Newspaper Page Text
Published by The Georgian Company,
20 East Alabama Street,
Atlanta. Ga.
fcntered at Atlanta postoffice as second
class matter
Subscriptions Payable in Advance
One year. mall, postage prepaid. $5 00
Rix months, mall, postage prepaid. 2.50
Three months, mail, postage prepaid, 1.26
One month, mail, postage prepaid. 45
Subscriptions Payable In Advance
Delivered by carrier, one yearss.2o i
Delivered by carrier, six months .. 2.60 I
Delivered by carrier, three months . 1.30 I
Delivered by carrier, one month . . .45 |
Delivered by carrier in Atlanta and
other cities, one week 10c .
Want Ad Rates and Rules
in The Atlanta Georgian
One cent a word each Insertion.
No ad taken for less than the price
of ten words Ads in larger type.
12c a line <4 words to the line).
Out-of-town advert! sements
must be accompanied with cash.
Agencies' discounts 10 and 5 per
The Georgian will not be respon
sible for more than one Incorrect
Insertion of any ad ordered more
than one time
Closing Hours: To secure prop
er classification, ads must be In
The Georgian office before 1 o'clock
the day of the issue.
All ads must be ordered out 1n
writing or st office No discon
tinuance notice taken over phone
Every word In the advertisement,
Including the name and address,
Is counted. Each initial counts one
word; compound words are counted
I as two words.
Telephone your Want Ads to The
Georgian (both phones 8000) when
It Is more convenient to do so, and
I collection will be made at your
heme or at yotrr office the follow
ing day This Is an accommoda
tion service rendered Georgian
Want Ad patrons and payment
i should always be promptly made
on presentation of bill. Alwavs
J ask that your telephone ad be re
peated back to you by the. ad
taker to make sure, that It has been
taken correctly. The Georgian can
not guarantee accuracy or assume
responsibility for errors of any kind
occurring In telephone advertise
I ADVERTISERS should retain re
ceipts given In payment for Want
Ads over the office counter, as mis
takes can not be rectified without
them In answering advertise
ments addressed In care of The
Georgian, If the advertiser requires
references, send a duplicate of
Help Wanted—Female.
WANTED -A girl for niir«e and general
housework, must be clean and pleas
yyt 25 Porter place, Apt 3 !• ; i
IflSbOK wanted at 1064 DeKalb ave.;••
irtay on premises. u:: s
’{wANTED First-class cook, male nr f»
inale, for small family. References re-
<px n
fit rd. middle-aged woman. Mrs. S , 32-1
K. • • •
<■ I’ED g< ■■ xi servant, one that - in
a »rk and clean up well 401 E North
IRS r CLASS cook <n private Boarding
b»»use, .ils<> maid for general work ('all
31 East .North avenun 9-3-18
W 5 x 1 i
t’iy to Mrs Charles A. Smith, Druid
* Huis corner Moreland and St Charles
I aw 11 ues, 9-3-17
Miss I. LoVE, 210 West Peachtree st.,
E • . ’ ■
I 1 ’<*« l _ 12- -3
| Sff \i . -,
find do housework (’all Apt. 308. 136
I it
ir.i NTED Kmart gdrl for housework fori
' linrt of day 50 Wabash avenue, near
’ Jgrth Booh vard
V'A'Tilb \t ..nee, young lad'. to learn
, kodak finishing; pleasant work and good
‘lature. Must bo 'eflned and industrious
Ag'ply In person, G W Romer. Romer’i
■yoto laboratory. 12" Grant street ' .’< 9
WANTED At once, neat colored girl for
housework. 216 Capitol avenue 9: I I
S' a N'ri: t' •! \ ppij
to Fox. Frederick apartment Whit.
Ball el 9-3 18
p?AS"iT.i' Vn experienced seatnstresi
. and young ladles to work In assorting
I room Excelsior Laundry. 40-12 Wau
j atreet 9-3-2
I WaNTEP Colored woman to cook and
; one to nurse Must have references
I 160 Cypress street r; 9-2
I WANTED A reliable cook; single ire
! ferred; room on lot and good wages;
(reference required Apply 32r> Washing .
ton st '.l-2 |
NT*ED if ,a<4y" iiTenographer~niust b,
good at figure*; one to help with
work; state salary expected;
Address Box 7, Cartersville. Ga ■ .
■WANTED A nurse to sta. on Fol \i
ply 26 west Mitchell 9 J ~,
WANTED Cook. Call jy“y 30~ 92 7
Wanted Good cook nt 91 Fast’Ltmiei.
street. 33-9-2
WANTED Colored woman for cook. Ap
piy 118 Copenhill avenue. 31 s >
WANTEI I Experienced salesladies; ab
solutely new prop. .-Ition; good pa' Ap
ply 303 Temple Court Bldg 98-8-31
WANTEI' Lady la "l.keeper I'.lyea
Austell Company 8-29-55
Help Wanted—Male.
WANTEI A colored man cook at once
309 I !■ .m ■ 9 3
EXPERT operator, crown and bridge
man, must have had years of expert
ence; fine salary Atlanta Dental Parlors.
Peachtree st 9-3-39
TRAVELING cigar salesman wanted “for
north Georgia territory Applv Camp
kin Importing Company, Fort Gaines. Ga
sending reference and experience Salary
or commission ■>.»
YOUNG MAN who Is steady~and' aecit
rate In figures for billing clerk Would
prefer him to have some knowledge of
typewriting Apply Troy latundrv. 210
Houston street 9-8-33
FIRST-CLAPS carpenters wanted? 35c? an
hour, Wednesday. 18 Trinity ave
Bi »Y. 16 to 18 years old. one that~has~had
experience spreading cloth on cutting
table preferred. Enterprise Mfg Co, 36
West Alabama st. (top floor) 9-3-24
WANTED Registered pharmacist; young
man; unmarried, with push, ability and
experience. East Highland Pharmacy.
Columbus, Ga 8-31-24
IVANTEI I Tmntist state experience and
salary to commence. R. M Irwin. Mont
gomery, Ala. 51-9 8
WANTED—A first-class butler who can
milk. Apply No. 621 Empire Bldg
WANTED At once, a colored fireman
Pattlllo Lumlier Conipany 9-3 - tl
WANTED A few good carpenters L ■
side work. Apply corner Cone ami Wai
ton streets: upstairs 9-3-12
W ANTED Uj dmlsterers“am i ~tmys ~to
work on gad boards. Southern t’phol
sterlrig Company, corm r Jefferson and
I .'•■■■ s' I eel s 9-3-11
wvxti;d Delivery boy with blcyclt
Apply The Shoe Renury. 78 North
Broad street. 9-3-3
WANTED- An office hoyT - Must"be" 1y e
ly 117 South I'■ ” street L2«22
Wanted Stead) wide-awalce man to
wait on customers, handle cash, etc Pay
$25 a week. Experience not m»<
S3OO cash required (’all IVU Marie'ta
street •_ room 1 28-9-2
BLACKSMITH WA'TE! ! • general
rep nt simp; some horseshoeing must
be aE-roun good man whih shop
Mug.- *-'l3O Mhanv Blacksmith (’.• . \l
| bauy, Ga. 3b-8-31
Help Wanted—Made.
WANTED Men to learn barber trade.
Light, clean work. An army of our
graduates now running shops Be one of
them Wages while learning Tools
given. Call or write Moler Barber College.
38 Luckle street. 31-8-31
AVANTED- Young men to learn pharm
acy this fall. Demand for our gradu
ates exceeds supply. Next session begins
October 1. Southern College of Pharmacy,
81 T.uckif street. Atlanta. Ga 3-1-1
WAN T E D—B ri gl 11, strong
boys to deliver routes in
, afternoons. Good waffes
I and chance for promotion,
i Call at circulation depart
ment The Atlanta Georgian.
20 East Alabama street.
'CARPENTERS—Competent m»n furnish
ed or. short mtlce for all classes of car
penter work. ,Tl;n Stephenson. 226 Brown-
P.andolph Bldg Phone: Main 4251, At-
lanta 2332. 7-2-5
WANTED Ideas Inventors write for
list of inventions wanted and prizes of
fered by manufacturers. Also, how to get
your patent Sent free to any address
Randolph &■ Briscoe, patent attorneys,
Washington, D. C 7-11-23 I
STOP at Hilburn hotel, heart of city, 10%
Walton street, if you want a clean, quiet
room; transient 50c. Open al! night
YES, Professor G O Branding will teach
you the barber trade (It’s easy) We
teach In one half time of other colleges
Course. and in our shops
only S3O Why pay more? Thousands of
our graduates running shops or making
good wages Atlanta Barber College, 10
East Mitchell street 5-11-17
FREE MASSAGE, hair cuts, shaves,
shampoos All barber work free. Clean
linen Atlanta Barber College, 10 East
Help Wanted—Male and Female.
SETTLED COT'PLE, without children, to
cook, milk, clean house anti look after
premises. Nice house on lot, gas and
bath. Apply 606 West Poachtree. 50-9-3
w \ V'l’L-’TI ADDRESSES of ail who
tviv i itl/wlsh to know why thev
stammer and how to quit. The Fon-Lln
Institute, 2516 Indiana ave.. Chicago. 11l
lating. voicing and repairing. Hell
phone Main 2254-L East Atlanta Drop
a postal. I will call 8-19-24
Salesmen Wanted.
WANTED Ambitious salesmen to sell
Scarborough’s surveys; we pay big
coinmlsflons and give sure guarantee.
Address Scarborough. P. O. Box 160. care
< leorglan. 39-9-2
fT< »CK s ' WANtaD—Our
pr<q>osillon will make you money. Good
; litit up .i .-ured. Address the Mid-West
. ••cut iie.' I'omiutny, 1012 Hartford build
ing. Chicago, 111, 45-9-2
Agents Wanted,
\\ t-’ix hoiiso -to ■ house salesmen.
Hig ss‘lh r Good efunndssion (’all 5
6 p m '2O Iklgewood avenue. 27-9-3
Situations Wanted—Female
COMPETENT white nurse with tra ning
desires poaitlon as nurse or maid ex
cellent references, (’all Mary, Ivv 5356
expei enced corset wom&n wlahe a
position with reliable firm; best of ref
erences. Address (’orsctlere. care < leor-
RjrL’J... 57-9-3
WANTED Position bs \<»ung ku!
nographer who is willing to work and
hat had fifteen months' experience (’all
AiiHiii.'i Phone 5204 »;o 9-3
A It! I’I.XED lady, with one year's
Hence in drug store, wishes position at
• •nc‘*. Aildress Position, c4tre Georgian.
witl '■ 11 ■- exp< Hence
in suit and ready-to-wear department,
wishes position at once. Address I, G ,
org n
i'XPERIEN(?ED stenographer, with ref
erences, wants position, (’an use dir
tophone and run mimeograph machine
Salai\ $:»(• \ddress Box 775, care (Jeor-
28 9-3
YOl NG LADY witi experience .<• typist,
who knows something about bookkeep
ing wants •(■> make a change Dlssatts
tied with present position (’an give ref
erences. Address D. M , care Georgian.
•' ' ERAL house w ork. w hit< mother
with babe; desire position in country.
B'>\ 161. care Georgian. 78-S-31
I ’()SITI(>N by weTl ed,icuted“sTeno’l
keeper with general office experience;
rapid, accurate and experienced; refer
ences Address Miss M I'., Box 33, care
Georgian 109-8-31
Needle Work.
' MBROIDERY, designing, fine sewing
and darning 13 Baltimore place Ivv
’ ’’«B 8-28-8
Situations Wanted—Male
Colored Girl wants job as maid. Ap
ply 187 Fort street. 61*9-3
1 HA\ Ea good contract for two or three
reliable men to bundle fruit and pro
duce to retail merchants only. Apply
with good references to E. L. I’lorenee. 130
1 ’ 1 1 ‘"Ots streel. 65-9-3
ITiIXTEIt wauls situation In country or
city office. Address Economy, Box 31,
care Georgian. 54-9-31
'* l ’ 1 NG M vN. aged 24, with good educa
tion; perfect habits, and two rears ex
pel ience in business, desires position. Can
furnish good references and must have
some kind of work at once E. G 8., 166 V
I’em h tree street, city. 38-9-3
WANTED By a young man position as
bookkeeper or assistant bookkeeper;
reference furnished Box 733, care Geor-
Klat> 41-9-3
WANTEI’ I I’.'sitlon In wholesale or pack
ing house, am willing to work and can
furnish best references Box 730, <are
. e. : 34-9-3
COMPETENT bookkeeper desires em
ployment part of time Either morn
ings or afternoon* Excellent references.
Box 5.'i7. Hapeville, Ga 39-9-3
I'l'.ltTil.l/'.l :i; v\\ wants ~{position this
season. J A Austin. Kirkwood. Ga
M IX'I’I D U... I as eliaiitTeur; had
three years experience, have best of
I references \ddr< ss \llen McLeod 151
1 Spring street 34-9-2
WANTED Position at once l>\ srigKL
Industrious boy of 16. with experience;
best references given; work with good
firm desired C. H.. Box 100. care Geor-
Rian. or Main 5459-. I 96-8-31
) DI NG MAN wh<. holds responsible pii
sltion yvants work for evenings. 8 to 11.
Has broad business experience and am
capable of doing real work Address lUx
472, care Georgian 25-8-31
IhtSITRIN wantisl by fully experienced
office inan; business correspondence,
, ollecttons, etc , progressive, capable, en
, erm lie. satisfactory references Box 414.
care Georgian . .. 8 2f
Job Work.
WE CAN SAVE you money on repair
work, shelving, tables and counters We
; make them o . r,.. r Ho. f repairing, brick
work. w« ting, painting and plaater
i.g i'.2V S i'orsyth street Bell 1187;
\tlanta 6687-M
Stove and Range Repairing.
i S . I .LS s. ~. i. pa ml ga s st,.\,s w. sweep
himt:. \s W, lal.e down I.eaters We
.-•di yy wu-kb ss .11 Steves We sell
gasoilni- ■■ ■ o - md rang. - Atlanta phone
-1 Whitehall street. Bell phone
Main 2699. 4-4-7
Twenty Tickets Each Day to
the Forsyth Theater for Those
Who Write the Best Want Ads
Did you ever try to write a Want Ad?
Then why not try your skill at writing them and get a couple
of tickets each week to the Forsyth theater at the expense of the
Want Ad man.
Here is how you can secure free tickets to the Forsyth:
Read over the Want Ads on these pages. You plainly see
that some of them read better than others. Now you know that
you can write better ones than these, can't, you? Get a couple of
pieces of paper and scribble off a few. You will find that the more
you write of them the better you will get.
For the ten best written ones each day the Want Ad man will
give a couple of tickets to the Forsyjh Theater. He will judge the
Ads and give the tickets to the ones that have written the best.
There appear among the Want Ads in this issue the names of
the ten lucky people that have secured tickets for tomorrow
night’s performance. Your name will appear in this style.
Get in the swim this very day with the jolly throng that are
writing Ads. Your skill will surely get you one of the pairs of
tickets that are being given away each day.
Ads will be taken up until 1 o’clock each day.
The winners’ names will appear in the next day’s issue
among the Want Ads, and all you will have to do is to find your
name, bring your Want Ad receipt and that issue of the paper to
The Georgian Want Ad counter (so that you may be identified)
no later than four (4) o’clock the next day, and get. your tickets
to that night’s performance. Remember they will come in pairs
so that you can enjoy the show with a friend.
Don't wait, start today, and try your skill at writing Want
Ads, and win some of the tickets to the Forsyth theater that are
waiting for you.
Boarders Wanted.
WEST END family have nice room and
board for couple without children; room
for gentleman. Phone West 568-. J.
139 “WEST PEACHTREE has changed
hands; open for congenial boarders;
large front room with private ball: and
dressing room; day boarders wanted;
meals $5 per week. CallGvy 5551. 9-2-25
KCELLENT table board at 79 E. Mer
rlttn ave. 9-2-23
THOSE desiring to take Tech students
as boarders kindly notify the office at
once, as the list is now being compiled.
LARGE, delightful room; private bath;
steam beat; good location; best table.
241 West Peachtree. Ivy 1959-L. 37-9-2
WANTED Boarders; large room with
small room and board. 513 Peachtree
st._ Frt? 1
NICE rooms and board for couple or
three young gentlemen. 647 Peachtree.
Ivy 6634 _2_ 8-31-15
ROOMS and board; also table board;
north side. Ivj 2423-J. 8 29-_sl
Just Off Peachtree
SELECT rooms with or without board;
reasonable 19 W (’<<iti 8-29-48
NICE ROOM and board in exchange for
diamond, motorcycle, piano or type-
I writer. Small cash payment. Piano, Box
10. care Georgian, 8-17-30
BOARDERS ami tnealers wanted at 20
East Ellis. 8-28-2
MR. HARPMAN, IHVfc Marietta streeT
September 3.
DELIGHTFI’L front room, closet; well
prepared meals; in pleasant home; table
board a speeialtj. 26 E. Caln. 53-8-27
'riJ’.i'T boarding at 16 East Baker, un
der new management; cleanliness our
motto; inspection invlte<l; the best table
in the city at moderate prices; rooms
with private bath Ivy 2666-. I . 8-27-42
ATE AT, cool rooms and homelike rook
ing 173 Luckie street. Atlanta phone
2437. 5-22-38
$1 50 to $2.50 day; $7.00 to $12.50 weekly;
American plan, 50c to $1.50 day; $3.00
to $7.00 weekly European. References
exchanged 8-1 3-86
ii-' you appreciate cieanOness try us, $4
to $6 week. 123 Capitol avenue. $-10-7
Board Wanted.
JEWlsil* B>>ARDMVANTED^-T’wo"young
men desire room and meals with a
.Jewish family. References. Address P.
O. Box 775 37-9-3
Lost and Found.
a VERY fine stock bull worth SSOO. will
sell for !?100, also several cows and heif
ers. Call Ivy 2850.66-9-3
LOST Near Houston and Pryor streets,
black and white bob-tail fox terrier
bitch, with \' in forehead. Return to 15
I Houston, or call Atlanta phone 4337 anti
receive reward. 9-3-28
LOS'!'- W hite ami yellow spotted (log.
iilir.d tn one eye. Answers to name
of Trixie Reward if returned to L. Da
vid son, 341 East Fair street. 33-9 - 3
LOST In Grant park, Labor day, ladies'
white imitation leather handbag, con
taining keys, about $1 40 change. Finder
keep money, but please return keys to
29 West Harris Street. ! -3-5
Lost \* Terminal station or on South
ern train No. 11, Saturday night, ladies’
leather suit case, initials on end W. L.
C.; has blue label of Inside Inn partly
torn off, pasted near handle. Reward for
its return to \V. F. Crusselle, Consti
tution office. 32-9-3
MRS AND I. NANCE, 442 Peachtree
street, September 3. 9-3-42
LOST - Gold wlrt society badge, design,
harp, cross, arch, plumes, star; “Henry
Harris'' engraved on back Reward by
Mrs. Henry Harris. College Park. Ga.
LOST Plano coupon book In account
with the Wester Music Company. Name
Katherine L. W Finder please return to
715 Atlanta National Bank building
ARE you desirous of making acquaint
ance, through correspondence, with lady
or gentleman, matrimonially inclined,’
Send 20c postage. Correspondence Ex
chungc. Baltimore. M<l. 9-3-19
LADIES Ask your druggist so- Chichts
ters Fills, the Diamond brand; for 25
'cars known us best, safest, always relia
ble. buy of your druggist. ”iue no other
Chichesters Diamond Biand .’ills are sold
■ 1 ki st - ever)«here. 5-2-1
)' t il' ’t;s. WRITERS: Let us secure
your copyrights, print and place your
books on the market Morton I’ublts'hing
Company. Dept. ATG. Morton buildliig.
New Y ork7 -11-26
ANNIE WILLIAMS, 189 West Peachtree
st., September 3. 9-3-42
Si'IIKEXS WotKl fly’screens, metal fly
screens, hardwood floors. Venetian blinds,
metal weather strips furnished anywhere
tn the South Write or phone W R. Cal
laway. manager. 1403 Fourth National
Bank Building. Atlanta, Ga Main 5310
SERIOI S RESULTS come from trusses
improperly fitted John B. Daniel, at 34
Wall street, has an expert fitter and it
will cost you no more to have him fit
you. and it means insurance 6-24-19
MA’ 1E R NIT Y s“\NiTARIUM Private,
refined, homelike; limited number of
totients cared for home provided for In
fants: infants for adoption. Mrs. M T.
Mitchell. 26 Windsor st 6-22-12
• PSI <' l RED R Iteves shortness of
brciuh in 36 to 48 hours. Reduces swell
ing in 15 to 20 days Write for particu
| lars Collom Dropsy Remedy Company.
512 Austell Building. Atlanta. 6 31-11
DR. EDMONDSON'S Tansy, Pennyroyal
and Cotton Root Pills, a safe and re
liable treatment for painful and sup
pressed menstruation, irregularities and
similar obstructions. Trial box by mail,
60c. Frank Edmondson & -,r0., manufac
turing chemists. 14 South Broad street.
Atlanta, Ga. 2-17-14
SPIRITUAL MEDIUM, clairvoyant and
palmist Parlors, 74 Walton street. La
dies' maid in attendance. 8-6-7
REVEALS PAST, present and future.
Can be consulted on all affairs of life.
Readings 25c, 50c. 17 East Mitchell streei
(in tent),
IS NOW LOCATED 1n tent, corner For
syth and Luckie; can be consulted on
all affairs of life. Charges moderate.
Satisfaction guaranteed. 6-25-13
For Sale Miscellaneous.
FOR SALE- Heavy 3 in i refrigerator:
600 pounds capacity; oak finish; zinc
shelves: zinc lined; price very cheap.
I ’li'iiir Ivy 19. 9-3-43
EXCHANGE-—Grand square piano for - a
violin. Box 42 9-3-34
S2OO CASH buys two 36-foot boxball al
leys in almost perfect condition. R W.
Singleton, oxford, Ala. 49-9-3
DRAWINGS, tracings. sketches. blue
prints, patent drawings. W. F. Osborne
380 Spring street. Phone Ivv 1139-.1.
One Price. No Commission
LET us make you an estimate on
your work. 01<l pianos made
new again at moderate prices.
The only complete piano shop in
the city.
Cleveland-Manning Piano
SO N. Pryor Street.
Bell Phone Ivy 2240.
MBS. F \V BATES. .'Ol West Peachtree
street, September 3. 9-3-42
and large home safes. sls: Hall’s bank
and fire- roof safes, vault doors, etc. C.
J Daniel. 416 Fourth National Bank Bldg
FOR SALE—An X-Ray Coil with Kalei
doscope and two tubes. Portable bat
tery. Mil-Ammeter and Rheostat; also
Ear Telephone for the deaf. Less than
ludf yriee_ Main .'H93-J. 8-31-23
FOR SALE —Good upright Estev piano;
practically new. Call Ivy 4314-J.
FOR SALE —One Indian motorcycle, good
running order; $65. One covered bug
gy. $35. 11l Capitol avenue. 29 9-2
FOR SALE -One steam cooker and one
refrigerator; almost pew. Ivv 3706-J
FOR SALE Fixtures and shelving, one
iron safe, four counter show cases, mir
rors. etc., at 170 Peachtree street 8-22-2.4
Nunnally's ice cream department, Atlanta.
Ga 18-21-28
"K registers everything.”
-.nut i .tn Latest improvements.
Did registers exchanged.
V <<■ H All sizes; easy terms.
TJarricitnyc Atlanta Cash Register Co.
glßlf lb 34 East Alabama street
WOOD. 7-18-15
National Cash Register.
$35. SSO, S6O, $75. SIOO. $l5O and up to suit
your needs Terms easy. Liberal ex
change for cash registers in use. Bell
phone Ivv 4155, Atlanta 594
60 North Brond Street 7-20-52
NEW. beautiful rugs woven from your
old carpet, superior to any in service;
ulain or designed; any size. Catalogue
free. Oriental Rug Company, Baltimore.
Md. 8-16-31
■ ■»■■■.' ;
Sevang Machines.
WE RENT new machines, with complete
set of attachments for $2 peg month;
also machines repaired; prompt delivery.
Both phones 1893 Singer Sewing Mi
chine Company, 79 Whitehall. 9-14-44
Auction Sales.
noon, September 4, at
2:30, we will offer to the
highest bidder several con
signments, consisting of,
mahogany dresser, wash
stand, antique walnut suit,
solid mahogany parlor fur
niture. mission buffet, din
ing roo msuit, morris chairs,
chiffoniers, extra fine
dressing table, combination
bookease, wardrobe, iron
beds, wishbone and box
springs, mattresses, art
squares, library table,
chairs, rockers, refrigera
tors, gas stoves, heaters,
beautiful portieres, pictures,
leather couch. In fact,
everything to go in a home.
Sale starts promptlv at
Springer’s Auction House.
25 South Pryor Street.
PA wn - brokLt:s AUCTION HOUSE, 51
Decatur street. We buy and sell any
and everything Atlanta nhone 2285; Beil
phone Main 1434, Main 1877-29-20
PEMBROKE Sales Company under new
management; will accept your surplus
stock of any kind on consignments; cash
advanced: settlement on date of sale.
143 S. Pryor st. Bell phone Main 1434.!
Main 187; Atlanta phone 2285. 8-6-30
I WILL BUY small stock of groceries or
any kind of retail business; will pay
cash. What have you? Box 735, care
Georgi an,55 - 9 - 3
I BUY MEN'S old clothes and shoes.
Drop a card. I. Bock, 32 Bell street.
FURNITURE and household goods, office
fixtures and merchandise of any kind
accepted on consignment. Cash advanced
Pembroke Sales Co.. 143 South Pryor St.
Bell phones Main 1434 Main 187, Atlanta
2285, L'li'l 2
DROP A CARD—WiIt bring cash for old
clothes and shoes, 'i he Vestiare. 166
Decatur street. 6-27-42
WANTED—We pay highest cash prices
on household goods, pianos and office
furniture Cash advanced on consign
ments. Springer’s Auction House, 25
South Pryor street. Bell phone Main 1526.
WE PAY HIGHEST cash prices for house
hold goods, pianos and office furniture.
Cash advanced on consignments. Central
Auction Company, 12 East Mitchell
street. Bell phone Main 2424. 8-26-26
FOIt S7\LETT 'eap'for'c C\SH Th irty7
horsepower Maxwell 5-passenger; fine
condition. Address P. O. Box 150, Yates
villo, Ga.
WILL' TRADE SI,BOO demonstrating tour
ing car, fully equipped, for vacant lots.
Fine appearing and serviceable car. Ad
dress S. t Box J7oo._care Georgian. 9-2-28
EOR SALE 1911 Flanders 20, four-pas
senger; rear seat detachable. Will sell
cheap for rash or will trade for vacant
lot. (’all Ivy 3501 or Main 5495. 8-31-11
Monuments and Stone Work.
All kinds stone work.
17-19 Fraser street. Phone Main 3540.
Trunks, Bags and Suitcases.
ROUNT REE'S 77 Seet all
PHONES: Bell Main 1576, Atlanta 1654.
' • " « ————————— l
Window Cleaning.
National Window Cleaners
Dwellings or Store Fronts; Carpets Vacu
um Cleaned. Floors Oiled or Waxed.
All Work Guaranteed.
47 E. Hunter St. Main 1175, Atlanta
Phone 1051. 7-5-24
Business Opportunities.
SMALL market for sale, $25 cash pay
ment; balance arranged to suit. 70
Houston street. 9-2-27
\VA NTED As partner, to buy half inter
est in new patented railroad device
which will in near future be used on all
railroads in this country. Will sell half
interest cheap to get company
May be a fortune for some one. Don’t
answer if you don’t mean business, u. 0.,
Box 100, cure Georgian, 8-2!*-*6
GOOD opening for dentist in good-sized?
growing middle Georgia town. Good
dentist can get plenty of work. Write
“Dentist,'' care Georgian. 8-28-23
I >RUG ST(‘RE in one of the best subur
ban locations of the city. Sub-station
postoffice in the store. Owner going into
other business reason for selling. M. O.
C., care Georgian. 8-28-4
Legal Notices.
I NOTICE TO !>EBTo7(s - A'NlV"<?RE"Di'l~
All creditors of the estate of F. D.
Bearse, late of Fulton county, deceased,
are herby notified to render in their de
mands to the undersigned, according to
law, and all persons indebted to said es
tate are required to make immediate pay
ment. ASA BEARSE, Administrator.
R F. I>. No. 4. Atlanta,_Aug. 20. 1912.
The Hon. Philip Cook, Secretary of State
of Georgia: The petition of the Empire
Life Insurance Company shows that it is
a corporation doing a life insurance busi
ness under a charter obtained on the
6th day of March. 1911, and amended on
tlie 12th day of October. 1911, and that
it desires a further amendment to said
charter Increasing its capital stock to the
amount of $1,900,000. the face value of
each, share of such increase of stock to
be S2O, and that all steps necessary to
effect this change of its capital stock have
been taken tn accordance with law in
such cases made and provided.
Petitioner’s Attorney.
GEORGIA- Fulton County. William Enix
vs. Estle Enix. Superior Court To
Estle Enix: By order of court, vou are
notified that on August 26, 1912, Wil
liam Enix filed suit against you for
divorce, returnable to November term
of court. You are required to be at No
vember term of court, to be held on the
first Monday in November, to answer the
plaintiff's complaint. Witness George L
Bell, judge, August 28, 1912.
Mrs Ida Sweatmon vs. Horace Sweatnion.
Superior Court—November Term.
1912. No. 26318
To Horace Sweatmon, Greeting; Bv or
der of court you are hereby notified that
on the 3d day of September. 1912. Mrs.
I la Sweatmon tiled suit against vou for
a total divorce, returnable to the Novem
ber term. 1912. of said court.
You are hereby required to be* and ap
pear at the November term. 1912, of said
court, to lie held on the first Mondax tn
November. 1912. then and there to answer
the plaintiff's complaint.
Witness the Hon. George L. Bell, judge
of said court, this September 3. 1912
FRED SCHRIMPER, Attorney. 9-3-30
“The Georgian’s Rent Bulletin”
Do Your Renting Through This Bulletin.
It contains a complete list each issue of every desirable dace that is
they a? e all here bet™ ; ”° matter whether kis furnished or unfurnished
For theebenefit and convenience of Its patrons The Georgian emnlnvs
SPeC This m h n n'H Sea m h the City and surroun <f ir >K« each 'lay for oesirable Pplace
niOn T “ bulletin will save you tune, money and worry. It is for your conve
nlence, so take advantage of it. ‘ conve-
Furnished Rooms For Rent.
Ts\ O furnished rooms, light housekeep
ing. 79 East Harris; close in. 63-9-3
81 EAM-HEATED ROOM for gentlemen;
private family; references Atlanta
phone 3536. 9-3-40
FOR RENT—To nice young man, newly
furnished front room; all conveniences.
vl tth owner. Ivy 2211-L,9-3-36
LARGE, nicely furnished I room, steam
heated, electric lights, north side, pri
vate family, to gentlemen. Ivy 1294-L.
ONE nicely furnished room in modern
apartment; all conveniences; near state
capitol. Call Main 3299-J.51-8-28
LARGE, nicely furnished room (two
beds); modern apartment; private home;
meals if desired. 41 E. Cain. 9-3-27
FOR RENT—Two beautifully furnished
rooms; electric lights, hot water; sls'a
month, to a couple without children: ref
erences exchanged.2s3 Hill st. 9-3-29
FURNISHED room in modern apart
ment for gentlemen only; three minutes
to Candler Bldg. 45 Williams street.
THREE nicely furnished first-floor rooms
with bath, for housekeeping; connect
ing; no children; references. Owner. 250
Woodward avenue. Phone Main 2590.
FOR RENT—Entire second flour; three
rooms; furnished for housekeeping. 251
East Pine street. Ivy 3960-J. 9-3-10
For RENT Nicely furnished rooms in
steam-heated apartments: private fam
ily; close in; gentlemen only. Ivj- 2389-J.
WANTED—Some one to share light
housekeeping apartment and expenses
with young lady, employed. Nice, clean
rooms. Rent cheap. Call 37 East Alexan
der. Ivy_6o7l.__ 9-3-4
FOR RENT—Nice, cool front room; hot
water; private family. Main 4945 and
ask for Mrs. Starr, 286 Washington street.
NICELY furnished rooms, close in: con
veniences. 255 Courtlamj st. 9-2-26
ROOMS, steam heat: all conveniences;
rates reasonable. 27 E. Alexander. Ev
erett Apt, 51-9-2
NICE, newly furnished" rooms, also light
housekeeping apartment. Close in.
Mrs. J. M. George, 151 Spring street.
_. 9-2-15
.1. C. GLORE. care Pittsburgh Plate Glass
Company, Sept. 3. 9-3-42
WE HAVE the prettiest, cleanest, most
beautifully furnished rooms in the city;
electric lights, steam heat, tile bath room,
sleeping porches; come and see; gentle
men preferred. 252 Ivy st. B-31-39
FOR RENT—Large, furnished, steam
heated room, adjoining bath; north side.
Phone Ivy 1184.32-9-2
FOR RENT—Large, neat cool rooms; nice
location. 38 West Peachtree. Ivy
3134 8-31-57
FOR RENT—Nicely furnished rooms with
good board, bath and all conveniences;
close in; under new management. 130 Ivy
street. 8-31-51
FOR RENT—Small neat hall room: all
conveniences; $6 per month. 59 East
Ellis street. 8-31-53
FOR RENT—To gentlemen or couple, well
furnished, steam-heated room, electric
lights, phone, hot bath; near business cen
ter. 79 A Spring.s6-8-31
FOR GENTLEMEN —Nicely furnished
room; furnace heat: private family; on
Myrtle street, near Ponce DeLeon avenue.
Phone Ivy 1495. 8-31-22
FOR RENT—Nice, coot rooms; table board
a specialty. Near South Pryor. Atlan
ta phone 2959. 37 East Fair street.
IVY HOTEL, 98 ivv Street. ’
AMERICAN PLAN; $1.25 UP. Weekly
rates. 69A -29
FO R RENT Three nicely furnished
rooms, close in, cheap: all conveniences;
nice neighborhood. Applv 88 Pulliam
NICE, cool front room; hot ’water?-pri
vate family. Main 4945 and ask for
Mrs, Starr. 286 Washington sUB -28-35
BEAUTIFUL front room; private bath;
gentleman preferred. Address Peach
tree. care Georgian. 41-8-24
NEW, clean rooms tor men only. 74 Wal
ton street. Ivy 5606-J.B-28-3
CLEANEST, cheapest rooms; all eonr?
niences; must be seen to be appreciated;
; near in. 174 S. Pryor st. Main 4695.
I 8-31-50
FOR RENT—Two lovely furnished rooms
for housekeeping; close in. 242 Central
avenue. I’hone 1827-J. 8-27-30
1' OR RENT—Several nice rooms in the
5 ernon, 61 East Cain street; every con
venience; gentlemen only. Telephone Ivy
3137; apartment 6. 8-31-63
WANTED -Young men or couple;
rooms, with or without meals; good
beds; good meals; reasonable price. 64
E. Harris st, 8-31-60
ONE or two nice front rooms for “rent
191 E, Pine st. 77-8-31
FURNISHED rooms for rent: Pght house
keeping if preferred. 22 W. Peachtree
; 8-31-31
FURNISHED rooms complete for house
| keeping. Call Ivy 6071,8-31-32
i TWO nicely furnished rioms at 77U
I „„£. rotherton st - near Pryor. Call Atlanta
I 'Wa- 8-31-34
i FOR RENT—Nicely furnished front room
m private family: close In. 293 Raw
i S -O? st - 8-31-33
i FOR RENT—Two or three rooms, -
! for housekeeping: no children.
i 3 Williams street. 8-19-15
I LARGE, beautifully furnished rooms with
hot and cold water, baths and excellent
I table board; under new management 4
( West Peachtree st. Bell phone Ivy 6790-.).
Unfurnished Rooms For Rent.
TWO large rooms and kitchenette 64
West Harris. 9-3-37
HALh of flat; separate entrance, opening
on veranda; porcelain sink. Ivv 99
ONE large first-floor front unfurnished
room, one large first-floor furnished
room; rents very reasonable; hot baths'
, use of phone. Ivv 4175-J. 15 West Pine'
1 45-9-3
; FOR RENT—Five rooms and hath; use
I of phone; references exchanged. 319
N. Jackson st, 99-8-.31
FOR RENT—Three very desirable rooms
for housekeeping on Pulliam street;
large back yard; rent very cheap Annlv
817 Austell Bldg. 8-30-3'6
F(>R RENT—Three rooms and kitehen
ette. Phone Ivy 1659-J. 388 Piedmont
ave. 8-31-42
FOR RENT—Unfurnished suite iTf two
rooms with private porch, to refined
couple, without children; convenient to
meals; excellent location 58 East Ellis.
Phone Ivy 2403-J. 8-31-54
FOR RENT—Two or three “unfurnished
connecting rooms; all conveniences'
light housekeeping; to parties without
children. Quiet location. 15 West T'ine
street. Phone Ivy 4975-J. 8-31-18
F. J. COOLEDGE & SONS, 12 North For-
syth street, September 3. 9-3-12
For rent —North side: three"connectlnß
rooms, with private entrance: sink in
kitchen; bath adjoining bed room to de
sirable parties: $12.50. 40 Boulevard ter
race Take Forrest avenue to St. Charles
car 8-31-19
FOR RENT—Three connecting rooms at
465 Lee street, in house with family of
three: all city improvements, except gas
Rent $9.80 per month. Family without
children preferred. 60-8-31
THREE unfurnished rooms. 15 Little st.
THREE large, cool and desirable rooms,
suitable for light housi keeping or
three young men 74 Eas’ Merritts ave
nue 8-31-11
FOR RENT—Three unfurnished rooms
for light housekeeping; close in; pri
vate family. 233 S. Pryor st. 50-8-31
Furnished or Unfurnished Room:
For Rent.
PLEASANT light housekeeping roo n .T
furnished or unfurnished. 24 E Ba?’)
F 9 R R ’'--''' T - Desifable su i te of
furnished or unfurnished, with or m?
out board. 263 Ivy street. 8 ”
Furnished Apartments For Rent.
FOR Ri:NT--At 196 Juniper street r
Seventh, first-floor seven-room* f t
month. by the >ear ’
- hr ? e conri eeting
bath: private entrance; for light hou«
keeping; couples or business women Ti"
Peachtree st, 8-''B 14
THREE attractive rooms?
ern conveniences for housekeeping n?
children; north side. Phone Ivy 2478 ”
Unfurnished Apartments For Rent
ONE five-room apartment, witimut i
one four or five-room apartment \,
heat. Apply Owner. 356 N. Jackson "? 11
lanta phone 78. 8-31-70
FOR RENT—To couple or farnijv To
adults, very desirable five-room apart
ment; lower floor Call phone Ivy 6793
FOR RENT—An apartment wTIirTK
rooms on each side: bath, gas and
ter; shades go with house; near chur< iie<
schools and street tars. Apply al
22 Broyles: owner j 31-” n
FOR RENT—One beautiful nV P -“
apartment on shady lot. at 333 .\,, r ;
Boulevard; large rooms: janitor service
steam heat; all conveniences; rent rea'
sonable; now vacant. Phone Ivy 3698-j
IN the Boscobel apartments. S 3 Hnr?
street. Inman Park, there are left tw
three and four-room apartments. s:(■>-.n
and $35 each, with steam heat, hot ar
cold water. Apply to Janitor or Fitzltuzl
Knox, 1613 Candler Bldg. 8-27-1?
ENTIRE upper floor of six rooms~nii
bath on Peachtree street near Four-
Icenth streei. Address Peachtree it. x
000. care Georgian. 8-27-
Unfurnished Houses For Rent.
TOR~ SJUUroU'mi^T”Eour-'roon,
tage; large lot, 18 Virgil street. 4G;>-3
BARGAIN in a home;" six-room l;77~
lot 50 by 300, price $2,500; SSOO cash’
S2O per month, or 7 per cent off for aij
cash. Call Main 623. 30-9.3
FOR RENT—Up-1 0-date" four-rwrn - bun“
galow, with two acres of land, on Ma
rietta road; fifteen minutes' walk from
river car line; nice country homo rent
515 per month. Apply J. P. Russell <-are
C. A. Dahl Company. 25-!i-3
MILT SAUL, 201 Electric and Gas Ttiflg -
September 3. 9-3-42
FOR RENT Near-ln six-room coftage'
modern improvements; good repair it'i
Walton street Cail Ivy 6212-L. 41-9-j
FOR RENT- Five-room cottage "oiFrar
line; corner elevation; porcelain bath
instantaneous heater; nice neighborhood'
Call Ivy 3815-.1. .35-9-2
FOR RENT Modern six-room o77t?u?r
Central ave.. near Richardson st gv, ti
er. 242 Washington st. Bell phone Main
5322. s -31-61
118 WEST ALEXANDER ST., cl ??s“. “m
and near car line; four rooms on sec
ond floor with all conveniences; separate
entrance; price $10.60. Apply I- ■ ig
Knox. 1613 Candler BMg. 8-30-3 S
PHONE or write us for our rent bulletin;
excellent houses all over the citv at
moderate rates Turman, Black «• '’al
hottn, 203 Empire Bldg 6-29-66
phone for our rent bulletin. Ralph 0.
Cochran. 1H South Broad street. 4-1-21
THE HOI’SE you build, buy or
rent will not be i’ modern home
unless it is wired for electricity.
Furnished Houses Wanted
WANTED—To rent ten or twelve-room
house, furnished, close in, on north side,
Answer immediately. C. F. H.. 220 South
Boulevard. 36-!'-3
Office Space For Rent.
HALF or pleasant office for rent, cheap.
327 Austell Bldg. 103-8-31
Stores For Rent.
STORE FOR RENT at 78 West Cain
street, 17 feet by 55 feet; fine location
for drugs, fancy groceries or soda fount.
Apply Charles S. Robison, 27 East Hun
ter street. Bell phone Main 1181. 8-'.!9-l"
Storage Room For Rent.
ONE room for storage; close in, on <'rew
street. No. 168. Main 4805-L. 8-~8-33
Garages For Rent.
F< >if
street. 8-30-8
Fire-Proof Storage.
pianos. Office and warehouse, 239-2JI
Edgewood ave. Iv.v 2037. John J. Wood*
side Storage Company.
Public Baggage and Transfer.
M. C. we p,'
and ship. Main 3657-J, A. 1319. 12
Madison ave 3-12-1
Railroad Schedule
The following schedule figures are pub
lished only as information, and at« not
No. Arrive From— INo. Depart To—
-35 N. Y0rk..5:00 am; 36 N. York. 12 b, ant
13 Jaxville. 5:20 am 30 Col’bus... 5 2" am
43 Was’ton. 5:25 am 13 Cfnci 5:36 am
12 Sh’port.. 6:30 am! 32 Ft Vai.. 5;.10am
23 Jaxville. 6:50 am’ 35 B’ham.... 5 4."» ra
•17 Toccoa... 8:10 am 7 Chat’ga.. >i.45 am
26 Heflin. .. 8:20 am 12 R’mond. 6 . am
29 N. York.lo:3o am 23 K. City..
3 Chat’ga 10:35 am 16 Bruns’k. ’. "’i, 1 *’
7 Macon.. 10:40 am 29 B’ham... I' l A., atn
27 Ft. Vai..10:45 am 38 N. York lDo<am«
21 Col’bus ,10:50 am 40 Ch’lotte. 12 r '' K
6 Cinci... 11:10 am 6 Macon... 12:20
30 B’ham... 2:30 pm 30 N York. 2 l» P® ■
40 B’ham. 12:40 pm 15 Chatt’ga. 3A’ ■
39 Ch’lotte. 3:55 pm 39 B’ham I ' ■
5 Macon.. 4:00 pm *lB Toccoa 4
37 N. York. 5:00 pm 22 Col’bus ■
15 Bruns’k. 7:50 pm 5 Cinci.... -'"LB
11 R’mond.. 8:30 pm 2S F. Valley 5:-’P" ■
24 K. City. 9:20 pm 25 Heflin. .. ■
16 Chatt’ga 9:35 pm 10 Macon...
29 Col’bus. 10:20 pm 44 Wash’ll. .8 U M
31 Ft. Vai. 10:25 pm 24 .Taxvilh 0
36 B’ham . 12:00ngt 11 Sh’port ’
14Cinci... 11:00pm 14 Jaxville 1 .32- M
Trains n. .rked thus (• > run -D '
cept Sunday.
Other trains run daily. Centra! ,!rr *
City Ticket Office. No. 1 Peacl’ s ■