Newspaper Page Text
Published by Th® Georgian Company.
20 East Alabama Street
Atlanta, Ga
Entered at At la nta~’Po«t office as second
class matter
Subscriptions Payable In Advance
Obe year. mall, postage prepaid. $5
•lx months. mall, postage prepaid. JJ*
Three months, mall, postage prepaid. 1"J
One month. mall, postage prepaid. 4n
Subscriptions P'yab’e in Advance
Pellvered by carrier, one year$ r > 20
Delivered by carrier, six months 2
Delivered by carrier, three months... I SO
Delivered bv carrier, one month 4-
Delivered by carrier In Atlanta and
other cities, one week 10a
Help Wanted—Female.
WANTED An experienced middle-aged
colored woman to cook, also experienced
maid Apply at once 256 Capitol ave
nue. 8-10-62
WANTED A g<»od laundress to do wash
ing on place. Apply Monday morning at
386 Piedmont avon u c 8-10-66
WANTED A good cook, references re
gulred. 786 Piedmont avenue 8-10-67
WANTED Good cook and house-woman
Rest wages paid Apph at once. 210
Dill street 99-8 JO
ANY WOMAN that can operate
a power sewing machine can
get permanent work with us.
Short work hours, and pay by the
day while Jearning. (Take ele
vator Enterprise Mfg. Co., 36
West Alabama street (Top floor.)
COLORED women to iron dress
es. Short work hours. Enter
prise Mfg. ('n.. 36 Wi st Alabama
Street. 8-10-49
’Young accept
\\ KNTED Good, experienced hoarding
house cook Apply 107 Piedmont ave.
8 10-40
WANTED G rle t< learn hat frame good
pay. .Atlanta lint Frame Works. 66 L.
K Broad st 638-10
WANTEb Cook for family of three, ref
erences re'iuired 29 Alta avenue.
phone ivy 1277-. I 8-10-57
WANTED Colored woman, neat figure;
is a good sewer on machine work, give
wages < xpected at once Address Dress
make?-. 70-8-10
WAX”ri-;ii Giria fur fancy candyx crack
er and icing departments Apply Mon
day morjinig. Erank E Block t’ompnnv.
_ 8-l U-56
1d; 1 .,-.-\i VKING, SEWING by th© day or
week alterations. Address Dressmak
ing < ar< teorg an 53-8-10
WANTED stout colored girl, about sis
teen. Io help in • fficc and answer tele
phone. I»t Morrison. HI Kiser building
WANTED <»ne experienced trimmer and
two apprentice girls to work hi mH-
Hnery store in the city Address Milli
nery. <are Georgian 61-8-10
WANTED Experienced cook who is not
Incumbered; room on lot; good wages
25 Elisabeth st 8-10-28
QR 1 ■ ofw omen s college .•■ who
have had three or more years’ experi
ence at executive work are wanted to di
rect the efforts of a large number o|
women workers salarx $1,500 a rear
Applicants will be Interviewed in Atlanta
Address Exceptional, care Georgian
_ I I 8 -i
ADDRESSING wrappers, $1 50 per thou
sand, pleasant office work Address
Office care Ge »rgiai 29-8 10
<’«•!,< •itn• agent; u <ialfi WTih-Ur
particulars Taylor Kernedv Co.. I.ouls
V INTED Sal ealadie ■ at once. three
bright, capable ladies more than twentv
one to travel, demonstrate and sell deal
ers $25 to sso per week Railroad fare
paid Goodrich Drug Company. 1308-1310
i lainej j ; i ; . N'eni 104-8 3
WAIS PI D - first class nurse Kppl>
■ r »l <’ \’>>t ■ ‘ r, ■.freef 8-9-11
A\ A NTEI > (Experienced
neckwear turners and fin
ishers. Warren Mannfac
tnrinc Co., .*>S W. Mitchell
Street. 8-9-2
MANi ED \n ex peril need cook room on
lot 1133 Pearhtre. st. Phone Ivv 308.
8 '• 7
WANTED First-e is oamstre at
once, to do repairing, steady position
tnd goi w : ■
COOK wanted at .21 Spr ng street Good
salary for competent cook Apply at
once jn s - 8
WANTED Woman for general house
work. Rack door. 139 West Peachtree
street 8-8-12
AA LNTED «a nurse to: two children,
three ami six years old ••(tied woman
desired with references, max room on lot
Phone Ivy 5108 r,o X 8
WANTEP First ass white cook and
housekeeper for three In famllv Don't
apply unless competent and willing to
ata', with us a hundred 'ears Charles
W Mindy I'li.j. Ma n 103 8-8
■a ' NTEI ■ <'ooi at 2We st Fort Me Phei
son Plume Ma’n 20G‘X Lieutenant
’ - g
\\ tNTED At oncfc a white ladj as
housekeeper ami cook for only two in
family H I Leaptrot. Pinehurst, Ga
GERMAN or Swedish woman for cooking
and general housework small familx I
Ask for Mrs Henry at Georgian office
Help Wanted- Male.
- —x..
WAXTEP Efficient stenographer rail
road experience, salary $80; give age
references employers List two vears sal
ary each position Railroad. care Geor
> 81 8-10
WANTED Clerk for small hotel; small
salary \\ ould not have a man who
drinks whisky, plays cards or smokes
Musi he honest and tellable Send ref
erences attd ag* Prefer a man aho has
experience \ddress Box t4f>. Newnan
Experienced machinist to
take care of power sewing ma
chines. Only ihitse with sewing
machine experience need apply.
Enterprise Mftr. (’n.. 36 West Ala
bama street. S.]d 47
WANTED Bookkeeper firsDciass and
familiar with general construction busi
ness. Nealon X Klein. Anderson. S c
OPENINt; foi
join force of one of the leading real
estate firms of th< city Address R. al
Estate. Box 200. car. G. >rgian. 8-10-50
M’ANTFD Man of g »od appearance to
learn business; must be willing to be
gin at bottom: splendid future for work
er. Apply, after 730 p m . Ml Third
National Bank Bld g 8-10-20
AV A N TEH At ', . ~ . • ••i; • .
zh-r. Appi> PattiHo Lumber Hgl
land a\ • 0’..: Bout h< ri ?t' w aj 8
WANTED Active young ■
and collect: good position to right man
Address P O i \ 441. 8-10-14
AN HONEST and capable colored man
as butler, general house ami yard man
and to look after furnace, a permanent
home for the right man; furnish refer
ences with your replx \ddress Mr F
Room 310. P. O Box 1657. Atlanta
■45-8- 1 0
WHY longer endure inside <lru<lger\ .' B.
our representative doing outside health
ful work: own boss; S2O daily profit not
unusual: experience unnecessary. Davis
Toilet Co., 908 Davis Bldg , Chicago
DDN’T WORK for others. Start mail
order business at home. I made $8,500
last year. Let me tell you how: instruct
ive booklet free. X’oorhies, Desk 346.
Omaha, Nehr. 97-8-10
Help Wanted—Male.
MEN WANTED to learn barber trade.
You can’t appreciate our offer without i
our catalogue, mailed free. Mob r Barber i
College, 38 Lm kie street. 40-B*lo i
ANYONE, anywhere, can earn good in
come copying addresses; particulars 4c :
stamps H E Rogers, Dept AS, Boston.
I Magf> - $6-8-10 i
1 WII.L S’l \l;rY< >! »;ii nm- $4 dail> at I
home in spare time silvering mirrors;
no capital, free instructive booklet, giv- :
ing plans of operation. G. F Redmond,
Dept 85, Boston. Mass.3l ■ 8_-1 0
FIRST CL ASS plumb* r want< d I.
Smith Hardware-Furniture Company,
Arcadia. Fla 8-3-24
MAN WANTED The undersigned wants]
an honest, ambitious man in each city 1
and town not alreadj ifflcientl reprt
Rented Previous experience unnecessary.
We Will teach you the business thoroughly
by mall and assist you to start in busi
ness for yourself as our local representa- :
tive. Splendid opportunity for a man
without <ap’tal to get into big paying 1
business for himself and become independ- ■
i ent for life. The National Co-Operative
Realty Company, C 949 Marden Bldg, i
Washington, 1 > C 53-8-3 ]
| FREE ILIA’STRATED BOOK tells about i
over 360,000 protected positions in I' S I
i service More than 40.000 vacancies every I
1 xear There is a hig chance here for you,
sure and generous pay, lifetime employ- i
ment. Easy to get Just ask for booklet '
<’4l2 No obligation. Earl Hopkins, Waah
i T 8 •;< w A.\’; § ma 1
clerks, carriers, railway mail clerks,
internal revenue and custom house clerks
clerks in patent offices, agriculture,
treasury, army, navy and other depart
ments at Washington; excellent salaries;
no “lay-offs;" annual vacations; position
would be yours for life. Atlanta examina
, tinns soon, common e«iucation sufficient
thousands of appointments coming "pull
unnecessary. Write immediately for
( sample questions and large illustrated
book, telling duties and giving full par
ticulars Franklin Institute, Drpt 52-R,
Rochester, N.Y 51 -7-6
WANTED Men and hoys to learn auto
mobile business. We operate the best
equipped shops, and positions open for
graduates. Carolina Auto School, Char
' ’ 70 1 20
WANTED Bookkeeper who cat
wrtt< ‘ r » r> 3 East 11 urHer_st reel 818'
WANTED Ex perieneed bicycle;
repair man. Elyea-Austell Co., |
35 North Pryor. 8-8-10
AID 'H IT'I •"iI H \ I .ifft uGiri x\ anted. ;
Must be absolutely sober and reliable.
Well up on reinforced concrete and fire
proof construction, also good on modern
note! design Apply giving age, experi
ence, references and salary expected
With the earliest report for duty if ar
ranged with Mclver A- MacKav, <>cala.
Fla 8-7-21
CLERK Who is thoroughlj expeFienced
with typewriter and lias a general
knowledge of stenography: must be bright,
ambitious and furnish first-class refer
en-'es; a permanent position to a <h serv
ing young man Box 275, care Georgian
\\ ANTED Young men to learn pharm
acy this fall. Demand for our gradu
ates exceeds supply Next session begins
October 1. Southern College of Pharmacy,
81 Luckle street. Atlanta, Ga. 8-1-1
ANTED Bright, strong
boys to deliver routes in
afternoons. Good wages
and ebanee for promotion.
Cal! at ('ireulation depart
ment The Atlanta Georgian. 1
20 East Alabama street.
• \RPENTERB Competent men furnish
ed or shoi t n dice sot aid classes of car-
p. r.t< r work Jl.n Stephenson. 226 Brown- ■
Randolph Bldg Phone; Main 4251, At-
- 2 5
ANTED Young man ol experience and
good recommendations to lake charge
.-.nd manage retail grocery business; must
invest SSOO. or would lease business to
right party; excellent opportunity. Ad
dress Groceries, care Georgian. 7-12-42
WANTED Ideas. Inventors write for
list nf inventions wanted and prizes of-
I freed by manufacturers. Also, how tn get
! your patent Sent free to any address.
| Randolph ,<• Briscoe, patent attorneys.
Washdnigbon. D C 7-11-23
'i i s Proft iso! G O Id.inning will teach !
v<ui the barber trade (it's easy). We
teach In one hah time of other colleges.
<’oiirs< ami position in our shops
only S3O Whj’ pa\ more’* Thousands of
our graduates running shops or making
good wages Atlanta Barber College, 10
Ea s t Mhe hell street 5-11-17
si' »i* at Hilburn hoteh heart of city\
Walton street, if you want a clean, quiet
room, transient 50c. Open all nijerht. j
FREE MASSAGE hair cuts, sha -
shampoos. All barber work free Clean ‘
linen \tlanta Barber College. 10 East I
MnH.rll 5.27 1( ;
Help Wanted Male and Female.
! WANTED Golived man and wife to live
on place; wife to do cooking; and house
work. man to do gardening and odd fobs '
I about the place. Apply W 1' Alexander.
• North l'i vor street 84-8-10
AXI ED At once, sever
al good sttiiographers.
Remington T\ jnovriter (’o..
»6 X. Broad St. 8-10-53
\v 'r I.’ ij ai d o:)• ssi:s .a an who
j ’’ 1 IJI ' wish to know whv thev
; stammer and how to quit The I'on-I.ln
Institute, 2516 Indiana ave., t'hlcngo 111
_B-6 18
;W AN I 111 1 Kellable man cook, or a Worn
;tn and her husband or son; a boarding
school In the country, but with modern '
conveniences a good home and wages
beginning September 1 Address E .1 i
Rooeson, Murrayville, Ga 8-9-1 i
I\V \NTED Man and wife to stav on lot
! Man to tend to three acre truck farm.
I woman to cook Gall Main 5424-L.
yj ml
(for a case Specific Blood Pol- I
son we fad to cure Ranev 1
Medicine Company. 513 Austell 1
7? b Phone 611 < tffiee Hom < 1
j" a ni. to 6 p. m ; Sundays, :1 | 1
( a m to 12 a m. 6-3-33
Teachers Wanted.
WANTED Teachers for late fall and I
winter schools, mainly rural positions.
Good locations, good schools, good sal
aries Free registration Write for <
blanks Register Teachers’ Agoncy. Reg
ister, Ga 7-31-19
Salesmen Wanted.
WANTED Local or traveling salesmen
making small towns to handle our new
attractive pocket side line, quick ship
ments; prompt commission; no collecting; ■
state territory covered. Eor particulars, 1
address Peerless Mfg Co, 212 Sigel st.
Chicago,llL !<5-S-10
s.\i.i:sMEN i>o you want $lO a day side
or main line deal" h'ive combined prop- I
ositions. snappiest ever sprung Atncri- 1
can Potter) Cm, St I amis. Mo. 94-8-10
I WANTEI* Salesmen; earn $2.50 per
month, sell dealers highly advertised
article Samples not neeessar' Elato
Company, Station 1.. New York N Y
| ST S-10
Stock Salesman Wanted.
‘ <’< >NGRESS will pass the parcels post bill
The mail order spirit is in the air I I
j own the largest mail order business in
’ln Southeastern states Will organize |
i slot k companx at once; an A-l proposi ;
I Gon for t\\<> gond stock salesmen refer
, en. • required. Address G C. H . care
Georgian, s- 10-33
p’AI’ABLE SALESMAN to cover Georgia'
with staple line High commissions.
' monthlx advance and permanent pos- !
ition to right man less H Smith <’o,n
pany. 1 »etryit, Mich 39-8-10
SELL TREES Fruit trees, pecan trees,
shade trees, roses, ornamental, etc :
Eas\ to sell Rig profits Write todax
Smith Bros , Dept 99, Concord, Ga
105-8-3 1
Want Ad Rates and Rules
in The Atlanta Georgian
One cent a word each Insertion.
No ad taken for less than the prico
of ten words Ads in larger type.
12c <4 words to the lire).
Out-of-town advert i sements
must be accompanied with cash.
Agencies’ discounts 10 and 5 per
The Georgian will not hr respon
sible- for more than one Incorrect
Insertion of any ad ordered more
than one time
Closing Hours: Tn secure prop
er classification, ads must be In
The Georgian office before 1 o’clock
the day of the issue
All ads must be ordered out in
writing or at office. No'discon
tinuance notice taken over phone.
Every word In the advertisement,
Including the name and address.
Is < oi:ntrd Each Initial counts one
word; compound words are counted
as two words.
Telephone your Want Ads to The
Georgian fboth phones 8000) when
It Is more convenient to do so, and
collection will be made at your
home or at your office the follow
ing day This is an accommoda
tion service rendered Georgian
Want Ad patrons and payment
should always be promptly made
on presentation of bill. Always
ask that .-our telephone ad be re
peated back to you by the ad
taker to make sure that it has been
taken correctly The Georgian can
not guarantee accuracy or assume
responsibility for errors of any kind
occurring in telephone advertise
ADVERTISERS should retain re
*rejpts given In payment for Want
Ads over the office counter, as mis
takes can not be rectified without
them In answering advertise
ments addressed in care of The
Georgian, if the advertiser requires
references, send a duplicate of
, same.
Agents Wanted.
A'.l'.N’l S \\ A .XTi ;|i Iq ( >ver.\ fi.wri t<. srll
new invention for automobile; great
gasoline saver, great seller National
■Mtg. t’o., Ka l arn a I ch. 91-8-10
AGENTS-—Just coin monev selling New
Improved Hosiery direct from mill with
o.u_r big advertising offer You can make
f2a daily, everybraiy buys, credit; sam
ples in leatherette case free. New Ini
i'l'o e.i l< nitHng_ Mills, Chicago. 92-8-10
AGEN is, canvassers, want more long
green ‘ I >mibtless you deserve it. Here
is your opportunity, send postal for par
ticulars Burton Co. H 21. Devils Slide,
.'-LL'.h; 93-8-10
AGENTS, solicitors, crew managers, at
last we have the Famous Pottery Set,
made fmm aluminum, to retail at $1.98.
Get territory for this specialty quick.
Aluminum Ware < "L'K'HIHY Lay wood, 111
AGENTS Put under the beTT'cTosetT'aG
*'•’• f, nywhere Dust, dirt can not get in
Ihe Maks case. Nothing can. Ideal room
saver, money saver, clothes saver <lould
lug sold 2,000; Gridley ;»60. .Mrs. Webster
sold .'too in three days: Not sold In stores
l.ow prices Large profits. Eree sample
otter. Del agents sneelal. Waks Manu
facturing < ompany, 9 Miller building Cin
clnnati, Ohio 8110-45
AGENTS Here's a proposition which
sells Itself; the agent don't hold the bag
we guarantee the sale, wonderful new in
vention. sells like fury at 75 cents on
market few weeks; swamped with orders
now: everybody wants territort ; poor
salesmen making $lO daily; goo,l ones
coming money; write quick. Lyon Sales
t ompany, Waterloo. 111. 38-8-10
BEST PROPOSITION Dollar razor and
2;>c box shaving soap. 12'ic Get terri
tor> District managers 'wanted with
small capital Champion Company. 142
r niton street. New York. 37-8-10
AGENTS wanted In everv town in the
South to sell genuine hand-colored pho
togravures at half price; big money for
lix'p mon or wonicn. Spd<l 25c for single
picture Month one dollar, or one dollar
for set of six All beautiful art studies
Empire Art Co . 1109 Empire Life Bldg
At'anta Ga g-lQ
LOOK! look; Agents! I have the win
ner of the year He first to make innnev
easy Free particulars. Write Balay
Burton Novelty Co., Greenwood, In<l.
WANTED*- Agents ami salesmen. Here
is a "red hot" combination: the "Redi
phono" and Los Angeles Times Illustrated
Magazine The "Redlphone" Is an alutnl
nunt telephone attachment; contains
loose-leaf celluloid-tipped index for 500
names, pencil-holder and pad. Fits anv
phone Groat time savor Always ready
Times Magazine Is tin Interesting 40-page
weekly publication, fully Illustrated The
“Uedlphone " sells for $100; Magazine is
$1.20 for 3 months Send 75c for sample
Redlphone and Magazine for 3 months
Special terms to agents. Monev back If
not satisfied Napp "RedlpltZne C 0.."
Lock Box 477. Los Angeles, California.
BE 1 N DEl’i :NDI :NT Start a mall order
business In your own home. We
tell you how, and furnish everything
needed wholesale An honorable and
profitable business for a man or woman.
1 artlculars free. Man* make $3 000 a
year Murphy Mfg Co . South Norwalk.
Conn 5-11-5
WANTED Agents Io sell music Rig hit.
Stnnple tree. Give reference. Address
224 Taylor street. Bristol. Tenn 30-8-8
Situations Wanted—Female.
TEACHER with college education, first i
grade license and several years expe- I
rience, desires position. Address Miss I
Gladys. Box 190, Atlanta. Ga. 80S-li)|
POSITIDN WANTED as governess bv
lailx Os experience Address Box 58. I
Fovvltoxvn, Ga. 81-8-10
POSITION in several years’ ex
perience in hantiling correspondence;
rttpid on typewriter and some knowledge
of shorthand; best reference. M D . care
Gcorgltw. £6-8-10
COLORED woman wants washing and
ironing to do at home. H ML. 40 S
'.icl-.oi; street 68-8-10
MAN 1 i-.D a position by experienced
lad) musician; six years experience |>ro
omtl idaylng. Phon,, [yy ttt,’. 54-8-10
M ()RK 55 ANTED at 6 p. m on Tuesday.
\\ e.lnesdax. l-'riday and Saturday nights
Will attempt anything Miss Floyd Neal
Generaj Deliver) 56-8-10
M \NTED Position as physjeal director
Address Miss K . Box 10. care Geor
55'11>(>55' lady wants position as house
keeper in hotel or private home. Phone
Ivy 4986-. I 8-9-21 '
M IDt'M . one child, wishes position as
companion, housekeeper or clerk. Ad-1
dress Mrs. Kemp. 213 Depot st . Marietta.]
'o’’ 36-8-9
GERMAN GIRL wants position In smaH
family 55’rlte letter to E H 509 South
L'l'l’L 2 ! l r s£L 8 8 7
SVANTED 5 place as an office girl or
maid; colored Address Hattie Cutright.
■>t Dax ,s st 55-8-8
MAN I I.D Position as sick nurse by a
refined. Christian ladv; can give best of
reference Ivy 4274 I 121 Ivv st \part
nient 7 61-8-8
DRESSMAKER desires to do plain sew
ing by the day or to assist a first-class
dr< s-smaker Vddress 103 South Max son
■n cum* 50-8-8
FIRST-C LASS colored laundress wants
work; go out by da\ l<ia Jones. 201 E
■' ' I.: * *
.Situations Wanted—-Male and
to ;ill. tmr practice
(lepartineiit. lieiiiington
I’s pesvriter Co.. 56 North
Broad Street. 8-10-54
JONES Employment Agency; 11S
Broad st furnishes the best and "most
reliable colored help of all kinds obtain
able in or out city. 56-8-8
Situations Wanted—Male.
WANTED—Position by young man as
bookkeeper or general office work. Have
completed course at Southern Business
College. Best references. Box 480, care
on. _ 77 8-10
WANTED— To communicate with
merchant in north Georgia town
who will need a hustling salesman
this fall. Address Salesman, care
Leland Hotel. 90-8-10
WANTED—A position by a first-class
lathe, milling machine or Universal
grinder hand, tool or manufacturing work.
Box 17, care Georgian 67-8-10
RIENCED .river wants position;
beet of references. R. D. 8., 146 \V.
Hunter street. 69-8-10
WANTED- A position as*housekeeper by
young man; about eighteen months ex
perience. Address Box 466, care Georgian.
SITUATION WANTED bj hotel mana
ger or clerk. Can build up business. In
city or country. Long experience and
good references. Address Box 16, care
Gc< irgian. 60-8 10
ENGINEER and machinist good on re
pair work. Good, steady man. B. N..
Bi • 261 Bast i' lnt,_Ga 26-8-10
SINGLE YOUNG MAN desires position*
bookkeeper or office work, very best ref
erences. Manufacturing business nre
ferred J E. C,, < are Georgian. 7-27-42
LEVEL HEADED man wants po
sition M'ith a future. Party
experienced, polite salesman, able
to handle road men, dictate cor
respondence and smooth away
rough edges of misunderstanding
between house and customers.
Address Box 443 care Georgian.
55'ANTED Position as moat cutter; long
experience in the. best of markets. Ad
dress T. J, G., 127 Fraser street. 49-8-9
STRONG young man wishes position at
anything L. M’einberg. 350 Lee street,
Atlanta 50-8-9
WANTED By limroughly reliable young
man of high school education and’ sev
eral years' experience in office and detail
work, position of merit; can furnish A-l
reference Address Box 281, Atlanta. Ga.
POSITION wanted by man experienced
in up-to-date methods of office work;
business correspondence and collections;
satisfactory references. Box 2. care
WANTED—Position as assistant book
keeper or bill clerk by young man.
Employed at present, but would like to
change. Best of reference. Address J.
W A , 261 Wlilteliall street, city. 63-8-8
CHAUFFEUR, experienced white driver
and capable mechanic wants position as
chauffeur on private or commercial ear.
Roy Chambers, 370 S. Boulevard. 52-8-8
.SET OF’ BOOKS to keep few hours each
day. Address Barnett, care Georgian
EXPERIENCED mill designer and engi
neer wants to change position. Address
Box 228, care Georgian. 49-8-8
YOUNG man, 27, would like position of
any kind; experienced groceryman.
J. F. J., 517 Courtland.44-8 8
YOUNG MAN, aged 18, desires work;
must be honorable; where hard work Is
appreciated; salary not to be considered
to begin. S M. M.. cat e Georgian. 37-8-8
GERMAN CHAUFFEUR wants position
in private family; has good references.
Address Mike Herr, care FL S. Jackson,
R. F, D. No, 6, Atlanta, Ga 33-8-8
sVANTED—Position in shoe store; ex
perienced; references good, or traveling
salesman, five years road experience. C.
A. Adcock, Douglasville. Ga. 29-8-8
SVANTED —Position as traveling sales-
man; drugs preferred; by September 1.
55'llling to start on moderate salary and
expenses until ability is proven. Sales-
Lock Box 5. < 'ope, S. C. 47-8-6
SITI'ATION for garden, yard or house
work by the day. Robert Wright. Good
references. 153 Highland ave, rear.
Job Work.
SVE CAN SAVE you money on repair
work, shelving, tables and counters. We
make them to order. Roof repairing, brick
work, wall tinting, painting and plaster
ing 62',*. 8. Forsyth street. Beil 1187;
Atlanta 6087-M.
Window Cleaning.
National Window Cleaners
Dwellings or Store Fronts; Carpets Vacu
um Cleaned, Floors X)lled or Waxed.
All Work Guaranteed.
47 E. Hunter St. Main 1175, Atlanta
Phone 1051 7-5-24
Contractors and Home Builders.
IT 55ULL PAY YOU to get our estimates
on steam heating and plumbing before
letting your work; 35 years’ experience
in city puts us in position to gix’e you
best work at minimum cost. Bashlor
Heating and Plumbing Company, 43 Car
negie Place. M. 455. 7-20-48
Boarders Wanted.
SELECT BOARDING, large, shad) yard
647 Peachtree. Phone Ivy 6634. 76-8-10
SELEC'I' boarding at 16 East Baker, un
der new management; cleanliness our
motto, inspection invited. The best ta
ble in the city at moderate prices. Rooms
with priva te bath.lvy 2666-,1. 8-10-63
SINGLE room suitable for couple; also a
few select boarders can secure board
at Rest Haven, 197 S. Pryor. Atlanta
phone 1843 8-10-22
IF you appreciate cleanliness try us. $4
to $6 week 123 Capitol avenue. 8-10-7
ONE LARGE front room with board. 131
Washington. Bell phone Main 2672-J.
COUPLES, ladies or gentlemen, can get
nice rooms, excellent fare, at 18 Capitol
Place, at $4 and $1.50 per week. 38-8-9
11 CURRIER ST Wanted, three young
men or couple for freshly papered, new
ly furnished mahogany upstairs front
111 n s i easonable 8 ( ■’
HAVE PLEASANT room with connect
ing small room and board. 513 Peach
THE PLAZA Central location, summer
rates; cool front rooms. 286 Peachtree.
52-8 -7
R'»OMS First - class Y)oard. also table
board, at $3.50 week. 29 E. Harris. Ivy
ELEGANT room, with good meals, for
couple with references 485 Peachtree.
Phone Ivy 6103. 85-8-3
152 WEST PEACHTREE—One strictly
first-class room; also modern house
keeping suite; modern conveniences.
Board Wanted.
YOUNG MAN and sister desire board, two
meals per day in refined, private home.
Box 14, (’are Georgian. 32-8-9
SINGLE MAN desires room and board;
steam heat preferred; might consider
roommate References 8., care Geor
gian. 34-8-7
Summer .Resorts.
Pure spring water, pure air, mountain
scenery. 90 miles from Atlanta on L. and
N R. R Rates. $7 to $10.50 per week
Hack meets morning trains leaving \t
lanta at 8 o’clock. 33-8-10
1 AM a candidate for railroad commis
sioner I am a Mason and a Baptist.
I am running against a Catholic. John
H James 50-8-10
DROPSY dereD -Relieves shortness of
breath in 36 to (8 hours Reduces swell
ing in 15 to 20 days. W rite for particu
lars I’ollnm Dropsy Remedy Company.
512 Austell Building. Atlanta. 5-25-il
The Georgoan’s Rent BoHetm===A New Last Each Day
Is the Room, Apartment or House you live in desirable, comfortable, home-like and cool? .
X.* s »J ita y where you are—if not, consult this complete list of everv desirable place for rent in the city and su
urns. The Georgian has two men searching each day to list everv plate that is fur rent for the benefit and convenience
of its readers. You save money, time and trouble by consulting this bulletin.
Furnished Rooms For Rent.
WEST PEACHTREE—Bright. ~ sunny
room for men: private home; walking
distance. Ivy 628 L 8-10-78
DELIGHTFUL *vooms in refined north
side home; reasonable. Ivy 1294-J
FOR RENT—Extra large furnished room
to one. two or three nice business wom
en Use of parlor. Breakfast and light
supper if desired. 26 West Pavilion
street, near Grant park. 78-8-10
ONE or two well furnished front rooms
in fine neighborhood; car line; near in;
modern conveniences. Bell phone Ivv
1169. 1
FINE LOCATION; north side; couple or
gentlemen. Ivy 2764- J. 8-10-30
FOR RENT—In private home, one or two
furnished rooms, north side; hot water;
private bath; furnace heat; gentlemen
preferred Call Ivy 6164. 8-10-32
HOUSEKEEPING rooms and single
rooms; hot bath. Bell phone Main 886-J.
276 Whitehall st 8-10-6
TO nice young man newly furnished front
room; all conveniences; with owner.
Ivy 2211-L. 8-10-9
NICELY furnished room with sleeping
porch and steam heat on Ponce DeLeon
ave. Ivy 4556 8-10-10
FOR RENT—At 317 Ormond street, two
large. bright, connecting rooms- fur
nished complete for light housekeeping;
all conveniences; house screened; use of
phone; sl6 per month Phone Main 3170-J.
NEATLY furnished room in priv’ate north
side home.lvy 1788. 8-9-31
NICELY furnished front rooms, electric
lights, steam heat, hot and cold water.
Phone Ivy 2632-J. 385% Peachtree, Apart
ment 3 8-9-27
TWO furnished rooms in steam heated
apartment: second floor 14 West Baker
st. Phone Ivy 5039,8-9-28
103 W FIST PEACHTREE —Nicely furnish
ed front room; gentlemen Ivy 297 b-J.
FOR RENT—Two nicely furnished up
stairs rooms; north side; half block
from West Peachtree; car. Call Ivy 4872.
TWO completely furnished rooms for light
housekeeping, also one furnished room
with or without board; modern conve
niences; close in. 77 Brotherton street.
FT RNISHED ROOM adjoining bath; all
conveniences; private family; north side.
Phone Ivy 3913.' 8-9-14
F'OR RENT —Three nicely furnished
rooms w r ith all conveniences; furnace
heat. Call Ivy 5834 8-9-17
F'OR RENT—The cheapest and cleanest
rooms, near in; al! conveniences; have
to be seen to be appreciated. 174 South
Pryor street. Main 4695.8-9-20
TWO furnished rooms for light house
keeping: all conveniences. 25 Hfgh
tower st.3o-8-9
TRAVELING man wants a good, con
genial roommate. Address Box 450,
care Georgian. 26-8-9
CLEAN and nicely furnished room; pri
vate family; no children Bell phone;
hot bath, just off Peachtree. 29 West
Harris street. 62-8-8
FOR RENT—Nicely furnished, well ven
tilated room, adjoining bath, in steam
heated apartment; electric lights; phone.
Call Apartment 2. 387 Peachtree street, or
phone Ivy 3584. 8-8-47
A FAMILY with two adults wishes to
share house with desirable party: five
rooms, suitable for housekeeping; excel
lent location; north side; references ex
changed. Ivy 2080-. J, 8-8-40
ONE LARGE front room in private fam
ily newly furnished; close in; price rea
sonable. Ivy 1075-L,B-8-4S
NICE, cool front room; first koor Ivy
5395-J.60 Currier st. 8-8-43
ROOMS arwi meals; regular, transient;
reasonable. 55 Luckle. Atlanta 5386.
TWO connecting first floor rooms, fur
nished for light housekeeping; all con
venlences. 45 W. Baker. B-8-29
TM’O furnished front rooms; light house
keeping if desired. 205 South Forsvth
street. 46-8-8
LARGE, pleasant rooms; all conveniences.
7 Orange street 8-8-5
THREE nice connecting furnished rooms
for light housekeeping. Phone Ivy
THREE connecting rooms with bath, fur
nished for light housekeeping. Private
entrance. Main 4589-J.B-7-19
F'OR RENT Nicely furnished rooms;
close in; refined home. 335 Central ave
nue. Atlanta phone 3506 8-7-41
NICELY furnished parlor bedroom; all
conveniences, for tw r o young men. Main
3817-J. 236 Central avenue. 8-7-6
LARGE, beautifully furnished rooms with
hot and cold water, baths and excellent
table board; under new management. 4
West Peachtree st. Bell phone Ivy 6790-. T.
Furnished Rooms Wanted.
WANTED —By family of three, no chil
dren. three or four furnished rooms;
bath and electric lights; close in; good
location; second floor apartment pre
ferred: state amount of rent. Address
Box 261, care Georgian.s7-8-10
WANTED—To rent four to five furnished
rooms with bath. Address Wade H.
Powell, care Little A- Powell, Third Na
tional Bank Bulldingiß-10-4
WANTED —In private' family, two fur
nished rooms for light housekeeping;
close in and reasonable. Address Box
16. care Georgian. 47-8-10
Desk Space For Rent.
FOR RKNT -Desk space in the nicest of
fices on Peachtree, suitable for in
surance agents, builders or public stenog
rapher. Phone Main 15. 8-8-28
Lost and Found.
LOST —Friday afternoon, about 6:30
o'clock, change purse on English ave
nue car, between Marietta and Strong
streets, containing telegram and keys.
Return to 108 Strong st. Reward. 8-10-70
pocketbook on 6:05 Brook
wood car Thursday afternoon; owner
can have same by pax ing for this ad and
calling Ivy 5265-.1. 8-10-25
LOST—Bunch of keys on West Hunter
road between Westhaven Springs and
Atlanta. Two dollars reward if returned
to 558 A., B. and A. Building. 46-8-10
I.OST—Ladies' watch, between the Kim
ball and Pryor and Edgewood ave.;
crystal broken. 21'.. Clifford st. 48-8-10
I.OST -One pair Lorgnette glasses; val
uable to owner. Return to Georgian
and receive reward. 49-8-10
LOST- One purse containing aboutTtiFin
bills and one cheek for King Hardware
Co. Finder will be given $5 for return
to 87 Whitehall street. 8-8-13
1434-A, JACKSONVILLE. FLA. 8-10-18
AUTHORS, WRITERS; Let us secure
your copyrights, print and place your
books on the market M<»rton Publishing
Company. Dept. ATG, Morton building.
New York 7-11-26
LADIES —Ask your druggist for Chiches
ters Pills, the Diamond brand; for 25
years known as best, safest, always relia
ble; buy of your druggist. Take no other.
Chichesters Diamond Brand <’ills are sold
by druggists everywhere. 5-2-1
SERIOUS RESULTS come from trusses
improperly fitted. John B. Daniel, at 34
Wall street, has an expert fitter and it
will cost you no more to have him fit
voti. and it means insurance. 6-24-19
HAS MOVED to 220 Courtland street
Photographs anything, any where, anv
time. Phone Ivy 1886. 7-27-5
Unfurnished Rooms For Rent.
FOR RENT —Three unfurnished rooms
September 1; water, gas. bath; central
ly located. West End. West 557-L. 15
TWO rooms, adjoining bath. $10; block
from Peachtree. 400 Courtland st.
THREE unfurnished connecting rooms.
hot and cold water; close in: all con
veniences. 158 E. Georgia ave.. corner
Capitol. 65-8-10
FOR RENT—Four large upstairs unfur-
nished rooms, with wide hall; gas, bath
and telephone. Ivy 4353-J. 193 Highland
avenue; two blocks from Boulevard.
ENTIRE second floor, four rooms ami
bath, second floor; almost new; all con
veniences; owners residence; references.
530 Piedmont ave. 56-8-9
37 LARKlN—Cottage five rooms. 22 East
Alexander, first f100r.52-8-9
THREE beautiful rooms, every modern
convenience; hot and cold water. 133
Capitol avenue. Atlanta phone 2699.
FOUR ROOMS and reception hall, first
floor; private bath; hot water; sink in
kitchen; large porch; walking distance.
201 Central ave. 8-8-38
THREE unfurnished rooms upstairs, or
three unfurnished rooms downstairs.
73 Bedford place. B-8-39
THREE large unfurnished rooms and
large private bath, with linen closet:
hot water, hallway; with family of three
adults; barn that could be used for gar
age. Phone Ivy 3707-J.B-8-30
FOR RENT To couple without children,
second floor: three rooms; references.
443 Courtland street, corner Pine. 8-8-23
ONE front room, $5; two connecting for
light housekeeping. $9; bath and gas.
174 Alexander, corner Venable.4l-8-8
TWO or three rooms or entire upper floor,
al conveniences; north side. Atlanta
phone 3163-M. 8-8-4
TWO pleasant rooms; conveniences; very
reasonable; close In. Atlanta phone 1196.
Unfurnished Rooms Wanted.
BY two adults about September 1 three
or four rooms or small apartment; easy
walking distance to business center; north
side: permanent: must be reasonable.
Address M., 350 Highland avenue. 8-10-68
Furnished or Unfurnished Rooms
For Rent.
FOR RENT—Two nice, large, airy rooms;
hot and cold water bath and all privi
leges of home; rate very reasonable. Ad
dress Box 17, care Georgian. 8-10-75
FOR RENT -One furnished room and
unfurnished kitchenette. Close in. 59
East Ellis street. 8-10-29
FOR RENT—Two furnished or unfurnish
ed rooms and kitchenette; two doors
from Peachtree cars Ivy 2352-J. 8-8-11
STEAM-HEATED rooms for rent; no
children taken. Phone Ivy 1202-L.
Furnished Apartments For Rent.
TWO or three connecting rooms with bath
for light housekeeping; suitable for
couples or business women 345<4, Peach
THREE beautiful rooms; modern conven
iences; separate entrance; north side;
best neighborhood; no children. Ivv 2478.
' 8-8-41
Furnished Apartments Wanted.
FAMILY of two want floor furnished:
preferred in private house; kitchen and
bath; must be on north side; heated and
all conveniences. Answering state price.
Box 238, care Georgian. 57-8-8
Furnished or Unfurnished Apart
ments For Rent.
FOR RENT—Apartments at 196 Juniper
street, near Seventh; one seven-room
furnished apartment. $75 per month, and
one five-room unfurnished apartment. SSO;
heat furnished. Phone Ivy 662-J. 8-3-35
Unfurnished Apartments For Rent
FOR RENT —Six-room apartment in the
Nicholas. Call Ivy 2583,8-10-59
FOR RENT—An attractive six-room flat
on north side; heat, water and shades
furnished: price low to desirable party
with references. Phone Main 1019.
ABOUT September 1 we will probably
have for rent four to seven-room apart
ments in the Corlnithan, No. 136
Peachtree street, and the Nicholas. 234
Forrest avenue, by Charles P. Glover
Realty Company, 2% Walton street.
THE most up-to-date apartments with
four rooms and bath in Atlanta, located
at 324 and 326 Forrest avenue; ready for
occupancy by September 1; can be seen at
any time: price. S4O per month. Office
phone. Main 2102, home phone Ivy 508-. L
L, B. Sanders, Owner,B-9-29
FOR RENT —Three-room apartment; all
conveniences. 3 Baltimore block.
IN the Nicholas, 234 Forrest ave., twn
unfurnished apartments; first floor, six
rooms; second floor, seven rooms; all mod
ern conveniences. Call ivy 2583. 8-3-15
FOR RENT—The new apartment house
at 83 Hurt street, known as the Bozco
bel. consisting of three and four rooms
each, with every known modern conven
ience. and renting for $32.50 to $35, is
now’ ready for occupancy. Apply on
premises or Fitzhugh Knox, 1613 Candler
Building. 5-9-57
ciaI method for adults commencing music.
Enables you to play well in three months.
All monotony of practice avoided. Even
ing lessons if desired. Music, Box 777,
care Georgian. 48-7-23
refined, homelike; limited number of
patients cared for; home provided for in
fants; infants for adoption. Mrs M. T.
Mitchell, 26 Windsor st. 6-22-12
RICHARDSON’S Atlanta Select School;
both sexes; summer school in session.
Pupils prepared for Tech, university, col
lege, West Point, Annapolis 300 Spring
The Many Spirella Styles.
INCLUDE a style for every woman; the
genuine skill of our corsetieres Is mani
fested in selecting the model that be
comes you best, company headquarters,
84 East North avenue. Ivy 6176. 5-28-36
FOUND—The successful treatment for
skin, blood, chronic diseases and CAN
CER. Call and see Dr. Reynolds Com
pany. 21 Inman building. Atlanta. Ga. If
you can not call, W’rite. 6-7-36
SCREENS—Wood fly screens, metal fly
screens, hardwood floors. Venetian blinds,
metal weather strips furnished anywhere
in the South. Write or phone W. R. Cal
laway. manager, 1403 Fourth National
Bank building, Atlanta, Ga Main 5310
NOTHING but first-class work and
prompt service. When you are readv
for tnis kind of work, phone Ivv 1436
Memorial building 5-6-33
Sewing Machines.
WE RENT new machines with complete
set of attachments for $2 per month;
also machines repaired: prompt delivery:
Both phones 1893 Singer Sewing Ma
chine Company, 79 Whitehall. 9-14-44
Unfurnished Apartments Wanted.
WANTED—SmaII apartment in good
residence section. Call Main 13< before
5 o’clock. 28-8-10
Unfurnished Flats For Rent.
FOR RENT —On September 1, first floor 1
flat of a two flat house; reception or
living room, parlor (that can be used for
spare bed room), two bed rooms, dining
room, kitchen, tiled bath room: necessary
closetJi and pantries; modern plumbing,
gas and electric lights, call hells; rooms
of good size; large veranda; house clean
and built but short time; family of two
adults in upstairs flat; located on quiet
north side street, one-half block from For
rest avenue car line and west of Jackson
street W ill rent to family without chil
dren at low rate of $27.50 per month on
yearly lease and approved tenant, owner
refers to former tenant as to comfort and
convenience of house and location. Adj
dress Mr. F., Room 310, P. O. Box 1657,
Atlanta, Ga. 43-8-10
Furnished Houses For Rent.
FOR RENT—Ten-room completely fur
nished house; good north side location;
fine for large family, boarders or house
keeping apartments. Immediate posses
sion for sls until September; then $65
per month. Call Ivy 993-.LB-10-52
SEVEN’-ROOM north side house; well
furnished; three bed rooms; possession
given after September 1; price SSO, or
owner and grown son will take board in
exchange for rent. Call Ivy 1903. 8-10-23
12-ROOM boarding house for rent; part
ly furnished; party leaving the city, will
rent cheap; close in city. Call Atlanta
phone 4300. 8-8-16
Unfurnished Houses For Rent.
WE never ha<j such a successful season in
all our renting experience. Our new
location is bringing such splendid results
for our landlords that we feel sure your
vacancies can be quickly filled. Charles
P. Glover Realty Company, 2ti Walton
street. 8-10-77
Iy painted and papered; six rooms; sink
upstairs and down; two lavatories. See
John J. Woodsideß3-8-10
GO LOOK at 307 Pulliam street.
Seven large rooms, bath, sta
tionery washstand upstairs and
down; large yard; every conven
ience and comfort. S3O month.
See owner 45 E. Harris street.
FOR RENT—A modem 8-room house on
Forrest avenue, between Jackson and
the Boulevard. Inquire at 293 Forrest
avenue. 8-10-19
72 WEST BAKER ST.—First floor med
ern flat; five rooms and reception hall;
S3O. Inquire 62 Williams st. or phone
Ivy 3132-J.58-8-10
FOR RENT—I 29 Cooper street: modern
6-room cottage, nice neighborhood; close
in. Apply 133 Cooper street. B-111 1 > s
NEW six-room cottage, modern con
veniences, large lot. 14 Howell street,
West End. 25-8-8
FOR RENT—Unusual opportunity; mod-
ern eight-room residence in best part
Inman Park; furnace and all conven
iences; newly painted and papered for
tenant; not the usual house offered for
rent; something really good, designed for
people of taste; long, beautiful living
room; large lot and good surroundings;
garage built if desired; immediate pos
session. Phone Ivy 4258-L. 8-6-1
FOR RENT —Eight-room house, in good
repair; S4O month. 48 Carnegie wa\
Phone Ivy 2807-L.55-8-9
A FIVE-ROOM cottage. 370 Oakland ave
nue. between Grant park and W. F.
Slaton school; rent $lB 370 Oakland ave
- 8 - 4 5
SOUTH SIDE—Ten-room house, with
four large basement rooms, barn and
large lot; newly papered and painted;
ready for tenant by August 1. Phone
Owner. Ivy 2318, 8-3-56
PHONE or write us for our rent bulletin 7
excellent houses all over the citv at
moderate rates. Turman, Black Cal
houn, 203 Empire Bldg 6-29-66
FOR RENT. write or
phone for our rent bulletin. Ralph O.
Cochran. 19 South Broad street. 4-1-21
THE HOUSE yon build, buy or
rent will not be a modern home
unless it is wired for electricity.
Unfurnished Houses Wanted.
WANTED—By September 12 six to eight
room house; gas connections for two
families on car line south side. Main
3174-. T, 8-7-7
WANTED —To lease bungalow; must ho
first-class; five to seven rooms: largo
lot, C., Box 204, care Georgian. 56-8-6
Hotels For Rent.
FOR RENT—New twenty-two-ronTi hr-
tel, with large sample rooms, four bath
rooms, water and sewerage
electric lights, and all modern improve
ments; within 100 yards of Georgia and
Monroe railroad depots. Everything new
and m beautiful location, '.rill rent fur
nished nr unfurnished. Possession given
once, Apply to T. D. Stanton So
cial Circle, Ga. 79-8-10
—— . I
Office Space For Rent.
AHa a nta n u9® ank Ph ° ne Mai "
' 01 ' vill Kive spiritual
<„'n d, am in his par ors
Sunday evening at 8 o'clock free- free
<4 Walton st. Read story on page 5
byiT!;f. n La w voJx r 2i22 a ‘ e '' nip, kui
.4 Walton Street Private reading., > ,
t 9 en a da^e. to 8
— —— 8-6-7
.'.UaVr'affiVk's .V/’J’,-'
Hn a^ n nU 2n ''' 50 '’ 17 ’t" eei
Satisfaction guaranteed! 6-25-u
Medical. (
A WDNDERFI'L I’iSt' Vrl • \
tion by a simple inexpensive metUP" 1 ’: 1 '
out drugs. Wm. S I'hillii" if ',
thorpe ave.. Atlanta. Ga 1 ’
DR. EDMONDS! >N's"“"T',n-.; ~n -’-- —-I
and Cotton Root Pills a
liable treatment for pairdul" anU’ r "'
pressed menstruation. irregui ar ujL s " 1 ”,
similar obstructions. Trial ' I , " I ' l
50c Frank Edmondson & Bro "J " 1 '
turing chemists, 14 South ftL n , lanufa <'- <
Atlanta, Ga h Broa<l street.
Fire-Proof Storage.
\\ h siorl. household
side Storage Compati). '' '" lnJ Wood-