.5°
P'W.icpiphia. stead'-, mifblling 12 75
stead? : middling 12.50
Li\n r p OO | firm, middling 7." <i.
-Avamv h. steady : middling 12c
Augusta, quiet; middling 13c
*• .pile, -'rady. mid<lling 11
f-'n, firm, middling 12 3 <
N folk, firm; middling 13c.
Wilmington, nominal.
[ Rock. firm, middling 1?%
•' a 'esfon. nominal, minuting 11%
p-iiLmorr. nominal; middling L?r.
'i ' phi-. 'Urao. 1 . middling 12'<
1 m . trad-. . middling 12Y
;■ teady. middling 12 13-18.
’■ ■ ' i’le. firm: middling 12\.
fi I'cv,'.ng table shons : rcelnts at
' - touuA rompart u with the same
• r;,'
I I T. 2. I'‘ll
' ' ... 50
’ seston 1.124 131
. . 135 . .
' annah .... >Bl 58
: i .pc-on . . . 8
_ Total. , .. . 4 2,069 | 269
nterkjr movement
i■ 12. T~ wit
\'-”-s’on 52 ‘135
i 28 '6
!r “ ,, l | h’s. . , , . . 5-?8
lo uiß .... 11 350
• a • i ' 97
. 746 $53 "
. ' h ,<• (*/» w» think 'autious sell-
- %• ' tmed. but he p’ppated to chang‘d
hould ar: real crop damage de
P ■ n. Towle (K- ’ The market
’’n« io a strong
e’'lh change until the nru crop
' ’ niov freely, If then
Mcntgomerv It !s doubtful
def idefiL marked changes will
; ' f “therwise than in an upward direc
’ Hl tbe’c is a decided imp: •»v>' , nF.nt
" bi- •• < ondit mns.
f ‘ <K- f’o . I nips': there ia change
. ’ better in weather, n e heljeve the
' ' 'he market will be upward
’’f-n. S’t-.'no < ‘o. The I » g side
'be bert.
■'''"erg'’ S;i;n Co A\ «■ hel’eve
WC;.'*hor Conditions rbppgp,
"dl a nr’ higher
’i'‘T?K. July 13 Report - a~e on
' ‘’avorable and indicate that the
2 well ’n most sections From
‘ b’laliup- there arc complaints cf
/ ! n h moisture but ir the main the
-■! has beet' moderate <*u Texas
■ f to th* effect that plant
brst-clas~ eondiUnn and 'he <>ut-
’ ’ "a nev«»: be*r.
NLIA \ork, July 15. Further un
favorable reports over Sunday over the
larger portion of rhe belt gave the cotton I
market a steady tone on the opening to- I
day. with prices ranging 4to 8 points' bet - !
ter than the previous close. The ring!
crowd and big professionals shortlv after
nie opening began to sell, taking' profit,
with Mitchell being best seller. This sell
ing caused a sharp decline with prices un
changed to 7 points below the first figures.
Futures and spots in Liverpool i" fair
Quotations in "otton futures:
I j III u/ooTPrevT
[Open|High|Low |A.M.| Close.
Juh .|12.14 13717112.10112/10112706/08
Auqust 12.18:12.18 12.17 12.18)12.11-13
r'e.ptember .12 29:12 2911" 20 f> ooli»
I'-tober 12.38 12.38 12 i 28'12! 33 1 1'. 31-32
•November 35.37
December 12.46 t 2.46 icAi 1290,12’40-42
January 12.14 12.45 12.37 12.38'12 40-41
kehruaty 12.44-46
March 12.55112.55| 12.49112.50,12 49-50
Ma __. , .' 12j63| 12.63J2.56H2.50 12.57-58
_S'.H2 ,a / l .2P2i_j n cotton futures:
I I T 11 I Prev7
.'->peniHigh|Low.|A.M.| Close.
• • 13.10 13.10 13.10'13.10 13.07-09
August 12.96 12.96 12.96112.96112 90-9 9
September 12.58 12.60 12.58’1 2.60 12 69-70
October 12.60 12.60 13.52 12.52 12.50-51
November 1° 57-58
December 12.61 '2 61 I 2 53 iy.i.i 12/57-58
January ■ 1-.67'12.67'12.59i12.59i 12.62-63
kebruarx 17 .68
March r> ?*> 79
—- a - - ' '">4-86
• ' k-" 1 I 'ltK. July 15 -Speculative buy
ing m I mon Pacific caused 'hat issue to
open with a gain of \ at the opening of
"m stock market today, tills being the
largest gain recorded on the list The
weakest feature was Chicago. Milwaukee
and St. Paul, which sold off to 99V a de
cline of % from Saturday's closing. Later,
however, this stock recovered its loss.
I here was a decided show of strength a'
(he outsei. which was attributed to the
favorable character of aSturday s hank
statement. Nearly all the stocks in which
there is an active speeulatice interest ad
vanced. Among them were: United
States Steel comon . Amalgamated Cop
l>er 'sT/Q. Erie comon ls@ l i. Reading “f,
@m’ 5 . Lehigh Valley ',@44. Southern
Pacific and Southern Railway ',.
I mon Pacific was only '4 higher at the
offset, but subsequently wen’ higher
The curb was steady.
Americans in l.ondon were steady f, n
p: ofesSionai dealings. Canadian Pacific
and copers were firm in London. The
feature of the London market was the glut
of money for loans.
Stock quotations:
A I i Ln - TPr®»
STOCKS— IQp'n [HjghiLow.'A.M. ICl'se
A. Copper . 80-\ 80%: 80%' 8014 80%
A S. Refining 126%T27% 126’ 5 127% 127
A Smelting. 81% 81%' 81% 81% 81%
A Locomotive 11% 11% 41% 41% 41%
A c. Foundry 56’,: 57 56%: 57 57
A. Cotton Oil . 51% 51% fti%' 51% 51%.
A. Woolen 27
Anaconda ' 40
Atchison . 107d‘i07% 107% 107% 107%
A. C 1 135%
Amor. Can . 36% 36% 36%l 36% 36'4
do. pfd . . . 117% 117% 117% 117% 117 c,
A. Heel Sugar ......... '72%
A T * T .144%
A. Agriculture 60
Beth. Steel : 34%
B. R T. . . 91'% Oil- 91% 91V.' 91%
B. & " .7108%
Can. Pac. . 263% 2 i32«3%■ 263 1 4 263%
1 'o: n Products 1 14%
c. ,<• ,> 791., 79% 7914,' 79% 79%
Con. Has . . . 143% 143 %11 ♦' %‘' 43 % 142%
t'. Leather . . 1 24%
C. F. & 1 28%
Col. Southern 38
I tel. Hud 166
Erie . . . . 33% 34 33% 34 33%
do. pfd. . . 51 51 51 .5I '57
c,en Electric 177% 177-% 17.' 1.7 177%
'I. N Ore . . 42% 4'1%. 42% 42%' 42
I ehigh Valiev. 165% 166 165%T6« "'165%
N'or. * West 115% ■! 16’. 115% . 1.16%'115%
North. Pacifi. 119 119 119 'll9 118%
Peoples Gas t.o 116%:11.6% 1 lb%i 11.6% 1.16
Reading . .162 162% 161 % 1 162% 161 %
R’ck Island pfdi 49% 49%' 49% 49% 48%
Rep.l A* s pfd. 82% 82%’ 8..% 82%j 83%
•Soiilh. Pacific. 108% 108% 108% 108% 108%
Si Paul. ...100 100% 100 100% 100%
Tenn. Copper.. 43 43 42% I 42% 43
I Third .Venue. 36% 36% 36% 36% 36%
i Union Pacific 164 % 165% IM % 105% 164 %
| I‘tali Popper. . I 60 60% 60 . 60% 60%
I s. St eel ... 68 % 68 %. 68 % 1 68 % 60 %
'Vabash, pfd. . 14% l’i- 14% 14% 13%
Grain quotations:
Open. High. low 11 a. n.
Julv . . 1.04% 1.04% 1.04', 1.04%
Sept . .1.00 1.00% 99% 99%
Dec 1 01% 1.01% 1 01% 1 .01%
Jul'' 74% >4% 74% 74%
Sept. 69 69 «!> 69
Dec. 58% 58% 58 58
Ma' "8% 58% .58% 58%
Jul' <4 44% 14 44’,
Sept. 36 35% 35 35%
1 tee 36% 36% 36% 36%
I pt >RI< -
Sept 18.10 18.02% 1.8.02%
sen. in 60 10,60 10.60
I oct. .10.65 10.65 10.65 10.65
I Sep. 10.40 10 .tn 10 . T 10.40
A few early summer apples art now in
the market, but are not up to 'he .-land
ard as to grade and are therefore being
sold at nominal values.
oranges. California stock, very scarce
land srlllnc high N'o Florida oranges or
I grapefruit in the market.
I Bananas are very cheap, resuliing from
Ihe abundance **f local fruit now being
gro-wn and marketed throughout the fruit
sections of Hie country.
The lemon markef has been and is yet
veto unsatisfactory, both as to quality
of fruit, which has been very bad. ah'!
the limited demand. whl< h has resulted
In beaw accumulations and severe losses
to tiiose engaged in their handling to
arc great extent.
Vegetables. generally speaking, are
I now being furnished by the local gar-
I ,|pprf S both to the retailer and consumer
at comparatively low values, therefore the
I shipments from out of town are receiving
| hut little consideration ai the ham!, 0 of
the buvers.
Now ’rlsb poiatoes in heavy supply
and showing more or less damage from
rot resulting from continued wet weather
t.> which the' have been subjected
■ :ii. ns ar» plentiful and selling ai low
'I here is also, an abundance of peaches
and cantaloupes, covering which there is
no market value basts. It is simply a
quest ">n of tityling a buyer ai any offers
made “ ,
Watermelons up to I'lo present have
been scarce, but are now coming in more
ftcelv which is resulting in lower prices.
live poitltr’- is dull, especially' hens,
small and medium fries. Large, fries are
more active ai better values in propqr
, iop There is practically no demand
Or dressed poultr' at this season of the
' ear.
Egg receipts are liberal, with fresh can
died stork in fair demand at quotations
.A fair demand prevails for tbe best
grade of 'table butter
For soreness of the muscies, whether
induced by violent exercise or injury,
there is nothing better than f hamber
i-iin's Linlur nt This liniment also re
iie>'e, ’..tins For sale bv til
J• • •
Bears Aggressive Throughout
Session —Drives Made on
Big Railroad Issues.
NEW YORK, July 13.—Although some
recessions were noted in the, initial trad
ing. the stock market was steady at the
opening of the short session today, and j
a majority of active Issues ranged slightly I
above yesterday's final prices. Chicago.
Milwaukee and St. Paul opened at par. a
decline of % from Friday s closing price
of 100%. Under aggressive offerings, it
broke to 99% for an aggregate decline of
% of a point.
Room traders renewed their drives
against other issues. Reading and Mis
souri Pacific were unchanged, but frac
tional declines were recorded in Ameri
can Smelting. Erie common and Union
United Stales Steel common was up %
Stocks closed irregular.
Government bonds unchanged. Other
bonds steady.
Canadian Pacific and Baltimore and
Ohio each gained %.
Canadian Pacific in London rallied from
its lowest.
Stock quotations:
1 | I Last | Clos |l"re,
STOCKS— IHighlLow.lSaie.l BldJCl sa
Ama!. Copper. 80% 79%' 80%] 80%' 80*
Am. Ice Sec ‘ .... I 25 : 24%
Am Sug. Ref 127 127
Am. Smelting SI v 2 S 0* 8 814 81S 8)
Am. Locomo ' .... 41 41
Am. Car Fdy \ 57
Am. Cot. <*>ll 51 1 /2 5m
Am Woolen 1 .... 27 26
Anaconda 4039% 40 ' 40 39%
Atchison- .... 107 %’107%
A C. T, ! .. . . I3Bli
Am. Can .... 36% 35% 36%i 36% 36
do, pref .
An*. Beet Sug. 72*4 71%i 72’4 72V 4 : 71%
Am. T. and T .. . . 1144% L 44%
Am Agricul 60 60
Beth. Steel ... 34*4 34 34 . 34%
B. R. T 91 %' 91 9114! 91*4 '9l %
B. and 0 1O8T 4 :1O8 108 108%,107%
Can. Pacific . 263% 262%'263 i263%L'63
Corn Product? 14*4
C and 0 79*4’ 79% 79%! 79%| 79
Consol. Gas . 142% 142*4 1 42*4. 142’72 142%
Cen. Leather I .... ...J 24% 24%
Colo. F. ard 11 .... ....' 28V 2 ! 28%
Colo. South ....I ... 38 38
D. and H ....... 166 166
Den. and R G. . . ' .. . . . 18% 18%
Distil Secur... 31% 31% 3P ? i 31% 31%
Krie 33% 33% 33%> 33% 33%
do. nr es ..' 57 ! 51
(Jen Dlectric . 177*4'177 177 177%177
Goldfield Cons. 4 4 4 3%; 3%
G. Western 16% J 6%
G. North., nfd. 133%i133% 183% 133% 133%
G. North. Ore. 41% 41%' 41% 42 41 %
Ini. Harvester ... 117% 118
111. Central 127 il2<
Inter boro 20 20 1 20 2'0% 20
do. pref 57% 57%
lowa Central . 10 10
K. C. South... 24% 24% 24% 24% 24%
K. and T 26% 26
do. pref 57 59
L. Valley . 165*4 164% 165% 165% I ; 4%
I. and N.. . .158% 157% 158 158% 157%
Mo. Pacifit 35% 35 35% 35% 35
N Y. Central to 114 m 113% U 3%
Northwest. . 135 135 135 135 1.34
Nat. Lead . . 56% 56% 53% 57 ' 56%
N and W . 115% 115 115% 115% 115%
No Pacific . 119 118% 118% 118% I IS%
< > and W. . . 32 4 32% 3j% 32% 3:’%
Penn 123% 123% 123% 123% 123%
Pacific Mail 31% 31
P. Gas <’o.. . . 116 115 7 s 116 116 115%
P. Steel Car 34% 34*..
Reading . . . .162 !60%'161% 161% i‘»i%
Rock Island . 24 24 24 24 % 24
do. pfd 48% 18%
R. I. and Steel 25% 25%
do. pfd ... 83 %, 83
S. -Sheffield . 53%
So. Pacifi, . 108 -g'IOSN 108% 108% 108%
So. Railway
St. Paul . 100% 99% 100% 100% 10'1 s
Tenn. Copper 43 47%
Texas Pacific 21 l 21%
Third Avenue 37 37 37 36% 36%
I nion Pacific* 165 163 4 164% 164% 1 54* : »
S. Rubber 50% .60% 50% 50 50%
I'tah Copper 60% »>0 1 4 60%’ 60% • 60%
I S. Steel. 68% 67% 68% 68% 1 6<%
do. pfd 1 lO%'lll
\ - C ('hem. 47*2 47 * ?
West I nion 81% 82
Wabash . . 4% 4% 4% 4% 4
do. pfd . . . 13% 13%
West Hlec.. 75 75 75 74% 74%
\\ is. Central 52
\\ . Marvlard 56 ! > 56% 56% 56% sj_%
Total sales. 164.000 shares.
BOST<»N. July 13. —Opening; Copper
Lange 56. Lake Copper 34%. Butte Su
| l eriord 43%. Indiana 16%
Bid. Askfe'i
Atlanta <S- West Point R. R. HO 145
Amer'car National Bank. 215 220
Xtlanlir <’oal & Ice common. 104 ’OS
' Atlantic Coal <K- b e p»-ef. 92 95
Mlanta Brewing & Tee (Jo.. 175
\tlantp National Bank.. 320 330
• entral Bank A Trust Corp . . 150
exposition Cotton Mills. . ISO 165
Fourth National Rank. .
Pulton N'atic’t’al Bank. 1'25 ’3O
Ga. R? . <£. Clc<. stamped... ’24 126
• <la. Rv. & How. Co., common 27 30
do. Ist pfd 80 35
do.’ 2d pfd 46 47%
Diliyer ’Trust Company 125
Lowr> National Bank 248 250
Realty Trust Company 163 110
Sixth Wat<i Bank 99% ’Ol
Southern Ice common 68 70
Third National Bank, new 2.20 225
Trust <‘o. of Gc-rgia 225 235
I Travelers Bank & Trust <’■• 125 126
Atlanta Las Ugh' Ist ss. L<»l 105
Georg a State 4%5, 19; 5?.... 101 102
Georgia Midland Ist ss. ... 60 62
Ga. R' Glee. »T». 5s 10!
Ga. R? <K- liiec. *ef. 5s 'V‘ 99%
Atlanta Consolidated 5s 10.■%
Atlanta (’’t? 3%5. 1931 9i Q2 1 -
Atlanta <’ ly 4%5, 1921 >O2 !03
Southern Bell 5s 99% 99%
NLW YoRK. July 13 - 'The weekly
statement of the New York associated
banks shows the following change.”
Average statement;
Hxcess cash reserve, >21,574.650
Increase. $1,246,150.
Loans, decrease $20,868,009
Specie, decrease $’’,673,000
l.cgal lenders, increase $2,558,000,
Net deposits, deciease $33,207,006.
Circulation, decrease, $190,000
Actual statement:
Loans, decrease $37.276.00n
Specie, increase $5,029,000.
Legal tenders, increase $3,833,000
Net deposits, decrease '•i 6.677.600
Reserve, increase $16,139,750
Coffee a notation.*:
j Opening 1 Closn g
January . . . . 13.46(17 13 49 1,3.49<5 13.50
Februar' 13.43tg 13.44
March ....
\prll 13.55$ 12.60 13.55$ 13.66
Max . . 13.53513 60 13 56*h 13 5R
June 13.55<0 13.60 13.56$ 13.57
Jub .... 13’0
August ... 13.15 LT17513.19
September 13.25 13
October . . .
November . . 13 * 3 45 ’ ? 40<n 13. 4 I
L»e* embej i.’.45e/ 13.47 |3 47
* 7'q f ,cp,t quiet Sales, 27.750 bags
Cotton seed oil quotations;
I Opening. 1 Closing
Spot ..... . ’ , . 6'60'&6.8r
July 6 1 6 68<i 6.70
August .... 6.74(&6.76 6.69(^6.71
October .... 6.74*576.73 6.71 (*76.72
November .... 6.27(0 629
December . , . 6 34*&k 36
'• <• ■? 6 .T. ’ £2O §.4 ' .
<2- . toMMk
Os the Fleecy Staple
NEW YORK. July 13 Carpenter. Bag
got & Co.; Tbe New York Journal
Commerce says weather Is weU to the
fore as a big factor in the market That
means that Texas will be sharplx watched
for signs of needed rain Also the eastern i
belt will be quite as closely scrutinized I
for indications of dry anti warm condi- •
lions, which are believed to be essentia' '
to the welfare of the plant. One point '
in Georgia had 3 inches of rain and an- ,
other 2%. That state certainly does not ,
need such a rainfall, if we max trust the '
advices received from most sources. Such '
excessive moisture tends to produce pests
of one kind or another.
According to rhe Commercial, brokers
acting for the Waldorf Astoria interests
yesterday were believed to have bough 1
fully 50.000 bales for long account
Dallas wires: “Texas and Oklahoma
Generally cleat and warm."
Following is the statistical position of
cotton on Friday. July 12. as made up by
The N'en York Financial Chronicle
Thia Last | Last
I Week. , Week. | Year.
Visible supply, 2.980,1701 3.155.945 2.110.257
American J. 028.170 2.184.945 1.136.257
In sight, week 62.600 64.805 43,524
Since Sept. 1.. 15.104.063 15.041.043 11.614,386
Port stocks... 392.260 124.163: 181,598
Port receipts. 13.080 16.946 4.’98
Exports 32,587 38.610 26.484
Int. receipts 11.293 8.8691 4.908
Int. ship nits. 18.968 20.039 15.205
Int. stocks..... 136.640 164.215 l_l 2.673
Following is the Liverpool cotton state
ment for the week ending Friday, July 5:
| 1912. |~l9ll. j 1910.
Week’s sales 64.000 J .000 24.000
Os which Amer.. 54,000 37,000. 20.000
For export 2,300 2.300! 590
For speculation#. 9.200 6001 100
Forwarded 71.000 54 000 45.000
Total stocks 951.000 622.000 4 93,000
Os which Amer.. 819.000 466,000 396.000
Actual exports... ’..600 5.000 12.000
Week s receipts. 25,000 13.000 18.000
Os which Amer.. 13.000 I.OQO 37.00 ft,
Since Sept. 1 4,968.000 4.192.000,3.015.000 1
Os which Amer.. 4.227.000 3.312,000,2.311.000
Stocks afloat 54.000 57.000. 10,000 ;
Os which Amer.. 26.000 21.000 22,000'
new ORLEANS, July 13 Hayward & ,
’’lark: The weather map shows cloudy in
the Atlantic's, fair elsewhere, no excessive
temperatures, general showers In the A»-
lantics. None elsewhere except at New
Tbe New Orleans 'Times-Democrat says
(tff-take proved the magnet that pulled
the market up All the week price op
ponents fought in the hope of putting
values down and many an operator on the
long side sold out and went short At
noon yesterdaj. when Secretary Hester
announced his forecast of spinners tak
ings. shorts scrambled under cover, and
as the market began to mount, the stock
arguments of the bull crowd began to
exert renewed influence. The market
closed at the top.
Official records show a temperature
average for Texas of 98 and 100 for Okla
homa. 'Ten stations in Texas show 100.
two 102 and two 104.
('otton squares that had been punctured
by boll weevil, and many of them still
containing weevil, were found on the farm
of W. E Moore, in Neshoba county
Mississippi. Mr. Moore slates that his
children had picked up 142 squares, con
taining twenty-five weevil. \ll squares
had been punctured, but the posts bad
only hatched in twenty-five of them (’ot
ton fields in that locality are being dev
astated by weevil, and in addition heavy
rains for the past fortnight have greatly
damaged cotton and corn. Weevil have
been discovered on a farm at Sarah. Miss.,
and it is said that they are doing great
damage io that pla-e through th* 1 region
of 'Tutwder and Yazoo City.
Estimated receipts Monday;
1.912. 1911.'
New <»rleans 500 10 700 350 j
- -
I \Y ASH IN<;T( >N. Jub 12 Unsettled and
I warm weather will prevail tonight anol
{Sunday <>ver the eastern portion of the
vountrj. with local showers, except in
New England and southern portion of
'he middle Atlantic states, where there
nill be little nr no rain.
Following is the forecast until 7 p m. '
I Georgia Local showers tonight or Sun- !
X’irginia -Generally fair in northern por ’
'lion; local thundershowers tonighi.
1 North ('arolina South Carolina, Geor•• I
j gia. Florida. Alabama and Mississippi j
1 local showers tonight or Sunday.
Louisiana an. l Arkansas- \7n-ettled and I
1 Oklahoma and Texas Generally fair.
ATLANTA. GA.. Saturday. July 13
Lowest temperature < : 8 i
Highest temperature 82%
Mean temperature 75,
Normal temperature 78.
Rainfall in past 24 hours, ’nches... . 0.15
Lxcess since Ist of month, inches. ... 1 .66 !
Excess since Januarv Ist. mchos. 18.26 1
ITempnrature R’fall I
Stations I Weath. ", Max 24
I _ la. in.* ■■ ilnj-.‘hou’-' I
Augusta Cloudy 7: I ...
Atlanta Ft. cldy 70 Xj .14 I
Atlantic City Cloud? 74 80 I ....
Boston . Cloud? "8 72 ; ... I
BuFalo Ulear 70 82
Charleston Ulea- 70 84 OR
Uhfcsßo Uloit’l? RS 84 .OF 1
Denver Clear 80 82 I . .
Des Moines .. Pt. old? .; 70 88 .04
Duluth Cloud? 62 70 ! .12' 1
Eastport Cleat 60 R 8 I .... \
tjalveston .~. Pt. cltl? , .i 80 86 .... {
Helena . . . Clear j:' 76 I ....
Houston Clear 8’ 76 .... 1
Huron ... ' 'leaf 60 84 I .. , . j
Jacksonville . Clear 80 90 ■ .01
Kansas Clt? • '''• cldy 80 92 ; .06
Knoxville .... Ulouri.v 72 86 !....'
Louisville Pt. cldy .8 90
Macon Cloud? 74 88 I .50
Memphis . Clear 76 88 ...
Meridian . clear 76
Mobile Pt. cldy. 78 88 .
Miami 1 'lear 84 90 .32
Montgomer? Clear 7.6 90 1 ....
Moorhead ... Cleat 58 80 ' . .
X'ew Orleans clear 8" 86 ' .72
New York.... Cloudy : 72 88 I ....
North Platte. Clear 1 64 88 I ....
Oklahoma . Clear 76 Os. ' ....
T’ittsbura Cloudy 74 82 1 . ..
C. F VON HERRMANN. Sectioe Director.
(Bv W H White. Jr., of tbe White Pro
vision Company.)
Qucta'tons based on actual purchases
during 'he current week:
Choice to good steers, 1,000 to l .'On. 5 25
56.75: good steers. 800 to 1,000. 5.000 6 50
medium. '■> good steers. 700 to 850. 4.7‘>o>
6 00. good '" < hoice beef cows Son to 900
4 5005 50. medium to goq.i beef cows. 700
’o 890. 3.750.5.00: go.>d to ’ hotce heifers
750 to 850. 4.500 5.75: medium to good
heifers. 660 to 750, 4 0004.75.
The above represent ruling prices on
good quality of beef cattle Inferior
' grades and dairy types selling tower
Mixed common steers, if fat. 700 to SO3
. .1 no-o i 50. mixed common cows, if fat,
to SOO, 3.500 4 25. mixed i-ommon bunches
to fair. 600 to 800. 2.7603.09, good butch',
er bulls. 3 0003.75.
Prime hogs. 100 to 309 axerage. 7 .190.
740 good butcher hogs. 119 to 160 7.000
7.25. good butcher pigs. 100 to 140 6.000
7110 'ight pfgs. 80 to 100. 6.50®6 00. heavy
rough hogs. 200 to 250. 6 500 "<•
Above quotations apply to corn-fei
hogs Mss' end peanut fattened hoga 15
1 hie and under
I’rlme Tennessee spring lambs. 60 m 75
5 5007.50 good Tennessee lambs 59 to 60
4.500 5.50, mutton, sheep and yearlings
tordinary t. 3.0008 60.
\ er? few good cattle m . arris this
week, although several loads of grass cat
tle in fair flesh were among the week's
arrivals Prices stead? to strong on the
better kinds, about a quarter tower on
Good suppiv r, f T**nnef-.-** lamb* com
ins: market bareb- steady on ’ops to %•
coni on medium grides ‘fornmor
ct• Iff low
| Hog ree.dpf.- fait, market steady and 1
Closes 1-4-c to 5-8 c Osf —Oats
■ Lower and Corn Irregular.
Provisions Decline.
CHICAGO. .Jul.'’ 13. Wheat opened up
strong and prices were %<Ji*>r higher for
the list. The advance brought nut more
September than the trade cared to absorb.
There was less talk of black rust in the
northwest, as previous reports were un
confirmed Northwestern receipts were
still smaller than comparative periods.
Liverpol came higher.
Corn was %c better on foreign hull
news, coupled with small offering* in the
Oats reacted from the weakness shown
yesterday and gained %c
Hogs and provisions wet? stead' .
The wheat market closed dull and %c
to %c off for the da.'• It was a "wait
ing affair.' with all eyes on the snrh'.g
whea country. B. \\ . Snow, the Bart
let t - Frazier crop expert, says that th’e
wheat in the Northwest % too far ad
vanced in n:anj sect ion? to be hurt b>
black rust.
The cash trade here was small, with
sales of on!\ 45.000 bushels
Corn colsed %c up to %c off and « ats
we»e %c to %<* off.
Cash sales of corn were 35.000 bushels. |
and «'ats 130.000 bushel*.
Provisions closed lower.
Open High w Close Close
WIIE ' i
Jlv. 1.05% 1.05% 1T4% 1.04% 1.05% i
i Sept I'ol*- 1.01% 1.00% 1.00% 1 .01% I
Dec 1.03% 1.03% 1.02% 1.0.'% 1.03
July 74% 74% 74 71 % 74 % i
Sept. 69% 70 69% 69’, 2 69%
Dec. 59 59 58% 58% 58%
Mav 59% 59% 59% 59% T'%
• - ATS
July 45 45% D% 14% <4%
Sept. 35% 35% 35% 35% 35%
Dec. 36% 37 36% 36% 36%
Mav 39 39 38% 38% 38%
(■OR b
Spt 18.35 18.37*2 IS.L’b. tx. j 5 18.35
Oct 18 20 18.30 16 L 0 18.22% 1%.40
Jlv 10.55 10.55 10.52% 10.4?% 10.57%
Spt 10.75 10.75 10.67% 10,62*;. 10.72%
<»ct W. 77% ’0 7% 10.67% 10.70 10.80
Jh 10.27% 10.30 10.27%. 10.27% 10.55
Spt 10. G% 10.47 10.37% 10.42% 10.50
Oct 10.37% ’0.42% 10.37% 10.37% 10.47%
i Wheat dosed %d m%d higher
closed d tn id higher.
Following ate receipts for Saturday and
estimated rece nts for Monday:
I Saturday.; Mondav
Wheat I 8 6
Corn 1 148 150
(t s I 123 104
Hogs . . . .' 9.000 32.000
I !
• 'HICAGit. Julv 18.—Wheat. No. 2 reu.
81.05'.i® 1.97' 2 . No. 3 red.
No. 2 hard w inter. $1 O.’Cu 1.07; No. 3 hard
w nter. $1 00fa 1.05. No. 1 Northern spring.
sl.(■-■'.»fa '.14; No. 2 Northern spring. *1.05
fall:.; No. 3 spring. sl.o2faLo7.
r'nrn N’n. 2. 74%fa75; No. 2 white. 78%fa I
79’-»: No 3 yellow. 75fa75%: No. 3. 73%fa 1
74%; No. 3 white. 78fa78%; No 3 yellow.
74’ 4 <h74%; No. 4. 70fa72%. No < white.
1 75fa7€; No 4 yellow. 72%fa73%
Oats, No. 2 white. 51%fa’52' 4 : N<> 3
white. 50fa51’,; No. I white. 4’.‘fa'sl; stand- *
ard, 51% fa,52.
NEW YORK. July 13. (’offee steady
I No 7 Rio spot. !4%fa14% Rhe firm. d‘>
| rnest ■. ordinary to prime. 4%fa » M"
I las«es teady: New Orleans, open kettle
3(0/59. Sugar, raw firmer; centrifugal.
|3.86; muscavoda. 3.36. mola-.e- suga
| 3.1.1; refined firmer; standard granulated.
i5.05fa5.15; cut loaf. 5.80; crushed. 5.70 ,
! mold A. 5.35; cubes. 5.25fa5.35: powdered.
15.05fa5.20: diamond '. 5.00; confectibnec
j \. 4.85; No. 1. 4.85; No. 2. 4 85; NT .!.
4.75 No 4, 4.70
NEW YORK. Jul? L 3. Dressed poultry
! steady: turkeys. 13fa23: chici ens. 18fa28 .
I fowls’ 11%fa!6* ? . ducks 185/19. Live'
poult] qu’et . chickens. ?3fa :5. fowls. 16
I (hub : turkey s, 13 (asked); roosters. |o’.; 1
.(asked); ducks. 14 tasked);
! ' a si) cd. 1
Butter quiet: creamery specials. 27fa
17%: creamery extra*. 264/26%; s»ate
1 dairy, lobs. 22fa26%; process specials. 25 ■
I (bid. 1 Eggs steady; nearby while fan» y. •
| 266727. T.«=arbv brown fancy . 244} 25. extra '
(firsts. 234/*'4. Gr«t«, i9fa2o.
('lxe-e steadier; w’ite milk special-'.
< bid 1 : w’cole milk fancy, 15 (asked):
skims, specials. 12%fa12*,(>; skim*, fine.
| 10’;,fa 11 % . full skims, 6%faS%
LIVE STOCK market.
’ - *
r ’HICAC( ». July 13. Hogs Receipts
■,ono Market steady, mixed and Lut< >
i rrs 87.05fa7.6LL good heavy 87 404/7 ♦ ('.
rough hf ay y S6/05fa 7.35 light s7.osfa 7.60,
i pigs $5 75fa7.15. bulk ?7.30fa'7 55.
i'attD Receipts 200. Markc l stea-L
: beeves $6.<0fa9,70. cows ard heifers *_■ ’0
fa 8.25. sMckers and feeders 4 t.GOfa
Texans $6.50fa’8.25. valves sßfa.9.
’ Receipts 8.000. Mad r' weak. |
jxptivn and M’n’-tern r>ofa •, 50 iambs i
J4.75fa7.25. I
Impor ta n t Announ cem en 1
Wo have been besieged with personal and mail applu at i-u>, !'<>■• m \ t -n.ion of the time, allowed
for sending Proverb Contest Solutions to Ibis office.
I hose haw been prompted by delays in the mail, occasioned by a number of railroad wrecks with
in the past week, and various other causes. Contest matter that we havi sent out has become lost in
the mails, and made necessary the sending of duplicate lots of this matter, which have been, neces
sarily. late in reaching contestants
After carefully considering the matter, we hav> derided that a postponement of ten (lavs would
not be unlair !<> any one. whil" failure to postpone might inflict hardsbipand inronvett cnee ona great
many, for the reasons stated
Therefore, the date for the dose of the Contest the last day on which we will receive solutions
from contestants, has-been postponed to TUESDAY JULY All solutions must either reach this
office or bear postmarks indicating that they had been mailed before noon of that day
In the meantime, we will adjust all complaints that come to us r garding delaved shipments of
Contest Matter, and will continue to smd out TWICE EACH DAY nomCand night) all Answer
Books, I rovnrb Pictures and Proverb Guides for which nr reemvi ord : . from new contestants and
others, accompanied by remittance-, at the prices al ■adx published
Answer Books . . SI.OO Each
Proverb Pictures .02 Each
Proverb Guides . .25 Each
Proverb Guides by Mail 30 Each
i Contest Department
. 1 «i. —1 - r
*i**r**l**t**l - *i'*q**i**T**i < *r**i**i - *i“b*’l* > i**»**.*’'** , ’*'*'9* , i**»' r, f
•y**5 <, 4 **l**i**|**J < *l**l - *j , *j**j - *j < *i**b > 'i**J < *'7**i**i**i***'* , »* > i* > r**T < ’ '
Secretary Hester's weekly New ()rlean« la
cotton exchange statement of the move
ment of cotton shows an increase ’n the
movement into sigiiit compared yvith tht h
seven days last year in round numbers F
9,000. a decrease under the same days y
year before last of 8.000, and a decrea *e E
under the same time in 1909 of 9,000 61
For the twelve days of July thp totals a
show an increase over last year of 21.000. b
an increase oy er the sam" peri- d y ear 4
before last of 15.000, and an increase "ver
the same time in 1909 of 300
For the 316 days the season that have
elapsed th* 1 aggregate is ahead of the 'l6
days of last year 3.592.000. ahead of the y
same days year before last .‘.(’9l .DOT and ti
ahead of 1909 by 1.865,000
The amount brought into sight dnrinc ()i
the week has been :4.207 bales, against
15,281 for the seven days ending this 0
date last year. 32.157 year befon last, b
and 32.828 same time in 1909. and for tht
twelve days of July it has been 48.240 f
against Ji.B4’ last year. 32.915 year be
fore last, and 47.918 same time in 1902 b
The movement since September I show H
receipts at all I nited Slates ports of it.- t
816.557. against 8J.3d.1’"» last year. 7.211. a
919 year before last, and 9,875.481 -ame ■
time in 1909. overland across the Mis
si§slppi. Ohio and Potomac rivers b
Northern mills and Canada. 973.977,
against 926.714 last year. 808.739 year be
fore last, and 1.206.81'4 same time in 1909; v
interior stocks in excess <»f those la-id at
the <lose of the commercial year •t.t.’OG. a
against 40.014 last year. 28.102 year befiue v
last, and 2L4' I same time in L‘o9; South- >
ern mills' 'takings. ’.426,000. against 2.17’)
931 last yea . .126.203 year before last,
and 2.295.940 same time in 1:09.
These makes the total movement for
the 316 days of the season from Septem
her 1 to date 15,265.940. against 11.674.1 1 ’
last year, 10,174.963 year before last, and
13.400,731 same time in 1909.
i Foreign exports for the week have been
[33.811. against 19.167 last year, making
the total thus far for the season 10.297.-
'BSB. against 7.372.752 last year, an in
crease of 2,925.106.
Northern mills' takings ind Canada
during the past seven days show an in
crease of 6.087. as compared with the i
(orresponding per Lid last year, and their,
total takings s'nee Septcmhet ' havi in- |
creased 301.345. Ti e to;al taking's <*(
i American mills. North. Smit it and (’anida. •
| thus far for the season have been 152?.-
I 302. against 1.270.658 last veat . 'These in
clude 2.357.336 by N’nrihern spinners.
I p.a gins’ 2.055.991
Stocks t the seaboard and 'he 29 h-a'
mg Souther;) interior coni* 1 !.-’ lav ■ de
creased during the week 13.932’ bale-,
aga'nst a dccr»ase during the < <-t ;est><md
ing neriod last seas"n of 23 1 ?’. and are
now 138.981 la r gei than at this. *lai' in
Including stneks left •orr at p<*rts aud i
interior towns from rim last < p ami ■
'he number <>f bales brought into ig'ci '
thus far from the new mop. the supply
to date is 15.55.:.91 1. against 11. ‘ 'MI
for the same period la 1 ?rar.
Worl d’ ■» Visl oI e Supply.
Secretary Hesters statement of the
world’s visible supply of cotton mad*' up
fnm special cable and telegraph ■ ad- !
vice« compare- - the figures of this week
with last week, last year and the year
before. It shows a decrcas? ter the
just closed of 2’10.760. against a de-'rea .
of '45.195 last yea’ and a derpa » of.'
151.591 year before last.
The total visible is 2.'. 76.569. again-t .
3.187.329 lasi week. 2,108.77 1 last year'
and ‘2.100.217 year before last. <»f th :
the total of American cotton is :‘.914
569. against 2.194.329 last week. LIL'l.
294 lasi ypm r and 1.134.217 yeAr before
• last, ami of p|| other kinds, inclmiitg
'Egypt. Brazil. India. e’<- 962.000, again t 1
[993.000 last week. 974.000 last year and 1
Full Weight
to • ton is 7ir4r;intcf (| ■? h< n ■. <»i| «>r-
; der your < oal f 10m us
Full heating valu*=* tn the i
! guai-anteod w hen y.>u < idou mu t.
[ Lr high • oa .
Full ■at i- fa• Don a «icndy burnin:
i furnace, an • ecnornu al coal hill.
1 a-h. cinders and dust in th* bou
the advantage- w h A n you o’dm out 1
1 oil' hf! ‘ .
Don’t wait sot th a ■ old -ppi o, •
| today by mi J or t< lou'ton o .
Randall Br os.
Marietta .«*reet and North avenue, both
phones 76; South Boulevard and
qia railroad. Bell phone Mam '»3B At
'anta 303; McDan el street and Southern
railroad. Bell M?m 35 d 4t.l?nt’ 3?1: 61
Kroqq street. B-H 'vy 4165. AHanta 70*;
i ’52 South Pryor both phones 9~r, 1
•G 6.000 year before last
The total world’s visible supply of col
on as above shows a decrease compared
A-ith last week of 210.760. an increase
•ompared with last year of 889.275. and
in increase compared with year before
ast of 876,352.
of the world s visible supply of cot
on as above there is now afloat and
• old in Great Britain and continental
Europe 1.894.000. against 1.2'08,000 last
tear and L 093.000 year before last; In
Egy pt 75.000. against 83.000 last year and
78.000 year before last; In India 588.000.
igainst 529.000 last year and 619,000 year
r?ef->re last, and in th** T'nired States
‘ /• 000. against 267.000 last ' ear and 320.-
100 year before last.
World’? Spinners’ Takings.
Secretary Hester gives, the takings of
American cotton by spinners throughout
the world as follows, in remind numbers;
This week 103.000 this year, against 111,*
>OO last year. 119,000 year before last
Total since Septemhber 1 this year 14,-
143,000. against 11.313,000 last vear and
10.513.000 the 'ear before.
<»f this Northern spinners and Panada
took 2.357.000 laics this yeur, against
( ''.ooo last year and 2.040.000 the year
before Southern spinners 2,472.000.
against ’ :’5.000 last year and 2.203,000
th»* year before; and foreign spinner?
?.21 i.oon. ugainst 7.072,000 last ye&r and
G.27”,0dd tbe year before
If you sent a tetter or telegram to the
wrens address, you would hardly expect
an answer,’d you .’ The same is true
when \"D select the wrong medium to
’ ave all your wants filled Try the right
v n' The Georg an Want Ad wav
aA J
t-'-TW) I J rTES3a
, ■!, jil, Ly
Every home where CN is used
is a clean home —and a clean
home is a healthful home.
the Powerful
is what von need tn get rid of dirt,
g-eas”. odors and the disease germs
that breed in dirty ri ßres -
It’s better than soap (or cleaning
and over five times a- effective as car
bolic acid for disinfection.
' Z’.rr U;/ >-/• Pa '"ith ik* Gni.e
10c. 25c. 50c. 11.00
A' Drug and Dept.' Store,.
H Iho no(> j xr if _C'SmIM
T " pl| venti
8! lat°d room- LI ® J
\ C J
c ; H summer is
a i° •' f 0 nn. i .._i nir n
s every firm-
y '<■!' nf the household. Clean
J Moors, newly painted, waxed
j 'i- varnished. Bath room
fl vails i'ovpitii with white,
f milt hlne or biiff paint.
Window sash and sills
J I'l’i'-hi'iiod b\ the of
■ 'I" pint hr ;h.
" 1,0-. or your lyiuse and
fl if on ran i add to sum
fl uro' omlort with a can of
H p.'dnt
fl All kind of enamels,
"nil's. ■ am:-hes and -tains
I oa' h lor.a special purpose.
I fcotfiaPsini and Glass Co,
35-37 Luck,. Street.
> r*anch. 54 N.