Newspaper Page Text
Published by The Georgian Company.
20 East Alabama Street,
Atlanta, Ga.
Entered at Atlanta postoffice as second- I
class matter.
Subscriptions Payable in Advance.
One year. mail, postage prepaid. $5.00 '
Six months, mail, postage prepaid. 2.50
Three months, mail, postage prepaid. 1.25
One month, mail, postage prepaid. .45
Subscriptions Payable in Advance.
Delivered by carrier, one year $5.20
Delivered by carrier, six months . 2.60
Delivered by carrier, three months.. 1.30
Delivered by carrier, one month 45
Delivered by carrier in Atlanta and
other cities, one week 10c
Help Wanted—Female.
TH eTiT M. H IGII CO. re
quire the service of two
LADIES. Onlv those with
letter or call at J. M. High
Co.’s Suit Department.
WANTED A cook for family of four on
north side. Apply Saturday, between
10 and 12. 920 Candler Bldg. 8-27-30
WANTED—Nurse. Must be steady. Good
pay. 41 Bass street. *B-27-28
WANTED—A first-class colored woman
cook with good references for Peachtree
family. Apply to 1.125 Peachtree st., near
Seventeenth st. 8-23-21
Apply Mrs. (’has. A. Smith, corner
Moreland and St. Charles aves.. Druid
Hills. 8-22-18
WANTED— Lady steno-bookkeeper: per
manent position: state salary expected;
reference. Address H.. Cartersville, Ga..
WANTED—Wet nurse with young baby;
white woman preferred. Apply at once.
318 Grant Bldg. 8-23-5
WANTED—Young lady to stay in photo
gallery, one with experience preferred;
state experience and salary expected.
Address Mrs. B. 200 Oak st.. West End.
Give phone number. 8-22-53
WANTED—A <iui< t girl for house work I
in a small family. 241 Cherokee ave.
Appl> in the m- in ing 8-22-27
WANTEI * At oi c< . a j out g coloi<
to cook and do house work: good wages.
Apply 32 Aval on Apts. 8-22-30
WANTED A servant for cook and gen
eral housework. Apply 244 Peeples
f • i'' •t, ''•’ •s' ■: ■ . 8-2
EXPERIENCED power sewing machine
operators to make wash dresses; fast
operators having experience on other gar
ments can find nice. profitable work,
which is light and permanent the year
around. Enterprise Mfg. Co., 36 West ,
Alabama st., top floor. 8-22-9
DRESSMAKERS who have run power
sewing machines can get steady work
that pays big. Enterprise Mfg. Co., 36
West \labama st., top floor. __ 8-22-10
WANTED White woman; must be good
cook: three in family. Come at once.
Mobile Market. Marietta. Ga. -8-8-22
STENOGRAPHER For permanent posi
tion in wholesale house In reply, please
give record of experience and sal ar.a ex
pected. Box 707, care Georgian. 39-R-_2l
WANTED—A nurse Appb at 26 W< s•
Mitchell street. 8-21 -6
WANTED A lady for asserting in laun
dry. Bi»x 51, care (’• e<»rgian. 8-20-1
WANTED—Colored woman to cook and
do general housework. Room on lot.
10 West Sixteenth street. 8-17-37
Help Wanted—Male.
WANTED Hustler. Man understanding
grocery business, who can talk groceries
and get results. Apply between 2 and 5
p. rn. 271 I ’iedmont a venue. 8 27-29
WA NTEI > Experienced
rubbers and polishers, j
('apital < 'ity ( 'hair Co.. 172
Marietta street. 8-23-15
W V NTED smar colored mat ■or gen - I
era! work around the house and to lire |
< n the place. Applv \\ M. Fain, 51 Eliz- |
abeth street 8-23-12 ’
W.'j.'TED ?»lale steno-bookkeeper. Ap-
2’ll L s ' 51: lL'?. sire et. 8-23-1 !•
WANTED !\'»hc.r to go to Asheville, i
N. C Ap iv Kelly A Leslie, 10 East i
! !
WE NEED .i <rew manager to handle;
• ev. and exceptional proposition. You j
» eed n »t aj ply unless you can or ganize !
3»i.l manage non. Address <’r<w Mana-'
_ . ■ • gi at 17 -x- 2 j
W.\.\TE!' Six '-•o’.icito: • of good charac-
ter and ability to solicit for new mem- i
Hers for one . t the largest, strongest I
and most popular be.•.■ueiary orders in
the world. !)<. roi apply unless you can l
furnish g< «•; ’efererees and mean busi
t s - «' fl Nelson, district organizer 503'
Peters bujld ing 4'.' ■
WxN'TEI' «’<•!• f*'d ho\ about 16 for but
ler work; ndg! ' use school bov; room
on lot. Ph. iic Ivy 1900 or Ivy 5844-.!
WANTEI» Young man about 20 meet in
k-ally i' • 1 » ’• ;' J ’ having had exper’ence
repairing tyj rs <• ■ ad ling n i •
? uni' \ for right man. Give
rest ’ecop< and salary expected. Address I
Box 706. in ?eot 8-21-24
COLORED laborers wanted.
Apph Magnus Metal Co..
South Pivot and Southern
WANTED Thoroughly experienced sten
ographer. who can lake rapid dicta
tion and use typewriter rapidly. Must
fdrnish first-class references. A good
opening and a permanent position for
the right man. Address Box 812. care
<leofga n s 111
WANTED First-class all-around railroad
locomotive niachinL'M. <’ Hill, master
mechanic. Port St. .foe. Fla. R-1 7- .<
\\ ,\ VI ED Men to learn the best busi
ness in the world, the barber trade; can
have your own shop or earn big wages:
few weeks required; wages while learn
ing '"all or write. Moler Barber Col
lege. ’.B Luckie street 35-8-17
WANTED Young men to learn pharr.i
acv this fall- Demand for our gradu
ate- exceeds supply. Next session begins
sh tober 1 Southern College of Pharmacy .
Si I ockd* street. Atlanta. Ga 8-1-1
WANTEI) -Bright, strong
h.ivs to deliver routes in
afternoons. Good wages
and chance for promotion.
Cal! at circulation depart
ment The Atlanta Georgian.
20 East Alabama street,
C \RI’ENTHRS (’ompelimt men furnish
ed or” short mtice for all classes cf car
nenter work Ji n Stephenson. 226 Brown-
Randolph Bldß Phone: Main 4251. At
lanta 21132.
\\ \XT El 1 Young man of experience and
good recommendations to take charge
nml umnage retail grocery business: must
Invest *SOO. or w ould lease busin. rs to
right party: excellent opportunity A
ddress Groceries, care Georgian. *l2 12
v; <\'Ti:i' ide.i - Inventors write for
list of inventions wanted and prizes of
fered bv manufacturers. Also, how to get
vour patent Sent free to any address
Randolph ,<■ Briscoe, patent attorneys
Washing'"it. P C. .-11-■.*■■
yi~S Professor G <>. Btanning will teach
Vou the barber trade tit's ea.y). We
trail! In one I till' time of other colleges
Com«e ami position in our shops
, S3O Why pav more ' Thousands nt
* • cr.idua'es running shops or malting
<., (*'}« ige- Mla’ ta Harber College to
. , V, I. ' .ttrft I 17
s'ilp nt Hili,ut it hotel, henn of eltv. lO'-
‘ Waiuti s' te* ’ If v■ i■ wul’i .1 ■ lean, .pilet
room liar icnt jOe. upen all nlab'
Help Wanted —Male.
FREE MASSAGE, hair cuts, shaves,
shampoos. All barber work free Clean
linen. Atlanta Barter College. 10 East
Mitchell. 5-27-16
EXPERT PIANO TUNER—Action, regu- ,
larity, voicing and repairing. Bell i
phone Main 2254-L. East Atlanta. Drop I
a postal. I will cqII 8-19-24
- !
Salesmen Wanted.
WANTED—Two or three live wire sales- '
men to sell Scarborough maps and Al- i
lases. Liberal contract with sure guar- |
antee Reference and personal bond re
quired before your application will be ac- I
cepted. Address P. tßox 160. Atlanta.
HIGH-CLASS specialty salesmen at once.
Americain Chemical Mfg. Co., Taber
nacle Place. Atlanta. Ga. 40-8-22
Tt i correspond with hardware or furni
ture salesman who can carry high-class
side line. American Chemical Mfg Co..
Tabernacle Place, Atlanta. Ga 38-8-22
Agents W anted.
A<tENTS WANTErUwUper~weekn7
investment or experience necessary.
Write for my big tailoring proposition.
P. W. Goodman, president. Fifth avenue
and Congress street. Chicago. 8-23-2
Situations Wanted—Female.
WANTED—Position as bookkeeper, sev- i
oral years experience: 'reference given. |
Address A. H., care Georgian. 54-8-23 j
EXPERIENCED milliner wants position;
at once; good references. Calla Smith.
Lilly, Ga. 47-8-23
LADY, two seasons out as milliner, de
sires place in small country town or to
assist in larger place; mountain town pre
ferred. Write M E. \., Box 31, .lerfer
son, Ga. 43-8-23
BY young woman of experience and abil
ity. position as traveling saleswoman
for good line; references. Address A. R.
E., care Georgian. 48-8-2 3
A-l STENOGRAPHER, thoroughly ex
perienced, now employed, will accept
position meriting the services of a good
man. Salary $75; excellent references.
Address Permanent, Box 500. care Geor
gian. ’ 35-8-23 i
WANTED—To do sewing by the day by
first-class dressmaker. Will sew for
$1 and car fare a day Addreati Dress
maker. 65 Central Place. Atlanta. Ga.
POSITION WANTED Experienced, first
class lady bookkeeper, with five years
experience with large concern, desires po
sition as bookkeeper and general office
work. Best references. Miss F., Box 110.
care Georgian. “
WANTED Position as housekeeper for
widower by lady of intelligence and ,
refinement. Address I lousekeeper. 1004
West Monroe. Jacksonville. Fla. 55-8-22
EDUGATED Christian woman desires
place as managing housekeeper (not
cooki for cultured people. Specially qual
ified to care for children. Georgia ref
erences Miss Steele. 413 North Eigh
teenth streel, Birmingham. Ala. 52-8 27
EX I ‘ERJ ENCI7I > first-class lady stenogra
pher desires a position. Mrs. A. L. M..
care Georgian. 35-8-22
REFINED young lady must have work at
once; prefer office work. Address A.
11. care Georgian. 31-8-21
COMPETENT bookkeeper and general
office helper desires position. M. L..
care Georgian. 29-8-21
H< H’SEKEEPEK. capable for work and
practical management hotel, small
growing town, or exclusive refined pa
tronage; particulars for reply. Loyald
Taylor, Macon, Ga. 30-8-19
Situations Wanted—Male.
i IRST-CLASS stock salesman wants good
selling proposition; preferably in South
Carolina Address Stocks, Box 100, care
Georgian _
LICENSED, experienced druggist needs
work at once. Address W. E. 8., 6
Howell st . citj
CAPABLE young man, 19. desires position
as assistant bookkeeper or office work
I by or before Sept. 1: A-l references as to
' character and ability . Address .1. W. L..
| Box 571. Covington. < la. 41 - 8-23
! WANTED By young man, position as
all-round furniture man: best of refer
' ence. Address H. W. L., 728 East Fair st
I .38-8-2-".
{WANTED Position as collector or so
licitor; have had laundry experience,
will do anything that is reasonable: must
• have a position at once Aged 30; good
references. Address G. ’l’ .1.. 125 Deca
; tur street. 27-8-22
WANTED- Bookkeeping position by
young man with two years experience.
(Good reference. Address (’. C. C.. Box
: eare Georgian. 59-8-22
\\ ANTED Position as collector by
young man. Good references. Address
■ '■ .- \tiat ta phoi e 1468 62-8 -~
' wa’nted - Position as front man in drug
store: satisfaction guaranteed; reasen
; able salarv. L. A. (’lark. Box 123, Chaun
cey . ' ;*< 51-8-22
BY A YOUNG MAN. position as bo(
keeper or assistant bookkeeper: have
had two years of experience; can furnish
best of reference; must have work at
once. Address Box ’.'lo, care Georgian.
OFFICE MAN wants position; will do
‘ anything honorable: good references. J.
u. w . 73 East Mi!< hell street. 44-8-21
Ift .'!'i :!, p< >RTER or butler must have
work at once Have experience. G. R.
POSITION WANTEf) with manufactur-
I Ing firm or business corporation by man
i experienced in up-to-date methods of of
-1 fiep work, business correspondence, col
: lection, etc. Energetic, systematic, re
-1 liable. Not afraid of work. Satisfactory
j references as to ability and integrity. Ad
dress Box 488, care Georgian 116-8-17
Job Work.
I -
WE CAN SAVE you money on repair
work, shelving, tables and counters We
make them to order. Roof repairing, brick
work, wall tinting, painting and plaster
ing. 62 ! 4 s Forsyth street. Bell 1187;
Atlanta ‘>oß7-M.
Boarders Wanted.
HAVE ONE small and three large, beau
tiful, connecting rooms with board,
suitable for party of sixlor more. Good
1 price expected for same Box 466, care
i * Georgian. 52-8-23
I YOUNG men to board in private family
of adults: close in; on north side. 56
: K <<ain st - lvv 5520-L. 8-23-24
117 E. NORTH AVE., room with bath,
j something extra fine; excellent meals;
1 dinner in evening 39-8-23
; NEAT, cool rooms and homelike cook
ing 173 Luckie street. Atlanta phone
meals for transient and regular board
-1 ers Rat* s reasonable. Hot and cold
bath, (’lose in. 55 Luckie street. At
lanta phone 5386. 8-22-36
'(’i(h>D BOARDING; $3.50 per week; close
in; 57 Cooper street. One nicely fur
nished front room; reasonable Mrs.
; Thornton. 57 (’oopcr street 42-8-21
NEATLY furnished rooms with board. 25
1 West Baker Ivy 501-J. 8-20-37
1 Just Off Peachtree
SELECT rooms with or without board,
reasonable _1 ? W < 'ain st. 8-20-36
R<i<»MS and board, also table board;
north side Ivy 2423- J. 8- 20-26
IHREE gentlemen or couple can secure
delightful room; good meals, hotne-like
:26 E Cain st 8-20-11
PRlVa’t'E fan ilv in West Em! dr-dr one
or two couples to board; everything
i first-class. 801 l phone West 568-. I
: t 40-8-19
SELECT boardimi at 16 Eaat Baker, un
der new mauagefnent; * b-anlim ss our
motto inspection invited. The best ta
ble in the • !!} at modetate prl< c ■ Room
with pl ■> ’ > bat I Ivy 26n6 ' 8
1 NH'E !!< a*M and hoard in exchang* for
diamond, m* ’«u< \ < le, piano or t ype-
Smaii ■. -h paymenl. Piar H"
IV, ka 1 c Gvt i g i»tn. 8-1 • •
Boarders Wanted.
TRY BOARD at 308 South Pryor; home
like; references. Main 2456-L. 86-8-17
$1.50 to $2.50 day; $7.00 to $12.50 weekly: I
American plan. 50c to $1.50 day; $3.00
to $7.00 weekly European. References '
exchanged. 8-13-36 ,
COOL, pkasant rooms with or without
board. 319 Central ave. Atlanta 3168-F.
NICELY furnished room with board: also
table board; desirable location. 17 E.
North ave. 27-8-13
IF you appreciate cleanliness try us. $4
to $6 week. 123 Capitol avenue. 8-10-7
Board Wanted.
YOVN'G MAN wants room and two meals
a day in Decatur. Ga.; must he on or
near car line and rates reasonable: ref
erences exchanged. Address Box 676.
care Georgian. 46-8-23
COI'PLE. no children, want board near
Druid Hills Pharmacy Ijy September 1.
Call Ivy. 186 for Dr. Alexander. 8-22-4
Summer Resorts.
TFR.NERVILLE. GA., nearby Tallulah
Falls. Cool, quiet and comfortable; ex
cellent fare; climate unexcelled. 44-8-16
Lost and Found.
STOLEN—Watch and two pocketbooks
containing gentleman s picture, receipts
and $5 gold piece; $lO reward for return
to 78 E. Mitchell st. 8-22-5
LOST Watch fob; woman's head carvel
on locket with five small diamond set
tings; monogram "D. .1. R.” Return to
Georgian Want Ad Dept., receive reward.
LOST—Bull dog; Prince Henry; brown
and white: one dark eye, one light;
short screw tail; uncropped ears. Lib
eral reward for return to N. T. Pool, i 42
Peeples street. 33-8-21
LOST Bunch of keys: all flat ones. Re
ward if returned to Want Ad Counter.
Georgian. 8-19-8
SCREENS —Wood fly screens, metal fly
screens, hardwood floors, Venetian blinds,
metal weather strips furnished anywhere
in the South. Write or phone W. R. Cal
laway. manager, 1403 Fourth National
Bank Building. Atlanta. Ga. Main 5310.
SHRIOI S lIESVLTS come from trusses
improperly fitted. John B. Daniel, at 34
Wall street, has an expert fitter and It
will cost you no more to have him fit
you, and it means instiranee. 6-24-19
WANTED -Addresses of all STAMMER
ERS who are willing to pay $lO fcr a
certain cure. The Fon-Lin Institute, G..
2516 Indiana avenue, Chicago. 111. 8-7-4
cial method for adults commencing music.
Enables you to play well in three months.
All monotony of practice avoided Even
ing lessons if desired Music, Box 777.
care Georgian. 48-7-23
refined, homelike: limited number of
patients cared for; home provided for in
fants; infants for adoption Mrs. M. T.
Mitchell 26 Windsor st. 6-22-12
FOUND —The successful treatment for
skin, blood, chronic diseases and CAN
CER Call and see Dr. Reynolds Com
pany. 21 Inman building. Atlanta, Ga. If
you can net call, write. 6-7-36
The Many Spirella Styles.
INCLUDE a style for every woman; the
genuine skill of our corsetieres Is mani
fested in selecting the model that be
comes you best, company headquarters,
84 East North avenue Ivy 6176. 5-28-36
SPIRITUAL MEDIUM clairvoyant and
palmist. Parlors. 74 Walton street. La
dies' maid in attendance. B'7
REVEALS PAST, present and future
Can be consulted on all affairs of life,
i Readings 25c. 50c. 17 East Mitchell street
(in tent).
IS NOW LOCATED in tent, corner For
syth and Luckie. can be consulted on
all affairs of life Charges moderate
I Satisfaction guaranteed. 6-25-13
. ZX
■ DR. EDMONDSON’S Tansy. Pennyroyal ,
I and Cotton Root Pills, a safe and re
liable treatment for painful and sun- I
pressed menstruation, irregularities and j
similar obstructions. Trial box by mail. 1
i 50c. Frank EdmondFon A- Lro., manufac
turing chemists, 14 South Broad street.
f Atlanta, Ga 2-17-14
I DROPSY CURED —Relieves shortness of
breath in 36 to 48 hours Reduces swell
l ing in 15 to 20 days. Write for particu
lars. Coliom Dropsy Remedy Company.
I 512 Austell Building. Atlanta. 5-25-11
Removal Notice.
REMOVAL NOTICE—We have moved
our plumbing establishment to No. 10
Equitable place (betw.een Aubum and
Edgewood avenues). Bell phone changed
'to Ivv 19?, David W. Yarbrough.
Sewing Machines.
i WE RENT new machines with completpz
I set of attachments for $2 per month;
also machines repaired; prompt delivery.
Both phones 1893. Singer Sewing Ma
chine Company, 79 Whitehall. 9-14-44
Monuments and Stone Work.
All kinds stone work.
17-19 Fraser street. Phone Main 3540
Public Baggage and Transfer.
!M. C. FURNITURE transfer, wp paca
and ship Main 3657-J, A. 1319. 42
{ Madison ave 3-12-7
Timber For Sale.
FOR SALE —10.000,000 feet long leaf yel
i low pine: prices, terms, etc Address
|.l M. L.. Bainbridge, Ga. 25-8-16
Painting and Tinting.
EMBRY Main 145', 318 FOURTH NA
Trunks, Bags and Suitcases.
! PHONES. Bell Main 1576, Atlanta 1654
I =======■■■:= ■■ ■■
Fire-Proof Storage.
pianos office and warehouse, 239-241
| Edgewood ave Ivy 2037 John .1 Wood-
■ . ragi Company
Read and answer the Want Adx in The
G'-orgian \ g<»«»d rule fnr « \«*!\ individ
I uai wh*i r«H'i' Make it rule and
(*>u will I-. in*»te pi "■•p* i <»u» oiui
< "tut rm <1
“The Georgian’s Rent Ekdfletm”
A New Last Each Dav
Is the Room, Apartment or House you now live in desirable, comfortable,
home-like and cool?
If it is. stay where you are— if not. consult this complete list of every desira
ble place for rent in the city and suburbs. The Georgian has two men searching
each day to list every desirable place ’.hat Is for rent for the benefit and con
venience of its readers. You save money, time and trouble by consulting this
Furnished Rooms For Rent.
FOR RENT—Two rooms. Can be ar
ranged for housekeeping, if deaired i
All conveniences. 231 Courtland street.
FOR ur.XT Nt .■ ■ •<■] room on second
floor; $6 a month. 59 East Ellis street.
FOR RENT Large front room, four win
• (lows, with or without meals. 102 Ivy
street. 8-23-26
FOR RENT—Three rooms for light
housekeeping; completely furnished; all
conveniences; reasonable; no children.
Phone Main 2383-J. 49 Milledge avenue.
NEAT, cool front room; close in. 174
FURNISHED room: screened and cool;
private family; good neighborhood; gen
tlemen only. 63 E. Cain st. 45-8-23
nicely furnished frbnt room; gentlemen.
TWO elegantly furnished front rooms,
complete for housekeeping, either front
or second floor; no children taken; private
entrance; porcelain sink, in kitchen, elec
tric lights, hot bath. Bell phone; best lo
cation 290 Washington. 8 8
TWO completely furnished rooms for
light housekeeping to couple without
children. Atlanta phone 3424. 8-23-9
FOR RENT To nice young man or busi
ness woman, newly furnished front
room: all conveniences. With owner. Ivy
2211-L. 8-22-43
VERY desirable, large, cool front corner
room, second floor, private family, north
side, steam heat. Trained nurses or busi
ness women preferred. Call Ivy 3570-.1.
NEWLY furnished rooms, close in. cor
ner Piedmont and Armstrong streets.
Phone Ivy 4986-.1. 26-8-23
NEAT, cool rooms and home-like cook
ing. 109 W. Harris. Ivy 2540-J.
2 2 :52
FOR RENT—Nicely furnished front room,
all conveniences. Phone .Main 3817-J
236 Central avenue. . 8-22-41 .
FOR RENT—Four upstairs rooms, fur
nished or unfurnished. 467 Whitehall
street. Atlanta phone 2059. 8-22-40
AMERICAN PLAN. $125 UP. Weekly
__ 63-8-22
F(>R RENT—Nicely furnished rooms with
all conveniences. In the best location
in the city. 41-45 Carnegie way. Under
new management .8-22-".7
FOR RENT Neatly furnished rooms,
dose in. 115 West Harris. Atlanta
1455. 61-8-22
FOR RENT One upstairs furnished room
at 117 West Baker street. Atlanta 4555.
TWO newly furnished rooms suitable for
two or four young men; steam heated
apartment; all conveniences; close in
Phone M.tiu .7570 X UJ-J’’
FOR RENT—several furnished rooms at
Decatur. Phone Decatur 122. 8-22-13
NICELY furnished cool rooms; hot bath;
very close in. 104 Ivy street. 8-22-15
NEAT’, cool room in private family; con
venient- to bath; walking distance. 200
Rawson. 8-22-16
FURNISHED rooms in strictly private
li< jip. _ 19_ East Harris street. 8-22-17
NICELY furnished front room and kitch
en if desired; reasonable. 388 Peach
trec si. 8-22-8
ENTIRE second floor, three bed rooms,
one sitting room, sun parlor, bath room
and large porch; will be comfortable for
three gentlemen or three ladies; price rea
sonable; meals near by. Phone Ivy
NICELY furnished room; all conven
iences; gentleman preferred. Phone
Ivy 1576-17. 374 Piedmont ave. 36-8-22
TWO large rooms for light housekeeping;
private porch; close in. Atlanta phone
5052. _ 8-2 L-36
FOR RENT’ -Two rooms and kitchenette,
furnished for Housekeeping 357 Capi
tol avenue 8-21-25
FOR RENT* furnished front room
cheap. Call M. 2904-J 8-'2l-8
FURNISHED ROOMS for rent. 77 West
Cain street. 8-21-1
HANDSOMELY furnished front room;
private bath: gentleman preferred.
Peachtree, care Georgian. 25-8-21
21 EAST CAIN STREET— Wanted, a
roommate for gentleman. 50-8-20
U.LEGANTLY furnished, large front cor
ner steam-heated room; three windows;
j nice closets; adjoining white tile bath;
I hot and cold water; opens «>n delightful
I large porch: close in; second floor apart
[ ment; every modern convenience. Phono
| Jvv 50 12? J 2L V _ 8-20-18
F‘ »R RENT’—Nice cool front rooms; all
I conveniences; close in. 276 Whitehall.
I 8 19-17
FOR RENT—Neatly furnished rooms.
Can be arranged for housekeeping 202
South Forsyth. 8-19-20
FOR RENT -Furnished rooms for house
keeping; close in: all conveniences. 161
South K<>rsyth. 8-19-22
FOR RENT —Two or three rooms, fur
nished for housekeeping, no children.
73 Williams st reet. 8-19-15
<) N E furnished frffflt room, all con
veniences, close in Call Ivv 6288-J.
IE, beautifully furnished rooms with
hot and cold water, baths and excellent
table board; under new management. 4
West Peachtree st. Bell phone Ivy 6790-J.
Furnished Rooms Wanted.
WANTED—By young man furnished
room in private home, close In J. R..
care Georgian. 28-8-23
Unfurnished Rooms For Rent.
FOR RENT Two unfurnished rooms and
kitchenette. Apply 85 Crew street.
F( )R RENT -Four unfurnished rooms
with bath, in perfect repair Ivy 961-L.
Rents $22.50 per month. 11 Baltimore
block. 8-23-19
b < >l< RENT- -Two unfurnished rooms and
kitchenette; private bath; all conven
*Pncets - 133 Capitol avenue. 8 -22 -46
DOUBLE HOUSE, three rooms, city con
veniences 12 Shelton avenue Sep
-I**oll.*U-_1 . J Phone West 443. 68-8-22
!•’< >1'1; i ■ " " ’ ~* wa f .-r.
sink, electricity, gas and bith; ideal
surroundings; north side. Ivy 1744-L.
FOR RENT’ In home with owner, who
occupies lower floor, entire second floor,
/ consisting of five rooms, private bath and
toilet; all modern conveniences; excel
lent neighborhood; Inman Park; S2O per
month. References exchanged. Ivy
::7!'7-.l 48-8 21
FOR RENT Thrte unfurnished down
stairs rooms ( heap <’all M 2904-J.
8 '
FoR RENT With owner three, four or
five rooms Apply 35G North Ja*kson
street. Atlanta phone 78. Heat and wa;
ter furnlshe<i s 17 ■55
THREE unfurnished light housekeeping
rooms with family of adults, close to
. bath 233 South Pryor st 8-20-23
I'll REE large n*>wly paperea *’onn*'ting
• rooms for light housekeeping 4<i West
Furnished or Unfurnished Rooms
For Rent.
I‘»lt RENT’ Sepiembir* I, three rooms,
unfurnished or parti.-, furnished with
* sink in kitchen first floor 18 B*>ulr\aid
I I '»•: GENT T’*» pal lie* without small
children, desirable fir-t floor apartment iii.*' ball "me p«»rcl*rs and ‘aid:
;|.e-i •;.•?*!(. ii 4ti'»t I* u» t i.-hed
i c r i J,*"' Addie s Box 11 < • a •
» h tug an. 40 b 2*
Unfurnished Rooms Wanted.
WANTED—By couple, without children,
one or two unfurnished rooms in close
in steam-heats .1 apartment Address
A ) 7... ill w tdsor st 8-23-20
WANTED Tin. ..f four rotens b?- cou-.
pie with baby, private enmflYtCe pre- !
ferred. Good neighborhood and car serv
ice. Must be reasonable. C. J C.. (‘are I
Georgian 33-8-23 >
WANTED -Two or three unfurnished
rooms in good neighborhood by three
young business women who have their
own furniture and who have been accus
tomed to having their own home; refer
ences furnished ard required. Address
quit kto B u J' . care 'Juorgian :><* s-ji
WANTED Four ■ five rooms f<«r light
housekeeping Adults. Box 3.TL care
Georgian. 34-8 21
Furnished Apartments For Rent.
FOR RENT Nicely furnished five-room
flat with all modern conveniences; first
floor. Address E. N.. care Georgian.
_ _ 8-22-22
FOR RENT—Three beautiful rooms and
bath; modern conveniences; north side.
Ivy 2478. 8-19-14
BETWEEN Peachtree and Juniper, on
North avenue, one block from Georgian :
Terrace hotel. There will probably be
for lease on September 1 or October 1
apartments ranging in price from S6O. S7O,
s<s and SBS per month Phone Ivy 657-J,
or call at 29 Ponce DeLeon avenue.
Furnished Apartments Wanted.
WANTED—SmaII furnished apartment or
housekeeping rooms in Ansley Park or
in vicinity of Washington seminary, by
reliable people xvith best of references;
must be reasonable. Address Box 917,
care Georgian. 41-8-22
Unfurnished Apartments For Rent
ONE beautiful 5-room apartment on
North Boulevard; steam heat; modern.
Phone Ivy 3698-J. 66-8-
FOR RENT —Six-room apartment in the
_Ni£h/daH- Call Jvy _2_583. 8-19-12
THE most up-to-date apartments with
four rooms and bath in Atlanta, located
at 324 and 326 Forrest avenue; ready for
occupancy by September 1; can be seen at
any time; price. S4O per month. office
phone. Main 2102, home phone Ivy 508-.1.
L. B. Sanders, owner. 8-9-29
FOR RENT—The new’ apartment house
at 83 Hurt street, known as the Bozco
bel, consisting of three and four rooms
each, with every known modern conven
ience, and renting for $32.50 to $35, is
now ready for occupancy. Apply on
premises or Fitzhugh Knox, 1613 Candler
Building 5-9-57
Elegant second story 7-room apartment
on Peachtree road «with very large living
and dining rooms, with hardwood floors,
sun parlor, three large bedrooms with
stationary washstands; large, airy kitch
en. rear porch screened; private entrance
with the porch, Steam heat, hot and cold
water, servant and trunk room; privilege
of garage and lot 90x350; every conven
ience to make you an ideal home. Ready
for occupancy October 1. $75. Call D. E.
Giffen. Main 5150, Ivy GOB6-J. 414 Atlanta
National Bank Building 8-21-3
Furnished or Unfurnished Apart
ments For Rent.
FOR RENT—To couple two conne* ing
rooms, furnished or unfurnished; all
conveniences; close in: reasonable. For
information call Bell phone Main 3582-J
Unfurnished Houses For Rent.
FIVE-ROOM housp. $lB month 37 Hall
street, corner Simpson. Phone Ivy
2807-L. * 53-8-23
MODERN 6-room cottage for rent. 420
East Georgia avenue, lot 50x200. Six
room cottage, porcelain bath, one of the
most desirable locations In Atlanta. $25.
A .1 & H. F. West. 218-219 Atlanta Na
tional Bank Bldg. H-2::-7
37 Larkin, cottage sls
22 East Alexander, first floor apt 15
21 Forrest avenue, rooms cheap.
FOR RENT- 530, 6-room cottage, 447
Courtland; in good repair 824 Atlanta
National Bank Bldg. W. C. Tolbert. Main
2683. 36-8-21
Fi ill RENT—Nenr-ln six-room cottag. .
modern improvements; large lot. 149
Walton street. Call Ivy 621.2-L. 77-8-17
SIX ROOMS, one of the nicest locations
in West End, near Peeples street school,
near Gordon street car line and Howell
Park. S3O. Call Webster. M. 2106. 807-808
Fourth National Bank Bldg 8-17-19
FOR RENT—My some; twelve-room
house: nice. Apply on premises. 108
West Harris street, or phone 80 Ivy
• 8-16 22
PHONE or write us for our rent bulletin,
excellent houses all over the city at
moderate rates Turman, Black & Cal
houn. 203 Empire Bldg 6-29-66
phone for our rent bulletin Ralph O.
Cochran. 19 South Broad street _ 4-1-21
THE HOUSE you build, buy or
rent will not be a modern home
unless it is wired for electricity.
Unfurnished Houses Wanted
WANTED—Five or six-room cottage: all
Improvements; rent from sls to $lB
permanent tenant 102 Ormewood ave.
Furnished or Unfurnished Houses
WANTED An eight or nine-room fur
nished or unfurnished house, north side
south of Fourteenth street; furnace, sta
hie and all conveniences. Address 58 I*’,
Merritts ave., stating rent. 8-22-23
Office Space For Rent.
FOR RENT— Large office space, with use
of phone. Phone Ivy 4828, or call nt 708
Candler building
Garages For Rent.
FOR RENT Private garage; electric
lights an*! wash. Rear corner Merritts
avenue and Courtland. See M D Eise
man. 1 Whitehall street. 8-17 44
Stables For Rent.
FOR RENT Brick stable, private en
trance. reasonable. 104 South Pryor
street. 8-22-14
Furniture For Rent.
ROR RENT Furniture (stored in Atlan
ta i for small home Reasonable Phone
i Decatur 122. 8-22-11
Stove and Range Repairing.
SELLS m *’ond hand gas sl*»\ns W< sweep
< lumr*ss We take down heaters We
sell wick and wulxless Oil sto\»‘* We sell
•’ ■ it" •• •itg* - Mlaiita pl one
’ Whitehall atiecl. Bell plume
Ma.n 2699. 4 < f
Wanted—Miscelaneous. -
I BUY MEN’S old clothes and shoes.
Drop a card. I. Bock. 32 Bell street.
FURNITURE and household goods, office
fixtures and merchandise of any kind
accepted on consignment. Cash advanced
Pembroke Sales Co . 143 South Prvor St.
Bell phones Main 143 i Main 187. Atlanta
2285. 8-15-12
DROP A CARD Wil) bring cash for old
clothes and shoes. r i he Vestlare. 166
Decatur street. 6-27-42
JVANTED— We pay highest cash prices
on household goods, pianos and office
furniture. Cash advanced on consign
ments. Springer’s Auction House. 25
South Pryor street. Bell phone Main 1526
WE PAY HIGHEST cash prices for house
hold goods, pianos and office furniture
Cash advanced on consignments. Central
Auction Company, 12 East Mitchell
street. Bell phone Main 2424 8-26-26
WE BUY old accounts, notes, judgments
616 Temple Court Bldg. Main 7992.
For Sale Miscellaneous.
FOR SALE —Featherbed and mattress,
cheap for cash. L? D., care Georgian.
FOR SALE—Fixtures and shelving, one
iron safe, four counter show cases, mlr
rors. etc, at 170_l ’eachtrey street. 8-22-34
FOR SALE —Leatherette couch: practi
cally new: exceptional bargain. Phone
Ivy 2002. 44-8 22
FOR SALE —400 oak splint Cotton bas
kets; standard size. J. D. Fuller,
Mountville. Ga. 8-22-29
0 I KNITI'KE cheap; dining room set
complete, quarter sawed oak; round ex
tension table, sideboard, six leather up
holstered chairs, whole or separately;
wicker tea table and wicker chair: large
oak bed. dressing table, folding couch.
Standard sewing machine, lawn mower.
[JJlowell I’laee. West End. 33-8-22
T 11.; 11 -■ GIIAI >E'IC E' t ’ 11E A M CONES.
Nunnally’s ice cream department, Atlanta.
_< la. 1 8 J! 1 -28
FOR SALE—Law books of the late Bur
ton Cloud, also two desks; can be seen
at 62 Ponce DeLeon place 8-21-22
FOR SALE —One good violin; terms to
good party. Box 272. care Georgian.
For SALE <’p,. light <>.ak sideboard with
large mirror; $lO. Ivy 582-L. 8-21-11
FOR SALE —Double walnut wardrobe;
good condition; cheap; leaving city.
M . 175. 8-20-47
FOR SALE—Fine upright piano; sweet
tone; cheap; leaving city. M., 175
FOR SALE—Quick; one small ntule. two
incubators, six Indian Runner ducks,
one bone mill W. J Garner, 250 Marietta
street. 8 - 20 - 30
Amorir-on “ n registers
-cxlllt llt <lll Latest improvements.
Un all ( - >la registers exchanged.
' «01l All sizes; easy terms.
Atlanta Cash Register Co.
IS 34 East Alabama street
h l3 2 47
PO'’E'S SPECIAL Rest dollar watch In
the world sent prepaid, only 86c. Fully
guaranteed to keep correct time two years
ey refunded immediately if you are not
free If it breaks. A more serviceable
watch can not be had at any price. Mon
ey refuneded immediately' if you are not
highly pleased. Order today without fall.
Pope Watch and Diamond Company. 1514
Main street. Dallas. Texas. 6-1-14
AN assortment of chinaware, odds and
ends from our premium stock room, to
be closed out at very low prices. An op
portunity to secure some very beautiful
pieces of china at little expense. Can be
seen at our premium parlor, 20 East Ala
bama street. The Georgian. 7-29-18
WOOD. 7-18-15
National Cash Register.
$35. SSO, S6O. $75. SIOO. $l5O and up to suit
your needs. Terms easy. Liberal ex
change for cash registers in use. Bell
phone Iw 4155, Atlanta 594.
60 North Broad Street. 7-20-52
FOR SALE—S7OO worth Whitfield Medi
cine Co. and Bullard Car Door stock;
| Whitfield stock will pay 10 per cent divi
dend this year. Best cash offer gets It.
Box 143. Austell. Ga. 8-16 G 7
NEW, beautiful rugs woven from your
old carpet, superior to any In service;
plain or designed: any size. Catalogue
free Oriental Rug Company, Baltimore,
Md 8-16-31
move dirt and germs from rugs, carpets.
floors, etc.; vacuum cleaners from $32 50
up; vacuum sweepers, $9.75. C. .1. Daniel
& Co,, 416 Fourth X'at. Bk. Bldg 12-2-11
Life-Time Furniture. Rugs
and Draperies.
Guaranteed Brass Beds $lO up.
National Springs $3.98
Felt Mattress $7.50
Dining Tables . . $11.50 and up
Dining (’hairs $1.98
Sideboards $16.00 and up
If it’s Furniture, we have it,
and at the right price.
Pay for your Furniture while
you use it. “A little at a time.”
Life-Time Furniture, Rugs
and Draperies.
62 Peachtree.
For Friday and Saturday.
Leg of Lamb, whole . ...12 1-2 c
Lamb (’hops 15c
Lamb Stew 10c ami 12 l-2c
Veal Stew 10c
Veal Roast 12 l-2c
Veal Steak 12 l-2c
Pot Roast 10c
Prime Rib Roast. .12 1-2 c and 15c
Spare Rihs 12 1-2 c and 15c
Boiling Beef 7c
Come early ami avoid the rush.
89 Di'catur Street and 150
Marietta St reel.
Furniture For Sale.
WE AHE positively elosiiijr out this stock On account of chansr**
in business a dandy, clean, new stock of Furniture to go at
practically wholesale cost,
FRIDAY. AUGUST 23. 1912.
Want Ad Rates and Rules
in The Atlanta Georgian
Or.e cert a word each Insertion.
No ad taken for less than the price
of ten words. Ads in larger type.
12c a line (4 words to the line).
Out-of-town advert 1 sements
must be accompanied with cash.
Agencies' discounts 10 and 5 per
The Georgian will not be respon
sible for more than one incorrect
insertion of any ad ordered more
than one time.
Closing Hours: To secure prop
er classification, ads must be in
The Georgian office before 1 o’clock
the day of the issue.
All ads must be ordered out In
writing or at office. No discon
tinuance notice taken over phone
Every word in the advertisement,
including the name and address,
is counted. Each initial counts one
word; compound words are counted
as two words.
Telephone your Want Ads tc The
Georgian (both phones 8000) when
it is more convenient to do so. and
collection will be made at your
home or at your office the follow
ing day This is an accommoda
tion service rendered Georgian
Want Ad patrons and payment
should always be promptlv made
on presentation of bill. '.Always
ask that your telephone ad be re
peated back to you by the ad
taker to make sure that it has been
taken correctly. The Georgian can
not guarantee accuracy or assume
responsibility for errors of any kind
occurring in telephone advertise
ADVERTISERS shpttld retain re
ceipts given In payment for Want
Ads over the office counter, as mis
takes can not be rectified without
them. In answering advertise
ments addressed tn care of The
Georgian, if the advertiser requires
references, send a duplicate of
For Exchange—Miscellaneous.
\\ ILL swap one ’’Quick Price and Sign
Marker," containing one set of large
letters and set of large figures, each char
acter is mounted on beaded moulding. f«»r
one setting of White Leghorn eggs or one
bootblack stand. W. H. Welch. Dun
woody. Ga. R-21 -20
MARK W Ti hTnS?>N'si6EIVcVtJl'pANY',
35 South Pryor street, the place to get.
your seeds, onion sets. turnips, kale,
■plnach, mustard, lettuce, crimson clover,
alfalfa, grass and fertilizers. 8-23-3
FOR SALE-, At about one-third of cost
price, a National touring car. late 1911
model, full equipment; mechanically
sound. Address or apply to Owner. 7
Carnegie way. Telephone Ivv 902
__ 8-23-17
FOR SALE—Cheap for cash. 25-horse
power Maxwell. in fine condition.
Owner. Box 201. care Georgian 8-6-19
Bl RETOR work a specialty. We give
careful attention to electric auto and bat
tery work. Hartrarnpf Yarbray Co.
Phone Main 3810. 56 Edgewood avenue,
just below Equitable building 4-22-5
\\ AN FED A second-hand motorcycle;
must be cheap for spot cash. A. H.
Bailey. 35 North Pryor street 8-23-4
FOR SALE-—Cheap, one 4-h. p. Excelsior
motorcycle in good condition. Owner
buying twin. Address Motorcycle, care
'•’■'"Lian 39-8-23
FOUR h. p. Indian heft drtAo motor
cycle. nearly new; owner leaving citv.
Will make price riglit. Address FOB
403 Atlanta National Bank Bldg 36-8-23
Auction Sales.
Decatur street. We buy and sell any
and everything Atlanta phone 2285; Bell
phone Main 1134. Main 187 7-29-20
PEMBROKE Sales Company under new
management; will accept your surplus
stock of any kind on consignments, cash
advanced; settlement on date of sale.
143 S. Pryor st Bell phone Main 1 434,
Main 187, Atlanta phone 2285. 8-6-30
Stock for Purchase Money Notes.
IF YOU HAVE and want tn sell some A-l
purchase money notes and you will con
sider in full oi’ part settlement shares of
stock in a sound corporation that will
pay a 7 per cent dividend at its annual
meeting February next, communicate
with us and Inyestinte. Address Real
Estate, P. O Box 470. Atlanta. 8-22-44
Business Opportunities.
complete outfit for rent,
within three miles of the
center of Atlanta. Capacity
100 tons per day. Address
Box 709, care Georgian.
F«»ll SALE—A profitable butter and egg
business in growing town of 40,000 pop
ulation within fifteen miles of Philadel
phia; present owner going to Florida to
manage his fruit business in that state;
the business, including good will, stpek
and fixtures of the store, butter and egg
routes, horses and wagons can be pur
chased reasonably. For full details, ad
dress Owner 6248 Oxford st.. Philadelphia.
HAVE some lots on Greensferry avenue
near Alexander street and want party
to build houses on same and sell them for
one-halt of the profit. Owner, 419 Stella
street. Tampa. Fla. 31-8-22
FOR HALF Fine established business.
Address S. J. W., care Georgian
FOR SALE -General merchandise busi
ness in good country town. There is
connected lumber, shingle, building ma
! terial. iep, auto garage and meat market,
i Now does $25,000 to $30,000 per year (’an
;be doubled. Will clear $5,000 to $6,000.
I .About $5,000 will handle. Box 143. Aus
tell. Ga 8 19-27
Furniture For Sale