Newspaper Page Text
Big Romp Ends City Playgrounds Season
Kiddies on the Chute at Piedmont
/ \ * Park Play Grounds.
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Special Music to Accompany!
Athletic Contests for Young
sters at Grant Park.
Five hundred children, representing
the nine city playgrounds which close
for the season this afternoon with
the monster playground rally at Grant
park, are expected to participate In the
concluding games. All has been pre
pared and the occasion Is expected to
be the greatest of its kind in Atlanta’s
A special musical program has been
arranged by the city band and num
bers appropriate to the games, of the
children will be rendered.
The games will begin promptly at 3:30
o’clock. First, the nine contingents will
gather around a flag pole and the play
grounds banner will be raised while the
children give their playground yell.
Then in succession will follow the
high jumping contests, the relay race,
in which nine teams will compete: the
broad jumping, the tugs of war, whip
to the right, volley ball, circle dodge
ball and “snail.”
All the souvenirs have been donated
and are ready for distribution. A great
throng of grownups is expected to at
tend. Special cars will be run to the
LONDON. Aug. 23.—A wreath of white
lilies from Emperor William of Germany
was placed today upon the plain oaken
casket containing the body of the late
General William Booth. The German em
peror was a great admirer of the militant
evangelist who introduced military meth
ods In the combat with sin.
Thousands of persons passed before
General Booth’s bier in Congress hall.
Clapton, today. Men and women of the
lowest station mingled with fashionably
dressed mourners. ,
There were few if any evidences of
™™irnine The Salvation Army flag on
the high staff above the building was at
half mast, but the only other evidence
w*s the mass of flowers. Displayed above
•he doorway was a Union Jack and a Ger
man flag intertwined, while upon each
gfde were the mingled United States and
Japanese colors.
The weather was cold and rainy, but
In spite of this hundreds stood in line
waiting to get into the building.
night riders again
LOUISVILLE. KY., Aug 23.—The
night riders who terrorized the greater
part of Kentucky four years ago have
renewed activities in the western part
of the state and in an effort to stop
them before they do harm a court of
Inquiry will be held by authorities in
Trigg county tomorrow.
No violence has occurred so far. but
warnings are being sent tobacco grow
ers telling them to join the tobacco as
sociation if they want to avoid trou
PEORIA. ILL.. Aug. 2 —With faint |
hopes of saving him, relays of men were
working frantically today trying to re
lease J. L. Smith from the bottom of a
, Jlsson beneath the bed of the 1111-
n ,,js river at Pekin, where he has been 1
,mi rlsotied since I o'clock yesterday ,
i,ii. rnoon Smith Ims been chloroform. I
,-d u hil< efforts an being math to r<-
iimv< send which buries, him up to hi.- |
;^&^S™rj)rL *Jif/
TIT,SA. OKLA., Aug. 23.—An im
mense army of grasshoppers descended
on Tulsa, making a noise like hall as
they came crashing against buildings,
The grasshoppers swarmed into the
houses, driving many people out into
the streets. In the streets many per
sons are carrying umbrellas. The
swarm is moving southward.
ANNISTON, ALA\ Aug. 23.—The Ala
bama Farmers' union today elected the
following officers: O. P. Ford, McFall,
president; A. J. Glenn, Ashland, vice pres
ident: T. J. Kennedy. Scottsboro, secre
tary and treasurer; W. H. Newton. Do
than. chaplain; J. H. Densmore, Hart
selle, conductor; MJ. Taylor, doorkeeper;
John Hill. Wilsonville, sergeant at arms'
T. 1,. Harvey, Albertville, lecturer.
135 The Real Department Store «
| Economy Basement:
Meil S SI.OO The "Bee Hive" of the "Big Store" Men S SI.OO Lillion Rd
S Shirts Satur SATURDAY MORNING SALE Suits for 89c J
-J® i t ir "Bigr lot of Men's
!! day for 75c * Inion Suits, made
S®* ftk /H * I ■ * ■ R Ano quality
25 dozen Men's Ib/I i B T I checked mad-
Shirts the most IV -M- MJ. MM M MJ~ wr a knee length gw-'"!
desirable pat- a,I, J "le et e less
terns, all colors - - anf | shou ] de rs . J
and sizes. These 1 rimmed and Untrimmed Regular $1 value
esj Shirts are all »■-<■
new. fresh, clean Hats Parctically Given Away 89c S
stock, made of an -
"jZ extra good qual- Choice of any trimmed or un- , JG?
£ ’Xc°a f leT adra ße a gu d trimmed Hat in stock for lOe. La< * ,es Pure S
'(M hr Shirts. Among the lot yon will find Chil- Silk Hose Jr
3" Come in tomor- dren’s Trimmed Hats, also La- nm.hi.. f..h
2? row morning and «• , rn • ■ r, ■ i .. j f ’
2? buv at least six (l,es I rimmed or Untrimmed fashioned, garter
Tomorrow morn- Hats, in Milan hemps and white J o ’’*'
mg, only, each— canvas sailors. These Hats sold tan. Regular 39c Su
nw |nmf anl from 98c to $3.98. All on one big value, tomorrow JC
,bargain table for quick |A morning. onL
M clearance, Saturday morn- IIIP nn
big only, choice each IVV O*zC
* H 3 * Braid lA r • •
£ ,or Sj
Francisco holdup men continue to in
vent new stunts for their victims. A
few weeks ago the command of “Down
on your belly” supplemented the com
mon salutation of "Hands up."
’’Stand on your head” is the latest.
It the quaking victim demonstrates that
his gymnastic education has been neg
lected, he is cheerfully assisted, shaker,
until his pockets have yielded the price
of eats, drinks and ear fare, and spun
rapidly on his bald spot while the gun
men make their “get away.”
Aiderman J. W. Maddox, of the Fifth
ward, ordered by the police department
of Atlanta to cease work with a steam
shovel at Forsyth and Luckie streets,
today figuratively told the police de
partment to mind its own business.
At the same time the aiderman de
clared that before he would obey the
mandate of the chief of police he would
•arry the fight through even court in
The clash between city law maker
and city law enforcer came when the
owners of the Elkin-Goldsmith sanita
rium complained that their patients
were being greatly disturbed by the
noise of a steam shovel being used on
grading work at Forsyth and Luckie
streets, where the Hirsch-Spltz building
is being erected.
Aiderman Maddox is the contractor
who has charge of this work. The hos
pital people charged that the shovel had
already been on the place an unneces
sarily long time, and was not only hav
ing an Injurious effect on their pa
tients. but was also luirting their busi
Three dais ago Chief Beavers sent
word to the alderman that the shovel
would "have to be removed by 4 o'clock
yesterday afternoon. At that hour the
shovel was shoveling away as busily as
Charges of failing to'obey orders to
aba'e a nuisance were filed against the
alderman-contractor. The contractor
was served with copies of the charges,
but he didn't stop work.
LEXINGTON, KY.. Aug. 23.—Misses
Lois and Louise Schatzman, twin sis
ters weighing 350 pounds each, have
been brought to a local asylum and are
attracting wide attention throughout
Kentucky. The twins became insane
at the same time, apparently in the
same manner. They talk exactly alike.
WASHINGTON. Aug'. 23. —President
Taft signed the legislative bill this aft
ernoon. This makes available the fund
for the payment of salaries of thou
sands of government employees which
has been held up pending the passage
and signing of the bill.
Saturday at Bass’
Clearance Sales—Great Bargains
Store Open Saturday Night Until 10 o’clock
Extra Bargains On Sale From One to Ten P. M.
Another Great Dress Sale
Ot all the bargains in dresses we have offered this season those to be included
in tomorrow’s sale are the greatest. Three hundred beautiful new voiles and
marquisettes, elaborately lace-trimmed and embroidered; dainty lingerie effects,
all-over embroidered or trimmed with fine laces. Also a few A ft A
foulard and taffeta silk dresses. All brand new models and % < U U
made to retail up to $15.00. Choice in this (giLtJO
sale only y vi w v
200 Sample Dresses, of linene and other good wash fabrics in «g Est
white and solid colors, stripes, checks and fancies; real $5.00 j «wv
and $6.00 values
Specials in Skirts and Waists
250 new white Skirts, lin
ens, piques and reps; very
best models, worth up to
$3.50; choice, only
Other Big Values in Ready-to-Wear /
Ladies’ Drawers and Corset
Covers, prettilv trimmed; up
to 1 50 c ‘l9c
values I V v
Ladies’ Gowns and Skirts, real
values SI.OO ami $1.50;
this sale, only "?vG
Gowns, Skirts, Combination
Suits and Princess Slips; up to
s3 ; sb - Qftr
values vvw
Ladies' Lisle-finished Vests
with silk-taped neck Oa
and arm holes Ot*
Children's Rompers of good,
durable wash fabrics; in 4
this sale, only I wv
See These Big Saturday Bargains
( Special big center table of Ladies'Bells, Ladies'and Men's )
K n ’ Garters. Barrettes, Ivory Fans with Chains, Brooches, Bar Pins. ' t ft
[jj , Beauty Pins. Men’s and Ladies' Ties, Hand Bags, Hair Brushes j y W M-1B
( and other articles worth up to $1 .(X)—all at 25c for choice. ) /
Ladies’ and Men’s Furnishings /
Ladies' Leather Hand Bags,
handsome styles; up to J| Q
$1.50 values; only■Fw*'
R. & G. make Corsets, in new
Fall’models ; this A Q_
sale, only "ffv**
Long Black Silk Gloves on sale
tomorrow only at.
per pair w w’*
16-button length Silk Lisle
Gloves; black, white y|
and colors; only
Great Special Sale of Domestics
5‘ Tomorrow we will sell yard-wide soft-finished Bleaching, yard- )
/ wide Bleached Cambric (like Lonsdale), standard Ginghams, new \
Fall Outings. White Lawn and Checked Nainsook—all at 5c a yard. )
Other Domestic Bargains Saturday
Fine soft English Eongcloth in this
Yard-wide Percale in new fall pat-
terns; tomorrow, ”71
per yard ■ 1-fcC
See These in Furniture Department
Best Floor Oilcloth in new patterns;
verv special. 1 Qf*
per yard 1
Best No. 1 Floor Linoleums in
standard designs, this
sale, per yard
We Give Q ® 18 West
reen Kd? Jox < Mitchell,
Trading h Near
Stamps w W. Whitehall
100 dozen Lingerie
Waists, white Linen
Shirts and China Silk
Waists, worth up to $4;
all at, choice
Children's Dresses of white
lawn, colored zephyrs, etc.; 6
to 15 years; QE»
$2.00 values vvC
Children's Dresses of good
wash fabrics ; sizes for OK/*
ages 2 to 6 years .f. . . favw
Ladies’ Long Crepe Kimonos,
with Persian satin QQ/*
borders; special vOC
One lot of Slwrt Kimonos of
fancy wash 7/*
fabrics; choice f C
Ladies’ Black Mercerized Petti
coats. worth up to
$1.50; this sale wvC
Ladies’ Silk Hose in black atid
colors; 50c grade; in 4
this sale I v**
Ladies’ Silk Hose, in black,
white and colors; 75c
and SI.OO grade vw*'
Children’s and Infants’ Silk
Socks, white and tan; 4Q
extra special I w’""
Ladies' All-Linen Handker
chiefs with embroid-
ered initials w*-’
Full double bed size Bleached
Hemmed Sheets, O
thls sale 0 57G
Good size, well made Bleached Pil
low Cases; verv f*
Good Linen Window Shades on
Hartshorn pattern rollers; 1
this sale • 57C
9x12-foot Matting Art Squares in
good designs. OO
this sale OX
New Fall Skirts of
serges, voiles and novelty
skirtings; splendid de- ,
signs; values up
$12.50; choice ' y
New Fall styles in Velvet aizd
Felt Hats; up to ri* 4 QA
$5.00 values4l I
j New White Felt Hats, very
fashionable for g
: real $4.00 values . I awU
! Ratine Hats, all white or in
| combination color Q©/*
effects; choice vwv i
Ladies' Fancy Parasols in many I
pretty styles; up to gQ
$2.00 values 03©
Lot of Children's Fancy Para
sols will he closed 1 ft/*
' out at, choice I VIC,/
Ladies’ patent leather/ and
fancy Belts; real >4
25c values; only
Ladies' Hair Switches/of real
human hair; up
to $5.00 values; choheewV’*
Men’s Lisle, PorousiKnit and
Balbriggan Under- 4
wear; garment I
Men's Silk Hose, real SI.OO
quality; in this OQ«
sale at. pair w*J**
22-inch Antiseptic Cotton Diaper
Cloth; special, Tin
per bolt
New Draperies. Scrims and Curtain
Swisses; all at.
per yard IUC
Sample Lace Curtains; wort# up to
33.00; all at. AQzs
perpair J. OOC
27x54-inch Axminster Rugs in good